Marlon Wayans Talks HBO Special 'The Headliners' Chris Rock & Will Smith & more | SWAY’S UNIVERSE

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i was hoping that you didn't see that in my eyes as you walked away because oh my god i used to pause it when you was in the middle of the air bow look at him and then he told her it wasn't lake minnetonka and i was like i'm so glad so glad he tricked her and that's what every 10 year old 12 year old boy oh man damn wow um apollonia i'm sorry i was 12. marlon said everything's swayed quick i was so professional though but i said i said i have posters that's all i said i didn't say what oh if you had posters you know what that was for yeah that's yeah that's cause you couldn't afford a vcr do you understand this let's be real just to give her posters out at the record stores that's back when you go to a record store and they have posters oh yeah marlon she wants you to come on our podcast can we book it when is it what we'll see podcast apollonia studio six we film here in l.a in l.a yeah i'll come down one day yep okay i just booked your first guest apollonia to remember me awesome thank you so much absolutely seth good to hear your voice congratulations on the podcast yes also you guys want to follow apollonia follow her at apollonia underscore kotero uh k-o-t-e-r-o correct exactly twitter facebook and instagram all that stuff anything you want to say in closing about prince i want to say that when god created prince he composed the most perfect song because prince's music wow there it is thank you apollonia come to new york come see us all right that was beautiful absolutely you too hey he's back y'all you know go ahead her saying that about him that led me to go down principal's been laying that way come on she's still on bro [ __ ] i thought you hung up [ __ ] i did she just did he must've been wearing it out i wish somebody talked to me like he was god's greatest song damn well but look at what he all they say to me hot in the guy i gotta get my skills up [ __ ] but you make them laugh prince probably climbed inside of him and sang clicked his little heels and did a split in the giant he probably crawled on the hood of the click and sang to it what happened [Music] i was saying the [ __ ] about the apollonian prince because i was hoping they would think i was drunk now i'm saying this [ __ ] sober molly i hate you i wish i was there to put you out i thought they fired you i'm about to call the union and we're going to march heather is unfireable yeah that's what i said don't fire him at least i know marlon would watch with me absolutely marlon you know what we had a death in the family my grandfather actually passed away oh i'm sorry yeah nice job no so i'm home taking care of business marlin but i'm just gonna be able to work from home now that's beautiful i'm sorry about that man you know i lost my mama so you know grandpa's is preparation for parents so get a good cry in because this is this is practice when it's you know you already know i had to reach out to you when i lost my mother and my father you gave me some words yeah you've been there so this was a light one all right [ __ ] what i told you you took the one what i told you that's what happened ah she said that this is different grandpa your mom and dad's like ah going to ensue your grandparents about time [ __ ] anyway make me a drink make me about to go to the office and grab something let's go get him a drink man hb stash marlin williams is here give him a big round of applause marlon wayans is here grandfather grandparents that's funny heather said the same thing her grandfather almost lived to be 100 years old wow 98 98. wow that's beautiful i never met my grandma i met only my grandma my mama saw that i never had grandparents because i was my parents was old by the time i came along my grandparents was was gone my grandmother never met you like even as a kid i met my grandma yeah never my grandpa's never never met my my um grand well i met my grandma's two grandmothers i got my grandma but the other one she didn't talk much she's come over eat pound cake and uh she loves some pound cake my father he didn't buy nothing in this damn house maybe mother con you're gonna go to the store get some pound cake oh [ __ ] now you wanna get pound okay now you all look good now you wanna get some pound cake and some soda we need dinner in four weeks now you wanna get pound cake and soda marlin would you ever consider if you haven't done it already um your entire ancestral tree you know how a lot of folks are doing that suede just recently did that and we're flying yeah we're also finding out a lot of men don't necessarily do that don't have an interest in it i don't know it so i mean when you said ancestral tree i was like i don't know who [ __ ] who to my family that's crazy you don't want to know i thought she said ancestral oh you know quiet talk that ain't for the dinner table what if they did do a chat like that you know how many families yeah a lot of second and third cousins oh yeah absolutely absolutely they ain't really cousins fourth cousins you could come in them and it's all good oh my god make sure you count it right man second and third come you gotta know you can't do that right really good doctor can't do it in the south now you know you ever been attracted to a member of your family hey yo nah we got some funny looking chicks in my head that's a real ass question it's a real hard question this aunties i thought were beautiful right i found attractive yeah i never thought my aunties my mama sisters was cute but i never loved looking out well let me clarify that man i just said i thought they were attract beautiful i didn't want to do nothing with them like i ain't never had a family member i want to cross that line with oh you sound like apollonian with the poster you know what you were doing don't turn back back back tried to clean up i mean it was right tracy because like if you're a kid and you go into a family reunion but you don't really understand this is a family reunion your parents took you there there's mad folks there you see another little cousin i was upset i remember when i was like seven when i found out this kid was my cousin really because you know you gotta think okay all right all right you want to hit your little cup but i was like that's a cute boy hey you got a weird family ah look at look at little [ __ ] she ain't big look at that [ __ ] on her she got she shaped like a mama look at her little [Music] all right i get it hey marlon i miss you brother i miss you too man this pandemic is was terrible i'm happy to finally see people again and i'm just waiting i'm gonna wait until and time it cause i know you're gonna get up soon and we gonna be all happy wow i'm sorry i'm glued to the scene but you did you did work how did the special go you did this special uh which one um the one in miami uh okay the one in miami you talking about wokish no you talking about you know what it is you know what it is yeah that went great i got a lot of um flak from the legion of brooklyn [ __ ] without the belly buttons they didn't appreciate it the 12 minutes i did about them and they audi belly buttons they're upset so they got a lot of backlash they tried to cancel me but you know they know i listen to [ __ ] valley belly buttons they ain't unionized yet so they can't choose their belly buttons fam you acting like they got bad taste of belly button shame don't bro i did belly button shame when they did they know they're terrible people they got issues you know um you showed your ass a lot on that stage it's a nice ass i showed my ass i'm like i have done maybe 30 something movies i showed my ass in at least 15. one of my movies is called naked it's a nice ass you got it flaunt it i'm mad i was you know what i'm mad about i could act but i should have been a porn star you think you should have would you do that have you ever made one uh you know like no i ain't got no tape i wish i had one out there i got one really good pick in my phone i just want to lick it i know the block would be hot maybe like [ __ ] oh the block of the angle was right it was the sun the lighting was beautiful it was it was just a moment in time i i dare i keep my phone open i dare you to leak you're looking for yourself as like a form of self-love or you sent it to somebody no i took it as a form of self-love i was like look how big that [ __ ] is wow you ever be proud of your [ __ ] it looked like another person looking over my shoulder like oh it posed it winked at the camera the pose yeah that's crazy but it wasn't some of it was angle you know i mean i got that low angles you know what i mean you come from over the top now over the top make it make it look weird like okay so you can make the head look big like a mushroom or something [ __ ] plantain you come from the bottom it looks like one of them trees in the in the uh what they call that forest which one redwood the redwood forest yeah i had to work with the forest i you know i'm not going to show it to you absolutely not no i'm not going to what how would you feel if your kid saw it though you don't care they came out of it i'm blame [ __ ] what are you doing look at you first look what i came out of they'd be proud my son got that he inherited that you know what i'm saying i hear about his mean arm you know daddy's be proud that's my boy look at that look at that field up in that diaper like that by the way my sons were so big when he a little when when andrew would go to change him all girls are like come here look at this and all the girls like oh my god and it'd be a glow in his diaper and then they would look at me and i'd just be proud as hell like you know what it is hence the special yeah oh i got another special on hbo that's a little pedophilic though like all the you know things so they're looking at it they could look at it i mean you know what is her work you know what i'm saying it ain't like they was touching like girl feel how happy it is like a parakeet or something and put it on their arm like a boat constructed they just looked at it you know i like how we're trying to define the lines of pedophilia and incest like well you don't want that spot at what up craig i'm going to sway in the morning turn what's that crack robinson this is my nephew hey craig what up baby [ __ ] craig robinson let me talk to him look look we got craig right here look up craig you on sway in the morning now craig what kind of talent you got craig craig he got eager right he could write half the funny [ __ ] stuff can i curse yeah yeah i've been cursing the whole look how many times have you been on this [ __ ] leg where is drunk in heaven i don't like being on this show damn it heather don't ever let them replace you these [ __ ] ain't gonna lick em bye craig i love you craig all right craig turn in all right i'll call you later all right well you got the new special premiere tonight is what we came here that one's called the headliners and that one is my nephew is not in that one but headliner is my niece shantae is it's funny as hell that's our girl man call shantae oh i thought i'm calling shantay face timer oh i want to see her i ain't seen her in a while she looked like me but light skin mustache and everything hey shantae you know what hey shantae she hung up on you what you doing little boy what you doing what's the most handsome little niece i got hey handsome ass me i got sway in the morning what's up family how you doing it's too hot in this sweater when you coming where you coming to see us well that's cute going out the window man you know what i mean it's like wearing a dog door i'll be watching yo your uncle he's he's going crazy yeah yeah but you on the special tonight right i'm on a special tonight can you tell us something about it he been on he ain't said nothing headliners what's up hbo max uh what's up y'all how ya'll i love you doing call you later wow you two hold out braces bye listen when you're getting your 40 now you want straight teeth like now really okay so so headliners headliners is basically the premise is um there's a bunch of comedians um that have opened for me and all across the world and headlining that night i'm going to open for them and they're the headliners so they're the star and i support them it's all the people i think are funny now it's only five of probably the 25 to 50 people that i know are absolutely hilarious and you know hollywood you can't wait on them to make you you know what i'm saying they don't have good choice if i got a platform now to be like yo trust me this dude is funny then i you know i'm gonna use headlines you put your little money up at times with hollywood don't get it sometimes yes absolutely yeah absolutely you have to i mean you can't wait on other people to dictate what you feel is great or not i can execute i've been doing this for 30 years professionally like i know what i'm doing i know how to write i know how to produce i know how to do stand-up i know how to host i know how to um do drama i can do it all right now is just the time for me to just go i'm a bet you don't want to bet i'm a bet um so headliners uh it's funny because i only got five people and some of my friends was mad like i opened for you and they're like so how do you pick is it who's the funniest i was like no they're all funny but it's who needed it most uh let me ask you about that because this morning we're talking about for example one of my friends he got divorced and he ain't got no money so half of nothing is nothing this [ __ ] is half a broker than he was before he need this money yeah mother [ __ ] sleep on an air mattress he need this money yeah i mean it's great to sleep on the air matches until there's a flood you know what i mean like noah's ark happened again that ain't gonna be all right but you know guys from now you gotta soar back so it's who needed it most but shantae super funny and this brought us back together cause she was mad at me stopped talking me for two years why because i farted on her lap and she was so mad at me for [ __ ] on her lap i fought it on her lap and it was a loud one it was the i could spell it it was so loud w-r-n-t [Laughter] you know that back massages that y'all play with your little giant giants too the magic wand but you put it on too she got so mad at me and i was like damn she stopped talking for two years and all i could think was how stink was my fault for you to not talk to me for two years i went and got colonics vegan i was like something must be wrong [Laughter] that dark oh [Music] [Laughter] let me ask you about this because this morning we were talking about paying your students i got to talk to heather heather you laughing well hold up i'm crying you got the best laugh your laugh make me want to be funny you know that you got that laugh like yo leave him alone laughs like if somebody's trying to bully me you'd be like no [ __ ] that i'ma [ __ ] you up and touch them me and all my [ __ ] gonna [ __ ] you up you can touch me absolutely yeah no this morning we were talking about paying your dues and like you know paying respect to people who did things before you right and when it comes to headline and people you know if you're a dj a lot of people want to be the headliner before they want to be the opener they want to play all the hot [ __ ] the the popular singles and then when the headliner comes on it's like yo you know you're supposed to warm it up not be the star of the show right can you explain and break it down for how it translates into comedy if you're opening for someone you're not supposed to be you know trying to overshadow the person who is you know the marquee on the on the bill nah i i not me i'm like yo go out there and destroy them i need them hot yeah i want something to follow so if i put you on before me i'm not trying to tell you don't step on this don't step on that yo go do your best you because when you that dude and you got it give a [ __ ] who opens for me you got to learn that early on because when you go on this bill with 10 other funny ass dudes that's why you got to make your journey special and you have to make your material special and it has to be very tailor-made to you nobody's me i don't know [ __ ] who going on before me i don't care how i we did a show all five of my brothers went on before me all five of them all killed they all did that 15 i went up into the hour afterward gotta stand ovation because nobody's you we all different in comedy and so for me that's why i don't do topical like that that's why i don't do uh what's in the news like that um i i try to stay away from things that ain't me so that my stuff when i go on stage my perspective of myself my pain my life my family it's special and it's different so i want people to light it up if you got 15 minutes before me bro like that [ __ ] and i tell them light them up and especially if you got people here i need you to light it up because i be keep telling people about you but i need you to speak for yourself every time you open for me there's an opportunity there may be an agent in the audience there may be a manager in the audience there may be a network exudia studio executive audience nah [ __ ] don't don't bow down no you go out there and you kill that [ __ ] you know where i learned that from my brother damon my brother damon used to let my brother sean and mark curry go up before him and them [ __ ] would destroy damon you can hear the laughs and damon be in the back listen this is michael jackson and he would just have his own thing and then he went out there give it up for all you seen and he sweep the energy clean and then damon would go out there and destroy him yeah and he liked the competition i want them to hurt i don't want you you know in your time now don't go out there and do 45 minutes to an hour that's disrespectful right don't run your light there's a certain amount of time our audience is going to laugh there's a prime time and within a show there's a prime time if you wait if you wait past that time then i gotta rework them start from scratch and rebuild them back up so i like a nice hour and a half show so if i got two people before me him 15 him 15 i'm gonna come out and give him an hour marlon wayne's man uh marlon williams presents the headliners that's the day on hbo back oh i'm on tour by the way too yeah okay um where am i going i got a white woman with her phone all my dates in it and that's our purpose white lady with the dates april 30th i'm going to be at the palace kicking off my tour for netflix as a joke at the palace theater april 30th in los angeles get your tickets now at marlin and also uh microphone microphone fiend is my tour i'm coming to a city near you i'm hitting tampa i'm going to dallas i'm going to san antonio i'm hitting houston i'm hitting where else tampa atlanta oh all the black folks are atlanta i'm coming your way i'm coming back who what else am i hitting henderson nevada not vegas i like to be an hour [Applause] you'd be excited go let's stop here and warm up for vegas then you lose all your money in henderson you gotta head home and you didn't make it to vegas you can make it to the stream let me actually be where am i in the henderson now it's your turn honestly it's gonna go way different to you dvd well and retail you know what golden resort that's a nice resort so y'all get your tickets now don't wait cause everybody always be like man it's sold out well [ __ ] i told your ass put your damn discovery card down take a hit pay it off and go get your tickets i'm famous what the [ __ ] are you i've been famous for 30 years why do you not think i'm not going to sell out get your tickets you better act like i'm somebody [ __ ] hello hey marlon let me ask you something sorry you got to act like i'm apollonia if you mar let me ask you this because i i saw that clip you posted on your instagram please play that clip play that damn i did something with a website what the is going on and you know the address www dot double slash slash slash you ain't that's sean john wayne i thought i was gonna get through the interview without talking about chris rock god damn it what are you gonna talk about to look genuine i love rob and i and and i just thought that that was just like you know but it's like we predicted that happening and it wasn't that we predicted it would actually happen it was the absurdity that it actually happened like it should never go there especially like with comedy bro don't come to the comedy show if your ass is too sensitive to take a joke you gotta you understand when you're doing the oscars and things like that it is a part of the oscars for 94 years that they're gonna roast you that is a part of it they're gonna roast you and toast you then give you a gold statue and a great drunk evening but you can't get mad at somebody for cracking a joke and i'm surprised i mean that would because i mean you know chris is from brooklyn i'm surprised [ __ ] gonna pull out and shoot him i know chris got an audi belly button come on you telling me i'm telling you right now you ain't [ __ ] like chris rock i ran from my whole life he got the little crack them little shifted teeth and that audi belly button that [ __ ] knuckles is hard yellow you ever had that happen to you or somebody i'm pretty sure at some point in my life chris rock robbed me on the a train i'm sure of it i've seen 30 [ __ ] like him i got robbed from laguardia high school i know he was a decepticon he just didn't want to pull it out he talked about it on fallon where you said he roasted you in the crowd and it [ __ ] up your stand down oh yeah he did he did i mean look i love rock yeah and i know that he's gonna come out of this better than he was when he went in god does things in mysterious ways and he's one of the goats and the perspective that he will have will be so much better and so much you know it's like a gift whenever we get something painful as a comedian it takes you a little time to sit with it sit with that cold but you do the work and you start to express and you realize the gift that god gave you god gave that man a gift you know what i mean it's like i my mother's death i never thought that could be funny wow my show for an hour is celebrating my mother and it's [ __ ] hilarious and it's the most painful thing that ever happened to me and that is the beauty of comedy we get to take the worst [ __ ] and go oh you know here's what's funny about it and you know i i know i know chris is going to be be better for it you know i i'm i'm sure you know i pray for that and i pray for will too because that brother's going through something yeah yeah for you to snap in your best moment yo something i'm saying right heavy yo i i i i call rodney my therapist i'm like rodney i gotta unpack i'm feeling sometimes i'm feeling smacky right smack you i need to unpack this it's just it was i don't know man i don't know i love them both um you're the only person i asked this because i know the perspective i know i could get a uh interesting answer because you being on these stages 40 hot minutes of jokes about it but i'm not gonna do that on air air them out because i feel like it's there's a responsibility that i have in this because i'm black i'm an actor i'm a comedian and i'm both of their friend yeah so for me it's not to throw gasoline on the fire absolutely i think the fire is already there it's for me to you know try to pray it out and i'm not going to use the platform to do it and they're sensitive man you got people's feelings you heard his brother you know tony was not playing i know what that feels like if someone wants to slap shawn just your [ __ ] mind [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] bird calls all day go go wow harry you looking for the little brother we're jadin that yeah he 21 where are you at you know jayden yo hey marlon i appreciate you brother and i love that perspective but man more importantly man it's good to see you man thank you brother that is really good to see you man i always sweat when i'm in here y'all make me work yeah well you know but we always have a good time when you in here man brother i'm trying to beat somebody these are my i'm trying to be somebody years get your tickets for uh my tour uh microphone fiend that's my old to rock him microphone theme because i love stages i love the microphone and i'm gonna rock that [ __ ] every time i'm out um so come check it out and then uh make sure you check out headline us hbo max sydney castillo tony baker d.c irving my funny-ass niece shantae wayans she could take a fart and esau mcgraw yes and myself and marlon wayans man and y'all want to find out more follow him at marlon williams we want to thank apollonia for calling in too as well heather b i know you headed to urban view is she there the apiaro whp tracy could be reached oh you got the liquor with you you ain't [ __ ] you're carrying liquor you can find me twitter instagram take your pick at it's tracy g-i-t-s-t-r-a-c-y-g thank you for a beautiful good news thursday but i want to say this make sure you check um marlawynne's official for tickets that's what i wanted cheaper than ticketmaster yeah go to marlin williams official find out where he's performing near you and get your tickets there db they can reach you where it's really db twitter instagram i'm on bpm channel 51 today at 6 p.m eastern and if you ever open for him don't play the good songs cause he get tight you goddamn right fart on your ass all right i'm at real sweet across the board until tomorrow citizens we have nothing left to say you
Views: 52,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sway in the morning, 5 fingers of death, sway, sway in the morning freestyle, marlon wayans, marlon wayans the headliners, the wayans brothers, Keenan ivory wayans, Damon wayans, Shawn wayans, comedy, funny, funny interview, marlon wayans sway interview
Id: ffjgbVokx4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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