Ant Middleton Reveals He Feels Stronger by Seeking Out Fear | This Morning

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now our next guest has braved some pretty terrifying ordeals he survived war zones jumped out of airplanes and even climbed Mount Everest but former Special Forces soldier and Middleton says he's now learnt darkness his fear to help him in daily life he joins us now to tell us how how he does that and this is all part of his new book the the fear bubble and and so this is essentially sort of telling us that fear is not the enemy and there's a piece of one of the bits in this book I find myself fantasizing about terrorist attacks or mass brawls breaking out building a strategy for dealing with the madness even on the set of this morning waiting to be interviewed by Phil and Holly how this happened this morning know what I do is I sort of talked about fantasizing it's about feeling that fear when I feel that fear even if you imagine it it makes you feel alive it sort of gets you ready at primed your body to get ready so when you think about it it sort of stimulates me to to get ready but don't hide it I mean revel in it enjoy it is essentially what you're saying if here's everyday part of life you're gonna feel it to the day you die you know a lot of people experience fear once and they freeze and they never want to visit it again and if you don't experience fear if you don't challenge fear they're not going to learn about yourself you're not going to learn what you're capable of where you can push yourself where your boundaries are therefore it's important that you expose fear when you can make it work for you I mean you see it goes against quite a lot of beliefs that are out there at the moment and you say that sort of Western culture has a bit of a victim mindset yeah and that we were being told that not being okay is okay and actually you don't agree with that no I think that you know we're being sort of structured in a way to think and how to act and ultimately we're all different we've all got different fears you know different ways that we tackle things it's ultimately just about being honest with yourself not letting people dictate what you do or situations dictate what you do is obviously defining yourself and being honest for yourself you know taking charge of yourself taking charge of your emotions and fear being the number one emotion that stops us from achieving everything so you are you fearless now no definitely not fearless the moment whoever says they're fearless is is lying you can't be fearless so do you seek out fear yeah suppose I do and the reason why I seek out fear is because when you expose fear and I've had to do it in the military I've had to expose on a daily basis going into a combat zone you take a layer off of it and then when you take a layer off of it you learn about the emotion you learn about your emotion you learn about yourself and therefore you grow from it and you do become a better version of yourself because you start to understand yourself a lot but doesn't that put you and the others around you in in dangerous circumstances obviously with Everest you know you're doing that for TV yeah the weather was appalling yeah and you powered on through but you powered on through in that terrible weather with a camera crew now they made you say fear is different for everyone you know you would it wasn't that selfish no because they actually left they left me on the summit and rightly so no when they fell no yeah I ended up on there by myself for about you know a good couple of hours with a cameraman and his Sherpa went and that was their decision to go and and rightly so and it was only a space of you know they went five minutes before me because the sequence of events that happened in between where a couple of clients fell off the mountain where I was stuck on the summit I couldn't move there's only one way on and off that meant a couple of hours in difference of reaching camp four which is it's still in the Death Zone so they did make their own decision nothing here for me feeling fear and feeling scared is that the worst thing imaginable I avoided it absolutely all all cast I mean there is not a person that could be more opposite to me than yourself and I just wonder whether actually because you're so used to fear that you somehow feel safe yeah in that life death situation and in a way it forces you to there's such extreme emotions then does it take you away from just feeling day-to-day emotions that actually might be more than if all you've got it into one of their really bum what it is is people think I'm an adrenaline junkie and I chase fear and I chase risk ultimately when you're at risk of life and death there's no this black and white life is so simple is so uncomplicated it's a it's the purest form of life when you're in a situation where it's life or death like I was in Afghanistan Mark Awards and Everest you feel peaceful but there's no complications around you so it's not actually an adrenaline-fueled junkie thing that I wanted to do it's that feasts that that feeling of euphoria that feeling of peace because life is that it's pure this form you are gonna live or you're gonna die there's no complications whatsoever and that's the feeling that I chase is that ultimate peace believe it or not well you you've said you've said that you're you know you're okay that your your head is okay and I can't imagine that human beings human beings were never meant to to suffer what you suffer to see what you saw and so do you still maintain that you are a hundred percent okay I do and I'm very much someone that I don't live in the past and I don't certainly don't live in the future you know I live in the now I seize every opportunity now there's so many bankable moments that we go through on a daily basis that we don't Bank and we don't think about because what I were thinking about the past or thinking too far into the future that we just let go by us on a daily basis and I'm very much someone in there now I live in the now I try and learn I try and challenge everything that my body's when your body is is going against you if your body asking questions anybody going well what's going on there and and we as humans we want answers yeah yeah so why don't we do it to ourselves yeah when your body's asking you a question the only person that really holds the answer you can be guided and directed is is yourself so be honest with yourself and it will stop you from having a bit some sort of mindset as inka but actually I'm a lot more capable than I thought I was my limits are a lot further than I thought they were you know and it's a prescription and ultimately the book is about letting people know what we're we're capable of we're incredible humans you know we're capable of so much more be honest for yourself grasp fear and make it work for you well this is the this is the book that we're talking about I showed you the beginning of fear but we also talked at the beginning about the fact that he fantasizes all the time about getting out of incredibly dangerous situations I've got to say you know I want to be next to you thank you very much you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 120,418
Rating: 4.9256611 out of 5
Keywords: ant middleton interview, ant middleton everest, ant middleton sas, ant middleton motivational, ant middleton angry, ant middleton fear bubble, ant middleton fear bubble method, ant middleton fear, ant middleton mental strength, seeking out fear, ant middleton seeking fear, holly willoughby, this morning, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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