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one more time [Music] no before the throne [Applause] [Music] glorious now put those hands together for your king jesus clap your hands sorry people is somebody excited somebody give the lord a jump this morning in excitement [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] god we've got to raise the name of jesus we're going to magnify his name [Music] hey so yes [Music] i [Applause] [Music] hey oh [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody waved something out to god this morning and somebody excited to be in shots this morning [Music] get something in your heads get something in your head get something in your head get something in your head get something india put it on your head [Music] oh foreign [Music] shall follow you on the days of your life and you will dwell in the house of the lord christ and christ in god someone is slack so i'm gonna give the lord some praise when the spirit of the lord comes upon my soul [Music] when the spirit of the lord comes upon your soul [Music] so let jesus [Music] [Music] set me up and it kept me from falling everybody [Music] [Music] every [Music] uh somebody [Applause] celebrate the king of kings as you take your seats what a mighty goddess deserve put your hands together of god for the following testimonies mary joy miriam ertok and destiny joel again please step out as you hear your name mary joy miriam etruck and destiny joy give the king of kings and the lord of lords a baby clap offering hallelujah mira may took please default please confirm your name and tell the church what the lord did for you this time your suggestions praise the lord i am mrs mary i am ethic in the moment of december i didn't know i would stand here like this but but the message of god has kept me i was down for more than four weeks i was not eating i became a shadow of myself it became a concern i was admitted there was no i no i was not seeing any improvement all of us were devil showing himself grief and dead people and i told them to discharge me they discharged me i came down home i put a text through to daddy then daddy put code through called me and he said breathing it was then i knew that i didn't was trying to do it i tried everything said breathe out he said that the second time the third time as i break out something left me and i became whole to the glory of god praise god secondly yesterday against the wish of the devil i am here to testify that yesterday i clocked 60 to the glory of god celebrate the king of kings i believe every spirit of death looking for you or your loved ones is retrieved and refired back at senders in the name of jesus you shall fulfill your days in jesus precious name hallelujah mary joy please confirm your name and tell the church what the lord did for you praise the lord my name is mary joy eric i am here to appreciate god for what god did for me on wednesday some of us that are here on wednesday you will testify to the father our father in the lord mentions on cases i think three or three or four cases if i'm right and one of the cases was mine he said pelvic inflammatory disease and he said no time but raise up your hand to identify the testimony where i was sitting in the castle inside i raised up my hand and he said it is done god has done it i'm pregnant from that wednesday to eternity it has gone forever before now i will suffer this thing from four years ago every time it will come i i had to meet my daughter my daughter uh prescribed a cream for me this my coating cream after using it if i use it i apply it maybe four days it will go it will come back again i'll be suffering this was in silence until wednesday when our father and the lord measured that case and i want to tell you from now from dead to eternity it's gone forever i want to appreciate god i don't want to take this testimony for granted i am grateful lord thank you jesus some of the words shall come in this service in the name of jesus christ destiny joy and mother buster please confirm your names and tell the church what the lord did for you praise the lord judge my name is destiny joy my name is destiny i'm here to testify the goodness of the of god in my life on cause of on crossover 2020 when the when dr pastor poyne has said that we should write what is not going to follow us into 2021 i write that let god deliver me from the spirit of bad weight sin because i've been waiting since when i was eight years so so i told the lord that before my brother they reached out let me stop being waiting now that will be my birthday gift so to the goodness of the lord i'll stop being waiting since six years bed waiting eradicated on that cross overnight and the family has come to appreciate god for answering their prayers every trace of shame and reproach on your life and your family is retrieved and refired back to senders in the name of jesus give jesus a big clap and a shout out praise if you believe your testimony is the next make that clap louder what a mighty god we serve help me appreciate god this morning thank him for his faithfulness and his mercies thank you for these testimonies that we have heard today thank him because your own testimony is on the way father we give you all the praise we give you all the glory we give you all the worship and the adoration in the name of jesus christ [Music] for your love thank you lord thank you thank you [Music] i cannot thank you [Music] i cannot thank you [Music] [Music] you [Music] are filled with praise and thanks and gratitude to god for all that he's done for us over this weekend we saw amazing testimonies and i'm sure that the senior pastor will give us more details when he comes up in the name of jesus but we're here to just take a quick look at our seats of destiny for today is titled the right kind of people to relate with the bible tells us in proverbs chapter 27 and verse 17 it says iron sharpened iron so a man sharpened the countenance of his friends and in today's write-up in the seas of destiny the senior pastor has admonished us to associate with the right people when you associate with the right people your destiny is guaranteed we understand that relating with the right people is relating with people who treasure what is in you they see the potentials that you carry and they treasure it they value it and they help you to nourish it and to nurture it you are to relate with people hang around with people who celebrate you and not people who tolerate you and then secondly he's asked that we relate with people who brighten your vision and inflame your passion they brighten your vision they inflame your passion they agree with the things that you have their vision is similar to yours and then they are able to encourage you to fulfill those visions on the other hand don't relate with people who are vision killers people will tell you that ah who does that kind of thing these days what has it ever been done who told you can do it those kind of people are people you should identify and run away from them and you shall fulfill vision in the name of jesus christ lift up your hands as the prayer say after me lord i ask for the grace to identify and relate with the right kind of people help me lord to identify and avoid those who i should not relate with because they are vision killers help me to fulfill destiny in the name of jesus christ hallelujah praise the lord will be proceeding writer will be receiving uh the ministry of dunamis voice they are ministering one of those many songs that have been received and written by god seven the senior pastor dr pastor paul and nancy lord i love you how many of you love the lord i love him and i believe that as a singer minister today that you will be blessed as we get set for the word session and i believe that your life and destiny will never remain the same in jesus name let's receive dunamis [Music] voice [Music] do [Music] now i love you you are beautiful [Music] lord i love you you are beautiful [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] lord i [Music] you deserve the lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are you are glorious in holiness [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are a holy man [Music] righteousness [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] are you [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] be upstanding [Music] down [Music] is [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] to approach you we have access to the throne [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] now [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] do oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] hey [Music] mm-hmm [Music] uh [Music] hmm [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] trump [Music] get your house [Music] is [Music] if [Music] [Music] is what [Music] i of you and none of me hear me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your hands everywhere you are just maintain quietness everywhere you are it's your hands john the baptist said i must decrease and he must increase if god must increase in our lives we must decrease [Music] [Music] is who is by his name jesus asking him to take his place in your life and eggs jesus see him touch you hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] talk to me with your hands with your [Music] hands [Music] oh lord please don't let me go ma la yaya [Music] please don't let me go the way i came today touch me with your hands lift your hands i see the touch of god wiping away the spirit of discouragement the spirit of depression yes yes yes yes yes that one the devil is trying to discourage and make you feel that god is not answering you and god is not answering you and god is not doing what you ask him to do and god is delaying you lipe rata le perez father let it break right now let it break right now let it break right now let it break right now leave your hands on my hands [Music] in the name of jesus lift your hands i declined destroyed that that cloud of depression that that cloud of discouragement that that cloud of frustration that that cloud of yes and paratha ckd goliath is breaking out at the count of seven you place your hand on your head and scream touch and the touch of god will be upon you to dissolve that cloud that's right in the name of jesus discouragement despair and depression let it be broken right now in the name by the church of god in the name of jesus one two three four five six listen even though terry wait for it even though he tarry wait for it for the vision is for an appointed time i don't know what it is that is appearing to be delayed in your life and what the devil is lying to you about god is faithful forever oh god thy word is settled in heaven the word of god must prove true irrespective of who of who and what questions it the word of god shall be free in your life it shall be true with your children it shall be true with your family it shall be true in the work of your hands in the name of jesus click your hands father let it break through that's right le perette seeker at the count of seven you scream touch a dark devil will lift somebody's body and that cloud will leave an unclean spirit of depression will leave in the name of jesus receive that touch in jesus name one two three four five six and seven church [Music] party [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign hey [Music] when the lord commanded it now he frustrates the tokens of liars he makes the vine a smile he disappoints the devices of the crafty so their hands cannot perform their enterprise some trust in chariot others trust in horses but we remember the name of the lord our god those ones are brought down and falling but we are risen and we stand upright for the name of the lord it's a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe i prophesy by the apostolic and the prophetic mantle of god upon my life this week shall not expire until that destruction in your life is over until that destruction in your family is over this week shall not expire until your testimony is released open your mouth and pray in the spirit [Music] praise [Music] foreign oh jesus christ it is dull something just broke through right now a dark ugly devil of discouragement despair and frustration just got arrested god is about to prove himself in somebody's life and if you are that one you are going to give a jericho shout like like the next 60 seconds give him a loud shout of hallelujah a shout out victory a shout out victory a shadow victory a shadow victory trolls are dissolving ancestral curses are the materialized occultic powers are dissolving their genital darkness is being frustrated we see that creation and the coming to pass when the lord's commanded it all he is a god who prostrates that looking suppliers it makes the finest man it disappoints the devices of the graphic and their hands cannot propose [Music] hallelujah [Music] everybody everybody is [Music] hallelujah is before this week expires there will be a sound of rejoicing in your family a sound of rejoicing in your life a sound of rejoicing in our land a sound of rejoicing in your endeavor in your business under the next 24 hours even before the sun sets today somebody shall have that sound you are the one shouting out the same man and be seated in the presence of the lord [Music] hallelujah that's right that's right [Music] we serve a real god who is stronger and bigger than the devil and he will prove that in your life shortly i know there are people with diverse encounters some deliverances and breakthroughs and so on but by the end of the message if the time permits will be able to take some of them and i believe it's a new day father breathe upon your word in jesus precious name i bring you greetings from occurring undue state and very very soon you will see the clip of the miracles and some of you already saw them god is up to something the earth is literally being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the seas deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 and in verse 18 he said but thou shall remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which is where unto thy fathers as it is this day the lord blesses word in jesus name subject is accessing super natural supplies accessing super natural supplies our objective is to understand the pathway to super natural supplies it is abundantly clear in scripture that we serve the god who is a supernatural supplier a supernatural supplier a divine provider like none else talking about the god who created the whole of the world the galaxies and the atmosphere and the stratospheres and the hemispheres and the milky way galaxies and everything on the earth and the sun the moon the stars and billions and trillions of them and precious stones and metals without borrowing from a bank we are serving and talking about the god who brought water out of the rock to give water for three and a half million israelites for 40 solid years in the wilderness without depleting we are talking about the god who brought manna from heaven and brought whales in abundance to give food to his people in the wilderness it causes the sun to rise every day without tiring to burn every day without burning out to shine every day without dimness you may have heard me patrick light or power outage you will never see this sun outage ever he has enough celestial power not electric power celestial power to keep the sun burning you know how much it is costing you now to pay for electricity that is the god we serve enough celestial power keep the sun burning without burning out rising without failing shining without dimming what can he not do what can he not give what can he not provide however there are divine principles to follow in order to access divine products if god is the giver of it there are principles to follow in order to access divine products what are those principles we look at five of them quickly this morning if i want to access supernatural supplies from jehovah what do i do number one what do i need to have number one what do i need to possess what are the secrets number one is the the mindset of kingdom expansion the mindset of kingdom expansion the mindset for the expansion of the kingdom an aggressive drive for kingdom explosion is critical for supernatural supplies let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous cause why if they want to promote my cause on the earth if they want my kingdom in the earth not to suffer if they want to enlarge my agenda on the earth then let them shout for joy because they will say continually the lord be magnified that has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants in the prosperity of those who want to favor his cause in the prosperity of those who want churches planted he takes pleasure in the prosperity of those who want hell depopulated and heaven populated he takes pleasure in the prosperity of those who favor his righteous cause there are those who favor the cause of terrorism in the earth there are those who favor all the terrible crosses on the earth that's not what god is talking about he said those who will favor my righteous cause that will make my agenda in the earth to run let them shout because i will personally be involved in their prosperity somebody get ready because god is about to show you something let them take let them let them for the lord take it pleasure in the prosperity of his sons in zechariah 1 and in verse 17 he said cry yet saying those saith the lord or host my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad that is those who are interested in spreading abroad my city spreading abroad my kingdom spreading abroad my agenda i am interested in their prosperity i don't know if their correct clip is ready just just a little snippet of it look at that little snippet of it they will look at the reclip at the end of the service and then you see the mass of people gathering trooping then you see an upper hill and then you did all that crusade without taking a dime of offering on the crusade ground [Music] that's accurate that's not abuja that wasn't for harcourt hakko mccarthy that's accurate all right you can stop there stop there we'll look at it at the end cry yet saying my city's troop while we're in akure please remember please remember yola please all manner of messages from everywhere when will you come to ghana when will you come to kenya all manner we are waiting in my degree tell us what they say we are waiting in lagos and the earth must be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea and we must chase the devil back to hell by means of massive resources is god speaking to somebody here it's one thing to do service inside the church but it's another thing to go out into the air and confront the principalities directly and create and change the climate over the city change the weather change the atmosphere am i communicating at all just change the spiritual the spiritual the spiritual climate just just just send some witches packing and the god is looking for someone and that someone is seated here right now and you are going to have so much money you will you you will you won't you won't even know you won't even know how did this happen because your mind is set on expanding the kingdom on promoting the house of god you will be so explosive and it's because you are not the one that is why you are looking like that but i'm talking to somebody here that god is about to empower empower with resources and power with finances and it will amaze you and amaze those who know you shout the loudest amen take your sydney mindset of kingdom expansion when you want to conquer abundance when you want to conquer abundant resources listen to what i'm about to say when you want to conquer abundant resources not because of what you want to achieve for yourself but because of what you want to achieve for the kingdom when you want to conquer look at the word conquer abundant resources not because of what you want to achieve for yourself but for what must be achieved for the kingdom then the sky becomes your starting point people say sky is your limit no it's a starting point for what god will do in your life the mindset of kingdom expansion most people think carfest they think house first they think this and that first so the struggle continues but let the mindset change and the outcome will change number two is a large vision for abundance a large vision a large vision for abundance is necessary for seeing the abundance of god a large vision in genesis chapter 13 verse 14 and 15 and the lord said unto him after lord was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which thou seest today will i give it and to thy seed forever don't forget this god will only give what man can see all the land which thou seest today will i give it all the land philippians chapter 3 verse 20 unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or imagine god will only give what man can see god will only give what man can see what man can see god can't give here is another what is in the heart of man determines what can be delivered into the hand of man what is in the heart of man determines what god can deliver into the hand of man if it is not in the heart it can never enter the hands very important a large vision large vision some of you will see yourself flying your aircraft to the crusade grounds your business aircraft your company aircraft who says you cannot have it those who have it don't have two heads am i communicating at all i like you to look beyond survivor step into the realm of excess without stress look beyond the realm of survival from the realm of looking for a house to the realm of owning estates that you will see some to less privileged people to live in the realm of buying a car to the realm of buying evangelism bosses and vehicles on your own transporting a hot transporting thousands of people to church in your own vehicles a large vision for abundance as far as your eyes can see so will i give number three is the revelation of supernatural supply the revelation of supernatural i'm talking of scriptural revelation of supernatural supply this is critical to supernatural supply scriptural revelation in deuteronomy chapter i believe in chapter 29 29 he said the secret things belong to god but the things that are revealed belong to us if it must be released to you it must first be revealed to you the things that are revealed belong to us it is only when they are revealed that they can belong and this is not just in the realm of supernatural supplies it is in every realm if divine health must belong to you it must be revealed to you if victory over witchcraft must belong to you you must see it out of scripture am i communicating at all if the fulfillment of days must belong to you that is you want you you are going to live and not be cut short like others in your lineage you must see it out of the scripture that he died young for you to live long in a similar manner similar manner if supernatural supply must belong to you you must see it out of the scripture the day i saw that the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof that was the day i realized that nobody owns any property that everything belongs to god and anyone god wants for his work by time we can have it the so-called creative cannot withstand them nobody owns anything god owns everything people are mere caretakers i saw that out of scripture and challenge for what how to get property from ministry or for church or for anything ended and died that is there is no property we cannot get if god wants us to get it not not one it doesn't matter who owns it the area one church property they pursued us to church on a sunday morning from the other religion he attended service to negotiate with us on our attempts am i communicating at all is god speaking to somebody at all in the same manner you don't just get things by luck you get it by light take your seat in this kingdom we do not triumph by luck we triumph by light we triumph by light for the light shine it in darkness if you are from a poverty background it is the light of scripture that will kill that demon of poverty and take you beyond the limits of your father's house so there must be no revelation of supernatural supply the truth is faith is fed by light and everything we get by god we get by faith the followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promise hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12 and everything we get from god we get by faith and faith is felt by light so once you get that light that revelation that look oh truly i am born again i will make heaven but making heaven is not the only thing there are things to enjoy in this world first before i go to heaven and no devil can stop me from having them that revelation is important and there are materials books tapes that have been preached in this subject that will deepen your understanding you can pick them up number that was number three number four is dedicated kingdom service dedicated kingdom service dedicated kingdom service is a sure way to accessing supernatural supplies showing to accessing supernatural supplies god pays his workers and he pays very well there are those who revel in the fact that um i work with cbn i work with unicef i work with united nations thank god for all those work i work with an oil and gas company praise the lord but there is a company heavier than all those companies it is the jehovah company do you know what he said in luke chapter 10 verse 1 looked at that 10 verse 1 he said after this the lord appointed somebody say appointed so kingdom service is a kingdom appointment he appointed order you see the way people get appointments later he appointed 70 and he said send them two and two before his face to every city he appointed kingdom assignment is not a volunteer service it's a kingdom appointment ah it's not yet he's i am not just volunteering to walk and do some things for god is a kingdom appointment if you look through the scripture very well you will see the terms in the appointment later exodus 23 25 is one of those times you shall serve the lord your god and part of your appointment benefits he shall bless your bread and your water it shall take away sickness the middle of you and you know mentality the time is reality you are working like a volunteer you the outcome is a volunteer's outcome take your seed and you are working like i am on appointment then you get your entitlement without begging for it without harassing anybody for it without struggling for it in this crusade i have gone to crusaders twice within this season and then this one comes five stars i say i'm the owner of this hotel and i came for prayer and then he lives and leaves the crusade ground with an entitlement from heaven in plenty zeros another one comes and says i'm the owner of this hotel this is my wife pray for us i told them not to collect any money for your stay here we are not wasting our lives from this moment forward even people you don't know maybe you say it's because they know him even we have been to places where people didn't know us somebody reversed in lagos on anthony bridge on your way to bagada reverse his car all the way and saw me and my wife standing by the roadside this is like 20 years ago where are you going we are going to molina towers in vi all right i am going to yanaka but i will take you to two opposite directions but i'll take you there he took us all the way there dropped us and i said to him who are you saying you don't need to know sir what can i do what nothing all right your generation will never be stranded that was a prayer release your generation will never know what it means to stand and not find fine roots it he returned all the way going back to january we never knew from nowhere this has happened plenty times we are in europe in the aircraft or inside the aircraft they look at me and my wife are the only one at the back the the tail most tale of the economy say can you come to the first class please you paid for economy they sent you to first class and not that they changed the ticket not that it happened at the counter it happened inside the aircraft and you know the service is different the food is everything is different somebody here i prophesy upon you as you donate yourself to the service of the kingdom you will see benefits that will amaze your life if you are saying him and shout the loudest amen [Applause] take your seat in the presence of the lord this is job chapter 36 11 he said if they obey and serve him they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure if they obey and they serve him if they obey and serve him in luke chapter 22 verse 35 he said when i sent you without pulse and script and shoes did you lack anything and they said nothing this is what god is saying to someone here show to god that you are not ever going to be too big to serve him then he will show to you that nothing is ever going to be too big to give to you you didn't hear what i just said one billionaire multi-billionaire he brought me document of his contract of 127 billion naira just lay hands and establish the contract was already established almost 60 mobilization given already give me wisdom and just i need wisdom for this thing to be established and fulfilled i want god's help to do well he would ask me to assist him with one or two personnel that can assist in the execution of the work which i did laid hands on the document he's an authority tomorrow in the place where he worships wife is in the choir there are some people who have not even seen one billion they are ready they are executive christians shoulder is up come pass where everybody is passing no we are doing that we are the big man of the assembly and god said with your business remain where you are i have more plans for your life but you have limited yourself by your mindset i mean you can be a billionaire in dollars and be a cleaner in the church a sanctuary keeper god is looking for more of such you can be a billionaire in euros and still be in the prayer bank a young man showed me his the paper of a contract awarded to his company of seven point something billion he's a dedicated member in the prayer band and if you're in the prayer man you don't need to ask for who he is because she would not know even what i'm saying here today just rigidly following god no shoulders raised no arrogance just rigidly and if you have been dedicated in serving and you have not seen the rewards of service i announced today whatever is sitting on your rewards it is over right now maybe you are not the one that's why your aiming is like that if you have been committed to the service of god and you have not seen the rewards of your service i announce to you today we think this week you shall see your rewards your rewards shall begin to come say the loudest amen take your seat in the presence of the lord listen show god that you are never going to be too big to serve him inside the church serving in soul winning bringing people in your vehicle to church giving out tracks you know the multi billionaire because karis was on the street in lagos some time ago doing street evangelism with megaphone not too long ago i'm sure some of you saw it that's anything you know of range rover you know often bmw anything anyone in this country must have come through him that you can you can come to the point where i am not too big to hit the road and preach the gospel not to be to do the menial things in the house then god will show you that nothing will be too big to hand over to you that was number five and number five that was number four number five is the practice of the covenant of supernatural supplies the practice of the covenant supernatural supply is not a promise that can be claimed but a covenant that must be practiced say that again supernatural supply that is my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory is not a promise to be claimed is a covenant to be practiced and i'm going to read that passage to you in context in philippians chapter 4 verse 15 look at what paul said all the way to respect he said now you can look at that he said now you philippians you know also that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving so it is not receiving and receiving there is nothing like receiving from god receiving and receiving and it is giving and receiving receiving happens on the platform of givings he said but you only then it continues for even in thessalonica you sent once and again unto my necessity not because i desire a gift but i desire fruit that may abound to your account see but i have all and i abound and i'm full have you received of epaphroditus the things which were sent from you an order of a swiss man a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to god now that you have done all this my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory hallelujah when you quote unless 19 as philippians 4 1 9 that is practical 419 operation philippians 4 1 9 no it's not 419 it's a covenant to be practiced it is receiving and receiving giving and receiving genesis chapter 8 verse 22 he said as long as the earth while the earth remains seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter day and night shall not cease giving and receiving acts chapter 20 verse 35 paul the apostle speaking to the people said i have showed you all things how that's so laboring you ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the lord jesus how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive so the blessing is in the giving the blessing is inside the given it is more blessed to give time to receive and i'm not talking just from a lecture aspect perspective i am talking from a practitioner aspect perspective practice of almost 35 years since the year of 1986 consistent with doubt without at any time forgetting to fulfill covenant obligation consistent so it's from a practitioner's point of view listen outcomes are the products of actions every time you see a desirable outcome there are obligatory actions that must be put in place the practice of the covenant when we talk about giving some people some people may ask what givings are those i will enumerate some givings as far as the time permits me this can be done at different locations they can be done together and they can be done as the lord leads you number one is a tight that tight is compulsory in genesis chapter 14 verse 18 to 20 genesis chapter 14 verse 18 to 20 and melchizedek the king of salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the most high goal and he blessed him and said bless be abraham of the most high god possessor of heaven and earth and he blessed and and blessed be the most high god which has delivered your enemies into your heart and he gave him the tights of all not just personality types of falling includes corporate tight the title of the organization aside the tight of the person tithe is the minimum in hebrews chapter seven verse eight hebrews chapter seven verse said he said here men that die on earth here they receive tithes but there that is mortal men receive tight here but there the immortal receive at it it is witness that you receive it receive it is present continuous so it didn't end with the old testament he received them he received it he received he is receiving he will receive the church may count your tithe but it is in heaven that the title is recorded am i communicating very very important so we have the tights number two is a free will offering that is the one we come to church and then give unto god in deuteronomy chapter 16 and verse 17 he said every man shall give us his able all right deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 16 and then 17. he said three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the lord thy god in the place which he shall choose in the face of unleavened bread in the feast of weeks in the feast of tabernacles and they shall not appear before the lord empty in the old testament they made just that scanty but in the new testament the church met literally every day and they shall not appear before me empty now verse 17 says every man shall give as he is able according to the blessing of the lord your god which he has given you so if my level is not the same with your level my giving can be the same with your giving there are people god has changed their level since but their giving has not changed abomination error that is an application for stagnation you are telling god don't shift me if i'm giving the offering i gave 15 years ago now something is absolutely wrong in fact in my own envelope night my wife packages my offer there are some denominations that must never enter they must never because the level changed since am i communicating that is free will offering on your own volition nobody tells you the percentage what i do is that at the beginning of the month i allocate this is the percentage i'm giving for this month and then it is distributed according to the services that are holding including service outside the church here if i go to anywhere to minister the size of the envelope is almost the same thing am i communicating free will often number three is giving to the poor unless privileged is part of covenant practice in proverbs chapter 19 and in verse 17 proverbs 19 17 he said he that has pity upon the poor landed unto the lord and that which he has given he will pay him again if you are giving to poor people god say you are borrowing him money and since he does not owe anybody he will never owe you somebody say amen proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 in proverbs 21 and in verse 13 who so stopped at his ears and the cry of the poor he also shall cry himself but shall not be ahead that will never be your portion that is giving to the poor and the less privileged number four is sacrificial giving sacrificial giving sacrificial giving psalm 20 verse 1 to 5 psalm 20 and in verse 1. he said the lord hear you in the day of trouble the name of the god of jacob defend you let him send help to you from the sanctuary and strengthen you out of zion why when he remembers all your offerings and accept your bond sacrifice once in a while you might decide i want to shift level i want to move to another dimension i want to sacrifice where i am now i don't like it i need a sacrifice to change level sacrificial giving or when the church calls for his sacrifice this is sacrificial giving now all right let me go to number five call that prophets giving now i actually classified everyone else under orders but let's look at the prophet's given this is where you feel led to touch the life of whoever god uses to touch you in galatians chapter 6 verse 6 galatians chapter 6 and verse 6. the bible says let him that is thought in the word communicate unto him that teach it in all good things when you hear the word communicate it doesn't it doesn't clarify so if you look at another translation he said give me the living bible or the new living translation or any other translation another translation let him that is taught in the world communicate to him that teaches him in all goodness do that very fast nevertheless the one who receives instruction in the world should share all good things with their instructor just one more translation that will bring it out a little bit those who are taught the word of god should provide for their teachers sharing all good things with them now this is scriptural injunction there are many other passages that are read in the next house that's profits given number six is first fruits giving first fruits in proverbs chapter three and verse nine proverbs chapter three and verse nine the bible said hold not the lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all that increase go ahead so shall thy bands be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine hallelujah first fruit giving there are two ways to look at the first fruit first fruit can be the first increase that enters your hand the first one it can be first fruit that is this is i've been stranded i have nothing and this just entered my hand i am giving to god first fruit can also be the first increase my salary has been five hundred thousand it has now become five hundred and fifty thousand the increase was fifty thousand that can be fast food am i communicating and it works like fire how many of you there are some people who were in a kingdom financial meeting we had some time ago and a man we brought to testify he's not a member of this church he's a member of one of the churches that we associated with one of the our parent churches and he said he told god he was going to pay his first fruit and god gave him the first fruit of how much does anybody remember it's like 400 million 400 400 450 million was the first increase that ended that entered his hand for that year and he said he took the check to the pastor the pastor didn't open it when the pastor opened it the person went to him say you made a mistake check that check very well you just made a mistake you can't you can you don't mean this is what you are giving you say i mean every single word of you do you mean it is i mean everything before the month ended that first fruit return back three times before 30 days and then today the guy has changed aircraft nine times they say the way you change car in his field his organization is number one in the country quality born-again child of god there are contracts it doesn't take in fact he doesn't do any government contract since almost how many years now is it because he doesn't want anybody to ask him for money they gave him a job of 89 billion some years ago and some people wanted to share the money he returned back the job to them say keep your job i don't they said just sign and then we'll will say that you have done the job but just give us one so billions he said he ran from there for his life the story was made known later on where the number one at that time compelled the writing to be done people deal the way you are struggling to give is not how everybody is struggling though hallelujah stories so that is first fruit given and then the final is kingdom projects given kingdom projects given the situation where god is building and you decided to be involved in psalm 132 verse 1 to 5. psalm 132 verse 1 to 5. the bible said lord remember david and all his afflictions how he swear unto the lord and vowed unto the mighty god of jacob surely i will not come into the tabernacle of my house nor go up into my bed i will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids until i find out a place for the lord a habitation for the mighty god of jacob construction is on and lord here am i here is my portion these are basic givings there may be more but what you do is lord i am available whatever you give to me so and so percentage comes back to you you can start low 10 percent tight is basic any other percentage you wanted to add to that every maybe i want to give 20 for a start or 30 for a stack whatever and then out of that percentage you have given i allocate this to free will offering i allocate this to the to the poor and the less privileged i allocate this to project i allocate this and as it grows you grow william colgate the colgate toothpaste man started giving 10 percent then he increased to 20 then he increased to 30 then he increased to 40 50 60 70 1890 you know what he did then he came to the point where he said you know what i have enough money reserved fixed stored that can last me the rest of my life so from today everything that comes 100 goes back i don't need any fresh money anymore to do anything for myself any money i need i have that is money that's already titled from another that is in the reserve from now on all the monies i am making i am making it for the kingdom human beings reach such levels somebody said to me the other day he said let god try me now with one billion i would drop all of it i won't take one out of it i was so touched and in my heart i said it is done i won't talk let him just give me up everything is given to him to do his work see the covenant practice has made several people into who and what they became in their generation your case shall not be an exception let me give two councils in conclusion first receive grace that is make demands on grace on the grace to apply yourself to kingdom principles for supernatural supplies lord if these are your principles i receive grace i need help there are people who know how to start but they don't know how to continue and they don't know how to finish and it is not starting that is important but continuing and finishing father i receive the grace not just to start to continue to finish apply for it and number two continue to play your path because god is covenant bound to fulfill his obligation to his covenant partners continue to play your part because god is covenant bound to fulfill his obligations to his covenant partners right now i speak upon everyone here grace the grace and the grace the grace the grace the grace again that grace to fulfill your path in jesus precious name every good message places upon people with responsibility every preaching that does not give you responsibilities to fulfill is an irresponsible preaching and the proof of good preaching is not how you felt but what you will do until what you will do is clear to you you haven't heard anything so i want you to proceed some of us need to take fresh steps some of us need to return back because we got to weary in well doing and then we'll see god at work this week lift your right hand and give the love the praise for what you have received appreciate him honor him and adore him worship him father thank you and thank you and thank you in jesus precious name god had rolled the clip of the accurate crusade [Music] ancient city of aquarius cross the ground [Music] are you just sitting and looking like that shoulder and wrist was broken off and you still don't move it before [Music] mental situation is restless restless for six years in that boy was mental for 10 years mental for 10 years when the body begins to develop antibodies that is fighting the body that is what jehovah just handled you could not do what you are doing now are you just sitting and looking like that yes mama had accident 10 years ago and her left leg was twisted left left two strands of the accident every day they [Music] this child has never walked since she was born with the ear that is deaf in the right ear can you you can't hear the right thing that is another cabin say death in the ear for five years jesus precious jesus [Music] [Music] lord jesus saint louder lord jesus i am a sinner i need your help jesus help me lord to live for you to do your will thank you lord in jesus name [Music] give the king of kings and the lord of lords a shout out praise everybody be up on your feet be up on your feet lift up your hands unless i appreciate the king of kings for his word to us this morning father we love you father we worship you father we honor you father we adore you father we magnify you thank you master lift your hands and sit after me say father i am available as an instrument in your hands use me lord to your glory in the financial realm use me lord to your glory lift your hands lord make me a practical instrument [Music] lord make me a practical instrument for you use me lord use me lord lord make me a practical instrument [Music] father we thank you for this moment we give you the praise and the honor you for all that you have done for us today thank you for life's touch destiny has changed thank you for your new beginning for many lift your voice i say father i receive the grace to practice the covenant to walk in the covenant i receive that grace lord in the name of jesus give the hands higher and right now everyone that is in need of surrender to jesus you want your sins forgiven you want jesus to be lord over your life i'd like you to pick your bible speak your bags or you want to rededicate yourself to god or you want an addiction broken a lifestyle is smoking and drinking fraud gambling whatever it is immoral lifestyle pick up your bibles and pick your bags and quickly come forward at the count of seven instrument for you use me your lord i'll give you the account of seven one quickly come forward carry your bibles and your bible and quickly come and surrender to jesus use me everybody sing it now [Music] i brought you two instruments for you [Music] [Music] practice [Music] instruments for you you [Music] [Music] take your sin to the presence of the lord everybody you are here for the first all right you are surrendering as they are coming all the way from there all the way all the way all the way all the way come make your ways right to jesus he said if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear me and those who are here right now including those coming out there place your right under your chest and pray after me say lord jesus i am a sinner i am in need of your help come into my life lord make me a new person today i have decided to follow you jesus no turning back from today i go for whatever backward never thank you lord in jesus preciously amen i pray for you today i declare the hold of the enemy broken off your life and the grace to live for god be released upon you i call it dawn in jesus precious name amen our counselors on the left right just one moment can everyone stretch your two hands in front of you i prophesy upon your hands your harvest will look for you from the north and the south the east and the west all that is yours no devil shall keep back i call it dawn in jesus precious day amen pick up your offerings tights and pledges somebody can commence today right now and begin to do the right thing and you lift it up before god oh god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh thank you master we give you the praise in jesus name amen do we have the clip of the right you have your offerings can you lift it up further multiply the harvest of every giver we ask that the hands lifted never drop to beg in jesus preciously amen can you go ahead show us the clip of the youth conference that is coming [Music] to be useful to be an asset the numbers youth minister presents 2021 global youth convention i love the prayer section just very nice team discovering purpose deploying potentials and fulfilling destiny ministering dr paul and dr mrs becky paul and enter guest minister ron lewis time 9 a.m morning sessions and 5 p.m evening sessions daily date monday the 29th of march to friday the 2nd of april 2021 venue dunamis international gospel center area 1 galaxy abuja nigeria you need to be here nowhere else full youth meeting coming and it's going to be very very impactful global youth convention hallelujah please inform and invite all the youth that you know and it's going to be very very impactful god bless you you have your offerings already have you lived today all right i'm the only one who hasn't lifted mine bless you amen and this week is our explosive revival week give the lord a shout out pray the march worship world and wonders night it's also you can also call it healing and deliverance crusade night give the lord a shout of praise it is titled in the day of his power somebody give jesus a shout
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 22,513
Rating: 4.8877754 out of 5
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Length: 127min 37sec (7657 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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