YOSHI Party Superstars!! *COIN BATTLE!* [Bro vs Sis]

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today we play Mario Party superstars with my sister but we are all Yoshis we try and get as many coins as possible thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoy this video it all started with this green pipe the journey to become the Superstar maybe you even forgot all about it that's okay it's been such a long time after all did you know that this is how the first Mario Party game ever started travel through this pipe and that Journey Begins again look at all the stuff that comes out we played a little bit of Mario Party 1 do you remember yeah when we were in playing it yeah yeah yeah we recorded it finally I made it I guess it's all up to me where is everybody it's almost time but something different is going to happen here you know who's going to show up Bowser nope it has been such a long time that it seems the Koopa Troopa a little nervous cuz I activated a mod so look who's going to be here it might surprise you all these Yoshis yeah they're all Yoshis isn't that funny what Yoshi do you want to be pink wow oh cuz you're a girl so you're going to be pink huh first I want to say thank you all for assembling here using this pipe we can set off on an adventure let's decide who will be the Superstar what about the black one the black one looks really cool too and the turquoise yeah I think we'll be able to go places you remember places we haven't been in a long time look how slowly they move which one do you want to be I think blue or black there's no time to waste let's get going to the world of Mario Party old and new and into the pipe we go all right time for our Yoshi coin battle who do you think is going to win this I think us because we're in Easy Mode but we're not on the same team oh let's do this one this one's crazy bumper bumper it's bumper can you read no because all the Yoshis I was confused which one you were bumber all right do you know how to play this mini game you whack-a-mole no uh you press a to stay popped up and you don't want to get whacked uhoh I got whacked I'm blue right what color are you you're pink I'm pink I'm just confused confused cuz we all are Yoshi yeah it's confusing isn't it oh I almost got B let's see I'm doing pretty good here oh no one's coming for me this is amazing look at all these points I have oh spoke too soon let's see go here hey you're in my hole who's going to win uh-oh I got hit again let's see oh I'm hit again and oh you win yeah winner that means I get coins look it's so funny to see all Yoshi's running by yeah you beat me by quite a few seconds by about four or so seconds so you're in second place okay what are you going to vote for now oh not sneak and snore anything but sneak and snore maybe that one and the first one are both really cool but you can vote for whatever you want I don't control your vot ready for skating oh and I'm starting hold a hold a and move the joystick don't let go of a it's all about how good your turns are yeah you're doing great so far it'll be hard to pass you actually yes there we go now I just can't let you pass me uh-oh uh-oh how many more laps is it two more laps uh-oh you might be winning yeah you're doing really good at staying close to the inside oh can I win can I win yes you passed me on the last lap yeah I won by less than a second wow yeah I thought that maybe you'd be winning that one that was a close one that was a close call you're just stating as if nothing happens yeah I don't look very impressed yeah you know it's like you don't realize that you're being filmed or something yeah coin mini game y all look so serious yeah oh what is a good one not Casto cway is the worst x-ray payday is basically free money for everyone Hammer drops a fun one oh everyone voted for just so we avoid the hammer uh yeah just don't get knocked off but you want the big oh oh I thought I was pink for a second I thought wait why am I not jum yeah oh give me that give me that do you remember what color you are yes what color are you I am pink yeah I'm getting a lot of money here I got a lot of the money bags oh give me that okay I think in the original if you fall up then you actually lose all the coins you would have gotten let's see nice finish and I got 59 only got seven how did Canan Yoshi on easy mode Beat Me Maybe you forgot what color you were yeah I thought it was black 59 coins that's incredible I wonder if I'm going to get a new record maybe you should help me to get a new record yeah maybe I should just try and stomp on the other ones I'm choosing Tipsy turny I like that one yeah I like dizzy dancing oh that's a good one too and there's a 50% chance that we get that we got it hey what color are you I'm pink okay I am blue and not the light blue one not the cyan and it's not whoever gets the first one it's whoever gets the most whoo did cyan get it first here we go yes there we go can we punch in this or no only jump in ground pound what the oh my gosh yep there we go looks like I'm doing pretty well here I don't know what the score is but I think I've got a lot yeah I think you got all of them no you got one or two I [Music] think let's go here's just a bunch of Yoshi jumping over how did she get 13 you're so good at these games maybe I played more than you yeah maybe made so many videos about these games I just kept playing the video games expert yeah I played this game with some friends in real life and they don't know how much I played this game they go wo you're so good at this Oh Black Yoshi gets to pick coconut conk uh-oh this one sounds like fun these are one of the newer ones now we're all going to try and beat you up you save too many coins yeah I just got to stay away from you I'm not too worried about the others oh I didn't know I could like BP the other one yeah you can it seems pretty easy so far oh he almost got me yeah just keep jumping on them just got to keep you guys all together okay got to go 10 more seconds too bad I don't get any coins just for surviving for a bit I have to survive the whole time uhoh oh I'm so lucky that that guy was there wow wow and all of a sudden I broke out of the barrel and then it disappeared I think it'd be easier if the Yoshi's weren't in the way ha if it was just you and me you can just tell your teammates step aside yeah oh do this one please poke pomel yeah I want to see how fast I can bash please I want do rock and Raceway no fine thank you one yeah we're allowed to have one what is a oh my goodness we don't even get it come on God okay I don't know if right is faster or left is faster I wonder what way I heard someone in the comments say that one way is always faster but I don't know what way it is I'm going to try going right I'm going right as well oh how did we both fall at the same spot against easy CPUs cuz I was looking at your screen seeing where you are I'm going left this time me too oh no let's see who's going to win uhoh I think I'm almost there ah yes I really yeah I really tried to cut the corners there isn't it so funny that your name shows up as roselina but you're pink Yoshi and the others are Black Yoshi cyan Yoshi and ZX manyi who do you think is going to win cyan or black black wins good job the black and red and white are such cool colors they are I ready to do a high five but you're just the winner ha so you can high five yourself yeah this isn't Super Mario Party where you can high five each other to get extra coins I wonder how many coins I have now now battle mini game uh-oh you can see you have lots of coins in the back of your truck yeah 43 coins are at stake okay and black Yoshi gets to make I have 109 coins already you have 100 more coins than me oh do I yeah you do okay who do you think is going to win then H could make a comeback that's true you could but I think ZX is going to win wait I kind of look like the Penguins don't I I have a similar color pattern to them this is an interesting one cuz you don't want to oh no oh no oh no oh no I almost fell right there too did the big ones automatically knock you out no yeah it's funny cuz you want to stay a bit forward but you don't want to stay too forward uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh whoa wa are you out yeah I'm out okay there's still black there's so many wait is Blue Yoshi there try and find the blue Yoshi among the Penguins can you find him leave a comment if you can find him I was so hidden I think the mini game is even harder when you're a blue Yoshi cuz you stand out so much wow I get an extra 30 coins that's so many wow wow wow now you're really in the lead yeah like I wasn't before Oh cash Ault let's do cash Ault okay yeah cuz this way we basically get a free 20 coins no matter what yay yeah and wait are we on the same team wait no we're not well hopefully the CPUs play well cuz you get all the coins that you collect okay okay you did better than the other CPU good job okay black Yoshi did good I like black we're one ahead so far hopefully this guy does good go oh it's impossible for me to get all them now cuz of where they are I think oh oh I should have gotten that one oh no I missed two you guys got one more I could have gotten all of them but I didn't pull enough to this side I haven't played this video game in too long and do we get a bonus or everyone just keeps what they get everyone keeps what they collected well each teammate gets his much as the entire team collected okay yeah oh I want to do the golf one I want to do golf as well okay oh cheap cheap Chase would also be good I think I'm more likely to win that one cuz it's mashing partially yes I was thinking this one I have a chance to win maybe okay and it's over there and you only get one shot do not miss your chance look everyone has different colored shoes yeah oh I'm up first uhoh I think you took my shoes yeah yeah cuz the shoes are your color okay so watch How I shoot and should I go one more or like that maybe one more oh I can't go up one more it didn't work how many was it five oh I don't know that's not good at all though I think the other CPUs might beat me even oh that's not good you're probably winning this one you've got to win this one like that or I think that's better I had one less than that more to the right or like that uh you don't have a lot of time i' go maybe even one more up okay but you didn't but you're probably beating me yeah look at that oh yes you beat me I wish there was more than one round I wish you went before me his shoes look so good yeah he looks really I love the Red Shell on the back too yeah the red black and white those colors go so well together he might even beat me let's see oh he at least I beat the easy CPU how about the other easy CPU can I beat cyan C Canan science science no he's closer no he isn't 3.14 he's P you know pi 3.1415 265 do you know that one yes do you know the rest of it yeah I know it until it repeats do you think pie ever repeats perhaps well they have like billions and trillions of digits of pi calculated yeah it's interesting oh wait oh no is it everyone versus me look away this is crazy maybe now I'm not going to get as many coins wait why is it so zoomed in on my face let's see where you go got you first round yeah I was focused on just you cuz I thought you'd be the hardest again let's see where they're going oh I got you again I think in the original Mario Party or at least in Mario Party 2 if you get the same person three times then you also win or are you but in this version of the game I think you have to get everybody at least once to win but I think in the original or in Mario Party 2 I don't know if this one was in Mario Party 1 or Mario Party 2 but I vaguely remember in Mario Party 2 if you get the same person three times oh yes let's do oh you want the luck based one let's see ohy goodness I meant to click Dinger Derby uhhuh hey ready yes okay let's see if we can beat our high score did we click A or B uh whatever you want no I'm just kidding it has to be a oh you're already ahead of me okay now we're tied up oh now you're ahead oh now you're really ahead now oh okay I've got to get in the game I have to really focus this is why I'm not talking yeah me too that's why I am talking okay there we go I'm caught up you uh-oh nice there we go okay yes ah oh no I think I'm winning yes yeah even if I stopped playing now I us still win what are the double ones you get double points no it's not double it just moves back and forth quickly like that blue Yoshi wins again what a surprise the other ones are crying so sad can you say so sad like I say it so happy so sad so sad do your toad voice that's pretty good oh no I accidentally voted for that one I'd like uh I accidentally voted for the one on the left which one any of them are fine I'd vote for the one on the right if I could vote but you choose whatever you want oh cool that's so funny that we actually got it okay I'm on the top though I think yeah yep everyone's trying to beat you but now you're going to get more coins Maybe [Music] I'm not going to let any coins come down to you guys uh-oh oh boy oh I got that money bag that's nice oh no I missed one coin oh that's too bad uh I won't go for that one any more money bags or no oh how did I miss that one that one went like through my soul Yahoo I and get that one you fell did you try and get it yeah I did I thought no I can't get it if I fall down but I'm going to go for it anyways I don't want pink oh wait you are pink so you got it right oh that's so funny I really didn't want you to get those coins I got scared when you fell I thought you were going to attack me or something you know what it would be a fun way to play this trying to get one person to get as many coins as possible oh I could destroy you and book SRM most likely and leaf leap almost for sure I'm not going you letter it's pretty even chance oh okay so let me give you a hint for this one in the Mario Party Superstars version of this it is never on the same side more than three times in a row so how do you play right uh just hold the direction and press a to jump oh let's see okay ah I messed up a jump it didn't cost me too much how are you doing okay okay we're going to space now I see you you might be close by then finish oh how close are we let's see see I think you're taller I don't know we're pretty close let's see oh oh you actually won I beat you yeah and I said that I can beat you for sure in this one is that so funny wow I beat you by 10 yards yeah you did great did my tip help not really just focus on jumping oh let's do snow world we have to SN I want this so badly do you know how this works you go around like that on the buttons oh but we didn't get that we got storm fun one this is a fun one too this was the mini game the first mini game that I ever had when I played this in real life with other people or sorry not in real life like with other real humans instead of with CPUs I remember playing this with easy spey lunatic Jay and Meo they're other YouTubers and I remember we played this mini game I think this was our first ever mini game I vaguely remember it being that yay well I'm not getting a lot come on uh-oh come on you're getting so much and the others keep being in the way I think you might actually be winning that one does your controller have to vibrate oh I don't know I didn't even realize if mine was vibrating or not you won again is it time for your comeback I think it is roselina is making a comeback you mean pink Yoshi roselina is the name of the pink Yoshi yeah cuz it's like a Rose it's pink you get it yeah oh roses are normally white but they could be dyed different colors I believe oh is that true you probably know more about flowers I mean oh wait is this the last mini game is that what he said I think it might be and I bet I have more plants than you what do you mean more plants plants do you know what to plant oh okay so you got to mash A and B together you ready okay no using the turbo that's cheating let's go if you beat my record of 50 yard I'll give you $500 there's no way you beat my record though I think I was um not breathing so I couldn't take it fast enough wait which one is which am I at the very top second I don't even know who's where I think I'm green oh that's me no you're still going I don't know whose's is whose though so one of them probably going to fall soon but we don't know whose is whose I'm probably red then oh let's see yeah you were red let's see can I get close to my record at all I was blue oh no I didn't beat my record okay so you did over 50 yards or no under okay 5085 is my record I got 48 something just now wow nice you got 37 or so next time if I breathe maybe I can get a little bit further I stopped breathing and my hand was like not working yeah so you could get some oxygen to your fingers yeah okay so let's see who do you think is going to win I think Blue Yoshi I think so too ready to announce who won blue Yoshi congratulations let's see how many coins we get 239 I wonder if that's a new record wait I think it's more than all of us combined yeah it is I really recommend you watch my video where we play Super Mario party with my sister and we play the final board you will love that video If you enjoyed this one thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care [Music] everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 96,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, vs luigi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, evil mario, master cpu, lucky, unlucky, good luck, bad luck, mario party 10, luigi does nothing, bro vs sis, brother vs sister, battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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