March 14, 2021 - The Enoch Generation

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detail about the enoch generation that that is what we are people have talked about you know the the uh all the different kind of generations this time has gone by this is this kind of generation that kind of generation that kind of generation and they labeled it through the years uh of of uh joshua generation this one that and the other uh and and all the we could just go on and on how mankind has labeled things but let me put it in from a perspective of how the lord would label things he would call this that we live in and the people that are here the enoch generation and if you heard thursday night you wouldn't even have a better understanding so let's begin to talk about the enoch generation and remind you again that there's so much here and i hate to keep repeating myself but it's important that you get some foundations we look very closely at the prophecies of enoch you know as they relate to the times we're living in but today i want us to look at the man himself enoch because we can find out from him so many things that has to do with my life and your life and it has to do with with uh uh how we're living how we are to live what god expects from us in these end days we have talked as days have gone by we've said we're the last runner we're the fourth runner there is no one behind us there's nobody to pass the baton to we've given all those messages and you are aware of those uh if not they're certainly online that you can go back but there's no one there's not anyone to pass this baton to we we went into detail uh talking about uh the fig tree it's already blooming and we talked about the creation of the nation of israel and that as the lord said that those would would be the ones that would still be living in when the rapture took place and have through the days have given all kind of information regarding that so we know from the word of the lord that enoch that he lived the seventh generation from adam and that he walked with god but the scripture gives us great insight let's go to genesis 5 genesis 5 and begin to look at the things we can learn when anna was 65 years old he became the father of methuselah which was the oldest man that ever lived after the birth of methuselah enoch lived in close fellowship with god for another 300 years and he had other sons and daughters enoch lived 365 years walking in close fellowship with god then one day he disappeared because god took him now it's sometimes it's very difficult and we made reference to this the other night it's difficult for us to realize that enoch was living during the time that adam was living and it's hard for us to put all of that together because of the lifespans of them and adam was six uh was 622 years old when enoch was born and since adam lived 930 years adam was alive for the first 308 years of enoch's life that's a long time church in fact enough only lived another on the earth another 57 years after adam died so he knew adam and eve can you imagine what kind of conversations they must have had and all that enoch learned sitting at i mean we got 300 years to learn all this all that he learned sitting at the feet of adam and eve and because the enemy escaped death and was the first person to be translated or we should say to be raptured we need to think why why was he raptured what was there about this man since we are the rapture generation if i call you the enoch generation that is the rapture generation that's who we are well what what about enoch made him a candidate to be raptured and that's what i think we should be looking at since we are the rapture generation we should try to find out what is it that we need to know what was it about this man i mean who was it hebrews helps us out hebrews 11 5. hebrews 11 5. it was by faith that enoch was taken up to heaven without dying he disappeared because god took him for before he was taken up he was known as a person who pleased god now i also like the new king james so let's look at it too in hebrews 11 5. by faith enough was taken away so that he did not see death and was not found because god had taken him for before he was taken he had this testimony that he pleased god now what can we learn from this little scripture right there what can we learn about him now the scripture tells us four distinct things and i believe there are four characteristics that we need to make sure that you and i have as end time disciples turn to your neighbor and say you're an end-time disciple we are end-time disciples or we are the enoch generation i could even put parentheses the rapture generations that's that's who we are and so we will this generation i'm being pretty straightforward about it this generation will be raptured to heaven as enoch was that's where we were i i don't think i stumbled when i said that i don't think i said it softly or anything about it so i mean i put it out there hallelujah that's what i feel that's what i believe that's what i believe god almighty has said to me so so there are four things one enoch walk with god number two enoch please god number three in it had faith and number four and prophesied we're going to look at all four of these now let's take them one by one enoch walked with god well we're used to saying we walk i'm walking with god i'm walking with god but i want to give you a definition of what it means to walk with god to walk with god means that you and god are in agreement about your life very simple but let me make sure you hear it to walk with god means that you and god are in agreement about your life the prophet amos declared something to us that we can look at and kind of understand can two walk together unless they are agreed all right now it means you've accepted god's plan for your life even if you don't understand it and even if you don't know it all which none of us do and and that's just giving your life to the lord and say you know here i am in other words i'm just going to absolutely just hand my life over to you i'm going to trust you i'm going to sign my name to the bottom part of this book and let you write the book or i could say sort of be like well i'm going to give you a blank check and you just have it lord i'm going to give you my american express card and go for it because i trust you now you and i both know we all know that very few people are comfortable with doing anything like what i just said because we don't trust people and there's a good reason now god does not tell you in advance what he's going to do you've already found that out you might think at times that it's good for you to know but i'll assure you up front that is not a good idea for you to know in advance think back the things that you have encountered and the things that have come your way just think back on it if you'd known they were coming you would we would just find you in a puddle somewhere you wouldn't even know how to live life we wouldn't know what to do proverbs gives us some insight to that proverbs 16 9. a man's heart plans his ways but the lord directs his steps and then it tells us again in proverbs 19 there are many plans in a man's heart nevertheless the lord's counsel that will stand now walking with god is a day-by-day experience thing that you and i do hour-by-hour lifestyle it's agreeing with god that his timing is okay now let's be honest right here his timing sometimes is not really okay you know we we'd like for him to do it a little different and a little okay but when you finally get to know him and walk with him it you finally get to a place well it really is okay and you can only say that when you trust him and and trust is something that you learn to do my friends i mean it's you know it's just agreeing that god you know knows more about everything than you do you know but most of us do what sarah did you do remember sarah and how she took advantage and just decide she was going to handle this thing that god gave the prophecy and god said what was going to happen and it didn't happen like she wanted to so she just worked it out herself you do remember all that now that ended up being a myth all of us know that now saul also made a pretty big mess if you remember it's found in first samuel but you remember he disobeyed god because he thought he had a better idea than god did he said i'll keep the best sheep in cattle and i'll offer them to god you and i both know that wasn't the real show there and that that uh that was his rationalization until the prophet samuel came and straightened him out now i don't know how many of you had a prophet come straighten you out i've had a prophet come straighten me out hallelujah it was not fun because they can speak with the fire of almighty god and some of them speak so gently that you wish they would yell at you but when they come how many of you know when god speaks to somebody to you you don't have to say who said that you know where it came from look at first samuel 15 first samuel 15. but samuel replied what is more pleasing to the lord your burnt offerings and sacrifices are your obedience to his voice listen obedience is better than sacrifice and submission is better than offering the fat of rams rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft this is tough rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshipping idols oh my word so because you have rejected the command of the lord he's rejected you as king and we say oh man that was that was way over there he's talking to saul no he's talking to us so let's come back the the new american standard says stubbornness is as idolatry now get this most of us a lot of people call stubbornness a character flaw now you brace up here brace up god calls it idolatry let me go back to that one one more time i've met a lot of stubborn people in my life and have been one been there and done that but notice when i when the lord spoke and said that i thought ah take a deep breath and read this again slowly this is pretty strong he said you call stubbornness a character flaw i call it idolatry so i thought i was going to look up stubbornness i mean i knew what stubbornness was but i want to hear it again dog determination not to change one attitude opposition on something i know how many stubborn folks we got in here just hold your head down you hold back up in a minute it means you're obstinate you are difficult to deal with you're hard to manage or to suppress and i thought oh my goodness i need all the band-aids in my house i've been cut up and then i looked up idolatry to put someone or something first in your life other than god now come on hold on blind or excessive devotion to something that you worship or something or someone other than god even if it's your own thoughts and experiences oh my word you know i wanted to say lord give me a breather and i don't know about you but i just said ouch that hurt that hurt so to talk with god is the journey of trusting him solomon wrote in proverbs 3. we know this one by heart but that doesn't mean we do it proverbs 3 trust in the lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him he will notice he said he will shall you can't get any stronger than that he shall direct your past he didn't say he might do it he says if you trust him he will do it he shall do it if you trust him the the overflow of trusting god is he will shall he'll take your life and he'll direct you in the book he wrote for you yes yes yes he sent you down here you came from heaven you you he knows your name your name's written in the palm of his hands what he said everybody in here your name's written in the palm of his hand so he sent you here you know somebody's happy about it back there than you are hallelujah everybody should be shouting i'm glad god knows my name [Applause] cause so long there was a time in my life i didn't think he knew my name you know there was a time in my life i hoped he didn't go ahead and get it out but he knows your name but and he sent you here with a destination we learned that last week destiny and purpose and satan's out to destroy your destiny and your purpose so god sent you a destiny and purpose and so in it the only one that can direct can keep us on the path is the one who wrote the past the one who made the path and he is openly saying i want to help you walk this path i have it for you i've carved it out for you your name's on it i've got it and if you will trust me i'll keep you in the book what book the book of your life everybody has a book of their life god has a book in heaven with your name on it with your name on it and in it he has what he has directed for you to live now most of us have written our own books which is not worth two cents matter of fact it tells all the mess that you've done and all the side tracks you've taken unless you have repented and then thank god you don't have to answer to that book amen thank god for his faithfulness but here's god almighty saying you know i wan i wrote this thing and i want to keep you in it i do but but you know we like to lean on our own understanding i know what i want i know what's best for me i got ticked over here and ticked over there so i'm going to do this my way and i'm going to make it work for you lord you all might as well say amen i'm not the only person in here being here let me give you a definition of trust which is absolutely precious now when i say i'm giving this definition of trust you know i'm not making these up these are the ones i believe the lord just gave me okay so i'm this is definition of trust trust is the assured reliance on the character the ability the strength or truth of someone else so let me say it again to you trust is the assured reliance on the character the ability the strength or trust of someone else that's pretty comprehensive and there's an interesting account in second chronicle that speaks about this concept of trusting god we you know about jehoshaphat king jehoshaphat and uh you know he was king of jude and he learned that his kingdom was about to be invaded and on hearing the news he was frightened of course he called out to god and because he didn't know what to do instead of wringing his hands and having a nervous breakdown like you and i would have had he turned immediately to the lord there's one here's one here's a big lesson when everything's going fine we don't have to take to think much about trust in the lord but when something happens that we can't handle that's when we decide i think i need to learn to trust god now jehoshaphat called all his people together if you remember the story and he prayed out loud in front of all the people the king led the prayer and you can read about it but in response to the king's prayer the lord delivered a word of comfort i mean there were about there were five armies coming against him and then the lord gave a word of comfort as a result of the prayer you see it in ii chronicles 20 and he said listen all judah and the inhabitants of jerusalem and king jehoshaphat this is the lord given through a prophet given the comfort here thus says the lord to you do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods amen verse 17 you need not fight in this battle i like that kind you need not fight in this battle station yourselves stand and see the salvation of the lord have we heard about that before did we hear something about that like moses just before he's getting ready to cross the red sea remember and he said stand and see the salvation of the lord on your behalf o judah and jerusalem do not fear or be dismayed tomorrow go out to face them for the lord is with you amen glory to god you know what they did when they heard that same thing you would have done shouted and praised and worshiped god hallelujah and the next morning look what happened uh right after that they rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of decoy and when they went out jehoshaphat stood and said listen to me o judah inhabitants of jerusalem put your trust in the lord your god and you will be established put your trust in his prophets and you'll succeed hallelujah glory to god now you you understand that when all of this happened glory to god did all this that jehoshaphat i mean all they did was walk away with all the the abundance from the from the from the battle they didn't fight any of it god fought all of it they left with the bounty i mean they god gave them the bounty and he fought the war glory to god now the king told the people to do put your trust in the lord your god you can trust god as much as jehovah as jehoshaphat did i i'll assure you but we can almost trust him as much as enoch did enoch had to really trust god y'all in order to go up he did not have anybody to tell him what a rapture was like no one had been raptured what made this man go up what made what made it happen for him what made it happen for him god's character is perfect his ability is unquestioned his strength is enormous and his truth is eternal and besides all that he's faithful hallelujah to the uttermost put your trust in the prophets jehoshaphat said let me say a few things about prophets here prophets in our day that are recognized as having a valid gift and anointing they should be honored and there are some real prophets that are in the land there aren't many there never is an abundance of prophets of true prophets are there aren't very many of them let me say that again not very many of them are there are people who say they're prophets but god ordained prophets you know in these end days we need to be paying attention let me say this the true prophet of god will never apologize for what god has said i want you to listen up because i'm being straightforward here okay a true prophet of god will never apologize for something that god said just because the word that he or she gave doesn't come to pass overnight is no reason to reject that word i've seen in this church people reject words of the prophet because you haven't seen it come yet repent and get over it enoch prophesied about what what you and i are now walking in 5 000 years ago what what he prophesied has not happened until now it has not happened in previous generations he has a now word it's for us now there are prophecies coming to pass in our day that were spoken 100 or 200 years ago let me call out some of the names some of you will know our friend dr miriam brown true prophet of god brother kenneth hagin true prophet of god president george washington true prophet of god duterman true prophet of god brother dan bowler true prophet of god sundar celebrates true prophet of god david wilkinson true prophet of god ken clement true prophet of god george whitfield true prophet of god billy sunday true prophet of god they did not call themselves prophets some of these other you'd have to go back and they would prophesy about things you have to go back and read all their writings we could go on and on and on but these are taking us back over you know hundreds of years hundreds of years and they're coming to pass now now so to walk with god like in it did it is to obey him joyfully because you trust him utterly nothing held back no exceptions no condition you just trust him amen number two enough please god now pleasing god is not complicated that's a time to shout amen it starts with faith i think you know this verse hebrews 11 6 but without faith it is impossible to please god for he who comes to god must believe that god is and he is a rewarder god is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him enoch pleased god he could not have pleased god without faith faith has to hang on to something you know oh i'm a person i just have great faith really you have to have faith it has to hang on to something the word of god is where you hang your faith where you hang your faith we learn by the spirit to live look at romans 8 6 and 9 you'll learn more about about that romans 8 6 and uh 6-8 for the mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace verse 8 romans 8 8 and those who are in the flesh you can't believe god i mean that's pretty clear learning to live by the spirit's guidance will lead us to demonstrate our love for the lord by our obedience you know you and i like to please people that we love and and the new testament is full of ways to you know trying to please god matter of fact here's one you need to write on the tablet of your heart john 14 15. if you love me keep my commandments i mean that one's tough isn't it but it's at the heartbeat of pleasing god we said that enoch pleased god we're talking about how did he get raptured what was it about him he pleased god paul explains in colossians 1 10 so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the lord to please him in all respects bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god pleasing god includes learning to live for others not just yourself and god pleasers are neither men pleasers nor self-pleasers for selfishness is never satisfied those of you who are self-centered forget it they're not going to make it very far only by pleasing your lord will you live and walk with the lord god almighty and peace hallelujah here's another one i didn't put it on the screen but here's another one there's a this is a promise from the lord when a man's ways are pleasing to the lord he even makes his enemies to be at peace with him yes that's proverbs 16 7. what did enoch then say hebrews of enoch for before he was taken he had this testimony he pleased god now we'll just tell you how to please him to be obedient be obedient to god that's the place number three and it had faith he didn't have a bible it hadn't been written yet yet he had a relationship with the lord that would make you and i look sick we got a bible we've got hundreds of bibles we've got bibles we got christian television christian radio we've got internet we've got christian christian christian christian christian christian christian christian christian and it had none of it and yet he had great faith it's recorded to him in the book of jasher that the spirit of god rested on him and he taught his contemporaries the way of the lord how did he learn god's ways ancient history tells us that he was a man of prayer a man of deep conviction throughout the things of the lord and he was a prophet now i want you to listen to this carefully because there's a lot of people that you know may get you dandruff up here but it's reported that angels visited him and had to have faith in the angels a lot of people have had angels visit them a lot of people through the ages have been taught by angels a lot of men and women have been angels have come to teach many a man and woman of god you don't ever worship angels but the lord sends many to help and it's a shame that we've acted like it's some kind of crime to even think that angels would come and teach someone and yet the bible speaks a lot about angels coming and teaching now look again what hebrews says it's not on the screen i'm going to read it to you by faith enoch was taken away so that he did not see death and was not found because god had taken him for before he was taken he had this testimony he pleased god by faith those two words say it all what if an angel appeared to you tonight what showed up at your house you know after you got up off the floor or if in your dream an angel will come and say you're about to be raptured you're not going to die would you believe that if you've never heard the word rapture i mean that's what happened with enoch now he'd never heard the word rapture and it was the first person rapture there was no he didn't have anybody to follow now we got to admit elijah had somebody he had a precedence enoch had been raptured the book of joshua said that enoch was raptured he went up on a white horse elijah went up and a whirlwind we like to say he went up and chaired a fire he didn't he went up in a whirlwind how we gonna go up the bible tells you it's very clear how you go up i didn't i'm not talking about the the shout i'm just gonna leave this with you i'm not talking about the shout and not talking about the trumpet it tells you how you go up oh well we'll just keep right on going all right now so enoch believed that he heard from god as in dreams and visions and god showed him all of human history up to where we are right now he believed that angels were sent to him and that his faith propelled him to teach the truth of what the angels the seven angels that came and brought the tablets and all of the visions that god gave him which his book comes from and which showed him all of history up to where we are he had to by faith believe even though he didn't know anyone that it really had anything quite like that he had to by faith believe it but we could back up we could go all the way back to adam and eve i mean anybody had anything what happened with adam and eve either you can imagine the testimonies of all these people through the years can you imagine all of them sitting down talking about what they had seen god do well we've got 900 years to talk here for all of them to be talking and talking and sharing the part of god they saw you know one of the things that i've asked you to do through the years i've asked you when you leave church i've often said instead of going home getting caught up on what you're about to put the chicken you go eat or whatever it is you're about to eat and getting hung up on this or the ball game you're about to look at or whatever's going on i've asked you many times why don't you go home and talk about what you just heard why don't you sit and talk testimony about and it might stir you well i've had this happen and you know when the lord visited me i didn't i didn't know what an open vision was i mean i was baptist i i didn't know people had open visions what is an open vision i mean when jesus said to me look i mean just like you know brother danny's sitting there jesus was just like him open vision which is the highest vision all kind of visions i didn't know such scared me so bad i didn't tell anybody about it it was about it was many years almost 10 years i told a living soul about it because i didn't know anybody who'd had that and when you tell experiences like that like enoch is telling they judge you and then they begin to tell you how you can't have that what you had and they tell you because they ain't had it excuse my english and because they've only operated within a framework and they only so know so much about how god can appear i said the things that i learned that were negative about what couldn't happen and how you couldn't do this and or everything i've been telling you i was told couldn't happen so by faith i had to move out on what i right knew i would when we were building the building we had no contract we had no architect in the middle of the night i would have a dream our vision not even sure which one it was but i the lord would show me the next part of the building and i'd do a little stick figures in a little box and i'd draw it out and we would come and put the doors in the windows and build exactly put the walls and do exactly what i saw and we'd have to wait till the next night so you can't tell me you're sitting in it we used to have a square stage and the lord appeared to me and said do a round stage and i after we had the square stage and i said we need to do a round stage everybody said they didn't know how to do around stage i said all i know is we got to do a round stage and guess what we learned how to do around stage and every step of the way and the and the bookstore i mean the healing center was so phenomenal shown and probably i used to say 15 minutes maybe 30 minutes 15 30 minutes period of time i walked through put a door here put a window there do this here do this there because i saw it and they built exactly what i saw so it's too late to tell me these things can't happen oh i believe in it 100 i don't have any problem with it i just want to know how he did it so i can do it because i'm planning on going up i believe i'm the enoch generation i believe i'm the rapture generation so i just want to kind of hear it you know i want to know it i want to hear it you know jesus said when the son of man comes will he find faith on the earth it's a good question be asking when you take all this in consideration just like i have great faith about i know something's about to happen in the nation my faith is there i know i know damascus will fall i know israel will not book 59 whenever the time frame may be lord knows they are the timetable but they can do all kinds of things before they finally get to 59. how do i know that because the lord said it and i believe that enoch being the first prophet i believe god showed him exactly everything i'm saying to you so faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see look at romans 4 19-21 one of my favorite scriptures i love reading about abraham i want the faith of abraham without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body now as good as dead do you pay attention it said he did pay attention to his body after the lord told him this now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old and the deadness of sarah's womb you know this is when the lord had said you're gonna have a child yet with respect to the promise of god he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith giving glory to god and being fully assured that what god had promised he was able to perform glory to god hallelujah now abraham wasn't a robot you do know that don't you and he wasn't some kind of super spiritual person and he wasn't crazy he was a realist meaning i mean after all they looked at his body and sailors i mean i could go on them but wouldn't just keep moving and he said that he thought about it but then he held on to what god said see the devil will always make your eyes go somewhere always make you feel something see something taste something always use your five senses but they will always use your five senses to blot out what you know in your heart you experienced see a lot of you in here have had some real spiritual experiences but you're scared to talk about them scared to talk about because you don't want to be you know isolated from the people you don't want people talking about you you don't want them calling you crazy oh they're ones that's just well just join me they've been talking about me for all 37 years hallelujah had a lot of experiences in these 37 years old lord of god and they have been wonderful hadn't told all of them to you hallelujah now listen to these two things the glory of abraham is that he didn't let facts deter him from believing god yes his phase did not weaken in the face of his advanced years nor did he doubt that god could do what god said he could do amen god made him a promise i love this one god made him a promise and as far as abraham was concerned it was a done deal god made me a promise you'll help usher in the return of the lord it's a done deal as far as i'm concerned it's a promise look at second samuel 22 31. as for god his way is perfect the word of the lord is proven he is a shield to all who trust him i love this listen the way this was put as for god his ways all good the word of the lord is tested he is a safe cover for all those who put their faith in him i love that one don't you i love that translation as for god his way is all good the word of the lord is tested in other words it's been proven he is a safe cover for all those who put their faith in him glory to god enoch had radical faith so did abraham said david so did peter do we now listen to me radical faith marks those of the enoch generation number four enough prophesied and it didn't hold back about speaking out what the lord said to him there are called prophets in the body of christ today and we do need to understand that everybody can prophesy everybody is not a prophet acts 2 17-18 this is a now word acts 2 this is for now and it shall come to pass and the last day says god that i will pour out my spirit on all flesh we are here in the flesh aren't my church your sons and your daughters shall prophesy young men shall see visions and old men shall dream dreams and on my men's servants and on my maidserves i'll pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy hallelujah glory to god now he didn't say maybe he said they would you know these are the promises of in days this is who we are in the end days prophesying is not limited to thus saith the lord right look what paul said in first corinthians 14 verse 1 pursue love yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy now now let me go ahead look at 14 31. for you can all prophesy one by one so that all may learn and all may be exhorted let's go to uh 39 14. there we go therefore my brethren desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid to speak in tongues now why would the why would he tell us that we should earnestly desire to prophesy the bible tells you first corinthians 14 4 one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself but one who prophesies edifies the church does that mean that every person in here today ought to start indiscriminately prophesying of course not paul taught that the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophet first corinthians 14 32 the spirit of prophets are subject to the prophets just because you feel some kind of word rising up in you about now and you think i freed you to just let it rip it doesn't mean that you can just burst out in the middle of a service and start prophesying it really doesn't that's exactly what paul was trying to correct there's always a right time and usually you know the pastor is the one who will discern the timing of it now the rule of the word prophesy means to declare or to decree it doesn't always have to do with something it does not always have to do with something in the future you know you can prophesy over your family you can decrease something over yourself and over for instance you can say you prophesy when you say you know uh be healed in the name of jesus that's prophesying and you should be prophesying over your family you should be speaking it out over yourself you should be doing it and when enoch was teaching his people the ways of the lord he was prophesying god's truth to them it was an angel that told enoch he would be raptured listen carefully to me as we come to a close we've learned about the rapture of the church from the word of god and the signs of the times urge us to prepare to meet the lord amen all i can do is tell you prepare to meet the lord in the air enoch the first to be raptured he left a testimony what was his testimony he walked with god he pleased god he had great faith and he prophesied as we walked with god what does that mean he told others about god he was pleasing to god why because of his obedience he had great faith without the bible without a church without a synagogue he had great faith he chose to believe the angels that came he chose to believe what was passed down to him by those who had lived before him or at that time with him because that's the testimony that was passed down as adam told seth and it went on and it went on and it went on and it went on and remember we made the statement the other night that noah knew about that there would be a catastrophic event that would happen based on the teachings of enoch he didn't know it would be a flood he'd never seen rain but he knew something was coming he prophesied he declared the word of the lord to anybody that would listen so let's back up he walked with god tell somebody about god tell them what you believe tell them tell them tell people tell he told what he had experienced he was pleasing with god he was obedient when god told him to do something he did it wasn't without having all the answers to what the outcome may be he had great faith he believed things that were hard to explain but he just heard god say it believed he had heard from the lord and he obeyed and his faith based on his faith he obeyed and went with had great faith believed god would be faithful god is true he had faith in god and his hearing of god and believed god would talk to him and he had great faith in god and then he prophesied he would declare the word of the lord to anybody who'd listen to anybody who would listen thus saith the lord or and god god said this god he would have to say god said this the angels told me this this is what i heard this is how it came to me this is what i know this is what's about to happen this is what's coming he would share it what a magnificent testimony church what a magnificent example for us to follow right here and right now because the next big event on god's calendar is the rapture we're going up we are the rapture generation we are the enoch enoch generation we're going to walk with him just agree with him walking with agree with him what he has over our life we're going to be pleasing we're going to be obedient to him we're just going to trust god we're going to have faith and trust god in the middle of all of it and then we're going to prophesy and tell anybody who'll listen we're just going to do it time is short all of us can do those things at the guidance of the hand of god it all has to do with what you believe about god in all honesty if you believe god is faithful and god is true and then what you and i have a great advantage we have the bible we have the word of god to hold what we have seen what we have experienced what has happened to us we can put it up against the word of god and make sure it's standard with the word of god because you're not here to write a new bible and god does not live outside of his bible so whatever's happening with you whatever's going and you find it in the book in the book you can find it in the book these are exciting days these are very exciting days all i can say is jesus is coming amen get ready get ready something's about to happen hallelujah between now and the time we meet again who knows what will have happened oh i'm telling you you don't want to miss money and thirsty if you can at least you can't be here at least watch you need to stay abreast of what's going on if we are the end time if we're living in them if we are the rapture generation if we are the enoch degenerate generation if we are the ones who are going up then if he saw everything about history everything that's about to happen then we ought to tune in to what's happening and bring it in the focus of the bible and we will know where we are and we will know to be prepared for the return of the lord amen hallelujah did you learn anything glory to god now if you're here today and you've never given your life to jesus the most important decision in your whole life is to turn yourself over to him lord i want you i want you to live in my heart my life i give myself to you i believe you are the son of god i believe you're coming back and i want to go back with you i believe you come in for me i thank you i believe you know my my name i believe that you forgive me of my sins i believe you made a provision to let the blood of jesus wipe out the book i tried to write and i've decided to live by your book and you're going to help me and i thank you and i want to give myself to you i need you lord and i want you in my life if there's anybody in here who has not ever done such won't you slip your hand up we're not talking about joining a church we're talking about giving your life to jesus christ anyone anyone anyone if you're out there watching please contact us just ask jesus into your heart right where you are he has a plan he has a purpose in his he has a purpose for you he knows you he's not mad with you he knows you cry out to him give yourself to him you'll be amazed how he will invade your life in your house he'll do it he's a faithful god he's so so good he is coming soon i promise you that i promise you now if you're here today and you've got uh sickness in your body or pain in your body of any sort won't you just stand right where you are anyone anyone here just stand right where you are you got sickness in your body pain in your body sickness of any sort just stand just stand we're the church extend your hands to those look around and extend your hands toward those just extend your hands to them you can get up get out whatever don't go to them but just get up make sure you're pointing your hand right at them in the name of jesus father god in the name of jesus we come and lift our brothers and sisters to the very throne of grace we thank you that there's no distance in the spirit realm we pray for those who are watching by the internet also we come into your house in jesus name we come against sickness we come against disease we come against pain we come against it we break its power in jesus name we command backstage to be healed we command arms to be healed legs to be healed needs to be healed we come against it we come against diabetes we come against stroke victims we come against it in the name of jesus heart problems be healed in jesus name radical faith we believe that god is moving right where you are we believe that god is moving upon your life in the name of the lord god almighty these are not just words it's a powerful word absolutely being sent by the hand of god almighty directly to you and to your body in the name of jesus receive it and take it and make it yours now in jesus name and we agree with you that by the stripes of jesus you are healed we command you to walk uprightly we command you to be who god's called you to be we command that everything that's entered your body that's not of god we command it to bow its need in jesus name and father now we just praise you and receive we praise you and receive we praise you and receive we praise you and receive we praise you and receive in jesus name and we come in as i said we walked right into your house in the spirit realm we laid our hands upon you you precious saints of god almighty we come we come we call you healed in jesus name lord i'm asking you to show up everybody has an angel everybody has their garden guardian angel everybody has one there's not anybody who doesn't have one we ask let that angel show up hallelujah let let him begin to see him it might be just something to walk by real fast you said whoa i think i saw something don't know where it was or not but i feel like i just saw a little breeze or something i saw something happen here oh i felt something on my shoulder glory to god hallelujah lord we're in the end days where heaven meets earth heaven meets earth heaven meets earth oh lord open our eyes that we might see our ears that we might hear thank you for all of heaven being here thank you for the saints that are here thank you for the cloud of witness that's here thank you lord god thank yous come in come in come in make yourself at home with us we believe we are believers and i thank you father god i thank you and i praise you in jesus name i praise you and i give you glory and i give you praise in the name of the lord god almighty now now let me let me hear if if you sense the presence of god and he touched you if you're one of those folks and you see that something has happened in your body a wave at me yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hallelujah yes yes glory to god yes yes yes yes praise god praise god praise god hallelujah now just shout praise him just praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him glory to god door to god god's in this place god's in this place i'm telling you god is in this place we praise him with everything in us we praise him we praise him we praise him we praise him we praise him we praise him glory to god thank you jesus [Music] priests let's put the rod up hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus what you stand [Music] glory glory glory thank you jesus thank you jesus thank [Music] i'm you for almonds [Music] i am i have faith for almonds you have faith ramens hallelujah i do for those of you who don't [Music] keep looking keep expecting hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah brother victor would you come close us out please please be with us tomorrow night you sure don't want to miss a sunday we don't even know if we'll be here next sunday we don't know if we'll be here this week we don't know keep your eye on the eastern sky read your bible about how you gonna go up amen glory to god amen father we thank you so much for your word today for your spirit among us for your healing power moving in your people today for the testimonies that are fresh and new in the room even right now and across the internet father lord for those that are watching that heard that call us this week let us know what the lord did in your life but father we thank you for your word we thank you for tuning our ears to your prophetic voice to your true prophets god we block out all others and we strain and and come in close to hear every word that you say to us we thank you for your blessing on our life just bless the rest of this day let us truly meditate on your word to go home and chew on your word and digest it even more and learn more of you and let your spirit reveal your word deeper and deeper to us that we may live trusting you father being more intimate with you every day how we thank you that you love us and you never leave our side and we praise you and bless you now we worship you today and we thank you for this time in jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you guys we'll see you at 12 30 tomorrow for prayer and tomorrow night in the chat
Channel: Whole Life Ministries
Views: 627
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: WholeLifeMinistries, Dr. Sandra Kennedy, Sandra Kennedy, Sunday Service, Enoch, raptured, prophecy, end-time-disciple, walked-with-God, Genesis 5, Hebrew 11
Id: KQJNT0Gv3m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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