Pawn Stars: 9 SUPER RARE PROHIBITION ITEMS (and Illegal Booze!)

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hey what do you got here hey man i got this antique corkscrew i'd like to sell it to you are we going to open a bottle or something we can i think this corkscrew is so unique just because of the name and the date on it and everything still works i'd like to sell the corkscrew because i like giving my wife a really nice anniversary present pretty cool um so this right here basically clamps onto the bar like that squeeze it out of the bottle and okay handle where did you get this my great-grandpa used to have a bar and i think after prohibition all of the stuff he had in his bar got tossed up in the attic and it came from a hotel in san francisco it's got the name plate and everything on it okay that is definitely cool does it say the city it was made in i haven't cleaned it enough to read it but it has the date 1896. i can't get the city out of it okay i don't want to clean it and i don't want to change the value you know okay well this is something you would have fixed up and cleaned it's not like an old gun or a coin or something like that because people want to put this on their bar right um can i open a bottle of wine with it yeah you got one no i'll be right back hey come back here ornate bar tools have been around since bars existed the nicer the bar the nicer the tools now stuff like this is really hot with collectors but you need to make sure it works so you can operate this thing yes sir here you hold the bottle that's a two-handed job all right all right that was real simple it's easier if it's mounded down um big question is how much do you want for it 10 grand [Laughter] um how many of these bottles of wine did you drink with this thing i just out of curiosity why would you want that bigger the family that put their name on here is offering me more than that uh well then i'd go sell it to the family because these were very common if you have a big bar going but they don't have this name on it well no they have all there's a million different names that come on them i mean it is what it is i mean i give you a hundred bucks for it i don't think so obviously we're going to agree to disagree make it 500 we got a deal there is no way on the planet i'd give you a hundred bucks for it that's only because it's got the san francisco plaque on it no man i can't take a hundred okay well thanks for bringing it in i appreciate it thank you this is a classic example of one of my favorite sayings just because something's old doesn't mean it's valuable this guy obviously needs some quick money but he's not going to get it from me what can i help you with i want to sell my old taylor prohibition bottle of whiskey pops i have the medicine you need yeah right [Music] i'm coming into the pawn shop to try to sell my old taylor whiskey bottle from the prohibition era what's better than 80 year old whiskey where'd you get that from well it was about 30 years ago guy owed me some money and evidently he had two of them and he found them in his grandmother's attic he drank one and paid me with this one whiskey is what men drink not these mixed cocktails that these city boys drink you know why it says medicinal purposes only i don't know exactly the prohibition act outlawed alcohol except for when you needed it for medicinal purposes or religious purposes if you wanted whiskey you either bought bootleg whiskey or you got your doctor to write your prescription for it a fix rx label through opening so i guess this is where the like prescription label would go what would happen is you would go to the doctor there would be some ailment you had there would be a wink and a nod and he would prescribe you alcohol whiskey and then you know you go to the pharmacy you fill your prescription go home and you get drunk do you know when the mixed drink became popular no it was during prohibition because the whiskey was just rock gut the gin was bathtub gin it just tasted so bad they had to mix it with something fruity just to get it down this was bottled whiskey out of prohibition that was the most right gut stuff you ever seen in your life and it did cause people to go blind i mean the box is in pretty good shape for me in 85 years old it's like half the age of him yeah rick i'm fixing to kick you i've read about medicinal whiskey i've never actually seen a bottle i really want it and i have no idea what it's worth so what do you want to do with this you want to sell it upon it i thought i would just go ahead and sell it i was hoping to get 250 for it that's too much you think so yeah here's the deal i'm just taking a shot in the dark i'll give you 200 bucks for it and that's what i could do well i never really knew what i was going to get for it and that was more than what he owed me by far so okay we got a deal thanks thank you now you can't drink it greg i don't want to drink it i'm not afraid to take a risk for 200 because it's gonna look great in my shop can i help you uh yes i have a uh very rare piece of americano looks like a book to me the bartender's guide this is pretty cool they have for tulips right here what do you think pinky do we do fruit juleps we're going to do fruit juleps i'm coming in to sell my bartender's guide the first book on bartending written in this country it was written in 1862. i do not pay much for books i got it at a yard sale in oxford i'm looking to get 25 000 for this move what's your favorite cocktail um i was asking him i don't drink me neither this is really neat this is basically the book that started all this more or less standardized drinks all the way across the country your average person in the united states in this book came out did not drink mixed drinks it really wasn't until prohibition that mixed drinks really became popular due to the fact that everyone was drinking bathtub gin and really really bad moonshine it was just practically undrinkable so they had to start mixing with something [Music] price 150 this is definitely the first edition it sold so well that on the second printing of the first edition they raised the price all the other states they'll say price 250 on the front of it how much you want for it 25 000. it's got a little wear and tear to it huh oh it's got a lot more than wear and tear to it this is mold inside the book and mold when it gets inside a book will eventually eat holes in it i'll give you four thousand for the buck that's what i can do i was thinking at least seven thousand dollars it's just not there i'm not gonna make any money off it i'll lose money if i pay that i'll tell you what i'll go 48 i can't go to work okay all right we got a deal i'm sure you didn't pay over a dollar for it oh i'm sure you're not gonna pay that much forward [Laughter] all right let's go write it uh you know what i should write a book on making cocktails the rick julep what can i help you with sir i have here a 1921 bottle of dawn perry on unopened oh yeah time to party like it's your birthday popping bottles in the pawn shop no we're not popping that bottle [Music] i decided to come to the pawn shop today to see if i can sell my unopened bottle of 1921 dom perrion champagne this is a very significant bottle of dom perianas the first year that it was made 1921 only a thousand bottles came to the united states so this is extremely rare so where did you get it i got it from my dad who got it from his uncle don perrion was a 17th century monk who became a master at anything and everything wine his big invention was a cork that was held down with a hemp string sort of like champagne bottles today they're held down with a wire the reason this invention was so big is when he made sparkling wine the cork wouldn't pop out do you know how to ferment wine no add a little yeast put it in a barrel let it ferment it you know the grape juice turns to wine when they make champagne what they do is bottle it before it's fully fermented that way carbon dioxide is still forming inside the bottle so that's how you get the bubbly it was a really neat weird process because when they first started making champagne the bottles weren't really strong enough to hold all the pressure from the champagne so the bottle makers had to guarantee to buy back any bottles that broke that's why wine's been around for thousands and thousands of years and champagne has only been around since the 1700s 1921 was like one of the best bandages too this was like supposedly like the best advantage of this champagne so how have you been storing this uh it's just been in my great uncle's liquor cabinet and when he gave it to my dad it stayed in there all right um so it's just been sitting straight up like this in a liquor cabinet yes okay as far as i know yeah champagne has to be stored really cold and down on the cork i guarantee you you open this thing up you will get sick if you drink it i don't want to purchase it because it's not champagne inside anymore i mean it's ruined well i could see that as maybe it's not worth 8 000 as a drinkable champagne you got to think about the rarity of it when you get to down to things that there's only one or two of in existence drinkable or not drinkable even a wine collector might like to have this in his collection even though he's not going to drink it just because of the absolute rarity of it you know i can see your selling point i mean i can try and get a hold of someone to come down here and take a look at it that's all i can tell you that would be fantastic let me see if i can get them down here okay terrific if this guy's right and a 1921 bottle is very rare it's worth getting someone down here to check this thing out we'll see if this thing's got any value or if someone should have popped this thing open a long time ago i'm the proprietor of marche bacoos a fine wine store in las vegas nevada i've been a fine wine collector for about 15 20 years don perennial the most recognizable champagne in the world in 1921 the first don't perineum ever produced released in 1936 actually on new year's eve so the wine is such a collector's item well being a wine lover myself seeing a bottle of first introduction don't parry on is extremely rare there's only been 35 vintages that don quinoa produced since 1921 and 21 is considered to be an excellent vintage and an excellent wine so rick what's your concerns is it any good anymore well the condition of the bottle you've got some nicks here on the wax capsules that's called the eulage level it's actually fairly low so you've lost some you lost some champagne during the process typically happens to evaporation when the cork dries it actually contracts in size and allows some of the wine to actually go out of the sides and between the cork and the neck of the bottle and uh and you can see that there's quite a bit of sediment in this bottle too so uh chances are the wine's probably pretty dead so i guess the question is how is it stored during this period apparently not the correct way i was afraid of that the way you should have stored it was in 50 to 55 degree temperatures with 75 relative humidity that would keep the cork moist so that it doesn't shrink and you don't lose some of the wine what's it worth you got a bottle of 21 this stuff is unavailable anywhere it's a really cool bottle and uh in pristine condition 8 200 10 000 in this condition if you put on the shelf maybe some guy comes by wants it just for the value of the label probably a thousand dollars maybe someone might might pay as much as that for it basically the wine's worthless a little bit for the bottle yeah exactly thanks a lot though how you looking all right well that was some bad news well if you look at it that way i i don't see me being able to sell it see i think of it as a bottle collectors type of thing anyone who wants this is going to want a bottle with good champagne in it and we have a bottle with turpentine in it i can use it i just don't see it i'm sorry that's okay thank you very much i disagree with the pond dudes i think this bottle's very very valuable and i think they missed a great opportunity to make some good money a thousand might be right on the very best of days but a serious collector is not going to touch this bottle so to spend the time tracking someone down who just wants a display piece sounds more like a hassle than a prophet hi how are you pretty good how you doing good good i have a bridgewater's corkscrew produced in 1932 it comes in a coffin this is more or less the the king daddy of all corkscrews and bottle openers all right i guess even back in the day they were popping bottles [Music] 1932 bridgewater corkscrew was developed by horse bridgewater really to prep the country for the end of prohibition i'm asking 1100 on the whole this is the best bridgewater squirt screw that i've ever seen and probably most people have ever seen this is pretty cool man in the 1920s prohibition wasn't really thought of as prohibition it was the volstead act right they were trying to get it passed and no one really thought it was ever going to get passed and then the bill passes and now alcohol is illegal in america right it basically created crime in every aspect because now you got people smuggling alcohol you got people making alcohol you got people selling alcohol and volstead was the man the face that everyone could put this bill to and this is supposed to be volstead this guy was hated by everybody yes he was hated by people who drank alcohol because he made it illegal exactly he was hated by the people who didn't drink because now there's so much crime going on so it seems right that when prohibition in they would make a corkscrew bottle opener shot glass chop them up put them in a coffin yeah so what do you want to do with it i'd like to sell it and how much would you like to get for it i'd like 1100. 1100 huh and again you know condition is everything in this kind of a market it is but i just don't see it bringing nowhere near that where where are you at then man i'm looking at like 150 can you get up close to 8.50 no i really couldn't man maybe 300. um i tell you what meet you halfway call it 550. it's a nice piece the box is in good condition but i don't see it as a piece i can pay over 300 for can't go 350. i could do 325 and we can make a deal yeah right let's go write it up very good about 15 years ago i bought it for 125 so 200 profit you know works well for me what do we have here no it's an old mixer like a drink mixer okay it looks like overkill to mix a drink well you know it just depends on how much you're into drinking [Music] i'm coming down to the pawn shop today to sell my antique drink mixer the reason i want to sell it today is i really don't have any use for it i've never tried to use it but i'm hoping maybe we can mix a drink in the back today when the deal's done where did you get it at a garage sale okay it's probably from the 20s okay uh let's see a patent on our manufacturer do you know how the mixed drink came about no not really okay it was because of prohibition because the alcohol was so nasty and disgusting that you basically had to mix it with something to get it down bathtub gen doesn't taste great on january 1st 1920 it became illegal to sell or manufacture alcohol in the united states so people started drinking cheap homemade booze known as bathtub gin the alcohol tasted so nasty they had to mix it with anything so they can get it down their throat i imagine this probably was putting a bar to liven things up and make everything a little bit cooler you always need a gimmick in a bar you always need to keep it fresh otherwise it just turns into a dive check please this is really super power i mean you can mix a lot of things in it i mean put concrete get it you can make cement um so you got the other wax no and i don't think this is the original glass i think it broke somewhere yeah there's definitely a market for prohibition error cocktail stuff but this thing is more of a curiosity than a vintage collectible and it's a ways from being in mid condition i like it but i can't pay a lot for it all right what do you want to do with it well i want to sell it okay uh how would you want for it 350. i don't know yeah there's no way you're gonna get 350 out of it i mean i might consider it if the thing looks semi-new but it looks terrible you know it's 90 years old it really works well you know things like this have a tendency to sit it's going to be a tough sell i mean who exactly buys one of these things you know i'll give you 100 bucks for the thing [Music] 125. 75. he's just mean and grumpy yeah i'll do 125. okay i'll take it all right thank you let's go write it up spending my money again i settled on 125 and i think it's a little bit more than i was expecting to get so i'm real happy i think i'm going to go out and have a nice meal so what do we got here this is a vintage wine and apple cider press you can actually make unbino okay i purchased the vintage wine press at an estate sale i need to make room in the house my wife told me it's it's dad or me so it's going so what can you tell me about it man it's made in chicago i couldn't find too much on it but it's a really cool piece you probably can't find much on it because one of the secrets to wine is you want to just kind of do it the way they did it a thousand years ago i'm sure the romans or the greeks had something very similar to it you can imagine something like this it was a lot more sanitary a lot more efficient than actually stomping on them with your feet so you throw your grapes or your fruit in there this turned yeah smash the grapes down and down and down until basically everything is crushed down to the bottom and that's it so how old is this from the people that i bought it they said they had it for over 50 years themselves uh beyond that i really couldn't tell you whether this wine press is brand new or really old it's still in decent condition and it makes wine so really any collector would want this thing any idea what you're looking to get out of it well i was looking to get uh about uh 5.95 5.95 okay um any particular reason you want that number or it just sounds good you know i like what sounds good to me 350. uh how about uh 500. um all right man you got to do it 500. thank you so much all right let's go down here you sure you don't want 4.95 not quite no the 500 i thought it was fair i'm happy and he has his wine press and i have 500. hey how's it going good got some bottles for you all right sweet but nothing in them i came to see if i could sell my antique bottles one's a cobalt blue whiskey bottle and the other is a decanter bottle i was hoping to get at least a thousand i hope he's ready to negotiate because i love my bottles and i don't want to give him up for nothing oh we have casper's whiskey made by honest north carolina people it's definitely cool man i mean they came out right after the civil war i'm pretty sure they're around for like 20 30 years i don't know exactly how long but i know they're around for a while and the thing is with casper's whiskey they did all mail order they're literally like the sears of whiskey okay and usually they didn't sell it in bottles usually it was like they're two and a half gallon or five gallon big you know ceramic jugs so rarely do you ever see the blue bottles it's usually the big jugs as far as bottle collectors this is a big deal right here okay so this is um well over 100 years old it's hand blown no did you know that the purple glass why it turns purple why is that because magnesium was taken out of it in the 1900s and they put sulfur in it after that they don't turn purple no more sun but turns out purple it's interesting it's cute i mean yeah this is not the top okay i mean completely different style everything about it's different so this one i don't want it's too tough to sell how much you want for this one i'd like to get five 500 yeah i know what i got into it ten years ago i'd like to give you more like 250. perfect not a blemish in the whole thing this right here is definitely a chip that was only because of mold and i know it is considered like a chip that's not part of the mold okay um 350. i don't even notice the chip myself half the time they didn't have that ship i'd pay you 500 a second for it uh 275. split the difference of 325. all right so 300 bucks okay all right 300 bucks yeah all right thanks man i got my money out of it 300 i'm gonna buy me some more bottles can i help you we can cut a pistol and this 60 millimeter movie that was shot in a pretty notorious speakeasy back in the 20s and 30s the capone mob hung out there and in that movie here maybe babyface nelson and al capone's girlfriend that's really really cool my great-aunt's basement was a speakeasy and the video is of a party the gun was found behind a booth i would like to get around 3 000 based on that the capone mob frequented the establishment so where was the speakeasy yet it was in chicago all right the federal government actually thought about taking over chicago because basically the entire city was ran by the mob and the speakeasies immediately happened after prohibition why don't they call them speakeasies because basically when you spoke to someone else about it you spoke softly or spoke easy because it was illegal you know they always had code words that would let you in the front of the place a lot of these places had gambling ladies of the evening sounds like a fun place huh let's go when prohibition started in 1920 alcohol was being sold all over chicago by different organized crime gags this could be a really cool look into prohibition era chicago so what's on the vhs the vhs is actually just a copy of this 16 millimeter movie okay i'm really intrigued to see what's on this tape i'm gonna need a vhs player rick this is a pawn shop i think we have one in the back i'll be right back i'll be here i've been telling rick to get rid of that old tb vhs for years now but i guess you never know what's going to come in handy at the pawn shop look at that still works [Laughter] here we go 1938 and obviously it's silent do you know where babyface nelson or any of those faces are on this tape i have no idea what frame they would be on what part of the movie and i don't know what these people look like [Music] rick be kind rewind it's been a long time since i heard that all right um first off the gun will you have an otis smith revolver they stopped making guns right around 1880 i thinkish there is a pistol that he makes that is worth a lot of money but that's basically just a curiosity because it was all brass this is not that one and it's in really bad shape the other problem with your film babyface nelson is not on it babyface died in 1934 and right at the beginning of the film it says 1938. um it's interesting but there's tons of stock footage like this already out there yeah so unfortunately i'm not even gonna make you an offer you really don't have anything marketable here so you won't offer anything on it i was hoping there was something on the movie but there's just not okay thanks for coming in though sure have a good one john give him his tape back and put the tv away i'm not sure whether the movie was taken or whether it was just developed in 1938 since we weren't able to make a deal i'll return it to my safe and give it to my son when the time comes you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 3,301,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, Antique Corkscrew, 1933 Medicinal Prohibition Whiskey, 1862 Bartenders Guide, First Bartending Book Ever Written, 1921 Bottle of Dom Pérignon, Bridgewater Corkscrew, Prohibition-Era Cocktail Shaker, Vintage Wine Press, Pre-1900s Antique Bottles, Prohibition/Speakeasy Movie
Id: REwAm8jRQCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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