Not Quite Enough Distance, week ending 29th October 2021

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hello you gorgeous examples of loveliness how are we this is leslie from the not quite enough distance vlog i'm a very bad vlogger this week for a couple of reasons firstly this is going to be a one take vlog rather than individual pieces um work's been busier than normal so that's just the way it is and secondly went out on sunday with my mate mand and i handed him a camera and said oh can you take footage of any kind of nice scenery as we go along and then realize the battery in the camera was completely flat and i didn't have the spare i'm sorry i am nothing if not human sometimes i'm just nothing i hope everyone's okay thank you for all the comments and thoughts and observations on last week's podcast always lovely to hear from you as you know and yeah it's been a busy week uh some with work and some with with fun stuff so someday we went to standin this is me and my mate mand and that is a national trust house it's about hour and a half away from where we live and it was really nice it's has a lot of connections with the arts and crafts movement so the william morris aesthetic um so a lot of the rooms have you know hand printed wallpaper and that sort of thing is a great picture of someone knitting which i had to take a shot of of course marvelously you could take photographs as long as you didn't use a flash which is unusual in a lot of historical places so that was great the reason why we were particularly there and thank you man for finding this and pointing it out is it had an exhibition of homemade crafts so it had some pieces by k facet and it had a bit of video um from the the individual makers had some work from mr cross stitch had some pottery from the guy who's on the pottery throwdown whose name i don't know because i've never watched the show um and some uh photographs and that sort of thing so it's quite an interesting set of um things over and above what's normally in the house so it's good fun to see um it's in beautiful settings it's not that far from ashdown forest and the landscape around it is just gorgeous uh really lovely setting really lovely house it was one of these kind of old houses i can't remember how old it is again bad podcaster bad vlogger um but it didn't have the massive state rooms it was very much a family home so you'd go into the room and you think oh i could see myself sitting in here listening to music doing a bit of knitting you know it wasn't one of these very imposing castle type places it had a real kind of homely feel to it and yeah it was good fun it was nice to go there had a nice day i had a bit of a moment because i'm walking around i'll preface this actually i was wearing my uh this vehicle cardigan which is the brightly colored one i'll stick a picture in here and my mate man it's a little bright for her tastes so she was taking the mickey a bit as we drove to stanton and we were walking around and i heard a voice say i recognized that cardigan and it was one of you lovely people so thank you again for saying hello i love the poncho you're wearing colors in that were fabulous and yeah just really nice to see you i yeah just i was thrilled oh i can't believe it it's so exciting for me so yes that was that was lovely lovely so yeah we had a good day um went ahead a couple afterwards and a slice of cake as is the national trust way and it was it was good fun and we were lucky with the weather as well so it meant that we did have a nice ride home a nice drive there you know it was it was it was a nice day um monday working during the day and then in the evening over to brighton to see tim minchin in concert love to mention uh hate brighton brighton is for those outside the uk it's a very sort of fashionable city um they call it kind of london by the sea very hip very trendy ah yeah i've never really got on with it hate driving around it always managed to make a wrong turn somewhere um and the road that i used to go to for the car park that i used to use you can't go up that road anymore it's one way going the other way so we had to do a bit of a detour uh thankfully a combination of the sat nav himself and my knowledge of brighton i did jury service there a few years ago and so i walked through quite a bit of it um so yeah that was that was all quite handy and we managed to get parked and get where we were going so it was a really good evening at the concert a lot of fun lots of laughter good music these things make me happy late night though um the it's all about the driving obviously because when we were coming home the main road that we use was closed for overnight roadworks so i had to do a detour which was fine i mean it was it wasn't busy because it was so late but whereas we'd plan to get home probably sort of quarter past half past 11 it was kind of midnight so a bit of a late one for a school night especially for a monday but uh well worth it for the concert so that was good um last night was uh knit night and just before midnight i finished my latest pair of socks now these are the ones that i am test knitting for carol i've made a couple of mods of course the first is i've made them a little bigger because i have very large feet also this pattern here is not normally this slouchy let me try and pull that up i will give full details and all of the spec and the things i've changed um on the month-end podcast so that's this weekend um but yeah i've made them a slouchy sock rather than a fitted and ribbed cuff sock so um yeah really nice pattern to work um i'm not sure when it's going to be released but i will keep you lovely as advised of that if you're interested this is the pattern or the first of patterns um being written by carol to raise money for her daughter's horse rescue ranch and i put the kofi in a couple of weeks ago i'll do that again if anyone's interested in helping them out so yes i was pleased to finish those because um the last pair of socks i made the green ones i had a couple of weeks ago took me ages because i didn't work on them for a long time it's amazing what a difference that makes isn't it i'm recording this section on thursday or that will go up friday as normal uh just because of work restrictions um restrictions on my time tomorrow but yet tonight i'm out for a curry with some friends so that'll be good i haven't seen them for a few months so that would be good fun and talking of currys himself had his fancy smudgy meal in london he went on tuesday for his luncheon at the restaurant opening and really enjoyed it loved the food met the chef slash owner and this is a chef that he's seen on tv and has always thought i'd really like to try his food and now he has so he was really happy he went and i was pleased that he went because although i didn't want to go i didn't want to stop him from having fun so he went he came home smelling of garlic he had a good day okay so yeah he enjoyed that which was great so it's been a week with a lot of activity after all these weeks of who haven't done much done lots this week so um feeling a little weary um next week will be quieter although saturday um i will be drumming at one of the local bonfires and it looks as if we've got a kind of two two and a half mile walk on that one so hopefully my calf muscle touchwood has been okay so hopefully everything will work as it should and i won't have a funny turn this will be at a much slower pace than the the race for life i was doing the other week when i went a bit strange um so there will be more times to stop and rest um it's when you're on these parades there's an awful lot of stopping and starting so um so yeah it's although we call it a march um it's not like a route march that's going to take you forever and i think that's the only kind of outside activity i have next week um yeah oh no next friday i'm out as well oh it's all beer and skittles around here isn't it so so yes it's uh it's all good stuff it feels like life is returning to normal whatever that means having said that there is talk of additional restrictions coming in perhaps mandating masks i'm still using mine i mean we both wore them at the concert on monday night um if i'm going anywhere except when i'm eating and drinking i'm usually wearing my mask um so there is talk of that happening there are sort of rumors and speculation on further restrictions coming in or restrictions being reintroduced the government is saying that at the moment the government is saying no no nothing to worry about which is possibly why we're all anxious um so we shall see yeah there's it is just speculation at this point so we shall see so that's where we're at i hope you have a good week hope whatever you're doing is fun i will put some footage in of um our trip to stanton some little bits of video that i took on my phone and i hope that you are all keeping well keeping safe able to do the things that you want to do see the people you want to see and that you're looking after yourselves so thank you for being here much appreciated if you watch the vlog and not the podcast i will see you next week and if you watch the podcast i'll see you tomorrow that month for a long month it's gone quickly so yeah i'll put that up tomorrow saturday and just keep yourselves well looked after and healthy and happy thanks everyone bye-bye [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Not Quite Enough Yarn
Views: 1,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6pzAwCYAca4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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