Markup: AG Garland Contempt of Congress Resolution

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are you ready I think we're ready to go everybody's been here go ahead we're ready to go right ready to go yep okay right everything good the committee will please come to order a quorum is present without objection the chair is authorized you're good the chair is authorized to declare a recess at any time pursuant to rule pursuant to committee rule 5B and house rule 11 Clause 2 the chair May postpone further proceedings today on the question of approving any measure or matter or adopting an amendment on which a recorded Vote or the Y and days are ordered now pursuant to notice I call up a report containing a resolution recommending that the House of Representatives Find attorney general Meritt Garland in contempt of congress for refusal to comply with the subpoena duly issued by this committee the clerk will report which has been distributed in advance a report containing the house a house resolution recommending that the House of Representatives Find attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt of congress for refusal to comply with the subpoena duly issued by this committee I ask yam's consent that the report be considered as read and open for Amendment at any point without objection so ordered the chair recognizes himself to offer an amendment in the nature of a substitute the clerk will please report the amendment an amendment in the nature of a substitute offered to the contempt report as offered by Mr comr of Kentucky without objection the amendment is considered as read and the substitute will be considered as original text for the purposes of further amendment I now recognize myself for five minutes for a statement on the report Mr chairman yes sir chair recognize M Donald's uh Mr chairman uh for the purposes of this hearing I move that debate be structured to 1 hour on the ANS 30 minutes each side and 10 minutes on every debate that might be entered during this uh hearing of the oversight committee Mr chairman objection I objected that all right there's an objection so we'll Mr chairman maybe we hear it on the motion yeah there's a motion and all right we'll suspend Mr chairman my objection consists of this um he cannot move to override the rules of the House of Representatives um and we know exactly how debate is to occur which is the way we usually proceed in debate so I I don't think we have the power to do that M Mr chairman if I may uh this committee has already done that uh earlier in this very Congress we issued we went into structured debate on a couple of items a few months ago yes by unanimous consent only so I've objected to it I mean if the gentleman wants to take it to a vote we can take it to a vote gentleman you by all means well why do we want a limit debate on this anyway yeah if I may uh uh I I I rise in support okay uh we're going to suspend and call the parliamentarian to get the official ruling correct okay it may take five I'm estimating five minutes fine Mr chairman in the meantime I have a parliament parliamentary inquiry of my own um can you I think we're suspended oh I just thought in order to save time if you had other parliamentary inquiries you could take them no yeah yeah no no let's get the ruling from the parliamentarian then we'll proceed J why did you guys neate e e e e e e e all right uh the committee will come back to order the motion is out of order I'll now recognize myself for for five minute opening statement mrman can I just pursue my parliamentary inquiry will you just explain why this markup was delayed to 8:00 pm throwing everybody's schedule into chaos today and the buildings closed to the public why was that done okay that's not an appropriate inquiry the time of the meeting is not an appropriate procedural inquiry your inquiry is not an appropriate parliamentary inquiry so let's get back to order recognize myself for opening statement today's markup initiates contempt of congress proceedings against us attorney Meritt Garland for defying a subpoena from the oversight committee the committee's February subpoena required the Department of Justice to produce audio recordings of President Biden's interview with the special counsel investigating his mishandling and improper disclosure of classified material materal the department has chosen not to produce them that's why we're here today this is not a complicated subject the oversight committee requires these audio recordings and the Department of Justice has refused to provide them we're not in court the accommodations process has been exhausted we are not making a request the subpoena requires production we're not requiring anything that interferes with an ongoing investigation the special Council already concluded his in investigation by choosing not to charge President Biden because he is an quote elderly man with a poor memory in quote this morning the Department of Justice informed the committee that the president has asserted executive privilege over the audio recordings of the president's interview with special counsel her president's Biden decision to withhold the audio recording from Congress is alarming the committee has already obtained the transcript of the interview President Biden must have something to hide because it does not make sense that he would suppress the audio if the transcript was accurate there is no substitute as the many lawyers on this committee will tell you for a recording of an actual conversation not a summary not a report not a transcript the White House has shown it is willing to alter transcripts to protect Joe Biden's image we will not simply take the Justice Department's word about this interview it is not the department of Justice's decision how to cooperate with a subpoena just like the people who receive subpoenas from doj do not get to negotiate their compliance the Department of Justice is not above Congress it is not above the law it is also not President Biden's decision to assert executive privilege on audio recordings when the transcript has already been released in 1974 the house rejected an attempt by President Nixon to release a transcript instead of subpoenaed audio recordings and there should be bipartisan support to reject it here too not long ago a very distinguished member of this committee said and I quote the lesson is please tell your children out there in America if you get a subpoena to go before Congress if you get a subpoena to go to the court go you have a legal responsibility to go end quote that distinguished member was none other than ranking member Jamie Rasin in 2022 only two years ago now ranking member Rasin has spent this Congress making excuses for why people like Hunter Biden or now the Department of Justice don't have to comply with Congressional subpoenas on January 10th 2023 this committee announced an investigation into President Biden's mishandling of classified documents two days later on January 12th 2023 the Attorney General announced his intent to appoint a special counsel to oversee the criminal investigation of President Biden while the special Council pursued this in his investigation the committee did its own work and found facts that have challenged the White House's official narrative about these classified materials months of thorough investigating by this committee have revealed attempts by the White House to keep the truth from the American people not just about the documents themselves and why Joe Biden had them but President Biden's memory and mental capacity to do his job the committee's timeline begins well before the White House's narrative that President Biden's private lawyers just stumbled upon classified materials in November 2022 at the Penn Biden Center May 24th 2022 6 months before the White House's story began the White House Council Dana Remis contacted a Biden former employee to retrieve President Biden's materials from the Penn Biden Center and then traveled there herself to pick up boxes why would the most senior lawyer at the White House be going to pack up an office that was supposed to have just have pictures and personal documents in it why were President Biden's personal lawyers visiting the pen Biden Center days before the discovery of classified materials if they thought they were just picking up pictures and letters why were they calling FedEx to pick up boxes and a White House employee was leaving with boxes before the November 2nd Discovery now the White House won't permit this committee to depose Dana Remis the White House won't allow any of the employees that entered the pen Biden center before November 20122 to speak with the committee what is the White House afraid of why not be transparent and open with this committee and the American people for that matter what are Democrats on this committee who oppose the release of these audio recordings afraid of the recordings will just be President Biden speaking what is it that would make them nervous about that it's because they know once again President Biden has not been honest he hasn't been honest about his family's foreign entanglements he hasn't been honest about mishandling classified documents and if the Democrats were honest they'd admit President Biden's middle capacity is declining Americans see it happening every day in fact six in 10 Americans don't have confidence in Joe Biden's mental capacity if the Attorney General wants to defy Congress and not produce the audio recordings he will face consequences for those actions the path before us is clear I urge this committee to move forward with holding attorney general Meritt Garland in contempt I now recognize the ranking member thank you Mr chairman um ladies and gentlemen in this special nighttime episode uh we resume the madcap comedy mystery series called comr high crimes and Misadventures the hilarious quest to impeach a president who is done nothing wrong an avowedly lowbudget but multi-million dollar taxpayer funded production which most Americans assumed had ended two months ago and had completely forgotten about but tonight with the cast and crew now fresh back from a surprise January 6 committee uh I uhuh stop it I I'd like my time restored to me Mr chairman order order chair recognize as R member okay order order order well tonight with the cast and crew fresh back from their surprise trip to New York City it's clear The Show Must Go On now our originally scheduled performance has um was supposed to be at 11:00 a.m. today but it was postponed when members of the majority chose to join a mass spiritual pilgrimage to the New York criminal trial of a Florida man an adjudicated fraudster and rapist as he faces 34 felony count of falsifying corporate Financial records to cover up $130,000 paid in hush money to a porn star sex partner now although some people are churlishly complaining that members should be actually be here to vote on public business and should not have forced a last minute change in the committee schedule our colleagues properly demonstrated for all of history their Fierce Devotion to this clearly reformed devout and pious Florida spiritual leader who many supporters are now calling the Messiah from maral Lago of course in the meantime chairman Jordan in the house Judiciary Committee gentleman y pre preempted I no I'm in the middle of appreciate that photo it's a good photo I would like a copy of that would you like a sign one Rasin yes I could you get your members in order Mr chairman it's a great I want to cop order Mr chairman in the meantime chairman Jordan in the house Judiciary Committee preempted our GOP College colleages on oversight rendering this entire exercise not only absurd but completely meaningless and redundant they have already held attorney general Garland perping contempt now when we last met on this matter you will recall that the majority still had not identified a single high crime or misdemeanor that the president had commit committed the committee's impressive 3.8 million pages of documents and 80 hours of testimony from 20 Witnesses produce nothing but overwhelming and definitive proof that President Biden had done nothing wrong so desperate for a new storyline Republicans have come up with this astonishing new plot twist they now propose to hold the Attorney General of the United States in contempt for giving the committee the information it asked for and it is information that has absolutely nothing to do with their failed impeachment investigation or any High crimes or misdemeanors now true fans of the show will recall from prior episode this plot device of punishing people for complying with committee orders but this new episode of not taking yes for an answer sends us off into strange new worlds of absurdity where no Congressional committee has truly ever gone before the majority wanted to know what President Biden said in his voluntary interview with special counsel her and maybe there was an impeachable Diamond lurking in the rough so the justice department complied with the request it turned over the 250 page transcript of President Biden's 5-hour interview with the special counsel we had a hearing on it in this committee the special counsel came and there was nothing impeachable there if there had been you would have taken up Mr mt's offer and you would have voted on impeachment after it happened but you did it committee members and millions of Americans got to read the entire transcript and can read it right now if they' like we all can learn what the president was asked and see how he answered each and every question but the chairman insists that's not enough he and the rest of America are clearly able to read the interview but he wants to be able to hear the interview the book is not sufficient he wants the audio book and because of this gratuitous and comical request the whole troop now seeks to hold the Attorney General of the United States of America in contempt anyone watching can grasp the fallacy cleverly tucked into this new special Prime Time episode there is nothing relevant or material that our committee can learn from an audio tape which we cannot learn from the 250 pages of the transcript the format of the medium does not change the content of the communications so in this absurd twist our friends now seek to blame the spectacular belly flop of their own impeach impeachment Probe on attorney general Garland and his sneaky effort to obstruct the investigation by cooperating with it we know what real obstruction looks like because the last president specialized in it this President agreed to sit down for a voluntary 5-hour interview with the special counsel investigating him um attorney general Garland turned over the complete 250 page transcript interview that's not obstruction real obstruction was Trump and his administration refusing to provide information Congress requested in more than 100 different Congressional investigations and inquiries and I know that pleases the Gent lady from Georgia because he issued I just want to hear Joe Biden why can't the American people hear him order Mr chairman get her under control he president Trump president Trump issued an edict no I I I I am glad I am glad that the general lady from Georgia is learning something tonight okay the the president I I I encourage I encourage her to be a good listener and she's been she's been a good listener so M Mr chairman the last President issued an edict directing all federal issue all federal officials in his administration to categorically ignore and reject all congressional subpoenas do my colleagues remember that do they know that he told them not to cooperate with any federal investigation At All by Congress and we didn't hear a peep from any of them that was real obstruction real obstruction happened when two members of this committee who may be preparing to vote tonight to hold attorney general Garland and contemp brazenly refused to comply with subpoenas from the US House select committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States capital and still have not responded to those subpoenas but now it seems Mr chairman I just got past something that the whole obstruction gimmick may just be a fundraising ployee which demeans the overwhelming legal Integrity uh and impressive theatrical Ambitions of this Enterprise I was just handed a mass fundraising email solicitation for your campaign that you sent out this evening Mr chairman stating that quote Biden and his advisers are terrified that I will release the recordings forcing the media and Democrats to answer for the Dismal decline of Biden's mental state this could be the final blow to Biden with swing voters across the country the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to stop the bleeding signed James comr chairman house oversight committee now I must confess my disappointment to be handed this fundraising solicitation signed by you as chairman of the house oversight committee um I thought that you were serious about the legal Enterprise here and not just another political Huer calling hearings to score cheap political points and to make a buck Mr chairman I'd like to ask unanimous consent to enter into the record the full and complete 250 page transcript of the president's interview with special Council her which we have now had in our committee for more than two months without objection to ordered and I know that some people may think this is a big Broadway production now with everybody's trip to the Big Apple but it is high time to close this unhinged series and get back to some semblance of the people's work we have the interview transcript we have the president's words there's no basis for this outlandish contempt proceeding which only further disgraces our committee along with Judiciary accordingly Mr chairman and since your members seem to be in such a hurry to be done with this I move to immediately adjourn these proceedings seconded second so so in your opening statement you moved to a jour I'm moving to adjourn these proceedings second motion and second all those in favor of journ adjournment signify by saying I I all those oppose no no the NOS have it motion fails now do any other members wish to be heard recorded vote a recorded vote has been requested uh the clerk will call the role we got our thing we not no not for procedural vote not fored a procedural vote we have to vote the oldfashioned [Music] way Mr Jordan Mr Turner Mr gosar Mr goar votes no Miss Fox no Miss Fox votes no Mr growman Mr growman votes no Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes no Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes no Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes no Mr sessions Mr sessions votes no Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes no Miss mace Miss mace votes no Mr lerer Mr lerer votes no Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes no Mr Donalds Mr Donald's votes no Mr Perry Mr Perry votes no Mr Timmons Mr Timmons votes no Mr burett no Mr burett votes no Miss green no Miss green votes no Miss mlan Miss bobbert no Miss bobert votes no Mr Fry Mr Fry votes no Miss Luna Miss Luna votes no Mr Langworthy no Miss Mr Langworthy votes no Mr burles Mr burles votes no Mr Waltz Mr Waltz votes no Mr Rasin I Mr Rasin votes I miss Norton yes Miss Norton votes yes Mr Lynch I Mr Lynch votes I Mr Connelly I Mr Connelly vote votes I Mr Krishna morthy Mr Krishna morthy votes I Mr cona Mr mfum I Mr mfum votes I miss acasio Cortez I miss acassio Cortez votes I miss Porter I miss Porter votes I miss bush Miss Brown Miss Brown votes yes Miss Stansbury Miss stanbury votes yes Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes I Mr Frost Mr Frost votes yes Miss Lee Miss Lee votes yes Mr casar Mr casar votes yes Miss Crockett I miss Crockett votes I Mr Goldman I Mr Goldman votes I Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes I miss TB Miss TB votes yes Miss Presley Miss Presley votes I Mr chairman I vote Yes and how did Mr Jordan vote I mean I vote no I'm sorry I vote no the chairman votes no yeah how did Mr Jordan record it Mr Jordan is not recording no Mr Jordan votes no that's 24 that's good Mr chairman on this vote the Nays are 2 for the eyes are 19 the nose have it the motion to adjourn fails do as any chair recognition Mr chairman move to strike the last word chair chair recognizes Mr MTZ all right thank you Mr chairman all right so welcome to oversight after dark if if you love James comr at 11 o'clock in the morning you're really going to love him at 8:30 p.m. so members uh the hearing was moved to today we don't have to ask the question the hearing was moved today so that members could go to New York and attend the Trump hearing H but how's he doing he's complained that he's chilly in the courtroom is it is it chilly is it chilly will the gentleman yel no I'll assume it's chilly very good okay good so um you know it was mentioned uh by the the ranking member about really what we're doing here you don't you don't have to listen to my words I would like to do a spirited reading of the campaign email sent out by the chairman and it's on Lovely stationary in fact it says from the desk of the oversight chairman I'm not sure you can do that but I'm not an Ethics expert it says friend President Biden is exerting executive privilege in a last ditch attempt to stop the disastrous audio recording of his interview with special counsel from being released and it's highlighted in yellow want to make sure people saw that just a few months ago the white house bragged that Joe Biden had nothing to hide and would not exert executive privilege during special counsel her's investigation they even said he had nothing to hide that's an italics now Biden and his advisers are terrified that I James comr will release the recordings forcing the media and the Democrats to answer for the Dismal decline of Biden's mental state he even had attorney Merck Garland write a letter saying that his interview Falls within the scope of executive privilege this could be the final blow with swing voters across the country okay you and I know you and I know hold on we're not done it gets better you and I know he's not up for the job but the mainstreams media refusal to report on it as only keeping him in the game stand with comr the Democrats you sure about that the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to stop the bleeding that means coming after me with everything they had if you're able we hope you are I'd be so grateful if you'd consider making a donation to my campaign I sure need it to defend against the onslaught of attacks thank you for everything James comr chairman of the house oversight committee uh with that objection I'd like to enter that into the record is that objection to ordered all right beautiful so again Mr chairman since you think this is the final blow right uh and obviously the chairman of Judiciary is here too we only have June July and September before the election we're not here in August and October so I mean I sure the American people are paying attention at 11:30 p.m. where you buried this hearing because it's so important when are we going to do the impeachment of Joe Biden when is that going to happen is it going to be June is it going to be July is it going to be September I just let's just put it on the calendar let's just put it on the calendar pick a month we're available we were available at 11:00 a.m. you guys weren't just pick a month right so we can get it on the calendar and and do the impeachment so hold on I'll give you choices ready June July how about September okay so we're never going to schedule this thing it's never going to happen he's sending out more subpoenas because he has no evidence okay and yet here we go around and around and around and so we get it you'll raise money off of it congratulations to you um you know if you want Mr chairman I can get the transcript out I can do a spirited reading we can sit here I'll do all 20 200 50 pages for you I'll even put on like a Biden mask make it visual so you can like really get in the moment um I mean just we just want to know like what's it going to take Mr chairman to get you comfortable you go you go on Newsmax and you get comfortable what's it going to take to get you comfortable to ask your friend chairman Jordan sitting next to you when we're going to schedule impeachment so we'll do it again ready ready how about June July September do does the gentleman know how many spare Biden masks there are available in DC I don't but there's a lot on Etsy there's I mean you can get lots of things okay so you know look I'll I'll yield the balance of my time to the to the ranking member if he wants to use the last four oh you have something to say Mr chairman go ahead please no I was going to say you yielded ranking member asking he has 30 seconds go ahead M ranking member uh thank you Mr MTZ um there is an Ethics principle that no solicitation of a campaign or political contribution may be linked to to an action taken or to be taken by a member employee in his or her official capacity that's just a reminder to my side I hope that nobody is linking specific actions that you're taking on the oversight committee to campaign contributions or solicitations and uh with that I'll yield back to the distinguish gentleman from time expired does any other member seek recognition uh M chair recognizes Miss green I'd like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing uh judge maran's daughter please tell me what that has to do with Mary Garland is she a porn star oh Goldman that's right he's advising okay he's advising who what do you do you know what we're here for you know we're here about I don't think you know what you're here for well you're the one talking about I guess I think your fake eyelashes are messing up hold on hold on list order m order of your committee order please there's a point of order we have a point of order uh Mr Lynch State your point Mr chairman I I would just like to ask the parliamentarian if your conduct here in raising money in connection with this hearing uh is referable to the Ethics Committee within this hearing is a motion in order to refer your conduct uh and and your abuse of not a point of order I do have a point of order and I would like to move to to take down Miss Green's words that is absolutely unacceptable how dare you the physical appearance of another persons her words down oh oh girl baby girl oh really don't even play baby we are going to move and we're going to take your words down thank I second that motion so so who will have to okay all right we're suspending absolutely I don't know it's crazy no we're taking her words down no way is that being allowed retract absolutely not absolutely so I don't know how much longer I'm going to be not today not today I got to find some place where I can work here's what we're not going to sit down sit down apolog she to do she to apologize if it's not a real apology public we're not going to do a swarmy apology she has to actually apologize and that needs to be up to miss c as well sure it needs to be sincere this is crazy let's do it let's go let's go let's go yeah that's what it is that's all it is she's not used to people talking back to she doesn't want to say sorry to nobody for nothing she's going to learn I'll ask yeah no don't yeah yeah I know they who's leaving no no the committee will reconvene Miss uh Miss green has 4 minutes and 21 seconds there's a motion uh Miss green do you wish to strike your words I have four minutes and 21 seconds to speak I I think we have to do the motion first and then unless there's another motion uh then then you'll be recognized again but I believe there's another motion coming so you agree to strike your words yeah I Miss green agrees to strike her words I believe she okay hold on then after Mr Perry is goingon to be recognized then M I'm not apologizing I am not apologizing let's go come on guys why don't you debate me Mr chairman um the the the minority self you're not yeah you're you don't have enough intelligent chair recognizes Mr Perry Okay move to strike the I move to stri l [Applause] words again that's two requests to strike that's two requests to strike oh they cannot take the words there's another motion to Striker words again please get under here's the correct the correct party Miss green do you ask unanimous cons do you agree to unanimous consent to strick your words I repeat again for the second time yes I'll strike my words but I'm not apologizing without objection without obing the right to the right to I preserve the right to object chairman I move that Mr Goldman's words and Miss acasio Cortez's Words Be stricken which words and you have to do it contemporaneously object the objection must be contemporaneous and they haven't spoken in 10 minutes nobody's spoken in said in 10 minutes well that's right therefore defeating your proposal you all have so those are the those that's what I that's my motion Mr chair we wasn't we weren't able to well I I I object it doesn't refer to anything that's on the floor mizo kazio Cortez objected immediately and instantaneously is you're supposed to do Under the rules and the house the first time he could point of parliamentary inquiry all right we're we're going to suspend for a minute but we'll talk to the Parliamentary I object to your objection e e okay back committee will come back to order so miss green asked unanimous consent to strike a words Mr Rasin objected I'm going to recognize Mr Rasin for his objection but we're not counting against Miss green has four minutes and 21 seconds left this will not count against our time thank you Mr chairman I reserve the right to object because the understanding of the minor minity is that the general lady from Georgia would move to take her words down and strike her words and to offer a sincere apology for having engag in personalities against another member offending her personal appearance and insulting her we don't do that in this committee and I I think the major problem was that we allowed pornography in this committee and we've gone down a bad road but in any event we should not allow face-to-face ad homm insults it's totally contrary to the rules of the House of Representatives okay okay and and I would ask Miss green if she would just make the apology it's not that complicated we don't want to get into face tof face insults you will never get an apology out of me then I object then I object Mr chair Mr asins objects so the the uh the commit the member will the member will state the words he wishes taken down or she wishes taken down well what I heard her say but I would like her to repeat the words what I heard her to say was um and you can take off your fake eyelashes too well then what did you say I mean what did you say Miss green really what was the clerk the the clerk needs to report the words but those that was the summon subst the clerk will report the words clerk will report the words Mr chairman Mr chairman we could subpoena the audio tape Mr this is great release the audio it it will just take us a few minutes to get we'll suspend aren't we here for audio chairman I'd like Joe Biden's audio [Music] cels where we're on Celsius train St St Sal can you grab me one unfortunately at my apartment sleeping I was trying to put him down him and I got in you have a lot of uh sorry oh sorry sorry what's going on so they are they or are they not fake eyelashes I think they are too e all right rule of the house can't can't see M Mr chairman Mr chairman Mr chairman um just a point of order here I believe there were members who've been interviewed by the media from their seats do we allow that they identify as um clerks that that have sorry like is clerks that what you're not respecting their identity wait someone is being okay the is that allow for for the Quorum the media will evacuate the well Mr chairman at the request of the Mr chairman the rank Netflix followed Hunter Biden into this room I don't remember anyone across the aisle complaining about Hunter Biden his TV film crew when he came up here that's a good point so do you withdraw that do you withdraw that yeah I was just okay uh Mr Askin withdrew the the this one so are we we already proed with M green finish in her 4 minutes and 21 seconds what is the ruling on the the motion to take her words down I thought we had an agreement working with our okay I I Mr chairman I would just urge you to Prevail upon the distinguished G lady from Georgia uh her her words um well it's very difficult for the sonographer to understand everything with everyone yelling and screaming back and forth but we went through this with the I I would like to make a point we went through this with some of the things that Mr Mr swell said in the the hunter Biden deposition some of the things that he said negative about some of the our staff and the members weren't picked up by the stenographer unfortunately because there was so much yelling fair enough Mr chairman but that you know I think we don't want to see a complete descent um of our committee and um the the verbatim quote the verbatim quote of the G lady was I think your fake eyelashes are messing up your reading that is what she said I think your fake eyel and that that's obviously engaging in personalities it's an adah homm attack and I would just ask every member of this Committee in a fair-minded way would you want to be talked to um in that way about your personal appearance by another member of the committee because what we're doing is we're setting standards going forward all the G lady seeks is a simple apology Miss green look here I I will say this let's for committee to Quorum we're not supposed to engage in personalities of members that applies to everyone on both sides of the aisle Mr btz Miss green every single member across the aisle can we what did he say he just threw my squits into can we are we I well Pro the motion belongs to the G lady from New York M okay the clerk how back to order the clerk will report this stenographer Mr chairman there was a lot of overt talking but as far as we can make out it's and you can remove your false eyelashes too okay that exact well let's have a a vote on that because I I honestly don't think there's a member in this committee who would think we should descend to that level of discourse here other than one perhaps I'm sorry you agree it should be taken down Mr Don M Mr Rasin the Gent lady from Georgia already said that she would take she would strike down her words what else are we doing past that point I didn't realize apologies were a matter of matter no the suggestion was made to the minority that rather than go through the process of formally taking your words down which means she wouldn't be able to speak for the rest of our hearing as you know as you know that she could continue to speak but she would voluntarily take your words done and offer a sincere R I'm going to rule uh uh overrule the point of order uh it wasn't personalities it was unde chorus uh and I would encourage again every member to down words abide by committee deorum and let's vote we all know what we're here for or you're either going to vote for and and and the lady from Georgia has 4 minutes and 21 seconds remain Point order I appeal the ruling of the chair Mr chairman because the rules provide that you cannot insult another member's personal appearance or attire and that is obviously part of engaging in personalities Mr chairman Mr chairman Mr chairman hold on hold on we have so many motions we're sitting here trying to all right there's there's now a motion to table Mr raskins motion no but I I was appealing your motion the the the motion by Mr Perry seconded by I don't believe it's not eligible to table it's not eligible to table to table we can table the appeal we can table the appeal I don't know if we can table is under strike we can table the appeal there's a motion in second to table the appeal okay just to be clear your ruling was that she had not engaged in personalities Mr chairman when do I have my four minutes and 21 seconds I've already ruled I've already ruled I've already ruled Mr chairman point of order no there's a motion to vote on it's not debatable motion by Mr Perry seconded by Mr gosar to table all those in favor of tabling signify by by saying I I all those oppos no no motion uh passes to table now move for the recognizes Miss green record recorded vote a recorded vote to table has been requested the clerk will call the rooll on table make a motion amendments at the desk Mr Jordan I have an amendment at the desk wait we the we're voting on a requested roll call vote on whether or not the table she started the roll call with Mr Jordan Mr Turner Mr gosar Mr gosar votes yes Miss Fox Miss Fox votes yes Mr grothman Mr growman votes yes m Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes yes Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes I Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes yes Mr sessions Mr sessions votes I Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes I miss mace Miss mace vote votes I Mr lerer Mr lerer votes I Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes I Mr Donalds Mr Donald's votes yes Mr Perry Mr Perry votes I Mr Timmons Mr Timmons votes I Mr burett I Mr burett votes I miss green I miss green votes I miss mlan miss bobbert present Miss bobert votes present Mr Fry Mr Fry votes I miss Luna Miss Luna votes I Mr Langworthy Miss Mr Langworthy votes I Mr burles Mr Burleson votes I Mr Waltz Mr Rasin Mr Raskin votes no Miss Norton no Miss Norton votes no Mr Lynch Mr Lynch votes no Mr Connelly nay Mr Connelly votes nay Mr Krishna morthy no Mr Krishna morthy votes no Mr cona Mr mfum no Mr mfum votes no Miss acassio Cortez Miss acassio Cortez votes no Miss Porter no Miss Porter votes no Miss bush Miss Brown Miss Brown votes no Miss Stansbury Miss Stansbury votes no Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes no Mr Frost Mr Frost votes no Miss Lee Miss Lee votes no Mr casar Mr casar votes no Miss Crockett no Miss Crockett votes no Mr Goldman Mr Goldman votes no Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes no Miss Talib Miss Talib votes no Miss Miss Presley Miss Presley votes no Mr chairman Mr chairman votes yes Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 21 the Nays are 19 with one voting present all right motion table now the chair recognizes Miss green for four minutes and 21 seconds Mr chair point of order who's who's it's me Miss Crockett I'm just curious just to better understand your ruling if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blind bad built Butch body that would not be engaging in personalities correct a what now chairman I make I make a motion to strike those I I don't think that's a I'm trying to find clarification on what quality motion idea what you just said we're not going to we're not going to do this look you guys earlier literally just you voted to do Ved to do it I'm trying to get clarification look it calm down calm down no no no no because this is what y I'm trying to get you're not recogniz you with your yelling want calm down calm down don't tell me to calm down because y'all talk noise and then you can't CU if I come if I come and talk about her have a problem Mr chair order chair now recognizes this screen for for 4 minutes and 21 seconds four minutes let Miss screen talk and then you all can I'll recognize I moved to strike her words for a second time based on her second set of personal remarks attacking another member who chairman because you all cannot app the rules of the committee we have to do this every time I I'm recognized I'm recognized I'm going to go ahead and start talking look I I know I know look I don't know if you've noticed it I have two here in AIDS I'm very deaf I'm not understanding everybody's yelling I'm doing the best I can can we not recognize Miss green and let her cannot because of the rules of the committee Mr chair that is that is what I'm trying to communicate in the present moment we have a mo okay what's the moot what's the the motion is to strike the gentle ladyes words for the second set of remarks not the first the second that apply no idea she has no idea I think Mr chairman I'm the only one recognized right now we objected at the time will the will the member State the word she wishes struck she told me or she she asserted Ed that I was not intelligent these are the specific words like we can have it read by the clerk it was made immediately and it was made immediately I am not moving now think it was made immediately both by the and by me Mr chair it was made immediately made immedately both by the to us she said you don't have the intelligence to talk to me is what she said the chair recognizes Miss green for 4 minutes and 21 seconds Mr chair what is I object to the ruling now we must object I mean if you want to take it up move on we should just adjourn because else yeah yeah I thought Jerry Springer hey I'm just glad that these chairs are too big to throw this is this is not oversighted serious Mr chairman a point of order Mr chairman saying let's get one we Mr chairman on a point of order there's a motion on the table y yeah right right away yeah to a Time certain tomorrow to a Time certain tomorrow that way we'll take this up again motion to recess would it to take precence Al how do you feel about my moving to a Jour okay e just to take the no I'm GNA I'm going to Ru the stct door okay okay all right we got we got it we got it all right okay all right back in order the committee will come back to order uh the chair rules to strick the words that Miss green said where she said that Miss acasio Cortez was not said she lacked the intelligence to speak to her when in fact a brilant anything on me no we should be on the record with what was okay she we Strack the words that she said you're not intelligent that are we good on that no no the words have been struck it was to take the words down Mr chair when you're out of order listen Mr chairman her motion was to take her words down not to strike the words it was it was to strike the words that's what m Ocasio Cortez asked okay which is to take them down is there's no such which is to take them down just to take them down they've been taken down all right then that means that Miss green has to leave the committee Mr Goan you're out of order now I want everyone to a comp to Let's comply with the quorum the chair recognizes Mr chair green her words were taken down no her words were taken down that means she cannot speak the chair recogniz if her words are stricken she cannot speak in this hearing talk to your parliamentarian she has to get out without a motion under unanimous consent the gentle lady is not permitted to speak for the rest of this session do it and we're happy to revive our motion to adjourn Mr chairman I think these 17 hour days might not work for us something about working huh yeah maybe showing up for a vote you have a lot to say being that you're on retainer for the judge's daughter sorry trust funit Mr chairman we should strike those roads too I hope you brought your popcorn Mr we strike the fact that they called Mar they were making comments about margery's body so we can do this all night long but I have a motion this is out of control we we should we should adjourn Mr chairman motion at the desk Mr chairman I think my body is pretty good I'm going to be 50 this month I am I turned 50 Mr chairman pretty good Mr Mr chairman thank you m Mr chairman thank you I appreciate we have some members in the room who are drinking inside the hearing room who are not members of this hearing Mr chairman Mr chairman we have members who are not on this committee sitting in the hearing we have members talking who haven't been recognized Mr chairman point of [Laughter] inquiry Mr chairman Point Democrats are against uh Mr chairman point of inquiry yeah Mr chairman we're going to suspend we're going to suspend for 5 minutes while our staff's work the Parliamentary questions out so this committee has spended for 5 minutes it be good time for everyone to go out and take a break apologize to the American people back home that would be will reconvene in five minutes sorry we are that we're not e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you for being so well behaved all right you are a model the the committee will reconvene members are advised they must observe the House's standard of decorum in debate and conduct they must speak and act respectfully and may not use disorderly words or unparliamentary language such as words uh that uh negative towards your colleagues or engag in personalities towards the president or Senator that count for former president okay all right so the the uh the the and the chair I move that uh the gentleman the gentle lady from Georgia be permitted to proceed in order and I would object and ask for recorded vote the the uh Mr raskins requested a recorded vote uh for my motion to allow the gentle lady from Georgia to proceed I vote Yes the clerk will call the role Mr Jordan Mr Turner Mr gosar yeah Mr gosar votes yes Miss Fox Mr growman Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes yes Mr Palmer maybe Mr Palmer votes I Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes yes Mr sessions Mr sessions votes I Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes I miss mace Miss mace votes I Mr L Turner Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes I Mr Donald's yes Mr Donald's votes yes Mr Perry Mr Perry votes I Mr Timmons I Mr Timmons votes I Mr burett I Mr burett votes I miss green I miss green votes I miss mlan miss bobert no Miss bobbert votes no Mr Fry Mr Fry votes I miss Luna Miss Miss Luna votes I Mr Langworthy Mr Langworthy votes I Mr burles Mr Burleson votes I Mr Waltz Mr Waltz votes I Mr Rasin NOP Mr Rasin votes no Miss Norton no Miss Norton votes no Mr Lynch Mr Lynch votes no Mr Connelly nay Mr Connelly votes nay Mr Krishna Mory no Mr Krishna morthy votes no Mr Conor Mr mfum no Mr mum votes no Miss acassio Cortez no Miss acassio Cortez votes no Miss Porter no Miss Porter votes no Miss bush Miss Brown Miss Brown votes no Miss stanbury Miss Stan benbury votes no Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes no Mr Frost Mr Frost votes no Miss Lee Miss Lee votes no Mr casar Mr casar votes no Miss Crockett no Miss Crockett votes no Mr Goldman Mr Goldman votes nay Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes nay Miss TB Miss TB votes no Miss Presley Miss Presley votes nay Mr chairman yes Mr chairman votes yes uh Mr growman is not recorded yes Mr growman votes yes Mr lerer is not recorded yes yeah Mr lerer votes yes Miss Fox is not recorded Miss Fox votes yes Mr sessions is recorded as voting I do any other me do any other members wish to vote has Nancy voted has Miss mace voted yes okay well the clerk can tally the report Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 22 the Nays are 20 the motion passes uh now recognize Miss green for four minutes and 21 seconds thank you Mr chairman uh we're here tonight to hold Meritt Garland in contempt of congress and there has been complaint aain and complaint after complaint from the other side of the aisle now I'd like to remind everyone that the American taxpayers were forced to pay millions and millions of dollars for the January 6 committee last Congress who was convened during Prime Time evening hours and they hired an ABC News executive uh James Goldston to produce these these committee hearings actually had the American taxpayers pay for this and and Democrats are complaining about our Committee hearing this evening I'd also like to remind everyone that during the 117th Congress we would vote until 1 or two o'clock in the morning many many times late at night and that was when uh Democrats controlled the house but the worst thing about the January 6 committee is that the speaker broke her own rules when she she produced Committee created the committee the minority leader appointed members of Congress to this committee and they were denied being able to participate on the January 6th committee this this committee operated against the rules of Congress it it was procedurally defective and today right now Peter Navaro is sitting in jail because he was held in contempt of congress and and also Steve Bannon has been held in contempt of congress and could go to jail soon those are the consequences of when the Democrats controlled the house they broke the rules and the consequences or people have gone to jail and they may soon go to jail and tonight we're here to hold Merit Garland and contempt of congress and this this committee needs to be able to proceed forward to do that I'd also like to remind the committee and anyone watching this that every single time we hold a Committee hearing and oversight committee the Democrats attack president Trump repeatedly doesn't matter what the issue is doesn't matter what the topic is they can't produce facts they can't produce anything to make your their arguments they make it about personal character attacks on the former president of the United States and our Republican presidential candidate every single time they attack president Trump they think the way to win an argument is to attack president Trump you talk about character attacks it goes on and on also uh members of this committee attack me repeatedly over and over and over again constantly but they're offended when I say something back and I think this I think this needs to be called out Mr chairman because the hypocrisy is screaming and the American people watch it every single day and I will not apologize for my words and I I will not change them and I will not uh tolerate being treated this way constantly on this committee and in other committees um and I think that we need if we're going to uh hold hearings like this and hold uh Meritt Garland and contempt of congress I think we should move forward and go ahead and do that but the the actual behavior that happens uh across the aisle in this Committee of constant attacks on President Trump are unbelievable and attacks on President Trump um the weaponized government against President Trump I want you to know something he may be sitting in a New York courtroom with with a sham trial with a political judge whose daughter works for Democrats but I'll tell you right now now president Trump is up 10 points in Georgia because the American people see this for exactly what it is they know what it is and it's it's completely wrong and the fact that our heart our American people's hard- earned tax dollars uh were spent on the January 6th committee with no accountability is wrong too I think democrats should be held accountable for that and the wrongs that they've committed and the fact that Peter Navaro is in jail right now and Steve Bannon may have to go to jail soon and um uh Mr chairman I I would ask that we can go ahead and move forward as soon as possible to hold Meritt Garland in contempt of congress thank you J lady yields does any other member seek recognition Mr Garcia well thank you Mr chairman um tonight has been uh very interesting I want to just take a moment just to put today in context we're here right now at this late hour uh to accommodate the majority's field trip to praise uh their leader and let's not forget that he left office in disgrace yes uh gentle lady from Georgia we are going to talk about uh that Donald Trump who stole classified materials and stored them in his bathroom he was investigated and indicted for his crimes now attorney general Garland set up a parallel investigation of President Biden's handling of classified documents as well and that shows the Department of Justice is actually fair and independent so to oversee this investigation he appointed Robert her a former US attorney handpicked by Donald Trump Robert her found no wrongdoing by President Biden no wrongdoing by President Biden but he chose to smear President Biden with a totally unprofessional and wrong assessment of the president's age and mental sharpness now as we know his assessment about President Biden was wrong because you can literally yourself read the transcript which is over 250 pages long now many of us special Democrats know the president he is sharp he is focused on the big issues he's dealing with large challenges across the world now the majority is hyping up this issue to distract us from the fact that Donald Trump keeps embarrassing himself in public and as much as a gentle lady from Georgia and others may not like it we know that Trump's public statements have been crazy and incoherent for years and we know that he's too tired and sleepy to stay awake through his own criminal trial it's not President Biden who's not sharp it's in fact Donald Trump now let's look at public reporting I'm only going to talk about public reporting his criminal trial started on April 15th and here's a summary of the press reports on his first day of his trial Reuters reported that Trump appeared to doz off during Joy election on April 16th it was reported that Trump dropped his head inside the courtroom keeping his eyes closed before jilt jolting his head upright on April 19th the New York Times reported Trump's eyes remained quote closed for extended periods during the final day of jury selection on April 22nd MSNBC reported that Trump's lawyers were fighting to keep him awake on April 30th NBC and the New York Times reported that Trump not nodded off for significant portions of witness testimony and as we all know basically kept his eyes closed for hours and hours on end on May 9th Trump's eyes remain closed for many minutes and Trump later of course does on and off and the reports go on and on May 13th Trump with a quot asleep during the afternoon session on May 14th a political reporter said Trump slou in his seat and Clos his Out close his eyes and his mouth now here we have a a photo of Donald Trump of course through through some of his trial and I bring this up because it's Donald Trump that's asleep and that's hurting and dividing our country and this attack on on President Biden and his mental acuteness or his his ability or his age is completely just a reason and an excuse for the Republicans to continue to attack President Biden we all know that Donald Trump is the one that's unfit to be president and that's why the majority is so desperate to be here today because they want to help him get elected and hurt President Biden well it's not going to work and with that I yield back gentleman yields back I now recognize myself first to offer an amendment the clerk will distribute the amendment to all members no no we're not done we're not done I'm just going to do an amendment and then then we'll have all the debate we want and I know uh Mr Gman has an amendment he wants to offer Miss Luna has an amendment and first part before the amendment cor Back Time on the yeah we can go back everybody will have an opportunity to talk we're just going to go ahead and do the uh amendment in the nature substitute the the clerk does everyone have a copy okay M miss miss bobbert miss bobbert I will I have to allow people to speak on the uh ANS if if they w't right now so I will recognize you for five minutes thank you Mr chairman uh first I I I just want to apologize to the American people uh I don't think that this is the best use of our our time when we are squabbling it's one thing to have fun and laugh as members of Congress and try to find humor or or some sort of light heartedness in what we are doing um but when things get um as heated as they have it's unfortunately an embarrassment on um our body as a whole and um so I I just want to personally apologize to the American people for that um but we are here to hold attorney Jared uh attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt of congress for ignoring subpoenas and believing that he is above the law we simply want to hear what was said in the interview that was transcribed yes we have the transcriptions but the White House has recently edited President Biden's Mistakes by labeling them quote in audible in transcripts the committee members must be able to assess for themselves that the transcripts accurately reflects the true content of the interviews now the American people fortunate or unfortunate have heard Joe Biden speak for over three years now uh really if you include the campaign about four years and we have witnessed in real time a massive cognitive decline president Trump when he was in office he underwent uh testing for his cognitive dissonance for his ability uh to function as president of the United States as the commander in Chief and unfortunately I haven't seen Joe Biden even read a teleprompter properly properly and get through the reading without also adding in what's in the brackets when he needs to take a pause and there are many things that we could go on here but I want to hear the inflections in Joe Biden's responses when he is answering these questions now on February 27th 2024 the over oversight committee issued a subpoena for relevant information regarding the special council's investigation including the transcript and any recordings of the special council's interviews with President Biden in October of 2023 now to dat the Department of Justice has refused to provide the committee the audio recordings it's a very simple request it can be provided at any time but maybe just maybe this Administration that has tried to cover up so much and tried to physically lift up Joe Biden and keep him upright is hiding even more so we just want to hear how that interview actually went I am in favor of moving forward to hold attorney general merri Garland in contempt of congress I think there are many other things that we need to have him in for and uh and move forward on holding him accountable I mean he's gone after so many American citizens moms and dads who attend Schoolboard meetings uh those of the Catholic faith the doj has been completely weaponized and it's it's very sad for our country uh but this hearing will continue we have many amendments sure there will be much dialogue hopefully there is some decorum on both sides of the aisle and um if in my remaining one minute I could request uh you know every so often Mr Garcia maybe you could just lift up that picture of our our uh president Trump sleeping um as you say I I think he's praying um but if he is sleeping you know certainly looks pretty while he sleeps um May maybe it's an endearing moment of prayer though I I know when I fall asleep on airplanes you know my mouth kind of drops open and you know his mouth is kind of tight lipped so maybe maybe it's just a somber moment of I mean he's sleeping it's been it's been reported by multiple press Outlets I was in the today and I I do um I I could see why someone would fall asleep just like George Conway fell asleep today uh in in the court hearing you know it's kind of slow in there it's not as exciting as the house oversight committee but um I just wanted to say that's a lovely picture you have a president Trump Mr Garcia thank you and I yield gentle lady yields back does any other member wish to speak on the the underlying Mr Goldman thank you Mr chairman um in in preparing for this here this markup I wanted to do a little bit of um work to understand why the oversight committee is trying to hold the Attorney General of the Department of Justice in contempt the oversight committee does not have jurisdiction over the Department of Justice the Judiciary Committee does and I I understand the Judiciary Committee um held a markup of their own today uh on the same exact contemp motion and so I thought oh well let's take a look at the impeachment investigation it must must be coming from that so I looked at the uh impeachment resolution um that was passed on December 13th 20123 hres 918 and it refers to a memorandum dated uh September 27th 2023 from the three chairs that was entitled impeachment inquiry um it's 30 pages long this memorandum and there isn't a single mention of classified documents or special counsel Robert Herr or Joe Biden possessing classified documents and so Mr chairman I would ask what on Earth we are doing here in the oversight committee when we have no jurisdiction to be holding the Attorney General in contempt and I'll happily yield to you if you would like to respond doesn't want to respond I'll respond go ahead Mr we actually set the presedent in my first term our second term in regards to holding Mr holder accountable in contempt in this in this very office or this very committee and yeah but that was related M if I may just reclaim my time that was related to an investigation that this committee was doing what the special counsel her was investigating has nothing to do with anything that this committee is investigating I understand that the impeachment investigation that you all ran was such a massive flop and a bust that you would like to try to distract from that complete humiliation but doing so outside of your jurisdiction is probably not the best way to do it and in reality Not only was this absurdly postponed so uh some people could go prostrate themselves in front of their dear leader today in New York and we are now at 10:00 at night but we have absolutely no reason to be here we have no jurisdiction over this matter it was properly in front of the Judiciary Committee Judiciary Committee will do what they want to do uh over there in the department of justice but it is truly a reflection and unfortunate reflection of how desperate the chairman is to distract from what was a Monumental bust of an impeachment investigation the gentleman yield for question so uh not not quite yet Mr BS I'll get to you thanks um and so I I would I I would urge the chairman to to explain to all of us uh what other than pure distraction from the impeachment investigation that seems to be over now as to why we are here at 10:00 at night marking up something over which we have no jurisdiction Mr Bigs happy to yield to you thank thanks so much and my I guess my question is on your jurisdiction um position your position that we that we like jurisdiction I'm wondering if um you would take if what you think of rule 10 of uh of of the committee's jurisdiction and also well and also I don't have rule 10 memorized Mr B we'll take a look at it because it it says in let me let me let me see if I can just give you a SL go ahead and read it just like you can read the transcript yeah well I would prefer actually seeing the audio of the transcript hearing the audio of the transcript any anything at any time that's that's the language that's used in Ru 10 take a look it might be helpful when you're making a lack of jurisdiction argument the other thing is what is anything at any time Mr take a look in rule 10 I think you'll change your position let me ask you this other question with the gentleman y well I reclaim my time and yeld to Mr uh I want to thank the gentleman from New York for his uh trenchant remarks here um would you think it's fair to say that it's not only way outside of our jurisdiction but it's also redundant given that the Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction has has already acted well of course this is already going to go to the house floor regardless of whatever we do so it's a uh it's a it's a shame that this committee feels so desperate to latch on to some victory that we need to hold a completely redundant unnecessary markup over something that we have no jurisdiction Mr chairman I gentleman's time expired does anyone El seek recognition am I uh we have we have some amendments to be offered can we start with the amend process is everybody okay with that I will begin I recognize myself to First offer an amendment the clerk will distribute the amendment to all members everyone have my Amendment the clerk will please designate the amendment Amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to the contempt report as offered by Mr comr of Kentucky without objection the amendment is considered as read order I recognize myself for five minutes to explain the amendment great and I reserve a point of order against the amendment thank you as I said in my opening remarks today the Department of Justice informed the committee that President Biden is asserting executive privilege over the audio recordings of his interviews with special counsel her until today the White House had not asserted any privilege and in fact bragged that President Biden had not asserted executive privilege in the interest of transparency my Amendment simply amends the contempt report to reflect that the White House has now asserted a priv regarding these recordings though I believe this is a miscalculated and invalid assertion of executive privilege my Amendment would make the contemp report reflect today's developments from the Department of Justice and the White House and reflect the record as of today do any other members wish to speak on this amendment if not yes Mr chairman of chair recognizes Mr Goan th this is the part of the problem what you you can't give the Republicans nice things because it's never enough and it is true that the President Biden has not uh has not asserted executive privilege over the entire subpoena effectively that they responded to but for the audio which is redundant because you have the information there's no point in having the audio other than for political partisan purposes and I understand how my colleagues get irritated because every time uh you bring up something about President Biden we bring up something about President Trump but the reason we do is because in every single circumstance what president Trump did was so egregious compared to what President Biden May or may not have done Donald Trump asserted executive privilege over everything over just about everything while he was President it was a re reflex of his and here you're complaining that Joe Biden finally asserted executive privilege over material that you cannot possibly enumerate a legitimate legislative purpose about there is not one you cannot nobody can tell me I know you say that what the intonation is is why you need this but I can assure you every court of law would tell you that the intonation of the voice as opposed to the words on the page is not a legitimate legislative purpose M Mr chairman would you yield to me Mr chairman I think it's you is it mr's time oh I'm sorry I thought I thought you had yielded Mr Gold no that's that's okay um so I I I do think that the executive privilege is assertion is yet another reason why the contempt motion fails uh as it has previously and that there has been contempt proceedings have been called off when administrations the last Administration has asserted executive privilege if you would like to challenge the executive privilege you may do so you may go to court but to hold the attorney General in contempt over something that the president has asserted executive privilege is completely illegal and improper so in addition to the jurisdictional problem you also have an executive privilege problem because you can't hold someone in contempt for something they have no control over whether it's asserted executive privilege you're welcome to go to court you can go to court and challenge the assertion of executive privilege that has happened before Don MC has a very well-known case now that was litigated because he asserted ex uh the president asserted executive privilege over him but this is a legitimate use of executive privilege and if you disagree go to court but this contempt hearing and this contempt motion has is completely nullified by the assertion of executive privilege with the gentleman yield yes I yield to Mr Rasin and thank you again for your clarifying analysis of the contemp citations some of our colleagues uh invoked the cases of Dan scavino and Peter Navaro and Steve Bannon we're talking about people in those cases who never produced a single document and never spent a minute before the committee they completely blew off their subpoenas which is why they were held in contempt by the Congress and then they were uh subjected to criminal prosecution for it now you compare that to the case of the Attorney General the United States who produced precisely the document that was being sought all 250 pages of it then there's a bait and switch and then it said oh well no now we want the audio tape he has a very reasonable invocation I assume of executive privilege although I haven't looked at it but in any event not not anything that you would base a criminal arrest upon given that he overwhelmingly complied with the demands of the committee and I think everybody's got to concede that um and if you want to make the argument splitting hairs that well through some intonation or accent in the audio tape that a high crime in misdemeanor might emerge then please make that argument if somebody could even offer us a hypothetical of how we could ground this in the jurisdictional authority and the legitimate exercise of power of this committee explain how the audio tape could reveal some intonation or accent that would produce the Holy Grail that you've been looking for for 18 or 19 months which is a high crime misdemeanor and so far nobody's uttered a peep about it thank you for yielding Mr Gman I yield back gentlemen time's expired the question is on the amendment offered by the chair Miss Crockett thank you Mr chairman you know the the point of deciding that we need to release this audio is is really simple from my analysis um this is an opportunity for your party to to take an opportunity to try to mock the current president I know a lot of people refer to the former president as president but we have one president at a time and that is Joe Biden and seemingly this type of attitude and position has come straight from the top um this idea of lacking all decorum decency has left the building when the Cinch of Donald Trump showed up um and so we've seen constantly from him how he mocks people we've seen in this committee how different members want to mock other members and that's all this is about but what is so frustrating to me and what should be frustrating to the American people and the reason that really all y'all should lose y'all's jobs but why we are going to take the majority is simple is because we showed up ready to work earlier today like we always do and now it is current ly 10 p.m. and we are still here because we are committed to doing the right thing and my question is really simple it's a matter of if this was such a big deal if it was a matter of an emergency if this was so important as it relates to whether or not the president of the United States has done something so wrong then why is it that we couldn't have our hearing at 11:00 this morning instead of members being in a criminal Courthouse house with a twice impeached over 88 count indicted sexual abuser instead of being here to do the work of the American people if this was serious this is the reason that people don't believe that we are doing serious ask State your point my my point of order is this we just we we we she just engaged in personalities about a former president which we you can't engage with a former just reviewed the rules and and and know that it's true if you were on the flooor you would be admonished you know that not the rules that's not the rules would not be entertained announcement that engaging in person Mr chairman I'll further say if this happened on the floor you would be admonished by the your point is is correct no no you made an in this circumstance you made an announcement I believe that points of order about insulting presidents or former presidents are not in order in this hearing because you're I I take it you're going after Joe Biden and so I gave it to okay all right I think you carved out an exception to that rule okay point of order overruled Miss Crockett finish please I'll yield the remainder of my time to thank you would would my friend yield to me yes I'll yield the REM I thank the gentle lady you know originally we have a motion the an an ANS to to hold the Attorney General in contempt because he did not produce one item an audio tape of the transcripts that were provided in full and we decided apparently that that was what we were going to do because we're not sure about our chances in the court of law which is really where this needs to be adjudicated now we have an amendment to the ANS taking cognizance of the development today in which the the White House not an unusual development and not always Justified invokes executive privilege now that is as old as the Republic in fact the first president to invoke executive privilege was George Washington who did not want to provide uh documents regarding the J treaty because it was controversial and might embarrass the White House um and we have had ups and downs with respect to executive privilege ever since but the proper venue for adjudicating this is in a court of law it isn't this committee and so now this amendment to the amendment is essentially holding a attorney general in contempt because they're invoking executive privilege to protect uh information they they choose not to provide the Congress um and I find that a very narrow basis and I can understand why you don't want to have this adjudicated in the court of law because I don't know that any judge would find that we have substantial reason uh to hold somebody in contempt for non-compliance I thank the general lady for yielding you yield back I Y the remainer for theing member um then I yield back to you m then I yield thank the question is now on the amendment offered by the chairman all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed signify by saying no no in the opinion of the chair the eyes have it and the amendment is agreed to recorded vote Please Mr chairman uh recorded vote has been requested by ranking member Rasin as pre okay uh the clerk will call the role a record okay a f a recorded vote is ordered uh can't do elect what hold on further proed postp okay as as previously announced further proceedings on the question will be postponed Mr chairman parliamentary inquiry yes Mr I think an actual one which is rare uh would it be a proper motion for me to make this is an important Amendment offered by the chairman of the committee would it be a proper motion for me to make that we hold a vote on this specific Amendment immediately and not roll it to the end would that be a proper motion for me to make is in order that is yeah that motion is in order you want to I I would make that motion motion and second all those in favor of the motion to proce okay do we have to vote on we'll go okay to with the what what's the motion okay all right the clerk will call the vote on the amendment motion no it was a request okay all right Mr Jordan Mr Jordan votes yes Mr Turner Mr gosar yes Mr gosar votes yes Miss Fox Mr growman Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes yes Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes I Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes yes Mr sessions Mr sessions votes I Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes I miss mace Miss mace votes I Mr lerer Mr lerer votes I Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes I Mr Donalds Mr Donald's votes yes Mr Perry Mr Perry votes I Mr Timmons Mr Timmons votes I Mr burett Mr burett votes I miss green Miss green votes I miss mlan Miss bobert Miss bobbert votes I Mr Fry Mr Fry votes I miss Luna Miss Luna votes I Mr Langworthy Mr Langworthy votes I Mr burles Mr Burleson votes I Mr Waltz Mr Rasin nope Mr Rasin votes no Miss Norton no no Miss Norton votes no Mr Lynch Mr Lynch votes no Mr Connelly nay Mr Connelly votes nay Mr Krishna morthy Mr Conor Mr mfum no Mr mfume votes no Miss acasio Cortez Miss acasio CZ votes no Miss Porter Miss Porter votes no Miss bush Miss Brown Miss Brown votes no Miss Stansbury Miss Stansbury votes no Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes no Mr Frost Mr Frost votes no Miss Lee Miss Lee votes no Mr casar Mr casar votes no Miss Crockett no Miss Crockett votes no Mr Goldman no Mr Goldman votes no Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes no Miss TB Miss TB votes no Miss Presley Miss Miss Presley votes no Mr chairman yes uh how has Dr Fox been recorded Dr Fox is not yet recorded what about Miss Fox votes I grman has he been recorded Mr growman is not recorded Mr growman votes I how's Mr Waltz been recorded Mr Walt is not recorded Mr Waltz votes Mr Christ Mor been recorded Mr Christ morthy is not recorded I vote no Mr Krishna morthy votes no does any other member wish to vote seeing none will the clerk please report the tally Mr chairman your vote I voted yes Mr chairman votes yes Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 24 the Nays are 19 the eyes have it and the motion is uh the amendment is adopted Mr chairman yes uh I have an amendment at the desk chair recognizes uh Miss Luna has it been distributed will the clerk please report the amendment reserve a p of point of order Mr chairman before the before the clerk wrote you have a point of order Mr I'm just reserving it okay reserv it clerk please report the amendment Amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to the contempt report as offered by Miss Luna of Florida without that objection the amendment is considered as read I reserve a point of order the gentle lady from Florida Miss Luna is recognized for five minutes to explain the amendment um I wanted to offer this amendment because I like so many Americans have frankly lost faith in the justice system and there was some comments made earlier by my colleague Mr Goldman who I actually very much so enjoying debating with on this committee um he said that oversight did not have authority in regards to contempt proceedings and during my time off for maternity um after I was told that I could not vote I actually spent that time reading the house rule book and manual and there's something that hasn't been used since the early 1900s called inherent contempt of congress it's actually something that anyone individual member reserves um as their right and Authority in the House of Representatives and the reason why we're here today is because the Attorney General thought he was above the law and did not comply not just with one subpoena but with two subpoenas those are subpoenas from both chairman Jordan and chairman comr I want to read this to you because ultimately if in 10 days the Department of Justice does not do their job and hold the Attorney General responsible just like they would any other American I think that it should be our job in the House of Representatives to being an to bring an inherent contempt proceeding against the Attorney General of which I've already filed that privileged motion um over a week ago and so although I realized that my Democrat colleagues might have an issue with this and I'm willing to retract the amendment I would like to read it real quickly in saying that resolved that if in 10 days after the passage of this report the Department of Justice had failed to indict attorney general Garland the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall issue his warrant commanding the sergeant in- arms uh or his duty to take into custody the body of the said attorney general Garland wherever found and bring him to the said attorney general Garland before the are of the House of Representatives then and there to provide documents materials and answer such questions pertinent to the matter under inquiry as the House of Representatives May order the Speaker of the House of Representatives to propound and to keep the said attorney general Garland in custody to await further orders of the House of Representatives this is something that we reserve as an authority in order to bring back order to a house that has seemed to have forgotten it and so with that chairman I just wanted to let you all know as my colleagues because I'm sure we will debate this on the floor I fully intend in 10 days after this passes out to of committee to hold attorney general Garland an inherent contempt of congress if the Department of Justice does not do their job and with that chairman I'm going to withdraw my Amendment and thank you Mr chairman I have a question on the I I thank the lady for withdrawing uh for raising this issue and please note that she withdrew her Amendment now I understand okay we're going to suspend for one moment how many e e e okay the committee will reconvene I understand Mr Goldman you have an amendment I do Mr will the clerk please report Amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to the contempt report as offered by Mr Goldman of New York without objection the amendment is considered as r i reserve a point of order the gentleman from New York is recognized for 5 minutes to explain his Amendment thank you uh Mr chairman um this amendment details uh and enumerates exactly what the subpoena requested and exactly what the Department of Justice has done in response to that subpoena and I will summarize that The subpoena of February 12th requested all documents and Communications including audio and video recordings related to the special council's interview of President Biden as well as the special council's interview of Mark zitzer who is The Ghostwriter of President Biden's book or books uh three the documents identified as A9 and A10 in appendant a of Mr her's report and for all Communications between or among representatives of the Department of Justice including the the office of special counsel the Executive Office of the President and President Biden's personal counsel referring or relating to Mr her's report obviously it goes almost without saying that that last request is uh completely improper would be deliberative process and executive privilege although I don't think they uh determined executive privilege but uh there is no basis for Congress to get internal Communications within the Department of Justice about to decisions they have made um and if you have any question about that you should go refer back to your favorite former president and his administration which they where they use that repeatedly in response to the subpoena the special counsel or rather the Department of Justice provided the unredacted report as you know the transcripts of the interviews of President Biden and Mr zitzer provide did the documents identified as A9 and A10 so really the only thing that could even be considered as a legitimate request that the Department of Justice uh withheld is the audio recording of the two interviews about which there already is a transcript and so the question that that this amendment begs is if the majority thinks that giving substantially the entire subpoena response responding with substantially everything that the subpoena uh asks for is warrant's contempt of congress what does the majority think about somebody who I don't know refuses to respond to a subpoena all together maybe chairman Jordan has a response to that Mr BS Mr Perry because I'm pretty sure that they each received duy authorized subpoenas and I appreciate that the gentle gentlem Georgia in one sec I will I appreciate that the the gentle lady I will one second the gentle lady from Georgia uh with her esteemed uh legal knowledge determined that the January 6th committee was not a legitimate committee when unfortunately a number of actual courts of law determined that it was so those subpoenas to members of Congress were duly authorized subpoenas and if Merrick Garland is going to be held in contempt and is going to be threatened with inherent contempt and sent to uh a non-existent jail in the basement of the Congress then what is going to happen to those Witnesses who just outright defy Congressional subpoenas because I do think that the majority ought to be careful about the precedent that it sets because Miss Luna I am happy happy to reinstitute right now with you inherent contempt and I can assure you that when you consult with the rest of your party nobody will want it because it will be much much worse for you than for the Democrats gentl I'm happy to yield yes um I just like to point out that inherent contempt or contempt as my understanding can't be brought forward in a new Congress even if it's been a past violation I know because I actually inquired on Coen today oh I'm I'm not I'm not suggesting that we bring in contempt to clarify for any past subpoenas I'm talking about the precedent that you are are you are you now willing to yield Mr Mr thank you thank you for yielding to me first of all you made a per personal reference again to Mr Jordan about Mr Jordan about myself and about Mr Perry which we had agreed that we wouldn't do but I'm going to respond to you we asserted that we had not received service and that's how we responded your response is that you didn't receive service of the subpoena I just want to be clear that's why you didn't comply gentleman's time expired gentleman's time expired I thought so I'll yield do any other members wish to speak on the Goldman Amendment M chair recognize Mr Fry from South Carolina for five minutes thank you Mr chairman I oppose uh this amendment by Mr Goldman Mr Goldman's amendment is just an attempt to distract from the very obvious and clear fact that the attorney general has failed to comply with that duly issued subpoena the US court of appeals for the district court has stated that the level of grave accusations that a president may have committed treason bribery or other high crimes of misdemeanors the house must be appropriately informed Mr Goldman's Amendment completely ignores the fact that audio recordings as he knows as a lawyer are material to understand the full context of President Biden's mishandling of classified documents his credibility as a witness and his Fitness to serve as president of the United States quite simply the attorney general has not complied with two subpoenas Mr Goldman's Amendment completely distracts from that obvious fact and I'll remind my colleagues that a subpoena is not a menu it's not an ocart menu that you can choose what you comply with or not you either produce the requested materials or you don't and when Mr Goldman was with the Department of Justice he probably didn't allow criminal defendants to pick and choose what subpoenas they were going to comply with and so it just simply put this amendment is just about helping President Biden hide in a basement but by other means will you the gentleman yield uh no sir gentleman Tom expired do or yielded back do any other members Mr Conley thank you Mr chairman I I just the gentleman from South Carolina just implied more than implied that the president ofit that there's evidence the president of the United States committed High crimes and misdemeanors the her report finds otherwise he in fact found no grounds for proceeding that may be an unpleasant fact but it is a fact in addition there is no Committee in this Congress that has found the president of the United States guilty of high crimes or misdemeanors nor is the president currently the subject of the charge he is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors gentlem so if we're going to take care in invoking president's names and characterizing them their circumstances or their legal standing let's at least stick to the facts I yield back Mr will gentlemen y I'm sorry I yield first to the ranking member thank you Mr Conley um and I want to further clarify this issue for uh for our colleague because I did have some familiarity with these contemp motions now when the January 6 committee whose legality and constitutionality was repeatedly upheld by the DC circuit and no court ever rejected it um issued uh subpoenas and request to testify hundreds of people cooperated more than 900 people did what the vast majority of Americans do you get a subpoena you go and you testify if you get a subpoena for documents you turn over the documents there was a tiny handful of people who blew off the subpoenas some of them uh claimed to be invoking executive privilege even when Donald Trump didn't invoke executive privilege some of them were not even working for the government when they purported to uh invoke executive privilege and they were referred for contempt motions and voted that way and then prosecutions were brought only against those people who categorically didn't participate I'll give you an example of someone who kind of uh did the Hokey pokei he was sort of in and sort of out and that was Paul maniford um and uh he participated some and then some not there were some other Witnesses who were kind of Mark Meadows that's who I'm thinking of Mark Meadows is the one who turned over a whole bunch of stuff and then I we understand Donald Trump wasn't pleased and he stopped cooperating but he was never held for contempt because he had at least partially complied okay so now you're talking about the Attorney General of the United States who's invoked executive privilege for one very small part of the overall subpoena but has materially substantially and overwhelmingly complied in this case by turning over the entire document that was subpoena which was the president's testimony and now people are talking about invoking the inherent power of contempt of congress which hasn't been used in more than a century to go and arrest him because you didn't get the audio tape will the gentleman y please for a quick question sure actually it's my time oh I'm sorry and I yield to the ranking member thank you I would just to complete my gentle I'll just complete my point and I'll I'll yield back to the very distinguished gentleman from Virginia so um I I think that our colleagues should really think about what they're talking about here um you understand that when he was president Donald Trump invoked executive privilege and cut off all cooperation with legislative committees in more than a 100 cases you're saying he could have been arrested a hundred times and thrown into jail and don't bury your faces and your phones I mean I just want you to follow the principle of your argument that Congress can throw anyone in jail if there's the gentlemen y well I'll yield back to my distinguish I would yield to the gentlem yes I think the whole point of this and and this is not tit fortat this is a very serious thing that Congress used to be respected we are no longer respected because people do not respect our Authority and so the inherent contempt Clause I'm not I'm not hoping that he's thrown in jail what I'm saying is that he's violated a law something that we have as a privilege and as a result of that any other American would be in trouble or in jail because of it and reclaiming my time I want to General lady to know that on the principle of inherent contempt I actually agree I believe that the courts are too slow in enforcing Congressional subpoenas and therefore the work of the legislative body is impeded but that begs the question of whether there are serious grounds in which to bring a contempt citation and if we're going to if we're going to use that power we'd better use it very carefully and thoughtfully and I do not believe this proceeding against Merck Garland meets that criteria but thank you for the point gentlemen times expired chair now recognizes Mr Jordan for five minutes I think theair um independent and impartial that's what they told us Attorney General of the United States says we will administer Justice in an impartial fashion the White House said we'll let the justice department operate in an independent fashion the key question for this committee the key question for the Judiciary Committee earlier today was was the decision not to prosecute President Biden consistent with that commitment that President Biden and attorney general Garland gave the country it's key question for the Congress when we're doing our oversight Trump was charged Biden was n we know that's the case was their commitment to impartiality and Independence was that what was actually going on particularly when you look at what Robert her found page one of his report our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained willfully disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen so he met the elements of the crime he kept information he wasn't allowed to keep he shared information he wasn't n allowed to share now why would he do that well guess what Robert her told us that too page 231 of the report he says it right here Mr Biden had strong motivations to ignore the proper procedures for safeguarding classified material he had decided months before to write a book so he had motive the motive was the book he wrote for which he got paid by the way $8 million in advance so he had an $8 million motive he met the elements of the crime but he's not being charged and one of the things we have to evaluate as Congress the legislative branch is are they administering Justice in a fair and equal fashion it's a fair question and the best way to determine that is to get all the evidence and the best evidence the best evidence the purest evidence would be the audio tape the transcript's great I would argue he's already waved privilege when he gave us the transcript but we want the audio tape because that's the best evidence that's the best evidence we can have as the body who's supposed to do oversight it's part of our constitutional Duty and in order to do that we should get the best that is the simple question we can get all the other fights we get into in Congress God bless us that's how it goes but to me that's the fundamental question the elements of the crime were met both of them he knowingly and by the way he knew the rules he'd only been in government 50 years chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vice president the United States getting a daily briefing intelligence briefing all the time he knew the rules didn't follow them shared them with the Ghost Rider did it for $8 million but wasn't charged why why because Mr H said he's forgetful elderly gentleman that's what he told us so we want to evaluate it all and the best way to do that is to get all the evidence that's all this is about plain and simple I yield back gentleman yields back chair I recognize Mr stanbury from New Mexico thank you Mr chairman uh I would like to make some points for the record on this amendment and on this proceeding this evening and I want to start off by first saying to my colleagues across the aisle welcome back to Washington D.C I know it's late and I know a bunch of you have been traveling you were on the road today and I know you must be tired uh you all were visiting Donald Trump's trial today to defend his porn star hush money case and in fact we have some cute pictures of you here today and I they are some cute pictures so congratulations and also some from the last few days and looks like you guys had a good time in the courtroom today but you know I don't know the speaker looks a little bit stressed here I mean it's a lot right to ask someone who's facing a criminal trial and running for president to ask his political allies to travel over 200 miles on a voting day here in Congress to pop up to New York and snap some cute pictures to defend him because the judge has ordered him to stop stop threatening the jurors in his own trial I mean some might actually view this as direct interference in a criminal court case it's not exactly Law and Order as our friends like to talk about all the time but I want to just take a moment to let you all know what you missed today while you were up in New York you missed some votes yeah you weren't here you didn't you didn't show up for votes you didn't vote on some of the bills that you claimed were your priorities some of your Public Safety and Border bills I mean I can see you had some important business to take care of here today and as the ranking member noted the chairman did manage to find time today after they canceled the hearing this morning to have his political fundraising team send out this fundraising email and I do genuinely hope you made some good money off of it because you know we're not actually supposed to use the resources that the taxpayers uh Fund in this committee to fund raise off of but it does really make you wonder why we're sitting here here at 10:30 at night after this is the activities that the GOP were engaged in earlier today when we were supposed to be having this hearing these fundraising emails went out why are we here why are we using taxpayer official resources in this committee right now I mean could it be political I mean it would make sense why you guys rescheduled and Skip votes and went up to to New York and here we are and if there's any indication that this impeachment scheme is in its flop era I mean I don't know what is this committee has spent 17 months reviewing 3.8 million pages of documents 3.8 million pages of documents 80 hours of recorded testimony and not turned up a single shred of evidence in this impeachment scheme and yet you still had time to go to Donald Trump's trial where he's about to be convicted and so you know I think it's very clear what all of this is about the GOP is using this committee and its resources to make countless misleading and false statements to try to spin a political narrative to fundraise off of it in a blatantly partisan effort to support Donald Trump's reelection and I mean if you need any evidence it's right here behind me so I thought it was important to really set the record straight on this this is not a taxpayer funded campaign effort and if you needed any evidence that that is what the majority is involved in here I think it's very clear that that is what this hearing is all about or we wouldn't be sitting here at 10:30 at night night after your little field trip and with that I yield back chair now recognizes Mr Bigs thank thank you Mr Mr chairman and uh this this hearing started off tonight with a a crazy satire and and uh with the condescending presentation we just received it just continues and perpetuates so I'm glad we actually had an agreement that we were going to tone it down uh this is why you can't we it's tough to make deals with my colleagues across the aisle yeah they they they condescend they call out individuals and they don't go to the issues that's why it's tough folks that's why it's tough and you wonder why U but here let's let's take a look at a few things here it wasn't that the her count special councel her did not find that criminal activity had taken place as Mr Jordan just pointed out on page two um we found out that uh the president Biden when he was after after he left the vice presidency he unlawfully return retained and uh disclosed classified information but he wasn't prosecuted that's what you guys you guys can flate that he wasn't charged and you say oh see he didn't do anything wrong no that's not true he did something wrong but Mr her made a prosecutorial decision he said well you know he's a he's this is a feeble old man with a poor memory and you know what going to be tough to actually convict now the attorney general has received a subpoena and this this amendment by by uh the gentleman from New York basically says including audio and video recordings and we're told gee if he substantially s complied whoop that's great that's all you have to do but we actually had a great example earlier this evening why you just might want to have the oral transcript you just might wanted to have that oral audio recording what what was it you remember nobody could successfully identify and isolate what and remember what Miss green said exactly and so we went to there and and and this comment was well the best that we could determine but you know what might have helped an audio recording and that's why an audio recording becomes valuable in this particular case as well now yes the best evidence the evidence now the uh the President Biden has now asserted executive privilege which is no longer available to him because he waved executive privilege when he actually provided the written transcript he also went well past the deadline he's he should have when the subpoena was due that's when he should have he should have made that assertion he chose not to and that's that's part of his problem and then I think of the Mitchell case and and if you remember the USV Mitchell case President Nixon was trying to get by with turning over what some part of the written transcript this is the written transcript this is what you should have and the US Supreme Court said no turn over the audio recordings that's what happened in the USV missal case um next thing here when we get to the uh the jurisdiction oh my goodness goodness gracious we don't have jurisdiction um actually we do rule 104 C uh C2 take a look at that in addition to its duties under sub paragraph 1 the committee on oversight and accountability May at any time conduct investigations of any matter without regard to Clause 1 two3 of this Clause confering jurisdiction over the matter to another standing committee that means we can have jurisdiction over darn near anything and we've claimed jurisdiction that means we can go forward with it what else you got uh let's see here oh goodness gracious it was late it's late why we here it's late you know why it's late you know why we're here because the time for this hearing was set for 8:00 p.m. properly properly noticed that is all right and you know what I've actually been in committees that have started late after votes when my Democrat when the Democrats had control and we went through to midnight 1 2 in the morning when Democrats were sitting in the chair that's so I I don't feel bad about that so what you have here is the Democrats conflating executive privilege as well as the contempt but the issue that they fail to understand is that the full compliance of the subpoena required disclosure of the audio recordings it's right here in this proposed amendment so what would happen if you had a deposition and you and you did both a a a video and uh recording and a written transcript do you think the Court's going to say hey look you can have one but not the other no that's probably not going to happen all so time's expired time's expired I think Miss Crockett seeks recognition thank you Mr chairman I do want to make sure that we uh point out some obvious differences um in what the majority is talking about number one talking about an interview that was voluntarily done by the sitting president of the United States versus someone who is obstructed um at every angle in fact is continually obstructing to the extent that we are waiting on the Supreme Court to give us a ruling on whether or not it's okay for him to commit his crimes while sitting in the Oval Office and be excused for them so we've got trials all over the place that are on hold because of the continual obstruction the difference in the documents case between the former president and the current president could not be any clearer we absolutely didn't have mounds of documents sitting in someone's bathroom versus some that have been stored in a garage but also it's this level of voluntariness and so for those that aren't lawyers in the room typically we look to something that is called mens rea and mens rea is always talking about a level of intent and there are various levels of intent and so while someone may be negligent that may not necessarily rise to the level of criminality but when someone is being intentional by making sure that they get rid of the video footage they lie to their lawyers they lie to um those officials that are coming and inquiring of them that that is why you then end up facing criminal charges but I also just want to make it clear because it seems like uh when we talk about conflating that those in this legislative body really want to be more so on the Judiciary side of things they really sound like they want to enforce various things they want to enforce the law they want to somehow decide over what has already been decided that the president of the the United States should be charged with a crime and I guess somehow they're going to figure out a way to charge the president but I do want to remind this committee and the chairman that since one of the 118th since day one of the 118th Congress which is now over 17 months the majority has wasted the committee's resources time and quite frankly the sanity of members and staff on a sham impeachment investigation that has failed to produce one legitimate piece of evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden and the quote unquote evidence our chair and majority used as his basis to try to impeach the president was the FD 1023 form that is since found to have information from an individual who was fed lied by Russian Assets Now I know the chairman and the majority on this committee know how to read and so in fact we heard from a member that she has read through all the rules so I'm not really sure why reading this transcript is so difficult but members and staff on both sides of the aisle have combed through over 3.8 million pages of documents and 80 hours of testimony for nearly 20 Witnesses scouring all of this material to try to find any evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden below and behold there never was any because there clearly is none because if there was our chairman would have moved forward with a vote to impeach in this committee the American people want the truth and the truth is that every member on this committee has access to the 250 pages of transcript of what the president said during his voluntary sitdown for questioning with the special counsel but maybe my colleagues on the other side of the aisle simply want the audiobook version of the transcript because they have nothing better to do than to listen to it on repeat on their train ride to and from Trump's criminal trial and vep's Stakes tryouts by the way we love the matching red ties will the tenal yield I will thank you very much I just wanted to uh make a point in answer to the distinguished chairman of the Judiciary Committee the special councel in this case on page 97 says and I quote the published book is not known to contain classified information special counsil was very clear that President Biden did not retain or use classified documents in order to sell his book and you might not like the conclusions of the special counsel who was a republican appointed by President Trump but those were his conclusions and either you stand by the rule of law or you don't stand by the rule of law um and all of us have the transcript to read and all of it bears that out there was no intention by President Biden to exploit any classified documents I you back gentle gentle ladies time's expired chiz Mr lerer from Kansas Mr chairman I moved the previous question uh motion to uh move to previous question I object I second the motion motion and second it's non-debatable okay and uh all those in favor right let's have a recorded vote if we could motion is not debatable uh shall the main question be now put those in favor of moving to previous question signified by saying I all those opposed signify by saying no no in the opinion shair the eyes have it the previous question is ordered I'd like a recorded vote if we could Mr a recorded vote is ordered the clerk will call the rooll Mr Jordan Mr Turner Mr gosar Mr goar vote yes Miss Fox Mr growman Mr growman votes yes Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes yes Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes I Mr Higgins Mr sessions Mr sessions votes I Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes I miss mace Miss mace votes I Mr lerer Mr lerer votes I Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes I Mr Donald's Mr Donald's votes yes Mr Perry Mr Perry votes I Mr Timmons Mr Timmons votes I Mr burett Mr burett votes I miss green Miss green votes I Miss mlan Miss bobert Miss bobert votes I Mr Fry Mr Fry votes I miss Luna Miss Luna votes I Mr Langworthy Mr Langworthy votes I Mr B burles Mr burles votes I Mr Waltz Mr Rasin Mr chairman to be clear this is a motion on the previous question to cut off all debate in all amendments is that right that is correct okay and including the pending uh the pending Amendment or no pending Amendment so we would vote on the pending Amendment or we would not yes we'll vote on the pending Amendment okay I um I my vote is no never seen this done in this Committee in eight years by either the Democrats or the Republicans I I vote no on the motion the previous question no Mr Rasin votes no Miss Norton no Miss Norton votes no Mr Lynch no Mr Lynch votes no Mr Connelly nay Mr Connelly votes nay Mr Krishna Mory Mr cona Mr mfum no Mr MF votes no Miss acasio Cortez no Miss acassio Cortez votes no Miss Porter no Miss Porter votes no Miss bush Miss Brown Miss Brown votes no Miss stanbury Miss Stansbury votes no Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes no Mr Frost Mr Frost votes no Miss Lee no Miss Lee votes no Mr casar no Mr casar votes no Miss Crockett no Miss Crockett votes no Mr Goldman Mr Goldman votes no Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes no Miss TB Miss TB votes no Miss Presley Miss Presley votes no Mr chairman Mr chairman votes yes how is Mr Waltz recorded Mr Waltz is not recorded Mr Waltz votes yes how is Dr Fox recorded good Miss Fox is not recorded and how is Fox votes yes Mr Christa Mor recorded Mr Christa morthy is not recorded no Mr Christa morthy votes no how is Mr Higgins recorded Mr Higgins is not recorded Mr Higgins votes yes have all members been recorded yeah Mr chairman would you just explain why you invoked that because that hasn't happened in 70 years in this committee will the clerk please report Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 23 the Nays are 19 the move to previous question passes the question is now on the pending Amendment from Mr Goldman all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed signify by saying no no in the opinion of the chair the NOS have it and the amendment is not agreed to request recorded vote a request for recorded vote has been requested will the clerk please call the role this is on the Goldman Amendment Mr Jordan Mr Turner Mr goar Mr gosar votes no Miss Fox Miss Fox votes no crazy Mr growman Mr growman votes no Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes no Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes nay Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes no Mr sessions vot Mr sessions votes no Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes no Miss mace Miss mace votes no Mr lerer that's good for you Mr lerer votes no Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes no Mr Donalds Mr Donalds votes no Mr Perry Mr Perry votes nay Mr Timmons it's not enough Mr Timmons votes no I Mr burett I I could have predicted that whose name were you on Mr burett Mr burett actually Mr burett votes no Miss green oh really yeah Miss green votes no Miss mlan what did they say Miss bobbert are you an a guy or what Miss bobert votes no Mr Fry amay a price my support Mr Fry votes no Miss Luna I will insist inning Miss Luna votes no Mr Langworthy saying the right Mr Langworthy votes no Mr Burleson Mr burles votes no Mr Waltz Mr Waltz votes no Mr Rasin I Mr Rasin votes I miss Norton yes Miss Norton votes yes Mr Lynch Mr Lynch votes I Mr Connelly I Mr Connelly votes I Mr Krishna morthy I Mr Krishna morthy votes I Mr cona Mr mfum I Mr mfume votes I miss acasio Cortez I miss acasio Cortez votes I miss Porter I miss Porter votes I miss bush Miss Brown Miss Brown votes yes Miss Stansbury Miss Stansbury votes yes Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes yes Mr Frost Mr Frost votes yes Miss Lee Miss Lee votes yes Mr casar Mr casar votes yes Miss Crockett Miss Crockett votes yes Mr Goldman Mr Goldman votes yay Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes yes Miss toib Miss TB votes yes Miss Presley Miss Presley votes yes Mr chairman Mr chairman vot votes no has Mr Perry been recorded Mr Perry is recorded as no have any other members not been recorded seeing none will the clerk report the tally Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 19 the Nays are 23 the Goldman Amendment fails the question is now on the amendment in the nature of a substitute to the report all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed signify by saying no no in the opinion of the chair the eyes have it the amendment in the nature of a substitute to the report is agreed to recorded on the ANS yeah okay we're not allowed to bring in any other amendments no we've had deals that have you hasn't happened in 70 years 70 years we have had we have tried to negotiate with you and you've not done it a recorded vote is ordered on the ANS will the clerk please report Mr Jordan it's it's Mr Turner I don't know but they say we can't Mr gosar Mr gosar votes yes Miss Fox Miss Fox votes yes Mr growman Mr growman votes yes Mr Cloud Mr Cloud votes yes Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes I I Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes yes Mr sessions Mr sessions votes I Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes yes Miss mace Miss mace votes yes Mr lerer Mr lerer votes yes Mr f Mr Fallon votes yes Mr Donald's Mr Donald's votes yes Mr Perry yes Mr Perry votes yes Mr Timmons Mr Timmons votes yes Mr burett Mr burett votes I miss green Miss green votes I miss mlan miss bobert Miss bobert votes I Mr Fry Mr Fry votes I miss Luna Miss Luna votes I Mr Langworthy Mr Langworthy votes I Mr burles Mr Burleson votes I Mr Waltz Mr Waltz votes I Mr Rasin no Mr Rasin votes no Miss Norton no Miss Norton votes no Mr Lynch Mr Lynch votes no Mr Connelly nay Mr Connelly votes nay Mr morthy Mr Krishna morthy votes nay Mr cona Mr mfum no Mr mfum votes no Miss acassio Cortez no Miss acassio Cortez votes no Miss Porter no Miss Porter votes no Miss bush Miss Brown Miss Miss Brown votes no Miss Stansbury Miss Stansbury votes no Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes no Mr Frost Mr Frost votes no Miss Lee Miss Lee votes no Mr casar Mr casar votes no Miss Crockett no Miss Crockett votes no Mr Goldman Mr Goldman votes no Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes no Miss TB Miss TB votes no Miss Presley Miss Presley votes no Mr chairman yes m Mr chairman votes yes have any members failed to vote seeing none will the clerk please report the tally Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 23 the Nays are 19 the eyes have it the motion is passed the question is now un favorably reporting the report members will record their vote we do we do the call the RO okay the clerk will call the role so last vote Mr Jordan Mr Jordan votes yes Mr Turner Mr gosar Mr goar votes yes Miss Fox Miss Fox votes yes Mr growman Mr growman votes yes Mr Cloud yes Mr Cloud votes yes Mr Palmer Mr Palmer votes I Mr Higgins Mr Higgins votes yes Mr sessions Mr sessions votes yes Mr Bigs Miss mace I'm sorry Mr Bigs Mr Bigs yes Mr Bigs votes yes Miss mace Miss mace votes yes Mr lerer Mr lerer votes yes Mr Fallon Mr Fallon votes I Mr Donalds yes Mr Donalds votes yes Mr Perry Mr Perry votes yes Mr Timmons Mr Timmons votes yes Mr burett Mr burett votes yes Miss green Miss green votes yes Miss mlan Miss bobert yes Miss bobert votes yes Mr Fry Mr Fry Mr Fry votes yes Miss Luna Miss Luna Miss Luna votes yes Mr Langworthy Mr Langworthy votes yes Mr burles Mr Burleson votes yes Mr Waltz Mr Mr Waltz votes yes Mr Rasin no Mr Rasin votes no Miss Norton no Miss Norton votes no Mr Lynch no Mr Lynch votes no Mr Connelly nay Mr Connelly votes nay Mr chrishna morthy Mr Krishna morthy votes no Mr Conor Mr mum no Mr mume votes no Miss acassio Cortez no Miss acassio Cortez votes no Miss Porter no Miss Porter votes no Miss bush Miss Bush votes no Miss Brown no Miss Brown votes no Miss Stansbury Miss Stansbury votes no Mr Garcia Mr Garcia votes no Mr Frost Mr Frost votes no Miss Lee Miss Lee votes no Mr casar Mr casar votes no Miss Crockett Miss Crockett votes no Mr Goldman M Mr Goldman votes no Mr moscowitz Mr moscowitz votes no Miss TB Miss TB votes no Miss Presley Miss Presley votes no Mr chairman Mr chairman votes has been recorded will the clerk please report the tally to office I'm tiing it Boer off Bradway bobert off Mr chairman on this vote the eyes are 24 the Nay are 20 the motion passes pursu to this vote the committee hereby adopts the report recommending that the House of Representatives Find attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt of congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by this committee we will move the report to the Full House without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table Mr chairman pursuant to house rule 11 Clause 2 committee memb shall have the right to file with the clerk of the committee supplemental additional minority and descending views within two days without objection so ordered Additionally the staff is authorized to make necessary Technical and conforming changes to the report ordered reported today subject to the approval of the minority without objection so ordered if there's no further business before the committee without objection the committee stands adjourned e e
Channel: GOP Oversight
Views: 43,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: naaFmY7mIjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 50sec (11750 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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