March 6, 2022 Sunday Second Service [Minister Alvin Bushay]

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[Music] in the praises [Music] as we offer up the sacrifices [Music] [Applause] is [Music] the sacrifice [Music] [Applause] [Music] the sacrifice [Music] don't look at me i might not be worthy to be here this morning but we are welcoming the presence of the lord into this place this morning hallelujah welcome holy spirit we are in your presence we are here to worship you to lift you up and to magnify your name hallelujah hallelujah singers happy with the trump blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we glorify you this morning hallelujah we want the devil to know that we know the name of our lord this morning and the name of the lord is jesus christ of nazareth this morning hallelujah let me hear the church worship the lord this morning hallelujah glory be to god thank you jesus we're glad to be in your presence this morning one more time to fellowship to worship together the word of god say how good it unpleasant it is for brethren to grow together in unity lord jesus i'm so happy to be here this morning i am so happy to be standing here this i didn't want to come i find all excuse but the lord would have had that time i must be here this morning and for that i'm thankful i'm thankful this morning i'm going to ask the brethren please please please never let a wound that stole your die always pray for each other when you don't see a brother or a sister pray them up you never know what they're going through just pray and when you see them come in the host of the lord rejoice knowing that your prayers have been answered hallelujah hey the devil is always after the children of god but greater greater greater greater greater greater praise the lord jesus we're going to pray this morning and i'm seeing the prayer requests here this morning asking for prayer for my son he's in the hospital uh he got a stroke and asking for speed to recover there's no name but the lord know who it is this morning right amen um malicia is asking for her son ruben osbourne who is in the hospital praying for him he needs god's help peace prayer for healing hallelujah we're also going to pray this morning for our children they'll be returning to school this morning face to face worship this morning faithfully school tomorrow we're going to ask the lord to cover them under his blood we're going to ask the lord to cover the teachers already the authorities are saying prepare for delays but we're going to ask the lord to just go before them hallelujah we're going to ask him to send out his angels to go and sanitize the classrooms we're gonna ask the lord to send his angels to stand guard watch over our children the nation's children we're gonna ask the lord to remember our nation this morning this morning i was up at four o'clock on my knees saints of god because i saw a vision of an earthquake and the buildings were just toppling left right and center as far as i could look on the hill the buildings were just rolling down i had to be praying for mercy so we're going to pray for our nation we're right for judgment but god said if my people who are called by my name if my people were called by my name so we're going to pray this morning let us go to prayer lord we thank you lord we praise you lord we glorify you lord we lift you up and we magnify your name because you are great and you are greatly to be praised hallelujah from the rising of the sun lord and even to the going down of the very same you are worthy this morning as we come before you lord jesus we come before you we know that you're a healer you are away maker you are a problem solver i have a lord bear i have a lord share a lord you can do all things hallelujah and you can do it well mighty god we put our children before you lord jesus as full face face-to-face school resumes tomorrow we pray lord jesus that you will protect them build the edge of protection around them lord jesus i pray that you'll put your blood mark upon them i pray that no evil no arm will come nigh then father in the name of jesus remember the teachers we pray against the spirit of confusion mighty god we pray for all the mighty god we pray that your blood will cleanse your blood will sanctify mighty god in the name of jesus we pray for this country lord god almighty we put our country before you mighty god so many things are happening so many things that we know but we don't know about but we're praying lord jesus that you will reveal to your people lord god that which we need to pray about the altars that we need to cheer down mighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord we pray for the service we pray for militia's son who's in the hospital lord god we pray that you will help him we pray for that lady's son who's in the hospital with a stroke this morning what a healing jesus i find in you you refresh renew hallelujah you store mighty god in the name of jesus and healing even almighty god comfort lord i put the remaining portion of the service into your hand we pray for the moderator mighty god we pray for the musicians the singers mighty god we pray for the word i pray that you will use that one make the lips and the tongue of our lord jesus as a pen of already writer have thy known way in the service today lord we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise and we say thanks in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus our scripture reading this morning will be from psalms 91. thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god in the highest hallelujah thank you jesus psalms 91 thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the foiler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust this truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor the arrow that flyeth by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasted at noon day a thousand shall fall at thy side hallelujah and ten thousand at their right hand but it shall not come nigh thee hallelujah only with an eye shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou hast made the lord which is my refuge even the most time my habitation there shall no evil befall thee hallelujah neither shall any play come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways hallelujah they shall bear thee hallelujah in their hands lest thou dash thy put against a stone thou shall tread upon the lion hallelujah and the other the young lion hallelujah and the dragon thou shall trample hallelujah on the feet they shall not come back the even the young one who go and kill them they were gonna cut off the bloodline we're gonna check them off in the name of jesus because he had the hallelujah set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him says the lord hallelujah i will set him on high because he hath known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life hallelujah you shall not die prematurely will i satisfy him and show him thy salvation what a blessing this morning hallelujah what comfort this morning we're going to be singing from the pentecostal imna this morning in 1 38 hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] hallelujah [Applause] is oh [Music] [Applause] oh is [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah what a privilege we have to be living in the presence of the king hallelujah no worries hallelujah all are cares hallelujah to jesus they are all taken care of hallelujah i want to let us know this morning that god is the great and mighty god and today is the day of war but today is also the day of victory and we won our victories through praises and we are going to make up in our minds and in our spirits that we are going to worship the king of kings and the lord of all the scripture declare all give thanks unto the lord for he is good hallelujah the word declares so that he has done excellent things in all the earth marvelous is the works of the lord blessed be his holy name he the lord jesus the true and living god who make proficient for all flesh who teach it our hands war and our fingers to fight hallelujah who make it our feet like heinz glory to the lord god will cover us under his wings praise be to god hallelujah who fights our battles and now one battles us ever lost all battles always great is the lord and he is greatly to be praised in all the earth hallelujah i will join with abc as he said in 17-19 although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall the fruit be in the vines the labor of the olive shall fail and the fields shall heal no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the soil but can somebody give a yet praise hallelujah but yet i said yet i will rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation the lord god is our strength and he will make our feet like heinz feet and he will make me he will make us to walk upon high places to the chief singers on my string instrument hallelujah the song said magnify the lord praise [Music] come on [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] right keeping us free [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] why hallelujah i can see hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] oh give me that old timer [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] victors [Music] hallelujah that is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] and guess what the demands try to attach itself to yourself and check it out hallelujah because you're mean to serve god you're not come for joke hallelujah you're in the kingdom of god to lift up the mighty name of jesus we are in the kingdom of god to love one another hallelujah to lift up each other we are in the kingdom of god to win souls into his kingdom we reminded hallelujah don't be distracted by your your situation that will cloud your mind hallelujah god is a good god jesus i love him hallelujah he's been so good to me he called my talks i can't complain if i ever try to complain i can't do it because out of my nothingness god bring me into someone that let me tell you something when people see me at work when they see me understood and i know it's not me but it's the god that is in me they respect me hallelujah to a level that i don't even understand is when them start you understand me but god is a great god he will take you from your nuttiness young man young lady hallelujah god wants to lift you up hallelujah he wants to place you in that high place that you would want to be too but just allow him hallelujah that's letting him open that art door and said come jesus simple hallelujah to jesus glory to his name praise god when you start with jesus you don't wanna stop hallelujah praise god i'm hoping for that day when i'm not confined to time or confined to this body that will get so tired hallelujah to jesus but i will and we will have a body that is that can hold all that time eternity huh what the baby call it immortal hallelujah to his name praise god come back i don't want to stop but i have to stop praise the lord jesus thank you lord praise god thank you god god is a great god holy spirit hallelujah deacon my talks are gonna call upon your sir to greet the saints in the name of the lord jesus hallelujah to his name what a mighty god i'm on the stairway to heaven tonight i'm climbing and when i reach the opposite i step inside the party [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time [Music] hey praise god praise god praise god you may be seated in jesus name [Music] let me greet you all in the precious name of jesus [Music] the most exalted name on planet earth it is the highest name above all name and it doesn't matter if you praise him or not your life is going to give him glory because he made even the devil for the day of glory so don't worry i'm here to greet each and every one that is here this afternoon i want to greet all the saints in the house in the name of jesus christ you all look lovely you all look wonderful i'm happy to be here to greet you in jesus name i want to greet the visitors that are here is there any visitors in our midst they just want to stand up and let us just see you just stand and wave your hands praise god praise god praise god praise god we thank god for your praise god praise god you are in a good place where there is only but one god we want to greet all the saints who are online we want to greet the visitors who are online and we want to agree with our enemies who are online we want to greet you in the mighty name of jesus we can't leave you out because of you you help us to hold on to god you help us to stand strong in jesus you help us even though you don't know it but you help us every person will give you a fight on the job don't hate them they are there to help you to make it into heaven every opposition at home every neighbor that bad mountain they are dear to help you to make it in heaven don't complain about people who are fighting you they're made to fight you man but you stand strong and you continue to trust god we want to greet you all in the mighty name of jesus bishop is not here but he give us a like a synopsis of um what we have collected so far and there is a chart that is here that is showed in the first service this morning and so far i'm just going to give you the the the figure that i have here that for the month of february ending february we collected six million four hundred and sixty nine thousand seven hundred and seventy five dollars and sixty cents that equivalent to 40 436 dollars and 10 cents u.s so we have collected that for the month of february and we know that the target for each month is 375 but don't stop giving i still see it coming in we will make it though it start a little bit slow but when you notice when a plane is going on the tarmac it have to be pulled by something else until when it reached apart we took its time and it drove down to the end of the tarmac and when it turns it stops and when it stops the engine you hear all of them begin to roar and when it's shoot off nothing is going to stop it from take off so this is where we are and we are going to continue and we are going to continue because god has been doing great things in our minds even though this pandemic seems like it wants to destroy us god to say it that it build us as a body of people as a corporate body of church people and in our individual life god richly bless you as we continue to worship and to give god thanks in jesus name the youth department you still have an announcement you can just come and then the moderator can take over praise the lord everybody praise the lord one more time i'm going to invite all our youth to stand from 25 go straight down stand stand every youth stand from 25 and below stand stand from 25 and below praise god everybody standing stand up stand up stand up i want to see i want to see you because yes man stand up stand up praise god praise god praise god i want to talk to you personally so the youth department is introducing for the first time from scripture experience right it's a time and a space where all our local farm churches get together and explore the word of god and for a long time we've been wanting this but for the first time in a long time we'll be having face to contact right here right on friday march 11 at 6 30. remember that march 11 at 6 30. this is this friday coming this friday remember tell your parents tell a friend bring somebody 6 30 p.m friday afternoon praise god right here we are we'll be having exciting activities don't worry it's going to be good amen youth amen youth are not hearing emmanuel's praise god youth my god my god i hear in the young at heart but i'm not hearing the youth amen youths richard i don't hear you praise god praise god so please come out in your numbers young people dramas musicians come out praise god and a little heads up we'll be we'll be talking and discussing ephesians so make sure you read ephesians amen amen all right so see you there for any other information please contact our youth president he will have every information for you god bless praise god you may be seated praise god praise god praise the lord everybody praise god can all the ladies stand for me all god's beautiful ladies hallelujah [Music] praise god do you know that you're the apple of god's eye do you know that you're special in his sight hallelujah and because you're so special in his sight he has created an event for you for monday at seven o'clock tuesday sorry tuesday at seven o'clock online a very special event you can't miss hallelujah he has passionate especially for you so be there woman's fellowship tuesday night at 7 pm god bless you you may seated beautiful ladies hallelujah praise god hallelujah thank god to jesus hallelujah lift your hands to him one more time hallelujah do you love him do you love him do you love him hallelujah praise god i love him i love him he's so special to me hallelujah to his name but come time to a very important part of the service which is giving off your tides and your offering and if you have brought your special offering just the same hallelujah we are in a a building fun event hallelujah and we believe that god is able but we have to give up our resources sister natalie hallelujah i have made up in my mind let me share a little thing with you you know this year you know i just got i'm on staff at continental bacon since january god is a good god and i said to myself noah that i'm unsafe i'm going to try to do my little investment because i did finance in school so i know the works a dollar today work more tomorrow speak of present value when you look into your future value it's a whole lot of money you can get for a thousand dollars in the future right sister natalie so i know of that right so i'm i said you know me go try put a little invest a little think on the stock market hunting but here comes the kingdom of god so here watch yours truly i would have to put that aside the car what i have for investing in the kingdom of god because who give me the job i will give me the ability when my reconcile some account and i can't work it out i'ma call upon jesus who figure it out for me so why am i all back funny so i have decided sister sherry that all the money i have and as a lord i'm gonna pump it into the kingdom of god for this year for some things i'm used to by the congress they have put it aside i serious things got a kingdom of god the kingdom of god hallelujah i have to try in and pour it off my resources because it's he it is that give it to me i'm not going to hold back because i know where he's taken me from and what i possess nobody about jesus i can speak big and bold hallelujah and where he has lit if i ever stop to tell you my story you cry can you look on me no you see the glory but you don't know the story hallelujah to jesus bless his name so hallelujah we're gonna give unto the lord and the lord said he love a cheerful giver you must be smiling not don't look on your face but your heart supposed to be rejoicing hallelujah it can be too much to conjunct forgive it to god hallelujah praise his name forevermore hallelujah to his name thank you jesus while the offering is being collected these beautiful people will be ministering in song hallelujah let me bless the offer in the mighty name of jesus thank you lord god hallelujah we glorify your name this morning this afternoon rather we give you thanks we can't over emphasize god the ability that you have given unto us to work we give you thanks lord jesus and with a willing heart we are offering our resources to you hallelujah to help in the building of your kingdom almighty god heavenly father bless us tremendously hallelujah those who don't have to give oh god bless them that they will have to give in due time those who have their liquor dying let they give it out of the abundance of their heart because we know that you love it a cheerful giver almighty god we give you thanks this day we exalt you and we worship you as we bless your name in giving in the mighty name of jesus amen praise god praise god we are soldiers in the army [Music] we [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i am [Music] oh are you a oh i am [Applause] i am [Music] conflict [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i look for this hope hallelujah i get weary of this world of the pains in my body of the circumstances that are on me and there's a longing in my soul to see that one who my soul loving i keep feeling him i keep feeling him moving within me caressed in my soul but i longed to see him i longed to look in his face i long to lay my head in his lap and said daddy jesus all long all long i longed for this moment hallelujah praise god it's something that i treasure and i think and and i believe it helps me to stay on the narrow way hallelujah because when you love somebody now you want to see them you are you feel them what you need [Music] i can't ex but hallelujah the lord knows how i feel praise god hallelujah hallelujah we have worshipped we have given to the lord hallelujah to his name we have blessed his name hallelujah praise god now come time for the world to eat to take a piece of that hot bread that is coming from the oven hallelujah we need to eat it and we need to digest it make it give the nourishment that is needed within the spiritual body hallelujah to his name hallelujah to his name that we can bring forth fruits of its own kind the fruit of the spirit hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah the song said we need to hear from you [Music] if we [Music] sing that song [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to come and to minister the word of god to praise god [Music] just one more time [Music] is [Music] thank you jesus i hope my bread my everything my lord my god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] praise god praise god let me just ask minister matthox just to pray at this time praise god heavenly father lord jesus god we thank you lord god you have been faithful to us you have been spoken to us so many times god and we thank you because through your word lord god we are able to abide in your house jesus as your servant stands before you and your people we pray that you will anoint him to speak your word that you have laid in his heart give him the authority and the utterance lord jesus god to speak and give us the receptive heart lord jesus god to receive that which you have for us lord god that we will grow and keep abiding in you bless lord jesus god let your word come forth with power lord god almighty transform life jesus lord god in your precious name we tell you thanks thank you jesus thank you sir praise god praise you love your bibles can you turn it into those two portions of scripture uh first one is first kings 21 from verse 1 to 4 verse that is first kings 21 from verse 1 to about four and then we'll go over to first thessalonians 5 9 so it's first kings from verse 1 to 4 praise god first kings 21 1-4 praise god i'll read while you follow praise god it came to pass after these things that naboth the jesuit had a vineyard which was in hired by the palace of here king of samaria and here speak unto me but see give me thy vineyard but i may have it for a god and of herbs because it is near onto my house and i will give thee for it a better vineyard than it or if it seemed good to thee i'll give thee the worth of it in money a neighborhood said to evil yeah the lord forbided me that i should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee and here came into his house heavy and displeased because of the world which neighbor the jesuit had spoken to him for he had said i will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers and he laid down upon his bed and turn away his face and would not eat bread let us repeat verse 3 and neighborhood said to abel the lord forbided me that i should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee praise god let's go over to first thessalonians 5 verse 9 hallelujah thessalonians 5 verse 9 praise god praise god for god has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ for god has not appointed us to wrath but to attain salvation by our lord jesus christ lord bless you may be seated praise god praise god hallelujah praise god let me greet the presence of god the spirit of god that is so rich with us this morning let me greet bishop daily in his accents our ministers everybody in the precious name of the lord jesus christ visitors i greet you brethren those who are tuning in save and unsave i greet you in jesus name god bless you all praise god praise god hallelujah as i often said uh this pulpit is not something that i run on if you know me well you know it's not a place that i believe anyone should run down in fact i think it the other way on the contrary it should run you down so to speak praise i don't take it for granted i try not to and i mean over the years i still can't get used to it it's you know it's i don't take it lightly praise god hallelujah praise god hallelujah i've sought the lord and i believe of a simple word that's a simple word from god hallelujah hallelujah appreciating this great salvation appreciating this great salvation i want you to repeat it to yourself i don't want you to repeat words i wanted to think about it come on get into it be passionate about it hallelujah appreciating this great salvation hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm just going as i feel that veteran i have some notes but i won't let it time it alone hallelujah appreciating this great salvation i heard sister miriam testifying and saying that you want to see god's face because i love him our soul desire after him hallelujah hallelujah there's a something virgin about this salvation hallelujah hallelujah there is something about the salvation is more than words can say is more than i can express to you or anybody for that matter this great salvation when you think about it think about it for a while let that marinate in our system you know in your system for a while appreciating this great salvation there are many definitions for the word salvation many but i choose to use a simple one a change of life or a transformed life from a sinful life to a new life in god a new life of holiness peace and joy one of hope in god hallelujah i've noticed virgin and you can disagree with me over the years it seems to me that i remember early back as much as in the 80s coming back up to 90. they're about the early 80s coming down it seemed like at that time it seems as if persons to me seems more excited when you talk about the salvation of god and their experience with god how they come to meet god and so forth hallelujah it seems that way to me virgin i remember the early days in the 80s i remember just like yesterday there was such joy hallelujah when you're expressed with another virgin and tell them about your experience there is such trill hallelujah an excitement if you're pleased i don't know i could be wrong help me but it seems in these days there's not so much trill and joy hallelujah i don't know i don't know what is wrong hallelujah but i'm here under god not just to exhort you but to testify hallelujah hallelujah to remind you under god of the importance of appreciating this great salvation praise the lord everybody come on hallelujah praise the lord again you're talking about this great salvation hallelujah is it a great salvation come on is it a great salvation hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah allow me just to go back in memory lane just a little while just to testify i can't help myself bedrim but i remember it just like yesterday i can't help it because it means something to me and if something is valuable to you you will protect it with your dear life come on talk to me now say about that hallelujah hallelujah i can't deal with it and treat it with cancer god no no no no hallelujah no no no the enemy would want you to treat it with skin to god don't talk much about this man talk about something else talk about social media what what to see on social media on the tv talk about something else all you're talking about is the salvation you're going like you're too holy you're going like you're too righteous praise god when person tell me that virgin i give god the glory because they see something in you hallelujah they see something in you hallelujah the song said i'm feeling very happy talking about the good old days let's go on yokosata hallelujah on and on talking about the good old days let's go on on and on talking about the lord hallelujah hallelujah salvation as far back as i was about eight years old somewhere there abouts could be less i remember my late parents used to send us the sunday school and you know brother boucher in england my older brother and both of us every sunday religiously though my father is not a church man but you can't stay home you have to go to church the anglican church have to go to sunday school we all have to go there and i remember bertrand at a tender age of just 12 years old i was confirmed in that church hallelujah 12 years old hallelujah brethren i remember about four years after that somewhere there about brother bushy also was confirmed i remember four years for me after that hallelujah the lord opened his understanding to pass the dose and he was ushered out from that anglican church hallelujah into faith chapel he was baptized in jesus name i received the holy ghost and he came and talked to me about it bertrand and be honest with you at first i wasn't so thrilled about it at first i keep going on to my little anglican church at the age of about 15 16 there about keep going on and he was there talking to me and so forth i didn't i wasn't interested i wasn't trained but somebody was praying hallelujah probably here my brother does was praying about the situation with me hallelujah and when i looked and i could testify and i could take the whole day for this virgin and i could go into a lot of avenues but when i look at it brethren hallelujah the transformed work of god how you work that that situation and this usher me and someone it's like something is missing somehow something is missing sister miram something even though i was confirmed at the age of 12 something is missing hallelujah and it was there and i remember when i came to feature for the first time it was a prayer meeting private and bible studies to keep on a friday about 1984. i remember pastor grizzly was teaching and i've seen people moving in the spirit and all that and i said no way i don't used to this from my anglican i'm not coming back i didn't say to him not coming back make up my mind i said no sir i don't used to this i'm not coming back hallelujah hallelujah about something get ahold of me betraying i don't know what it was something get ahold of me hallelujah hallelujah on the 1st of april 1984 brethren i was baptized in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that sunday morning yokosai bashanda i remember the clothes that i was in that gray pants and that canary called a shirt hallelujah to god something got a hold of me but it didn't stop there i remember bridging two months ago the third of june 1984 hallelujah heaven came down and joy filled my soul i remember bridging speaking in tongues as the spirit of god give me utterance something get ahold of me brethren hallelujah i'm feeling happy today to tell you and to declare it with confidence that something get a hold of me and if you are here and save today something can get ahold of you hallelujah something can get ahold of you hallelujah there's just something about the hand of god when it reached down to humanity when it reached down to a sinner hallelujah there's just something i remember it mighty god when i look back in our bedroom and i said i could have been otherwise minded you know i remember when i was going to school in a hallelujah high school oh god and i thank god inaudible relationship but didn't work and i was there trying so hard to let it work but it didn't work and i'm glad that it didn't work when i look at it because god know me and i probably would be a bit aramad not to give up this young lady hallelujah and to trade off this salvation and to lose out but god break it up how do it hurt my virgin but i'm glad that he break it up hallelujah he break it up hallelujah and shortly after about a year or less i received the holy ghost i'm glad for that brethren listen man don't be afraid to testify of this great salvation if it's worth having and if it were being excited guess what you have to get excited about it man come on talk to your virgin more about it i'm not feeling it in these days i don't have forgetting to modernize or what i don't know come on talk more about it man get excited let the aunt save let the new converts hallelujah see this and experience this hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the word of god tell us in matthew 16 verse 26 what prophet if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul some people believe that the material wealth is their salvation brethren hallelujah it's good and i encourage person to get your degree whether your masters are a bachelor get it it's good to start your business if god i know you and leader likewise it's good to be successful in your cxcs it's good to buy a lovely house and i love the cara suv come on it's gold bedroom it's good bible said occupy till he comes nothing is wrong with that hallelujah but none of those things will give you a real joy none of those things will give you the peace that only god alone can give brethren if you are unsafe here today let me tell a man it's not in the car it's not in the house it's not in the education it's good it's good get that it's not in the business it's not in the bank account it's in jesus it's in ch there's something about jesus my god listen man you're talking about love and love of fear he's the author of love love is in his nature love is in his dna hallelujah if you want love comforting love come on check the man jesus man check him out come check him out check him out man come on man hallelujah the things that you've seen down here is just temporal hallelujah i've given you a better offer check the man jesus man hallelujah sorry unto the subject still have salvation and let me just go over to first kings 21 that you have read before hallelujah i want us to understand bertram that neighbor had a vineyard hallelujah hallelujah it was close to ayaab's palace hallelujah glory to god ahab approached neymar and i want you to take note of this carefully ahab approach neighbor and said to him listen man again make your deal man your vineyard close by minds it's very convenient to man let me have it now let me try it if i can give you one even better than it all if you want i can't give you it in money's worth hallelujah hallelujah but i love the response of neighborhood god forbid god forbid that i should sell my inheritance god forbid he didn't stop in our bedroom i said listen up let me think about it let me get back to you tomorrow hallelujah let me think about it i recall about later give me a week let me think about it the man said god forbid no way no deal hallelujah no deal hallelujah no dear at all the enemy will come and try to present situation to us and try to appeal to us hallelujah wanting us to deal we hear the word er hallelujah the enemies of the fathers of all lie hallelujah and whatever you say can't believe or accept it hallelujah you have to have that mindset i want us to look and to tap into that mindset and that attitude of neighborhood no deal god forbid that i should sell my inheritance no deal no negotiation i don't even think twice when an enemy coming to your virgin and try to present situation to challenge your salvation and your work with god tell him no deal devil no deal they have a show under reality showing the tv said dealer no deal no deal no negotiation strictly no don't stop to say listen let me think about it no way and listen the animal present things in a subtle way in a virgin have to be so wise and careful hallelujah listen i have a burden for young people and i want to appeal to our young people hallelujah as i feel it in my spirit between the age of 16 to 30 for everybody but let me appeal to you young people you have potential you are full of promise and potential under god and you can do exploit don't let the devil come and present any so-called deal to you tell him no deal hallelujah hallelujah don't stop to think twice and say listen man again get back to you again think about it no deal hallelujah sisters you might be in the church for a while you're reaching 30 29 30. not now guard for me hallelujah hallelujah not getting a husband but the starduck and hanson present himself to me and he's unsafe no deal hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you might be under peer pressure at work or among your family hallelujah and i said look by you you're the only one i'm married yet hallelujah look funny you're the only one don't have any children yet hallelujah and the pressure reach on for you to challenge your salvation hallelujah no deal bertrand no deal young people no deed hallelujah dark and handsome little more no deal hallelujah no deal and it goes both ways to you brothers hallelujah she could be beautiful with a 24 turn 24 wheeze 32 hip etc like coca-cola no deal should come to you hallelujah you think i don't know what i'm talking you might say baraboo what what are you saying man listen man if i have time i will tell you some things i know what i'm saying in the spirit hallelujah no deal hallelujah hallelujah no deal such a comedy coca-cola shape and you're there working and you're working all over time and everything and things ends commit hallelujah you want the car okay you're tired of taking the bus and scam it and should come present the offer hallelujah come on man take on the offer do you send me the car do i say need a house ah come on man take it on if you're not careful if you stop to say you know let me think about what you're saying once you start doing that that element of dog chipping virgin and that is what the enemy want hallelujah appreciate your salvation no deal devil tell us no thanks no deal continue saving your little much hallelujah continue investing and trusting god the car will come the house will come but no the devil hallelujah no compromise hallelujah big no hallelujah no deal so whatever the enemy is presenting to you brethren young people in particular i know what it is believe you me when i used to go to high school i used to be the laugh in stock they used to laugh at me bushey pasta said this bushey church don't do that church and i just become the center for attraction for the whole class that was the worst thing for me if those of you know me the worst you know know that i don't like to be the center of attraction very shy everybody i know they mark the fire story and then exaggerate what she said this say that and i say all manner of things but guess what hallelujah i hold on to my integrity and i said no deal hallelujah i said no deal because guess what i know what god have done for me i know where i'm going if this salvation is so precious to me hallelujah i have to defend it i have to fight for it i have to defend it hallelujah to the end because guess what i must make it into the rapture i must see jesus face sister miram i must see his face for above all else i must be saved hallelujah surrender by death or by rapture i must make it in i must see jesus two things can take us out of this world whether the rapture or death whichever way god chooses whichever virgin i must see jesus i must cease faith i can't afford to labor so hard how many years and sacrifice to aesthetic go down the drain no deal devil you come with it no deal you can't catch me again you hold me down for a very long time i want to let go but you wouldn't let me go no i'm free and you're running after me but you're not catch me no deal if they have nothing to offer you the devil have nothing to offer you come on talk to me nothing what have you what have you to offer you tell me no talk to me nothing nothing hold on steadfast veteran and i feel young people as i said i'm calling you again age of 16 to about 30 i feel it again in my spirit hold on to jesus hallelujah comes with me keep it up in your mind have a made up mindset comes with me i must see jesus comes what me are going to fight the fight comes what we are going to appreciate the salvation comes with me i'm going to defend this salvation hallelujah i curse it the lord jesus is blood come on blood yokosata shia glory it caused him his blood hallelujah where were you when he was being spat upon where were you where the crown of turns was on his head hallelujah where were you when you tied him up and i whipped him and they whipped him and each time he dug out his flesh and they whipped him where were you hallelujah caused his blood his life for you to let this god on the train no way no deal where were you veteran when they nailed those approximate eight inch or so nails in his hands and his wrist feet and he was there on that cross want to die and they're taking so long where were you hallelujah at that point stretch it out i said lord if it's possible or let this cup pass for me nevertheless not my will but dying be done guess what while it was there suffering bleeding hallelujah while he was there you see the sweat like oh it's running down at me with blood mix running down in his eyes where are you when he's very hungry and weak and nauseous love somebody to give him a good meal you have to suffer and endure that because you have me and his mind hallelujah has you sister martin and his mind hallelujah you have your miriam and his mind hallelujah hallelujah you have your sister margaret and his mind hallelujah where were you as the song said were you there when they crucified my lord hallelujah there is a liar a deceiver hallelujah don't make any trade with him don't enter no negotiation with him he's not straight he's not a nice guy well you have a gentleman jesus will not force himself and no one he said whosoever will freely a gentleman a gentle lover one that can caress your soul well it can give you joy and peace and the holy ghost hallelujah a gentle lover one will not kick on the doors hallelujah and force on you a gentle lover what more you want brethren a gentle mighty god the nature of jesus christ himself is love him can do not more than love hallelujah hallelujah you have to appreciate this salvation let me tell you something virgin let me tell you something i remember in 2004 hurricane ivan was on the horizon and everybody's run up and don't get fooled aren't he so i went up on the whole stop to check the water tank to make sure enough water okay i know that normally hurricane light goes away water sometimes goes away went up on the whole sub bedroom check the water tank level come back after the whole stop can i make a liquid jump not a bad jump but i see if a jump low and behold there was a bottle buried in the ground i didn't see it pull my little right foot down there reach that little that bottle and you know what happened it bleed it hurts it bleed it hurts no guess what brethren guess what we are on the horizon of a hurricane then so going to hospital our our doctor's office boy just think about that is hard i remember going to the doctor's office version and i was there for a while and i got the injection and the stitches and all of that i remember getting some injection and the pain that i got through for that little time is like sunday school address rehearsal to what jesus go on calvary i was in the doctor's office and that injection that they gave me hallelujah after after biology telling the truth think about that birch and i said imagine what god done in calvary think about it hallelujah i was on his mind you are all on his mind if you are tuning in you are on his mind because he has a better way a better life a better salvation for you hallelujah a better salvation for you hallelujah and i think about it and i said mighty god look at that hallelujah look at that dress rehearsal with the two or three stitches that i get in my foot and it was painful the whole process version and that is nothing to what jesus go went through on calvary hallelujah just for you and me hallelujah just for you and me to have salvation hallelujah just for you and me to have a hope in god just for you and me to have a relationship with him hallelujah what more than that you want brethren a relationship with god do you want a relationship with him hallelujah says not just having the salvation he has not appointed us not onto rob but to obtain salvation entity put it this way for god chose to save us to our lord jesus christ not to put out his anger on us hallelujah so we have the salvation plan virtue is for us to have the salvation that is for us to maintain that salvation hallelujah we have to maintain it we have to maintain it brethren we have to maintain it hallelujah the devil is out there at us like a roaring lion hallelujah but the word of god said resist the devil and they will flee from you just draw night to god hallelujah let's appreciate this great salvation if you are here veteran and you have not yet started out hallelujah with this salvation i'm encouraging you to make a step a step close to god hallelujah to receive the salvation if you have received the salvation hallelujah i'm encouraging you virtue and under god to maintain this salvation walk with god hallelujah stick with him hallelujah because this one hallelujah i must see jesus i must see jesus i must see jesus hallelujah god bless you in jesus name god bless you amen hallelujah god praise god thank you helder thank you very much praise god there is someone here who wants us to pray for her can you come right now and our leaders are going to be laying their hands on you and pray for you just reach across and just pray for hilda bushy as he finish so you can make your way [Music] people are asking for prayer because they believe that god can and god has been showing up praise god [Music] praise god sir phil let her have your seat sir you're gonna be laying hands on her and pray [Music] sing as you can sing that song softly [Music] yes that's her deacon [Music] is upon you right now there is a zoom link for our [Music] and if there's anyone in the congregation who would want to come so that we can pray for you if the word of god has an effect upon your life and you believe that you want salvation you can come if you just believe that you have just a situation and you want us to just pray for you you can come because it's not all the time people come to the altar they come for salvation and we understand that so i'm just gonna ask you to want to come if you want us to pray for you can i ask the congregation to stand i'm going to love you love is just [Music] praise god there are people that are responding i'm just gonna be asking our leaders again just to come just find out from them what is it that they desire to their desire to have salvation or they just want to be prayed for for a particular reason [Music] i'm going to [Music] is [Music] sing that song again i'm going to live the way he wants oh [Music] yes i'm bored [Music] [Music] i'm going to leave jesus wants me too [Music] yes [Music] one won last night [Music] is [Music] is [Music] we thank you great god we thank you for your love we thank you for your word god we will not sell out that which you have given us but lord god that we will hold to our inheritance we thank you great god we thank you great god we thank you great god thank you let's all stand as we getting ready to dismiss in jesus name [Music] all the [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh you're humming softly heaven the father lord jesus god [Music] we thank you today we thank you lord jesus god for being in our midst we thank you great god for speaking to our heart we thank you god for your many blessings lord god we pray your continued anointing will be upon your servant we pray god that as we receive a word from you lord jesus we pray that it will abide within our heart jesus help us lord god to hold to you that we will abide in your house lord jesus god keep our feet lord god on this rock and keep our heart and our highest focus on you lord jesus continue to do that which you have been doing within our means let your favor overtake us lord god almighty that we can stand to the clear and to pose of your goodness and of your love keep us safe god as our children going back out the face of his class we pray that you will dispatch your angels round about them lord god be a shelter upon them lord jesus god open up their understanding to what has been taught that they will receive and learn and retain that which they have been taught lord god almighty we pray for your wisdom to be upon them lord jesus god that they will be the head and undertale lord jesus god favor them lord god show up lord jesus god for them lord god and let them realize that you are the god who is able to do exceededly abundantly above lord jesus let your awesome will be upon us lord god cover each and every one of us lord jesus god as we go lord god help us to abide and to remain in your house to give your glory let your will be done lord jesus god as we tell you thanks in jesus name in jesus name praise god praise god you are dismissed we are asking for the assistance of all the men all the men we are just asking you to just pick up a chair and to just pack it away each man to just pick
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 1,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Id: zyGzvrrfhp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 36sec (6396 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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