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all your instructions about the dish will come  from marker tomatoes olives anchovies shallots   garlic fennel olive oil lemon crystals  saw how easy the first job to pay a John   Dory this knife down the back of the girls run  your knife down the spine knife down the belly   cut the 10sec the same on the other side off  with a head scissors cut the spikey bows off and then skip let's get up both  sides - panic water on the snow finely chopped shallots I'm using artificial eyes  I'm not using a whole Sherlock not even that now   flush your garlic that's all about crush garlic  he should be the finest pace it just disappears   and dissolves into the Comcast crush your garlic  first by slicing wait the thing in a little bit   of salt to assist in the crushing of it yes lemon  for seasoning just take your wedge off so no seeds   drop into your dish Micro coriander why do we  give it a drink so when you put up to hot food it   doesn't wilt micro coriander in the water having  a drink you like olives what we do those he's just   cut the cheeks of the black olive off and then  slice them finely prepare your tomatoes to blanch good that's what I like to hear I put my its  martyrs in for 10 seconds if they need a bit   longer because they're under ripe then give a bit  longer then we cut them into quarters yes cut them   into quarters and remove the seeds smartos on the  cloth to drain the water now you're doing service   for phillips cut them length ways i tend to  be getting three out of each one they've got   their comcast you ready what the concat is diced  tomato it's that simple yeah so you can cassie   should be consistent so it cooks consistently  salt your water for your crock onto fennel sage   times cook the fish pans on the stove a splash  of oil salt your fish and be generous when you   sold fish for the simple reason is because a  lot of it will wash off in the pan comes on   two hundred so when you got the heat into the  pan in with our fish [Music] fish in the oven   she lost in a pan she lost in a pan thyme garlic  in slots in your pan yes and with the tomatoes   tomatoes heat up your place over volleyball  in a dish small frying pan with some oil   via crops and family it's now getting to  the crescendo when it all comes together let's arrange oh and arranging propane  matter what is this you wanna watch mark   a transition crisscrossing the anchovy the  bottom sell tomato down the middle little   crystal salt some black olives olives down  the tomato drain your coriander not too bushy
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 2,618,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anchovy Tomato, Cooking With Legends, Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris, John Dory, Marco Pierre White, MasterChef Marco, Matt Preston, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef australia, masterchef australia season, masterchef world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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