Mario Sunshine Review
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Channel: Matthewmatosis
Views: 598,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, analysis, critique, retrospective, comparison, mario 64, mario sunshine, mario galaxy, mario 3d world, super mario 64, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, super mario 3d world, platformer
Id: 14gO3U_8hkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 15 2014
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As Sunshine was my first 3D Mario game (as opposed to playing a friend's 64) I've always overlooked its faults. But seeing them lain out like this definitely shows what it is that people were complaining about. Most complaints that I had heard were vague "oh, the camera was bad" or "it just didn't seem right". But everything he mentioned I completely agreed with.
And I very much like that he stressed that it is still fun. Lots of times I hear people get upset with games for minor issues and they rally very hard against them. But at its core, Sunshine is still a very fun game. While not perfect, as is obvious from this analysis, it is still one I would recommend to a friend in a heartbeat.
Another wonderful review and I can't wait for the next one.
His point about always being fond of revisiting it towards the end is true of myself and many others I know have fond memories of the game.
They go back and realise it isn't the bright colourful romp but quite an unnecessarily stretched out one.
Still holds a place in my heart though.
I really liked his final sentence:
Very nicely sums up the review. Most of his videos end in a way that really wraps up the whole video, and this one was very fitting. Great review.
Not sure that I agree that it's "unfinished" but some parts seemed odd and other parts were just pains in the ass. I'm not sure that more production time would have corrected those things.
Interested to see what he thinks of Galaxy. My guesses in gripes would be the camera and gravity conspiring to fuck you over and possibly the wiimote waggle to do that twirl, instead of designating a button.
Out of all the the independent game criticers that reddit loves, this may be the only one that seems like he isn't talking out of his ass. He's also a really good video editor. I can usually tell what points he's trying to make even with no sound. It's not just some guy talking over a video that's there to be something to look at while he drones on about "agency" or "emergent systems" like he knows what the fuck he's talking about.
This review really made me think about how similar Sunshine is to Windwaker (which he also happened to review).
They both had amazing visuals, atmosphere, and polish; but just suffered from an obvious lack of content compared to their predecessors. As a result they both had some eye-rolling padding segments, for example the 3rd pearl in Windwaker which was obviously originally meant to be a dungeon, and the fact that instead of a real volcano stage in Sunshine we get a measly boat segment at the end. And then there's the triforce hunt / 200 blue coins...
The fact that the games were so obviously rushed and yet still managed to be so enjoyable really makes me wonder what could have been if they had more time.
I like Matthewmatosis, but he doesn't seem to know very much about soundtrack design or music production for large projects like these. His complaints about the music in Sunshine are completely unwarranted; the "grunting" sounds he refers to are an instrument that is often used in traditional South American and Central American music and the sudden jumps in tempo and sudden changes in style are tools used to create a change in mood in the player. It's impossible to make every transition perfect, especially in a game where short jingles are used repeatedly, but Sunshine IMO did an excellent job.
Furthermore, the sound designers and composers don't work in level design; they are told "we need music for levels X, Y and Z and situations A, B, and C." Sometimes they're allowed to play the game in advance, but sometimes they aren't and are only provided with images or concept art. They have far less control over where or how the music is used than I think he realizes.
Complaining about a jarring transition between two songs of varying tempos that are intended to be calming and intended create a sudden sense of urgency seems like an utterly bizarre complaint. It's a nitpick at best, but he spent several minutes talking about it.
To this day Sunshine is the only Mario game I did not play all the way through as quickly as possible and instead stopped and had to go back years later to finish it. It's by no means bad, but for whatever reason I find it to be the least appealing Mario game, and sort of treat it like Skyward Sword in the Zelda series.
Good games that I'll never replay in great series I love to revisit.
I don't know what it is about this review in particular, but Matthewmatosis just sounds.... bored or something. It's still a very well written review, but something just bothers me about his voice in this one.
Never had this problem with any other of his reviews.