Detective Corners Mark & Digger! | Moonshiners

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this is how we make the Moonshine [Music] morning puss how you doing all right back quit right about quit ain't it I got some grain here molded grain in the hills of Eastern Tennessee after developing a cost-saving system to Malt their own grains Mark and Digger double down on a triple Malt Liquor since we learned how to do this modeling process with our modeling table and the drying rack and stuff we've been melting constantly as soon as one grain would melt and dry we immediately start another one running oh that's pretty that's mildly barley right there buddy you know like that smell yeah I've got more of it sticky we're at starch doesn't come out of it so we got a lot of corn barley and Rye that's already molded dried and ready to go oh right baby that's mine seems pretty that's my understanding in the commercial Market single malts all the rage right now man oh diggers want to do a triple mode well we ain't gonna find out till we get over and get it ground up make smash honestly it should be off the chain you know we may even get to lower our prices we'd be national heroes and our customers eyes celebrate a Moonshiner for a change instead of trying to jail these ice molded grains are the most expensive grains but with our new molding capabilities we can do molded grains very efficiently very cheaply our goal is to not gouge our customers this new molding process should enable us to do that I'm going to pull in here get a little bit of fuel I'll pump this high dollar gasoline bad as I hate to David Robertson Detective what's going on today everybody well up a little this high dollar gasoline got to go get that feed ground up for him chickens are you sure step back a little bit while I talk to these guys yeah no problem yep I got it it's your buddy Mark out today I'll see hey Mark come on over here buddy what's going on Captain look like it's ain't into no good today organs no sir we're not I'm gonna tell you this boy something I've been born at night but I've been born down last night bunch of Grinders and everything here for got to grind up this scratch feed from chickens propane tanks I'm making liquor got anything in them buckets there we got some corn some barley we're gonna scratch up for them chickens feed them yeah he's a little Rye grain in there oh yeah I forgot about the stir and stick in our Fort and everything don't since we're ready to go today you know I don't know what Teddy I got that flea market been pretty hot out too ain't it oh yeah it's been missed it's about to get real damn hot boy so you better get ready for it [Music] damn oh hell let's get the hell out of here y'all too with all the run-ins that we've had with Detective Robertson I'm a nervous wreck I don't want to make another drop of liquor but it's what we do and that being said we're gonna go make this run liquor and hopefully this is going to be some of the best liquor that we've ever made because it may be what sends us Penitentiary this time he ain't going to give up is he no he's a dog with a bone yep we're going to go ahead and mash in our triple molded grain you know diggers Farms Three Counties away from County and detective Robertson he works for County we're on private property so we feel good about them and we're going to mash in anyway and make a quality liquor but at a fair price for our customers I'm excited about this recipe puss but I'm really a little bit I'm leery nervous [Music] you know we're going to drain in very heavily that's perfect Teddy and I mean skip look at that smell look how pretty that is yeah boy we're going to use two buckets of malted corn molded white corn one and a quarter buckets of malted barley and three quarter bucket of malted Rye damn that's going to make some real liquor I need some kind of liquor to ever been you never know anything until it comes out of steel but with all this molded grains in it it should have a hell of a punch a lot of flavor all right let's put this Energizer in there now that's just the damn caffeine for yeast Cadillac dried up piss I guess you'd say I'm going to tell you had it we don't know where the David Robertson was looking through these leaves right now waiting on us to finish up and we got to bring a steel over here yeah we got 50 gallons of mash so we're going to need a bigger steel to run it the law will knows every vehicle we drive it's not that we're not well known we're too well known if we try to transport our steel I mean detective Robertson is pulling up and talking to us at gas stations for no apparent reason so we simply can't take this chance so the obvious fact is we got to have someone else to do it for it you think Jeff is haul it over here for us man he's into us for part of our damn Bounty nobody knows who he is you know Jeff he's the farmer that's growing the corn for us at this point how do you feel about 10 of that end yield that'll be fine thank you thank you brother we're getting there fast we are already in a business agreement with him so if he wants to shower and liquor then it's time that he's going to have to shower in some of the responsibility I think farming it out to Jeff's the best idea they know every one of our vehicles yep none of these people knows Jeff no they don't know anything about what he drives so what we're headed over here now to do is talk to Jeff see if he'll be okay with hauling the liquor still across Three Counties and get it through the county where my Farm's at the law is not looking for Jeff so he should slip through easiest pie the owner is yep he's out there [Music] you get in the head count well they're nosy ain't it how do you do better hello there Jeffrey how are y'all well we've been better but also been worse Mark how you doing good thing to be good uh this ain't just the happenstance that we're over here yeah this just stinks it's just a little serious explain to him but it's a predicament Iran well we're kind of up a stump we've got a guy that's in the sheriff's department over in our neck of the woods and he's a dog with bone with us I mean he will not let go we've had two major interactions with you to make your 15 we need a favor okay we need you to come over and haul the still over here for us and we're just afraid to do it I don't think we'd get a quarter of a mile do you piss I don't think we'd make it to City Limits so it's going to cost you another five percent that's what you're saying right no if we can't get it done the Earth we're seeing is it kind of favors that you're more serious that's a heart attack yeah we're real serious so what you're saying how an illegal piece of equipment through Three Counties without getting caught yep pretty much you've got the gist of it nobody over there especially and him they don't have a clue who you are what kind of vehicle you drive you know the law in our County don't know you if we can't get that still over here and run this there think none of us going to have nothing sounds like a challenge to me good deal I knew we could count thank you big man you're welcome we'll send you the directions it's a big load off of our shoulders because honestly I don't think there's no way in hell that Digger and I could got from point A to point B with this deal without this detective being all over it foreign
Channel: Discovery
Views: 240,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discovery+, discovery plus, discovery shows, moonshine, moonshiners, moonshiners full episodes, reality tv series, steven ray tickle, illegal alcohol, moonshine culture, tim moonshiners, tickle moonshiners, how to make moonshine, moonshine making, moonshiners caught, moonshiners police, Mark, Digger, Detective
Id: m9RVb5UmIFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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