Mark Sharp vs. Crease vs. Seam vs. Bevel Weight vs.Weighted Normals - in Blender

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hi guys you're here with latitude for blender let's talk about sharp edges creases b weights and all this malarkey okay so what is what is mark sharp what is crease what is b weight well there are two ways of approaching the subject okay one one is that telling you you know how to use it and more or less why and the other one will be getting into technicalities but you know i don't think there's a point of getting into all this geeky anal because it doesn't really help anyone what you need to know is when to use it and it's really simple so technically okay what for example mark sharp does it tells blender that edges affected by auto smooth are not to be taken into consideration after being marked sharp so let me show you in practice what it means okay it theoretically splits actually words into into two but not physically so there's still one word but theoretically it's uh the edge is split so anyway let's let's look at it from you know practical perspective okay so let's um um let's actually apply bevel to it with uh you know with with hard ups yeah and what applying bevel with hard ups does it's actually applying um auto smooth and shade smooth at the same time okay so you don't have to do it in vanilla you do have to do it for every single object manually right or you could copy attributes but anyway there's not a click in in in hard ups you just click on the bevel or sharpen and it does it automatically this whole object is autosmooth which means it affects how blender calculates normals okay what sharpen does right it sort of tells blender to remove these edges from this kind of calculation and tells them that these edges are actually not auto smooth as it is as if you're splitting the mesh virtually because physically it's one mesh but virtually it's like separate mesh if you know what i mean so if i um have all you know sharp and selected so only apply sharp in vanilla blender there's gonna be there's gonna be mark sharp right it's the same thing simply in hard ups you can choose all four attributes to be applied with one click to every single edge that is sharper than 30 degrees in blender you need to do this manually so when i apply all the modifiers right it's multiply so i apply all the booleans i would need to select all these edges manually in blender in vanilla in hot orbs what you do is you simply click on sharp and then you're done but i want you to look at these edges and and these faces and look what's going to happen to the shading when i actually sharpen it boom it sort of flexes all the faces see what i mean so it separates these things when i go back in time and i select these edges right and i'm going to v press v2 to rip them off the same thing happens you see what i mean it literally the same thing happens but now the mesh is actually physically split right which is not something you want because you want this edge to be you know to be connected because otherwise bevel will not work right so that's what sharpen does it literally splits virtually the edge and tells the blender to remove it from the calculation of auto smooth okay now crease is something else crease might seem so let's remove the sharpen now crease might seem like something that would do the same thing but it doesn't okay so when i do the same thing with crease nothing changes although the edge is actually technically creased all right see the different color that's crease now crease is used to control sub d so for example and i'm gonna grab a plane right and i'm going to extrude it okay and i'm going to you know move this one up and you know do some crazy stuff like this and maybe extrude it in here and move it down it doesn't really matter and then when i'm going to you know apply um sub d so control three right you see what happens right so now if i if i actually crease the edges see what happens they get flexed because um all these edges they literally get sort of sharpened but not really it is all designed to control to control the sub d you think about it as as a piece of fabric being stretched on the frame that's what crease does you know like so this kind of thing is very different than sharpen as you can see has nothing to do with with actually auto smooth right it literally simply controls uh the sub d and that's all crease does then you can still use you know bevels on it so let me grab a cylinder and let's auto smooth it okay so control three see what happens let's let's get get out of this uh markup so you can see better this one is bloody awful um so when i actually crease this right see what happens these edges got creased and it got smooth i mean it got flexed right now if i introduce bevel to it i can still do it it's no problem you can run sharpen on this one as well no problem because there's nothing to do with autosmooth right so that would decrease and that would be sharpen and now let's talk about sharpen and b weight and b weight so bevel weight is bevel it is fantastic for a situation like this for example when you have a cube right and let's introduce a loop in here okay and let's move this loop lower okay just a little bit so the angle here is lower than 30 degrees which means the normal bevel will not catch it because the bevel angle right if you go to modifier is 30 degrees which means if this is lower than 30 the bevel will not catch watch what happens when i actually lower it down boom it snapped you see that because now the bevel is actually catching this angle so how to add bevel to this thing well there are two ways of doing it you could actually reduce the angle but the problem is that if you go too low these um you know the beveled edges might start getting actually faceted so the way to go about it is actually go with bevel weight so when i you know select bevel weight here check all the edges and actually sharpen them right and all i have applied to this edges is bevel weight nothing else right and i switch my bevel from angle to weight boom and this one has been taken into conservation now let me show you what sharp and dars and this is actually a fantastic example to show you what i mean by sharp and actually changing how blender calculates auto smooth you see how smooth this transition is between this face and this face let me actually edge weighted normals to flex the faces now weighted almost what it does is changes how blender calculates normals okay it literally removes the um the large faces from the calculation of um of the curvature so at the moment without weighted normals blender is trying to curve all these faces to accommodate for this uh bend on a bevel now when i add weighted normals boom everything gets flexed you see that watch like stretched so these faces get removed from the calculation and the normal is going to be pointing straight up so now watch if i introduce sharp mark sharp to this edge right it will mess up the way the bevel look the mark shop will actually interact with the autosmooth and it will split this mesh into two in theory so virtually will actually tell blender to split how auto smooth is calculated for um across this bevel so when i add o to smooth here right i mean when i add sharp here right so i recalculate this edge okay so i simply press um ctrl shift and recalculate it and then i have to edit in here manually you see see this edge i don't know if you can see that but let me actually duplicate this and i'm going to remove it from this one okay and you'll see the difference so i'm gonna apply only b weight to this one okay so let's recalculate it and apply b weight here so this one has b weight only and this one is sharp and b weight look at the difference you see this line here see this line it's like a really sharp edge very clearly visible and it doesn't exist in here because the trans transition is smooth so literally it feels as if blender was telling um as you know this markshop was telling blunder to calculate these two objects these two faces separately in in short when you don't have to use sharp um don't especially on large bevels like this when you don't really need sharp right because the shading on both is identical in this situation in here it's a little bit different because there is too much curvature and you need sharp to you know to to to tackle it so that's a different situation but in situations like this especially when the bubble is you know it's larger right like this you will you will see that line and it looks ugly especially on reflective surfaces without it it just looks you know smooth right the transition is much smoother you see that that's the difference between sharp b-weight crease and you know how to use them right so that would be how you use bevel weight sharp crease and seams well seams are basically telling blender when to make uh cuts for the uvs so when you when you mark it with hard ups together with you know with other like b weight or i apply sharp or crease whatever you apply these everything is going to get applied together so if if i reapplied it in here by pressing ctrl shift and click which will reapply recalculate the sharpen seam which is marked red you see it's going to get reapplied to these edges so i got seam b weight and sharp and running all these edges so when i switch my bevel from angle to weight nothing will change because i have b weight running on this edge right however if i uh you know if i removed uh b weight from these edges right so i went here and removed the b weight this will no longer work because now i have no b weight no bevel weight running on these edges and i would need to switch back to angle right where is it here so that's all guys hope it helps you out and clear some misunderstandings about mock shop b-white crease and seam and now you know how to use it and how to control um angles smoothness and all that malarkey on your mesh now of course if you want to buy hard up some box cutter as a bundle there is a affiliate link in the video description so you can go ahead and buy it i also leave links to machine add-ons like decal machine mesh machine which are at the core of my workflow my daily workflow and you can find tons of videos showing you how to use these items on my channel if you enjoyed it drop me a like and sub really appreciate it thanks for watching catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 21,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, photoshop art, photo editing
Id: b_4FoNTHf5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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