Canada COACH Jesse Marsch EXPLODES at the Copa America: 'TREATED us like second-class CITIZENS!'

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mat CH with TSN um Jesse we just watched Mar B Elsa 43 minutes talk about his feelings with goopa America you have a connection with with Bel Elsa at leads um what what have you felt given Canada success in this tournament about this whole competition yeah I I saw I didn't watch the whole press conference but I saw some of marcelo's comments um you know I I agree with certain things and then I disagree with certain things um for me this T tournament has not been professional for me there's too many gaps in the way in the treatment in the the the overall uh experience from a day-to-day perspective um you know I watched what happened after the match and and C certainly I didn't uh know all the details but you know certainly we wouldn't want anyone's families or any players families to be put in harms way but I know if if Team Canada if our team would have responded like this that there would be heavy sanctions because of the treatment that we received from in this tournament the whole time we've had our players be headbutted we've had racial slurs thrown at our players live and and through social media and not just the situation with Moyes but the entire tournament from opponent's fan base and from from uh whether it's live or in social media um we've been treated like second class citizens and in the entire time I've challenged our team to stay disciplined and stay focused on our task at hand and to make sure that we represent ourselves and our country because in the end that's what this is this is about representing your n your nation you you're you're on the national team and our players have held themselves to the highest level of Integrity we've played hard we've played aggressive we've often been accused by uh the opposing coach before the match as a play to the referees that that we're we cross the line and that we're overly aggressive and yet the if you look at the conera teams and the treatment that they get in games and their the the yellow cards per foul rate is way higher for every conera team I watched the Uruguay Us game and it it was for me one of the most biased ref games against the United States that I've ever seen on their home soil there's so many things I could say but what I will again say is is a big compliment to our team and to our focus and our discipline and our concentration to control what we can control they've never crossed the line they've never bered referees they've never rolled around on the ground like children looking for calls and yellos from referees they've held themselves with professional integrity and been an incredible representation of what it means to be a Canadian highlevel athlete and um in that sense we're going to go out again in in another tough match against another really good opponent and know that there's going to be many things going against us but we're going to make sure that we uphold again our standards our discipline our belief in ourselves and we're going to show what we think being a Canadian is all about hey Jesse uh on there we go uh Pablo from the athletic um I want to ask obviously this tournament to some has served as a bit of a me stick as far as conaf goes you guys are the last team standing obviously um I'm curious you know do you do you rate overall the quality of your team on par or above the quality of United States of Mexico clearly at this tournament it seems that's the case but generally speaking what would you say thanks yeah look again I think to get to the semi-final given the circumstances I just talked about it's almost a miracle that we were able to achieve this and it's not that's not a slight against our players I I I think that for the the start that we've had as a group the way we've performed um you know I I I I know that we believe in ourselves right now are we as talented or as the us or Mexico I don't know I think that you know this team this group won the cona stage uh two years ago and so that wasn't an accident there was quality in that team um and I think we're we're continuing to build off of of the foundation that's been built over the previous years and and that's our goal we'll have the opportunity to play the US in Mexico in the next uh window in September and that will be a big challenge for us one of the things that's unfortunate I think a little bit for our players and for our program is we don't get to play enough games on home soil you know I mean so since I've been here it's been what eight away matches Mo right and and so we'll probably have two more away matches in the next window but we're really excited to get back into to Canada because I think there's been a movement that's been started now and an excitement behind the team and the way that they've played and and and the excitement that we continue to try to build uh for the potential of what 2026 can be so it's it's a little difficult to to now say exactly where we're at but I but I think we all believe in our potential and we're we're off to a really good start in our in our work together sorry yeah go ahead SP us where the microphone where the microph please just a a quick followup this is the first time you spoken to with media since since you know Greg was uh dismissed with the US team I'm just curious what you make of that move and what might lie ahead for them yeah I wish them luck I hope they find the right person to to lead the team Mario Cruz for uh on Sports and top being 90 here in the US I have a question for you coach Jessie uh I mean we heard Marcelo YSA you know talking or being aggravated about the organization of cop America what positive things have you seen in the whole tournament as an organization and not like in the game like for you as like the Canadian coach since the first game you being well I I would look there's for us the opportunity to play against these opponents okay um I think has been uh massively helpful um versus you know sometimes listen conaf presents its own challenges when you play in Central America when you play in the Caribbean against some Nations and and what those matches are like but but these have been high level games right and they they're experienced teams they're Savvy teams and we're still you know we're a young team but and a developing team but I think that this has helped us a lot in our maturation process and helped us understand what high level football needs to be so uh we're thankful for the experience don't don't get don't get that part wrong you know it's just the the standard at which you run a professional tournament right I think needs to be much much better much much better Mo you and I spoke about a month ago about how you were approaching this tournament you've now played over half dozen games that I would imagine you would consider the biggest in your career how have you developed as a player and in this atmosphere with Jesse and the team and knowing how close this group grew together over the last 40 odd days how is how have you seen the guys around you grow no to be fair uh firstly I spoke with the Jessi before I came to Europe two weeks before that and he mentioned that he wanted to to see what I can bring to the team and try and invest in me and for me it was I saw that as a great opportunity to to show what I can do not just to him but to my teammates because in the previous camps I was uh uh training a lot but not playing as many minutes but for me when I when I saw the chance to to play against top teams in Europe like France in Netherlands I I thought that it was a a great opportunity for me to show what I can do and also playing those type of environments where there's like uh 30 to 40,000 away fans cheering against you and for you to test yourself and see if you can handle that pressure for me I saw a golden a golden chance to to also test myself because I I know I have qualities but to test them against uh these type of of players it's a it's a it's a great showing and to answer your question about uh how our team improved I think it's in that short amount of time it's it's um it's impressive to be honest but I think that's what what you kind kind of expect because all of my teammates think that they can play at the highest level and a lot of them do as you can see Alonso Davis Jonathan David they play Champions League games you have Kyle Len who plays in League Liga in in Spain so for them it's a it's a dayto day but for some players like me and Mark kpo who plays in MLS a bit I won't say a bad league but there's definitely high levels to to to our game so for us to be able to play in those type of environments and play what eight away games against so many so many away fans for us it's been a crazy crazy environment hello Coach here Andre montoo from arcia f um one question for you and for Moy um how is Alonso deis how is he is he feeling can he play and for for you I would like to see to know uh something special about him how does he act in the locker room how he is in when you when you know it you know thanks you go first go first I mean uh you're talking about Alonso right how is he he's a to be honest if Alo Davies was in another team I don't think uh we could have gone so far because everyone is looking looking up to him because of if you if you look at his age and how much stuff he he's done for not for just Canada but uh in his Club it's truly uh inspirational and for someone like me who's been uh aspiring to to try and reach his level playing alongside him and see watch how professional is him that his professionalism I think is just uh something I can uh stri for and really he's he's funny as well and yeah great great guy for our luck room for sure yeah with that question you give me another opportunity to talk about how poor the refereeing was in The Tackle with Alfonso Davies and if you were to turn it over and put that against the biggest player from the other team specifically from South America in this tournament the the behavior and the treatment for such a tackle and such a situation would be very different so we were lucky that we avoided any big injury with Alfonso but we're not totally certain if he'll be available tomorrow and and one of the main jobs of a referee in any match is to protect the safety of players and that was not doing his job Richard Herz from ESPN Venezuela coach Jessi um some teams said we are here playing in in a bad Fields bad conditions uh how is the the experience you have have Canada in this experience of cop America about the the fields about the hotels for the concentration thank you yeah we I've said to the team that we are making any excuses so going into every match if the pitch hasn't been great um we've had one conaf referee out of six matches they've all been common Bowl referees for us we've known that the referees aren't going to be giving us any calls in the in the moment we've known that the weather is difficult we've known that the travel's not easy we known that the treatment's not great but we're not here to make excuses we're here to perform we're here to learn we're here to grow and we're here to do the best that we can to represent our country and I can't say enough about the players mindset and their mentality to try to maximize every moment that they've been on the pitch together and how they've performed and what they've achieved together so you know I I I don't have too much it certain moments haven't been ideal but our team has stayed very professional and very organized and committed all the way uh Jesse I know that Canada socer issued a statement yesterday but you spoke about the growing interest in this team and certainly your coaching the Canada will play the United States and Kansas City in the fall which sideline will you be on come on man I'm not leaving this job I have no interest in the US job and to be fair unless there's a a big shift in the organization I I I don't think that I'll ever have interest in that job in the future so I'm really happy here um I couldn't be happier actually in terms of what it's like to work with the leaders in this organization and what it's like to work with this team hi coach uh donon Kos for ESPN uh some people keep keep asking about how important is is the third place game I wanted to ask you both both of you whoever wants to answer how important is this game for the third place in the cup America uh it's it's for us the Canadian man soccer team I think it's uh a chance to prove that uh we belong in this competition even though so uh it's our first uh ever participation I think we've done really well and we've we've done in a short amount of times Jesse was here I think we've we've improved a lot like I said but uh yeah there's there's a lot to play for and place is is massively important for us for sure yeah I would say in general when you're a national team coach you don't get that many opportunities to to have your team together and for us an opportunity to play such a great team like Uruguay um with a great coach and and a real special type of team in a in a in a real tournament setting obviously we both teams wish we were in the final but for us and where we are in our our development this is still a massive opportunity for us to challenge ourselves so we're taking it as such and we'll be ready for a good match tomorrow Moyes everything that you dealt with after the Argentina game on social media to watch Alistair come right back on social media not only defend you but explain what this team is and where they come from the Brotherhood on this team um how does that make you feel when you pull on the Jersey now I mean you talked earlier about like wanting to obviously wear it and and play and represent your country does it have a different meaning when an you know your coach too was right up there in the media speaking his mind about what he felt about that situation does it give a different meaning to putting on this this national team jersey around these group of players uh for me it always been a a pride a proud moment to to play with the national team jersey because it's something I've been dreaming uh since I was trying to be a professional athlete I think but after it happened and what my teammate showed uh I just felt like putting the Jersey was just giving me more strength because not only they were with me but I mean if you're if you're not uh in a minority you never understand how it feels to be treated this way but just to to know that even though they're not they don't have the same color as you they treat you as as if you're just a human being for me I just I just had fire in my in my eyes to be honest and I just wanted to give everything for this team and I I spoke to Jesse I mean Jesse spoke to me and I and I told him that for me the only thing we could do to to change thing is to make it to the quarterfinals and prove that we belong and we did so so now I'm I'm really proud to be in this team really uh coach Jesse um Mario Cruz again for tubbing and hun Sports you've been uh the coach of the Canadian team for 3 months if I'm not wrong less than 10 games what's the feeling of like already making history in the Canadian soccer you know I I've just tried to work tirelessly to give these players an opportunity to be successful in a in a short period of time right and a in and in a big challenge of what this tournament is and so really when I look at it and even when I just hear Moyes talk there like if you worked with these these men every day you would see how special they are you would see how much they love each other you would see how much they're committed to the national team even though they all have their own individual professional careers that really dictate what their their income will be what their Futures will be but they come here and they I couldn't ask them to to give more and so I have a responsibility then to them to the national team program to the country to do the best that I can to to give them the platform that they deserve to to be at their best and to show what they have and I think we've done that you know I think that if if you can say one thing we we could have scored more goals maybe you know we could have found a way to to win a couple more games in there but the the identity of what's being being created I think is clear and and they they deserve most the credit for that and I've it's just been a pre privilege to be their coach and I've just tried every day to provide them with the opportunity to be at their best okay Coach Mo thank you thank you very much
Channel: TJ Sports USA
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Keywords: TJ Sports USA
Id: 3d6Xh05QnKE
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Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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