Mark Cuban: Best Interview UNCENSORED

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while Mark first of all thank you so much for taking the time man to come to your American Airlines Center you know most people you think this is a bar you talk to most people this would look like a bar but this happens to be the coolest office in the world this is your office in the center right this is where I go to get away it's my office my mancave my bar when I need it preferably to celebrate it rather than drown my sorrows but yeah this is where I get away well so far it's been a pretty good start for you guys eight and fours yeah you know we've got to play a lot better but we'll see what happens I feel good about how the players are playing out I send you cyber dust you have they sing about how I felt on yeah Dee will cuz a lot of people thought he was but he's a very well yeah and he's still not 100% healthy so you know as he gets more comfortable and gets a little bit feeling a little bit better he's going you better I feel that as well he's he had at one point he was one Paul was two if you remember that yep I know it's not a regular guy so if he's got the fire again he could do some stuff yeah I think you know he's just feeling his way a little bit and once he gets that confidence up a little bit more he shows those flashes of brilliance and I think I feel the synergy when I see it so there's some synergy with the team so so let's get right into it at the time that we have here together mark biggest difference between being a millionaire and a billionaire well would you say the difference like the difference between having a hundred dollars and a thousand dollars worth a dollar you know we're a penny and a thousand dollars it's no difference no no no it's huge difference I mean I've been I've been blessed I mean I made a lot of money at a relatively young age and was a millionaire a few times over but just in terms of what you can do and the opportunities that buys there's no comparison at the billionaire mom yeah yeah this is crazy now how do you stay so so so humble I mean you gotta be the coolest cat in entrepreneurs everybody people who follow you you got a lot of opinions you just don't know it I'm sure behind closed doors I see your interviews sometimes you know you don't but still the level of the one thing that always impresses me with you is because sometimes you know how guys get to a higher level they have so many people that hey Mark can you give me money can you give me money kidding do this you still are very accessible how do you balance that accessibility and still running all the businesses you run well people you know that I'm close to I know what's going on and so it's it's really easy you know and if I don't know you you know reach out to me on cyberdust and I've got 30 seconds to decide whether or not I want to know you you know I don't do a lot of meetings I don't do a lot of phone calls I don't do a lot of sit downs I do almost everything through cyberdust or email and that makes me a lot more efficient and gives me a lot more time in terms of people wanting things you know it's the best problem in the world to have and so I try to be nice I try to be considerate um but you know people people know me know what's important to me and what's not and either you fit in that or you don't that's good to know you know I finish your book and I watch a lot of three pages of it but you know what the one part in your book with the edge that I think every entrepreneur needs to real it's true literally I think every entrepreneur even if it's just the edge part well that's why I made it so short and sweet right I want people to see stories I wanted people to see you know that if I can do what they can do it um and I don't want to get them all bogged down and you know this little story or that little story and try to you know try to sound smart or be smart I figured you know the things that have worked for me and the things that I use to motivate myself if I could keep it short and sweet people would actually read it and you don't get comments all the time this is the first book I've read in years and I read it all in one sitting and that was my goal and it gets a lot done into one city yeah it's something I guess a lot done in one sitting okay for four bucks you can afford it yeah absolutely and so if you haven't read about if you're watching you got to get the books one of the action items at the end mark so question I read the story you know the whole $7,500 ring the eighty three thousand a 85,000 the whole day you know the the Motley eighteen year old and then the sixteen year and all that stuff that yeah but I'm curious if if you and I were buddies in high school okay we're 14 years old 15 years old and we know each other uh-huh would I bet on you being who you are too no chance really no chance tell me why I mean I had my I had my good friends and you know we we hung out and I was a hustler there's there's no question I was a hustler even in high school oh yeah and into business in a big way um but I don't I don't think people saw to me it wasn't like people look to me oh he's he's destined to succeed I'll show you a picture of me in high school when we leave I'm not gonna let you take a picture of it all and you'll see why now you got everybody curious you want you can describe it but yeah I'll show it to you but yeah I'm not gonna let you put on camera no worries so in high school you were the fungi were you were you were you always the guy that made people laugh when I was into sports not I wasn't great at it I was just decent um wasn't technology guy I mean I I was into learning I was I was I was a business guy I was I was the guy reading about business all the time reading business books all the time you know going to Junior Achievement I was a junior achievement geek why do why were you reading business books because I want that's what I knew I mean I was wired that always you know I started my first business when I was 12 I was buying and selling baseball cards buying and selling stamps anything I could do to make money I was hustling and trying to do so I was in the business but I not so much were it was all my friends were into it with me so they wouldn't know me spell cards yeah baseball cards you name it I mean I grew up in Pittsburgh and so I would probably even less than 12 years old I would excuse me go up by a bunch of baseball cards that I collected and I would package I would say okay you're guaranteed to have a Pittsburgh pirate in this package and I would charge three times as much and I'd set up on this park bench down in the park down it's got Township where I grew up and I'd have these little sails and it was great I've made money you know I mean it was you know and I learned as much about business when I was nine ten and twelve as I learned any other time I'm obsessed with baseball cards there is it anything no I wish I know I wish I still had on but they're all long gone I gave it to my brother who knows what happened something about cards man I don't know what it is you explain it to somebody they think you're not so bad now you learn yeah back then that's how you know you had your favorite players and you know you didn't see they weren't on TV every day you read about him in the newspaper there was no internet and so baseball cards were a way to connect you know I had my Willie Stargell I have my Roberto Clemente cards so you're not talking about your tie back yeah there was no pick it back then yeah so um Beck was just getting started right so gonna you know I don't look at it more I looked at it just hey this is the home affinity it wasn't like okay these were going to be valuable at some point so yeah but it was just you know it was just a means yeah now you have the Honus Wagner card you know I'm not like yeah that'd be a cool card yeah but I've just I mean just look look around you right I mean I got stuff I'm just not into like I'm not a big collector tech guy well I got your gift man I'm with you now I wanted to get you something and what can I get this guy you may have it but I hope you don't have my wife but I hope so so let's get into entrepreneurship a little but we already have but I you know going into it now to focus on a little bit what would you say out of all the reasons in the world not regular but you have the talent you know all these keys to success etcetera what would you say is the number one reason why people fail not necessarily why they make you the complete opposite right lack of brains lack of effort lack of brains lack of effort yeah they just they don't do the work they don't learn you know when you walk in the room when you start a business and you start to talk about somebody you're never in a vacuum with no competition you know and unless you're just extremely lucky and if there's going to be competition that means somebody else knows your business as well as you do when you get started and if you walk into a competitive environment and they still know more about the business than you do and more about your customers you're going to lose and but most people don't consider that they don't do the work they don't learn more about their industry they don't know even about their business I mean and so you've got to put in the effort to know more about your industry than anybody else and that's that's the brains part and that's the effort part as well because look if you're competing with me you you better know what you're doing otherwise I'm gonna kick your ass you know and you're not gonna outwork me and so you know the combination is usually what kills businesses early on more than anything do you think so there's a part that people say you know mark made it because mark is a special again he became an entrepreneur you know this guy made it all these guys made it because they have this special gene or whatever it is do you think there's a proven formula that if a brand rookie guy he's got a lotta ambitious gun out of this rap but not a lot of knowledge and how to do you think if he follows a formula he's guaranteed to make it as a porno okay so you don't believe there's a guarantee to make it no because who knows you're gonna be competing with so if you put two two people both following the same formula both in the same industry right which one wins yeah maybe they both can win and both be successful but you know so I don't I don't think there's a DeVault default template for success but I think there's things that you can do to put yourself in the best position to succeed you know so I talk about stuff in the book you know I talk about the one thing in business you can control his effort you know um going out there and sales curing all you know so I I think you know and I agree with your point that there are things that if you do them you put yourself in the best position to succeed but you know if you just walk into a buzz you know a buzz saw and somebody else is doing them a little bit better you know what happens now are you saying - to compete on your level there's no we're just look we're just any level right just as even if you put a formula for me I followed it will I eventually be able to make a quarter million a year if I followed up one day but I'm not talking about a hundred million you guys pick where - right right so how would this be wise right yeah it was a business plan competition and they were talking about making big money reselling travel plans and making $3 in affiliate commissions right it's just not gonna happen you have that's just more you have to be smart you can pick the wrong things and you know you're talking to you know alluded to earlier about entrepreneurs being born or built you know and I think they're I knew I was wired to be excited about business how or why I don't know but you know and there's certain guys they have the genetics to jump out of the gym right certain guys you know that you know when they golf they have the muscle memory and and the discipline you know dirt the Biscay may not be the most talented guy in the NBA but his discipline and his focus to do what's necessary to be successful he's willing to do and combine it with being seven feet tall and being skilled you know it makes him an amazing basketball player so it's understanding what your skill set is finding the right place to use those skills and then going for it you know will that make you 250 grand as if you picked the right industry but whatever industry you pick if you outwork everybody if you try to be a little smarter than everybody if you try to be a better salesperson and everybody if you try to be better prepared than everybody you've got your best chance because if you don't do it and somebody else does yeah I have the same work like someone's trying to take it all away from you you know work you actually work like someone's spending 24 hours working 24 hours to take it all away from you and that's kind of the way I look at it when you were younger did you have was your father into business was your mother was there an uncle somebody that did well in business that you admire with or somebody you read about they said I like rockefeller I like Carnegie nothing nothing so it's just purely user I said I think you know my dad did upholstery on cars my mom did whatever odd jobs um but my dad was always like if you want something you have to earn it and to his credit he never said no you can't do that so whether it was selling garbage bags baseball cards stamps whatever it was he never held me back and so I think that was as important as anything and you know sometimes being young and trying things are so naive and you don't know any better all you do is learn and if you fail it doesn't matter and so whether I was 9 10 12 1621 the failures were irrelevant and you know whether you're you know nine twelve sixteen twenty one twenty two twenty four you know I'm sleeping on the couch you know I have a car with a hole in the floorboard you know I'm living like a bum and like a student and so what did I have to lose and so I think that influenced me as much as anything so it you know my dad was like go for it you know don't why not what do you got to lose you know you have to sleep on a different couch so I think that that was motivation as much Steve said you had the encouragement from others your support go do it so do you think like let's just if we put 10 guys here you interview them okay you could within a 5 10 minute minute interview say this to is not gonna make it as an entrepreneur could you pretty much know that you know I'm not very good at interviewing it the issue is my interview skills more than free Gollum horrible Shark Tank interview well yeah it is but I get to do due diligence after the fact right so I get my hunches but I get your check yeah I mean I can I can typically tell right I can tell um but by um their passion I can tell by their focus I can tell by their preparation you know there's a whole realm of things than any business here you know here's here's the business you're in and here's a thousand things that influence whether or not you're going to be successful and really to me by you know through my experience and businesses I can put myself in his position and say okay here are nine hundred of the thousand things he has to be aware of and then go through and ask and by how many of those or her issues they've been able to address already that kind of gives me a sense of how hard they're willing to work you know and I can tell by the questions they ask me so all I have to do is say okay what do you want to know and you know when they start saying what should I do they ask you yeah what you know and that's fine right and I want them to ask questions but you know people like to say you know the only stupid questions are the one you don't once you don't ask that's not right right because the questions you ask tell everybody tell me tell whoever more about you than anything else you do because in particular tells me about your preparation if you ask me questions about just basic things that you should have known and you should have down to a science that's gonna disqualify you almost more than anything I've read this cyber that's we send out by the way but now I got to get the questions right I said okay I'll take that as a challenge that's another bird I stopped flying sound like when I have a saw it was great yeah so no it's phenomenal what the question you asked are critical are you reads it's complete opposite on the way you you know the traditional way of thinking and I always ask the question so mark you're now you know whatever your net worth is billions of dollars you own a sports team you have businesses you're in Shark Tank you're on TV shows everybody wants your time how hard is it for you now this is the thing I think about because for my so I run a business it's harder for me to make friends now and let people in my circle but I'm not at your level how is it when a person like you is it still easy to make friends now I'm not out there you know at this world I'm not out there looking me you know I don't need any new writing buddies I mean my high school buddies are still my friends my college buddies got rugby buddies um the guys I when I first came to Dallas that were my friends then are my friends now you know I've got three kids you know so it's more you know my family just takes up so much my time along with business up I'm not you know and even back in the day when I was single I was still successful I could tell the gold diggers from the the real friends I mean you know it was pretty easy got it did association play a big role with you or not really yeah for you yeah as you were so determined it didn't matter nobody could influence you influence other PA I just I just want to do my thing made sense make sense um couple words I'll just put out that I want to see what you think about it because I watch you and I watch some of these other guys and I see a sense of paranoia and I don't know if you read the book the only the paranoid survive ten twenty great book that was written do you think there needs to be a healthy level of peril absolutely they're nice too oh yeah I mean I I always say you know for every one of my businesses I said what would I do to kick my own ass you're right so whatever business you have there's somebody's trying to put you out of business there's somebody trying to to take a bite out of your business and it's better for you to figure out how they're going to do it rather than they do it and so yeah that's being paranoid and so you have to be paranoid you have to anticipate other people's next moved and moves and you can't ever you know downplay the competition you know I was telling I was at a business plan competition this morning for at a college and they were kind of being dismissive of the competition and so you can't ever do that you know they're out there trying to take you down and they're not just gonna sit still and if you're good really really good you're gonna inspire them to work even harder faster better and so you have to be you know very self aware of what you're good at and what other people are good at and you know a healthy dose of paranoia makes a bit dear me it's very helpful so that's interesting you say that so sometimes you know you'll be a little bit too paranoid you know you're being too concerned about this too concern about that the other question for you would be mark you don't run one company you run many companies you're doing deals all the time and there is this notion that you hear multitasking right on the you can multitask you can do this so your brain if I were to take a hundred percent ok 10 percent here seven percent your 6 percent here how do you process all of it here in your mind with the difference that has to be something I'm really good at right you know I just I process things very quickly and that's always been my strength I can I can identify what's going on typically faster than anybody and and crying right through it and plus you know I because I force everybody to email or cyberdust it's all coming from one flow right it's all one funnel and so I'm not bouncing from meeting to meeting thinking okay what did we say in that meeting we're having to take notes and then we're having somebody take notes you know it's like it's already in writing it's in an email and if it's in cyberdust is like having a face-to-face and when I see it I respond to it immediately kind of cyber has forced me to respond to it immediately um and so that that allows me to keep things organized and stay on top of things and you know so you know anything that's unread that's my to-do list and that's all I stay on top of it got it so I've become a phonetic side of this there's an every other hour I'm chicken side when you told me you know go check outside with us and then from there I we got everybody on the company now everyone out here the only way you gonna get to see this first you got it and I would like the link I will do what I mentions to get everybody closer but I love the product and we'll get to that because I want to explain how I see side with us you're not as a CEO as a customer because I want people to see how I see it as a customer let's talk about speed when people ask me and say hey you know how do I get speed going I want to see your perspective on this because cyber does has a tipping point you know you got Twitter has a tipping place but everything is about the tipping point in your mind how does one entrepreneur increase the speed in areas that they can increase there's certain things you can't be in one way speed of growing your business all right so how fast can I grow yeah I mean it just depends you've got to know your own skill set right and you've got to know how that fits within your company's lifecycle um you know some companies are slow slow grind and you just have to understand that and you've just got to bide your time and still until it starts to click and then grow with it quickly you know if you're trying to release a product that needs to be ubiquitous you've got to go as fast as you can and and then you know release a product yeah no long yeah and and you know there's a lot of people will say you know perfection is the enemy of profitability right and that doesn't mean you have to to us a perfect product you know cyberdust is perfect and we still haven't it's been almost two years we still haven't advertised it yet because we know it's not ready yet you know and so it's been a slow growth grind because that's we wanted we want feedback you know we want to keep on learning we're evolving but it really just depends on what the product is that you know a barber shop right isn't an app is it a service is it a product but you know the the key is looking for the low-hanging fruit what are the app what are what customers are willing to write you a check or commit to it you know so that they're willing to integrate it into their daily lives or integrated into their daily business and so getting a commitment either through time or revenue is typically what I look for and so if I can get a commitment then I'm gonna be able to learn I'm gonna see how they use it to they sustained usage and then once I get the next one you know hopefully it came a little bit faster than the first one then I can ask for referrals and then the next one then the next one and I just tried to ramp it up you know when I bought the Mavs we had no season ticket-holder base and so literally it was a matter of just putting a list of former season ticket holders and a white pages back then you know on my desk next to my phone and making phone calls you yeah me yeah because if I'm not gonna do it I'll find someone else to do it right so just get on the phone hey this mark you know I'm the new owner of the Dallas Mavericks we've you know I'd like to invite you back where again it's not though this is my business you we can't get regular sales gets or something make those calls wants to get to a corner you're a guy that's a billion you're making them but that's all you know and that's fine and good right because everybody's got their own goals right and but still I don't want anybody at the Mavs to be able to said well he's not willing to do the work right there's you know if I walk around I'm picking up all the papers I'm not saying go get that picked up I'm like okay that's trash I'm picking it up so but in terms of speed of growth it's really you got to get that first customer first and then when you get that first what did you learn reiterate get that next customer and then hopefully as you learn more and more through the process than the next one the next one the next one becomes coming by and faster you know it's interesting when we walked in here and I appreciate that on two speeds we walked in here typically when I want to know how does to work for somebody you got to ask people around them or you can ask the processor to work for you right we get the right answer so that's the security guy had this guy said oh you know mark country's gonna say hi to everybody he's gonna do this he's gonna do that and they were all like fans they love work yes cuz we have cameras and microphones that's classic that's classic okay let's transition to a different subject let me see what time okay let's transition to a different subject with college you went to IU yep right now you got a lot of people that say forget about school you know you're out of school they're idiots oh you think they're idiots tell me what if you're gonna have and run a business if you don't understand accounting you're already behind the eight ball can't you hire a guy that's good no second day they still have to communicate to you right I mean there's people that don't understand the concept of you know the difference between profits and cash you know oh your accountant might tell you you're profitable but your cash is going down you know not understanding that breakdown and and when you don't you thing you need college to learn that yeah I think you do right because it may not for some people look if you're so self-motivated that you can take an online course in accounting and teach yourself everything you're way ahead of the game anyways but most people aren't and I'm not saying you have to go to Indiana I'm not saying going an expensive school I don't care if you go to a community college and take accounting and spend 99 bucks for the class just you know spending the money forces you to be more obligated to do it but accounting finance lesser extent marketing sales of the school offers that these are although that's the language of business and so while it's possible to teach yourself these things and while it's possible to hire them when you're starting your own company you don't want to have to spend money hiring an accountant right you're already probably gonna have to hire a lawyer to set up your your well let me take that if you've gone through all these classes if I don't have to hire a lawyer to incorporate right you'll probably figure out yourself and so your cost of opening up a business drops but even more important and all that that's that's the block unit tackling that's the language of business you know the thing I learned at Indiana that was more important than anything else I learned how to learn and learning became far more important to me because the one certainty in business is that it's always going to be changing the if you're not always learning to this minute if I'm not continuously learning if I'm not just absorbing as much as I can absorb someone else is going to kick my ass right so you talked about paranoia the the greatest source of your paranoia should be knowledge if someone else knows more than you do and if you're not learning if you don't know the Lord if you don't know how to learn if you don't have a thirst for learning and acquiring information you're you're Sol do I need to go to school to have that though so make it maybe let me restate the question would be the question the question will be do I need to get a bachelor's degree so what's you just obviously necessary you have to have the degree okay write something Branca you have to have the knowledge holy I totally agree with that fair enough okay let's so let's skip that part and go into a little bit of politics and you know our conversations start I said mark you know I said man you gotta get up there because you got such a big fan base people want to hear your opinions about politics you may want to run for president one day and we were going back with the [ __ ] thing and I said mint people got to know who is what is Mark thinking about cuz a lot of times CEOs don't want to touch polyps right they don't want to touch it at all for whatever reason if you were the president today Mark Cuban is the president February 1st 2016 what are three things you're attacking income inequality right improving the ability for companies to raise capital through IPOs I think that'll have a big impact on the market you've touched that on Inc you said that on the incas well so let's talk about income inequality rl1 so how do you do that so right now let's just say you're making thirty five thousand dollars a year and you're clearing fifteen hundred bucks a month after tax okay and you live like a student I don't care if you have thirty forty fifty what sure you're living like a student and you're able to save five hundred bucks a month okay where you sleep are you staying at home you're living at home right with your hey two-year-old parents you're 50 years old um there's a lot of that right now yeah unfortunately and so you're saving six grand a month right well right now with interest rates near zero surrounding you or six grand a year um so you're saving six grand a year five hundred bucks a month which is amazing that's what every Republican wants you to do that's what every Democrat wants you to do try to control your own destiny now you put it in the bank or do you put it in stocks no one trusts the stock market no one really knows what they're doing right no you put it in to a fund but the problem is if you put into a fund because you're not making a lot of money if the dishwasher breaks right you get penalized for taking and show that money out so we're in a situation right now where it's if you put that money into the bank which is really only the safe way you know six thousand a year and a year you'll have six thousand and sixty dollars okay sure you're just not ever going to be as bad if that right and the point being is you're never going to improve your place in life right where the 1% really the reason income has become so unequal is I can hire anybody I want to help me pick the best investments and I do most of it myself but I'm decent at it right so I can put my money in stocks I could put my and hedge against the risk I can put my money in whatever but I'm liquid so I don't have to worry about the dishwasher break-in guy if you would have six thousand dollars how are you going to keep up right how are you going to improve your position in life even if you spent twenty years saving six thousand dollars a year that's $120,000 but you've earned $1,500 in interest that whole time right and while 120 thousand is good you're not gonna be able to live off of that when you hit sixty five or seventy years old right not at all so part of the challenge is how do you allow people to accumulate capital okay without the risk of waking up one day and not being able to get the money out for their dishwasher or their car or paying for their kids school right we're not um we're finding that the stock market is way down and they're basically wiped out and so to me that's the first thing to address and so I think you know one ways the Federal Reserve I don't think you mess with the Federal Reserve but I think you come up with savings certificates savings bonds that literally pay a little bit more that allow people to save for their future because I think that helps people protect their future that allows people to build more of an asset base and that takes them you know gives them a comfort level that they're gonna be able to survive is as they age and take care of their expenses and maybe then maybe they can buy a house you save up enough money earn enough and an interest or whatever it may be to buy a house but you just you know it's not so much pulling the top down as in bringing the bottom up and then I would also increase the minimum wage and the way I would there's a couple different ways to look at it but in my mind like this past December we gave everybody here a raise to a minimum of $10 an hour and the reason I did it is I found out there were people that work for me that were on government assistance in one way or another you know might be a program but I hate the idea that I'm subsidizing somebody you know the fact that I'm not paying enough everybody's taxes is subsidizing this person's life you know you think about that and so you get a lot of business owners saying oh you can't raise the minimum wage well all of us pay for the fact that you're not paying that person enough and will it change the competitive balance well if everybody's having to pay more then the competitive balance still say it's somewhat competitive will the markets change some but it's not so much that I think raising the minimum wage is a great idea but what I don't like is the fact that we are subsidizing low wages for certain for businesses and so I think you know maybe there's a better way the minimum wage so I'm just talking off the top show that sure of course but the bottom line is that people who work for me shouldn't have to use government services funded by everybody and until we get people off of that incoming inequality interesting it's just gonna be kind of convoluted your approach will be the government doing something about it well it's not so much the government doing something about I wanted to get people off the government assistance got it right so how about this part you know there used to be time when the whole Ford Motor Company came out with you know working 9:00 to 5:00 and when they came out with this after the Great Depression you know what that's why at night 9:00 to 5:00 is only a 90 year old system right so when they came out with that you and I said okay I'll give you 30 years of my life and I'm for it you know we said hey but what are you gonna give me if I give you 30 years of my life so they said we'll give you a pension right in 1984 we have 130 something something pension plans thousand one hundred thirty seven thousand pension today we have 24 right I think we've gone away from that because it sounds like from what your concern is on income inequality is the first point you made is $500 a month times 12 months $6,000 so long term 20 or 7 or $20,000 which means they may not have long term money for retirement but if we go away from the pension plan so do they probably go right away to the pound and advise companies well the problem with pensions is the uncertainty of business right so what's happening with pensions now Serna they've got to grow them just because to support the amount of money required for the employees they can't they can't find that return right so if if I either got a if everybody's Arne only earning 1% and your pension matches your salary I mean okay just for the and you're making $36,000 a year I've got to find a way as a business owner to fund thirty six thousand dollars per year for the you know so that you're making twenty or seventy right right a math for that's 65 to 85 yeah but but if you're only earning 1% the rule of 72 says it takes three years right so I've got a you know you don't get 72 years so I've got a fun three-quarters of it or whatever so what would it be with the solution will be you know we can move away from this topic would it be given an incentive for companies who do give pension plans up to this I just don't I don't think companies it's mathematically yeah I did yeah I don't think it works simply because there's too much uncertainty on the are not big thing of it the key of it is what what elements of certainty do you put on businesses right a pension is a certain amount that you have to pay but you're it's uncertain how much you're going to earn you know if whether it's minimum wage or some other way of doing it or you know working so that whatever it is right so that you don't need government assistance then that's just part of your current business you know and so it's really I guess it's more about coming to you or I as a business owner and said okay if you're making a million dollars a year would you be okay with making seven hundred fifty thousand dollars a year and your attack on another 250 on it know whatever there's no tax no tax no no tax a way they say to you why don't you pay your guys more that's what you're a guilt type thing right you know and so you know I've said I would react of Ehrman government of dollars I know you like a cross a type of yeah let's go out there and do this like what did you do my drive yeah how much more money look I've literally received that happening yeah I've literally written checks to the Dallas City Treasury you know when the Mavs won a championship I paid for the pray that when we needed extra police overtime I wrote the check for it because it's not fair to ask all the citizens of Dallas to pay the taxes for something that benefits me like that would you consider yourself a capitalist you're full on capital oh yeah but see what's changed with capitalism it I mean I'm a hardcore we're not a full on capitalism you know that we know we're not that what we've evolved right and so you know 90 years ago the Henry Ford days sure if you didn't have a job and you couldn't afford it you found somebody's floor to sleep on and you went with your family or whatever you know and if it was 12 to a room that's the way it was and then over time we started having you know you know with with FDR we started having you know basic services that we would provide for you and then over time with LBJ there was more services right and and welfare services and now you know we're not gonna let you drop dead in the streets we want you know you anybody can walk into a hospital or or now we want you to have these about them I think it's right I think it's you think it is right look I'm so what would call you a Democrat and no no hell no no no look there's there's different things for different reasons right if we as a society decide that we don't want people dropping dead in the streets or you know just dying at home then there's a cost to that and we can't expect insurance companies and hospitals just to pick up that cost for decisions we make as a society just like we want TSA at the airport just like we want you know Homeland Security you know should we say look don't pay for it we'll just all get blown up right there's certain minimum services that we've all defined that's evolved capitalism and we all have to pay for that but at the same time that doesn't destroy the root of capitalism and who we are and and the incentives right it just means that we're gonna take a chunk off the top now on the flip side of that how we do that how you pay for it that's a different beast is the government too big yes is the government inefficient yes if for every you know I'd rather the government have one half the employees and just write checks to people you know the old helicopter dropped of cash you know just drop cash on the people because they're just gonna spend it these are people who can't afford to say economy yeah and so I'd rather you know you talk about what would you do as the president probably the third thing I would take all these services we have and cut I would say to everybody okay here's two years three years severance and then I'm gonna take 75% of what's left and just consolidate it all together and write everybody who qualifies the cheque right and then you know to go to you know you know yeah but you use that money or but I get crushed by all the union's right because there's like yeah this would be anti control votes now yeah exactly so it's very anti-union we you know in somewhat somewhat socialist and you can argue about creating distance and you'd have to work those things but the one certainty is governments to big government is inefficient and there's way to cut ways to cut back on the amount of money you spend so what does it take to pay for all the services we as a country feel are legit for our citizens whether it's health care security whatever it may be and what's the best way to do that and I literally rather than saying here's 30 programs you have to sign up for and here's all the overhead associated with managing those services and monitoring and checking for fraud here's a check here's your $800 a month you know in addition to Social Security no accountability no account of no accountable right because now because you can't get it anywhere else right now you this has got to take care of your life if you don't do it they're sorry right we've eliminated the excuse there is a limit to where listen if you do nothing with this there's nothing else we can do right at that point is they sense yeah at that point you know your family's also getting paid right you're on your own right but trying to say okay you've got to do this program this program this program this program is just so saturated with overhead it doesn't work that is such an interesting topic that's off the table so would you be comfortable with a capitalist like Donald Trump being our president um the capitalist side yeah I don't have a problem with in I like Donald and he's smart I just what's concerning is the way all the candidates Republican or Democrat are trolling for votes I mean they're just pandering you what do you need what do you want me to say I'll say it in order to get you vote he's sane would hell yeah you think he's saying whatever people want him to say pretty much yeah now Wow within the realm of what gets votes right so within the realm of what gets most right so yeah it's not just when you want me to say right so I need I need to appeal to ultra-conservatives in order to get elected in the primary and so if I'm appealing to ultra-conservatives what to all Cultra conservatives want you know we started with immigration that fit now you know everything he says and does it's okay what's the playbook for getting voters for the primary now do I think once he's elected president he'll follow through for all those with all those things no because most of them won't work and he's and do I think he's smart enough to figure that out and then just do the right thing after he's elected yes so you know with like a lot of candidates and politicians you vote for not what they say but knowing that 99% of they say won't come true what they'll do the rest one who's gonna follow through with a lot because they know that what you already know he's not gonna get a wall built right he's not gonna get all these things done it's just not gonna happen and there's no money to do it so slice those off and what will happen when you just put the guy in the office so what do you think that the American people should ask about Trump as a president if there's one question what would it be is it the same thing you're saying that do you really think he's gonna deliver on all this now because he knows I mean look when when he him and all I'm not this isn't just Donald right this is everyone at every single Hillary right because when they put the other tax pay all we're cutting the tax to all this we used a number from this tax group right it doesn't add up right and they say oh it's gonna cost you know 30 trillion dollars over ten years oh no the economy will increase so much right right you know it's BS right do you process the boat though you got to pick somebody to vote for house what comes out look we got 12 months right show me nothing matters too late yeah right and so we got lots of time and you know things will start right now they can play Alice in Wonderland and just throw things up and it doesn't matter right I mean because none of their tax plans work and then Hillary or Bernie saying okay tax the 1% and that'll pay for everything doesn't work right won't work you know Hilary's um pay for college her plan is ridiculous it'll increase college costs not reduce you know so they don't they don't think them through they just say okay here's here's my justification but over time don't have to start thinking them through and they'll have to start dealing and addressing some facts and then at that point in time you say okay knowing that none of this is ever going to pass who's still going to be the best president when it's all said and done it's gonna be very interesting it is very very interesting on what's gonna happen so let's do it let's do a couple things here with fun and then we'll go into cyber to wrap it up sports you know Dallas and what happened with our you know we can say runaway bride if you want to call it oh yeah it's super got it runaway bride with what happened with them if you were to ever call back this season let's just say because my opinion is this I think if the clips don't pull it together this year I think something's gonna break apart that's my opinion I don't care if he called us he wants to come and plead Alice would you ever take a battle never so now he's ever stating ever you never say never right everybody deserves the second chance Chum you know dee will said no to us initially and we brought it back interesting right so you know I just care about winning and I'll put winning above ego anytime I noticed with guys that get to your level that there's got to be a level you have a strong memory because you know enemies everyone's got a target we got enemies but there's also a level of forgiveness when it comes down to it you're here to win right oh so just make sense if the opportunity arises yeah why not why not right I I mean look it's basketball it's not thermonuclear war right it's not like you shot my cousin you know or you know we're just you know cut off us pinky right it's basketball oh my goodness we think sometime we you know when we drink some of these exciting drinks you got back here sometime we get a little bit more excited thinking it's very very important exactly so you think all them sick we go 73 or nine this year yeah who knows right I hope not but we'll see they're looking good yeah they're really good looking very very good some funk questions from your favorite type of music what do you want hip hop really even when you were younger or was it kind yeah yeah a classic funky hip-hop yeah Tupac or biggie um probably biggie I just like to beat more and it did you know Tupac was more about you know the message and Biggie was like let's just party favorite decade of music probably the 90s right now that we're big isn't yeah okay you got a favorite song you listen to during workout um yeah I forget that a band that was called I'm a beast whose mo beast you know is I'm obese it's actually great favorite movie of all time oh gosh I don't have anyone I mean I'm really into like into the world movies so my wife always cracks up so any movie that has like been yeah I like Sam yeah Independence Day like San Andreas Fault was a horrible movie but the whole place was falling apart you know the day after tomorrow I'll watch you know you name it if the whole world is blowing up you know and la is crumbling and there's some big old thrust you know of water you know wave of water coming through New York I was like that's why I did sharknado 3 right it's the end of the world are you two cars are not redundant it - I have a Lexus but I'm Bonnie - got it favorite room in the house I know you living in a big cast you got like a real cool place you vote for yourself like some like no not like this because actually my house was perfect when I had no furniture I mean I my buddies came over I could throw a football we played wiffle ball I mean we had one bin size inside yeah and what we would do you know like imagine you know you drive over the sofas you can catch a pass and you roll off the sofa like you just got tackled it was perfect then I got married things changed when that happens real quick so um iPhone or droid both I carry one of each two different networks so if my network is bad on one I have the other and I get the test and play with all actually you prefer more it just depends on the app really so you're both yeah what I like let me be independent is what I like what I like about Android is that with Samsung has replacement batteries so I just carry an extra battery on but on the flip side iOS batteries seem to last longer so there's pluses and minuses to both so yeah I don't know if you heard him say this iOS batteries tend to last longer to all my droid friends out there yeah okay so let's talk about cyber yes uh-huh this has become the app that I check probably the most on a daily base outside of YouTube good and YouTube I checked because of what we got going on but this is a very very exciting app tell me the story behind why cyberdust sure um back in 2013 I had a trial against the SEC the SEC accused me of insider trading and in the trial as part of their discovery they took all my emails and some of the most innocuous emails you know when I wrote them thought okay this is really you know this means absolutely nothing they would take and they turned him into like oh this is proof you did X Y & Z like I said I had one of my buddies Lee that is the world's worst stock trader and I said that in the email you know cuz he asked me about the stock that I was accused of insider trading mama calm and I said you know no stay away from it because I knew he would just lose money figure out a way to lose money and I said and you know when when the SEC asked me about it I said no he's the world's worst or threatened said no you knew this stock was going down and you just said that to protect him I'm like that's ridiculous right so if someone was that as simple as that just when you're in an adversarial position whether it's the SEC or any lost interest right if you've ever done a deposition right whatever you say the other sized attorney is going to try to turn it into something to their benefit sure and and with emails with text it loses context and when you really think about it the minute you hit Send on an email a text message a Facebook message whatever it may be the minute you who it's in you lose ownership of it but you don't lose responsibility for it and we're not talking about judging your ownership but not responsibility very interest right because if I send you an email you own it now that's right right if you want to say you know when I if I said the sky is blue what an amazing day you know and then you know something comes out and you say see he sent me this email he doesn't really believe this guy is green you know he may have said this guy's free he's a liar right see Cubans a liar you know and so you can take anything I said you know if if my daughter has a friend who you know finds her lost iPad which would be a calamity and she says I love you for this thank you so much you're the best thing that ever happened to me and some little schmucky little kid says Oh from Alexis I have this email and she says she loves me see right that responsibility that context can change forever that's why I started cyberdust so from a business perspective I do didn't like the fact that I lost control of all my emails no matter where they were since particularly since I do everything via email at the time I didn't like the fact that anybody could keep it whether or not I liked it or not right from and so and I also like the fact that because it disappeared it was like a face-to-face conversation so when you and I talked via cyberdust it's like talking here now sure except now it's being recorded but you know - the camp - the camp it's right if you take the picture name doesn't say Dave doesn't so nominal but even yeah but even if you take a screenshot right not only does it not say who it came from but it sends me an alert and you know you talk if someone were to have a whole group of screenshots trying to reassemble a conversation you're gonna know something was wrong in the first place right because you're not gonna if you want them to save it you're not gonna have that conversation inside with us if I'm sending you something I want you to save I'm gonna say I'm what's your email right cuz you don't you you use email less right but you know you still can use email here's a contract here's you know let's discuss the terms we need to memorialize that's great but for having what would otherwise be in a face-to-face conversation for anything that is just a business conversation I'm gonna use cyber dust every time and so that's why I created it and when we created it you know like anything else like any other business I thought this would be big for kids right sorry it's like kids it's the post snapchat generation that really is into it people who think in terms of words people who communicate ideas you know as opposed to here's a picture of my lunch you fell it commented on snap check if they has made a very big mistake they I need a very big miss yeah they said every say yeah and that benefits cyber does I mean positioning wise that was not a good move on there right now and that's okay I mean they're fine not worried about anything but at the same time you know we're kind of like if you will snapchat for grown-ups you know when once you get past here's pictures of my lunch at for grown-ups yeah you know if four people wonder so if you've only used snapchat you're trying to figure out what it is right because snapchats all about pictures it's not about communications cyber to us is about communicating ideas it's a you know you can send links you can send it from one to one person and then send it to a hundred or a thousand or a million people that follow you cyber dust is about being able to have a private conversation privacy creates honesty if we're having a conversation and you and I could talk about politics and I can beat like we did and I could be brutally on and you were and I was right because it's not going everywhere and the minute if you took a snapchat a snapshot I'm not talking about anymore right right and and then I can it's not for me right because it doesn't have my hair so that privacy really makes people a lot more candid and if you and if you're in a big business as an example your lawyers will always tell you you know write an email knowing that someone else is going to be reading it and it could be a lawyer from an opposing counsel right you don't have to do that with cyberdust you can just be honest and to me that moves forward the conversation and makes businesses more effective do you think politicians people who are of influence that everything is held against them do you think people would you know public figures they need to start transitioning away from Twitter to cyber that's what you're saying oh yeah and there's a lot to do and they just do it on a private basis you'd be shocked at the be a level names and the people that use cyber dust and then if told me and the politicians and you know because I can see that I'm oh yeah this morning you know 90% of our usage is 9:00 to 5:00 you know and so you know it's putting doing it on Twitter whatever your whole whether you're 16 26 66 right everything you do in social media creates a footprint that says who you are anybody I hire right that's going to direct for me I'm looking at Twitter I'm looking at Facebook I'm looking at their Instagram I'm following them on snapchat because it all creates a profile who they are and now there's machine learning that's going through and analyzing these things and saying okay Patrick is this and I know that because here's all his social media posts and it's going to be a whole lot worse if you're 16 17 18 and you've got this whole long history or some of this it's not an issue obviously and they're coming out with websites are coming I would wait to try to audit you to be able to figure out what you think you're yes of course there are everything you know everything well I'll tell you my opinion outside with us so some of the people that are watching is I love cyber that's when I first switched to cyber does and I started messing with it the first couple things was well you know what how do I know who the message comes from all group and all you got to do is hold a picture comes up which was all right yeah all these different colors how to know who is this so I had to do that then you know the screenshot you have to learn the screenshot that if you have to get something that you want to save hey get this email screenshot I can save that okay great that helped me out but I put it in three different categories so I use dust as a text right that's how I look at dust right I use blast as they tweet how I look at it right as you can send it but the good thing is I have groups right on who I can tweet to right just great really right yeah then I like the group dust right and on the group dust I can look at that as group me that's group text it's just privacy it's private it's an oh group me is becoming very slow so fun whether I'm running an organization sales organization a company it doesn't matter I can categorize those three and it's working amazingly well for me right now so I'm I'm a big fan of okay yeah cyber dust in a major major way so it's like I get like I follow you on cyber too so I get your motivation he's enough and I'll be blasted a lot right you get the stuff that I put out there on whether it's on business or motivation or stuff like that so and the cool part about it when you tweet something like on your Twitter on your Instagram on YouTube right no matter what you tweet or put out there someone's gonna bust on you for it right there's always going to be a troll that trolls you from one way and in the back your mind you're always thinking okay how somebody going to nail me on this you never have to do that on cyber is because if I say something you don't agree with and you come back math suck well 30 seconds later it's gone right and I can block you and you don't know it and and but the better part is no one else sees it on Twitter if they say well you know what you suck right your company sucks everybody sees that's right right and you don't want to deal with that knowing that everybody's gonna see there is one very very good point you just made I didn't even think about that so you're not talking about me saying you suck I'm held to it right you're saying it's a brand another person says you suck right so when I go sir yeah when I go search for your company very good point so when you search for Mark Cuban or M cube in my Twitter handle you see all the people say oh you're an idiot cube and you suck why did you do this why did you do that right I don't put anything of consequence on Twitter anymore Twitter's like a PR News we're a lot less on Twitter than you were taller years ago not even a question on it's night and day not notice about anything a consequence I put on cyberdust and blasted up right and so a patrick says oh that was an interesting concept we can have a conversation and it's private right on Twitter if you say something that I'm interested one I'm living it to 140 characters - we could go to direct message and do it that way but you could still keep it all right three everybody else is going to see the conversation and it's going to jump in and add their own two cents and so it becomes such a public medium that you can't it's no longer social whereas was cyberdust if 30 people respond respond to something I blast out there I can deal with them one to one and if I like something I can say hey would you mind if I read last this or you know screenshot it and send it to everybody and if I want to I can and so you get the best of all worlds yeah I'm a big big fan of it you know we use it in so many we have everybody in the field getting it use it and then the interesting thing is the speed is very it's getting faster faster and faster it was a little bit but like this within a month could change every month you're seeing something worried that's not gonna better and better I love it I'm looking forward to using it a lot more as well so III have a feeling you know I was in front of a group of guys and I see guys go get cyber does a challenge sometimes is you know Gary Vaynerchuk he got big on YouTube early with my library you had some some of these Twitter guys with himself he's got 1.1 million followers but on Twitter he got involved right off the bat right so yeah I've got 4 million right and it helped that I was there like I said my suggestion to everybody is if you're not on if you if you don't have a big presence on Twitter if Africa it's a lot easier go get a big before cyberdust got 5 million users I'd rather have a little we get the right sir but yeah so if you add yourself so if you want to get followers and you're looking to build a following on Twitter it's really hard right and you know if you built enough build up a thousand followers on Twitter it's probably taking you multiple years and half of them are dormant or BOTS right on cyberdust there are no BOTS first of all and if you add yourself to chatters then you're going to be able to get followers and we have a follow Friday like Twitter does right and we'll put out there people to follow but also we're going to be improving our discovery mechanism significantly here over the next two months and so because to your point we want regular everyday people to be able to get a thousand two thousand five thousand followers we're on Twitter they might have 150 followers and most of those are just follow backs or bots and so it they're not really a consequence so no doubt about it Twitter they did a number saying Twitter their biggest criticism is only 24% of users are real oh really everyone else that's great not real because they sell thousands fake followers because you know now that I can write fake file right right and then you know so that's yeah none of the world bots don't work you can't bought ours you can bot cyberdust that's great that's great well you know again mark thank you for your time I want to give you this book and I want you to open the front of everybody I just want to show you if you actually have it or not they do have it you can give it away to somebody and I use I these incredible specials Wow nobody's no life I don't have five of these but I have at least four now is it a first print for studio without a person further this is the first French first edition 1957 I found it oh um Beverly Hills it's not a third edition it's first first of all set original what that's amazing Wow yeah and I got it for you because when we were in Nashville I got up and asked you a question I said hey book that impact you to most you said and ran after shrug that's it I can now really get better to get it for you so there was another three weeks that we really fell like the tenth time thank you that's research it's a great gift thank you so much and folks everybody out there watching this you obviously know everybody loves this man for his honest direct whether you like it or not he's gonna give you the direct opinion on anything with business one share this video with other people to go get cyber dust app download it and tell your friends to also get on cyberdust and start using it and you know many times you'll be surprised you sent him a message you'll be surprised with him responding back trying to respond them all and I guarantee you I'm gonna try to motivate you like like Patrick I try to do as many motivational great love you so much yeah what's your user at cyber dusted a conviction also is just plug my or an hour yeah blog member blog maverick once again thank you I don't appreciate about that
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 1,019,147
Rating: 4.86694 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, mark cuban, mark cuban interview, Mark Cuban Interview: Inside the Mind of a Billionaire, Mark Cuban Interview: The Billionaire Mindset, mark cuban best interview, interview with mark cuban, mark cuban best advice, entrepreneur motivation, shark tank, millionaire, marc cuban, valuetainment mark cuban, best of mark cuban, business interview, mark cuban business, interview mark cuban, mark cuban business advice
Id: S8yjzUqK1zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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