Not Quite Enough Yarn, October 2021, "Cover Me"

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fight [Music] hello lovelies and welcome to the october 2021 episode of the not quite enough yarn podcast my name's leslie this is a podcast about knitting crochet spinning weaving anything yarny and it's recorded on the south coast of england welcome if you're a new viewer or if you're returning thank you for being here lovely to have you here uh any comments thoughts questions please do put them in the the notes below the comment box below i do try to answer everyone not always immediately but within a day or two i try to answer everyone's and i'd love to hear from you so please feel free to say what you think i hope everyone's well can't believe it's october already but there we go time is moving on a pace as it were i'm running a make-a-long this year a year-long make-along makes sense uh with the lovely kellyanne from the yarn tails by the sea podcast and it's an accessory make along so this is any accessory for the person so any item that can be worn that's not a garment the entry is via ravelry now if you are having difficulties using ravelry for any reason at all please email me your entry to not quite enough yarn at and you'll be added to the thread there are two threads in each group so in kellyanne's yarn tails by the c group and in mine not quite enough yarn group one is a chatter thread and that's say whatever you like i've picked out this yarn i've i'm halfway through this item i really like your sock you know whatever it is you want to comment just chatter away and um there's also finished object thread and that's no chatter so by all means please put on there a comment of what the pattern is what the yarn is if it's a gift for you know any kind of narrative around the item but uh people won't be able to respond so that's that's the main difference put finished objects into the chatter thread as well and people can respond so everyone's a winner you are very welcome to enter into both kellyanne's group and mine and any other alongs that you're joining in with that oh that mean you're making accessories that's my dog excuse me please feel free to post in theirs and if they're happy for you to multiple dip we certainly are so if you're doing one of the many soccer longs at the moment there are prizes drawn quarterly on the chatter thread it's a pattern prize and on the finished object thread it's a physical prize so yarn a bag something of that nature so please do join in and um prizes can be sent anywhere in the world as far as i'm concerned it's not europe only or anything like that because sadly i live in a country that feels the need to stand alone now so all places are equally not getting into the politics yes those that is the make along and that will finish at the end of this year so do please get your entry in or entries there will also be a draw for the end of the year to cover all four quarters and there'll be a prize then so yay i record throughout the month and put things together sort of vlog style but i wouldn't like to say it's as structured as that it's just kind of bits that are all put together and posted on the last weekend of the month anytime you see me wearing something hand knitted then i will put in the notes what that is so this is the elizabeth no this is the stillness sweater by elizabeth somebody that's why i put things in the notes and that will also have details of the yarn i've used and that sort of thing so so i think that's all the admin so on with stuff i've had a birthday this month i'm now 27 work with me people and i have been sent some lovely things now i've been sent some lovely things and i've had a birthday the two things have sometimes overlapped have sometimes not overlapped so first a ball of yarn which my friend got me because she knows i'm loving the narrow so sonoro silk garden oh look at these colors so pretty yes so loving the noro and i've also received this month from a couple of wonderful viewers to project bags and i am just so thrilled you folks are so lovely so this first one is from rayleen who is the crafty kiwi and i will put the link to her facebook page in the notes below and she saw this and thought of me because it has drums for those of you who don't know um i am in a drumming group we're a sort of we're a rabble see if i say we're a marching drumming group it makes it sound as if we're in formal uniforms with hats and what i describe as drumming we're not that we're more going to the pub drumming but um but yes we we drum and so rayleen saw this fabric and thought of me so thank you so much it's a beautiful bag fully lined pockets handle zip all the things and just delighted so thank you and it's been an abundance of riches recently for me because couple of days later i received in the post this lovely bag as well so this is from kat in canada thank you so much cat another beautifully made bag drawstring lined pocket and our drumming group has team colors for one for better phrase of red and black so just what a beautiful thing thank you so much i am very touched to receive these things you are so so lovely thank you and as i am a sort of person that has many whips on the go many bags are a good thing so thank you really do appreciate it one thing i forgot to say is why it's called the not quite enough yarn podcast i'm about to demonstrate that with a finished object um i clearly have lots of yarn i have three cupboards worth but i don't usually have enough for an entire garment in the same color so i put in a stripe or a block or some kind of pattern because i didn't have quite enough yarn to yeah so they're not quite enough becomes a bit of a theme and sometimes i'll have not quite enough buttons so i'll do different color buttons and that sort of thing so so that's that's the not quite enough explained hopefully but i have finished something in multiple yarns my niece had a baby last november and she has a car seat which will last until the baby's three i think and i know there are rules and regs around um what babies can wear when they're in car seats and coats aren't recommended i think there's a danger of getting them caught and that sort of thing so she had seen a picture of a blanket sold by the company that makes the car seat with holes for shoulder straps and the buckle part that the straps clip into that you then can wrap around the baby lovely warm and snuggly and she wondered if it was something i could do i was about to say there's nothing i can't do which is mostly wrong and incredibly arrogant but if it's something that can be made and can be crocheted i'll always give it a go sometimes you find you can't do things but you give it a go anyway so so we have a car seat blanket or i'm calling it a car seat cocoon because it is very snuggly so here it is in its entirety so you've got the hood here and this is the front and we've made it pretty big because baby is gonna grow and the idea of this longer piece is that you tuck it up over the feet of the baby before you before you do it up so the piece looks odd when it's all laid out flat and it looks like a very sad face [Music] but you can see there i've got the two holes um for the shoulder straps and this hole for the buckle i work this side to side and just worked straight and then added piece for the hood and the foot flappy bit then worked the longer the wider piece if you if you like as we were working sideways then reduced by the same amount kept working and i worked one side longer than the other so that there is room for it to fold over and then put in fasteners three rows of fasteners so that there's room for for growth or just there might be times when you want it a little looser sometimes you want to snuggle baby up tight other times you just want a loose covering so in theory and i will know tomorrow at time of recording if this fits in the car seat or not sits in the car seat strap the straps seat belt bits come through baby is put in and then secured around her when i say secured that sounds tight but you know wrapped around her to keep her nice and warm initially i had talked about putting buttons in and several rows of buttonholes and a friend of mine thank you evelyn very rightly pointed out that um if ever anyone needed to get to baby in a hurry hopefully they never will but you know if you suddenly need to get to baby and lift unclip the seatbelt and lift her out buttons could be fiddly so i instead i've used press studs snap fasteners names vary according to geography so what do we have here if i work through it in the order in which i made it so here's our starting piece and i wanted to just put a little bit of interest for how it looks but also for me making it so i made this i put in this swirl pattern and just put in general eight rows of normal uh treble crochet that's the uk term so double crochet us between the blocks of the the swirl pattern when i got to the hood i worked a little longer and to make the hood i just work the piece longer and sewed up the top seam so very simple and straightforward yeah so worked from this starting edge increased here put in the holes decreased again when i no longer needed the hood or the feet flap i'm sure there's a better word for that kept going and kept going and then the last swirl pattern i didn't do the second the last row of it so it just gave a nice picot edge comes up then sewed on the pressed studs so we've got three lots here of the female part one not here of the mail bob's your uncle it's taken me about four weeks to make i think um it's one of those things you think oh baby blanket they're quite small that won't take long but actually what you've got here is kind of a multiple of baby blankets because you've got the bits that fold over the hood you know so it's it's like it's bigger than a usual baby blanket but i'm pleased with how it comes out i will be especially pleased with it if it fits it should do i made a fabric template and tried it in the car seat so i could make sure that where i uh my niece had measured straps and size for me and that sort of thing but um i made this temp fabric template to try it so this should fit and i will weep genuine tears if it doesn't i think because it really should but we shall see how it goes so it will keep little one very warm and very snuggly so the yarn bit of a mish mash this was a bit of a not quite enough yarn product so this main color here is this yarn here i had a couple of balls left over from this project so they've gone into here what i did was i looked for double knitting weight yarns that were machine washable that would go together well um i quite like the brights if something's purple and i'm running out of purple i'll stick in some yellow and that's fine but my niece is a little more subtle in her color choices so i thought i would honor that in her the sort of cream color here this is i had a few balls of women's institute which is sold for hobby craft in the uk soft and silky four ply four ply my eye now in the uk four ply is a weight of yarn it's equivalent to fingering pretty much this just felt so much thicker and when i was working with it i'd initially put it with another fine yarn to kind of make it up to double knitting weight and it was coming far too thick so i thought this is this is double knitting weight i thought maybe it means four ply as in made up of four plies no no i think there are six so i don't know what's gone wrong with that categorization that labeling i haven't done wraps per inch a friend of mine suggested i do that because actually it doesn't matter it it equated to a double knitting weight for this project that's good enough this purple here this contrast color is um some double knitting weight crepe acrylic that i was given in a bundle of stash this more variegated one is serdar click which i was also given in a bundle of stash now once we get to the hood and the main sort of long part this was using two yarns together actually most of these yarns have been given to me as parts of stash because i've been very fortunate i don't buy you on haven't bought yarn really for a while had a bit of a covered blip last year but generally haven't brought you on for a while been given lots and i'm very grateful so this kind of main section here is some soda snuggly which is a four ply very soft acrylic yarn held with simeon i don't know what it is it's fine booklet and it it goes between pale pink and pale yellow which is why you get a slightly striped effect in here so that's that and i think they're all the different yarns so yeah worked sideways uh when i got to the bits where i needed to do holes then obviously i just worked the bit and joined it up again so worked down there down there and then a row to join it up what i found was that the holes for for example the straps were very baggy and saggy so all i did was just a row of trebles along here kind of working the other way just to give it a little bit more structure it doesn't really matter that they're baggy and saggy and it it doesn't matter um as long as the straps go through that's what matters but i just felt that they were a bit floppy and could do with just a little bit of holding together so so that's what we've done there i think that's all i can tell you all told it was about 1900 meters of yarn it was actually more than that because of the the ones that were held double but if you were just working straight dk all the way through it's about 1900 so it is quite a heavy piece it's quite a thick piece but it's a cozy piece and i'm hoping that it it meets the requirement of the specification um if anyone is interested i have put a schematic on my project page in ravelry so you can see the dimensions that i made everything um it was suggested kindly that someone said you know are you gonna write it up i think well no because i'm making this to fit a specific car seat and i don't know what the variations are like between the holes the space is needed for the holes for the straps so i'm not writing it up as a pattern but the schematic is there with the overall sizes if that's helpful to anyone um if they're interested in doing something similar and it gives the structure so it gives the idea if people want to to make it up what i've also got on my ravelry page is in the notes i've put the pattern for the swirl so if you wanted to use that pattern elsewhere or um you wanted to put it into something like this the the stitch pattern for that is there so that's an fo which is already a much bigger fo than i had last month because i think last month was a pair of gloves but it's not a competition it's not a race sometimes you finish things sometimes you keep working through sometimes you go and do something else entirely to to give your head a sort of creative boost elsewhere so whatever you're doing enjoy i will see you later in the month and i will let you know if this fitted or not in fact if i can get photographs of it in the seat you'll know that already because they're the photographs i'll use cheers all hello lovelies the blanket fits the car seat yay [Music] i forgot to take pictures but the blanket fits yay i'm happy now hello lovely people i had an email a few weeks ago from a company asking if i wanted to review a lamp and they would send me the lamp and i would review it on my channel i thought it was a scam these things don't happen to me but then i remembered that ellie of skeindernitz had reviewed the same lump so i realized it was genuine then i had this hole do i want to learn do i need a lamp these are two different questions and um i decided to go for it so to give full disclosure up front this lamp has been given to me and when you see the price point which is kind of 150 quid 180 this is a serious lamp so i'm making it clear and out there that this has been given to me people have sent me a lamp they haven't brought my mind or my opinions but they have sent me a lamp so i wanted to make it clear that that's why i'm talking about this so let's get it out the box now arrived a few days ago and at that point we were having problems with our electrics in the house i thought i'm not touching this until i know the electrics are all okay don't want to blow up the new lamp i'm funny like that so as it's been here a few days i'm already using the box as a table because this is what i do so i'm going to stop using the box as a table and i'm going to open the box to reveal the lamp [Music] so there's a self-assembly element to this it's never a good noise is it this is why we don't have nice things but we appreciate a very nice thing here so i'm going to read what my family would always call the destruction manual and put this together [Music] [Music] i'm going to record this in lots of bits because ideally i'd like to demonstrate this lamp once it's dark and it's not quite yet i will be comparing this lamp this new very funky looking lamp i mean funky in a good way in case there are any cultural references there um compared to the lamp that i normally use which is an ikea standard lamp with a reading attachment that means that there will be lights going on and off so obviously if that's something that you're sensitive to and it's going to cause you any difficulties i'll put a time on the screen here where you can skip forward to if you're worried about how the the light will affect you i hope that makes sense cheers okay lovelies so the room currently is only lit by my ikea standard lamp behind me i've turned off the overhead light did a bit of rearranging of furniture um let's put a table here i was hoping this would go on my bookshelf next to my chair but that then makes it too high for me to just be able to reach up and turn it off so put a little table here which is the right kind of height for that so i've brought it over so i can show you its functions so assembly is took five minutes that was straightforward to turn on and off just it's a touch on that ring there i'm not excited by that i'll be perfectly honest um now i can appreciate for some people that's perhaps easier than some kind of button or switch it doesn't require any dexterity just requires a touch so it may be designed with with people for whom that would be easier in mind which case i'm all for it uh personally speaking i would be happier if that switch was on the base just that would make it easier and whether it's a desk lamp or wherever you have it that i would prefer this was originally a desk lamp it is the i should have told you this the genie e-reading lamp from benq now i'll put like i say personally i prefer the controls to be on the base because that's normally where i can reach but in this case they've put it there that's fine next to the on off ring you have this dial and this serves two functions so we switch it on you can turn up the brightness and you can also do the temperature now i've got it set to temperature at the moment so this is quite a yellow light and you can turn it to a much cooler a sort of bluer light so you can see warmer cooler depending on your requirements and the idea behind this is that you can use it well with screens you can use it well with books and printed materials so whatever um i didn't mean that whatever to sound dismissive so it's for whichever you use now thank you have got in touch with crafters and they gave me this lovely spiel about how it's important to have good light when you're crafting yeah no fine so you can turn it cooler warmer pressing this button you can then make it brighter or duller so two functions there now when this is on there and i'm reaching up for it to me the obvious danger is that this button being so close to this i'm going to be doing something with this button and just touch that by mistake so i can see that as potentially annoying but it's okay so to go back to a warmer light oh there we go we're going to put this lamp up now and we can do a quick compare and contrast how much light it throws out bearing in mind this is an adaptable so if i turn off my standard lamp wrong switch there we go so this is the lamp i have this is the light i have from the benq now it is adjustable in terms of position it's adjustable in terms of color it's adjustable in terms of the amount so i'm turning it down there i can turn it up from a crafting or reading point of view it works really well from a lighting the room point of view not so good let me demonstrate that so if i turn that one off we're going to go dark and so we can see the standard line lights the room more effectively which is kind of what it's designed to do there's no criticism of the benq it's no praise of the ikea or anything either way around it's a standard lamp it's higher it's got an up lighter on it so it's going to throw more light into the room it just happens to be a very bright light which is why it's always worked for me as a crafting tool i quite like to have the light kind of behind me or to my side i don't want the light coming in at this angle at me because as soon as i look up i'll be staring into bright lights so so that's where we're at with that um there's a list of things i'm supposed to tell you about it i wish i could remember what they were what i will do is put in the links below um the amazon link if you're interested in it the benq link and any other spec about it so it's it's a very solid base actually it's very um it feels secure design wise you're either going to like it or you don't i mean we live in a 1924 house i'm not sure that a 1924 house needs a lamp of this kind of design but i knew what it looked like when um when i said yes please so it hasn't come as a surprise i think it's available in a couple of different colors but nothing um nothing too kind of weird and wacky i think they're all sort of fairly neutral shades um yeah not sure what else i can say about it it's a lamp it's very effective it is very bright and it's got i think it's 140 something leds in here so it is a very bright light as you can see the fact that it's adjustable is good um when i'm sitting here himself is normally in the chair opposite he might get a little bit um startled by bright lights from me and i do like the fact that you can change the temperature that's brightness so you can have this warmer glow and depending on what you're working on or what you're doing that could be useful so if i were sitting here reading for example the warmer light would be good but if it's something that i need a lot of detail then the brighter light the cooler light feels whiter filters of what i'm looking at differentiation between color that sort of thing feels more like a daylight lamp than this i have a daylight lamp on my desk upstairs and this feels more like that quality of light it gives you all instructions of how to set it up over a desk um and i can imagine as a desk lamp absolutely wonderful which is what it was originally designed as it throws out a lot of light it gives you i think good quality of light to see something close work small you know intricate work i can see the advantage would i buy one it's more than i would normally spend on a lamp i'll be perfectly honest and funky as it is i'm not sure that i would have rushed out to buy one if i hadn't been offered one i like it and this is about how i choose to spend my money and we all know i love a gadget so it's not that i'm anti anything new but um i don't know that i would spend kind of 150 quid 180 on on a new lamp because the ikea one behind me i've had a lot of years but i think it cost me about 20 pounds and has lasted a long time now nothing to suggest that this won't last a long time either but i don't know that i would buy one having said that i'm very grateful to thank you for sending it to me i like it i was debating what i was going to do and i'm kind of still debating because i was talking to himself about the lamp once we decided once i decided that yes please i would take you know take up the offer and there is another place that the standard lamp can go in an opposite corner of the room if i want this as my working lamp so i think the reality is i've just got to try it for a few days see what it's like for my crafting and then go from there so this is me fulfilling my obligations thank you very much thank you for sending the lamp and these are my thoughts on it but i will before the end of the month just let you know if i have decided to keep it here in my crafting corner or if i've decided to put it elsewhere in the house because i prefer my standard lamp all i can do is be honest governor cheers hello lovelies how are we hope we're well i have a finished object to show you and it's one that vlog viewers won't have seen because it's for my mate mandy and she might have seen it on the vlog before i had the chance to give it to her so what we have here it's a big-ish gift i hope she likes it i hope she wants it we were having a conversation about how it was getting chilly i still make you a blanket and she didn't take the mickey which she normally does when i offered to make her something we normally end up having quite ridiculous conversations so i thought oh maybe she doesn't want one so i got the whirly whirling machine out my addie king size express and i made this chap here i'm going to hide behind it for a moment to try and give you a sense of the full expense so it's about 50 something inches square ish and was made on the adi express i had some yarn when my sister acquired a dustbin bag full of yarn there were five or six balls of the same yarn which was a hayfield dk with wool so i think it's something like 80 acrylic 20 wool there's a starcraft yarn i think it's of a similar sort of construction it's got a nice feel to it and i had five or six balls of this all different colors but i thought i would quite like to use them together in a project um because i so rarely do because i normally have different brands of yarn and different things and i didn't have enough for a sweater of course and i couldn't quite work out what to make with them and then when this blanket idea came along i thought well here we have the perfect yarns because it's still machine washable but it has some more content for a bit more warmth so the hayfield yarns were this green here um this cream color this blue this red and the black so i'm put some other yarns with it so we've got a bit of blue here we've got a couple of a different cream we've got some movie color here and i also had a full ball of james c brett's top value dk which is 100 acrylic yarn acrylic yarn and that's this red so it's slightly lighter if i put the two together you can see slight difference in color but what can i tell you um i made five tubes with the colors and i did 260 rounds now on the adi express you don't have a huge amount of control over gauge you can alter it slightly by pulling the yarn a little tighter but there isn't a huge amount of flex there and if you're making a tube they're all the same size so i made seven tubes with the colors and they're 260 rows long so i did 10 in black at the cut at the bottom now as well as the hayfield black i had some jaeger matchmaker which i've used in this um so 10 black 40 rows of each color and then 10 at the top 260 rows in total i ended up with five strips with color and i did two strips one for each end in plain black now if i had a 22 stitch machine i would probably have done these end panels in that so it would be narrower and match the the strip at the top but i don't so i didn't and there we go and anyway this makes it a bigger blanket my matemand likes to read she likes to watch a bit of tv so i'm hoping this will be cozy on chilly days to to put over her while she's doing those activities uh what else can i say about it yes i made the tubes mattress stitched them together and there we go and these tubes they look really kind of scruffy and horrible and it doesn't look like it's going to come to anything coherent until they're all sewn together the tubes at the bottom and top are closed using crochet i'll put a link to the tutorial video uh it's a 25 minute long video um but it's how i learned to do this i have done similar things before so if you've looked at it before it's the same one but yes so i have a warm and cozy blanket in terms of yarn usage so i had uh one two three however many i had of the hayfield i had the jaeger matchmaker and then i had various bits of um double knitting i realized there's a pink one that i didn't point out and in total i used 2 345 meters of yarn and the beauty of these because you make it out of a tube a series of tubes and sew them together you've got a double thickness blanket so same both sides because you've joined tubes together you've got the whole thing it also means you don't have to worry too much about ends because they just hide in the tubes i know some people don't like mattress stitch but i find it especially on these fairly straightforward because you just keep going you know i don't have a problem with it at all if i could do my mattress stitch on sweaters as neatly as i could do it on these tubes i would be more contented with my skills in that area so yes an fo a fair amount of yarn used as i say i hope that my mate man uh wants this likes this um has use of it if she really doesn't want it then you know we are old friends i'll have it back and someone else will have it that's not a problem uh but i hope she likes it and that it is a cozy thing for her people keep telling me we're going to have a really harsh winter we may or we may not but either way hopefully this will be uh something cozy a little hug from me when i'm not there to hug her she would rather i wasn't there to hug her she'd rather be hugged by the blanket pretty sure of that with a sort of friends where we mostly insult insult each other works for us hello lovelies how are we uh this is my crochet version of the boxy by her hilo catelli and it's in yarns from stranded die works chits pi knits and the knitting goddess there we go i remembered one thing i forgot to say the other day when i was showing you the blanket for my matemand is i used the leftovers and made a hat also on the circular sock machine i've been making hats throughout the year to give to a charity which looks after homeless people so this will go in that pile and i really must get that to them soon as it's starting to get chillier but um very simple structure you just knit a long tube cinch in both ends now in this case i had a bit of a problem when i changed color i had some slipped stitches uh so i decided to let them run all the way up and down and then with a large crochet hook i did two or three rows at a time just basically made a chain of the um the stitches so it gives you a kind of mock cable effect so this will go in the bundle which will soon go to the charity i really must get onto that now i'll be making other things and i have another blanket here a much smaller one and this is a crochet baby blanket the pattern is spin me around by katherine bly and it's a pattern where you just you start and then you go as big as you want to i am was watching aquila from the lefty knitter a few weeks ago and she'd made a baby blanket and she said that about three feet diameter which this is roughly is a good size um it's a good size for baby tucking into push chairs and prams good size for when baby is laying on the floor tummy time wriggling around and then a good size for baby to use to tuck in baby's own toys when baby grows up a bit so i took that advice and i made this about three feet diameter a bit of a mixture of yarns on here um a lot of inherited bits of stash so there's a kind of mottled green and blue i don't know what all of these are there is a white which has slightly yellowy patches it's not showing up it's a slight variegation white and yellow but it does look a little bit as if it's tea stained well we're going to go with tea anyway also in here there is some sparkly yarn i don't know that the sparkles will show up this graduated one here is mandala sparkle which i think is lion brand that was left over from some other projects um so yes i just worked the blanket until it was the size that i wanted and then did a crab stitch binding and edging rather so that's just double crochet uk terms but working anti-clockwise instead of clockwise obviously i'm right-handed so i go normally clockwise in a circle but it just gives that nice kind of slightly nubbled edge there not sure nubbled is a word but it is now so yeah i'm quite pleased with that i ran out a bit of the mandala so i put something else in there the right sort of color but this was mostly um acrylic or similar from the stash certainly all machine washable as i've said before i don't give the gift of hand washing to new mothers so so that's that happy with that um now i've also i'm piling up everything in the wrong place finished some socks which is unusual for me because i don't make a lot of socks though the reason why i wanted to finish these is because i have another pair on the go so these are the socks that i showed in works in progress a month or two ago and i had made the tubes on my flat bed um knitting machine so the big beast and then i put in heels toes i would say cuffs but um i'm doing them as just rolling over cuffs the toes i just did a fairly standard decrease each side the heels i was struggling to find one that i liked that was then an afterthought heel if i'm making socks and i'm knitting all of them by hand then i'll often do a heel flap and gusset but um i wanted an afterthought heel because i'd made the tubes and it was suggested that i try the umbrella heel which is from k of the bakery bears so i bought the pattern and yeah i quite like it so it's um the the reason why i wasn't happy with the other heels is i didn't like the big kind of line up the middle you get from the double decrease if you make it in the same way as you do your toes and just i don't know why i just took against it whereas the the umbrella heel is more of a circular structure so yeah i'm quite happy with how that's turned out i got myself some actual sock blockers as you can see and i got these from the twisted sheep on etsy and the reason why i went for them is that they do sock blockers per shoe size and i have very large feet so i knew that this would be the right size blockers now the only downside of these is that they don't have a hook on them already obviously you can attach something to them but i am nothing if not resourceful often i am nothing but i am nothing if not resourceful so after i'd soaked these socks i found a way of hanging them so i must try and find one of these skirt and trouser hangers that has a slidable peg so that um i can have them closer together rather than this hello gap in the middle but yes so these are the socks i'm pleased with how they've turned out uh the yarn let me put that down is katia olay new duetto 75 superwash wool 25 nylon um 420 meters per hundred grams i used 60 grams so that's about 250 meters i think in those socks they're shorties as you saw so i've got a fair bit left over not sure what i'll do with these and it could always be contrast heels and toes for something else we shall see those are the current finished objects and i have a couple of things to show you which are rather lovely the first this isn't yarn and the point has been made this doesn't break the no buy of yarn because it's not young um actually doesn't buy the no buy of yarn because i didn't buy it but i'm very grateful to the person who did you may remember last year last month i finished a sweater which had been started by a friend who's sadly no longer with us and sent it to her daughter her daughter lives in canada and was at a yarn show and saw this fiber and felt that it was calling my name now i can't think at all why someone might feel these colors would be my colors so thank you claire these are beautiful these are both a can again okanagan i don't know how it's pronounced forgive me uh yeah so i'm going to go with a can again die works hand-dyed in the ocanagan so if i'm mispronouncing that location i'm really sorry um they are both 100 untreated 22 micron uh sorry 22 micron marina roving and it says weight of 115 to 125 grams doesn't give color names on these but i'm going to call them beautiful and gorgeous so you know that's if they're looking for suggestions i'm your person so yes absolutely stunning colors and how pretty thank you claire they are just gorgeous so what will i do with these well obviously i'll spin them they might be a good opportunity for me to try chain plying once more uh it's something i've tried not been terribly successful so i wouldn't necessarily go straight in with these because they're too pretty to to mess up but um the reason why i'm thinking chain plying is that then you'll have the concentration of colour rather than have it um you know two plies together of two different colours or three together of different colours so that's what i'm thinking at this stage but they need to kind of marinade for a moment i think but aren't they pretty i'm a very lucky girl i have been a very lucky girl this month actually i'm very grateful to everyone who sent me stuff because i've also been given some patterns so thank you to the people who sent me patterns um birthday gifts or what have you that is so very very kind i'm [Music] my flabber is gasted my over is warmed all my world is over i digress talking of patterns there's a new magazine called morit let me show you it now i knew this was in production because there'd been a kickstarter campaign um to which i had made a very small contribution and it's now here and it's a thing of beauty and wonder it's a lovely magazine um feels nice quality paper and that sort of thing and i know these things are superficial but they they give a sense of the care if you see what i mean but crochet patterns predominantly there is an embroidery pattern in here as well but designed as a crochet magazine so we have the one that's on the front which i like but um the sleeves far too big for me and the whole thing is bulky i think and bulky crochet for me personally wouldn't work but i can appreciate the beauty of it but there are a couple of sweaters in here that i really do like very much so we've got this one and this is made using um holding four ply and mohair together and i'm also very fond of this one so yes i could see that in my future very good on slight size inclusivity um and in fact before i uh contributed to the kickstarter i contacted them and said what's your size inclusivity going to be like people and they said yeah pretty good and gave me the size range now for example this one on the front which is called cumulu by liliana i'm going to butcher this name boos jamalco i hope i've pronounced that somewhere near uh as it should be but this is bust circumference 30 inches to 67 and three-quarter inches so there is a good size it just is designed for a loose fit it doesn't tell you um how loose doesn't tell you how much uh ease but realistically if you're making patterns which are beyond the normal basic there's a good chance that you know roughly how much ease you'd be looking for so um there are also socks in here there's a skirt there's a a woolly sheep so lots of good stuff there's an article on fit um so yeah so far i'm impressed and i certainly wish them every success and we'll be keeping an eye out for future editions um yeah don't know what else to say about that but it's got some lovely things they do have a website and also if you're a ravelry user you can look to see what the patterns are so you can have a look and see you know what they've got um before you make the commitment but from my point of view i'm very pleased to have bought it and it's a bit like um the way i feel about pom-pom magazine that beautiful patterns which one day i'll make they're on my kind of fantasy to-do list um but even if i never make them i really have enjoyed looking at this and will enjoy looking at it again so it has joys beyond the patterns include involved inside oh words english sentence construction all up the swanny today obviously yes i think that's it for the moment um i'm working on another pair of socks which are i'm test knitting and i have one done but it's not blocked and i'm kind of third of the way through the other so hopefully i'll get it done before month end and be able to show you the pair i've been doing some spinning which again i i hope to show you before the end of the month i didn't spin for a while i had some problems with my calf and i had some stuff coming up that i really didn't want a bad leg for so i avoided the wheel in case this motion with my feet which i hope is more even on my feet um was was aggravating the concern on my leg but i'm back on the spinning and touchwood so far so good um but i didn't want to make worse a problem so yes i shall be back later in the month with more stuff hello lovelies final stretch chaps lamp update i've contacted the manufacturer and said would you like it back because it's really not working for me it just isn't the right thing for my space talking of lamp sorry about that that's my studio lamp reflecting in glass and yeah sorry hope it's not causing you a problem um nothing wrong with the the lamp that i was offered and have been using uh if i was using it on a desk i'm sure it would be great but i'm not using it on a desk i'm using it in my armchair so not the right thing for me in my particular space but the details are all in the notes below should you think it might be of interest to you and i'm very grateful to them for the opportunity yeah that's never a good thing to say so so with that i'll be sticking to my ikea 20 quid 20 years old standard lamp another update i haven't done any spinning said i might haven't sorry but i do have another fo i have some socks these are the five wins socks i was doing a test knit for the designer carol and i modified it i'm not sure you should do that with a test knit i hope it's okay carol but i have put down what my modifications are um carol is raising money for her daughter's horse rescue ranch the five rain five wins at ranch and she's this is the first of a few patterns she's going to be putting together this year um to raise money for the feed for the horses i um i will put the link down below to the pattern and also to the kofi page coffee page i'm never sure um to show you know should should that be of interest to you so the normal pattern for this i'll put a picture up it's a 64 stitch sock and it normally has a tighter cuff so it has a rib and this pattern here this little hearts pattern yeah the little hearts pattern is um in a smaller needle size because being a lace it it's looser i was already doing these on a two millimeter needle i know that a 72 stitch sock on a two millimeter needle fits me so i adapted the pattern slightly to add the extra stitches and because i was using my two mil i didn't have a smaller one for the lace pattern but because i wanted a slouchy sock that is fine i'd already said to carol that i was going to do not a ribbed cuff just a stocking stitch and cast off so it rolls over and i've got the slouchier piece here with the little hearts so there it is the five wins sock pattern um i'm not a particularly experienced sock knitter but i got on fine with it she gives good instructions for um you know when to change the yarns what you need to do i particularly like the little kind of chain effect which you've got around the toe as well which is a a nice little pattern there so yes that is my test knit which i altered i hope that's okay all the links are below it's a five dollar pattern i think that might be five canadian and like i say all money is being raised for horses that need help and we like animals good luck with the pattern carol thank you for asking me to test it privileged to do and yeah very happy should tell you about the yarn shouldn't i this is berger de france in the luber on base which is 65 wool 35 percent acrylic-y polymedy sort of stuff um in the grew colorway and the share colorway uh that's spelt like chair as in the chair you sit on and groove g-u-g-r-u-e these are both yarns i've been given as part of various stashes so i don't know if the yarn is still available but i think they go together pretty nicely and i had enough to do both in the same configuration because i was saying last month that after i'd done the first sock i would weigh the yarn see how much i had left and if need be the second sock would be pink with grey contrasts but i had enough what else have we got lamp update five wind socks but first some big news well it is for me and in one sense these things don't mean anything but in another sense they really do because today i have hit 5 000 subscribers that's 5 000 subscribers thank you i don't know what else to say except thank you i am blown away by this i absolutely am thank you so much for for being here for those of you who comment for those of you who don't i still like you being here thank you and just i i am really short of words and i'm clearly not short of them now because i am continuing to speak but i am just so very grateful thank you so much to everyone who's a subscriber who hits the buttons um just thank you there are no other words well the only other words are do you fancy a 5k giveaway shall we go on them i have been given prizes to give away this year as we know so massive thanks again to the lovely person who has donated these prizes so for a 5k giveaway the prize will be this bag which says you can probably read it but it says yarn tarts can have their cake and knit it and there's also some yarn this is whistlebear cuthbert sock in the storm warning colorway that's looking a little more pink there's there are a lot of colors in this so we've got pink we've got purple we've got grey we've got yellow we've got orange it's rather lovely and cuthbert sock it's 300 meters and it's 80 whistle bears own mohair and 20 to whistle own wensleydale wool no nylon so no pong they say ha they haven't met my husband but lovely perry a lovely pair of socks could be made out of this and a lovely bag in which to keep your project while you're making it so i really should have put more thought into this but it's all very kind of breaking news so i think i'm going to make it really easy if you're interested in that prize and you would like to take part all you need to do is in the comments below don't use the word giveaway but if you can just use 5k so the number five the letter k there we go if you could put that in a comment below then i'll use some kind of wizzy bang fancy isn't this clever comment picker and draw a winner so that's comments on this podcast only so if you normally comment on the blog vlog don't um put the 5k on there it won't be eligible it's only on this particular episode but good luck and thank you just amazing thank you so much that's so kind really lovely so we're coming towards the end of the month end of october i'm drumming this weekend bonfire season in this part of the world people setting light to things um yeah so that that should be good fun and then it's kind of it's beginning to feel a bit like christmasy type stuff is happening and if any of the items that you're making as gifts are accessories please do enter them into the mail i know that jude of the stranded die works has the festive soccer long which i think is happening on instagram this year so if you're taking part in that by all means enter into our make along as well any accessories you're making this is the perfect opportunity i've been thinking about the make alongs and next year i will be doing make-a-longs but i probably won't be doing a year-long one i've done year-long make-alongs for three years and i just want to change things up a bit and do perhaps shorter time scale ones next year so there will be make-a-longs there will be opportunities for prizes but um it won't be a year-long one so that's that's next year but this year get in there people get your entries in and see what you can win lovely don't know why i'm doing that voice but there we go probably because it's friday and i'm getting super excited and i've got 5 000 subscribers so sensible face i think that's a bit everything i've actually had quite a uh productive month uh after last month not having many finished objects i've made up for that this month i think not that it's a race not that it's a competition but it feels as if i've finished quite a few things um i am not going to do a roundup of whips for two reasons firstly i think this episode is going to be long enough without that and secondly i haven't really made a lot of progress on the ongoing rit whips i've kind of been focusing in on the things that you've seen as finished objects so that's that's the reason for that what does november bring rain normally around here rain and bonfires it's a lot of steam [Music] no nothing uh no trips planned or anything like that odds and ends which we'll you'll see in the the vlog if you watch that and hopefully crafting to show you next month so yes to remind you um accessory mail finished objects in the finished object thread on ravelry or email me not quite enough yarn comments please use the comment thread on ravelry for the chance to win a pattern and the 5k make a long 5k subscriber the 5k subscriber giveaway in a comment below this podcast please somewhere in your comment include 5k and then i'll draw that next month it's all rather exciting for me getting a little bit giddy so now is probably a good time to go i hope you're all okay we're still living in strange times uh in some places in the world things are still quite restricted in other places they've opened up but people are beginning to think maybe they've opened up a bit too far not a virologist i don't know but i hope that you are all feeling safe and well and looking after yourselves and able to do the things you want to do and just keeping happy i hope you can be as happy as possible so i will see you at the end of november oh by the 25th of november for the comments below so thank you um yeah so i'll see you at the end of november for the month end podcast i'll see you next friday for the next next vlog and just a massive thank you for being here keep well keep happy keep crafting look after yourselves and take care thanks very much bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Not Quite Enough Yarn
Views: 4,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting, crochet, addi express, socks, baby crochet, yarn, spinning, modern desk lamp, smart desk lamp, bedside lamp, crafting lamp
Id: WwjTS36NYuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 20sec (4280 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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