Marco Pierre White recipe for Spring Veg Risotto

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a very simple dish vegetable risotto and there's no exact recipe really it's very very simple it's rice it's baseball stock and then whatever vegetables you've got certain vegetables don't work in risottos certain vegetables do courgettes the fantastic broad beans a fantastic asparagus pimentos peas fuchsia lots of a start carrots finish with a bit of butter a bit of parmesan a Knorr vegetable stock pot and it's all done in about 18 minutes from start to finish a little olive oil fuchsia lots some pimentos you can just make asparagus you could just make P resulting you know it's your choice which you've got the confidence and making it and risotto should be made to order ala minute you can be made in advance and the best way of doing it is working in the stock bit by bit I know some people pre cook the rice it's not fantastic for the simple reason is once you've started to cook it and you could it aren't tray it continues to cook because the moistures in it it's not the same ends up more like a pudding than the result on as you can see I'm cooking the shallots and mentos together to move the water content which then shows off the true flavor of the Shabbat and the red pepper C because they're very finely chopped they released their water very quickly so you've got to be careful not to to color them in with the rice about 175 moisten with a little white wine ball the wine to remove the acidity it's very important to keep on working the rice because if you don't work the rice it cooks unevenly it might catch so therefore keep on working it add the stock bit by bit so that it starts to absorbing rice recently started gives there at the end everyone likes Aries not a slightly different I like mine quite wet some people like it a little bit more firm so as you can see the way I make my other daughter everything is being concentrated flavors the stock it's all being brought it's all about concentration of flavors I like my risottos be quite strong in flavor about the same time quite delicate a handful of carrots some broad beans so we've got about four or five minutes to go and as you can see we've started to add certain vegetables about it the broad beans without the carrots peas will grow the last with the asparagus and the cause you add some asparagus and some courgettes last bit of stock as I've always said you know the watch is a guideline you should never allow a watch to dictate when you're cooking you can't depend on the pan you're using the stove you're using Atelier guidelines 16 minutes 18 minutes and some people like they resolve it because no less than this stuff like it could a little bit more so so you can see it's almost that the consistence is about right again Parmesan is to your palate not everyone likes a lot of parmesan and then some butter not too much should we say we just allow the parmesan to melt allow the butter to soften before we incorporate your oven and then let's bring it together and there's vegetable risotto some people think it's difficult it's very easy what you have to do is get everything prepared beforehand so it comes to that moment when you've got cooked dinner it's 20 minutes max
Channel: Marco Recipes
Views: 143,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marco, Marco Pierre White, recipe, rice, risotto, risoto, rissoto, rissotto, veg, vegetables, quick, easy, stock, peas, courgette, zuchini, beans, carrots, zucchini
Id: uL2283HSiAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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