Fellowship Baptist | Slaying Your Giants | Mark Robinson (2020)

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all right and you are going to hear this morning a story of amazing grace i believe after um you can come ahead mr robinson i believe after hearing um mr robertson robinson speak i believe this is a god thing and i believe his his what god is doing in his life is is heavenly orchestrated uh i i had heard of mark robinson had followed him on social media and listened to some things some places he'd been last saturday i actually got to be at an event where he spoke and uh if the if the uh if the politician gig don't work out you need to be a preacher brother i'm just telling you all right um and then last sunday he was with tim cruz in monroe at shining light and i was able to go online and watch that and uh you'll be blessed this morning his wife is with us raise your hand ms robinson so good to have her with us and uh give her a hand that's right [Applause] i'm just gonna i tell you honest truth when i first when i first reached out to them i said just tell him i want him to take about 15 minutes but after hearing him a couple of times i told him i said brother you just take the time you need and we're so glad he's here uh mark robinson let's give him a big hand would you good to have you brother thank you thank you is this all make sure it's on do a test real quick with him okay well um uh there's something that for those of you who have not heard me speak there's something i do every time i speak uh i know it sounds like a broken record like a skipping but uh we're gonna be a broken record and we're going to skip because it's worth it amen thing that i do before i speak anywhere is i give thanks to my lord and savior jesus christ now there are some people who have questioned that say that i shouldn't do that political sentence they'll tell me you know you run the risk of sounding self-righteous you run the risk of sound like a bible thumper they'll tell me everybody doesn't believe in jesus christ they'll tell me everybody's not a christian you know here it is everybody may not be a christian everybody may not believe in jesus christ everybody might some people might think i sound self-righteous and all those other things but here it is that doesn't matter what matters is that i'm a christian and what matters is that i know the reason why i'm standing here right now the reason why i'm here right now the reason why here it is if i was as disobedient to man as i have been to god if i disregarded his the man's law the same way i've disregarded the laws and tenants of jesus christ throughout my life i'd be locked up in somebody's prison right now but you see i serve a savior who looked past all that just like the song said look past all that and because i serve jesus christ and because he's my savior and because he's a loving savior i stand here right now healthy and free able to stand here in front of all of you all in the greatest nation on earth the freest nation on earth the most blessed nation on earth and it's because of him it's not because of anything else you know i tell folks all the time a lot a lot of people that got a lot of letters behind their names like to say that's not a christian nation anymore this is a christian nation a couple of weeks ago we proved this the christian nation the cnn and abc and cbs might not want to tell you but it don't matter what they said those hundreds of thousands of people were up there in washington dc praying for this nation don't matter if cnn wasn't listening cause god was same way he's always been listening every time faithful people fall on their knees and pray for their selves and their families in this nation and so we give him thanks first and foremost not because we're perfect lord have mercy i'm far from perfect none of us are perfect we do it because he's perfect because he's been good to us blessed us that's the reason why we do it so we give him thanks first and foremost well you know a lot of things i could talk about today but this being church uh we're not going to talk about politics not going to talk about politics what i'm going to talk to you about is about the spiritual journey that i've been on in my life and i'll start that spiritual journey back when the only person who knew me was god and i mentioned that for a reason see because god said in his word that he knew us before we were formed in the womb now if god knew us before we were formed in the womb that means the first friend we ever had was god almighty that also means that if you kill somebody in the womb guess who you're killing you're killing a friend of god so when i was in the womb in 1968 in my mother's womb i am positive my mom was worried and here's why because my mama was facing some humongous giants in her life that's the only way to describe it she was facing giants in her life i was her ninth child my mama had about a fifth grade education and didn't have a dime in the bank i don't even think my mom probably didn't even have a bank account and she was about to give birth to her ninth child she had a husband who was a violent and when i say violent i don't mean just a couple of light slaps my father was a violent man she had a violent alcoholic for a husband and i say that just to describe him not to besmirch his name because how many people know the bible tells you you're supposed to honor your mother and father didn't say anything about whether or not they were good supposed to honor them and i honor my father my father taught me the one lesson in life and this no matter how big and bad you get somebody you got to answer to in life he didn't do anything else he did that but my mom was facing giants number nine child alcoholic husband living in this little this house that we lived in i go look at the empty lot where they tore it down uh i look at that lot now and i think there was a house on that lot what was it a barbie dream house it's this tiny little lot there's barely enough room for the tree that sits there on and i look at that lot and i think man we we lived in that house all seven of us five children and two adults lived in this little tiny four-room house and that house was it was full of rats my mom was gonna have to bring her youngest son home her ninth child home to a rat infested house with an alcoholic abusive husband those are giants people but here it is number one thing my mother had my mother had a secret that a lot of people tend to forget see she was facing the giant just like david but also just like david my mother knew the giant killer see that's what a lot of us a lot of us forget today a lot of us face giants in our life but we forget you know the giant killer it don't matter how big that giant is he's coming down my mother knew the giant killer that's number one number two my mom lived in the greatest state in the greatest nation on earth just like the pastor said she was fortunate enough to be born in the united states of america where all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and my mother with her fifth grade education understood that because of that because of her faith she wasn't afraid to bring me home that little rat infested house stay there with her alcoholic husband and so she did so child a small child the first images i remember as a small child were living in that little red house it was on a street called logan street in greensboro i still remember the number 616 logan street growing up there on that in that little house and seeing domestic violence like you can't imagine i once watched my my father and mother fight with a claw hammer be each other bloody with a claw hammer i can remember the day after i can remember seeing my father sit in his chair with these with this dried blood on his head these wounds on his head i distinctly remember that uh i can remember the days when he would go to the abc store and i couldn't figure out why they called the abc store because i need blocks in there only thing i ever saw him come out there was a bottle you come out there with that bottle on friday and go home and get drunk and i remember those things i remember them uh you know i remember the uncertainty and the strife and i remember all that but here's what i also remember and i'll see if i can get through this when i look back on those days i see nothing in my life but happiness now i want you to think about that for a second i was a little kid living in a rat infested house with alcoholic father who beat my mother but when i look back on those days i remember nothing but happiness i remember my brothers and sisters how we used to we used to go downtown and we used to play around downtown around the around the courthouse in the city building remember the games we used to play in our neighborhood i remember the days when we used to sit and watch television on that old black and white television see because my mom had faith because my mom fell on her knees and prayed god almighty came down in that house on 616 logan street he put his hand to protection on me that's how you slate your hats it's not always with a sling shot sometimes you slay giants just by being silent in your own room contacting god yourself and i can see my mother doing that in that home praying for her children and her family that god would come down bring a blessing in that place because see my mom also understood something else it's not about where you start in this country it's about where you end up my mom looked at me and when she looked at her children she didn't see a bunch of little poor black children my mom saw kings and queens because she knew we could be whatever we wanted to be as long as we followed god and allowed him to be the guides of our lives and so we grew up in that home that house we never talked about politics never talked about politics we never talked about republican we never talked about democrat we never talked about liberal we never talked about conservatives those words never came up here's what did come up what came up with this what was right what was wrong what was fair and what was unfair what was good and what was evil and the thing we filtered it through always was through our faith see my dad wouldn't let my mom go to church my dad was very jealous of my mother my mother was much older than my father when my father died he was 75 76 my mother was in her middle 40s they were very far apart in age and my father was very jealous would not let her work would not let her go to church but here again i have to give my father credit even though my father did not go to church and would not let my mother go my mother let us go and he made sure we went and had no objection to us doing so because i really truly believed that my father had some demons that he had to deal with and i truly believed that he did not want us to deal with those demons as we became older and i know that he knew that the way for us to get away from those demons was going to that church and get in contact with god going to church gave me the first glimpse of normal life i went to church i saw families i saw fathers who didn't drink and beat their wives i saw men who wore suits and ties i saw normalcy for the first time see my mom couldn't give me what we needed in our house but because she was hooked up to god god knew where to send her and where to send her children saint stephen's united church of christ the church i grew up in one of the biggest blessings in my life because it gave me that sense of security growing up as a child that was the one place i knew i was always secure i knew that the people there loved me and cared for me and had my best interest i had many mentors in that church growing up many mentors in that church growing up from the pastor on down who taught me many things and i loved the church i loved going one of the things i love most about going is i used to love the singing and as a little kid i would sit there and hold the hymnal and follow along with the words but wouldn't utter a word just follow along with the words we used to go on these trips every summer they called it sunday school picnic we pack up and get on the bus and go to carowinds and that's one of the greatest memories i have in my childhood for a matter of fact it was the very first time i ever took a trip i was with the church but as i grew into a young man i had discovered something about the church that i attended and what i had been learning in church it was very different about the religion that i professed and here it is i found that i really did not understand the christian faith and one thing that my church had fallen short on was teaching me about the true tenets of the faith did they protect me yes did they love me yes did they give me things that i needed yes did they give me everything that i needed no so as a young man i went off and i joined the united states military i you know graduated from high school went to basic training went to basic training in el paso texas in june and i heard all my life that black people can't get sunburned folks that's that's not true that is not true got sun burnt like you wouldn't believe out there in that desert i come home from basic training in ait started attending university university of north carolina a t while i was there i suddenly discovered you know college wasn't for me at that time i wasn't disciplined enough i wasn't i wasn't ready for college i had a buddy though my my best friend his name's wayne campbell now let me explain to you about wayne the very first time i ever saw wayne campbell was in the fourth grade i looked across the school yard and saw this gangly skinny kid wearing glasses and said i know that guy didn't know how but the very first time i saw him i looked at him and i thought man i know that guy from somewhere sure enough before the year was out we were best friends and we've been best friends ever since the fourth grade so we grew up together fourth grade fifth grade sixth grade all through junior high school all through high school we were the best of friends went through rotc junior rotc together in high school joined the military and when we joined the military we went our separate ways came back together after we come home from our reserve training at ncaa i dropped out of college he stayed in college i'm out here just doing my thing showing my wild oats one night my best friend wayne campbell calls me and i'm going to show you how god lines things up my best friend wayne campbell called me and said you know what you got to come with me to come to a t to come to hear this preacher at the student union and i thought to myself why in the world would i go to a t to go hear a preacher i have a preacher at a church you know i go to church wayne i don't need i don't need to go hear him but he begged me to go and i said well you know all right let me appease my best friend i'll go i don't know how to describe this but i went to that church service in that student union that night i listened to that pastor i don't remember what he looked like i don't remember what he said but i know at the end of that service i understood that i needed to be saved at the end of that service i understood what it meant to be saved that you have to fall down on your knees and ask jesus christ to be your lord and your savior and the guide of your life and by the end of that service that's what i had done i had committed myself and said that i wanted jesus to be my savior now some folks when that happens to them they change or they claim that they change just like that that was not the experience of mark keith robinson i got saved and i fully believed in jesus christ and fully believed in god but uh how can i put this i straddled the fence see wayne had already wayne had does he sold out he sold out when wayne campbell got saved wayne campbell got saved and wayne campbell was telling everybody he knew he was saved he'd be standing in the grocery store line talking to somebody saying hey brother that's some nice bacon you got there in your basket hey do you know jesus he was sold out mark robinson wasn't sold out mark robinson knew that was jesus robertson knew that jesus christ would save the soul mark robinson still wanted to have a little fun i still wanted to go out i still had some wild oats left in my bag i needed to go slow so i straddled the fence whole time i'm straddling the fence my friend wayne is pulling on me and he's not telling me in so many words but what he's really doing when he's pulling on me is saying get off that fence and come on over here where you're supposed to be quit acting foolish quit acting silly and come on over here where you're supposed to be so as a young man i straddled the fence i went to church i told people i was saved and i was saved but i didn't do all the things i was supposed to do matter of fact i did some things i downright was not supposed to do again blatantly blatantly broke god's law broken man's law that way i'd be locked up in prison and in a lot of ways i was locked up in prison see because god won't lock you up in prison for breaking his law he won't take you and put you in a sale and put keys behind you and put a big burly man out there with a shotgun to guard you what he'll do is he'll put you in a prison of your own mind's conviction when you're sitting by yourself and you start reflecting on that thing that you did that you weren't supposed to do nobody else is around you but you'll feel ashamed he'll put you in a prison because here it is you don't feel like you can go out and profess the lord's name because you ain't doing right yourself how can i go out proclaim god's name when i'm not doing what he wants me to do so you put yourself in prison a spiritual prison and that's where i was i was going to church proclaiming to be saved but was in a spiritual prison because i wasn't living out the tenants that i was supposed to live out so came up got married uh shortly after i got saved i got married i met my wife we uh friend of ours introduced us and uh my wife said she didn't want to my wife was gonna break up with when we first met and because i talked too much what say you now but we fell in love we started a family we got married been married now for what 30 years god i don't know how this lady puts up with me you women are saints all of you but uh when we were young family we went to saint stephen's church church i grew up in went there you know i told you about the whole singing thing my mom was a prolific singer in church one day a choir director came to me and said you know what you miss robertson's son yes i said yes she said well you come to choir practice next week oh you need to come sing in choir looked there and said lady i've never sung anything you come to choir practice for so uh sure enough i go to choir practice that next week and then as soon as i sit down in the choir practice she says uh two songs from now you're gonna be singing a solo i'm looking around to find out who she's talking to like who you talking to lady i'm not gonna so i said okay she gives me this song i learned the song i'm singing the song in practice all the men in the choir men's choir said man you sound so good you sound so good everybody's gonna love it don't worry you sound so good i'm thinking these guys are just being nice the whole time my mom is asking me can you sing are you really going to sing and so the son that came for me to sing and my wife was there i got up there and i sang a song called great as thy faithfulness and i had the solo part and i started singing that song and the man that's in the church his name was john summers as soon as i started singing that song he started amen and that's the last thing i remember hearing until i got to the end of the song and when i opened my eyes because i had my eyes closed the whole time because i didn't want to get tomato in my face cause people i figured people be throwing tomatoes at me i looked out the audience and the whole congregation was giving me a standing ovation and from that moment on i became a known as a singer in my church and i would sing you know and i started singing all around the city for other churches and became you know somewhat of a prolific singer and i tell that story for two reasons number number one reason i tell this because that choir director ms geraldine dillard looked at me and somehow saw something in me that i didn't see in myself that is nothing but god god will help you see through and help you see things that man can't see that's number one and number two i say that to say this i was singing in the church and singing the words of god but still not fully living out the word of god in my personal life still not still had not realized come to realize what it was i was supposed to be doing because there was something missing in my life i didn't know what it was i was i was didn't know what it was that god wanted me to do a lot of people kept telling me yo you need to be a preacher you need to be a preacher you need to be a preacher but you don't need to hear it from man you got to hear it from god man can say it all day long but until you hear it from god it's ineffective so i continue to live out this life of straddling the fence both in my heart and in the real world in real time so i get to this point in my life where again my buddy wayne campbell played a crucial role again watch how god works god had me on that little playground that time may see that little gangly kid with the glasses on said you know that guy then that same guy that i saw across there that i did not know but thought i knew same guy that led me to christ same guy me and him are standing in the living room in my mother's living room one day a married young married father the television set is on me and wayne have conversations about just about everything we've talked about everything now television sets on this fella pops up on television his name is rush limbaugh and i looked at the television and i said you know i can't stand that guy and my buddy said why i said because that guy's a racist he's a racist nobody said how do you know that i said the people on tv everybody's what people on tv said they said he's a racist everybody on tv said that guy's a racist my buddy said well do you know him i said no he said you ever listen to his radio program i said no he said you ever read any of his books i said no well he said well how do you know that man is a racist if you don't know him and they never listen to him he said that's an awful high charge for you to make to call that man a racist and you don't know him and i said yeah but everybody on tv said this guy's a race staying online my buddy remember some of them conversations we had he looked at me and he said remember one time you told me that the people on television said that all black men don't take care of their children and are thieves and liars he said they can be lying about black men how you know they ain't lying about rush limbaugh i got mad at him i decided i'm gonna go out here and prove to him that he's a racist i went and looked and found out what the name of his book was i went to the bookstore and got his book it's called the way things ought to be i got that book and i got a highlighter because i was going to highlight every racist thing i saw in that book and take it back to my friend and say see how i told you look at what he wrote here look at that that's racist and this is racist and so is that see that right there that's racist too a funny thing happened when i bought that book and sat down and wrote read it i started reading that book and didn't get out the first chapter before i discovered that rush limbaugh wasn't a racist rush limbaugh was me things i had been thinking since i was a small child i was reading in that book written by a man who i assumed was a racist the political ideas and social ideas that he had laid out in those books were the same ideas the same principles that had gotten me through my life as a small child the same principles that my mother had used to raise us to send us off the church to give us the life that we had to make nothing out of the scraps that she was given they were contained in the pages of that book and it was at that moment that i woke up and realized that i was something called a conservative it always had been and so i went back to my friend we had lunch that day my buddy had a hamburger guess what i had i had crow we got finished talking and thank god my friend wasn't i told you so type he what we talked and then we talked about the two political ideologies before long i was politically aware and i was politically active and i felt like that i had that purpose that i had been missing in my life i felt like i had that purpose in my life now you know i believe there's a book called the purpose-driven life i feel like i had the purpose that god had intended me for in my life at that point got involved with politics got involved with the republican party became very disillusioned with the republican party and here's why i went into the political into the political arena ready to do this i was ready to throw punches because i had learned things that i did not know and i learned that one side was telling the truth and the other side was telling a lie now i don't mind standing here saying that because that's what existed and that's what has existed for the last 60 last 100 years or more we got one side that's been telling the lie and one side that's been telling the truth and i'm not ashamed to say it neither one neither one of these parties is perfect there's one of them that's been that's an expert at telling lies and i learned that truth and i was ready to fight but the folks in the party weren't they weren't ready to fight they weren't ready to stand up and tell the truth and so i backed off and i left off the whole political thing did it personally for a long time but i decided it was time for some self-improvement and during that time of self-improvement i started more and more delving into the spiritual delving into the spiritual i started questioning everything that i did every everything that i did i started questioning did i do everything right no i still made some major mistakes in my life but they didn't go unquestioned and i can tell you this i reached a point in my life my wife and i had owned the business we sold that business and we were going through some struggles because my wife was in school my kids were in school and i was the only person in my house working so we were going through some tough financial times i felt like there was something in my life that i needed to do something big i felt like and i kept asking god when are you going to release me so i can do this and eventually all the time the answer was not yet not yet not yet see because i was still in the fire like the like the sword when you make a sword or a knife you gotta leave it in the fire long enough so it can get tempered so it can get strong i remember this one particular day i was looking in the mirror and this is what i said to myself in the mirror and this is what i said to god i don't care what it is you want me to do i don't care if you want me to go all the way around the globe and end up buried in a jungle for the word of god i don't care if you want me to go across town or proclaim the name of jesus christ to the gang bangers across town and be shot dead there i don't care if you want my name dragged through the mud from point a to point b all across this country for the word of god whatever it is i want you to do it because i want your will to be done not mine and it was at that moment it was at that moment that things really started to change in my life about three years later i was very interested in buying an ar-15 from the greensboro gun show i had saved up a little money my wife didn't even know i had i had a sock underneath the bed now i was gonna go to that gun show and buy me an ar-15 and i found the greensboro city council was gonna cancel that gun show and i got hot the spiritual and political in me rose up and i said that's not fair that's not right they can't do that found out they couldn't do it the only person could do it was coliseum director you can find out that story if you look it up anyway they decided they were going to have a meeting about gun violence down at city council and i knew what that meant they were going to go down there and try to browbeat that coliseum director make him cancel that gun show so they're going to try to cancel that gun show cause way down in florida a criminal who then got caught breaking the law three times they let him go now the government had done caught this kid three times breaking the law and let him go but then when it was time to pass out punishment they're gonna come all the way up to north carolina greensboro come to 4115 sassafras court and punish me see that's how folks in the world work you better be glad god don't work that way it wasn't right and i knew it wasn't right so i went down there that meeting i wasn't planning on talking i just got off of work and i was tired got down there in that hall and folks i heard some of the most ridiculous stuff you'd ever want to hear in your life in that hallway people down there talking about stripping people in their constitutional and god-given right to bear arms for the most foolish reasons ever don't a bit more have a concept of the constitution don't have bitmore have a concept of god-given law then a man in the moon and i got hot i got angry i got up and stormed out and went around there and signed up to speak and i said dawg i'm gonna tell these people something and i got up there and it was time for me to speak and i stepped up there behind that podium and i said what am i going to tell them oh yeah you did it now don't have no papers don't have no cards and nothing no note cards can y'all give me 25 minutes something came over me and said you know what just be yourself now take care of everything else and it was at that moment on april 3rd all that preparation that little rat infested house on 16 616 logan street that time i spent in the military that time i got saved over the amt that time i spent straddling the fence the time i spent with my friend trying to pull me on the other side the time my eyes were open to who i really was the time i stood in that mirror and declared that god's will should be done in my life it came to fruition on that night and his words came out of my mouth not my own because here it is the constitution affirms your right god almighty is the one who gave you your rights when he sees your rights being threatened he will raise up a regiment of people to protect them you don't believe it look back through our history when we didn't have our freedom during the revolution he raised up a regiment to go out and fight for our freedom when the negro in this country didn't have his freedom and this nation got torn apart because of it he raised up a regiment of people to go out and put it back together and free black folks from slavery when the nazis and the japanese raised their head said they were going to spread fascism across the globe he raised up a regiment of people to send him across the water and put them down every time freedom is at hand he raises up a regiment of people and on april 3rd 2018 mark robinson was part of that regiment sure as the soldier is not his own in the army of the united states of america i am not my own in the army of the lord that's raising up a regiment to protect the freedoms of this blessed place it was at that moment i discovered not only fully who i was but what i was put here to be often times throughout my life people would tell me you know you you're too mean you you get too hyped up you get to you get to uh you're too volatile you you need to you need peace and love you need a you need to calm down you you're not you you know what here it is god made all kind of people see god made mother teresa mother teresa was this nice little old lady went out and took care of the poor never raised her voice and did miraculous things god made mother teresa god made my mama a woman who was basically sort of meek and mild tell you acroster god made her for a purpose god made my wife you don't ever see my wife hardly raise her voice god made every person in this place for a purpose but i'm here to tell you right now and i don't apologize for this god made mark keith robinson for me in my mother's womb and knew me in my mother's womb he formed me to be a warrior for freedom that's what he formed me for he formed me so that i could be put in a box behind the glass and for a sticker to be put on it said in case your freedom is threatened break glass and open mouth i was not made to make nice that's not what i was made for i was made to go to war from the time i was a child i knew it i should sit in the library and just thumb through books about war looking at men award man who fought great wars i couldn't couldn't understand why i was so fascinated with it used to watch movies about war couldn't understand why i was so fascinated with it now i know wasn't made to fight the physical war god put me here to fight a political and spiritual war and i intend to do it and i don't care who tries to stand in front of me people ask me all the time why would why in the world would you get in politics you know they're going to look back in your life you know they're going to dig up stuff on you you know they're going to say stuff about you say whatever you want to say about me dig up my past all you want to cause here it is the news and observing the charlotte enterprise all these newspapers seeing in all of them they got microphones they got cameras they got reporters they got investigators here's what they don't have they don't have the keys to having it held in their hand they can besmirch your character they can lie on you they can disregard you they can do all that to you but here's what they can't do when you die and leave this place you're not going to stand in front of some reporter from cnn and give an account for anything you're going to stand in front of the almighty and give an account for every thought that ever came into your head every feeling that ever came in your heart and every word that's ever come out of your mouth and there ain't going to be no spin doctor there to help you because he knows all that has seen all so the only person i'm worried about on this earth right now as i stand who i care that thinks about me at all is my father in heaven because he's the one i've got the answer to the only thing i'm really worried about hearing not worried about hearing somebody say lieutenant governor-elect do i want to hear that yes do i need to hear it no what i need to hear these words well done thy good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things i'll make you rule over many that's what i have got to hear now if i've got to stand up and tell the truth make some folks mad down here on earth and ruffle some feathers down here on earth and hear bad things said about me down on here on earth you better believe i'm going to do it because here it is folks the most important decision we'll all make on this planet it's not whether or not you'll vote republican or democrat not whether you call yourself an american not whether you'll call yourself a conservative or a liberal the most important decision you will make on this earth is where you will spend eternity see because the first republican is dead and gone from this earth the first democrat is dead and gone from this earth the first socialist is dead and gone from this earth and all those systems one day will be dead and gone from this earth but the first day of eternity will last forever and it matters where you'll spend that eternity where will you spend it will you spend it in heaven with your father or will you spend it weeping in gnashing with the devil in hell it's the decision we've all got to make and it's the most important decision any of us will ever make we call this place a christian nation if we're a christian nation we got to start standing up and living out the true tenets of christianity you know we got folks running around here now the loving peace crowd running around here now talking about uh i hope president trump dies from kovya do this nation good if he dies from coving you better watch out what you say you got a grandma too and if you ain't got a grandma you might have a mom and daddy and if you ain't got a mom and daddy you got some lungs too and kovac can get in them too i didn't like president obama and i didn't like what he did but i never wished that man any harm and don't wish him any harm now we got to start living out the true tenets of what we believe as christians got politicians now they catch them messing around on their wives and people won't run around and laugh at them and poke fun at them you poking fun at the death of somebody's marriage it's not right sure it's not right what they did but again you better look back at your own life you better look at god looking at you and you ain't left this life either might be a time when you might slip up we don't need a political revival in this nation what we need is spiritual revival we need god to come back to this place and touch the people of this nation if he doesn't i guarantee you we don't have to worry about politics we'll take care of the unborn we'll make sure the unborn are protected we'll honor unborn life we won't have to worry about our second amendment because we'll understand what it's for we'll understand that it's a blessing from god we won't have to worry about our children in school because we'll have godly people in those schoolhouses doing the right thing by them we won't have to worry about our veterans anymore because we'll understand that god has blessed us with courageous men and women that go off and fight for our freedom and when they come home we'll take care of them instead of disregarding them and letting them be homeless on the streets and we'll stand up for our police officers and make sure that law and order reigns in this place just as sure as it rains in heaven it will reign in this place if we fall down on our knees and cause a spiritual revival to come into this nation and so as i stand here right now i don't ask you to vote for me i ask you to vote for anybody what i'm asking you to do is vote for yourself this is how you vote for yourself get in that mirror and ask yourself are you saved and if the answer is no get in contact with the giant slayer and ask him to come into your life and ask him to bless your life and commit your life to him then after you do it set yourself on a course of trying to be perfect you ain't never going to be perfect but set yourself on the course of trying to be perfect and live for him because if the people of this nation will turn from their wicked ways god will hear from us and he'll bless this land he'll stop that covered crisis he'll stop these riots in the streets and he'll heal every problem that we have because he is the giant slayer and right now this nation is facing giants it's up to us to be faithful people to load the slingshot have faith and believe that he can do it thank you very much god bless you all god bless this church and god bless this the great state of north carolina thank you very much god bless you all thank you you
Channel: FBC of Durham
Views: 22,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fellowship, Baptist, Church, Durham, NC, North Carolina, Rick Finley, Worship, Sermon, Pastor, Teacher, Author, Jesus, KJV, Independent, FBMI, Mark Robinson, Lt Gov, Greensboro, Candidate, Governor, Leuitinant
Id: ocZXz6_WlNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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