Mark Llewhellin interviews SAS Who Dares Wins TV Show Star "Ollie" Ollerton

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hi here we are today in the vault room which is the most prestigious venue in basically the UK mate did you know that do you do now make this this room hear it this belong to what the Queen was other jewelry and stuff in it then it had Princess Diana's wedding dress and stuff like that and I was worried you we did that happen come on the rough diamonds yeah we are rough diamonds desolate Lance's the butter today I am here with Matthew ollie Alton from channel 4 SAS who dares wins Ollie went into the Royal Marines become a Royal Marine Commando passed an extremely difficult course then went on to pass an even harder course did the SAS selection SBS selection and you live to tell the tale mate I do so all these bits we are yeah and we saw so we're just gonna have like a we're mates anyway so easily are yeah an informal chat you just need the beer yeah we do we need we do need a beer so chinking um I've got water so yeah let tell me first of all because not many people know about the SBS I mean it is like everybody knows about SAS just tell me a little bit about right there's the command of course you did the SAS course yeah but what you see the bit of that on telly I want to know and most military people want to know as well what happens after the SS selection what do you do to get into the SBS yeah so your glory of selection is short-lived then after you pass the course obviously is his amazing feeling that you've actually made it made the grade one of few you know I'm Michael started with 250 people and at that stage it was 5 at the end and I was one of them so there is there's a bit of time there for a bit of glory and everything else but then you know it's the same with the SES yet as the SBS you know you shortly view them into the job so to speak so you know and that is where the real learning curve starts and then you actually realize you know this is this is this is the whole part it makes all the previous look insignificant yeah I won't say insignificant but you know it kind of it's a bit of a shock to the system but as personally as the SBS we will then go and do further training to be qualified as combat swimmers yeah yeah which which basically involves weeks and weeks of very very intense training learning to do underwater demolitions swim for long distance is climbing stupid ladders you know I'll say stupid really hard life is on two platforms whether they be North Sea oil rigs or watch you know shipping so we just did a very intense course for three months after that no getting you up to a level to fit in TT what made you want to be a commando and then like SBS as well what triggered that off well the thing is the commando thing wasn't enough for me honey let's keep on going yeah let's keep on going yeah then it was the SAS and and to be I you know this I loved all the training aspects I loved I still do you know if I could do selection tomorrow I'd go back and do really yeah I'll do it again I'd do it again maybe that's another show it could be another Kasauli fellow through selection yeah yeah so yeah I mean that you know and then it was the the SS selection and then it was straight onto SPH so but kind of you know you got to the end of SAS training and then it you kind of didn't look too much further than that because up until the last day of selection which is a six-month process you still don't know if you're going to qualify is it somebody just saying you're good enough or you're not good now yeah obviously you may study very hard physical tests yeah now you've passed all the physical I mean the way selection works is you have some very intense periods at the start where that's where you shed about 70% of you the applicants that want to get to the end so very quickly you shed a lot then there's an in-between phase where the skills training you know all you kind of demolitions and all that kind of stuff and then there's a final test at the end yeah so at that final test again you know up until the last that is still a pass or fail you know and then the majority people who have got that four I usually do pass but yeah it's not not everyone it's not guaranteed so you can be told on the last day no so you haven't qualified and that's it gone so after then when you get into the SBS stuff what do they actually do tell me about the most secret mission you have a weapon I can't tell you but what do you do so is this yeah you the ship's you work with the ship's counterterrorism and stuff like that so if if there's like a Jolly Roger out in the sea and he's like a captain Blackbeard and he's kicking off in their City maybe they're not you're like so am i back she's you've got the iPad she's gonna power yeah so then you don't know you just sort of go in and then yeah basically if it involves water if it involves a sea then it's a means of insertion you know so if it British shipping all kinds of you know all the oil platforms or anything that involves sea with that's a primary role but then we can do all the other roles which are land-based yeah you know as the SES so you know but when it comes to water as we know throw water into any situation in the cold and it just you know times it by 10 it is just a lot more difficult more yeah punishing would you say other sort of key principles in success then succeed in that whenever people want to succeed up he's being able to initially I think about there's obviously all those key words you know motivation motivation passion yeah there's so many catch was there that were brought her before but I think you know one of the things that selection does is smash self-limiting beliefs which were all subject to having you know everyone's got self-limiting beliefs when you have the course did you like pull aside that and there was a big s there yeah that's right SPS being an S absolutely yeah yeah so yeah it really smashes those self-limiting beliefs because we are limitless as humans we are it's just our own ice our minds that's they create these limits so you know we limit this and and that's what that enables you to to be you know listen you know I want thinks that someone said to me at the end of filming last series you know the second series you know we sat there the for you he was getting quite emotional with it he said you know I admire you guys so much what you do and I was like yeah really appreciate that he says you guys are just cut from a different mole know when we're not we're not cut from a different mold you know everyone's got this within them yeah it's just it's this that controls it so do you think anyone can be successful in what it's like well whatever they want to achieve they can they can but you know in our own absolutely and there you can if you put your mind to it you can do that you know people who have brain mapping from a net very early age and that's what causes these restrictions and limiting beliefs but yeah I mean if you put your mind to it you passionate about you've got to be passionate about it you throw some some emotion into a goal you will achieve it but when you will get damn close so you need to make your dreams big so making your dreams big that's a really big part of it absolutely make them big if you come halfway then you'd hopefully they're don't you get scared of thinking god I've really gone for I'm shooting above my weight which is what I do most the time say girlfriend you know I've smashed that one yeah exactly so you punch I do a thing I guess of your way all the time yeah no absolutely absolutely but um you know that's the reason I'm saying yeah I got to you at last you got to me and the jewel which a diamond guitar like I'll be having a tubing is it doing Jim gonna watch me have a little strum on come on later yeah you doing this to me today I can't make because of security would come in you and they would like still have a look at well you look out for me Isis turn up what he's coming in as well yeah so the next TV series now you've been out in the jungle yeah we have um okay well you can obviously say too much we can't stay too much but I mean there's enough stuff on putter you know social media that you know we are in South America is the jungle is a similar kind of format to series one you know we take a number of people put them into a very comfortable and very unfamiliar surroundings and give them you know at the taste just a taste of the hardest military training in the world yeah but you know there's more to it than that this is it's about the personal journeys you know where these the guys are specifically selected for their you know for them for their particular journey so and you'll see that under on the show their journeys prior to coming to the show is quite interesting so so these guys are going on the show yeah you're not going to have like I mean how they can be quite fit anyway yeah I mean this they always look at they do we don't have any involvement with the the selection cast and with the casting we don't have any part of that so the first thing at the time we actually see them is that is when we're looking and face-to-face and they're on the course and the cameras are rolling so but they have they do finish test they do part the selection they do suck as psychometric tests they do fitness tests there is a quite stringent selection process so yet they have a good level of fitness I yeah so we're through the interview what would you say is the hardest fee everyone's got their own personals so yeah but I mean some people like our the selection bit was the hardest and then I other people that special forces the jungle bit was the hardest you pick because you went and you also well answer that question then I've got to get on to my other five thousand question oh I'll be looking back I'd I find this one of the hardest questions because I loved it I absolutely loved it I did idea I don't I people look at me like I saw Frances people whipping you and palm bags over your head and that was last weekend oh that was mapping minds do something about my personal workers yeah love the 50 shades over here yeah so you just loves all of it no I loved all of it but yet toward that I struggled a lot struggle but I found the hardest the interrogation at the end yeah and also the fact that the pressure that's on you at that stage you know because you've come such a long journey and you know that you know everyone says it's not real it's not real interrogation but it's you know after three weeks of being on the run with no food inside mostly it becoming a world that you've never been before yeah and you've got to be really clever yeah with how you answer things how you how you and how much just like how long do you go without sort of food and sleep super safe but we were on the run for two weeks across the Brecon Beacons you know we've given every time I meet an agent to get the next location because Nick hasn't gone without food for about four hours and he's like anything food yeah but you know what that day is the thing that's that's what people don't when they see the show the show we did yeah they don't understand people coming on the show they don't understand those things you don't understand that oh I'm not gonna sleep they don't understand every time they've had to eat they go to a prep they go to young it's always accessible all them take that away from them and it turns in the oh yeah they're like what's not you know you get yeah it's world they've never been in before so yeah anyway the thing we were only yeah the selection the the interrogation is an artist and it's like you know with some of the women you've been before you were no stranger to put in a bag over people's heads here no they do to me I've been I've been double bar dancing it's not cool today I nearly did bring it back for you I thought it would help smooth things out make you just give me such a good I work so it's like when when I first started watching the you know all brilliant guys on the course obviously the the instructors and stuff like that here I think the immediate thing for some of the military people were he kind of recognized straight away but it's like hosi you would call in you foxy and ant and I think the immediate thing was ant was the sort of head of it but then here it was like everyone in the military was sort of like it's like I have friends phoning me up there I what's the sprog doing in charge of them because they they all knew it'd be in the real world the roles would be reversed cuz yeah I did two years and you guys are them combined of yeah I mean there was a hell of a lot of experience there but you know I mean if it came down to experience at the end of day you know the first series that we foxy up there he did 20 years in the military Tennant which was in the Special Forces I was an effort for eleven years six six years which was in the Special Forces the SBS so but he never came down you know at the end of the day that's the only unreality you know also what you know is worthwhile putting a cross through it all or we try and make people understand is that you don't really get that kind of hierarchy in the Special Forces yeah you know it's not really like that you will have a team a Special Forces team and you all work together 25 percent each if it's for montine you know so you don't get that level of hierarchy however you know you're putting this on a public stage use in the public arena Philly town big head it's going like those places yeah yeah he's a life support system for a beer you surely interviewed the beard not the man um but yeah that was that was the only sort of non reality but you know again and I've said it two to one and and like the other lads agree he plays that part well he does III want to do that personally it's not me everybody do it like he does it but yeah this everyone's got the real get part you see ant is sort of more vocal and there's like I see use different characters a quiet person yet and there's foxy the sort of he doesn't know where is that he's a lot but it's good ya know it's there yeah no no I mean he's it's done for a reason I and the way the team fits and mold it works well for ISM and it's something you know it's only works well we know we never fell out on set so fantastic yeah it's all about the team when I know it wasn't that what that was and that's amazing and that's the beauty of selection you know the fact that you know whether it's an operational scenario even when you've left the Special Forces you know in Iraq or whatever you're thrown together with so I was having this conversation just earlier you're thrown together with someone from that same ilk you know you know the past election they've done the same as years means the bomb there's an instant rapport and this needs to respect so you can very quickly whatever the situation not not 100% the case with everyone but you can very quickly bond with someone and work with them straight away yeah the and what do you go on to now and I do either when you're talking about ladyboys entire haha I mean from a guy you can't accuse me of that kind of stuff on my sleeve at work I'm Burnham so what do you do you want to discredit me on is that your job mate your job my job breakpoint cuz you're doing amazing yeah great point is absolutely amazing and again I was just having a conversation before I came here that it's the first job believe it or not people would assume different that I might have forgot so much passion for so much passionate the first job you know 45 years old and I family got something that I am 100% happy with it so much passion fall so so yeah break point is yeah we which is a concept that came up before we even know about the TV show yeah and the whole their theory behind it was we wanted to offer the corporate world experiences and utilized mere foxy utilize you know it's sort of allowing sharing our operational experience experience from selection course you know all the all the mental motivation everything you and give that to the corporate world we would then use veterans that would support that program and we would the other aspect which we haven't quite captured is working with troubled adolescence so so yeah what we're working with at the moment we've got break point and now it's evolving it's changing here all the time we're doing stuff with TV and film yeah with we've now launching it's been built at the moment an online fitness hub which is going to be revolutionary it's going to change the way people think and train it's going to be out you guys got the market really I mean because you're you at the top of the game the thing the breakpoint thing is like here's the Special Forces core course or not quite the cause yeah I mean it's just like what an opportunity for people as well in the corporate world to experience yeah a little bit of what you guys went through like ya know I mean he said we'd be given an amazing opportunity that's that's without a doubt and he's created so much expose you for a great point and you know it's this it's the first time anyone you know apart from of the obvious sandy McNabb who's done the book success rate you know it's the first time any Special Forces guys have actually been come from the shadows and been so exposed into the media world which for us as well I mean forget the person you know it's not about striking our egos not for me anyway but um you know I just think it's fantastic that we're figurehead for it for a the British military here you know why should we be all hide in the shadows you know we've got such a magnificent on and the thing is just like you know you all I'm saying I met you you know a while back and just like you down do with yeah and it's like that's what I like him like yeah so how can how can people sort of see the breakpoint thing um yeah they can log on now we've got obviously a web page where they can find all information about what we do or the course is it's ever evolving so it's not everything on there but if you go to a break point great card from point Oh UK you can find all the information there the support we do for the veterans will also give you a link to the online portal that we're developing and everything else we're doing so yeah have a look fantastic on you were on Facebook and Twitter and stuff like that of course yeah yeah saluting yeah yeah we've got break point and Twitter I'm Tom for SAS who did wins the second one do you know any idea you allowed to say what would you have to break my nail up web would you know I'd look tell me what you want to know when it's coming out I'd say start well you'll certainly be vo you'll suddenly hear about it but you're looking at autumn this year fantastic yeah it's gonna be amazing Matthew ollie all the term it's been an honor and a pleasure Messer as always thank you buddy thanks very much for watching guys net person will be coming up will be mr. Fox Jason boom yes chit foxy from the channel for SAS TV show so thanks for watching thank you massive thank you so the Hard Rock Cafe and everyone in breakpoint and of course my team as well so I'll see you soon guys take it bye bye you
Channel: Mark Llewhellin
Views: 202,180
Rating: 4.8034186 out of 5
Keywords: SAS COMMANDO SBS CELEBRITY SPECIAL FORCES endurance runner military navy army success achievement
Id: daLCguyVOpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2016
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