Mario Odyssey FLOOR IS LAVA with ROCKET NOZZLE from Mario Sunshine!! (FULL GAME!!)

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today we play Super Mario Odyssey but the floor is lava and we have the rocket nozzle and the hopper nozzle from Super Mario Sunshine this was an incredible playthrough thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed this video the start of this game might look a little bit intense with all of this lava around us it's very nice that we are starting on a platform so you don't get burnt just at the beginning of the game I don't know if this is actually going to end up being easy or if this is going to end up being difficult because Flora's lava is very difficult but playing with flood makes this game very easy so if we combine both of them does that mean that this game is going to be medium or how is that going to work okay please land oh please yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we are safe that is very good okay now let's just come on over here are we going to die now okay good we activated Kathy but wait where am I going to be in the cutscene I want to see where we're going to be because we're just floating up there okay we're just standing here and it looks like it's raining on us yeah looks like it's raining right now okay so Kathy's joining us right now but something that I'm worried about is we are at one HP so are we going to die with this cutscene meds okay are we going to die right now ah we did on we respond all the way back here you know this is actually going to be so much trickier than I thought it be at first I thought flood would make this super easy but actually maybe it will become pretty easy because so far it's been a bit difficult to get back here oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy we go quite slowly when we're moving backwards like this I was hoping that we'd move faster but oh boy be careful okay and now this is very nice because now Cappy will be able to help us out and you know what I will still try to activate that lever there but I hope that I don't accidentally throw Cappy and break the box that I'm standing on oh boy thank goodness we're not getting burned here oh I thought that maybe that bridge would be normal for some reason but that's right of course that bridge is lava wait could I just grab around here okay very nice now let's just make our way across okay now we're moving nice and fast this is how we want to do it okay now let's just go like this all right let's try heading inside now wait why did I do that oh get me in oh no no no no no no no no no no no no hey come on let's go like this there we go now he can safely head in that's so easy I just have to remember to use all of the tools at our disposal Okay so this should be quite easy now because now to just be able to use the rocket to boost us here very easy okay now we can use the rocket to just boost us up here don't fall don't get burned oh boy oh boy oh boy one HP left this is very scary and come on over that should oh which one oh boy thank goodness I was able to switch to the right nozzle there okay let's just get up here from here things should be safe right let's just have a look at where we have to go I should maybe try and make it onto those blocks over there I think that might be a good way to do it let's go like this jump double jump boost me to there and come on come on come on slide against the wall perfect exactly what we need it'd be so sad if we died right here I kind of want the heart that's in the chest this time I should be able to get it right let's just come on over like this where's the safe place to land is it here that looks great perfect okay now just hit that perfect and can I grab that with Cappy or do I have to walk into it myself nice Cappy grabbed it that's amazing okay it now Cappy can you open that door for me oh boy that scares me every time perfect Cappy opened the door for us now we should just be able to float in here amazing this is going so well wait where are we oh I'm just standing on a tiny tiny platform okay at least we were able to get that point flag which is very nice and I don't have to worry about walking around because we should just be able to do this right yeah you haven't played through the entire game in floor as lava I've only played through the first few kingdoms so oh oh and that's right you can jump on this guy oh I missed him I missed him okay let's see where is he going he's right there come on get him there we go we got him we got him we got him okay very nice unless you hit him like that and there we are okay I'm ready for the next Kingdom and let me show you guys something cool here if you try and Escape out of here if you're trying to do stuff like that then Mario gets put into a bubble and he gets brought back which is quite funny now let's go to the next king Dub here we are the Cascade Kingdom the Cascade Kingdom actually looks so good with the floor being lava I remember that this boss fight was incredibly difficult hopefully having flood will be able to help us out a bit but man this is such an iconic game this is such an iconic cut scene in a very iconic game and it's so funny to see Mario's face just buried in the love and like that you guys say buried or buried wait are we gonna get burned right now or are we up high okay nice nice okay let's just grab that checkpoint flag per perfect and you know what I think that this is actually going to be pretty easy with blood I don't think that this is going to be very difficult because we could just make it over to these platforms you can just come over here like this oh don't break what I'm Standing on please wait wait yes yes okay this is amazing okay now let's just go like this now I can just float on over to the power moon with floods help and everything should be good right whoa okay amazing flood makes this so much better I'm kind of worried about how difficult this is going to get though wait what is going on that didn't come down the bridge didn't come down oh during that cutscene the bridge didn't come down it was supposed to come down but we have floods so it shouldn't be a problem for us either way yeah this bridge is still here so it looks like we're gonna have to find a different way around we're gonna have to go like this okay and we can oh oh oh oh oh okay okay the cut seed is starting I thought that maybe we'd be able to skip the cutscene but we're not skipping the cut scene but I think getting up to the boss isn't going to be too difficult especially since right here there's a little bit of grass over here which is kind of funny and let's just make our way to here uh can I get high enough oh boy what are we gonna do what can we do to get high enough oh maybe from here and you know what I'm so used to using flood right now that I don't even know how high I can jump with just Mario and Cappy and how far we can get okay let's try this yeah this should be possible Right should we be able to make it like this let's try this and swap swap I swap too late and let's try this okay and now will we be able to make it to there let's see I think we should be able to make it right yeah uh we're running a bit low on water I think we'll get close enough to trigger the fight though right yes there we go which you're gonna fight okay very nice this is fantastic news oh you want to battle My adorable chainsaw puppy a lot of people say that when I oh go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay this is not good come here come come let me grab you very good it'll go like this and pop out okay and just land back here now oh don't throw your Shades up at me I'll just float up here throw it throw it throw it somewhere whoa I got brought into a bubble dodo hit me oh wait did it attack me or did I not get hurt I think I actually didn't get hurt there somehow oh maybe I have some invulnerability after the uh oh hold on wait she's standing on the platform bed I have to land on no no no no no no no no no no no get away from there get away from there I have to guard this platform this is my platform you're not allowed here oh no she pushed me off the platform get off of here leave me alone come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go grab it okay and is this the final hit onto the bus come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on Ed is the boss defeating now okay I am hopefully floating and hovering right now so I hope we don't fall into the lava I actually took quite a bit of damage in that fight but I'm really hoping that we'll be able to get that power Moon before we die am I still floating where are we nice nice I'm right here and yes yes yes yes yes thank you blood blood is the MVP everyone please leave a comment right now saying blood is amazing what is so useful okay now we're standing over here are we getting burned right away we're standing on lava right now Cappy goes you've done it and we got a multi-moon Kathy we're standing in lava right now we don't have time for this we still need one more power Moon too are we getting burned right now yes we are getting burned right now great okay but there is a whoa that was a very weird camera angle yeah we should be able to get that power moon right there quite easily so let's just go like this now auto swap okay good good good good now let's just get that power moon right here perfect we got it okay now we're probably getting burned again right can I use my Boost right away though oh I could just use my blood right there so I don't even get burned oh I'm almost out of water I'm almost out of water it's so nice that your water instantly reap or sorry not instantly refills automatically refills it's very nice that your water automatically refills you don't have to go to a pool of water to refill your water your water just starts to refill when you're on the ground which is fantastic and we're done another kingdom in floors lava this is amazing we're actually making great progress so this is some pretty good time that we're making here now the Odyssey is restored at least partially and you know what guys in my normal playthrough of Super Mario Odyssey I will soon be going to the dark side and darker side kingdoms I'm very excited to be doing that guys are those kingdoms hard because people in the comments are telling me that those are some difficult kingdoms so I'm a bit nervous about what they're going to be like and then a lot of you are also suggesting that I play through Superstar mode that's apparently quite difficult but you know what I I feel as if I've gotten so much better at this game since I first started playing it man oh man guys I'm so happy about how much you guys are enjoying this series of Super Mario Odyssey and Super Mario Odyssey mods man it was so much fun to start to play through Super Mario Odyssey on this channel and I'm so glad that I was able to actually record that and put it on YouTube and all of you are watching it actually blows my mind how many people have seen that video literally millions of people I cannot begin to comprehend that you try and imagine a million people watching a playthrough of a game of yours that is just absolutely unbelievable but I just really want to make videos that people can enjoy that they can have a laugh with that they can have fun with and I'm so happy and so grateful that I get to be doing this I'm so grateful to all of you alright the sand Kingdom which is more like the Flores lava Kingdom now which is every Kingdom and look at this Mario don't go out to the lava don't walk there Mario stop Mario in the cutscene he's just walking onto the lava there oh and everything is all ice over here there's also a lot of ice over here because originally when you first come to the sand Kingdom everything is all Frozen Mario and Cappy they look like it's cold right now but why is it so cold I thought deserts were supposed to be hot Cappy it is not cold the floor is lava it's very very hot here and now we're gonna get burned right yes we got burned right away they're even a way for us to make it to the Oasis back there because there goes the shiny bird man this is going to be a tricky Kingdom I think but having flood makes this so much nicer I'm so glad that we have blood okay so our first Power moon will be a super easy one because we can just float to right here which is perfect oh and then the next one should also be easy unless the floor is lava inside the sub area I'm really hoping that in here is just normal floor yeah it has to be normal floor because otherwise how would we be able to get the power Moon here okay but that's perfect we could just get the power Moon here so that is two power moons down we might have to do some interesting or creative things for power moons but wait wait The Verge just responds right here okay that's perfect that's perfect I might be able to get the bird then that'll be amazing let's go I'm here birdie come here yeah perfect now get the moon get the Moon yes okay that's amazing oh man having fun makes that so easy okay now there is a spot oh boy oh boy oh boy don't fall off Mario there is a spot on one of those Hills over there that you're supposed to ground pound for a power Moon wait why is Mario looking at the uh okay I was wondering why Mario was looking at that like that but that's just a coin hey there is a spot somewhere over there on one of those Hills that you have to ground pound for a power moon but for some reason I don't think that that'll work I don't think that we'd be able to ground pound on the uh on the lava floor I don't think that would work out very well for Mario guys I don't know about you but I do not recommend ground pounding on lava Mario please get back up whoa boy and from here it shouldn't be too difficult to make it to there even we should just be able to go like this okay then swap okay yeah cause I wasn't sure if it died would bring us okay there we go we got it we got it okay very nice we got this one on top of the stone Archway I know that there is another one right back here that we should maybe be able to get okay but it is lava down here so that does make it a bit scary oh no I bumped stop bunking please okay come on down Ed just get the there we go okay we've got it we're almost out of water so we might not be surviving this actually let's see go Mario go Mario go Mario go Mario go Mario go Mario go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go and oh my goodness I actually can't believe that we didn't get burned there we actually have quite a bit of water which is fantastic news Okay so let's just make our way right up here now hold on oh that's right we have to ground pound this because that gives us a power Moon and I think we could also take this Bullet Bill to somewhere nice so let's capture one of these bullet bills that are coming out come on now Bullet Bill come on out Mr Bill come on Bill where are you Bill gotta call him Bill there we go Mr Bill decided to come out now and we can go to that power Moon there in the distance and even if we can't make it let's see oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness that recovery is ridiculous I should not have been allowed to do that but with flood I was able to do it which is amazing that is actually quite wild that we were able to do that okay so normally you want to go and talk to that Sphinx over there here we go talk to the Sphinx you know let's try going and talking to the Sphinx gonna try heading over to this thing so we might not have enough water I might have to land for a break over here you know it's so funny that the ground over here is all lava around me we're just standing on some sand in the desert that somehow fills up the water on our flood oh look if you stand on the Sphinx's head Cappy goes hey Mario you're not a hat can I speak to the Sphinx or no can I stand here no it's not I'd love to speak to this figs please speak to me speak so no it doesn't look like we can speak to this figs Okay so we've got to get out of here then oh and you know what we could do you know it would be very nice we can of course just head up to the top of this Tower like this and that's another nice power boot for us okay but there are some other problems back there that we still could get oh and I want to show you guys something really cool in the 2D section so the creator of this mod his YouTube channel is named just can't eight like Kant the philosopher and he had a video showing some cool stuff that you could do and there's something cool that you could do with this hold on let me just look at that wait where am I oh we felt other than what in the world where are we going why is where you're standing like that where are we what in the how did I end up there how did I head up there yeah so just can't he has some really cool glitches showcased on his channel for this mod and this is actually the first Mario Odyssey mod he's created I believe which is absolutely wild but uh hold on I don't know if we've seen something like that before because that's just wild oh oh I see how it is oh my goodness I clipped inside here I see how it is that wait wait I fell below the level that time that was actually super cool let's see can we get anywhere nice I gotta see where we've gotta go I don't know if I could stand here or not nope can't stand there is there it is wait wait wait move Mario move ment and yes we got this move all right that is so good oh my goodness that's so weird it's like we are basically moving out of bounds okay but if we go here I think we might be in trouble yeah we're in trouble aren't we no we can have water okay but can we actually just normally use this in 2D oh we could just get boosted up like that way can we get boosted like this now or no if I let my water refill will we get boosted now or no let's see oh nice you actually do get a little boost like that that's quite cool let's see just boost me up and oh no oh no we didn't make it we didn't make it let's see oh that is super cool okay I just jumped up to there okay and that's great we get this power Moon that's actually amazing wait do the other nozzles also work in 2D oh that's so funny yeah I could just use the hover nozzle just like this which is quite funny you could just keep going like this that is actually so useful I could just float over them like this go basically wherever we want to go and hold on I've also got to try the turbo nozzle I wonder if that'll work in 2D let's see oh oh once you move oh my goodness you move quickly you move very very quickly but it looks like when you use the rocket nozzle you can't clip up through walls when you're actually in a 2d like this oh but I don't remember if I got this power Moon yet because I do remember breaking this box here yeah but I didn't get the power Moon yet so let's go get that power Moon and then there is one other one somewhere off to this side that we need and we might be able to get it just with flood okay so let's just get that one that was perfect very nice how we got that from a crate in the roots oh wait there are actually two more that we could get here because we can break this shiny block over here we just gotta that's not what we've got to do we need the Bullet Bill to come to us we can also just capture the Bullet Bill have the Bullet Bill break that right there because that's what we need inside a block is a hard place and there's just one to get right here but wait we don't even need Cappy for that one okay for some reason I thought that was a lot farther away but there's also going to be one more up there okay so there are actually three I felt that there were two nearby but it looks like they're actually three okay let's go like this are we high enough yeah that looks high enough and very nice we can actually reach that super easily okay so let's go like this that one gives us 30 or so coins this one has a power moon now do we need to talk to the jaxy or no you know what I want to keep the video interesting for you guys so this might not be the best use of money but let's do this let's pay the Jack seat just to see if we can go and ride the Jackson on some lava that might be nice let's see come on jaxy let's go and hey we can ride on the poison we know that but the lava we're also safe on the lava okay that's actually amazing now I wonder if we go by that spot where you have to ground pound on the hill I wonder if oh oh hold on let's just go by I wonder if that would activate the power Moon there or not I'm guessing it won't but we could try was it this hill I think it might be the next Hill guys in my shadow clone Odyssey video when the shadow clones walk by they do activate the spots like that so the power moves do come out but I guess for us uh they don't but you know what I guess we could go to the Oasis though oh oh I was also thinking that there is that cactus that we can capture and move out of the way but there is a spot that you have to ground pound on for that to work okay so there should be one nice power Moon that we could get here we should be able to get the treble clef Moon without too much difficulty right especially since we can float okay so let's just go like this go Kathy okay come on over and go come on get him and okay that would be so sad if we missed that because that shouldn't be difficult without flood and I was even using blood to help me out there so you know what now that I know that there's a way to extend the hover nozzle maybe I'd be able to hover over to that let's see hey we can just hover over like this we might be able to actually reach this would be very nice if we could reach let's go like that okay then just Swap all you do is you swap to another nozzle and swap back to hover nozzle and there you go you can make that actually quite easily okay so there is going to be a nice power moon for us right in here and then after that we need one more power Moon we could take on the boss for a multi-moon and that will be more than enough power moons or we could try going inside for a power move or is there another Power Moon somewhere around here that we can get wait there's one down there somewhere right I thought there was one down here or is that only a post mood or is that only a post game Power Moon let me try going down here I thought there was a power Moon around here somewhere let's see I'm actually surprised that there's no power Moon up here maybe that's only a post game Power Moon there's got to be a power Moon around here somewhere okay and you know what flood does make this very very easy it is still a little bit scary because the floor is lava and you can run into trouble but you can Traverse the map so easily with flood okay and you know what I almost never go into this building but let's go get a power moon in here we'll see how easy it is with flood and I think you can just jump up here can't you I think you can actually do that without blood but we'll just do it with blood because we have access to floods so why not and that should make this section a bit more trivial because we could just move along on this top part normally you want to float Along on a Bullet Bill and you want to move through that maze you have to be careful to not hit the obstacles okay and there is a moon for us so that is perfect oh boy we bonked good thing we have blood that'd be so sad if we didn't have blood then with our bunk we would have touched the poisonous floor there but now we have enough power Moons for this Kingdom and now we can just teleport back to the Odyssey hopefully we don't get burned and then we can go to the next Kingdom already so let's see what's next that's a lot of power moons we have all right so let's go to the lake Kingdom and then we will go to the wooded Kingdom next hopefully getting power moons won't be too bad here oh my goodness the light Kingdom actually looks so nice I really like the contrast of the lava with the colors of the walls over here okay Mario don't walk into that yellow soup over there it actually looks like it's nighttime right right now wait is there no Mudder gun what's going on the water looks like it's see-through right now oh and that's so nice that we start on top of the Odyssey so we don't get burned okay but normally there's a spot right down there that you want to ground pound hold on what if I try and ground pound here will it work will the moon spawn because it looks like it's right there yes it does still spot okay that is great that is great okay so he did get burned but you can still get the moon which is actually so nice and flood helps us out very much with that okay wait is there water around here oh my goodness normally there's just water there but it looks like that's a bunch of lava so you know what let's come on up here then we can float to this top part which should be great oh and we should also be able to get the power Moon up there easily also so let's first just go like this then we can grab that we can move around we can get the power Moon that's just behind that jail there first so this will be very nice oh oh and another thing is when you do a roll then Mario does this animation it's the animation of him sliding on water like that because that's the fastest way to move in Super Mario Sunshine I believe that was a super cool addition okay so now we can just come up here and easily grab this one which is very nice apparently that jump is also possible without flood but it's quite difficult to make and now then there is going to be a power moon in here and wait I wonder if the Dory is also going to be floating around because normally there's a Dory that's swimming in the water over here it looks like there's actually no water right now so is there going to be a Dory here that's still floating around or no oh there's just a moon there fish never have to worry about air why are you talking about fish there's no water here even Cappy hey let's go like this the moon right there to collect forest and then after that we only need three more so I guess after this one we could go and take on the boss and that should be fine for us because then we'll have enough power moons let's just grab that perfect now what is the most efficient way to make it up can I just go very high with this how high can we get with this let's see okay so we're up to here and oh that's actually great the rocket nozzle is so useful because look we're already this far you know what let's just have oh wait oh oh you can have it boost yup okay I was wondering if I would still be spinning after that but now it's just an easy boss fight for us and then we're done this Kingdom okay and apparently with this boss bike you can actually jump onto his head like that and wait hold on there's something you can do over here I think it's oh no oh no let's see get him oh boy oh boy that did not work as I hoped it would yeah because apparently you can jump on that guy you don't have to uh hit his spinning thing back to him you can just jump on him like that and over here there should be an opportunity to jump on him like this perfect and there we go okay there we go okay I got the final hit nice and quick I didn't get the second hit very quickly though uh and there is a nice sweet multi-moon Force oh and look at this guys this should be funny what happens if we boost through this hopefully this doesn't break the game let's do that and you can see over here that Mario's just running around oh and all of a sudden it's just a black screen anyway the music's still playing but wait where's Mario where's Mario why is it just copy oh here's Mario is back to the Odyssey and it's nice that we don't get burned it's nice that we just get to stand over here okay let's go to the next Kingdom now this was a nice fast Gangnam this might be one of the fastest kingdoms that we have in this Mod play through the ruined Kingdom will probably also be relatively quick but maybe it'll actually be very difficult because we have to face off against that boss oh my goodness that is going to be incredibly difficult if I ever go there without flood so let's go to the wooden Kingdom all right here we are the wooded Kingdom it looks like Mario's about to step on lava again during this cutscene hopefully we don't get burned right at the start this one was a pretty difficult King to play through in the floor is lava I wonder how many moons I can get okay next we just start up here so this should be a bit easy easier now that we flood but where do I even go to start off because there is a lot of lava around here those guys that are down there spinning around it's almost like they're in trouble because this is all lava here that's a little scary for them okay so we can fly along this way there's this Sphinx over there don't want to mess up oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this is very scary don't want to run out of water let's just go like this can I make it to there would I be safe if I land in there in that water well I think we might actually be able to make it all the way to here yeah this will be perfect because look at this we're out of water but there we are we already made it up to here and it looks like the water is actually filling up our flood but flood just gets filled up either way oh and from here we should just be able to get up nicely like this and but let me just get this Powerman right there perfect okay a super easy first Power moon for us here now we can drop down in here flood really does make this quite a bit easier okay grab that Cappy good job Cappy and now we have a gate open to even more lava over here which is very scary but oh no what the I got burned I got burned but then I use the rocket nozzle right after that game can we just go here without getting burned oh I'm burnt but we got that okay that is actually perfect okay now then can I throw Cappy so I don't get burned let's see okay very good very good now just stay here okay we're safe here this is all right looks like a safe place to be where we want to go is down there because there should be one or two power moons that we should be able to get here okay Cappy grab that perfect you got that Cappy and let's just head into this water here we'll go through this pipe right here and there should be one or two easy power moons that we could get here I remember this section was incredibly difficult in Super Mario Odyssey the floor is lava so hopefully for us it's not gonna be too hard okay very good whoa whoa whoa whoa let's be careful just do a side flip and then come on up here and just give me that power Moon perfect okay super easy actually we did use flood for a bit of help here and this section can sometimes be quite difficult don't hurt me I'm hurt I'm hurt I'm hurt but but okay good we can just make it up there amazing okay two more power moves for us that is great I'm not sure which power moons we're even going to be getting in this Kingdom because there are some power moons that you normally get in the speed run of this Kingdom but we might not be able to reach some of those since the floor is lava so I'm not 100 sure where we are going to go and what we're going to do yet can I get boosted up here okay this should be good wait can I get inside there though that is the question because I normally have to get one of these guys one can I even capture this guy oh man because he keeps falling into the little is very dangerous let's see if I bring him back like this and get him nice nice okay we are now the guy we are now this guy that extends out like this I have to get inside there I'm guessing that we die if we go into lava whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it looks like this is all lava wait can I come up here no we just get burned and I am alive somehow maybe you can push it up with something happy I think we have more pressing issues right now when I reach that please ah should I go for this chipmunk like you know what let's go for this go get it please yes we are healed okay amazing okay now we can just come on over here we should be able to defeat this guy easily right can I just ground pound on him like that he's saying okay let's get this power moon in a second because first I'd like to come over here because I know there is something for us right here there is oh that's so funny how we can just come here with flood whoa I bumped and we're still okay okay so that's good let's go like this and let me just float a bit perfect okay very good the nut at the dead end very nice that we got that okay now jump off of the wall and let's float on back and we should have enough water to make it back right I think we'll have enough water to make it to that power moon man you can move so quickly when you whoops I misclicked a little bit and I brought up the uh snapshot cam instead of swapping but yeah you know what when you do a long jump before you start using the hover nozzle you can move so quickly right there we just did a wall jump and that's why we were moving pretty slowly right before that when we did a long jump we were moving nice and fast so am I going to have to step on that switch now this is so cool because you know what just recently we played through Mario Odyssey using the flood mod but now it's flood and floor is lava there's just so much that you could do with this game especially with mods you know what how about I do this let's go like this excuse me I wasted my Boost I twirled with the cap because I pressed a so my rocket nozzle didn't work okay so where we respond is right here and you want to be careful to not get burnt oh oh I got healed because we got the power Moon okay that's why so you know what I'm gonna try this let's do it do a long jump and then start using flood because it seems like when you use a long jump oh boy oh I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I am okay we landed on some nice ground here oh boy that was scary now you know what let's do this then let's go like this boost me up and let me switch to that switch to the hover nozzle right away that is so cool how you can swap from the rocket nozzle to the hover nozzle right away don't burn me oh my goodness I had only one HP there that was very scary luckily we got the power Moon before we were burned the final time and now I just want to head down there I'm out of water almost can I make it to there please please please please please yes and oh man we made it in that was scary okay luckily there isn't too much lava in here in fact I think there might be no lava in here well that might make this very easy actually I almost fell I say it might be very easy as I almost fall wait is there something up here there's a nut somewhere around here that we can break for a power Moon where was it so somewhere around here let's see where it is we're almost at the top this one we probably don't actually need to capture the guy to get this one up here yeah we can just get boosted right up into it like that stretching your legs more like stretching the rocket nozzles legs no but the rocket nozzle doesn't have lights you know where's the other power Moon there's another Power Moon around here somewhere where is it where's that other power Moon I know that there is another Power Moon around here somewhere oh is it right up here this must be it let's see can I get it get me up there beautiful there we are okay and wait what if I just boost through it like this blast me up there and there we go we got the power boot that was a nice way to get it not planted in the tower that's so cool that we didn't even have to use the capture hey but now do we have enough water okay we have a good amount of water so let's just jump out boost me up there and we're at the very top now we're going to do the boss fight the boss will give us a multi-moon get the flag thank goodness we got the checkpoint flag I almost forgot we were playing floor is lava wait wait the floor is lava for this boss fight too Oh I thought why is it the boss spawning where what's going on with the bus I actually landed on the lava and got burned there so let's see what this guy is going to do this guy's spewer right spewer or spewert now let's have him come down we're gonna have to battle this palette am I going to be on lava now am I going to be able to do this boss fight oh oh nice there's a platform here oh and to be able to do this bounce on him amazing this is actually going to be amazing oh no oh no one HP only I am look I'm not dead I'm not dead I'm not dead I'm almost dead let's jump up float here broke happy go Cappy go Cappy and yes okay come on come on come on no no water ran out that's so sad okay I think there is a chance that we could beat this guy especially if we can start off by Landing right there perfect we didn't get burned at the start of the bus like I think we didn't right let's see amazing okay so we are just here we should be able to go like this Cappy get him good bounce on his head amazing now just let me land back here safely right here safely no we got hurt that's not good that's not good uh oh and I didn't jump on him that's bad but there's a heart that we could collect let's see oh wait and I can't get rid of this goop by throwing uh by using flood am I grab the heart though yes yes we got the heart okay that's actually amazing I'm so lucky that that works on his head amazing I'll just swap to this just be careful gotta be careful here gotta land right there I'm gonna land right there let's see ground pound amazing amazing it's amazing that we're on this let's see oh boy okay it's nice that he isn't uh sending his poison here oh stay away stay away I should probably just try and jump on him to make him spawn more quickly but the floor is lava so hopefully you guys can excuse me being a bit safer than usual here come here Kathy go Cappy get him Cappy yes yes yes yes okay now we just have to get that multi-moon okay so the boss is defeated and we have full health so this should be all right and where's the mood okay there's the moon there's the multi-moon put us back down here I didn't realize that we'd be here right away okay there we are we got the multi-moon very nice I thought that we would still be floating because I was still holding the hover button all this time but it's very nice that we were able to get that we're not done with this Kingdom though because we still need a few more power moons before we could go to the next Kingdom I wonder if we'll have to go to the Hidden Forest Area or whatever it's called the what power Moon should we get we need four more okay from here I think we should be able to make it up there nicely yeah there we go we can make it to here now just land on the railing please then floors lava you very often have to walk on railings oh and there are a bunch of goombas over there this will actually be perfect it was a little risky doing a long jump there instead actually okay but now grab this amazing I'll just come over here my Goomba friends hopefully you guys don't fall into the lava we have to make sure that the Goombas also avoid the lava floor but wait can we make it over to this lady please give me the power Moon come on please please because I can't get too close please no it didn't work it didn't work oh no I don't know if you can get close enough to her because the floor is lava over there so you just run into trouble oh but hold on I think that there is a power Moon up here wait can I capture these guys when they're in lava or no maybe I can stay up where I need them to hit something and then oh let's just try and capture it do I die I just die right away because it's in lava that is not good okay and I only have one HP so this is also even more scary for that reason can I get up high here somewhere nice okay we can make it up to here which is all right I guess but what am I gonna do from here I guess we could get that checkpoint flag but then what are we gonna do go crappy okay good good Cappy got that and that healed us so that's nice now maybe we want to get up here that's quite high so let's see if we can get up that high oh wait first I need to activate this it'll boost me up and and we float on up I don't know if we can I don't know if we can out wrong power up oh oh no no we're in trouble we're in trouble we are in big big trouble maybe from higher maybe from over here we can do something nice let's see oh perfect that brings us high enough to make it to here and just don't die Mario go here perfect perfect perfect okay if I want to get up even higher yeah we could probably get up to there let's go like this and if we can get into that door that'd be so nice but we only have one Health so I don't know about this Oh I thought I would walk off I was so scared okay now just don't die getting into that door otherwise we have to get back up here all over again floating Mario floating perfect amazing oh I'm so glad that worked okay we only have one Health wait is there something back here I was thinking for some reason there's something back there do I just have to in fact wait hopefully this guy just doesn't kill me right away let's see grab you thank you very much sir okay we're gonna activate that in a moment but first we just have to break that or what do we have to do with this because I kind of remember you have to do something with this okay perfect and you just get a power moon it's gonna come here right it'd be funny if the power moon was up there because we normally wouldn't be able to reach that but with flood we could probably reach it let's see if we could reach that with flood what if we went like this I'm not even gonna stand on the railing I'm just gonna go like this yeah you easily reach up here with blood which is kind of funny okay so let's uh get another one of these wait wait is the guy gonna come back okay there we go the Sherman's coming back let's just grab this shirt very nice now we'll activate this we'll get one more power Moon and then after that we're only going to need two more power moves hey watch out guys watch out guys it's my health solo Oh no that's not good though we took damage I was just kind of trying to rush through I wasn't very uh worried about the damage that we might be taking okay where's this guy going hey nice now let's just get it oh what the did my shot hit his Fireball hey how did he avoid that let's go like that come on come on come on come on come on there we are we got him very nice okay now we can activate this got everything around there's still more oh now there are other sherms that we have to defeat this could be a little tricky hey oh you guys are trying to hide huh you know what I'll get that guy up there oh I'll get you there we go now I'll get you oh these guys actually have decent aim well I wonder if they can defeat each other I wonder if that's what happened there because I saw Sherm over there explode but it didn't look like I was actually aiming at that Sherm so I was kind of surprised if we come through here is there just apartment for us now Perfect all right there's another Power boot now we only need two more I know there's a nice one somewhere nearby that we could get when we pop out here but it's going to be floor is lava so we might get burned as soon as we come out so I have my hover nozzle ready let's see I'm holding the hover button already and are we gonna start hovering are we ready to take amazing okay we're just hovering up here okay let's come down and let's see there's a power Moon somewhere around here is it over here or where was it oh there's a pipe there I wonder where that pipe takes us have I been to this area before what's going on here whoa oh boy we don't have a lot of water so we've got to be careful you know what let's try coming around here okay there now we'll ride this up what the I think the wall over there might actually have fire uh fire textures if you touch the wall even though that wall doesn't look like fire if you touch the wall I think you get burned okay that actually surprised me okay so let's come on up like this okay I'm burned I'm at one HP oh no oh no go oh no because Mario's getting burned so I wasn't able to uh throw Cappy because Mario is still playing the burned animation that's not good wait am I coming out of the pipe again then okay I'm coming out of the pipe here again let's just land there safely and hold on there's another Power Moon somewhere around here it's not in here is it oh can I just land here there's a pipe right there there's an 8-bit pipe okay there's got to be a moon in here then right let's just head in here very very carefully okay get in there Mario go that did not work I was trying to do it without flood but maybe I should really try doing it with blood let's see how well can you go ah come on oh look if we keep going down here this is where the power moon is okay the power Moon's a little bit lower than I remember it being but we should be able to just get that right there and we didn't even get burned there because we landed on a nice spot of uh this right here we landed on this nice Shrubbery part over here so we're safe here and what if we go into this pipe it'll probably bring us somewhere not super useful okay next we made it in that's great that brings us out all the way back here oh no well we only need one more power Moon should we try going to that 8-bit section because you know what I did die there a few times where I did die trying to get there I should say but I kind of want to try again oh oh I got burned there oh now we only have one HP so this is a little dangerous so we have to be careful careful let's go up like this and then hover hover bring me up bring me up hover bring me a cover oh no I am dead aren't I oh I'm safe let's try this again grab the slope Mario perfect okay so we have one HP I thought that we wanted to get into is right there I should probably die somewhere else on purpose but you know what I've got to try this I really want to get into this pipe it'd be so nice if we could get into this pipe it'd be Blended if we could get into this pipe come on just let me into this pipe come on come on let's go I gotta jump not hit the ground and hover and go into that pipe oh oh nice it just responds me from here that's actually perfect okay oh this is so funny you could actually use flood while you're sliding down a wall to slide up the wall like that that is hilarious okay but we've got to be careful don't touch the floor come on get in there this is so dangerous go come on come on come on get in there yes yes we got in okay amazing that is absolutely Splendid if something kills me while I'm in here that would be incredibly sad wait what if there's no power Moon here there's got to be a power Moon here imagine if those Goombas killed me imagine if those Goombas right there killed me how sad would that be okay I'm gonna go like this boost up oh nice and we can almost go straight into the power Moon that's amazing okay but we should be able to just go like that boost me into the power Moon there we are we got it uh now we have enough power moons to go to the next Kingdom oh but boost me boost me to here that's so cool how you can get boosted like that I really like getting boosted in 2D all right I just little break but now we do have enough power moons and we can make our way to the next Kingdom what even comes after this kingdom is it the cloud Kingdom now okay that's right we are going to the cloud Kingdom because first Kathy said we're going to the Metro Kingdom but first we have to go to the cloud Kingdom and then we're going to be knocked down to the lost kingdom wait I can't even remember if I've ever made it to the cloud Kingdom in the floor is lava because I have done the wooded Kingdom and I did finish that in Super Mario Odyssey the floor is lava but I don't think I got to the cloud Kingdom so all the kingdoms from this point on in the floor is lava they're all going to be new to me from here but yeah here's Bowser Bowser's going to want to battle us and we're going to have a battle in the cloud Kingdom what is cloud Kingdom going to be like in Flores lava okay here we are let's see is it gonna be all lava wait is it just normal oh no there is lava there is lava there is lava here at first it looked like just clouds but there is lava it's nice that we start up here might be a little bit difficult to make it but if we do a nice long jump like that then we can get here quickly okay this actually seems not bad I think this is gonna actually uh the actual fight itself might be difficult wait am I gonna trigger Bowser Bowser I'd like to fight you please there we go okay I was wondering when Bowser would get triggered and start the fight but there we are is Bowser gonna jump down on the lava are we standing on the lava I think we're all standing on the lava right now are we going to realize all of a sudden that we're actually on lava yeah Mario is standing on lava with Kathy here hopefully we don't get burned right when the fight starts he isn't worried at all that we're all standing on lava she's just standing there watching all right Mr Bowser I'm prepared for our fight wait how om how am I going to wait I can probably use blood with the cap with Bowser's cap so this might actually be all right let's see but like this now capture it good good good okay now I've got to go and get this guy here okay let's just float over this is great this is very very great okay let's go like this oh no Odo accidentally went into him whoa whoa whoa whoa look at the way I'm fighting again no he got away that didn't work oh that's so sad that that didn't work that was very bad okay let's come here start fighting him wait let me uh float up a bit hey I want to keep hitting him and there we go all right that was so weird I wanted to do some floating like that while we were attacking him now is he gonna blow fire does he just throw his uh Cappies at us okay it looks like he's just throwing his Cappies we could get a heart that'd be very nice but I don't know if we will let's see oh there's a heart there okay get that get the cap very nice now let's make our way over to Bowser where's he going hey he's jumping that way gotta float on over to him oh no he's throwing stuff he's throwing stuff oh wait but I'm higher than them so that's all right oh no maybe it's not all right oh no no no no we got hurt that's okay that's okay and Oh I thought he was gonna swing his tail at us I'm actually surprised that Bowser didn't swing his tail at us okay well we have two Health this is all right we should be able to do this if we die that would be incredibly sad actually now where are these guys all going oh get it get it get it what not oh I got healed but I didn't get that cap so that's all right that we're at full health at least that's quite nice okay hopefully we get it this time perfect okay now just grab it please reach it go yes okay we've got it that's so nice that you can shake the controller to make Kathy go a bit farther that's very nice now he should be able to get here I hope let's go and oh no oh no we won't get hit but but we're all right and jumping float and keep punching him now and there we are okay Bowser is defeated that's nice because you know what how can you make that Kingdom in floor is lava because well just the little Mounds that are sticking up over the ground there the part that's not lava and then the normal Cloud part that's lower is all lava and here's Mario standing on the lava again during this cut scene okay so bows them angry Bowser now he's going to fire us and Mario's got to run because there are cannonballs coming towards him and the floor is Lola so he's got to run and the Odyssey is destroyed so off to the lost kingdom he gaze and Peach is calling out for Mario I haven't seen this Kingdom when the floors love it this is insane lava and poison what are we going to do oh I like everybody's asleep over here that's a funny place for him to be because down there is dangerous oh and all of a sudden we're down here wait who is that Mario up there then ah where are we now and what happened to the other Mario that's the question that I'm wondering oh no the Odyssey is all busted up you know I'm more concerned that the floor is lava we'll need some power moons to fix it let's get looking that's not all that we need are we getting burned now oh no okay just get burned right away that's kind of sad okay let's just stand here now all right but I think that this Kingdom shouldn't be too bad oh oh I don't want to go too far because I don't want uh the bird to steal my Cappy from here this should be not bad normally you just do a triple jump weight can we just do a backflip because we could use the rocket nozzle I guess but this should also work right yeah oh oh oh I forgot that it's lava for some reason I thought that I could just land there I don't know why I did that I have no idea why I did that I forgot that the floor is actually lava that's so funny okay so let's come over here if I ground pound on this can we still get a um can we still get a power Moon if we ground pound here I hope that we can let's try this let's go like this and why did I did I not have two health I thought let's see this again because I thought that I had two Health if I ground pound here oh was I really at only one Health and I must have been at one health because that time I survived that was so strange okay let's just find a nice place to land okay perfect perfect we are safe very good now then can we get that little butterfly that's over there that'll be a little bit hard I think that we might actually be able to get it hold on let's just go like this we float along oh boy no no it ran away and we didn't get it oh no oh no I guess I could do this I could hit this switch and I don't know if we even need that weight but there's gonna be a lava up there so this might be tricky I guess I could come on up like this but now where are we gonna go give me that yeah I got the checkpoint that's amazing okay oh oh be careful Mario very very careful now you know what get me on top of this tree I probably didn't have to do that but it's nice to get another Power Moon enjoying the view of Forgotten Isle which is all covered in lava uh-oh okay I'm at only one HP so this could be a little bit scary but I'm still going to try this probably a bad idea but go a bit lower yes and oh man we got it we got it we got it that was a little risky I should have just let my HP come back up before trying this but we got it okay now let's just come down here this is probably the hardest Kingdom yet if I play through this Kingdom in Flores lava without flood oh oh I keep forgetting that it's lava I don't know why but I just keep forgetting that the floor is lava I keep thinking that I can just land there safely hey but this is nice we can get this one and hold on there's that bird over there so let's get rid of that bird because that bird very often causes trouble for us let's just make this bird move over he's gonna land there now we can ground pound here and now that bird klepto over there oh it almost looked like he landed in lava but that bird he's not gonna give us any trouble anymore let's just get that power moon right there perfect on a tree in the swamp we've actually gotten quite a few power moons already I think there's one is it back here is this the one with the floor being love it looks different no it's not this one it's somewhere else there's a moon in here if we ground pound this one I'm pretty sure then it's gonna be right back there yeah so we can jump and get that easily we don't even need flood's help to get this one we almost did am I getting burned actually let's see hooray we're safe very nice quote and there we are all right did that section without flood even oh wait I don't know if we can even uh oh explode here oh we probably could get him to break these that'll be very nice we can stand like this give him Cappy I'll come explode here an old float and there we go we got the power room that is so cool that we were able to get that one okay now I know there's going to be another Power moon right down there oh and it's not even lava down here so that should be easy to get how can we get back out nicely that is the question and we only need one more power Moon so this shouldn't be too bad let's just go here and I know where we could get one more power moon right under that lava Bridge there so let's just fishing ourselves nicely and if you touch the poison down there then you die instantly so you've got to be careful and there we are we've got it perfect oh wait do we die now I'm guessing we die now we can oh wait wait maybe we can recover this go there yes we recovered it now can we just make it back to the Odyssey without Dyke this kingdom was actually unreal I'm surprised how well this went you can fix the Odyssey now yes we can Kathy let's just head down here to the Odyssey and we're already done this Kingdom guys can you believe it oh my goodness we are making amazing progress I'm so happy with how that went this might actually be one of my favorite Kingdoms in the floor is lava yet well in the floor is lava with flood because with blood this is probably going to be much more tolerable and much easier if I had to do this without blood this would be an incredibly difficult Kingdom if you guys want to see me play through the rest of the kingdoms and Floors lava without blood let me know in a comment because I have played through some of them and yeah we can play through some more people are interested in that I think I would like to do that I think that'd be very fun now we are finally making it to the Metro Kingdom this is actually so cool oh my goodness it's all lava over there all the sidewalks all the streets everything is all lava there and that's a lava over there is it sucking up the electricity or the lava oh mayor Paulie did that man they're just standing on the lava that's so funny all right we finally made it things don't look so good though yeah the floor is all lava that's one of the worst things and we're kind of just standing on the lava right now look he's Bowser's ship let's go there are things closer to us that I'm more afraid of like the floor being lava here wow I'm actually so surprised that it's laggy right now this is on an actual Nintendo switch I guess it's because some of these assets that are loaded are quite demanding right now that's kind of surprising it's not very often that you see lag like this on an actual Nintendo switch in a month more often if you see lag like this it means that someone's playing on emulator but we're actually seeing this on an actual Nintendo switch kind of surprising maybe after the floor is lava Kingdom or sorry maybe after it becomes daytime maybe things will start to become more normal okay but for now let's just make our way over to the boss and yeah this is actually going to be crazy I don't know what we're going to do okay next we can just take a rocket boost up to this rooftop here and wait are we making it okay very nice very nice we made it to here oh now all of a sudden the lag is gone okay so it was laggy for just a moment at the beginning of the Kingdom but from here at least when we're like this it seems like it's all right guys let's get boosted to there okay can we land up here is this safe for us tell me this is safe please please tell me this is safe okay very nice we just need to make our way there and can I reach the top part wait what am I even going to land on there this is crazy look at all these guys here they're all just standing here what are they doing the lava does not bother them what kind of heat resistant shoes do they have okay so you want to boost up here oh no oh no oh no oh no I get up I get up let's see let me up here nice we didn't Bonk that's good you know can we get up even higher let's see and okay nice we can make it up to here which is perfect and we should be able to just go up like this wait how are we going to do this boss fight how in the world are we going to do the boss fight oh wait can I get up high enough I don't know if we could gonna buy enough oh wait oh wait can you stand right here oh how about there no I thought that was a spot that you could stand on okay let's go like this I'll boost up my uh rocket power before we jump in here and when we come out here oh no boost me up there we go now I should be able to trigger the boss right come on okay there we go okay we're at one HP but we triggered the boss fight so is this going to work out are we going to take damage right when the boss fight starts and then we die because I don't know what's going to happen here this is normally one of the hardest boss fights in the game but what's going to happen with the floor is love and we have to face off against this Boss look at this this is madness Okay so Mario's falling down and oh thank goodness we don't land on lava thank goodness okay this no we do die what is this okay so I basically have to be careful to not take damage when we pop out of here so hold on can we land on this railing Maybe perfect we landed on the railing okay now we should be able to take on the boss right right will that work go like this I gotta trigger the boss boss get triggered boss you gotta get triggered boss we gotta trigger the boss fight boss fight please trigger are we not close enough to you are we not close enough to you is this top part safe did I trigger the boss fight without taking damage that's actually making it that worked hey let's see do we take damage now okay I took damage from the start that's okay but wait grab the guy grab the guy grab the guy grab the guy hey we gotta share him we gotta share him he's all right it's all right this is gonna be very good in fact this might be amazing let's see okay right why get this last two there we go can I damage you now can I damage you now please please perfect okay now is our chance oh it's like it's in slow motion this is actually so weird because the game is so laggy okay and uh this is going to be tricky it looks like I could basically walk around on this little circular section uh which is quite terrifying I kind of want to jump out because I'm scared that this is going to hit me like where can I go to run look I can't move much farther than that otherwise I mean the lava don't touch me oh man that is so scary that is absolutely terrifying that is absolutely terrifying how close that gets hey where are you coming from now you're going there okay don't aim at me too closely I'm gonna run this way I think there we go I've got some space oh boy oh I was wondering why these coins were here but you know why these coins are here coins are here because uh I died a moment to go it was so weird how we took a we took some lava damage though oh you're going again huh how many times are you gonna do this huh how many times okay it's locked on there I'm coming to the side here it's nice that we didn't lose our Sherman yet I really hope that we can defeat this boss on this attempt that would just be amazing if we could defeat the boss on this attempt you know am I gonna have to hit those Golden Balls up there oh please don't hurt me oh no I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I got the heart I got the heart thank goodness we got that hard okay now then go there go up there get those come on come on don't make me do this again don't make me do this again oh no we've got to do it again go okay go just give me a heart give me a heart please do you have a heart tell me the heart doesn't die in the lava get the heart yes yes yes okay okay we're back up to full health that means we have a chance not an amazing chance in fact I wouldn't even say not even a very good chance but we do have a chance and since we do have a chance we have to do that oh that's so cool you could aim with uh positioning your Pro Controller too oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no okay oh cool I actually got them all okay now then just gotta get these little pink ones oh it's that one oh no that wasn't close enough okay get that and come on come on come on come on let me get it I don't want another round of this no one more round of this no no no no no no no oh no so he's running away again okay that's all right that's all right let's just go to this side here lure him over to the right and then we can just head to the left we should be able to avoid that easily now I just have to hit one of those pink circles one more pink circle to hit let's see where's the pink circle gonna be are you gonna come out over here or where are you gonna go you're going up on this building okay and where's your pink circle I don't really care too much about these yellow balls that are coming out even if I get hit a little bit that's all right I just gotta get that gotta get that just gotta get that gotta get that come on where are you where are you where are you where are you where are you where are you where are you stop moving stop moving stop moving stop moving come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on let me get it let me get it please there you go okay we should be able to defeat the boss now we have two HP I'm not hitting it I'm not hitting it I'm not hitting it at all okay let's see where are we going come on please tell me it's defeated now I don't want to have to do this again today goodness we got it oh oh but we still have to get the power Moon if we die right now that would be so incredibly sad actually definitely a tough boss fight I really hope that we could get that please tell me I'm not dying right now I I burned I'm so lucky that we have flood because now please please not miss that thank goodness oh my goodness I would have been screaming so much if we miss that I'm so glad that we got this multi-moon here this might be a tough Kingdom I didn't expect that this Kingdom would be this tough but it looks like it is going to be quite the tough Kingdom because there is a lot of love everywhere but now it should be daytime so things should look a lot nicer that's very nice Mario looks very happy and it is daytime a fresh start for the city hopefully it's a lot less laggy now it doesn't look laggy so this should be all right we got rid of the big bug thing and the weather cleared up but Bowser must have gotten away in the scuffle we should probably get back to chasing him you know we should probably do we should probably stop standing on lava we don't have enough power moves so let's look around the city for some yeah let's uh let's just get off this lava right here oh boy my Odyssey was red over here I almost thought that this would be Lava here for a second I thought is nowhere safe is there nowhere safe that we can go hey so you'd be able to get ah in here I think but wait is that lava in there that's lava in there also wait let's just ground pound here I gotta get in there because there's a moon right oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay let's try this again are we gonna die okay great we died okay let's try this again we want to hover when we're almost touching the lava and there we are okay we got the power boot very nice okay that should not have been that difficult this is normally a pretty easy power Moon I hope you guys can forgive my struggling because there is some lava here oh okay I'm laughing a bit like Santa Claus right now because I think that this is quite funny oh look at this oh that's not what I meant to do wait is there a power Moon that we can get like this what do we zoom in on that there no that's not a power moon for us I was actually just trying to hit that checkpoint flag but yeah here's a look around the city with everything being lava wait how are the taxi cars still driving around with the floors lava this is crazy I don't think we're going to be able to talk to the musician are we man that is a fire bass solo but something that I was thinking about something that I was laughing about was look at this these people are doing jump rope here and since we have um since we have flood maybe we'll actually be able to hover a bit will we actually be able to do that I don't know if we'll be able to get to 30. if we had a max-a-part maybe we could actually make it which is absolutely crazy to think let's just try and fill up as much as we can here and let's go like this like this and am I jumping rope now all right all right we're jumping rope now let's see all right we're at five six uh-oh oh no that counts as a Miss no no no no no no okay I have to pick up the not get hit by that that's very bad okay let's try whoop am I doing jumps yet hey there we go okay we're starting to do jumps here let's go whoops whoops I want to mess up oh is that a Miss oh no oh no that's not good well let's just bounce over here on this taxi this would actually be such an interesting Kingdom to do in regular uh Mario Odyssey floors love also oh no no no no I gotta grab the guy uh can I just bounce on your head for a moment sir I grab you like this come on okay I gotta do this I gotta jump away oh no oh no oh no oh nice I can just stand there okay so we should be able to get this power moon this should be one that we can get right wait the controls aren't working what's going on yeah I am able to control wait I could only move a tiny little bit and then I can't move anymore what's going on is it more difficult to control the car because it's lava or what's going on okay for some reason when I capture this guy controlling the car doesn't work the same way as normal right now even when I move my joystick like it says I can't control it if I don't know if this one is going to be possible I'm guessing that it is a bit weird because of the lava floor but yeah sometimes I can control it fine like that okay now back up oh we almost got it there hey come on now come on now but now all of a sudden the car is just moving so slowly even when it's supposed to be supposedly going at full speed it is absolutely crazy so let's capture it let's go back and left a little bit forward come on come on come on there we go finally oh my goodness for some reason that was so broken it's just really hard to control that car on lava sometimes not only is it it's not that it's really hard it's that sometimes the car just won't move it'll stop moving then you have to pop out of the guy and then pop back in which is crazy okay now I know that there's a moon that oh oh oh gotta be careful I know that there's normally a moon that you could get by oh no oh no oh no there's normally a moon that you can get by ground pounding right there but I'm down to only one Health so that might not be a good strategy let's try this though this might be fun you go and visit this guy right here and perfect we landed right there on the bench with them boy I tell you this city is all lava on the floor you're not from around here oh you you're the first person to ever just sit down next to me while the floor is lava so it's a bit difficult to walk around and get to a bench it's a lonely City thanks for reaching out take this for your trouble be reaches into his pocket and thank you very much for the power Moon sir bench friends thanks pal not a problem this guy's waving at us too all right let's make our way back up there because there is something that I wanted here what did I want to do over here oh yes I remember I remember what I wanted to do here there's a power Moon that we could get around here and I'm guessing if we ground pound there that it'll still work so let's come over here let's Brown Pound and the moon does spawn which is great it's so nice that you can do that you can still get the power moved even though you get burned the moon does still spawn for ground pounding on that spot which is great now where in the world are we going to go where are we going to go there's a nice checkpoint flag for us here so we could grab that oh wait but we're already at full health so that doesn't really matter know that there's going to be a power moon in here oh wait wait we're going way too slow so let's try this let's come up to this spot oh now we can have some coins because I lost a bunch of coins from dying so many times to the RC mini game which was really weird but let's come in here I have a sneeze coming up I have a sneeze coming up oh boy I have a sneeze coming up excuse me okay so so how are we gonna do this there's a power moon at the end of this here if I break this that I'm standing on and I float over yes yes oh no wait wait how much health did I have I thought I was at full health oh you know why I maybe died instantly maybe it's because I touched the top part and the top part was lava and Mario gets pushed upward when he gets burned which is instantly killed me because I just took a bunch of damage could that be it hold on because this is gonna be really difficult to get because you want to be careful yeah if you get touched by the fire you get boosted up and pushed into the fire and then you just lose all of your health at once that is actually unbelievable but with flood it might be possible hey how many tries do you guys think this is gonna take oh boy okay let's do a long jump here oh no guys this is absolutely crazy we have to make it through here without touching the lava up high or down low we basically have to use the hover nozzle a bit at a time be careful to not touch the floor be careful to not touch this ceiling it's Gonna Be Wild [Music] come on come on come on we're so close come on come on yes yes oh boy that took a few attempts I don't think we can make it back out safely yeah that's all right that was actually so rewarding I'm so glad that we got that yeah value is linked to difficulty the more difficult something is to do the more rewarding it will be when you complete it on you know what I think that maybe we could get a our moon in here also just come through this door here lots of lava let me through please okay we got burned but that's okay is it lava inside here oh thank goodness it is all right wait I don't have enough coins it's 10 coins to play oh no oh no oh man I made it here but we don't have the 10 coins if I get Burns now as I leave yes I get burned as I leave perfect hey can I get any nice coins anywhere can I get 10 coins quickly around here somewhere you have coins there's one coin yeah these purple ones they don't give you regular coins unless you've already collected them if you've already collected them then they're actually worth two coins each right now I haven't collected those so right now they're worth zero coins which is bad for us because we need coins we've got three coins so far where can we get some more okay here's what I can do I could make my way over to these oh and this will actually be perfect look I could get these purple coins then there are some more purple coins that we have and then when we die and we respawn and those should be worth two regular coins each oops I might be in trouble okay so here's what we're going to do we respond and we're just floating right away like this because I was holding the hover nozzle button so we don't get burned I'll come right here these boxes I think they don't have coins right yeah they don't have coins but let's boost up here with this and hold on where were those other coins they were oh they're right there they're right there perfect so let's just come right here now grab that Cappy yes because now they're gray so now they're worth two coins each just fantastic go grab that amazing we've got six coins now and you can go and get those two coins right there look at all the people just walking around on the lava it's insane how they can just walk there but now we have 10 coins oh wait but since I have 10 coins that means that I only have one attempt to do this mini game that we are going to here and if I die then I have to uh oh boy get me in there get me in there get me in there please hey so I only have one attempt to do this otherwise I have to go and collect those coins again this is crazy I've never had so much pressure to do this mini game before okay so we have to go after heart let's see that uh okay I messed up on the very first one oh no oh man I could get oh wait I should have tried to line them up as all Hearts maybe we would have actually gotten some coins but yeah I don't think we get anything for that we get one coin oh man this is so sad that is so sad and Mario just walks out and dies as a punishment okay I've collected 10 coins again but I have only one house so I have to make it in here without dying amazing okay here's another attempt we've gone through the work of collecting 10 coins again hopefully we could win this time last time I messed up on the very first one okay so go after heart right when it shows heart that's when you can throw okay let's get ready get ready and now okay I was almost too late okay I am being very careful to not be too early but after hard to go now okay one more don't mess this up please I don't want to have to collect those 10 coins again please let's get it thank you thank you very very very very very much and we still need about 11 more power boots this is very scary what could we even do for some more power modes let's see where else we can go where else can we go and what else can we do oh there should be an entrance around here that we should be able to make it to right oh oh let's just head in here get in there thank you okay do we get burned right away yes it's normal here that is so nice this is very very very very nice let me through let me through sir please please please let me through thank you very much my friends come on no no no no just let me through let me through there and oh boy oh this is so crazy you know what I'm yelling a lot and my sister actually is over right now she knows that I am recording this but she's gonna think that this is a very intense gameplay here and it is but there now we finally got the power Moon okay just have to finish I just have to finish recording this before I'm able to do some other stuff with my sister we're recording some Roblox videos together planning on giving her some Robux because she's never had Robux before so I think that'll be very fun I think that would be nice guys let me know if you think that it'd be nice if your sibling gave you Robux and you know what why don't we go into that pipe at the end there there should be one or two power moons that we could get here it should be a lot easier with foot wait wait wait are we gonna get burned I'm gonna hover just in case oh oh that's where the lava is the lava isn't on the main part over here the love is just over the just under the rocket there and this should be great hey there's power Moon over there but wait can we just get up nice and high from here what if we go from here like this this is where I do all my training it's a good spot to train look at that that doesn't even get as high enough to make it to the top of this tower that is super interesting whoa boy how did I die I have blood hey you know what that next building is quite a bit higher so maybe we can do something nice from there wait let's go like this what if I run along this and I run along this go like this run boost me swap to this and that's very nice how we were able to make it up to here that's actually very nice oh oh I'd like to get higher please actually oh there's the moon right there give me that Moon okay and come on now there we go that's how we could get the moon okay vaulting up to a high place what if we go up even higher from here can we reach the top oh nice we can make it up here but it doesn't really look like there is anything up here there's no point in really being up here unless are there invisible coins or anything yeah I didn't even see any invisible coins where I checked okay let's just grab this power Moon that is perfect hanging from a high-rise now let's head back to the main Kingdom and get some more power moves oh oh and don't burn me don't burn me uh swap to this perfect perfect we can just make it back like that okay now am I getting burned when I walk out here probably yes yes we are getting burned of course we are getting burned I'd love to have a chat oh I probably actually can go talk to Mayor Pauline I was thinking that maybe I wouldn't be able to go talk to Mayor Pauline I thought that we'd still be able to throw Cappy but we weren't because we were getting burned I could talk to Mayor Pauline but how will I be able to talk to the musicians and get their power modes yeah so if we can find four musicians from here probably wait can I speak to this guy from here all right that's lava too the plants are lava I can't even stand on the edge there how can I talk to this guy I want to talk to you there's nothing nearby that I can stand on to speak with you can't even stand right on the edge of this it looks like even if you stand right on the edge of this oh that was in the edge of it but yeah it looks like wait can I speak to him from here no that's not close enough I don't think this bench will be close enough right oh this bench is way too far to speak to him and even if you stand right on the edge of this you still get burned look at that that's right on the edge there but it looks like we can't have this musician join us unfortunately we can't get his power Moon we've gotta find some other power moons to help us out on our journey I have only one hell the what's a nice way that I can make it across to there I could probably do a long jump from up here or going up there this would probably be better oh and I think there are one or two other power moons around here that we could get that would be nice there should be one power Moon that we could get on that island that would be good as we should be able to just ground pound on this uh on this part from the boss that we defeated that's just grandpound on that and perfect we got I was so worried that we would get burned somehow because the floor is lava but very luckily this object doesn't have a lot of texture so we're still safe yeah it doesn't look like wait unless we could stand by the tree and speak to him from there okay it doesn't look like we can do that and it looks like these benches are too far to speak to him yeah so he can't really have a chat with that guy unfortunately but if I take this across can I uh oh nice I can't help her okay next we can survival that's actually very nice okay but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did I not get a power Moon a moment ago oh I must have gotten damaged after getting the power Moon I was thinking wait why did I not get healed I must have gotten killed and then gotten damaged again let's see if I head up here does that bring us somewhere nice that brings us to here and we can get oh we could get that one and the one up here we should be able to get both of those so let's go for this one first we can just go like that perfect oh and then I just remembered two other power moons that we can get wait will I drop down nicely perfect and now you know what just jump back to here and will this bring us high enough let's see if this brings us high enough for what I want to do oh oh oh oh nice it's not lava up here thank goodness it is not lava up here that's amazing okay so we could just grab that power move blood you did a fantastic job thank you for being the rocket nozzle for us now we just want to get up basically to the top here so you know what taking this amp will probably be the best way to do it we could just get it go yes okay we got it very nice and we just have to float and we have to get very very high here wait am I safe on the edge here yes yes thank goodness we're safe on the edge here because sometimes something might not have its physical texture change to Lava but its hitboxes change to Lava I'm very glad that we're safe here okay and I actually completely messed that up I completely messed up that switch wait can I go like this maybe okay perfect perfect okay let's try this again because there's also that power Moon there in the distance above the pool and here's the one at the very top of the tallest building in the Metro Kingdom so let's get this one on we can shake the controller to climb faster let's grab that right there perfect dizzying Heights pretty cool how you can see all the buildings like this now you want to go there that was a nice dive and looks like we don't even need our flood to get this one oh and there's another Power Moon that we can get by ground pounding down there let's float on over and you know what I probably don't have very many attempts to do this since we get burned by lava every time we try oh how's that is that the right spot yes that is the right spot oh thank goodness that worked okay nice so we got a nice power Moon left at the cafe question mark now we only need one more power Moon which power Moon can we get if we could speak to one of the musicians that'd be amazing like if that musician up there we could have a chat with him that'd be amazing but it doesn't look like there's any Solid Ground near him but I don't think that we could chat with him and get his power Moon we need one power moon what can it be okay so we just took a little break and we need to find one more if only we could just talk to this guy right here look at him look at him talk to me leave any of these musicians but where is another Power Moon that we can get oh I know where there's one more power Moon that we could get this is a power Moon that you can normally get during the night time uh back when the city is still night time before it becomes daytime and this should actually be a very easy one right in here don't burn me don't burn me oh boy stop bumping Mario get back up get back up there and get me into the moon oh boy how am I hanging on to the Oh I thought it was lava on this side actually I thought how am I hanging onto the ledge there with its lava but there we go we got that power Moon that's fantastic now we can go to the next Kingdom that's actually so nice that we were able to just get a nice power moon like that oh wait and we're not going back to the Odyssey I should go back to the Odyssey yeah because I accidentally teleported back here okay so let's go to the Odyssey so there we go we got our 20 power moons now we can go to their next Kingdom is it snow in Seaside next or is it lunch and I can't remember what the order is it's been a little while okay so now we are at another proverbial fork in the road so let's go to to the snow Kingdom first what in the world is this snow Kingdom going to be like with the floor being lava I haven't seen that before Oh Boy and this Kingdom looks so cool with the floor being lava blood is an absolute fantastic help for this mod with the floor being lava oh man this looks so weird there's a snowstorm but it's all lava I've never seen anything like that before hopefully we don't walk into the lava stop Mario it's lava this is so strange it's all lava here this is absolutely wild how are we even going to get there this is going to be crazy hey it's nice that we start off on top of the Odyssey wait I know that there's normally a captain Toad off that way are we going to be able to make it to Captain Toad I guess we want to go down there but hold on I know that there's a captain tone somewhere over here hold on where is it normally a captain tone somewhere up here can we reach him where is he or is he oh I think he's in here actually hold on can we make it oh no it's lava in there so can we even talk to him yeah look he has his speech bubble but we can't talk with him we can't get the power Moon from him that's crazy we actually made it over to the captain Toad but uh we good to get the power Moon from him oh wait is there a power Moon up here I can't remember if there's a power Moon up here or not there's something over here maybe shiny spot where there's a power moon no it looks like they're just coins up here unfortunately I guess we have to drop down here right let's go in here all right there we go now we're making it to what is it called chevarian town I think and wait is it lava here oh thank goodness we landed on a platform instead of falling right into lava that's nice hey getting up there should be easy should be able to just go like this and bounce on over and get that perfect perfect now will I be able to float perfect we're able to float amazing swap the different nozzle here now wait can we reach there or no oh boy wrong button oh no oh no this could be bad get me up there okay now give me the moon don't kill me okay we're standing on the very edge of the chest I don't know how this is happening let me come forward a little bit let's open this and thank goodness we didn't fall off when I was opening the chest that made me very nervous but now where are we going to want to go do we go down here is there anything nice for us down here can we get inside here or no let's see let me in oh my goodness we can actually get inside there ah but we don't have a hundred coins if we had 100 coins we'd be able to buy a power Moon I wonder if we'll have to do that because where else can we get power moons in this King don't burn me okay we got burned right away that's all right now let's see this should be able to boost us up nicely and let's just float along in here oh the walls are lava too not only is the floor love of the walls are lava oh no oh no wait is it gonna be Lava here too is it lava here too I'm gonna die aren't I I'm dead so we actually end up responding here instead of back at the entrance so that might make it a little bit easier to get to here because we know that there's going to be a spot that we have to ground pound on over there so let's just refill our water here and the ground pound spot is somewhere around here let's see will that work yes perfect perfect give me the power boom there we go very nice we got the power moon shining in the snow in town okay that one was a little bit tricky but we got it so that's fantastic and let's see can we just land back here is this safe amazing amazing thank goodness this doesn't have fire Collision so I might just try going through all the doors that we can because we need a lot of power moons still wait what the oh oh you know why that's I thought wait why did the power Moon just spawn right away but you know why that power Moon spun because the floor here is lava so all those spideys over there just got defeated immediately which is kind of funny there's also going to be another Power moon for us up there and how can we get there nicely that is the question let's get on top of this I think I think that'll be nice love it that way don't blow me off Bros I do not wish to be blown off okay now go like this and let's just hover over to here and ground pound and another nice and easy power move for us man this room might actually be easier playing it this way than it is normally in the game because normally you need to capture that Thai food down there and then you use him to defeat all the spinies here but oh oh I actually took damage wait where are we oh boy I didn't even see where we were for a second because there's so much boy go over here but yeah the floor there is office all the spiders are just defeated immediately and then we can just grab the spiny which is very funny so now we can just head back to the main area we need five more power moons yeah five more power moons okay we went to the bottom left the let's head up this way wait is this going to be where the boss is I don't want to really go to the one with the boss you've got to be careful to not accidentally run out of water we're going a bit slow because we're hovering backwards like this but we made it through the loading zone okay okay this is where the boss is ah hold on is the floor lava down there I hope it isn't okay so you know what let's try this is I do a back flip or a long jump you know maybe a long jump let's try this like this boost me swap to this hover on over and there it is there it is we're so close we're so close let's just see uh what if I go like this and amazing that's so nice that we got that that's very nice okay now can I just uh come back or should I face the boss up there you know what if we need the power Moon I'm gonna go up and try and face the boss otherwise oh I can't throw cat because we're burned okay yeah when Mario is burned and he's in the air like that you can't throw Cappy until you land and your burn is over so let's just come out of here am I gonna die right away I died right away I couldn't even float I was holding the hover button oh he just walked onto the lava floor there oh and we walked on to the lava floor again hopefully there's not a spot where you just end up instantly dying and you soft block yourself that'd be very sad if that happened wait what in the world damaged me there well anyways let's go to another door let's try going to that one there let's just make our way through here this should be fine right don't get burned don't get burnt okay nice made it through the door oh we're not going to be able to grab all the Goombas and activate the Goomba switch there because all the Goombas are dead because the floor is lava but you should still be able to grab this one quite easily look at the glow of this lava oh boy I almost missed it and fell into lava okay but that is a very nice and easy power room that we got there just hovered on over with the hover nozzle the hover nozzle is actually so useful in this mod man this really makes me want to play Super Mario Sunshine somewhere I never beat that game as a kid I played it quite a bit as a kid and I really enjoyed it I like the movement a lot in it but I would always get stuck and I couldn't make it past a certain point okay so let's go here now and there's one more room here we still need three more power moves will we be able to get both of the power moons here there's one in the chest and then there's the other one where you have to collect the have to collect these here oh this shouldn't be too bad at all actually wait I wonder if those enemies are going oh the enemies are still here that's actually well and wait wait don't accidentally go down into the lava oh let's come here all right got that one that's nice hey wait load up oh oh don't swap don't swap don't swap okay good good good we are doing oh that actually scared me I didn't expect that to come up how often do you get jump scared by those oh and I forgot that the water here is actually icy and you don't want to stay in the water for too long but yeah you don't want to go too low into the water because if you go too low into the water there's actually lava down there and guys you can leave a comment about what happens when water and lava come in contact in Minecraft like look if we go too low here you actually do get burned which might be a little bit surprising okay let's see can I get boosted up here please and and we make it high enough ah not really can I reach that please can I reach that I don't know if we can reach that nicely come on no [Applause] from here this might actually be easier let's go like this jump up boost me swap to that oh and this is actually so easy look at how we can just float over like this and we still have plenty of water so that's actually a super easy power Moon and there's one other power Moon that we can still get in this room before we leave this room okay there are still two power moons that we need now is it better to float from here is it better to use the rocket nozzle yeah we definitely need the rocket nozzle with the hover nozzle we can't make it uh-oh okay gotta be careful down to two HP but let's do this rocket nozzle let's long jump rocket nozzle swap to this one and now just make it onto the chest make it onto the chest bro make it onto the chest bro and perfect okay now don't knock me off amazing amazing we got the power Moon one more power moon to go so let's go face the boss wait and I think the boss just gives you a regular power Moon not a multi-moon so that'll be perfect that'll be exactly what we need too bad we couldn't get a power Moon from Captain Toad and do bad we couldn't get that one Goomba power Moon yeah only one barrier to go so wait can I land here please perfect okay now let's just fill up on water and let's head up here oh no I'm going backwards so we're going quite slowly it's super cool that you could swap from one nozzle back to the hover nozzle and then you could keep hovering that is actually such a useful trick to know I guess we want to make it up to the very top now what is the best way to do that is there any ground there that we can reach I hope that there's some ground somewhere around here that we'd be able to reach uh what could I even do what could I do what can I land on you can go here wait wait wait is that ground right there no there's probably lava under this right let's just lava there oh oh oh right there we can probably land right there in between that actually maybe not let's see if we can lay in there if we could land there that would be amazing oh swap to the wrong one oh oh wait but from here we should just be able to head up like this wait let me swap there and back okay there now we could use the hover nozzle some more let's just be careful with this okay now float on over wait it looks like it still is lava in here yeah it's not ground there it still is lava wait can I land on top of this wooden block please oh we almost landed on it I don't know if you can land on it I hope you can oh wait actually there's just a wooden block right there that might be even easier I didn't realize there were one of these wooden pegs right here we're not moving very quickly so let's just be careful and land on it perfect okay now how high can we get from here that is the question let's see and where do we want to land oh there are one of these right here so we should be able to land on this oh or we could even use that Gusty wind to blow us up oh but we don't have a lot of water here because we're not really standing on this wait what if we come up like this uh right now can you boost me up a bit not super high okay so let's just make it to there oh Lambda oh thank goodness okay there we go there we go now our water's filling up because you have to be standing on land for your water to fill up it's quite convenient and now how hard is this boss fight going to be I am quite scared wait why isn't the boss fight getting triggered do I have to get closer and okay there we go that triggered the bus I was worried I was wondering wait are we going to be able to trigger the boss fight without Landing in lava hopefully we don't get damaged right as the boss fight starts okay we are back now I had to take a little break I got a call from my parents but now uh how are we going to defeat this guy you know what this should actually be not bad because look to just be able to go like this can I bounce on his head just throw your hat and perfect there we go what's going on why am I being brought back to here oh no don't hurt me bro don't hurt me bro no no no no no no he pushed me into the lava that's so cheap and I've restarted from down here no so I have to make it back up to the boss that's so ridiculous okay so this is definitely the hardest boss fight that we've had yet what the what in the world would even hurt me there what hurt me there Hey where's this guy going come on I gotta get on your head bro there's your head okay there we are there we are okay now just let me recover hey now just let me uh get away from you no that is so ridiculous you know just don't hurt me just leave me alone bro leave me alone bro just let me run let me run let me run let me run let me run let me run let me run let me run let me run run run run run run run run run wait what if I just land on him now oh that was an okay second hit okay now just let me stay away from him don't come to me bro don't come to me bro don't come to me bro stay away from me bro stay away from me bro stay away from me bro whoa whoa whoa what if I bounce up onto your head now and are you defeated now oh my goodness that was so ridiculously difficult oh oh and I have to keep a hovering uh we've still gotta get the moon wait where are we going to spawn are we still at our same spot or are we moved oh okay nice we just start off on the ground over here okay that's perfectly fine because now I can just go like that straight into the moon and we can finally get out of here this was definitely the hardest boss fight that we have had by far but thankfully we can just go back to the Odyssey now because we do have enough power moons I am very grateful for that oh that's funny that it's still snowing here there's lava all over the floor but it's snowing okay now we can head to the seaside Kingdom which should be absolutely Splendid goodbye snowstorm so the luncheon Kingdom already had a bit of where even is the kingdom all I see is just lava everywhere it's just lava oh wait wait Seaside for some reason I thought that it would be luncheon okay yeah Seaside that's a lot of love can I even get underwater there's supposed to be an underwater section how in the what am I supposed to do here what am I supposed to do here it's all lava how would you even do this without flood I think with flood I do have a chance of getting some power moons like this one right here I can get that sure but where else am I going to go what other power moves can we get well I guess I could go to that one there hold on if we don't run out of water before we make it there oh we might not be fast enough it might not be fast enough running out of water and go good job Kathy bringing us here okay there's a second power dude we are actually getting power moves here incredibly quickly but I might soon run out of easy power boots like this I think there should be a relatively easy power Moon that we can get down this way so well uh actually we have to make it into this pipe that's the first problem this is probably going to be the hardest part let's see and come on just let me in there come on we've had a problem like this in oh perfect that worked we had a problem like this in the wooded Kingdom before now wait is it here oh I thought it was around here gotta be somewhere around here I thought it was around here or is it top left again okay there it is yeah I remember having some trouble with these sections in Super Mario Odyssey with Shadow clothes oh and I have to make sure that I'm hovering okay perfect and we didn't get burned right away amazing now where are we going to hover to wait a minute what in the world is this even oh this is one of the corks that gets shut out actually this is one of the fountains those snails they're just sitting in the lava hey there's a sub-area up here so that might be a good idea and by a good idea I mean possibly one of the only things that we might be able to do actually so let's come on up here grab it nice we didn't even get burned that's great hopefully this sub area will be relatively safe but then there are still a few more other power moons that we have to get oh and you know what this should be pretty easy with flood because with flood just go like this right and you just Swap and go back like that and then we can just float on over to here so we should be able to get a very easy power moon right in here you can see there's a chest there Kathy will open it up we get this chest and then we can just float on over to the end here let's just get up and oh I probably should have done a long jump thing we would have been moving a bit more quickly whoops I keep doing that because you have to tap right and left to swap between the different nozzles and sometimes I accidentally trigger the snapshot mode like that there's another Power moon for us so that's already five power moves so we only need five more and I have to make sure to be hovering here because we don't want to take damage as we pop out hopefully okay good we can prevent it great now wait is there another Power Moon up there I don't know if we can make it up there with this that'll be very hard I don't know I don't know let's see if we can get up high enough let's try this how high can we get and we might be able to reach that actually maybe maybe we might be getting burned but we might actually be able to reach Also let's see and come on land there perfect okay that's actually a great one I'm so glad we were able to get that okay there's a blank painting there so that's six power moons we only need four more this is going great so far this is going so much better than I thought it would but what other power boots can we get where else are there power moons definitely can't do the volleyball one can we into volleyball can we wait what if we go in here oh oh and I just remembered another Power Moon boost me up please no we were getting I don't know if I couldn't activate it because we were getting burned or if something else prevented me from that okay let's try jumping down here and be careful all right and push me up nice you can get boosted up like that go there there's a lot to keep track of there okay we might be able to make this let's see it float here okay now swap to that one boost me up swap to this one and let me in the door go Cappy let's go Cappy Yes we made it in very nice oh I love this section this was a super fun section okay so we should be able to get if we play properly then we should be able to get two of them we should be able to get two power moons if I make a mistake then we'll only get one oh wait but we have blood actually hold on I should actually go back and try and do this section with just blood without using the captures I think that would make this more interesting since we are playing the flood mod let's just pop out of that guy and now we'll try and do this section without using the captors oh I actually just bounced off of that guy over there hopefully that still counts as not using the captures Don't Spray me okay I'm still safe it's all right don't spray me bro I'm gonna come here Don't Spray me Don't Spray me Don't Spray me over there come over here now do we want to get higher I think we might want to get higher actually so let's get ready okay now we can float on over this way do I have to go through those paintings actually I don't think I actually have to go through them do I okay because it looks like we want to come down there we're almost out of water can't really see where we're going but that's okay okay we have plenty of water now oh and they're poisoned walls over there so this is gonna be tricky so let's go like this I'm moving backwards I would like to not be moving backwards because when you're moving forwards it seems like you go more quickly I I won't have enough water doing this will I oh I gotta make it to that chest oh no there's no way we're making it we're almost out of water oh no oh no oh no oh that is so sad that's so sad oh man we don't get that power moon now it probably would be possible but yeah we got a bit unlucky well we didn't get unlucky I just didn't play that too well because we are moving backwards if I did a long jump then we would have been moving faster all right let's try this again but this time I'm gonna do a long jump so now we'll be moving more quickly and this should be great hopefully now we'll have enough work yeah look we're barely even using any water and we're already making it to the treasure chest the lesson learned well I guess we already knew the lesson but you move a lot more quickly from the long jump than when you're moving backwards at least in this game because Super Mario 64 in the original version at least your backward speed is uncapped so you can use bljs to move very quickly just use a bunch of backwards long jumps to go up a stair uh to go up a set of stairs okay now we we actually only need two more power moves that is wild where else can we get some power moons let's see let's come up here and there's another side area over here that I actually forgot to stop by I am a bit disoriented because everything is all lava here we've gotta get in there basically so what if we go like this wait is it just water there is it just water oh my goodness oh boy I bumped okay but but this should be super easy you could even do this section without flood you could go like this oh boy not like that you bunk like that you should be able to do this section without flood anyways by going like this and uh you know what you know what you know I'll maybe get boosted up a little bit just because the floor is lava there we go that helped us out a little bit we got just a little boost there but yeah normally when the floor isn't lava it's not too difficult to get up there without using flood but since the floor is lava and we have blood we could have flood help us out a bit I just need one more power Moon oh you know where we could probably get one yeah there's probably one just right up there and blood will make our lives a lot easier because we could just get it just like that and that's enough power moons we're already done this Seaside Kingdom that was incredibly fast that is probably faster than how long it normally takes me to do the kingdom blood has been a very great asset to us and what is our next Kingdom going to be now it should be the luncheon Kingdom right so the luncheon Kingdom it already does have a bunch of that pink goopy lava so what is it going to be like now when other stuff is loving does that just mean that everything's going to be love and where can I even stand just on little platforms or little things that are sticking off out of the level oh man that is a very very very very pink Kingdom looks like there's a lot of pink stuff here yeah that's actually so cool that they made the lava here the same pink that is in the rest of the Kingdom that is really really cool okay so you know what we've basically gotta go for whatever we can get wait a minute wait a minute what are we going to do here wait can I go like this okay I activated that now don't grab the cap right away okay okay okay it looks like this will be possible okay I was wondering if we'd be able to actually get it or not but there we are a very nice power Moon Force to start off with for some reason I thought that I wouldn't have flood but it's just you lose access to Cappy not blood but that's all right and then next we can just float on over to this very quickly because we could just use the hover nozzle to boost over to that could another Power Moon even quickly this might seem faster than a normal playthrough right now because of the way that we're using flood but I think things are going to start to slow down soon or wait isn't there another Power moon right here I think we should be able to get one right in here yeah oh boy stop bunking Mario go there go there go there go there get it perfect very nice lurking in the pillar Shadow but wait where do I even go to land now everything is all lava where can I even go to land I guess we could step on this platform oh boy I like go just a moment too soon oh but look all the enemies that are normally here they're not here because everything is just this pink goop because it's all lava down here and wait over here there's going to be a boss fight Ken oh no no no no no no no no no okay good good I almost used that rock nozzle over there oh great and the boss fight gets triggered are we going to be able to go or no no okay let's see he's nice we just start here perfect okay let's see get him and perfect absolutely perfect okay now let's see what if I jump right now oh no I could have actually jumped on him too bad that that didn't work you know what I should just focus on trying to do the boss fight correctly instead of trying to do it quickly because we don't want to die we have only two health so that's not the worst case scenario could definitely be worse let's get him very nice okay two hits on him let's just be careful you know what I'll try and jump on him now let's see and yes okay we got the hit on him okay so he's almost defeated okay this might be very nice actually go and let's get him now perfect perfect okay we have two Health oh it looks like it's raining down on him right now from our flood right there in this cutscene but let's see can we get the moon without dying is this the first time we've defeated a brutal in floors lava without like oh wow that's so weird that I just appeared down there and you know what to celebrate let's do this wait oh I can just move around freely oh wait why is the power Moon just up there oh that's so weird I just jumped by to the right and we saw Mario's outline there look and I can still move around here oh now I can't move around anymore that's so weird that I suddenly froze just now but wait am I going to get burned by the uh lava right now because it looks like I stepped into the lava so let's see if I get burned right now or not and oh I guess I didn't step off okay that's great wait what the how many caps do I have I thought that maybe I'd have two caps now because it looked like there were double Cappies there okay and let's go down here because there will be a nice quick power Moon that we could get down here and oh this isn't love okay so this is perfect so we could just head on over like this grab the power Moon and now we can just float back or we can even just use happy and bounce along like that but I'm getting so used to using flood flood is such a nice crutch that we can have okay but we did get burned there unfortunately but shouldn't be a problem to get up here and if we run along I think there's one nice power Moon over here that we can get right I think we can just go up here there's one right up here if we ground pound right is that it I think that's it and then there's another one hidden in another similar Blue Area like this okay let's just grab that and that's another nice power Moon now wait are the roofs over here also going to be Lava that's another question that I have we could possibly head down into that area and play the game you know what let's do that let's do that it might be a oh oh that's lava can I not get in here then because look this right here is lava oh we can still get in even though that was lava we walked into that door in a very strange way hey let's do this now we've done one of these before in the Metro Kingdom and let's try and do the same thing here in the Metro Kingdom we are a lot more restricted on coins hopefully over here we could also do all right okay I want to make sure to not mess this up hey give me whatever that's all right we still have 42 coins let's just be careful you know what I actually want to try something risky what if we go like this okay nice we got three at once should I try and be risky again yeah the time that I try and play it safe we don't get it try and play it more risky we get it okay so seven power moons so far we still need 11 more so let's just make our way out of here so funny how Mario walks out like that okay but you just need to get up here now and I think uh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's lava oh no the top of those buildings are lava that is tricky okay but should just be able to uh break that and then that'll spawn a moon and we might get burned after grabbing that we might not let's just do a wall jump off of that and Float on over okay as long as we keep floating we should be okay maybe we could step on those fruits slash vegetables there perfect and wait isn't there a shiny spot here with the moon I think there is right here right oh there my bro and give me that Moon all right perfect now then we do want to grab one of those golden turnips down there and throw it into that soup I don't think we could really do that since that pink area down here is a lava now we are going to have to do some different things oh wait a minute wait a minute what are we even going to do here wait could we even get this guy we might be able to get this guy this might be tricky though how are we going to get him because look he spawns here if I hit him with Cappy I hope I don't knock him off let's see let's see and nice nice we got him okay now can we jump to there that is the question let's see can we jump that far go I'd like to face the opposite way I'd like to face that way without falling off perfect okay and can we jump to there that is the question and come on come on because if we go in the Loft I think we're dead okay this is amazing now can I break that I have to break the cheese there and get the lever okay almost there oh boy oh boy oh boy we almost gotta come on break it please oh no I need one more oh wait can I just jump to that can I go like this oh we made it we made it we made it okay now just break this without breaking the thing that you're standing on come on now if you just step back now please just get that come on come on come on get the one get the one that's right there come on yes we got it oh boy yeah okay let's jump out this way no no no no no I don't want to get this guy okay you know what I'll go like this and come up here and just hit that switch please and now that will let us get another Power Moon that was quite tricky with the floor being lava because you have to be careful to not lose the hammer bro there but getting to here couldn't be a problem now we don't even need flood for that section and that's very nice now we unlocked some more of the level later on and I think that we should be able to get all the power moons here well sorry not all the power moons all the power moons we need what is that down there I wonder yeah what is that block over there is that just something there so that we can stand on wait is this area not lava now I wonder if that's actually not lava or if it just looks like it isn't lava let's see what if I step off here oh it's actually not lava okay but you know what to keep things interesting I am going to try to avoid that I think that would make it more interesting if I try to avoid that as if it was lava so let's jump out like this hey then we want to float here and then we can just grab that power Moon that's another Power moon for us and I'll just make my way over to that grading here because this would be safe whether the floor was lava or not I don't want you to hit me with your pans oh and you know where we could just go I was thinking how are we gonna make it over here we could just use flood to get us up here and there should be an easy power Moon Force right there perfect grounded by tall mountains we don't need too many more power moons now so we should oh oh and this here it is all lava of course it does make sense that this is all lava oh and there's a checkpoint flag right there so let's grab that and we could get three power moons from this but we're still gonna need more power moons after that oh yeah we can trigger this cutscene where the bird is gonna come and get this jumping slab of meat but we're not gonna have enough power moons to complete this Kingdom we could go to a sub area maybe oh and then there's also that power moon on top of the little section up there okay so the bird drops us off here we pop out and we should be able to just float over like this grab that multi-moon and we're almost done here we need just a few more and the dragon boss fight is going to be incredibly difficult with the floors love I think hopefully flood can help us out a lot even with blood it might still be very difficult wait uh are we getting burned right now we are aren't we yeah we're just getting burned right now that's so funny that after our cutscene you just stand in the lava and after Kathy's done talking that's when you get burned okay so you still needs three more power moves so we can get that one up there and then maybe the two in the sub area all right guys it's time for our plan we just took a little break let's try this now let's see how far we can get with just this hover nozzle we should whoops we should be able to make it over to that sub area no problem and you know what oh boy and I keep pressing up over there and I'm trying to press left and right to make things even easier we should just be able to get this right here this checkpoint flag and oh no oh no oh no but I'm going backwards now when you go backwards you go not very quickly but that is all right because we're in here okay now we're in here all right and this one shouldn't be too bad especially since we have flood let's just go like this yeah all right got nice and high wait wait oh I was wondering if maybe I could uh use a boost like this like that oh what did it not boost me up that was so strange but let's try this bring me up and Float on over to here go copy uh-oh can I not throw Cappy anymore I can't throw Cappy anymore can I land on this I can't land on that save me oh boy we're saved baby we should try and just do this the normal way because then we could actually uh get somewhere and do something like that and give me that yes okay very nice now click me that way and we'll just hover on over oh to that power move there we are okay and I think we could keep hovering can we exit without touching the floor that is the new challenge try and exit without touching the floor how much water do we have we have plenty of water I almost touched the floor there can I exit without touching the floor here let's see let me out I don't know how much water we have left and there we go we made it great okay now we probably do want to get boosted up we need only one more power Moon which is amazing gotta be careful gotta be careful don't fall off Mario get me to here right there perfect and now we've got to get to that power moon right there is this enough height let's see I hope that this is enough height yeah that's plenty of height there and we should be able to just get them I think we could reach that because look there's a lot of lava around here actually it's gonna be a little bit close come on now okay great we got it we probably can't get somewhere safely without getting burned though is there any land around here actually there's some land right there oh wait actually actually we can land on that perfect okay great now we have enough moons now we can just teleport back to the Odyssey and we can go to the next Kingdom already we're getting so close to finishing the game so we are now over 100 power moons which is very nice don't have a lot of Kingdoms left but I am a little bit scared at how difficult some of these kingdoms might be so next up is the ruin Kingdom it's gonna say that we're going to the Bowser Kingdom but we are of course going to be ambushed first and we're going to end up in the ruined Kingdom how difficult is this going to be with floors lava this is one of the kingdoms that I was most scared of okay so the Odyssey is rumbling right now Cappy says we are shaking we go outside and of course we are met with none other than Bowser on top of a giant dragon this is one of the hardest boss fights in the game with Shadow clone Odyssey it was quite difficult and I can't even begin to imagine how hard it's going to be with Florence lava but hopefully flood will help us out a bit and make it quite a bit easier hopefully though the dragon destroys our Odyssey we're at the lost kingdom and there's lava here oh and we get bird right away I see I see okay that is a nice welcome to this Kingdom getting burned like that now what's the best way to get there what if we go like this boost me up okay and just take the hover nozzle over that's perfect that was a nice fast way to make it over oh I probably should have gotten the power Moon back there because that would have healed us wait I'm not gonna take damage here am I it just float on over wait how in the world am I going to do this do I have to just stand on these basically this is going to be an incredibly tough boss fight how in the world would you do this without flood and if I ground pound on those spots do I fall into the lava because those Mounds go down into the lava I hope not and I get burned at the start of the fight you know what I've got to try ground pounding on this I missed it okay so we get burned at the start of the fight that's all right we know that now now let's just land here carefully or you know what okay there we go there you go okay I was flattened for a moment or sorry not flattened I don't even know what I wanted to say I don't know why I said flattened I wasn't flattened I was burned what happened after that okay now let's head on over to this fella here and just let's get ready whoops let's get ready to take these up perfect as soon as possible but like this one down two down three down oh and then he can just ground pound right away I forgot that you can't just I forgot that you actually can't just Grandpa right here no oh we didn't get burned we didn't get burned thank goodness oh boy oh boy be careful don't float up all right this is what we've gotta do this is what we've gotta do no no how did I die what killed me how much health did I have okay let's get this heart now get in place okay I'm almost dead but that's okay that's okay let's get one more heart here oh and soon we're going to have to use the rocket nozzle oh actually maybe in a moment let's see there we go okay nice nice we're going to be able to get a nice second hit on this fella over here hopefully we will let's see come on come on come on come on come on and go ground pound perfect perfect perfect very happy with this now we only have to do this one more time looks like this is a nice place to stay so look when these start to come over we can just stay up high like this and they won't reach because we are hovering okay whoa oh boy oh boy oh boy away I didn't realize more were still coming oh oh get ready and boost me to there amazing now let's just hover over okay this is actually so much easier with blood once you have it set up once you have everything set up and ready it becomes so much easier and that should be it he should be defeated now there we go that was not too bad once you realize that when you let go of the hover button you can still keep moving if you have some momentum oh wait but we didn't collect the power Moon actually am I getting burned now okay I got burned where I was but that's okay because we should be able to get this wait where is it where is it is it right here is it right here perfect thank goodness we got that imagine dying to Lava after defeating this boss that would be incredibly sad okay I just went to go get some water because I thought the Cappy would talk to us after we get this power moon but it looks like Mario has just been repeatedly dying the whole time that I've Been Gone So now that we have these three power moves from defeating that pulse let's go to the next Kingdom finally going to the Bowser Kingdom the floors lava at the Bowser Kingdom might be very difficult what are we going to do with the bosses they're the two mini bosses the two brutals there hopefully the floor isn't lava on those platforms otherwise that would be insanely difficult and as for the final boss here I actually don't think that it'll be too difficult because we have blood I really think that flood will help us out a lot and Mario don't walk into the lava please don't infiltrate Bowser's Castle more like Bowser's lava Castle how is that guy standing on lava is it because of his sandals did they protect him from lava oh and we do get burned to start up this is it The Showdown all right Cappy so what are we going to do are we just going to float over this gate instead of oh the gate does open for you even when you're a pie like this all the Goombas that are spawning down there you can see that they're all just being defeated because well the floor is lava oh and how am I even going to do this okay perfect we reach thank goodness we reached otherwise I would have had to have been burned oh no no no no no no no I just want to throw captains that wait no no no there and perfect okay we've at least got that which is nice wait am I gonna be able to catch the uh you know what over here oh wait I think it doesn't even matter though okay look is this guy spawning here but what we can do wait stand on it oh what I can't stand on that oh no I thought I'd be able to stand on that but I guess that burns you too hey but there should be a power Moon back here right I should have waited until I had more water I think oh nice but the roof is safe and there is just a power Moon Force right here oh I probably should have prepared my rocket so that I could get boosted let's see can I get boosted now please please no no it's we want to go over here hopefully our rocket nozzle boost this enough so that we don't have any trouble very nice now just bring me up high here oh and there is our next you know what to capture get a Cappy thank you for not missing that Cappy you're doing fantastic and it's great that we have a little platform here that we could land on too oh no I would like to hey why why did we bounce out there why am I running up okay I need that checkpoint flag let's see stop this Mario I'll go and get it perfect and that heals us that's amazing but guys look at this look at what is going to be over here okay first can we go like this great place to man now can I get these music notes with Cappy that is the question or whoa whoa Captain you're actually doing great okay let's see and now we'll just hover happy and flood you gotta both help you out come on now oh no I didn't get him okay so a few times I was able to do all them except for one or all of them except for two this is actually going great oh no oh no oh no oh no that burn might have cost us this attempt come on yes yes yes we got it we got oh wait I didn't get the power Moon yet though I gotta get the power Moon I gotta get the power Moon gotta get the power Moon yes oh man that was so satisfying to get everyone as you all know value is linked to difficulty the more difficult something is oh boy where's my hover nozzle okay that's not how the expression goes the more difficult something is the more rewarding it is when you complete it whether it is a big goal a situation you're forced into or an arbitrary goal that you set for yourself but if I jump off that way and try and get up onto this roof well almost Dove off on back there there's a little slot that you want to stick your nosy into but we can't capture one of those guys because it keeps being fired well that's right we actually do have to defeat this guy down here I'm pretty sure once you try and squish me and let me up on your nose I mean not your nose your head here and let me ground pound you now I don't want to die I don't want to die let me just get this power Moon perfect okay there we go we're gonna fall right onto it I hope and not into the lava perfect we fell right into the power boot amazing exactly what I needed wait a minute for this upcoming section I'm starting to wonder if it actually will be possible because there's something that we need to unlock the next gate but I'm not sure if we'll be able to reach what we have to reach because look look oh oh those stairs are lava too I didn't expect that because look we have to hit one of those bombs against one of these boxes but I'm not sure if we'll be able to do that because we do need all of the uh five Moon shards to make it to the next section but I'm not sure if that'll be possible okay wait let's go like that come on now whoa nope come back come here let me get it perfect there we go we got it we got it all right and let's just come on up yo boy thank you okay now let's go a bit higher so that we could see where we have to go okay we need that one there so that should be easy and then I think there's also one on the opposite side get that please good job okay now there's just the one down here can I just take my controller yeah onwards to make it go down because Mark him throw it upwards but can I make him throw it down I don't know if we could reach that like this okay so you know what we can do we can just okay our rocket prepare for trouble okay I missed it let's try again are you ready prepare for trouble I yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah can we come back can we come back please let me come back sir please let me come back sir and that's fine I have only one HP actually maybe this isn't fine where could I go can I please land up here please ah we are so close Okay but that's all right it's easy to make it back here wait wait is the Box no no I was thinking yeah is the Box automatically destroyed for you in this game in floors lava because normally I thought that you had to explode this but since these bombs that come out automatically explode you can't capture the bird and push the bomb into the box to explode the Box because look those birds there they just keep exploding well that's very nice if it is broken for us because that actually makes this mod possible so that's fantastic I was worried that we might actually get stuck and things might actually be impossible there is a mod creator for Super Mario 64 that made Super Mario 64 but almost everything is lava I'd really like to play that sometime I think that would be very fun if I remember correctly the mod Creator is thuds who also made Sonic in Super Mario 64 which is pretty cool I've played one of the Sonic and Super Mario 64 mods but I haven't played through normal Super Mario 64. with Sonic yet hey now let's see let's capture this guy are we safe on lava amazing if this guy can walk on lava because he's just a stone like this doesn't it remind you a bit of Tanuki Leaf Mario the stone power up in Super Mario 3D Land okay now we just need that and it should be all right oh why in the world did I ground pound I just wanted to exit out of it I don't know if I pressed it twice or if I was holding the button but that was really weird that we actually Grandpa to get a copy good job copy all right now let's get going oh oh we're gonna have the mini bosses over here we're gonna have to battle some brutals go copy hey you didn't grab it so I have to grab it that's all right because we're still safe ah the platforms are lava up there aren't they it looks like the pup am I only allowed to stand on that little tiny square right there is that what I have to do I have to do the boss fight there hopefully I didn't get burned and hopefully I don't get burned wait why am I doing this side first too I I don't know which one's gonna be harder they're both going to be very difficult all right let's face this lady this is actually unbelievable let's see go hit it back whoa whoa that worked now wait how am I gonna land on her head this is so hard oh no where's your head give me your head give me your head no I'm back in a bubble in your head in your head okay I guess this is how we have to return to her though we have to anticipate it oh no oh no and we're dead so as you guys can see this is going to be a bit of a difficult fight but hopefully uh oh hopefully flood will help us out a bit let's go perfect no the bomb still hit me oh my goodness even after that okay at least we gotta hit there so that's all right now just be careful don't drop bombs on me don't drop bombs on me don't drop bubbles on me go what did that exploded by me too oh no I'm already down to one hell this is very very tricky oh don't explode near me don't explode near me okay good okay no go go I didn't hit them back at her go oh no oh no is she gonna do the big spinning soon uh oh don't hit me please go okay and nice nice okay we should be able to get a second hit on her yes yes there we go there we go there we go very good hey now where are you going to go don't touch me okay guys we actually have a chance we have a chance this is terrifying but we have a chance go oh don't explode near me okay let's see go come on hit it oh no don't explode near me oh this is so scary oh boy is he gonna use the purple ones now yeah here comes the purple one okay go explode okay hit it jump oh no don't explode near me no what can I even do what can I even do look there's the fire down there I just have to try and stay up as long as I can oh no please go away other fire please go away other fire please go away other fire what shall I do oh I can land safely now oh boy I'll hit that no when it's spun around it hit me and I worked so hard to survive there okay okay okay this should be great guys this should be great guys I have a very very good chance of winning this come on even if we we didn't even take damage there oh my goodness guys this is our best shot yet might actually be damageless I'm not gonna try and do damage this I'm just gonna try it do it just to uh just to survive if possible come on okay I missed all those that's fine okay now here comes this one and get ready now stay up and hit that oh we didn't even get hit there okay so it looks like if you don't jump there that's a safe way to do it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come here okay give me your head give me your head you little rabbit okay but that's actually fantastic now just don't die don't die don't die oh wait I thought that we have to collect the power Moon so it doesn't even matter if we die right now I okay but uh maybe we shouldn't have just ran off into the lava I thought that I would be hovering for some reason because I was holding the hover button but we were just on the floor yeah I think dying before we start this next boss might be a good idea just so we could start with full health you guys think this rabbit boss fight is going to be harder or easier oh you guys think that this rapid boss fight is going to be harder or easier I don't know if this one's going to be harder or easier hey hey he's just like running right up to me bro bro stay back stay back okay but you can just bounce on him like that I'm pretty sure okay now we just need his hats to stay back maybe this will be all right all we have to do is basically jump or throw cap you and these guys start to come close oh and there are even other hearts that we could collect if we take damage but this might actually be not bad at all might be not too bad at all hey hey no chasing no chasing okay now just just go like I missed them I missed them I missed them got a switch okay nice I was able to do a good swap there okay attack now attack Pro me bounce on you right there nice two hits on him what the oh oh I guess I fell into there okay that's fine oh I like that we were invulnerable for a moment so we just bounced off okay you know what I wouldn't mind that Park also if we could just get that part right there oh perfect we got it okay back to full health okay that's actually great whoa whoa whoa whoa I thought they would hurt me okay now he's got a lot of caps let's go nice and high like this now just come on down and where are you there we are oh my goodness that was so much easier than the previous one blood is an absolute fantastic help trying to do this without flawed would be incredibly tough that'd be so hard you'd have to be so good and so wait where am I okay there we are there we are okay it'd have to be so good and so precise with your Cappy Dives and everything if you try to do that without blood my goodness I'm so grateful that we have blood here to help us with this Flores Odyssey floor is Odyssey floor is lava Mario Odyssey playing here Mario Odyssey but the floor is honesty that'd be so funny too the floor is just like the Odyssey everywhere all you do is you just step over so many broken Odysseys and repaired Odysseys and red and green odyssey's Odysseys of every color all right we're almost at the final boss here I don't think that this will be too hard with flood even though the floor is lava you should be able to just um oh hold on first of all we can just get here go like that boost up and Float over but I think there's a power Moon earlier that I forgot about that I forgot to get one of the ones on the roof back there but that's all right that's all right because we're doing fine just boost up like this float along to here is this guy gonna come and squish this for us if he comes and squishes this that'd be very nice of him come here please sir sir please squish this what's up I'd like you to come here come here here I am there you go please squish it thank you very much now I may have the power Moon that is very kind of you to offer this power moon to me sir I'm very grateful for this power Moon and now we've got to get up there somewhere there's lava up there from the looks of it maybe we don't want to go oh actually there's just a roof here that makes it easy oh but there's also poison there so we don't want to go into the poison poison is even worse than lava because poison instantly kills you lava at least gives you a shot it at least gives you a chance lava says hey hey oh boy I thought that uh we'd be able to land on that rail but I guess not wait what about here can I land here okay at least we could land here that's nice can you get the checkpoint come on she's gonna climb a bit farther we haven't done a lot of climbing but please please just get that you know what I'm gonna float into it then yo don't Kathy help me please yes Cappy hey good job Cappy okay perfect now where do we want to go let's see do we just land on top of these or do I boost myself up onto the roof with jumps like that perfect perfect thank goodness this roof isn't lava it's nice that there are some parts that aren't lava that does make life a bit easier sometimes okay now let's just make oh boy I was gonna say let's just make our way here oh wait I'm getting burned right now am I safe on the edges here or no that's not the edge okay okay nice I'm safe here so if wait I thought that I was getting a checkpoint flag for some reason but I already got the checkpoint flag I thought okay just gotta get this checkpoint flag and then I'll be healed but there was no checkpoint flag to get but we can do this head up to the boss we're only gonna have one wait and Lysa we get burned here I don't think that we're gonna get burned here I think this is safe yeah so now here's Bowser and it looks like there might be a final showdown between Mario and Bowser and the first time I was ever here I thought that this was going to be the end of the game I thought every Kingdom since the cloud Kingdom basically was going to be the end of the game but of course Bowser runs away on his ship over here and we're gonna have a different boss fight and do we get what the what the floor isn't lava during this boss fight oh my goodness this is actually gonna be so easy okay now we can just do this boss fight with flood let's just go like this can I just ground pound on you right away hey oh boy oh boy oh boy it pushed me away okay let's just go on you let's go okay there we go there's another one hit just like that very easy hit and hold on one more over here oh oh don't push me away oh oh the legs are all shiny wait where are you running around bro hold on hold on I want a ground pound on the guy over here wanna ground pound on some of these brutals here stop running around like mad I've got a brutal the ground pound on oh boy oh boy it looks like we're gonna get shaken off maybe but we're gonna go like that and no no no no I missed come on where are you why are you spinning like that stop spitting these things out wait what's going on whoa what no because I was at one HP that's right oh no that was so weird my controls were so weird it's almost like we got locked up oh and now Bowser's back all of a sudden I actually don't know if I view that uh you have to come back to Bowser here and see this gun scene again if you die that's funny if I just go like this oh oh my grandpa on another one quickly yes yes thank goodness that hit worked okay there's two can I get a third quickly oh oh oh let's see come on come on let me get this one also oh no I missed I missed come on come on let me up let me up let me up let me up what's up oh I think I got hurt by the legs okay well it's gonna highlight that and come on now I should be able to get this one even when you're spinning around actually you know what maybe I'll go for that one first because this one is a bit harder let's see do your step oh what's gonna happen now can I get you now yes because now you're spitting stuff outside it's the perfect time to get you now let me back up I'm here now and let me grab out of you oh no oh no I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run gotta run got a blast okay and come on come on now just stop moving just stop moving just let me get a ground pound on you come here come here why am I moving in such a strange way okay get it now and there we go are you defeated now is that it whoa that was so weird how it just started exploding as it was spinning okay but we defeated that boss quite easily flood is just an absolute incredible help for that boss I think there is a way to defeat that boss where you don't end up getting pushed off of the top once you're on it but even if we do fall off while we have flood it is super easy so to celebrate let's do this blast through like that and can I move around yeah over there we can see Mario jumping around in the background that's me controlling Mario normally he's supposed to be part of this cutscene wait where am I now oh I'm over here oh oh look it needs to be in the background over here that's so funny look at that I can just do whatever I want over here wait and why am I doing a Cappy throw animation oh that was a funny slide because it's the whoa whoa I'm still down here I'm still controlling myself uh hopefully I didn't crash okay thank goodness I was gonna say hopefully I didn't crash the game by moving around during that cutscene because uh we're on a white screen there for a while we're one step away and bounce it flew off to the Moon okay but right now we're standing on lava we can chase after I'm in The Odyssey just throw me on that Globe sure just how about we get off this lava first how about that Cappy we're getting burned right now right yeah oh and hey all right so we should have a fully restored Odyssey quote unquote fully restored because we now have this balloon is finally full and now we will be able to go to the Moon to chase Bowser to the final Kingdom which will be very exciting and soon I really would like to go to the dark side and darker side in my normal Mario Odyssey playthrough because I've still never been to those kingdoms yet I've heard that they are very tough I'm very excited to go to them it is so fun to be playing through Super Mario Odyssey and it's a lot of fun to be making and playing mods people make so many great mods for this game oh my goodness the Moon is all lava that is very wild yeah yep yep makes sense we're definitely playing the floor is lava here that's definitely the moon and the floor is definitely lava for the Moon what the uh oh does it crash okay it looks like we now have this mod properly working maybe there are some problems because I was combining different mods together oh wait this is actually going to be wild look at how crazy this is the way that we are moving like this wait where am I even going to land is there ground anywhere down here to land on where am I supposed to land oh wait I guess there are some moon like pillars that we could land on here I was wondering if we could just make it straight to the end there oh wait but we have to land somewhere here perfect okay this is actually great yeah look the Moon it might be all lava but oh hey look at the Earth just there in the background but we are in a fantastic position over here with blood and we can quite easily skip past this section some of you might know about this Speed Run skip that you can do from down there but look at where we are we can just float on over to the church quite easily like this and make it right onto this hopefully this doesn't burn you oh it does burn you what that burns you too okay it might actually be a bit difficult to make it to the church then so let's see you know what I might actually first try landing on this are we safe here that is the question is that right there or you know what even on the edge over here if we could land on the edge here that would be amazing this looks like maybe this will be Stone hopefully it doesn't have a fire textures though can we stand here amazing okay from here we should be able to make it right let's just go like this charge up that real fast boost me up go up to this one and now let's float on over and we should be able to make it to there I think we should have enough water right actually this is gonna be cutting it kind of close and we only have two HP actually yeah we should be able I don't know anymore let's see come on please let me make it oh yes this is land here yes okay so back there it was lava where we landed but over here for some reason this is safe so there's probably a point at which it stops being fire but that oh man I was gonna say thank goodness but wow wow there's lava inside the wedding oh that's a little scary and you know what we haven't used the turbo nozzle at all in this video so let's use that right now and let oh oh oh it's when you move it actually gets used like this icy okay now we can move nice and fast let's go through Oh I thought I would run on the fire there let's blast through here and we burst through the door and we are ready to finally save Princess Peach that's so funny that the floors lava in the wedding hall here what if we get boosted up very high over here what if we go above them wait could I actually sneak behind them like this this would be crazy if we could do this uh what do they uh four guys go I was dragged away from my cooking for this we go over them like this oh oh now all of a sudden we're down there that's funny but how hard is this boss fight going to be this upcoming boss fight here that's something that I'm a bit scared about bad bowser grabs Princess Peach and is Cappy's sister named Tiara I'm guessing her name is Tierra so funny how there's just lava in the background on the floor Bowser's laughing a lot Stomps his foot luckily just a trap door opens up and the floor doesn't become lava I wonder if we're going to fall in lava now how hard is this boss fight going to be with flood it's probably going to be a bit easier so down we go oh no we just landed on the lava Bowser drops down but it's a cutscene during the cutscenes you just don't get hurt by lava until the cutscene's over and you spawn of the lava but I was like oh no I have to be careful that peach doesn't fall off the lava all right let's see are we gonna get hurt right away Bowser snaps his fingers Peach is going awake at least she's not falling on lava that's good okay get ready Mario okay I'm ready I might be dying though let's see wait what nozzle do I have out rocket nozzle or hover here's your happily ever after and we get burned right away and I have the wrong nozzle out let's just come here I have only one Health can we win this fight having only one Health we might be able to do it because we might be able to get some hearts from the uh you know what might be able to get some heart from Bowser's other caps okay let's just float along like this where are you going you're going over there Bowser don't throw stuff at me please don't get hurt don't get hurt now Mary now go and let's see and is he gonna swing his tail I'll just pull up here and no I accidentally floated into him and we died okay so let's hey I was gonna say let's be careful because every bit of damage matters but oh man Bowser just threw a rock at us this time okay we should be able to dodge that no problem okay now let's just come up to him hopefully we can get a hat from defeating some of Bowser's other Cappies that he throws at us wait why is the camera so weird oh oh now he's gonna do this okay so we can just float up here that'll be no problem normally it's pretty easy to avoid this fire anyways but our HP is very low so you know you've got to be safe you do got a plate safe it's very glowy over here you know give me a heart give me a heart give me a heart come on come on yes yes heart oh don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me okay and nice we got a heart okay so now we're not at only one HP so that's the very good news now let's try and get the cap that we need let's see go and perfect perfect that's exactly what we need okay now we'll be able to get our second hit onto Bowser hopefully where are you jumping back here let's go here don't hit me bro don't hit me bro okay and here we are okay now what are you gonna do bro okay now let's just float yeah keep swinging your tail I'll just float up there you can't hurt me very nice okay two nice hits on him Oh I thought that we'd be stuck in that animation for a moment because I tried using the hover nozzle there I used the rocket nozzle right now hey Bowser why aren't you blowing fire up here look how high I am up here you can't get me up here I'm the Gingerbread Mario oh looks like I got a hover again okay let's come down now fill up on some water ride only two HP if we could get another HP that'd be nice but I guess it'd be even more important to just not get damaged do you have a heart you have a heart hearts hearts nice a heart and this that is double good it is double plus good what is happening here and don't throw stuff at me don't throw your spiky spiky's at me Bowser you got to keep this spiky spiky's away Bowser I don't know how to get hit by a spiky spiky if I keep hitting him go closer oh boy go go come on up more tail spins let's go and he fell over and there we go we got him we got him we got him oh my goodness that was a little bit more tough than I expected but it wasn't super super difficult flood was definitely an incredible asset here and I'm very grateful to have had flood for this but there is still more to the game we don't save Princess Peach yet oh and I actually forgot that she'd be landing on the lava right here each must have some kind of magical shoes no no I didn't have my hands on the controller I forgot no how could I die there that's so silly okay okay this time we've gotta be careful there we go that time I was holding hover oh and this is actually it looks like this is a pre-rendered cutscene oh and Mario's burnt right now with this cutscene so that's kind of funny wait it can't be pre-rendered because Mario has different outfits okay but I guess during this cussing for some reason the floor isn't lava in this country but wait are we gonna have lava floor in a moment again that was so sad that I died and I had to redo that boss because I wasn't holding hover after defeating the boss and now I'm holding hover I'm just constantly holding hover now oh oh it's not lava here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay don't die there that'd be sad if we died there I don't think you have to redo the boss if you die here do you and be amazing if we could just float up here but that'd be so funny if we could just skip past that butt there's just an invisible wall preventing you from getting there so it looks like we do need to catch Bowser so let's go through here with Bowser and see what the end of the game is going to be we need to hurry and get out of here yes we do oh you know it's something that I have to test and Bowser walk on lava floor I don't know if Bowser actually gets burned or not I can't remember if I've tested that in another video or not because we've had all kinds of 100 mystery pipes and 100 mystery doors and custom pipes and all kinds of videos like that in this game and in Super Mario 3D World but I don't remember if I've actually tested that before okay both times I thought I would fall there yes I don't remember if I ever tested Bowser walking on lava I will have to test that because there are a lot of things that don't hurt Bowser so we'll have to see what those are oh guys we have some upcoming mods on this channel for this game that I'm very excited about that will be very fun to play through I think you guys will enjoy them I died you know what at least I died early on it's nice that we died early on so we don't have to redo this from the but you don't have to redo a lot from the very beginning wait wait come on come on come on we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go or this is gonna start falling we gotta go fast now and let's go okay now be careful Bowser my friend be careful Bowser my friend be careful my Bowser friend be careful my Bowser Fred you're gonna be careful okay go here now don't go that way we've got to go here and come on up jump jump my bro jump jump we've got to make it out of here oh boy okay we made it we made it very nice now let's just blast some fire through here slash through this while using the metal claw attack over here because I think if we were just using normal slash and it wouldn't be doing enough damage that's nice that we can get through here yeah would have been sad if we died in this final section actually still might actually die this whoa whoa I didn't expect a rock to fall down on me there okay but now there's the Earth and we have to basically make it back to the Earth wait whatever I do this I always go clockwise or sorry counterclockwise I always go counter clockwise I don't know if that's actually better or not okay I always go around this way a very nice one of those defeated already now then let's just blast fire from a distance like this I wonder if this is one of the most efficient ways to go about it if you want to charge up your fire breath and attack it from a distance so that it is partially damaged before you even get to it and I don't want to fall down that hole there because if we fall down there then I think that you have to do this entire section all over again I actually fell here recently and that happened to me when I was doing another playthrough and it was very sad because we had to do this whole section it was so sad okay now we just gotta make it to the center oh boy I thought we'd get her there okay and let's just go here you don't want to fall here imagine if you're doing a speedrun of this and you died in this final section that would add so much extra time that would be very sad if that happened okay now we just want to jump in here too bad whoa whoa yeah too bad we can't use these nozzles as bows okay but now we just want to jump in here and we'll be able to make it out of here and some of us will be able to escape from the move and soon we'll be able to go to dark side and darker side in my normal playthrough of this playing through this with flood has been fantastic okay wait let's just see these guys pop out here oh and there's a bit of lava by the castle there but it's so weird that this area over here doesn't have lava uh what a lovely playthrough that was that was so much fun it might even be fun to come back and see what other moons we hear get in Flores lava with blood I really recommend you watch my video where we play Super Mario endless challenge the hardest levels that I've ever the angle is easy it is the craziest experience I've ever had with Super Mario Maker 2. thank you so much for watching this far into the video I hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,434,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, super mario, bowser, evil mario, funny mario, funny mario videos, mario full movie, full movie mario, super mario movie, mario movie, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany mario odyssey, mario odyssey zxmany, full game, mario odyssey full game, all power moons, all bosses, mario all bosses, mario mods, mario odyssey mods, funny super mario, gaming, game, game game, nintendo, nintendo switch, floor is lava, fludd, mario odyssey fludd, rocket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 0sec (9120 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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