All Mouse AVI Lore Explained (Sad Mouse/ Su**ide Mouse)

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there's just been an update for the Sunday night  Mouse Avi mod so I think this is a good time to go   over some of the lore of this depressed version  of Mickey Mouse starting with the original and   then covering different versions that have been  created such as the vibing leaps Mouse ABI retake   and various fnf versions now Mouse API started  out as a creepypasta and was supposed to be from   a unreleased Mickey Mouse cartoon from the 1930s  the video showed Mickey walking down the street   looking sad with creepy piano music playing in  the background a man named Leonard Malton was   reviewing this footage thinking that he would add  it to a DVD collection for Die Hard Mickey fans   until seeing how poor the quality of the video was  he decided that he would just watch it and make a   copy of it for the Disney's archives originally  he thought the film was only a minute and a half   because it cut to Black after that point but  he noticed that the film was actually over nine   minutes long it seemed that the screen stayed  black for about five minutes and then it showed   Mickey walking again but now there was no banging  piano playing but rather it sounds like somebody   trying to scream but they have a mouth full of  water so just a disturbing gurgling like sound   as this sound continued the sidewalk that Mickey  was walking on started to warp and a smile started   to slowly creep onto his face after another  minute the gurgling stopped and turned into a at this point the buildings around Mickey start to  look old and battered his face literally starts to   melt and his eyes actually roll out of his  head but that large smile gets even larger   and at this point the sidewalk even starts  to distort even more back in the real world   Leo was obviously creeped out and he left the  room telling his assistant to finish watching   this film after another minute the screaming  finally stopped in an image of Mickey's face   actually pops up on the screen and this image  remained for about 30 seconds and then we see   the assistant actually walked out of the room  until the security guard standing nearby that   real suffering is not known after repeating  this phrase seven times the assistant grabs   the guard's gun and takes himself out with it we  also learned that the last frame of the film has   some rushing writing there and it reads that  the sight of Hell brings his viewers back in   now that we know the original Lord let's look  at another version made by vibing Leaf titled   Mouse Avi retake this one starts with an old  film of Mickey and Minnie playing around in   the kitchen but once Mickey pulls Minnie's nose  she seems to get really angry and slam a vase on   his head storming out we then see Minnie finds  another mouse which for my knowledge isn't a   named character like for example Mr Slickers  who we'll speak more about later but whoever   this mouse is he snatches Mickey's girl and  Mickey is forced to watch through a window   and is completely devastated and then just like in  the original we see Mickey walking down the street   obviously distressed with the fact that his wife  has left him now a common thing for this part in   Mickey's story is that he starts to take hard  drugs in order to deal with the pain which is   why he has his empty look in his eyes and in  this universe I believe Donald and Goofy are   already dead and Oswald is not a character that's  actually Mickey's life to make matters worse as   Mickey is walking a picture of a steamboat floats  down into his hands and it triggers a memory of   another one of his friends named Gideon the  goat this character is from Mickey's first   cartoon titled Steamboat Willie the memory starts  with Mickey falling down the stairs and getting   and lifting him up and they both look happy for a  moment until they realize that nobody's actually   steering this boat and it make matters even  worse there's a sudden storm that hits as they   try to steer this [ __ ] back to safety getting is  actually blown off by that strong wind and is lost   out to sea between this painful memory coming  back losing many in the drugs Mickey actually   reaches his breaking point he gets a huge smile  on his face and starts to laugh like a madman foreign next we see Mickey walking in the area around him  seems to be covered in flames and the wind that   actually blew Gideon off the ship and as Mickey is  walking he starts to talk to himself saying what   am I capable of I felt my wife I felt my best  friend I lost my best friend what am I this win   seems familiar I'm now stronger than a win I will  show you all who I am next we see that the town in   the background is literally on fire it seems that  Mickey's Despair and Insanity he burns everything   to the ground and he's simply walking through  the burning Rubble smiling next we are greeted   with what seems to be the face of a man but in  actuality we are looking at the Devil the devil   laughs at Mickey and then makes him start to fall  into Blackness a literal descent into hell and at   the end of this descent we see a rotating eyeless  version of Mickey floating into the screen turns   white and then we see Mickey in front of his old  friend Gideon Mickey smiles when he sees him and   for a moment it seems like Mickey has made it  to heaven with his friend and has even managed   to find peace but then we cut back to reality  and we see that Mickey is lying dead in front   of the burning City and just like in the original  video the end of the vibing Leaf video has some   Russian texts and by reading the comments it  seems that it says good night friend now let's   look at a couple of versions that were actually  turned into fnf mod starting with the Wednesday   infidelity mod now Mickey is depressed in this  mod for very similar reasons doing the vibing   leaf version but instead of many leaving Mickey  for some random Mouse she leaves them for somebody   named Slicker or aka Mr Slickers and Mr Slickers  is a real character that used to appear back in   the 1930s in old Mickey comic strips he's usually  portrayed as a taller more handsome version of   Mickey and in this particular story he basically  steals many and they run away together and while   that's obviously traumatizing for Mickey that  isn't the only thing in this version that makes   him go insane the next terrible thing that he had  to face was losing three of his closest friends   that been Donald Goofy and Pluto downloading goofy  in this version actually get into a terrible car   accident in which they both end up dying and  Pluto goes out one of two ways some say that   he goes out by getting rabies and the other  one just says that he runs away with Minnie   and Mr Slickers now I want to point out that  in this version Oswald is his brother and he   actually tries to come and comfort Mickey but he  gives him some tough love he basically tells him   that he needs to get over all the trauma that he's  been through find a new wife find new friends and   try to move on with his life but Mickey is not  an estate to handle that and he ends up lashing   out at his brother and they have a falling out  never talking again and all of this together   is what actually gets him to start using drugs  in order to numb the pain of losing everybody   that he cared about in his life another major  difference in the fnf version as well is that   when Mickey is walking down the street instead  of just walking aimlessly he actually runs into   boyfriend and they have a rap battle but the mod  doesn't end the way a lot of people think it does   it actually has two different endings if you get  what is considered to be the good ending you'll   be greeted with a scene where Mickey basically  attempts to attack boyfriend but before he can do   that many will appear and explain that she never  actually loves Mr Slickers and that Mickey didn't   really see what he thought he saw meaning that  in actuality it was all just a misunderstanding   Mickey of course is overcome with joy now that  he knows that he at least still has many in his   life and he starts to regain his sanity and  come back to his regular self now if you're   like like me when you hear the good ending you  think that there's actually going to be a happy   ending but you are wrong just like I was and the  next thing we say that Mickey literally explodes   into a puddle of blood and then he wakes up in a  cave where he sees a little old man that actually   turns out to be Satan and it seems that Satan's  whole goal here is to basically never let Mickey   be happy again and to keep him in hell where  he can torture him for all eternity and again   I remind you this is supposed to be the happy  ending now the second possible ending to this   story has Mickey and boyfriend having their rap  battle but many doesn't actually show up this time   Mickey ends up pulling out a pistol and attempts  to take himself out but before he does boyfriend   gets like sucked through a portal and ends up  in Hell next we see that Mickey is actually   there too but he seems to look completely normal  and he even helps boyfriend up but then we see   Satan comes out and forces boyfriend and Mickey  to basically battle in hell for all eternity in   my opinion both of those endings are terrible  now the last version of mouse Avi that I want   to talk about is a bit different than the others  because as you see in this cut scene here Mickey   is actually working very hard so that he can give  mini Everything She Wants in life but many isn't   able to appreciate that at the time and instead  of being grateful she actually ends up confronting   Mickey about not spending more time with her now  in actuality the two probably should have just sat   down and talked about the issues that they were  having with their relationship but Mickey was not   having any of that he wasn't able to rationalize  with his wife and instead he ends up lashing out   at her Mickey of course is upset because he  feels like he's working himself to the Bone   for somebody that isn't grateful and many ends up  leaving Mickey here because when they're arguing   Mickey actually ends up slapping her now Mickey  does understand that what he did was wrong and   he stays up all night thinking about the mistake  that he made but this is also where it starts to   get a little bit weird Mickey starts to notice  that he doesn't hear any of the normal sounds   that he would normally be hearing during the day  obviously it makes sense that the house will be   quiet because nobody's there except him but what's  weird is that he doesn't hear any sounds like dogs   barking birds chirping or even cars going by  it's completely silent and this is when Mickey   actually goes outside and starts to walk down  the street and this is where he realizes that   he's just going in an endless loop which of course  is a throwback back to the original Creepypasta   now the really messed up part about this Loop  is that he ends up walking this Loop alone for   three months which is what actually leads him to  go insane and the only change that he ever gets is   when boyfriend actually accidentally stumbles into  his Universe this is basically the first time in   three months that Mickey has actually been able  to communicate with somebody other than himself   but at this point it's obviously already too  late Mickey is completely insane and there is an   interesting plot to his hair that a lot of people  didn't expect the reason that Mickey is in this   Loop is because when he slap Minnie she actually  didn't just leave peacefully Minnie was so upset   and disgusted with Mickey that she actually  made a deal with the devil to curse Mickey's   soul and this is why he will forever be walking  in this endless silent Loop these are some of   the most interesting versions of mouse API in my  opinion if you have some other ones make sure to   put them down in the comments make sure to watch  this video on the screen next subscribe today to   become a member of the Earth's forest and we'll  see you next time on another video peace peace
Channel: Orseofkorse
Views: 125,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friday Night Funkin', fnf, orseofkorse fnf facts, orseofkorse fnf, Orseofkorse, friday night funkin animation, friday night funkin mods, suicidemouse.avi explained, suicidemouse.avi creepypasta, Mouse Avi, mouse avi fnf, mouse avi retake, mickey mouse, mickey, minnie mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Vibingleaf, mouse avi lore, Mouse Avi story, sunday night suiciding fnf, sunday night suicide 2.5, sunday night suicide fnf, sunday night suicide, wednesday infidelity, mod explained
Id: Je8j9ar7HBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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