Mario's Madness V2 Mod Explained in fnf (Mario 85', MX, Mario EXE)

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the Mario Madden his V2 mod finally dropped over to holidays and many of you have been asking me to cover this one fair warning this mod has a ton of dark Lore behind it and it also has a bunch of characters so grab a snack and let's jump into it starting with M AKA horror Mario now this mod starts off very similarly to the original Mod where boyfriend and girlfriend are just chilling on the couch when they get a knock on the door and they see the yellow Among Us who so happens to have a package for him the package is actually a cursed copy of a Mario game which drags the pair into Mario's world where they are basically forced to battle for their [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lives [Music] speee [Music] oh H you're looking for someone seems you don't recognize me it's me Mario almost oh you two seem a bit scared well don't be I'm not going to kill you yet I want to have some fun with you two minutes before I end you [Music] [Music] lives oh don't bother using your powers they're useless here this is my world oh you going to pay for what that traitor or a man you call a father did to me all those years ago you on the other hand I heard so many stories about you you defeated lots of creatures some like myself monsters demons Angels freaks so how's about we make a deal three songs Just Three beat me and I'll let you go lose and you'll perish by mind [Music] very well let go now that we understand how boyfriend and girlfriend got into this situation let's talk about horror Mario's lore and why he's so dangerous I think you all probably know that horror Mario is based on a piece of art that was created by a person named Shadow Shana on Deviant Art but there is some lore that is specific specific to the mod and it involves daddy darus basically in the 9s Mario was a expert in the video game market and he ended up going into business with Daddy darus but since Daddy darus is a scumbag once they actually started making a bunch of cash he betrayed Mario and used his demonic magic to trap him in a video game cartridge kind of like he did to Spirit in the base game at this point in the mod 30 years have passed and while Mario has been trapped he's been plotting away to get revenge and once he found out that the deer's Family actually had a daughter he said his plan into motion to trap her into the game so that he can make her suffer the way he has and also take the person that Daddy dearis loves the most now what a lot of people don't realize is that horror Mario is more dangerous than any other enemy boyfriend and girlfriend have faced up to this point I'm talking about hypnos Slender Man and even Sonic.exe and the reason that I say this is because in all those other cases girlfriend is able to use her demonic powers in order to protect herself and boyfriend but as Mario says in the cut scene her powers are useless in this world which makes this situation much more dangerous for both of them and keep this in mind as we get towards the end of the video because it will make more sense why the mod ends the way it does now when we get to the star man slaughter song We're introduce three more characters the first of which is called John dick and he is a pair of Bones which originally looks like this and they're basically just dead versions of the Koopa paratroopers which are these cute little turtle guys here and this character just acts as a servant to horror Mario next we see horror Peach here and yoshi.exe pops out at the same time and just like horror Mario Peach is also inspired from a piece of Shadow sha artwork and she also acts as the Romantic partner for Mario and she's also like the overlord of this land here now yoshi.exe though comes from the Mario horror game called yoshi.exe where Baby Mario is basically like a tiny version of Sonic.EXE and he's killing all the creatures on this Yoshi Island it starts with common enemies like the Koopas then progresses to lamed enemies like Kik and eventually when Yoshi goes to investigate he's also killed but he doesn't stay dead instead he returns turns to Life as a Undead version that also starts to kill other Yoshis on the island basically becoming a murder machine for Baby Mario now after boyfriend and girlfriend defeat Mario we see the cut scene here of them actually escaping to the warp [Music] star [Music] [Music] so they found the warp star which means eventually they'll stumble across the [Music] others but don't wor Mar will get you next time a fun fact about that cut scene is that the final line for Mario is a play on the line for Mario Kart Double Dash where Mario says oky doie Mario will get you next time and this is actually the line that inspired Shadow shaana to create the horror version of Mario in the first place because they thought it sounded kind of creepy coming from a character like Mario now when boyfriend and girlfriend use the warp star they are teleported above ground where they have to face a series of opponent the first one being Chris Pratt Mario and the song titled so cool and the song was actually inspired by the Mario cast Reveal video that dropped on YouTube like 2 years ago where basically this old guy was telling What actors would play which characters and the song is called so cool because that's how the old man described Chris Pratt when he was actually introducing him first of course is Mario who will be played by Chris Pratt he's so cool next up in the mod is Granddad Mario and he is from the seven Granddad game which is a bootleg NES title that is a reskin of a game called The Flinstones the rescue of d and Hoy the bootleg basically replaces Fred FR Stone's head with Mario's head and I think the reason that the game became such a popular meme was due to a Creator named vinu Joel and his shock reaction to the title screen of the game are you seven that wasn't the one I played let's check it out Grand dad Flint Stones another fun fact about this Mario is that he's actually a resan of another bootleg Mario that goes by the name Fortran and we're looking at them side by side the resemblant can't really be denied next up in the mod is beta Luigi and he goes by that name because he's from a game overc screen from the beta version of Luigi's Mansion the lore behind why he looks so sad is that he was basically a coward he was supposed to be trying to save Mario from King Buu but he was too afraid to move forward and he ended up allowing his brother to die which has caused him to become depressed something that you may have missed in the mod is that whenever the lightning strikes we see a shadow of boyfriend hanging which may explain why he and girlfriend are ghost in this song another fun fact is that the flower that Luigi is holding in the song is based on a piece of artwork from the Luigi Mansion beta where Luigi is sitting down looking sad while holding a flower and lastly some of you may notice that Mario actually pops up during the song looking like he's trapped in a painting and this is basically a reference to the fact that is too late to save him and what is even more sad about this is that no one else can see this image of Mario because it's simply Luigi's depression making him see things the next character in the mod is called L is real and this character is based on a urban legend surrounding Super Mario 64 many people believe that players could unlock Luigi as a playable character in the game there is a plaque on a statue in the game and people believe that the writing on the plaque said L is real 2401 but the writing is so blurry that it's actually really hard to decipher what it says now hardcore fans however believe that this meant that Luigi was a Easter egg in the game and this all came to a head in 2020 when Nintendo gigal leak revealed a ton of new information the most important being a Sprite for Luigi in the game now the fnf mod is based on a darker Theory and that is that Luigi is in the game but he is actually in the fountain where the plaque with the writing resides and he's basically Tangled in some Vines and unable to escape and since this is a digital world he's forced to keep drowning and then coming back to life until he can either escape the vines or someone helps him get out it reminds me a lot of sink Sonic from a couple of years ago and a fun fact about this song is that it's called zelop obia which is the fear of deep water put in the comments if you have that fear I know I do I couldn't even play subnotica when it came out way back in the day next on our list is I hate you Luigi and this character is actually from a creepy pasta called I hate you that was later turned into a ROM by a Creator by the name of slime beast this version of Luigi basically started to become jealous of the fact that Mario always got the lime life and in order to elevate himself Luigi joined forces with Bowser in order to kill his brother in the actual ROM we can see Mario and Luigi end up fighting on a bridge that is above a pit of lava in the original story Mario ends up knocking Luigi into the lava burning him alive and at the end of the we see Luigi looking like a burned zombie this is why in an fnf mod there is a cut scene showing Luigi climbing out of the [Music] lava there are a few references in the mod that are from the rom hack the first being the Fireballs falling from the sky which are from the actual fight between Mario and Luigi the eyess booze are from the beginning of the ROM and the blue Mari coming up from the lava are from the swimming part of the ROM where a bunch of drown Mari swarm you a fun fact about the I hate you cppy pasta is it was originally made to make fun of other creppy pastas that overuse cheesy tropes but it somehow became crazy popular and funny enough the rom hack became even more popular than that to the point where people have forgotten that it started out as actual Creepy Pasta the next character is called waral Apparition and The waral Apparition is a floating ghostlike version of Wario's head it initially appeared during the Nintendo's focus on fun segment in E3 back in 1995 as a way to get people ready for Nintendo's main presentation a this is terrible who would buy like this anyway oh what you think this is a fun you got to be cucko crazy you want fun Wario show you funing pinging isn't that great H so you like that oh watch this this is even better later it was made Popular by the Mario 64 horror Community due to a creepy pasta based on a theory that every copy of the original Super Mario 64 is personalized and people believe that there was a cursed beta version of the game from back in 1995 and a lot of people say that The waral Apparition actually materialized in Mario 64 out of people's desire to see Wario in the game and anyone who sees The Apparition basically has a mental breakdown now obviously that never happened in real life but just like any fandoms you're always going to have people who make up weird type of head cannons now another reference that I find interesting about this version of Wario Apparition is that it's based on the Super Mario Land 2 commercial where Wario is basically trying to hypnotize the audience into taking Mario out for him really me War I am your master Mario is your enemy The Wicked impostor Warrior has cast an evil spell over Mario Land don't let Mario get the six golden coins don't let Mario reach the palace the next character is kind of weird and his name is turmoil and this is technically Mario but one day when he was walking out into the forest he actually found a corrupted mushroom not knowing that it was tainted Mario ate it just like he had done with countless mushrooms before but little did he know that this mushroom contained Yoshi DNA which basically turned Mario into a halfman half beast type of fusion the problem is that he no longer has his human mind and is simply a animal that is always hungry and now as he goes through the woods he's basically just killing and devouring any creature that comes into his line of sight which is why we see so many bodies in the background and since he has Yoshi DNA he's also able to shoot his tongue out super far and I'm sure you've all noticed that in this song boyfri is a Goomba which means that he is definitely on the menu and will be eaten if he loses the rat battle the next character mod is called coronation Peach and this character is actually the main antagonist of a popular rom hack that goes by the same name and the backstory starts with peach going out into the woods one day and a lot of people thought that she may have taken her own life but when you actually look into the mod it seems more like some type of demonic Spirit has actually taken over Peach's body and now that spirit is basically haunting these woods and using the Visage of peach to attack anybody that tries to come in and save her and there's a line in the M that actually backs this up [Music] and since it refers to itself as the king of the forest we can assume that she's possessed by some type of either Forest God or Forest devil also think that it's interesting that we see Mario is dead in this song which leads me to believe that he's probably one of the people that tried to go and save Peach but was actually killed for his effort next up we have super bad Mario and this is the version of Mario that comes from the series of the same name by YouTube channel called past te in the videos he would edit Mario into Clips where people would fail in some way and the edit would make it look like Mario was the cause got face on that here we the actual fnf song is based off this clip with the cat ha Yahoo next up we have a character named louisi state out Mario and he's originally from a 2014 YouTube animation called Luigi's Day Out created by a YouTuber by the name of hot diggity demon in the video Mario acts like a rebellious teenager even though he's like 40 years old and he's forced by his mother to take Luigi out with him when he goes on adventures to basically save Princess Daisy I am still your mother now take your brother with you this isn't Up For Debate come on Luigi yay I'm going to go on an adventure but this version of Mario is kind of a jerk so instead he tricks Luigi into dying in various ways for his own amusement and he also allows him to get a tattoo on his body a fun fact about this song is that boyfriend and girlfriend take the place of Peach and Waluigi from the original animation and we know this because of this line here I'm supposed to get Peach out of Bowser hole but I'm probably going to blow it off I don't give enough of a today you want to jump the fence at the Country Club and use the pool yeah we did that two days ago beep but oh Cody is a piece of I am so tired of that agenda I'm supposed to get Peach out of Bowser hole but I'm probably going to blow it off I don't give enough of a today you want to jump the fence at the Country Club and use the pool yeah we did that 2 days ago you want to go hang out at Cody's house oh Cody is a piece of I am so tired of that next in the mod we see secret history Mario who is from the YouTube channel called mashed the animation basically shows us The Dark Side of Mario he isn't the funny funloving plumber that we all know and love but actually a dictator of the Mushroom Kingdom and he will kill or enslave as many people as he needs to in order to maintain power in the animation Bowser gives a speech about all the wrong that Mario has done for Millennia my ancestors called this great Kingdom their home now I must endure the Relentless humiliation as the fields my fathers tented for Generations are used to race go-karts as my people are stripped of their dignity and left to starve and squalor and if all that wasn't bad enough we also see that he abuses Princess Peach making her get plastic surgery because at one point she was with Bowser and a fun fact about this song is that boyfriend and girlfriend are been stripped down to this metal pole here or AKA this Piller and it's actually a reference to what happened to Sonic in the original animation next on our list is racist Mario and he is just as name suggests in the animation created by flas gits Mario is tired of non- Nintendo characters been added into Mario Kart and to take it one step further he's also madad at the Nintendo characters for allowing it to happen you invite non Nintendo characters onto my track so during the race he basically starts to kill every character including his own brother the only person that is actually able to stop Mario is Kratos who after defeating him drives off with both the ladies now in the fnf mod is implied that Mario is upset that boyfriend and girlfriend who are obviously not Nintendo characters have been added to the race so he's definitely trying to kill both of them next on our list is a character called devil Mario and he is from a series called Power Star which was created by a person named Daniel Sun the backstory for this version of Mario was surprisingly sad basically Mario ended up being possessed by a lot of booze which told him that he needed to collect all the power Stars so that he could destroy all life and basically turn everybody into ghost all the booze made it to where Mario would kill anybody who got in his way even his own brother and Princess Peach and I guess to be fair also a crap ton of toes and Yoshis the animation ends when Mario actually kills the people closest to him and in that grief he's able to break free of The Possession for just long enough to actually stab himself through the heart and since he was the host the boo Invasion came crumbling down due to his death so in the end he still does lose everything but at least he is able to save the world and as the credits are rolling at the end of the video we actually see the Silhouettes of Luigi Mario and Peach's body laying dead on the castle wall making it truly a sad story the next character in the mod is called GB and this is a exe character that was created by Marco Antonio now for my understanding this character was inspired by Mario's appearance in the Super Mario Land 2 six golden coins game specifically from a bootleg of the game and basically anyone who plays to Pirate a copy of the game will become gb's play thing he even has this ability where he can get into your mind and influence what you think and see and the worst part is that once you play game he can come into the real world and the only reason that he doesn't do that is because he feels like it would be too easy to kill you that way and he likes to make sport out of it the character can also travel to different Mario games if he wishes and he's supposed to be even more powerful than horror Mario himself the next character in the mod is DJ Halu and he's from a YouTube video by a YouTuber by the name of Joey perone and the video is titled Mario Party Diaz anti-piracy screen in the video Someone basically tried to Pirate the game name and has to trace an apology before DJ attacks [Music] them this is why in fnf mod we see the word being traced over in blue and boyfriend is in jail because it's implied that he has started to Pirate a game or at the very least DJ believes that he has next we have a character called Mr virtual and he was actually by a person named stupendous snart on Twitter he's the main antagonist in the horror series called the virtual files and this guy actually has a full backstory that goes like this so basically back in the day Mr virtual used to be a circus performer that went by the name V and he lived a awful life where he was constantly miserable until one day he snaps basically Burning Down the entire circus and watching all the people that he worked with burn but instead of feeling guilt or shame with hearing all the screaming and crying V felt nothing but joy and this is when he found his new calling which was to become a serial killer where he would basically mutilate his victims and leave a v carved into their chest eventually his Killing Spree caught the attention of a detective by the name of Thomas Anderson who basically spent months hunting V down until he caught up with him at a 1995 E3 event and at that event Anderson actually ended up shooting V in the back of the head in a Nintendo booth that was showcasing the new Virtual Boy system and this is apparently how the soul of V was bound to the Virtual Boy in death transforming him into the creature that we see in the mod months after his death a woman named Samantha Heathers found the cursed virtual boy that V was inside of and when she used the system it started out fine but soon V learned that he could stock her inside the virtual world terrorizing her for months and just making her experience nightmares and night terrors even when she wasn't in the game eventually he ended her suffering and killed her and learned that he could possess the body of his victims and come into the material plane until the body rots away which would happen in a matter of days and then he would automatically be sent back to the cursed system and with this new knowledge V made it his mission to somehow get the Virtual Boy into the hands of Anderson or get a person close enough to Anderson where he can consume their body and try to kill him before the body rots away all because of course he wanted to get revenge against the man that killed him and for those of you that are wondering why V actually turns into girlfriend in the mod it's because at some point off screen he actually kills her so he's able to take her form the girlfriend actually dies a couple of times in this mod and she's always brought back so don't stress too much next in the mod we have Mr L or AKA too late Luigi and this character was created by a person named Mr pixel and it's the main antagonist in the game titled too late luigi.exe [Music] [Music] now many people think that this version of Luigi is the same as the one from I hate you Luigi but they're actually different while this version of Luigi also hates his brother and wants to see him suffer is for different reasons he isn't simply jealous of Mario here but he's instead mad that Mario cus his death accidentally this implied that Mario ended up knocking his brother into a pit of lava but he didn't do it on purpose after the accident Mario spent his days living with the guilt of killing his brother until one day he runs into Luigi's Spirit which turns out to be a monster that devours Mario sending him to this Hell's Gate where Luigi tortures him throughout several levels eventually though Luigi sends Mario to Bowser's Castle where he is then thrown into the lava so that he could suffer the same death as [Applause] [Music] Luigi what makes this even sadder is that once Mario dies his spirit sticks around and he is a Undead servant to Luigi this is why we see his ghost singing alongside Pico in the mod now the different scenes in the mod also reflects the different levels in the original game name Pico on the car actually comes from this level here the creepy IE scene is from this level and as Pico is running past the RO of Luigi's that actually comes from the final level of the game but it ends better for Pico than it did for Mario next up we have MX and he was created by a person named Fraz dude he's the main antagonist of Mario 885 and was heavily inspired by the Sonic PC Port which is why in a lot of mods we see Lord X and MX are actually considered to be friends now he resides within an abandoned copy of the Super Mario Bros game game and anyone who plays the game will be sucked into his world where he basically forces you to run from him and if he catches you he will devour your soul but if you can manage to get away from him you get to live another day and this will basically go on forever or until he eats you in the mod there are two people dead in the background the first person is Toad who actually dies in the original game when MX throws him into like the flag pole and decapitates him [Music] the second person is Lucas and in the original lore Lucas is a unlucky kid that finds the cursed copy of the Mario game and is then forced to play with himx in a mod it looks like Lucas didn't actually survive and of course at the end of the first song we see that girlfriend gets ripped apart as well which is why boyfriend is is actually crying in this cut [Music] scene later in the song though it seems that somehow girlfriend is brought back to life and actually saves him I'm not sure if it's because of her demonic abilities or because they're in a virtual world but something keeps actually bringing her back to life and for my people that are thinking that girlfriend should have been able like to go toe to- Toe with MX you are absolutely delusional their powers are nowhere comparable next in the mod is a character called promotion of Mario and he was created by a YouTube channel called greenio and it's a part of the Super Mario 64 classifi series the cut scene in the mod is actually based on this YouTube [Music] video oh hey Banos my name is Mario are you probably knew that already now you may be wondering what am I doing on your TV screen now let me ask you this what are you C now in the actual song Mario is the host of a new show called Mario Mania and since he's hosting the show Luigi seems to be running around in the Mario 64 game well that is until he gets to this part where he has to swim and he ends up drowning which is why if you look into the background of this mod here you actually see this small TV screen that shows Luigi underwater looking unconscious the next song we see a new character named named Stanley who is technically the protagonist of the classified series he is a personalization AI that has become very depressed and simply wants to die from my understanding he is responsible for creating other AIS and also destroying other AIS and since he's sentient he's capable of feeling remorse and guilt for some of the a that he have destroyed next we are hit with another cut scene that is inspired from one of the original classified [Music] tapes [Music] [Music] and then we see this version of Luigi here who is called classify Luigi this song was inspired by by a small clip in one of the original tapes where you see Lisi for just a brief moment and at this time he is actually dead also think that all the water in this song may be referring to Luigi's water scene in the actual original tape and next we see a character called custom that appears as boyfriend a girlfriend are taking like a victory selfie and this character is from a very short part in the ending of one of the tapes when you look closely you can barely even make him out in that scene before the final battle with Mario he actually gives a speech to boyfriend and girlfriend well done very well done I must say I am impressed you're a Long Way from Home aren't you tell me why do you persist no matter all good things must come to an end you broke our little deal and I can't let that slide and you fell right into my hands thinking your path was clear gold poost in sight but no tell me do you know what all of the creatures down there have in common they're all in my game they all belong to me you cannot undo what is instructive your Fe will sh in motion the moment little the more you are my faing St and we're going to have so much fun come and face me little rat your time has come then we are greeted with this version of Mario called Tanuki Mario who is actually based on raccoon Mario and to be clear this version of Mario is not horror Mario but simply a minion that was made to distract boyfriend and in that same vein the version of Yoshi Wario and Luigi that pop up were also just distractions so when girlfriend actually falls through one of the pipes boyfriend is so busy battling that he doesn't realize that she's actually being killed by The Real Horror Mario who at this point in the mod is called Ultra M because as you can see here he is now a giant but I think what is more devastating is that girlfriend is dead again and this time she has been turned into an undead puppet and she's being forced to remain in her demonic form the song ends with boyfriend having to 1 V one Mario and all the while he's thinking about how much it hurts to lose girlfriend but he doesn't have to be without her for long because he's simply not powerful enough to defeat Mario on his own who actually ends the song by piercing boyfriend's heart which is brutal but also kind of fitting it symbolizes how he took his metaphorically which was girlfriend and then he took it literally completely besting the couple this is one of the few mods where both boyfriend and girlfriend die at the end if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out this video here subscribe today become a member of the or force and we'll see you tomorrow with another video hope you had a Merry Christmas peace peace
Channel: Orseofkorse
Views: 154,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friday Night Funkin, Friday Night Funkin', fnf, orseofkorse fnf facts, orseofkorse fnf, Orseofkorse, friday night funkin animation, friday night funkin mods, Mario's Madness, V2, Cutscenes, FNF Mod, Mario 85', MX, Mario EXE, fnf creepypasta, friday night funkin mod, marios madness, marios madness v2
Id: hvjvqsxeXTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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