Mario 64 Review
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Channel: Matthewmatosis
Views: 772,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, analysis, critique, retrospective, comparison, mario 64, mario sunshine, mario galaxy, mario 3d world, super mario 64, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, super mario 3d world, platformer
Id: 8S6myWz3Kzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 17 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I really enjoy Mark Brown's videos. It's no Matthew Matosis, but they're well made and interesting videos. He's got a whole series on dungeon design for the Legend of Zelda series as well as some Mario videos and other stuff.
SuperBunnyHop tends to go pretty in depth with a single game. Take a look at his reviews and critical close up series.
Mark Brown runs Game Maker's Toolkit and he tends to do more general videos, but they are still good and interesting.
Joseph Anderson for sure.
Johnny, or SomecallmeJohnny covers a lot of games. Not as in depth for every game, but more than the usual reviwer depending on the series. His earlier videos haven't aged well, but his newer stuff is all pretty solid.
Matt's videos take a lot of time and effort to assemble. I doubt there's many more like it.
I will point out Barry Kramer has a couple videos like this, but no where as detailed as Matt's.
KingK does similar retrospectives and such. Give some of his videos a look.
Arlo is nice, he's obviously a Nintendo fan-boy but very grounded. Usually offers good insight and solid critiques
Noah Gervais has some good stuff that focuses on PC games.
RemindMe! 3 hours "Post YT channels"
At work atm but when I get home I'll link some YT channels that do great reviews/analysis.