Mark Cuban x 888-Barbara Interview - The Man Behind The Money (Extended Cut + Bloopers)

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I walked in here we'd been excited I said it's like New Year's Eve you think he'll be on top no I'm serious what we just saw you like New Year's Eve world tinkling and acting silly really whatever yeah that's the truth that's the truth thank you just in testing ten nine eight seven four two one today I'm excited to have my good friend Mark Cuban let's do it okay he doesn't waste any time walking in right again today I'm excited to have my good friend and fellow shark billionaire Mark Cuban gotta say that I love the word billionaire what does that do oh that's mean I hate you already but he's here with me at a barber and if you're alive you know mark if you just started breathing you know mark and so he doesn't need an introduction as they say but today we're talking not just to Mark Cuban the guy we all know we're talking to Mark Cuban the man behind the money that's how we want to get to the other day and how Mark spends his fortune what he's like as a dad and a husband although I've had a peak at that myself and of course we'll end by getting out of him who his favorite shark is and might better be the right answer course okay I've already told Kevin not Kevin no way okay so I'm gonna set you up on this stuff okay okay you started your first business micro solutions after getting fired from a sales job right at the computer store and I know the story there if you want to care to repeat it I think it's famous now but why didn't you just go out and look for another job certainly you're capable of getting a good interview another job I just got fired too many times left too many jobs and realized I was allows the employee and recognizing that knowing I wanted to start a business on my own at some point you know I had nothing to lose I just lost my job I was living six guys in a three-bedroom apartment sleeping on the floor my car was a piece of junk that literally I've never told you the story how I got my car so I had one car that was falling apart and we were driving down the road and you there was a car that you could tell would have been abandoned and so I was a Trans Am like where this is going yeah I was like okay and I forget exactly how it led to it but um we stopped open the door and I was like this car is abandoned you could just and so I found some paperwork like you know an envelope that was like a note from the bank you're overdue and all that kind of stuff so I called the bank and said look I can't get credit all my credit cards have been cut up and everything but I found this car there's no way but somebody had been making this [ __ ] would you let me take over the payments yeah kidding and then let me take over the payments just like that just like that because otherwise they were you know they were lost the money on it oh my god I can't even think to do that yeah well when you're when you're struggling and you're broken you don't have a car that's gonna last more than another 10 miles I mean you know one of those beaters that you had to have oil in it the car I drove to Dallas in had a hole in the floorboard so literally I'd see like the white lines going underneath my feet and I had to stop for oil you know every 60 miles it was awful not good for dating here's what I find fault in your story which I don't quite get you said you had nothing to lose so you lose a job you get fired you've been fired a few times before I get that but I would think with the situation where you were living with you roommates behind in your bills needing a car I would think it would be quite the contrary I would think the first thing I would think of is let me get a decent job where I get some bucks under my belt until I could regroup and then maybe go out so here's my business because here's what leads my firing um you know I just closed a deal that was gonna lead to a fifteen hundred dollar commission and I what I I was supposed to clunk come in and open up the store and I said I'm making that executive decision to go out there and collect the check thinking the guys get my boss is going to love me when I bring back the check you forgot you were an executive yeah exactly right and so he fired me but I knew I can sell and I developed relationships with some people so I went to a company called architectural lighting and they wanted this time and billing saw forth and I said look I got no money but if you fought me the $500 and this which is what I would sell it to you for in the car and me the car the software cost me $250 to buy you know I'll make it work and if it doesn't work then I'll find some way to get your money back I'll wash your car sweep before whatever and they said yes and so that kind of led to me going that's right so I'm picturing this is a guy that walks into the store that you met in the store and the guy looked at he a smart savvy guy and probably figured there's kids on the ball skids is that that's who you approach you met him at the store and found that is your first customers well that was an opportunity most people would incite you grabbed it rid of the flagpole turned out okay very okay I would say way way way beyond okay so what's it with you and these surprises you like to buy yourself okay I think it's a little strange right but obviously you're rich enough to talk about justify it okay but you had for your very first business that you sold micro solutions you went out and you bought yourself and you only sold I should say only I guess it's all relative you're sold and I should say for six million dollars yeah the first thing you do is you run right out and you buy $250,000 ticket so you can fly around the world first-class okay wasn't the ticket it was a lifetime pass also anyway you walk up to the rest of my site yeah for the rest of my life Wow yeah so we went out and got just torched me my friends um count like you folks do and anyway you're not torched come on they're all working high they all work hard and so we went to these bunnies old school steak houses that had you know how they have the phones you know where you just plug them in yeah and so I mean I could barely talk and they're like what are you going to get on my mind in two cars I have a place to live you know and I'd fly a lot and I flew so much I remembered the American Airlines number it was one eight hundred four three three six four six four right yeah and so I'm like I call him pick it up and like and I'm like you guys that I'm stumbling do you guys sell lifetime passes what you mean you never heard of a lifetime passenger so I want to set myself up for life yeah yeah and I called him and they were like yeah let us but let us put you to the life to the air pass Department and so I bought one and it was me and anybody wanted to take to go anywhere in the world on an American Airlines flight for the rest of my life for two people yes do you mind if I ask you where that pass is now use Jason as it Jason so you have to give it to someone else to use oh I you can give it to one person but I'd give it to my dad but my dad passed then we were like okay you know I'll give it to Jason because he works for me in fly's life yeah you have to picture Jason if you would Jason could probably do anything his life he cares to do I would say would be a fair description Jason but instead of doing everything in life that he might do he around the doors Mark Cuban you got a seat this young Jason and the way he looks at mark is a love affair of a lifetime it is yeah well he got paid off he got this ticket yep and I want to ask you do you think he would take me with him wherever he's going to go every day one row not cooking well you know what I think I'll hold out I think what I'm gonna hold out is for what you did with your money when you went on to sell your new business or your second business and what did you buy with that you didn't just settle for a lifetime pass was that my fourth business but yeah it was um about the Mavericks with me the plane the plane the jet yeah the jet yeah online so that was like you know to me you know one of the things my dad taught me the one most valuable asset you don't own is your time right and so you know I always wanted my motivation a lot of respects was to just retire so my first company always wanted to retire by the time I was 35 I did it when I was 29 and then when I started back up again um and really went back at it with Todd at broadcast comm then we sold that and it was like okay I can afford a plane what's cooler than that and so I said you know you know I'm an internet guy so I got to practice what I preach and so I bought it online 40 million dollars it's not the first plane that was actually bought online yeah first and only if the biggest purchase ever made online ever to this day and why the plane and why such a big-ass plane it wasn't like you got yourself a little tiny there was a very specific reason because I could that's really though just because you put it so you get enough seats to bring anybody you happy because okay so I'll give you another story when I was 16 my dad would get me these beater cars right just the nastiest ugliest 50 dollar cars he could find and back then like a sporty car would be like a Mazda rx-7 um and he found that just old nasty one but he also found a station wagon and I wanted the station wagon because I could take all my buddies to go play basketball that's just you know that's that whole thing where some biggest banner yeah it's not even bigger as better it's just like okay what can I have the most fun with yeah yeah and you don't have fun because I'm an at your birthday if I met so many of your friends that you grew up with and for me personally that was by far the most enjoyable part of the party not how spec tackle it was not even that Stevie Wonder was singing to you like did you ever just where it was no I didn't know but the kids told me elevator I learned before I left that was cool I saw Stevie Wonder wasn't enough no it's because you know I love Stevie Stevie Wonder but yeah I'm friends with the chainsmokers and juice world was like okay let's do something a little different you know I met one guy at the party and I should shame myself for not remembering his name but he told me the story about you offering for him - he's in the airline business now I'm not gonna give the punchline okay what's the name of that guy your childhood friend you went to college with you you or so he said he said you offered him a share your first company that you sold he didn't trust and you punched him in the face high school buddy or college but I think a college buddy yeah tall guy thought it was a basketball player oh oh that's Eric yeah that's there yeah yeah was that a true story yeah yeah we told me that story because I heard his version and I totally believed every word yeah just basically we're out drinking you know all these these stories I heard on the street and we just got into it about what I was doing and he was a traditional TV guy who really didn't believe he worked for DISH Network I think at the time and if we were just yakking up like you're screwing up you're screwing up you're screwing up and then I don't remember the punch part but yeah I remember offering well you know what he told me he said you said and I want you to be part of my business that's our million dollars you say I'm gonna make a million dollars in this computer business and he left in your face you punched him and put him on the floor is that true okay no so too different for people yeah too different yeah different but that's the real pump itself yeah it sounds like me either way okay you know what I said to this guy went all through cuz he said he refused you twice I said would you look like a happy guy what are you do for a living he said I'm an airline Stewart he didn't say I own an airline he said I'm an airline steward oh no no no that's mark I know this marks called blonde hair like oh that's Mark's dog no marks tall has more stories to tell than any human he had a chance to work for me and he was a flight attendant who just had a blast just flying Southwest Airlines he still flies for Southwest Airlines he likes it likes it yeah I mean and you know but he was fun because you I would we would go places all the time he and I went to the UM to the Olympics like on last minutes like mark let's go to the Olympics it's like okay let's go Olympics let's go to Moscow okay but he didn't take the ticket that he should take but he wasn't bitter at all no no cuz he has fun yeah he's a fun guy he said I love mark I love everything about him he hasn't changed a bit and that's the messaging I heard from every single one of your childhood high school college friends from that party to your great credit I never thought I would I would meet a billionaire when everybody said he hasn't changed one bit I was an idiot then and that's what they said he's an idiot now but why basketball team I'm a girl so I don't get it I would buy Saks Fifth Avenue Bergdorf Goodman's and have all the clothes in the world I've just been a basketball junkie my entire life my team just I think I'll get a team you woke up windows I was a fan right I lived in Dallas and the team was horrible and when it came up for sale I was a season ticket holder and you know everybody's IOU gotta buy it you couldn't do any worse you couldn't do any worse and I was like okay you know it sounds fun um you know I once we sold to Yahoo and they I wasn't gonna stay around it was like okay this sounds like something fun to do and you know it turned out to be not just fun but but worked out really well and like to this day when we have a home game I'll go out there 3:30 4 o'clock before a game and just shoot buckets you know just shoot baskets on the court and to me that's you know that keeps me young and that's me being a kid for the rest of my life did you think you were gonna do that hold it for a long time become a businessman who knows basketball he's on a this will fill in the blank between our know I thought I'd hold it for a long time yeah you know way more than a love affair how about your wife Tiffany I met her at the party I met her only one time before at the shark tank said a number of years ago she strikes me and personalities opposite to you yeah yeah she's laid-back she's releasing notoriety we kind of just stick to where we go all the time you know we stick to our friends and you know we know if I go someplace like an award show what's going to happen if I go someplace different what's going to happen well it goes with you for those things obsession she's not yes she's not big into that stuff really big into kids oh yeah yeah now that my kids are older is it's a lot more fun to take them everywhere too so I could take Jake who's 10 or Alyssa will go with me still she's 13 my 16 year old doesn't know I exist anymore the minute she turned 16 I got really stupid but yeah but it's still the best thing that ever happened to me yeah why'd you wait so long to get married I know you're a player you played the field you had the most gorgeous woman on your arms your whole entire look not really yes that's true I've seen photos now because I was so into business you know I I dated some women for an extended period of time and it multiple times it came down to you know me or your business and I gave him the standard answer what was your name you know looks like that yeah just like that because you know if you knew me if you dated me you knew me and you knew where my my motivation my focus was and why was Tiffany able to settle in on that say that's okay because we didn't get married till after I sold all the companies and everything and so she had to believe you're gonna jump out and do something what you know what stay busy right night then I do things but yeah I mean it was just she was the right complement to me at the right time at the right time at hey all right let's talk money and I'm not talking about money and I hope you don't mind me asking but when I sold my business for 66 million dollars to everyone I knew from my birth to that moment in time everyone thought I was on easy street and I must be in a different universe and like I had not a care in the world like amazing what does that feel like everybody said what does it feel like what does it feel like and for me it was so frightening I just locked up my money for two years I didn't spend a dime I don't go out and buy a plane or a ticket or and I should have in hindsight but what does it feel like not to be a million millionaires have problems they buy too big a house they have a bad downturn in the market they still have worries but what does it feel like to be a billionaire I don't even know how what's that a million million or a thousand million I'm really a thousand million that wasn't million what does it just feel like you wake up in the morning do you think I can't believe it I think that all the time you wake up and you think that yeah all the time not just wake up but you just look around and just go how did this happen um like you can't believe it like it was popped like oh the Ranger often partial luck shushing yeah all the above right no one gets to be this rich without a lot of luck you know it wasn't my plan that the internet stock market took off when it did you know Shaq gave me [ __ ] one time about oh you're lucky you're lucky I like Shaq did you plan to grow to be seven foot two you know he'll say yeah you know you you've got to recognize when you're lucky and I was lucky now you know they say luck is when preparation opportunity meets preparation and so no question I busted my ass and had I not worked as hard it would not have happened and you also have to be smart too because you know when we sold broadcast Todd nine we sorted for stock and when we sold it the stock was way up there and it went up even higher and I was like how much money do I need I mean I just don't need any more money so I did something called a collar where I sold calls and bought puts which protected me in case there was a downturn because I'd seen this this game before we're kinda like creating your insurance policy are you sure you got you state wealthy exactly right and so I've seen it before with with companies when I traded a lot of stocks um and so you know I hedged my I hedged all of it and when the internet stocks crashed I still had all my money and I even made a little bit and that protected me and they called it one the top ten trades in the history of Wall Street but that wasn't luck that was no that was yeah that was planning yeah that was planning and not being greedy but you know back to your question if it was crazy I mean it's still inconceivable and it's just you know I just money money buys you comfort money buys you sanity in some respects money takes away a lot of the stress of paying the bills then I that we've all been through it at certain points but but it doesn't make you happy if you know it's like why not you remove all that from the plate why wouldn't you be happy what's left to be unhappy about well yeah I mean look I was happy when I was broke you know and it's like I tell you know people whenever there's a big lottery jackpot of a billion dollars people always call me so I would you know what do you like if you if you were miserable when you were broke money's not gonna change that you know if you were happy living your life when when you know you were living paycheck to paycheck and all of a sudden you make it big you know it's you're smart you're gonna love your life even more and I think that's what happened to me I just try not to take it for granted I try to enjoy it no I really the biggest benefit of it other than this the lack of stress in terms of paying bills is I can do things that buy me time you know I for example yeah I like the plane or you know people will I think I can make things happen more quickly by paying a little bit more and that's important because times the one asset you can't own buy or get back i remind me when you say buy time you put some time for one of the friends I don't know from which chapter of your life but from one of the younger chapters I met also at your party I could write a book on my huge just based on the conversations and I'm hoping they're all true but this is a story this guy said he said he was sick in a hospital outside of Dallas some of the city a long distance away he was very sick and had some weird-ass disease that they couldn't put their finger on your own age your own peer and he said you heard about him he never reached out to you but you heard about him through someone and you sent your jet to pick him up out of that hospital you didn't know what was happening fly over to Dallas and put him in the best hospital with the best care and he was cured same true story I don't know no you gotta back me up say of course I know you don't remember a day like that yeah the guy credited you right there on the floor of your party was there at the bar if he was there at the party then it's probably true but yeah I don't remember it unbelievable yeah well that day before I remember but if there was one thing you wake up in the morning and you pinch yourself and you say hey you know I can't billionaire what's the thought that you associate with that thought right after a billionaire and and and what how am I gonna enjoy it you know and how does it impact my family and how can i impact the world you know um those are three vastly different things yeah one's protective one's giving one's just about yourself and what about your family how do you protect them how do you protect them from the notoriety I think it's a bigger issue than anything else yeah I mean it's not even so much the notoriety because you know when people stop and ask for things whatever they kind of know just to wait a second and I'll deal with it and I just kind of explain to them it's I'm just gonna be nice and if I'm nice it goes by very quickly and everybody's happy your kids don't mind standing by the sidelines and you're you're being gracious to this know that yeah and I try to use it as a point look if I can be nice to strangers you could be nice to anybody you know anybody that you deal with and you know I had this thing with my daughter not long ago where she made a comment I didn't appreciate to somebody else that I didn't think was right and I had to go through the whole talk of look we're very fortunate but you have to treat people with respect period end of story sorry you know my biggest fear for them is that they're gonna end up being entitled jerks and you know this is an example of potentially being an entitled jerk is that how you want to be in that how you want to be perceived you know in high school in college and you know is that who do you want to be and she got all upset I go upset but you know that that's my biggest fear after their health but you stopped it right then and there when you saw it yeah tolerate it know you know and how did they deal with being Mark Cuban's daughter Mark Cuban's son they must have that in their face all the time yeah and they really don't talk to me about it now I really don't ask him about it I'm a whole lot because you know and they have it in common with each other yeah and it's not like I want to say hey I'm famous what do you think house affecting you and you know then it comes up from various points on but I think my wife really has dealt with that better you know in terms of dealing with the kids because she has to deal with it the same way well so I think the long ways and so much more on the kids no matter what the dad does yeah I mean I think particularly with my daughter's not maybe not as much of my son even though he's a mama's boy a certain level but yeah I mean we I could spend time with all of them and but there are I think there's certain things they give like I have to deal with the tough subjects you know talking to my daughter about you know drinking and you know boys and my wife's like you deal with that and I think my wife deals with the school in the day to day stuff so that good partnership isn't a pair of minimum right okay so you invest in a lot of businesses I see or in Shark Tank anything I say you want Shark Tank to ICU and yes amazing all that work yeah but the businesses you invest in our across the board I can't honestly say well what is Mark like best I could do that with all the other sharks I cannot say that I would have to probably if I was guessing I would say I think he likes the people best that's about it and I'm not sure I'm right on that and I've sat across to you for what nine years yeah you think I have the mo down but what what is it so sometimes you so first you have to ask why do i do Shark Tank you know and I do sorry tank to send a message that the American Dream is alive and well that you can be anywhere in the country and start a company and make it to the carpet in front of us and potentially get a deal or not even need to come and see us and and so that's why I do the show and that kind of drives what I invest in and so we're you know you guys might only do a deal because of the economic benefit I might do a deal because of the social benefit as well or because I like the entrepreneur and you know I want to help that person so it's not charity but because I think I can make I'm arrogant enough to think I can make all those businesses work yes yes but I hear you don't what no no the course they don't I tell everybody all mine agree yeah of course yeah then I hear you talk about well this one but ya know you're the first one to say this one was yeah you know and some of the entrepreneurs are just idiots and and you try your best and sometimes they listen sometimes they don't cuz you're a telltale sign when you get involved in the deal for those of people who don't know you know we make the deal on shark tank it's a handshake deal that we do the due diligence right let's say you go down and do diligence to the first week or two they're telltale sign that you know a you're either gonna be used by the entrepreneur or B these people are never going to make you money and then what's your out of that like what do you say hey forget it let's close this deal down well if they're lying about the numbers obviously a lot right away my mom's mistake a lot of the guys I work with make honest mistake yeah I mean there's one as well you know we didn't ask about the credit card debt you know you know it's a deal for $100,000 for 10% million dollar valuation and you know you look at it and then they have 50,000 and sales okay I expected that that's what you said but there's a hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt pretty scary yeah and it did it didn't come up at all and it wasn't their fault that we didn't ask that question it just didn't come up it's like the sin of omission yeah so you're out right away you won't reconsider though I'll still consider it but then I just really business you know I really try to stick to the terms that you know you and eyes have done deals together so we we both try to stick to the terms that we agree to but you know what but what really for me or turn-offs when immediately they try to raise their salaries you know if they're trying to use that money immediately to put it in their sign your contract I've always meant to ask you can't forget you school your other contract no none of the money is used for salaries yeah we try to say that right but someone will still come back yeah and there's things they'll come back so we try to be protective in the Trek so that you can't just immediately raise money two days later you you know you can't immediately delude us in other ways and just you know and sometimes now you know because now that the people that come on Shark Tank they all talk to each other you know so they know all the deals that have been done and all the legal issues and everything and so if if all of a sudden they have a lawyer that's done 30 shark tank deals Avery you really run into that yeah Wow and so then I know they don't really want to deal you know because they got a lawyer who typically didn't even deal what about the guy that you feel like is using you since it on the show or you don't and then you're getting involved in the deal and you realize they're just using you they don't want to close so that kind of you oh yeah yeah yeah any times a year would you say we'll do chores like if I you know if I do 1516 deals in a year you know probably five or six yeah well I do a lot less deals and humans I have a hell of a lot less money but I can tell you I get one a year first it's a game here we bet on them I wonder which one ya know it for sure because you know you you you get the people that are there just for the commercial and they don't really want the deal or they want to be able to say like I had to at least to this year where the deal didn't close and for little things that they introduced and they were out there doing all the media oh yeah Marc's a great investor and this than that I don't like I don't even talk to your ass right yeah so yeah you don't like yeah for sure okay so I've known you for a long time and I would have to say when people say what's more Cuban like are the only people that people ask me about I have to say what's Kevin like because before you notice everybody thinks he's a bastard right here that too the next question is what's more Cuban like and I just have the same ol ants I go he has an entire zest for living and what you see is what you get I want to come up with something more exciting but that's what comes not boring at all but that's all I can say what just see is what you get and he has such a zest for living why this is that's believing come by my dad you know my dad did upholstery on cars um he was just he's just a good guy and he died last year at 92 and lived every minute like he was 21 you know my dad was in his 70s 80s 1990 before he started to go downhill and he was out drinking wine every single night I wish I married him Yeah right and you know his name is nordia old old name and I would hear all the time yeah I was out drinking with your dad I was out drinking with your dad I was out my dad's 85 years old I'm out drinking what but your dad you know my dad 87 years old we're taking him to Vegas and he's sitting at the blackjack table just staring at every girl that walks by I mean would your mom okay with it yeah my mom did care I mean it's like I told my wife when I'm 92 I'm marrying a 29 year old whether you like it or not I've seen you at parties at bars after shark tank at different events we're obligated to attend somehow and I am watched women flock to you like you're a piece of chocolate candies why don't I notice that you know that mark but here's what's wonderful let me clear my throat second that's unclear my purse yeah hope you don't [ __ ] here's what is really amazing to me I've watched them come like spiders attacking a prey and you're the prey I've watched him on a ballroom floor making their way to you and you sit there and you just smile and rock with the music or something and totally ignore them you're so loyal it's like no no this guy's got to have a crack there's gotta be something wrong with this guy he's cracks in the system but that's not one how do you do that and how do you not as a powerful man a rich man a guy that every woman good-looking gorgeous is hitting on how do you resist I think men should have separate marriage license they're allowed to double okay got all those qualifications I really think that would be realistic but how do you resist I don't see what you see behind your back oh you do I know but let's say you don't even see that action I'm telling you I'm seeing it makes Daymond look like a [ __ ] in that field and that's a chick magnet you know but how do you resist how do you resist the allure of being able to do whatever you want and have that kind of power to be who you want and whatever you want to grab it's not worth it not where is it yeah yeah you're just not gonna give up anything that is the consequences yeah yeah okay so I guess this means no I don't have a chance with you ever you know I you know every marriage there's always room for one exception where you agree with your spouse that you can have one exception mm-hmm is it really G let me talk to Bill wait you're going he can't hear I actually started thinking that was a rule I'm saying I never heard of that okay so your dad when I was at your party I'm sorry to keep returning to it I heard as many people say that your dad was the favorite guy in his neighborhood yeah that the shear forces personality has described yeah he just he's a great guy no no dad now what about you youth what are you doing Gemma facelift everybody on the set last year was like yeah everybody on the set last year behind your back who same our kind of face look how I live no come on I can like what no I'm clean with me all I swear to God no the only thing I ever did like three seasons ago someone convinced me to try Botox and it [ __ ] up my smile big time so yeah I can look at the pictures and and tell which season it was so no yeah no facelifts I just walk around like this ya know what's my last a lot of weight if you think that's really good how to fix your face yeah absolutely and I went vegetarian too I mean literally after I went vegetarian people that all your skin so much better but let me I will say this so back in my 20s I dated a girl who worked for Neiman Marcus and um you don't want me to stop running I know it's more they maintain the quality of this story back in my 20s I dated a girl who worked for Neiman Marcus who was always big on you wear sunglasses so you don't crinkle your eyes and she gave me this moisturizer and she gave me these scrubs and so I always started scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing my face and if you saw my dad I have good genetics my dad at 92 looked a lot younger um and so I would always just take care of my skin and then I started going to a dermatologist you know which real men generally don't do yeah and so she would do the oh I call it pebbles where they zap you with all these pebbles and all this stuff Michael dermabrasion is right right so I do that city's really ring yeah but you know for two hours right and so yeah and so I would do that you know once every few months and so I've been doing that for a while and so it's helped and then losing a like yeah I just needed to lose weight so go and vegetarian really help there and you know picking up my workouts do you think your vein would you you do oh yeah I see that yeah yeah I can't watch myself on Shark Tank I literally have probably missed a third or more of the episodes because I can't watch myself well I watched Shark Tank you look good but guess what I do on my side of the page I've covered the screen I don't look at myself see that's the way I think about it yeah I think you look great yeah well you look great well see why don't why not what's with the t-shirts everybody who says why does he always wear t-shirts why does Morgan always wear t-shirt why would i well why would you have moisture that rests up why would I do that let me tell you you could buy a really cool cut shirt that really shows you physique stretches across the chest a little tight on the upper arms the kind of shirts that make a guy really look like a hunk yeah no I just like to be comfortable yeah so you better dress up for anything shark tank is pretty much it you know go to church synagogue nothing don't bother to dress up unless you know I have a really good reason to know and I think that's part of being a billionaire is how it is you know know that way always t-shirts aren't even fashion shirts they're kind of just whatever's in the class I mean that's okay but it's not designer money no I mean do I have know if I have any design of t-shirts you don't I used to buy Versace like right after I sold my first company I was like for saachi's cool and I put out of Miami and I'd have these bizarre oh there's a picture of me I'll show you with Marc the guy's the flight attendant where I've got nothing but a vest on and these prasat jeans and yeah it was just that was a phase when you're finding yourself I think you found yourself an era I guess we're never gonna see anything other than a cheap t-shirt you're right yeah I mean yeah maybe I'll wear the the I don't know we'll see maybe I just won't wear shirt at all I get a good enough shape that's what let me tell you what these sharks say behind your back that fascinates us what was none of us are able to pull it out which is your ability to answer a text the minute you get it emails emails emails text phone calls how is it that we don't hear from your assistant who's an assistant to an assistant and that you are on your game and write on everything it sounds it just strikes us like this is the weirdest thing you put three days behind in text for example and thinking I'm pretty good because I'm keeping up I'm the only one who sees them yeah and I do the quantity you get everybody wants to catch you like going back in my business career it's always been easier for me just to do it then to explain to somebody what I want and then for them to go look at it then then bring it to me and says you know do you want to take a look at this because you might be interested in this you know it's just easier for me because I've always done email I mean I have emails going back 25 years you know and it's just like delete delete delete delete you know I can just read the first paragraph and know as opposed to somebody not knowing sitting down reviewing everything explaining it to them you know trying to adjust and figure out what to do next it's just easier for me to do it faster you can kind of get in a business deal because it's more effective it's faster and you know your best judgment is your own judgment but I don't get it with all this stuff you do I don't get why you don't have a barrier between you and the world why would I because it saves time now I know it's the exact opposite no I think it does save time the number of hours in the day so far as people getting at you don't you want a barrier between you and all the people who want to get out should they're not a little business to you no no no that's the fun part of life unbelievable I think I'll be frightened to death I do that for a day know the cooks I get at you that way makes it even more fun oh my god what we're finding out today is Mark Cuban is not who I always thought he was he is a nut job I do yeah yeah for sure these are not the right answers so have another plug mark you're online texting you're on the email you're constantly on on on on on have you pull out the plug or is it not necessary is out of fallacy yeah I don't need to unplug for the most part I mean I'll play with my kids you know you know chase around my daughter take him to school pick him up go play basketball work out just the normal stuff you know constant flow so there's not a category for your family a category for your work anything like no it's just you know just trying to do the right thing try to connect with my family and be available to them do fun stuff with them and I mean look you know with the kids the kids I'm my kids ages it's more about them than their parents right and so it's more I have to work harder to interject myself where I can and you know try to get their time and you know kidnap them to go to lunch or my son's attend is still fun like you know we will go get a hotel room he ice cream and tell fart jokes all night you know for him to stay up until 2:00 in the morning right you know and do stupid stuff and so yeah but yeah with my 13 and 16 year old it's like everything's a one-word answer so Alyssa Howard tryouts cuz she has basketball size oh okay what'd you do play basketball keep making his shots it's basketball she missed any shots we played basketball dad what do you think get off my back you know whereas in my 16 year old daughter is more hyper and everything's like I'm more of an ordeal so but she's like I'm study dad leave me alone leave me alone and so what you wake me up dang it you know or she thinks she's cool right so she'll say freakin all the time right or instead of giving me the finger she'll give me a pinky right you know she's got her own little ways around it then so and I just laugh at it but yeah they're good kids and so it's fun to spend as much time as I can one thing I didn't see in the children that I met the night of your party is no arrogance I didn't see an ounce of arrogance and you can usually see that from across oh yeah yeah and I mean then the reason to be arrogant I mean they're good kids they really really are and I'm proud of them you think they're gonna talk about you the way you talk about your father I hope so yeah I hope so really they're gonna have that similar relationship I think you know they're gonna call me stupid and silly and goofy and they're right you know but that's hopefully what makes it fun okay so let me ask you it's just one last question maybe - no - more or less I'm here for you barb whatever you need okay what are you working on now that no one knows about why don't give me a secret so I can say I know something about mark that no one else knows what he's working on right now so I'm working on a lot of health care stuff and balance you think that's a growing industry no don't even a lucky break or what happens no more because I think what's happening with health care in this country is back-ass half words that nothing we're doing really works as well as it should and it started when the Republicans we're looking to do a repeal and replace and get rid of Obamacare what has its own problems but I just started saying okay if I was going to solve this as a business person how would I approach it so I just started you know working with some economist and working with a lot of healthcare people both from the publicans and Democrats side and so we're making some progress there's a lot of good thing you're doing is pro bono work it's not with an I Twitter no no I don't care if I make any money at all look I don't I stopped trying to just make as much money as I could a long time ago I've got enough money right it's more I value my time a lot more than I do my next dollar I don't have to worry about money but you know I just want to you know try to look back at some point and say okay I didn't [ __ ] it up what do you think is wrong with the health care system nobody seem to have solved that at all really yeah he's critical the fundamental problem is not everybody can get the care they need it the cost they can afford I think people understand that concept though nobody seems to agree on how to skin that cat yeah and there's a lot of ideologies and I'm trying to you know balance the two together and bringing them together but fundamentally we have to make people healthier and to do you know if people are healthier they consume less health care until they're older right and for long-term care um and there's ways to approach that there's ways to the the drug system is such a mess right now and so I started a company there because there's so many in efficiencies people will start companies in the pharmacy industry and then the big guys will just buy em out and those just starts companies know when they're going to get bought out as opposed to trying to change the game so we're starting companies that aren't looking to get bought even though we've already had offers to sell the company and then do it right you're gonna get blood yes I won't do it right yeah I won't I won't sell it I'd rather turn them upside down and disrupt the industry and then in terms of healthcare programs I think there's a you know I'm modeling I'm working with the RAND Corporation to model a hybrid of single-payer so if your makeup - let's just say $40,000 your healthcare should be free if you make between 40 to a million dollars a year then you should pay some percentage of your income in total yeah yeah and that's the whole point right so you know nobody the average person is gonna pay 8% of their health care 8% of their income for health care total all in no exceptions but how are you going to let's assume you come up with a premise that you really believe you can pull out that won't really work without being a politician without having that power behind you what are you gonna do is it so I've been I've been everywhere with it I've been in front of Republican and Democratic senators candidates you name it I've sat in front of them and to make a suggestion no just a second on their own well no because they everybody knows it's a problem yes the good news is I don't give money to any political candidates so I can be independent and so they know that there needs to be a solution and you know they're listening to me so where I'm at right now is you know I've learned from everybody I've taken input over the last two and a half years from everybody with a different opinion and put it together into a plan and now it's getting modeled by a bunch of economists at the RAND Corporation is like the biggest thank you yeah exactly and so you know that the numbers come out the way I think they will then I'll have a I'll have something to say look here's what you think here's what the numbers say here's what how you would approach it here's how I to provide it's still an option you got to get them to listen to you unless you run that's my job yeah that's my job then for anything no I mean the family I ordered the town really yeah you know when I met Tiffany at your home the first thing I said is mark gonna run what you say you know and after that everybody said is Mark gonna run I said no no I believe Tiffany yeah because yeah we have family vote and they said no well you're dodged a bullet is you like your enemy on the shark tanks it's always dodged a bullet when I get past ok back to shark tank good what's what's your complaint with Robert ICU it's a truth you're in your seat when Robert does something it's oh it's Robert he's the nicest guy in the world he's a nice guy I like rocks you what yes you know it's me uh Robert give me the list it must be more than one no it's just you know everybody's got the type of person really you know that annoys them and just Robert screaming at the top of his lungs all the time Robert screaming at the top ok wait I'll do my Robert surely you want to get down sorry do my Robert recitation you do I you know it's funny I never thought of a picture of Robert screaming at the time that's true yes oh you're gonna do it I don't have to do it you're gonna do it oh okay well that's cute what's wrong with that it was cute the first 327 times God you just can't tolerate it okay what's wrong with Lori Eileen the Lord doesn't look that Norma except when she's going to look we all know you're mumbling my yeah and so we're all long-winded at some level when we go on right because that's the hardest part of the show is going out and not sounding stupid it's only that two people is saying why is figuring out why are you gonna go out when you know why you want to go out why is that the hardest part of show business on Shark Tank because you want to sound smart and you want to contribute something to the entrepreneur you want them to know you want to leave them with something of value that makes them a little bit smarter about their business and you want to do it in a way that sounds like you care and sometimes you do and sometimes you don't and you know you want to get you want to get it over with and that literally if somebody walks on I'm guessing you do the same thing that I know there's just no chance that I'm gonna do it absolutely no when you're out right away yeah and I'm already thinking okay what am I going to say yeah we take endless notes that all outs no one can use that when that's been used not bad but it's so hard to come up with an out that hasn't been done five hundred sizable so there's an old old episode where the guy called me cubes right and I said yeah juice is for calling me cubes I'm out yeah and wasn't cause he called me cubes it was just an opportunity to go out what she bother back you know I don't care everybody calls me cubes I don't care but I needed a way to go out and that's so funny oh my god who's your favorite shark yeah I know it no now what'd I tell you but I tell you all the time why do I tell you you're my favorite shark oh I don't like to what do I tell you that you're really really good at better than all the other sharks I know exactly what it is but I want everybody here what is it no fool barbers get the best people skills yeah yeah she's her ability to recognize begin bad in somebody and what they'll be like as an entrepreneur what would be like as a person are they kind compassionate willing to work I have they had their backs up against the wall Barbara picks up on that stuff in a minute it's funny enough mark you but I think you pick up on that better than I do no there's no way I mean because I look at the numbers I look at the business and I try to drill down to see okay good and then the arrogant part of me says well I can fix that you know where is that where you in your case you look that's a character flaw you see it all the time you know this this this but your character flaw is this and I just don't trust that so I can't do business with you why didn't I see that yeah and so what do you think on the opposite side of the equation when you're excited about an entrepreneur or a business partner or a life partner what do you think is the one thing that you think makes a person a winner and I hate these questions one thing I know but I'll rephrase it what do you think is one of the most important things that you use as your measuring stick to say that person where that person is worthwhile having them as a purpose of my life whatever P says are they learners are they workers will they admit they're wrong and adjust you know you've got to be very agile in business you've got to be very adaptive in business it's not just all one way to the highway and I think if somebody is willing to adjust willing to work hard and is always learning and always selling then good things will happen if I find on the flip side if someone's always looking for an ounce you know if only I raise more money if only we marketed more if only you know our advertising was better if only I had the right person if only this if only that and everything's an excuse then it never works and you consider that a character flaw yeah it repeats itself yeah be good because I'm sure you see a - it was the best idea was the best this but we just didn't raise enough money if only we had more money why didn't you know you knew that going in you know if only i iron lots of times someone will try to come up in and say well this isn't working we need to hire the right person and then they'll say well I think I've got the best marketing person in the world like that person was so great as a marketing person they weren't leaving where they were before because they want to let them go or they'd be doing their own thing but they'll try to hire that one person that saves the company and when you do that that typically means it's over and you know when I hear any of that I don't really internalize the stories a lot about it yeah go ahead oh yeah tranquil ready yeah leave a little bit for me okay I want to say I got I got to drink out of the same bottle as you it's my diseases yeah yeah but um my reaction to that is always like a southern feeling of hopelessness I just I don't know where that comes from I feel hopeless about the business I can't even quantify yeah when somebody just has an excuse for everything you feel like you're gonna hear the next one the next one okay so what about the character flaw in a friendship or what turns you on about a friend why do you choose other than the old friends who with you I don't really care I haven't I haven't gone looking for new friends but people find you and you make friendships easily yeah so what is it that attracts you to something yeah I'll let them be my friend or forget it I mean there's running buddies and there's friends friend you know becoming a friend happens over years you know it's not something that oh we're besties right you're my new BFF you know it takes time it wears running buddies oh yeah let's go to the game let's let's go hang out and get a drink or let's all go out to dinner you know that those people come and go and it's it's no big deal how many close friends would you consider you have um I mean I have a lot of close friends but yeah you know from when I first moved to Dallas they're still the same friends people have worked with people I grew up with people I went to college with I don't know there's you know probably 15 20 but you know I think the greatness of my friends is we don't have to talk every day and if we don't see each other for a year or two like we just did a boy's trip that was we hadn't done in 10 years and we all got together and did stupid stuff in Vegas um a little bit not as stupid as we used to do but I'm sure but yeah but it was like we'd been doing it every year you know and so like it got together some last year exactly and so they're all they'll always be my friends and will always be close but you know you know what like you know when you have a family you have kids that's your friendship those your friends right and so you don't have as much time like when I was single and it was like what are we doing tonight you have a hard time trusting all those people you cited it was all prior to college or during college old friends before you were a billionaire do you have a hard time trusting people's motivations no because I don't need anything from them well said Wow you know it's not like okay you know a lot of times with friendships particular when you're younger it's like alright I need that emotional support I want somebody in my life that's gonna be there for me I don't need that from anybody so it's like if you're my friend you're my friend and if not okay whatever yeah Kuban as usual 150% of r-cubed thanks bud thank you so much no fun really thank you so much I love you up there but you'd have to replace them with somebody else which would be hard cuz you're so goddamn loyal yeah he's good guy good guy oh you got a great Krueger yeah everybody's good come on I don't hire any luck good people I mean I've got a workout buddy I've got me everything yeah I kind of borrow all your people here you know when I come to New York yeah that's shopping there you're working out with her dad's body what's even more shocking is I never found out about it until I heard from somebody from your own family why you didn't tell me you did too bad you're in the back row that's never a good sign no cuz I they knew the routine like I got there they've been doing the routine for months yeah and I said okay and then I want to get another time you know yeah like I saw what she said okay okay she said you - out right before the ending which I thought that's no I didn't don't know but that that the budget but stuff destroyed me destroyed me like one cheek was like ruined for her a month but it's so joyful is it no yeah the dance party fun but yeah the police don't have any mention there's like a bar workout part was easy I mean that was fine but the the the bar part work on your cheeks and me yeah I just don't have that flexibility right you're like it's like a dog beam and you know you're like yeah yeah give me the hip flexibility right yeah let me show you my wall Shamy
Channel: Barbara Corcoran
Views: 98,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark cuban, shark tank, barbara corcoran, behind the scenes, 888barbara, business advice, barbarac corcoran podcast, cnbc make it, how to become a millionaire, how to become a youtuber, best advice for entrepreneurs, best advice for millennials, shark tank con artist, shark tank full episode, ask kevin oleary, ask mr wonderful, key to success, business unusual, mark cuban interview, mark cuban barstool, mark cuban tik tok, mark cuban viral, funny shark tank moments
Id: l2D9ZKzqnjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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