Mark Kermode reviews Burnt

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so burnt burnt is the new movie star well it's a bit of a star-studded cast frankly Bradley Cooper to Sienna Miller Emma Thompson a Daniel Bruhl and the story is if you've seen the poster for this so the probably have seen the post okay and for okay from the poster what do you think it's what do you think the story is well it's quite interesting that it's only got him in the poster okay yeah okay and he's clearly a chef yes very good and that's about it okay so the story is how really tell that much and presumably because it's called burnt it's a film better chef thing yes about chef and obviously it's not going to go fantastically well at some stage because his career gets burnt so that's at the very very beginning he comes back his career has been burned so he's a chef he's been off in Paris where he became an addict and totally burnt all his bridges see what they did there then he got rich did he burn many bridges and then you know the probably that there's probably Pont enough exactly is that the new bridge is probably the one that he burnt when he was in Paris not the nine that joke is for very long time listeners and Nikolaj because no one else is going to get it ok so anyway so he comes to London via a million shucked oysters he's been shucking oysters and Counting all you do yeah with an oyster yeah that's what he's been doing and he turns up and tell it so he's gonna and he wants to and he's now he's gonna regain his reputation he's now sober and clean and he's not addicted to anything anymore he's given up drugs women stuff you know but he what he hasn't given up he's Gordon Ramsay ask shouting because this is a movie about yes that's right a chef is a genius because he's shouting shouting shouting in the kitchen but out of the kitchen he's philosophy philosophy philosophy here's a clip cooking's an expression that won't tell me at its best of sustaining someone I've loved Adam Jones the Langham is now one of the best and most interesting places in London become any law that don't you like one of or interesting I don't want my restaurant to be a place where you come and eat I mean we should be dealing in culinary orgasms when's the last time you an orgasm that was interesting mommy never ever to discuss food with you in public people eat because they're hungry I want to make food and makes people stop eating living stupid cooking is an expression of who we are right now we're two stars both of us it's a two star review now we can keep on cooking and be interesting but I want people to sit at that table and be sick with longing and I need you to do it with me he needs a punch yeah all right you know a fruit punch obviously how annoying is that I know so whilst that Cook was playing nickel I said in my heaven is it better than ratatouille no no but not by Terry hunt but not exactly not by a bazillion miles so the problems with this I mean it firstly it there is an astonishing you know Alicia vikander and it's directed by John Wells who did all ggest Osage County or hostage August co-hosting that without that one uh and you know Emma Thompson who's this she says that she's not the psychotic kind of his psychiatrist and she does blood tests to make sure that he is staying clean and to this very very star-studded cast and yet essentially what the script which we did go through several changes also through several title changes it was it was called chef at one point and jon favreau movie chef came along then it became called adam jones with what was boring now it's called burnt um firstly it's it's so it's so last decade do we care about shouty chefs anymore do it does any have we not all seen this enough you know the hey he's you know he's a monster but you know what it makes good food i don't believe that for a start i mean for what i don't believe for one minute that food is made better in the kitchen by people behaving like belligerent baby smashing plates i don't believe that's the case it says that Michael Fassbender and in the ways play Steve Jobs Richard Guinness is it which I haven't seen yet so but which I'm looking for to so that's the first problem the second thing is that it's one of those movies that actively asked you firstly to sympathize with like and care about somebody who's an obnoxious Fathead who I actually don't care about all the way through Sienna Miller continues a career Renaissance which is on a par with Matthew McConaughey ER but but she somehow manages to get slightly sidelined she's this sort of feisty single mom who's a cook who's to put one person who stands up to Adam as played by Bradley Cooper with that slightly in that that manic Bradley Cooper mode you know the way he does manic he does that all the way through and then the script by Steven Knight throws all these things in to worry about so there these drug dealers who were coming to get the money back and then there's a chef that he's annoyed over whilst he was burning bridges in Paris as I'm on the pond off and then there's you know a girlfriends who are referred to in the background who might turn up for like very brief cameos which make you wonder what did Alicia vikander have a weekend off I mean what you know why is she here and all the way through it the film just falls into that very old very hackneyed very kind of complacent idea that there is just something fascinating about watching someone throwing a tantrum in the kitchen even if as the movie progresses they learn that maybe there is more to life than throwing a tantrum in the kitchen the food stuff didn't make me hungry which is a problem the philosophy was just all of me that thing I don't want people I don't want people to come to my restaurant to eat I want them to come to stop eating which makes me go buy and this have been at the very beginning when he's in a fast-food bar and he has a conversation with Sienna Miller in which he says you know hey fast food is fine you know and she said no no it's all it's bad ingredients he said no no but you know you're just all snobs all this spending all this money to this expensive food what is it you've got a problem with working-class food and then we spend the rest of the movie the hot we're meant to care whether his restaurant is absolutely full on opening night and whether he gets a four star review in the Evening Standard and the only thing that's interesting about it is it seems to me that at least from what I know from the movies because I'm really not a restaurant connoisseur at all as you know when Gordon Ramsay came on the program he went yeah you must be a vegetarian you've got that wet lettuce or the Ramsay star of no ordinary trifle where he couldn't blame myself is it that Gordon Ramsay yeah Gordon Ramsay as Gordon Ramsay was really something to behold I I need him for a book once on five live which he'd written ok and it's full it was full of cussing and I can understand how in I did that I did mention this to him at the time I can understand in the heat of the moment yeah that you need to have a rich and rich sort of texture to hood to your language and to be able to choose the odd bit of Aguilar sex but when you're writing a book down in your saying and then I went to Paris and then I owned a restaurant you don't really need to put those words in do you Gordon and here endeth the lesson first just thought just the way just but it is you look at me in the ordinary transform basically I I think me and most of the other people in the room just sat there you know is one of those movies that positively encourages you to go souffle doesn't rise you know all a bit of a pudding the ingredients don't you know whisked up by blah blah blah blah use all the pansy use all the puns because there ain't nothing else that's making it a tasty snack it did make me want to see Jon Favreau's chef ago you would you would think that that ranks is quite quite a big fail than given in quite a big family yes Bradley is one of the men at the moment and he's got an impressive cast there yeah very impressive course and you know a director with some pedigree and but nope
Channel: kermodeandmayo
Views: 67,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Wells, Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Daniel Brühl, Omar Sy, Emma Thompson, Burnt, Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review, BBC, 5live
Id: w8aJaKax8UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2015
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