Marilyn Hickey | What's In Your Hand?

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this morning what I ministering to you will change your life because you say well how could it it's what is in your hand it's not what you don't have it's what you do have and how do you know what is in your hand you cannot know that until you read Psalm 139 and then you just say oh my goodness he knows when I bend over he knows when I stand up he has such wonderful things for me because you are God's creation and he loves you loves you so much he gave his son to die for you so would he leave you here is just a jerk and have nothing for you look at someone say honey you're not a jerk God loves you has divine appointments this coming here with your name on them now I want to just look at some people that we would have said Oh what is in your hand it would never work so in your notes I put Moses and the Lord said to him what is in your hand now at this time at this time Moses would have been a failure because he had killed an Egyptian you know I don't know maybe beat him to death with the rod I don't know but what is in your hand it wouldn't look like anything very successful was there and I can share with you when I first started to get interested in the ministry and to do some things on radio and television a man said to me what who are you you know you don't know how to speak you can't do it so have any of you ever had real encouraging words and so you always have some people who tell you what you can't do but what God wants to tell you this morning is what you can do and what you can do very personally and I remember when I went to channel 9 and wanted to go on television I had to meet with their board and they said you're not television of material so it'll never you'll never go on but what is in your hand it's what you have that God has given you that he's gonna take and make divine appointments for you interesting I'm still on television and none of those men who told me I couldn't make it are on why because it's what God puts in your head this is really important so put your hand on your heart say it's good I'm here God has put something in my hand that cannot fail God has me listening for what he has for me today so when I look at Moses I would have said oh he's a failure and God speaks to him out of a burning bush now you say I don't have a burning bush but you have a Bible everyone say I have a Bible hold up your phone say my Bible says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me so a good year is coming because Christ has a good year with my name on it so what did he say to Moses Moses has killed a man he could have said oh brother what a failure you are but he said what is in your hand and he said a rod God will take the very thing that's in your hand and I think what we do we look at what's in other people's hands we say oh they're this they can sing you know they can do all this they're smart in business but what is in your hand and that's what God asked him now I'm going to look at some things here that are very important for you to know what is in your hand and how your hand can be used today and in the new year so I've taken some examples and you know I may have to share a little longer because some of them are from the old testament and maybe you've never read the Old Testament maybe this will give you a hunger to read the Bible this year you had to read through the Bible and I love this about the Bible it's not just that you read it the Bible reads you and every day it seems like he will talk to you as I read the word so he said what's in your hand he said a rod now that rod would bring the plagues of Egypt and get the Israelites out miraculously so what was in his hand is a miracle so put both your hands out say what are in my hands are miracles and so this is important for us to know now how do you use what is in your hands so I looked at Aaron and her and they were in a real battle the Israelites were at that time and it looked like they were going to win lose the battle this is Old Testament trust me but you're in our heart sad trust you you're too old to like handsome Aaron and her had their hands up praying while they were fighting an enemy and as long as their hands were up they would win but if they got tired and their hands went down they would go over and have somebody help them hold up their hands so what is going to make you victorious this year and I can tell you prayer everybody say pray and I love that we have people who really pray here but they're also contagious you know there are people who pray and you get around them and they're contagious now I used to say if I pray over five minutes I'll bore God did you know I said that ugly thing and then when we became assistant pastors in Emerald of Texas my husband of all things started in the early morning prayer meeting for an hour and so I had to go and pray you know because that's what you did and folks that change my life it put a discipline in my life and it showed me how the word would work so what is in your hands for the new year what what your kind of week today too many sweets say prayer is in my hands and remember as long as they held their hands up they won and I can tell you starting to pray when I was 12 years old and now I'm 88 and a half it works so if you want to argue with me you have to be older and you're not okay then at the Red Sea what did Moses do he stretched out his hand at an impossible situation and the sea went back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea into dry land and the waters were divided so what did Moses use he used what was in his hand what's going to make you successful next year use what is in your hand and maybe you've heard very negative things you know folks the Bible still says it I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me say what the Bible says and so I looked at him and the sea open so it's important to know that we have negative situations and the sea can open now people have told me many times you can't do certain things in certain countries because you're a woman and I have a heart to go to Muslim countries so they say you know you can't do it but I found out something recently about the Muslims is so interesting they love old women and I figured it you know I'm Holder than most of any of them and so now they act like oh she's that old letter comes she can do anything so you see God knows all the seasons of our lives all the seasons and he wants us to win and all of them whatever your season is God wants you to be the winner in it and so I look here and I see that whatever your hand finds to do do it with your might for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going so Ecclesiastes now you say oh and collegiality is that's horrible spelling but when you read through the Bible it is a wisdom book so put your hand on your heart say I would be smart to read it Cleese is teased because I don't want to be stupid and he says whatever you do do it with all your might so he's saying don't be sloppy you have a job you have certain things and you think oh they don't care do it with your mind do well make make how can I say a decision this morning that you're not going to do a sloppy job you are going to do whatever it is the unsaved unsaved family you're gonna do a good job you know I think sometimes when you have unsaved family you think well I'm not gonna send them anything for Christmas let them go get something for themselves or maybe somebody will give me something I'll rewrap it but whatever your hand finds to do do it with excellence let God show you and I love this your gift makes room for you do you know that so you know I go to a restaurant how and I go to different ones because I like to eat so well and but I if I can find the owners I try to do something and bring them a gift and you know when you come in then they recognize you oh yeah I remember the last time you were here you gave me chocolates or you gave me this and so your gift makes room but it makes people think about you so I go to a nail shop and so they had some girls who were involved and you know not not born again from Asia not born again and so I want to win them for the Lord and some of you know these girls now because they've got they came to our church so I would take chocolate they love chocolate so every time I would come in they'd say Oh Marilyn she you're here with chocolate so then I invited them to go to a small group with me so they liked me so they went they got saved and are serving God and what what made room chocolate good night and so you never know what small thing in your hand can make a difference to someone else it's very very key I'm giving you Bible examples but I'm also giving you personal examples now Moses and everyone has things that it just hasn't happened it you've prayed you've done this you've done that and they needed water and the people were murmuring and sometimes you just want to give up on people you think you want to be stupid just be stupid and so what did he do to the rock when they were murmuring he struck the rock and sometimes you have to keep striking you have to keep praying you have to keep hitting at it and not give up I've thought sometimes you want to go to hell so much just go you know help yourself but we can't do that we don't know how to give up we have to win and so I'm giving you things to make you win in the new year you say well I don't know if they work well I'm older than you so I know okay he kept striking the rock and water came out then I think my favorite one I think my favorite one is John six and this is told in more than one chapter in the Bible this is the little boy who had five loaves and two fish his mother packed his lunch and they disciples get up and you know they've had the people out there a long time and as they could faint on the way back and the little boy gives what is in his hand and you say well what's five loaves and two fish but when it gets in Jesus hand it multiplies so now I'm gonna tell you a true story you have to trust me I'm gonna tell you a true story I started tithing when I was 12 years old because my father wouldn't give me money for clothes but we lived on an apple farm and so I could sell apples and I began to tithe on what I sold the apples for and folks today you know the biggest tithe I ever gave was my husband's retirement was 300,000 and I gave that and I'm not poor so don't think oh dear me she's gonna take a look offering for herself no I'm not I'm not poor at all I'm very rich if you saw my finances I'm very rich why because I learned how to tithe I learned how to give it it you know what I had I learned early and then I began to go into larger amounts and larger amounts do you believe me well then stand up turn around and look at me some of you are cheating you didn't turn around turn around say I believe you and I believe this morning is a turnaround in my life for the new year when you make out your tithe check your offering checks believe for multiplication believe for nothing in particular and what do you get nothing in particular you can be seated so this little boy his gift made him famous gave five loaves and two fish we know that it fed over five thousand people it's one of the most remarkable multiplication things in the Bible but I can tell you starting with a process this works this works and so I want to encourage you for the new year to be at either so I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand or stand but I am going to ask you again put your hand on your heart you're not gonna wear your heart out I promise you say father I am planning to be at either this new year therefore I'm planning on prosperity prosperity is coming my way from the north the South the East the West is coming my way amen now this coming year we're gonna do some of our biggest things like in Bangladesh you know in some of these countries and we want to get into Saudi Arabia and it looks good looks good because they like old women so that's a very good thing but those things are expensive do you think money just drops out of the sky no money comes from him and money comes from sewing and how many of you here would love to reap now put up the other hand say if I read I have to so amen and so I want to tell you it works and I'm older than you then I like this next one this is the third one work that him who stole still no longer but rather let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give him who has a need now I had a good friend some years ago you don't know who it is who said to me I had a dream that I was speaking to an audience of 10,000 people I believe God is going to use me as a mighty evangelist what do you think I said we'll have you won your neighbor well no I'm gonna start with big things it doesn't start with big things it starts with little things of obedience and then they be you begin to sow and then pretty soon you can sow some more it is awesome and you know some of these things folks we need to look for our advantages instead of our disadvantages well you know I don't make this much money I'm not this bright but God says what is in your hand is what he can remote multiply and a proves it in the Bible and I'm proof of it because I've been tithing before I was born again i tithe I was faithful in tithing and and everybody thinks this is really wild I graduated from Greeley start on my masters didn't know a dime and nobody helped me why I was at either you say education is expensive yes and it's very expensive not to tithe oh look at someone say watch her she's kidding me okay so Herc you know just oh well it's going to happen that even stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give to him who is in need and I think when we are giving to people who are in need now tithing I don't want you to get mad at me but we we used to have a family well and I did in our church they're not here now don't try to guess it and they said well we give our tithe to our poor relatives so so we just you know we help our relatives and I said really well when you get in trouble call on your poor relatives and see if they'll come and help you you say wow you can be nasty no I can be truthful but you see folks doing what the Bible says gets the blessing of what the Bible says not making it up as you go and Ecclesiastes a wisdom book says that he will make you do well and everything the wisdom of God is to be a tither and then the last one they will take up serpents and if they drink anything deadly it will by no means hurt them they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover so look at your hands say the Bible says there are miracles in my hands and so I think a lot of times we think well yeah I know these sick people but let's get benny hinn well you're not going to get him to come pray for them that's why he put this in your hands and there are miracles in your hands now invariably I'm asked to pray for people when I don't feel well say yup twice you have young and I remember one of the biggest times was I was in Pakistan and you know everybody was telling me you know oh my you know we want you to pray for the sick and lay hands on the sick and I felt as spiritual as a mouse and so I said O God give me a few days to get on my legs again and get my brain in here and the Lord said is not your name is my name and folks if we can put faith in his name to heal the sick the biggest advertising for sinners is healing and healing is also for the family and healing it says in the Bible is the bread of the children what if we believe for you to have a healthy year would that be so bad I don't think so so put your hand on your heart I'm gonna send the word into you that not only heals you this morning but keeps you healthy so say father in Jesus name the word accomplishes that which is sent to and the word cannot return void so I'm sending the word into my body for a healthy year also I'm going to do healthy things I'm not going to be stupid I'm going to be healthy in Jesus name Amen now taking up serpents we probably all will have demonic things come against us but the Bible gives such a promise here we'll lay hands on the sick but also that he's going to bless and multiplies and people say well but you're not spiritual enough if you stay in the word you will stay in faith and faith will bring you through to a victory faith will bring you through to victory so I don't know how many times I've had people tell me you're a failure you're an example of a failure I don't know how many times people have said to me those nations will never open up to you I don't know how many times people have said you'll never have the money for it I don't know how many times we will said you're too old why don't you retire I retired retirees doing what you like I'm doing what I like I'm taking the gospel to the world I want this message to sink deep into you this morning what is in your hand what is in your hand is what God has put in your hand do you think he doesn't love you do you think he hasn't put talents and abilities and things for you that he has for the coming year I don't believe that so put your hand on your heart again said I know this God loves me and has good things for me for the new year and I know this I'm a winner the game isn't over until I win amen amen now how do you win we're doing how to's get in the word but giving your heart to God you know folks when I did that I had started reading the Bible but I was 16 when I got the author inside and that's when it began to change my life tremendously tremendously so those transformations came from those times and then you know when somebody told me I didn't even know how you could be born again you could be born again I thought yeah that's in the Bible that can happen to me maybe this morning would be a good time for you to recommit your life what do you think you think it's stupid look at me say it's not stupid to commit your life to God it's a wise decision very wise decision now this morning let's just think because we're looking at a new year we're looking at a new year what would be better than just to commit your life to God for this coming year or recommit maybe you have committed but you're kind of a sloppy oh you read your Bible maybe you come to church at Christmas don't you get mad at me yeah yeah yeah but what about just really committing to him what about that so I'm not going to ask you to stand but I am going to ask you to pray with me and just keep your head bowed if you have never committed your heart to Jesus that you know of and maybe you came to church because somebody drugged you here but this would be a very wise decision for you to receive Jesus if you have never committed your heart to Jesus put your hand up I never have done that I never have done that never have done that this would be such a good time now I see hands that's wonderful that's smart believe me if you're here and you say yeah I've been born again but I've been kind of sloppy and living not really wise in my living with God and I just want to recommit my life to him would you put your hand up I just want to recommit I see those hands you know you're never sorry for this this is so wonderful so I want everyone you can put your hands down but I want everyone to pray with me it can't hurt can it can't hurt so everyone pray with me say father I know that you love me father I know you sent Jesus to die for me I know father you have a plan for me a new year good things not bad things I repent of all the junk all the garbage that would hurt me and hurt you I invite you Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord of my life I thank you this is the best day of my life and I thank you I have in my hand the ability for miracles I have in my hand what can multiply in need I have in my hand healing that's what the Bible says did you say that that's what the Bible says okay and I have in my hands the ability to do good thank you Father this coming year is the very best in Jesus name Amen now I'm gonna ask you to be brave so look at somebody beside you say honey be brave be brave okay if you raised your hand that you weren't where you'd like to be with God would you stand up so I can see you would you please stand up that's so good that's so good now don't sit back down because I get to pray with you okay just keep standing now even if it's your husband or wife I want you to help me with this turn to the person on the right even if you know what they'll say say do you need to stand up I like to stand with you turn to the person on the left and say do you need to stand up I'd like to stand with you Oh folks this is a miracle day this is so wonderful not only for today but the miracles ahead so I want everyone who is standing to come to the front so I can see you okay I'm up here and we're gonna clap for you as you come that's so good so good so good so good excellent excellent excellent wonderful you're never sorry never sorry trust me you're never sorry this is a wonderful occasion okay so everyone extend your hand say you have made a wise choice your best days are behind our best days are ahead and your worst days of her behind thank God for what the new year holds for you in Jesus name Amen now Rhys do we have some people who would come and stand with them well I think so in fact what I'd like to ask if you wouldn't mind would you guys just have a seat over here and I'd like to ask our ministry team if you guys would just go have a seat we're gonna have some folks come in and pray with you guys if you wouldn't mind for just a second and go this way Thank You Tammy you're leading them the right way and if I could have our folks on the ministry team to go up and just kind of to hang with them for a second and just kind of just minister them that would be great and so Thank You Marilyn I'd like to say one more thing then I won't stop you thank you I have a good son-in-law he's really good to me I want to go through and review this with you I don't want you to go out of here and not remember this message remember what was in Moses hand changed a nation remember when Moses lifted up his hand the Red Sea parted remember Moses struck the rock quite a few times before the water came up he didn't give up remember the little boy with his lunch did he know we would be reading about him several thousand years later and it would warm our hearts he didn't know see this is a faith walk and work that whatever you do you do it with excellence and you don't gripe so look good someone say honey quit your whining and then remember there are miracles in your hands and you said I don't feel spiritual it's not in how you feel it's what he says amen so let's stand up let's hug with somebody and let's be here on Wednesday and say that that person the coming year is the best year of your life in Jesus name Amen okay say you midweek [Music] you
Channel: Encounter Church
Views: 5,098
Rating: 4.9076924 out of 5
Keywords: Encounter Church, Reece Bowling, Pastor, Centennial, Church, Sunday, Wednesday, Service, Colorado, Marilyn Hickey, Sarah Bowling, Sermon, Message, Holy Spirit, Preaching, Teaching, God, Jesus, Christ, Worship, Live Stream, Bible, Pat Mahoney, Aaron Malone, Judah Dawkins, Sarah Malone, Niki Martschinske, Band, Music, Bethel, Bethel Church, Denver, UpperRoom, Robby Dawkins, Bethel Worship, Elevation, Jesus Culture
Id: eL-EtsiKun8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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