Mario Party Superstars *ALL YOSHIS!!* [Bro vs Sis Coin Battle!]

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today we play Mario Party Superstars coin battle with my sister and when we get to the final miname in this video we have the most intense Battle of hot rope jump that we have ever had we are so focused on that I hope you enjoy this video okay so I'm green Yoshi you're purple Yoshi the orange and white look really cool too the last time we played this I had 250 or so coins isn't that crazy yeah that was a lot oh I accidentally voted on this one let's do golf again oh yeah cuz last time you won golf that was one of the only mini games you won okay I have a chance to redeem myself now but let's see who's up first cuz maybe I'm not going to be up first last time I was up first I think that's a big part of why now you're up first so now I can do my shot I can adjust my shot based on what yours looks like the last one so you can really adjust it well the CPUs uh they hide what their direction is that might be too far to the right but you can try whatever you want and oh a little bit too powerful okay very close but not whole in one yeah he let's watch this one cuz look you can see where they aim but see how it disappears I think they can still adjust it while it hides like that okay that's way too far yeah not a good shot 2.3 for not super far but not super close you're still beating them so if I don't shoot really well then you might actually win hopefully I can fall off oh yeah it could fall off if you fall off then you're basically in last place no matter what I think that was Clos sir now it's your turn yeah it's all up to me now oh wait can I uh go like this I think that might be good yeah how is that or one more more to the right yeah okay let's try that let's go baby hole in one yeah let's go oh man what a great start I'm so glad I got that thank you thank you good job I think I was able to redeem myself by getting a hole in one like that and that's a strong start to this video yeah hopefully this is indicative of how I am going to be playing for the rest of this oh Mecha Marathon I want Mech Marathon you vote for whatever you want iank okay so that's the most likely one now cuz each one had one vote and oh you're lucky you voted for that and you got it I was getting ready to mash A and B as if you were playing Mecha Marathon okay I'm green don't get hit by the SP oh oh you almost got out right away I didn't realize that thing gets you out right away yeah it does no you actually have 3 HP no I'm kidding I'm going to hide behind you I'm going to bounce on you uh-oh uh-oh oh I'm out first I'm out first now it's you and white who's going to win purple or white oh 8 seconds left I'm going to jump on him good idea oh you're so lucky you won wow so it's a really close tie so far cuz I won one now you won one oh wait I think you might be ahead actually cuz in the previous mini game you got second see you got some coins so now I think you're going to be in first overall right now actually okay now careful careful when you press a cuz let's see okay there we go now we can vote not Castaways anything but Castaways I you know what I'll do x-ray payday you can do whatever you want okay I'm going to do but not Castaways x-ray payday as well okay hopefully we get X-ray payday yay okay oh I wonder if we all have the same pattern or if it's going to be different wait what one am I am I GRE what we click uh press a when you want to open the box oh I wasn't paying attention so I'm going to just open them all well that's not a good plan cuz some of the things can hit you or explode uhoh I'm getting this one and this one then I'm skipping one and getting this one oh my gosh oh are you really off now cuz you messed up yeah I wasn't paying attention uhhuh okay I'm getting this one skipping one then getting these two and skipping one and taking the last one there we go I got all 20 I'm pretty sure there are 20 I don't think I missed any I was not good at that game at all yeah you voted for it have you played that mini game before no I haven't oh that's exactly what working at the airport in real life is like no I'm just kidding it's get punched if you open the wrong bag bombs away would be so much fun I think that'd be the funnest hopefully it's not Storm Chasers come on oh he said yay too early it's still going and you say yay I saw it slow down yeah so we have four Yoshis playing bombs away now and if none of us fall off then we all win cuz there's a time limit just don't get hit by the bombs and don't fall off and if you're standing on the platform when one of them hits then you get dizzy and you can't jump and you can't move for a moment oh uhoh oh I jumped on you uhoh uh-oh uhoh uhoh oh my goodness help uh-oh uh-oh I'm just going to keep jumping I think yeah that's a good strategy especially around now wa W that one almost landed on you I'm going to jump off now oh no time why would you jump off I'm just kidding well we both win wait you have a wand did you see that you actually had the Rosalina wand that's cool so I really am Rosalina yeah you really are Rosalina in real life imagine one of the Yoshi's are Wario and they have a funny laugh that through by accident yeah that'd be funny or they pull out an onion and start eating it or garlic oh I think it's going to be everyone versus me now oh so I have to try and do waves and you have to try and avoid it so you press a to jump okay I'm going to try and get you guys out you can also move around let's go let's go come on now come on now got to get you come on now now come on come on now yes 12 seconds left that's kind of tough yeah you're doing really well I thought that you might survive I thought so too but once you do the ground Pound The Wave comes at you almost instantly yeah it's a big wave it's hard to get over yes H I got to do Trace race I think that's such a fun one I enjoy this one and you can take your your time with it oh kind of Goomba spotting is also fun okay no counting out loud or only I can count out loud how about that that make it so hard I know both count out loud okay let's count the Goombas okay 1 2 3 4 One 4 1 1 2 1 one 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 one one I 1 2 3 4 5 1 one one 7even 1 2 one 2 3 okay how do you think you did I don't know you kind of messed me up oh we have the same number they both have the same number too they both have 33 we both have 37 so either way we tie cuz I think that we did better than them let's see if we got perfect though good job good job we know how to count wow that's very good excellent and look you have the wand did you see it that Elena did you see the particles you had from the wand I like my pink shoes as well your shoes are pink I can't see them right now the orange Yoshi is almost the exact same color as the cart H yeah it is Battle mini game okay let's take 10 coins from everybody do you think when we play against Master CPUs it's going to be a lot harder I think so oh snowball Summit this is such a fun one okay so you mash B to make your snowball and then you press a to launch it or you could just walk around with your snowball and use it defensively wait what color am I oh I'm green I thought thought it was a different color for some reason I thought it was orange oh no oh [Music] no I can match you got to be careful okay oh no oh should we go for anybody just leave me alone let's get the CPUs nah I'm going to go for you let's see where are you uh uhoh uhoh he so mean you guys are bullies knocked the snowball off the edge yeah come here come here come here is so funny see just standing by the big snowballs hoping youd walk into it what's really funny is you're not even going at a fast speed and you just touch it you just like fly away yeah yeah yeah yeah he just walks into the snowall and flies away cuz it's so big would that happen in real life maybe that's why my dog was Barky at the Snowman at the park at night time winner or dinner I don't know what these are I to do puddle paddle what's winner or dinner uh that one you have to go around and collect coins and you have to be careful that the panha plants don't eat you okay wait casol did anyone even vote for that no who voted for that okay well I'm green right okay so I'm up first the white Yoshi Blends into the clouds yeah it really he does so I got some here the orange Yosh nice I did great I got nine on the first go that's great we might be able to get all 20 yeah there's a good chance that we'll get all 20 let's see can he get more than one ah missed one that's so sad come on get it get it get it away get it away go away go away go away hold left yeah there oh wow I thought that the final round was the one before this one that's so funny that we both got all 20 yeah I didn't think we would because orange Yoshi didn't do too well mhm yeah but you really picked up the slack for him yes you really carried his weight here orange Yoshi was trying to be a free rider ha oh now what's it going to be tipsy turny yeah that's a good one or cheap cheap Chase both of them are really good I'll vote for Tipsy Turney though let's see yay this one okay now it's left faster or right let's try and I'll go left both times you go right both times okay how about that and then we'll see wins no falling okay okay then we'll see what path is faster oh not my path I took the wrong path okay I think mine was good I'm going left again and oh I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell I can't believe it you might win now nope never mind there we go wow so right was much longer yeah I didn't fall at all yeah I fell and I still won that's crazy wow I wonder if left is always faster it might be to be honest like one of those people commented yeah someone in the comments did say that left was always faster I wonder if that's true why didn't you go right well I wanted to see if that's well I couldn't remember if it was left or right was faster but they said one of the directions was always faster okay orange Yoshi gets to pick oh this one is so hard get I like that always ganging up on you over here [Music] where do you think I'm going yeah go away blue don't shine your light here where's Red going over there that's fine yeah where do you think I am oh come on yes okay you didn't get me I'm so lucky the CPUs were really bad I want to shoot something at you but only all I could do is shine a light mhm the CPS aren't too good maybe what's the next level after Trace race bounc and trounce would also be really good I'm happy whatever we get okay what was your question so what what are the difficulty levels easy normal hard and then Master that's correct oh okay so in this one I think if you mess up you could actually go back and recover it but I'm not 100% sure but I think so cuz cuz it's not a it's not really a race even though it's called Trace race it's just if you're too slow then the camera moves over that way oh I've got to get the circle there we go yeah there are a few parts where I went and overlapped I didn't know you could go back I that's what I was saying the whole time okay let's see how I'm it just pulled me the camera oh cuz you're too far to the left and then it messed me up a bit oh how did you do what do you think you got I think I got 97 or higher I think I got 91% okay let's see oh I was right I didn't get 91 I only got 94 I did worse than I thought it messed me up at the very end as you can see I didn't see oh now what I might vote for this one again cuz I like that last time I like that one too yeah well I got a lot more coins than you guys last time and I tried to jump off at the end remember yeah into a little ball and went off the conveyor belts yeah hey hopefully I can get some coins who is the conveyor belt moving more quickly yeah no coins for you guys yet oh okay now you guys can get a coin go ahead thank you you're welcome where's the money bag oh I can't let you guys have that oh no no no did no one get it how did you all fall off oh can't let you guys have that one or that one or that one or that one or that one sorry fell off oh you guys only got three coins that's so sad I got 26 I did much better this time at least I have a wand ha I can't believe you guys didn't get the five that fell down there I thought oh I can't believe I missed that you guys are going to get that now then it would have been eight coins instead of three coins each later skater rematch you what yeah later skater rematch cuz last time you almost won but I was on the far this outside you were third oh now you're yeah hold the A and just use the joystick to turn oh a I was holding B that's why I had a little delayed start okay well maybe you can still come back but I doubt it cuz I'm playing well right now oh no oh maybe I'll lap you even look at this there's no way you can come back now no way I'm going for a new record now that's what I'm doing if I get too close I laughed you almost why is I think my controller's being weird oh yeah let me see no I think it's no no I think it's F out oh yeah it is is it being weird yeah a bit what's weird about it I know it wasn't like it was like going you just tilt left oh I didn't know cuz I was rotating it like this oh yeah no you don't rotate it cuz you as you hold a you automatically go straight and you just tilt the joystick left to move a bit left crazy Cutters would be amazing so would what goes up yeah oh what goes up would be a fun one I meant to click that one yeah manner of Escape is like pure luck though okay crazy easy Cutters let's go are you ready are you going to go right or left I'm going to go right okay me too this one's so fun and it's funny cuz they have this in Mario Party 2 also are you focused yes I am yeah I think I'm doing pretty [Music] good all right uhoh don't say uh-oh cuz that'll mess me up okay I messed up a little bit of the left part there I think let's see how that is though yay what I did so much worse than I thought oh my goodness I can't believe that I'm surprised I won yeah me too I barely got 80 wow I guess I need to practice this mini game some more it's been a long time yes if we have this mini game again we have to vote for it so we can have a rematch sounds good to me and hopefully it's a different Shake ha oh I guess this might be the final mini game here I don't know how many coins everybody has okay orange gets to select o fire one oh orange Yoshi's the same color as the fire huh but the fire is blue oh huh wait I'm green right yes a to jump no B I'm kidding it is a okay let's see how high do you think we could get let's see oh careful cuz there might be some fast ones am I allowed to Blink oh yes okay pretty good so far one out uh-oh oh it's slowed it down a bit yeah some are fast some are slow okay hey we're in the 20s now wa they going fast where did orange Yoshi go I thought they like this game huh how much we have 30 oh 40 seconds whoa I looked up for a second and I almost got out whoa does it keep going until one of us gets out I think so it goes over 100 for sure don't make those sounds going to mess me up I thought I was out both of those times this is intense this is very intense 63 seconds wo W I thought you were out oh my goodness 72 seconds I don't think I ever lasted this long yeah hey don't get out cuz I want to keep going okay okay I almost got out there yeah I'm I'm so focused me too finish 99 99 seconds so it doesn't go over 100 well I guess in coin battle wow that's so funny in coin battle it stops at 99 wow I thought I got out there I thought I got hit there wow so we both get 18 coins that's so funny cuz that's also the last mini game right so let's see who the winner is now overall wow who do you think wins me or you probably you or wait maybe it's one of the CP it looks like you have more coins in your back C the Goombas look so goofy don't they yeah I'm ready to announce who won Yoshi wait but which one the green one cuz they're all Yoshi 205 wow that's pretty a few yeah good game good game I really recommend you watch my video where we play cuphead with my sister it is such an incredibly fun game and we go through a few boss fights thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] m
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 55,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, vs luigi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, evil mario, master cpu, lucky, unlucky, good luck, bad luck, mario party 10, luigi does nothing, bro vs sis, brother vs sister, battle
Id: 1VsdHEllimk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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