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this is Marcelo biaso if you don't know who he is his nickname is El loo obviously the Uruguayan national team manager and he just decided to destroy kable and destroy the United States for hosting this cop America take it as you wish right has the cop America been perfect far from it is it the United States fault no not really is it mostly gal's fault most certainly these guys wanted the money they want they saw the big eyes they saw Vegas they got probably mesmerized by some strip clubs in Vegas they saw the money and said we're going to go to the United States and look at what's happened people we've had terrible Fields the debacle of a security at the Charlotte game between Uruguay and Colombia where we saw the horrible scenes with the players having to go into the STS to protect their family and there's been a Blame Game oh it's the Uruguayan fans fall oh no it's the Colombian fans fall why can't we just come together and just say hey look it was a horrible incident but blame the security there's a reason why there's High tight security at football games in a majority of the world because these things can happen especially when when you have both sets of fans sitting next to each other but Marcelo biela decided to rip everybody with this press conference let's watch the rest of it and discuss about it because he's going to go into the fields and everything wow I mean that is a pretty big statement there that Bolivia were not even able to have training sessions and he has the photos to prove it Marcelo is throwing all the punches right now he's saying okay K you want to play that game let's play this game and he's digging out all the dirty laundry on kall and I love it these guys deserve it Alejandro Dominguez is a crook whether we like it or not he is a crook he all he cares about Dominguez doesn't care about making the game better in South America no why do you think he's really good friends with Infantino La Plata the money it's all about the money for these guys they don't care about the beautiful game look is Marcelo BSA a little bit crazy of course he is that's why his nickname is Alo but he stands by one thing making the game beautiful and having the Integrity of the game as it should be how can you not even have training sessions how why have I not heard this from Bolivia Bolivia fa I don't know what's happening there I have not heard anything about them not having training session how can they not have a training session for an important tournament like the cop America I know there's been some political unrest in Bolivia I don't know if that has to do with it or anything like that but my God the one thing you should expect if you're a team is to have good preparation for any game at aopa to not even oh it's just it's criminal it's criminal and the players and the managers they've all complained about the field it's been too small the conditions have been terrible cuz most of these stadiums in the United States they're playing at NFL stadiums and most of the NFL stadiums are artificial turf then they just lay some gr grass over it and expect it to be perfect no it's not going to be like that let's Contin can you imagine that people for a big tournament like a cop America the oldest International Tournament in the the world prestigious filled with history with stars like B Maradona Messi all of these guys have played in this prestigious tournament it should be with the proper marketing CP America should almost be bigger than the World Cup that's just my opinion that's just my opinion but the World Cup of course will always be the biggest cuz it's the world but you're telling me in the United States you cannot go play this or you can even have proper grass on the field this is we're not talking about you 17 or just a pickup game between some guys at the Sunday league and ruer park or something or I don't know somewhere in Kansas City no we are talking about professionals who are there to fight for their country to put a good Mark on their country and we can't even get the most important thing possible correct and that is the field that is a travesty and that is a true now look you can blame the United States all you want and I can understand that that's on kab this is their product this is not the United States product this is kol's product they need to get that fixed and they haven't it's been a travesty Marcelo man he's coming with straight fat I mean he is cooking up the greatest milanesa right now they couldn't even have proper training with Bolivia because the field wasn't good what can guarantee you this if it was Argentina or if it was Uruguay or Colombia or United States and this sort of thing was happening they would immediately find them a proper field it's Bolivia nobody cares they're just the altitude of merchants oh it's okay guys you don't need training it's all right it's okay you're going to go home in a couple days no doesn't matter what team it is you all should be having the proper resources and fair resources to compete at this it's incredible it's just truly incredible what K is doing I mean what what do you think people if we take this overall right the whole organization ation of this C America in the United States first off when I think of C America I don't think of Waffle House and bald eagles no I think of games at the sto Monumental or being hosted in Chile or Brazil or colia I think about the flare I think about the sounds I think about the drums the trumpets everything like that somebody was telling me that some of the instruments are not even allowed in the stadium okay if that's because of the United States then the United States wait till the World Cup because everybody's going to come with their all their instrument can you imagine like the sagales fans with all the wonderful drums they're going to be like nope no you cannot make sound in the this is football this is not basketball where it's defense defense let's go team yeah no people are passionate about this sport they want to bring an atmosphere want to bring an environment that spurns on their team and instead you're saying no the whole organization of this tournament has been a fiasco a disaster and it's it's sad because this is the most prestigious International Tournament in the world because of the history that it has but now it's been being a mockery almost in a way people from Europe and other places are going to look at what Marcelo is saying and say thinking to themselves can't take this tournament serious when it should be I I I love this tournament why do you think I covered why do you think I've been waking up at 3:00 a.m. 2: a.m. watching the games because Copa America is embodies football the passion the flare the players giving it all the manager going crazy on the siline like we saw with Marcelo against Colombia but we're not seeing that at this cup America we're just seeing games being played on horrible Fields small fields and the disaster that was the security between Colombia and Uruguay that's a whole different story and you know a lot of people have done videos on it recommend going and see the other videos it's sad man it it really is sad and I'm glad that Marcelo is calling them out Marcelo don't care Marcelo is like if I'm going to go down you're going down with me the ship we're all going down with this disaster of a cop America let me know your thoughts people do you think Marcelo is right do you think he's going to bit overboard or is Marcelo correct in calling out gam Bol and should other teams and managers do it or do you think he's just salty about losing maybe it could be that I don't think so I think Marcelo he's a fair loser and he's just calling out the incompetence that is Kon Kon are the biggest losers in this whole thing they wanted the money and instead they're infuriating their product even more
Channel: Michael Talks Football
Views: 17,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tTtuhx0GLag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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