Marc Summers Unwraps Brad Williams

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hi this Mark Summers and today I'm going to be talking to the great Brad Williams we discuss dealing with hecklers he said kill the dwarf right it wasn't the dwarf part that offended me it was the yeah I get that using comedy in the face of bullying and I got sent to the principal's office for having the better joke and Convention copulation you got to stay tuned for that they took the physical challenge don't ask me where they hid the flag um don't forget to like And subscribe to Mark Summers unwraps I think you have to push buttons you know when George Carlin started he was this conservative guy who used to do this act about the hippie dippy weatherman and he was very conservative and used to play Vegas uh as an opening act doing that kind of stuff and then all of a sudden you know he let his hair grow long and uh talked about the seven words you can't say on television which back then was oh my God I can't believe he said those things and those records were like banned in certain States um but it's how he became became successful he took points of view to an extreme be it religion be it about um words and his point of view was their only words um and so I think if you're going to be a Robin Williams Oh my God kind of comedian you have to take chances and push buttons that nobody prior to you has pushed and those are two examples of guys who nobody had ever seen before anything quite like it and then they exploded hi everybody Welcome to Mark Summers unwraps I'm going to tell you to do something today that I've never done uh on my show uh Our Guest today is Brad Williams and I love Brad Williams and many of you are saying oh my God he's on this show and there's a percentage of you who are saying I'm not sure who Brad Williams is so do me a favor uh turn me off and go Google Brad Williams and watch him for about 10 or 15 minutes and then come back and you're going to get so much more out of today's podcast than you would have if you didn't do that so I'm going to stop you go do that and I'll see you in a few welcome back I'm glad you watch Brad Williams he's hysterical I found him first on uh social media Tik Tok all sorts of places and uh when I talked to my producer Keith he said we're booking Brad Williams I said I'm not sure who that is and he goes well he's this dwarf comic and I went oh God he's hysterical and so welcome thank you I'm okay with that I'm totally fine with that I'm fine with being the guy that if you say I don't know who that guy is and they go the the the little comic yes finally cuz there's not a lot of us out there no so there's like it's like me and T tan Le Davis and Nick Nicki and that's about it and if you Google dwarf comic or [ __ ] comic or uh comic under 5et tall after Kevin Hart me then it's me so I'm fine with that that's right I threw shade at Kevin Hart I'll never work again all right good you're doing fine so let's talk about that you you brought the word [ __ ] and dwarf and little person uh what is politically correct these days yeah you know what it I I don't even know uh I don't even get the newsletter you're not in the club no you should be president of the club I I used to go to the conventions that's not that that's not even a joke that's real uh wait wait wait wait there's conventions tell me about this LPA little people of America um so there so I guess little person short answer is little person is very politically correct but me personally I don't really like little person cuz you don't really know what you're talking about if you say oh he's a little person you're like 5 FO 3 like 52 Doan it doesn't really get specific um I like the word dwarf uh I have dwarfism I have a condr plastic dwarfism I don't mind that word at all now some people are angry about dwarf and I can't keep up oh my god really I I can't I can't keep up I don't know I I don't even mind the word [ __ ] some people do that's that's got to ask you about that's the bad word why is that bad I don't know no one could ever give me a good answer the the the closest answer I got was uh uh PT Barnum used it as like an advertising thing for Tom Thumb and a few other Sideshow acts and that's sort of where the connotation comes in um but me personally okay so I once did a gig in Odessa Texas uh during the show I uh there was a Heckler I went back and forth with them happens all the time but this guy kept going at it and at the end I I had to throw them out I don't not I do not like to throw people out of my show I'm of the belief that I'm a professional I should be a to make it work somehow but sometimes they get to the point where it's like okay I can't do insults to you yeah and it's like I can't I I I can't slam you so many times so we kicked him out end of the night I'm getting into the opening ax car and uh this is in Odessa Texas and right of a movie you see the headlights turn on from the other side of the parking lot and it's a pickup truck cuz it's texes and uh a guy the guy from or from earlier has his head out the window and he screams kill the dwarf no kidding and he starts driving towards me and we hopped in the car and we did the trick we we didn't do it consciously but we kind of went around the parking lot and it kicked up a lot of dust and then we jetted off and then we got out of there but so he said kill the dwarf right it wasn't the dwarf part that offended me it was the kill yeah I get that so if he would have said kill the person short stature I still would have been offended cuz it's the kild though so for me it's all about context um so then to go to the other question by the way for for your listeners we're going to go on a lot of tangents today my brain works that way so but I'll keep I'll keep bookmarks and we'll answer all the questions nice um conventions are amazing uh Little People of America they do conventions what do you talk about uh uh uh okay do you want the answer they give or do you want the real answer or both both all right the answer they give is that uh dwarf conventions are an opportunity for for little people to come together form a sense of community uh talk to doctors do sporting events um social activities and basically Let Let each other know that uh they are not alone in this world that uh wherever they can go to find out what to do about clothing uh driving medical issues anything like that they can they can go to a convention and they can find out those answers that's the turn that's what they will say what will tell you and what most little people will tell you who have been to these conventions they're for boning they're for going serly to a hotel for a week yes and finding another little person and having some good oldfashioned fun that's that's what it's for and that's what happens a lot of families are formed from these conventions because we spend the whole year being friend zoned and everyone's just like ah they're cool but I don't really look at them in that way and then we go to the convention and we're hot we're hot Mark we're sexy you've heard the rumors about uh The Wizard of Oz sure okay and they there's a hotel in uh Culver City where supposedly it was uh they were playing hide the salami for weeks on end you know yeah yeah yeah well that that that's the thing that would not surprise me at all if you put all the munchkins and all the munchkin actors into a hotel yeah going to happen to me it's like and people go well can you believe they do that they do it in the Olympic Village and that's not a problem in in the Olympic Village all the athletes are banging all the all all the physically perfect specimens from all over the world get together and you don't think there there there's there there's going to be some copulation I'm using synonyms mark because you're you're you're you're a childhood hero of mine so I don't want to say the swear words in front of you yes I'm not going to say in front of you it's like it's like my uncle Mark I I can't say that so they took the physical challenges Bas yes they they took the physical challenge don't ask me where they hid the flag um so yes people so yes you get a lot of dwarves in one hotel and they're going to do that I've I I I I've had several uh wonderful relationships with with dwarf women and they're great uh uh my wife currently is not a little person she is of average height uh that that's the that's the only what does that mean what is average height that's the only one where I come in I'm 4 fo4 tall is she she's 5'7 oh my yeah yeah that's how you know I'm really good at my job Mark man Brad are you funny look at her yes yes I'm somewhat possibilities are endless H yes so uh uh uh and and so the only terms that offend me I I don't get offended at the word [ __ ] I to me it's fine but when when when when you say normal height that one bugs me I like average height because average if if you look up the mathematical term that makes sense normal means like H he's not normal and it's like ah that one bugs me a little bit not to the point where I'll write any letters I don't write letters it's I got too much stuff to do so as we're going down this path I was going to get down there later but since we're here what is it the fascination that people have with little people with dwarfs where they want to have sex with wom and and guys uh you know what tell me that whole story uh uh uh uh now one now once again I'm not a spokesman for all little people of course uh I'm not a doctor I have just I have just lived a life Mark and so I'm just going just on my personal experience personal experience for my personal experience a Everyone likes a story Everyone likes a story and and and and when you're out there at that dinner party or wherever you're at and everyone's talking about what they did in their 20s and their and in their wild days if you ever say well I banged a little guy record stop everyone's going to want to know some details and oh my I I I think and it's the same if if you ever say I ever was with the dwarf woman they uh they they they want to know detail so I I think the fascination is that because we are smaller they want to know is and this goes for both men and women uh is everything smaller right that that's the question and and the answer is it's so funny you say that so it's to the point where when someone says I have a question about dwarfism I I answer 6 in and they just go oh well I'm I mean yeah that's that's what I was going to ask so all right uh so I would always say with the men I don't know about the women specifically I like like I said I've been with some dwarf women and to me they're they're lovely and it it was normal it was fine um with with with the men I I I I think we're of average size down there it's nothing crazy but then the good part is that on us it looks bigger I never looks bigger CU proportionally proportionally it's not supposed to be it's not supposed to hang down to your knee but it does well for you yes I can legitimately say all these Comics Go on stage I'm hung like a horse whatever yeah but you can't say it hangs down your knee I can legitimately now they might be than me but that you know well this is taking a whole different direction than I kind of thought right off the bat let's let's follow up with this so your parents are of average size and do you have brothers and sisters yes I have one sister and she is of average size so I am the black sheep of the family my friend so how often does that happen are there percentages uh so so like for for instance me and my wife uh we have a daughter and she is also a little person how do you know that already uh very obvious very obvious a huge dick no I'm kidding I'm kidding yeah uh uh uh we knew uh uh they they actually found out before she was born they did an ultrasound they measure the length they they they can measure the length of the limbs in the ultrasound it's incredible and uh all also head shape uh really yeah when when you give birth to a bobblehead they're kind they're kind they're kind of like okay that's a little person cuz your head size is normal size no it's not it's not it is massive no kidding this is a I wear like a seven and 78 uh hat like it's a huge Head Mark is is that a predominant uh for my type of dwarfism yes so there's there there's because dwarfism is a genetic mutation that's right I'm it's a mutation I'm an X-Man uh because it is because it is mutation there's literally over a hundred different types of dwarfism but there's about nine or 10 prominent types I have something called acondroplasia that is the most popular type that's your me that's your Dinklage that's your wean um and so and part of that is yes larger heads larger heads and specifically predominant uh fourheads we have the uh pton Manning five head is what we have he yeah he might he he might be part dwarf which is weird cuz he's 6'4 but he he he might be part dwarf cuz that headof do you get mistaken for those other guys all of them really all the you all look alike all the time to the point where now um it used to be if someone as for a photo of me or an autograph I would know that they thought I was wean or Dinklage I would just like you don't know who I am you think I'm somebody else so no but now if if if someone asks like hey man um can I get a photo I always say why do and if they say oh cuz I love your comedy I'm like hell yeah photos let's do photos let's do do you you you want me to do a video message to your kid yeah fine yeah let's photos autographs whatever but then uh yeah if someone thinks I'm wean or Dinklage and I don't want to be do that for them so yeah go no I'm I'm I'm the other one so yeah see you later yeah yeah yeah so I'm not mean to anybody but I don't want to really take a photo with someone if you don't know me or a fan of me cuz then I'm that what is that to you like like if I'm out and about and someone's looks at someone and goes oh that's that famous Tik tocker and and I don't know who that is then I don't want a photo with that person I don't care no I'm I'm with you on that now if if I see Summers walking down the street then yeah all day photos photos so you're still in my audience that's interesting wow so you grew up watching double deer what would you do and all that stuff yeah well you you you were the you were you were the dude you were you were you were the man and and I've I've even seen your uh 2020 report what was that uh no it was a DAT line I think yeah where you're fixing the Fringe of the rugs Y is that how how's that for you I'm I'm much better okay through the wonders of therapy and well therapy and the medication and all that stuff yeah I'm off that stuff now but uh yeah I went through something called behavior therapy where they sort of retrain your mind because OCD is is driven generally by something called intrusive thoughts I tell myself unless I straighten that rug uh something bad will happen to members of my family so it it forces you to do these things over and over again so my so my wife her job is she is a behavioral therapist oh well she's right up my alley give me your number yeah so she for that reason but yeah yeah sure no trust me you have no shot I barely have a shot so you been married that long exactly yeah yeah so what kind of behavior therapy does she do specifically she does uh autism and uh mostly in children and she and she helps them I don't want to use the wrong term here I probably will I I'll say manage but I don't know if that's the right term I'll say live with and and you learn skills and you learn and you learn routines and uh things that help you manage and live with with the world coping yes ex it's all about she she says she says the worst thing that happens is when she goes to a home to work with a kid and the parents go okay so when is when are you going to cure them oh and it's like never nope no you don't cure that's what it is with autism that's I'm sure part of that is OCD as well and I've done interventions there was this one girl uh I get called by her therapist uh she grew up watching me and knew that I had OCD and she couldn't go into a a Macy's she couldn't get near the makeup counter she didn't want to get glitter on her she didn't want to put makeup on her and therefore she was very introverted and her friends would have sleepovers but she couldn't go because she was afraid they were going to do that stuff interesting you know things that you think are totally nuts but they're not cuz they have every people every person out there has some sort of thing and um I did an interview vention with this young lady and we did baby steps to get to the Macy's counter and you know we started outside and how she freaked out and then we went in and we stood by and and it takes a long long long time it it's it you know it's every day and you have to work at it a lot you can't just work at it and then four months later work at it again it's got to be constant so and what I tell people is I think it's the OCD is the same as being an alcoholic or a drug addict I I'm not either one but unless you're ready to get better you're not going to so people say you know I did an intervention we talked about this we had Howe Mandel here and I was 25 years ago did an intervention on him and what Howie said to me was there's nothing wrong with me it's you guys that are having the problems and so you have to admit initially that there's an issue that you need to take care of and now he's doing that and he's in great shape yeah but um well I would say great shape we're both we're doing better is what I I like to say uh you know and now uh we'll we'll uh we'll put these stories together cuz uh this weekend and I I told a story like this on my first special called fun siiz now streaming on Amazon Prime um uh where I said I had a encounter with someone you talk about a fear of going in Macy's there are people out there that have a phobia of little people no yeah what do you call that uh a Conor plast tohi really um and you don't think it's real until you witness it now what happens um now much like everything in terms of CD in terms of autism there is a spectrum sometimes um as it as it was this weekend there was a man who came with his family his his family all wanted to see me and they brought him knowing he has this phobia he was able to watch the show during the meet and greet he had to stand over on the side wall and once they told me about the phobia of course I just run up to him he tried to just give me a fist bump and then I just like n dude you hug him bring it in coming in for the hug love it and I did and he was good but it's weird I don't want to say I'm an expert in by any means in the world of psychology but now it's happened me so many times that I kind of know how to approach it a little bit I kind of like to assure them like hey I'm a human being not going to hurt you I'm just like everyone else here in this line hell they have more of a chance of hurting you than I do uh you know based on just size but uh so and we we kind of as you talked about slowly get into it the the story I told on funsize is that I ran into a celebrity who has the phobia oh uh John Stamos no kidding has it or you know what I I will give him credit had it had it okay very bad and uh uh and uh the late great uh uh wonderful Bob sagot um introduced me to John and he was the one that told me he had the phobia and I'm like so what are we doing and he goes oh go for it so I I and I tell the story in detail on the special but but uh I ran up to John and I grabbed his leg and I started humping it I mean he's a very good-looking Man Mark I don't I'm no no shame uh and how did he react very scared uh frightened but then he kind of looked around and re and realized he was in public and he kind of knows what's happening so he's like I'm okay I'm okay so uh but that that was a moment and once again go see the full special but an update to that joke that story is that I went to uh once again the late great Bob Saget's Scaro Derma Foundation dinner which he raised millions of dollar for scma research so what a saint of a human being and um he has this dinner every year and it's it's still going on and uh a lot of stars go I actually bought a table I wasn't invited but I bought a table and uh there state state Stamos was at the dinner he sees me this is since the special had come out and I'm sure other friends had bugged him and he ran up grabbed me by the hand he said come with me no Kidd and he walks me over to Jimmy Kimmel's table and he look and he looks at Jimmy and I know Jimmy thankfully through uh krock radio uh yeah out here in Los Angeles back in the day and uh and he looks at Jimmy and goes Jimmy look I'm fine now so uh so he's obviously been doing well and uh so credit to John for uh going along with the joke and then uh and then doing whatever is necessary to better himself you know what's nuts though are the rumors you know that people he um I was doing Howard Stern Show and uh debati came in B Buie and said uh friend of mine told me that you ran into him at the airport and you wouldn't shake hands with them well first of all that's such [ __ ] okay um I shake hands with everybody yeah I know I did I cuz I go nuts over that stuff because I was never uh a person I was all about being neat and orderly I was never germ phobic and so people come up with these things that never happened that they claim you did and uh you know and now with the internet you know back in the day there was no internet so it didn't spread but now there's so much crap out there yeah and and it drives me nuts cuz yes there are times I try to be very nice all the time but when you meet someone you don't know what day they're having you don't know what's going on you don't know why they're flying to the place they're flying uh uh uh I was I just flew home ago from San Antonio Texas I had done three shows the night before uh I I literally got no sleep for a 6 a.m. flight I'm sure if you ran into me at the airport in San Antonio no sleep after three shows you weren't the happiest man probably not one probably not the friendliest guy yeah um and it also would drive me nuts similarly if if if someone came up to you and said like oh like you were a complete [ __ ] of this guy or you didn't shake his hand you stop and go no because that's l literally not my I would never do that exactly exactly like like sometimes I'll be having a disagreement with my wife and then she will say something like and you told me go [ __ ] off and I'm like no I didn't no I didn't now maybe that's how long you been married seven years you wait I'm hitting 50 man good job man but like that's one of those things where it's like maybe I said something and you internalized it as [ __ ] off or misinterpreted interpreted as [ __ ] off but I I know me I did not say that good luck winning that battle okay I never have Ain happening it ain't happening whe whether I said it or whether I didn't say it doesn't irrelevant it happened it it happened so what was it like growing up in Orange County facts fake news growing up in Orange County y as a dwarf as a little person uh bullying must have been insane mm- no not for me tell me why cuz Okay so this is the greatness of My Father Mark Summers so uh my so my father uh no longer with us skin cancer right yeah uh well skin cancer to a point he beat the skin cancer and then lovely ALS came a calling no yeah you kidding me ALS is a son of a [ __ ] and he's a young guy 77 but yeah I mean it was it's weird that you can say 77 and then that's you know young nowadays but uh a ALS is a son of a [ __ ] so how long did he suffer with that I mean that's the thing is we don't know really CU a a ALS can take its it can go fast it can go slow and it can pop up slowly like At first it's like oh you're you're a little forgetful or you're you you have a little bit of motor skill problems and then but that goes on for a little bit and then not till it really starts happening where you're like oh crap and how did you discover that we're in trouble here oh you know doctors you know you go to the doctor and then the doctor tells you and then you're just like okay so after the diagnosis how much longer was he around uh about about a year and a half oh that's all so that was quick yeah it was a late one uh so your dad I know you idolize your dad for a lot of reasons so tell me this story uh my dad knew that I was different was not one of these parents who has a different kid and I say different in terms of like yeah dwarfism or you have a another form of disability and there are some parents out there that go no my my my kid is exactly like everybody else and to a point that's good but there is some real there is some realism that you have to have and my dad knew that I was not like everybody else so he knew I would be bullied so his philosophy was we are going to make sure that if anyone bullies you you bully them back and we would Lally write jokes Mark we we would write this is one of my earliest memories with him like I'm 5 years old I'm 4 years old we're writing comebacks for the playground oh my such as you remember so I remember the first one that got me sent to the principal's office which was it it it was uh a first day of school uh lagona Road Elementary and uh a kid comes up in Mrs trendle's kindergarten class oh my and says haha you're little and I said haha your mom doesn't live with your dad anymore and I grew up in Orange County I had a good chance of getting that one right and I did and I got sent to the principal's office for having the better joke oh my yep so um and then I remember the principal called my dad and I I I I was so happy when he said he was going to call my dad cuz I was like great cuz if if you would have called my mom I might have been in trouble really but if you called my dad it my dad my dad my my dad gave me the joke yeah fine so my dad on the phone said uh well like oh your son was in an altercation and my and my dad said did he start it or did he finish it and when the principal said well technically he finished it he goes then I got no problem click and no kid hung up yes yeah so like word got around quick that if you go after Brad Brad goes after you and once that started happening uh friends I I had friends I was a very social kid um so they would be on my side as well every now and then there there would be a new kid that came that would come to school and look and see the little guy and be like okay that's my in go you know go after him he's he's the weak one in the prison yard I wasn't the weak one in the prison yard so yeah that that that that went poor was your mom the same way no Mom was very passive but uh dad was uh dad was uh I don't want to say aggressive but you know survival of the fittest yeah taught me how to stand up for myself and uh it's funny you go over these stories um and I actually just remembered this this past weekend and this kind of goes along the lines of uh how he was realistic with my limitations I love Sports growing up want to be a pro athlete did my dad lie to me and say yeah go for it no no what'd he say he said you're not going to be a pro athlete and and I go I could be a kicker they don't get hit he goes all right and he takes me outside to the backyard and he goes kick the ball and I kick the ball w w you know sad you know sad game show looser sound and uh yeah but but then what my dad did and this this is the parent I want to be for my daughter okay is because once it became real to me that's like okay I can't go pro in these Sports I could play these Sports I could I could do well in sports I played organized Sports till I was about 12 years old um little leak I'm sorry too easy actually no [ __ ] I was 15 um yeah 15 uh uh I I I actually played hockey growing up it was great did you really yeah played hockey and Orange County uh played roller hockey that's intense so much fun so but one thing that my dad would do is he'd say okay so you you really like sports you're into sports you can't you know go pro at sports but we we grew up in Southern California he goes do you like Vin Scully and I go I love Vin Scully you know the legendary Dodgers Dodger announcer he goes do you like chick Hearn I goes I love chick Hearn legendary announcer for the oh Lakers he goes how about you do that and I go okay yeah so I would start calling games on I would start like you know you turn the you turn the sound down you call games yeah and even to the point where my dad would have like friends would come over and then he and then he would be like hey Brad get in here watch this guys call the game and then he would mute the game and you would do it and I would call The Game and his you know his friends would be impressed I mean I don't know if they actually were or not but they were probably annoyed they were but but it it was great cuz he encouraged that to be like okay but how smart is that it's so now that I am app parent it's so playing 4 d chess like so you're seeing it from a different angle where you're like okay I don't want to tell my kid no and don't want to say you can't be in sports you can't do the thing that you love let's find a way for you to do the thing that you love so that was brilliant so that's what I did and uh I love Scully when he would say two on two out two outs Deuces Wild you know he had those little things at one there was uh I I've have so many Vin scisms uh one of the funnier ones was a random rant against socialism which I thought was great really yeah look I got to look that up look this one up he's talking about a Venezuelan pitcher oh my and randomly he inserts a like he flee the country when uh the so when the Socialist regime took power socialism as we all know never works little Vinnie side there huh he starts going and then and of course he ends it with like two and two or whatever the H it's so great um he he does that one there's one where uh the cameraman shows a a a kid in the stands uh sucking their thumb and he randomly goes into the poem where the thumb suckers go by shell Silverstein and I'm like how did you pull yeah that out of your ass right that is so good so like he was so good and uh this new um this new series about the Lakers in uh in the80s right uh season one now if you know stories and you could debunk me please write me because I want to be truthful to this in the first season they kind of uh portrayed chick Hearn as a little bit of a racist there were rumors about that and it really bothered me he had the one incident where uh the bowling show uh do you know what he used to do no I don't know this one okay this is the one see this is why I want to know cuz I I want to be on the right side of history and I I don't want to be defending people are saying things that are false on KLA he used to host a bowling show local thing okay okay and the Rumor was that he said um to a white contestant okay what do you do for a living and to the black contestants he would say do you have a job okay and it was subtle yeah but it was those kinds of things and people you know here's a guy who worked with teams that were primarily not white yes and uh I never saw it in him as a broadcaster but every now and then I guess maybe things slip out I don't know yeah there was one thing as a broadcas where he he got a little hot water where um a player a black player dunked the ball and was hanging on the rim and he said like hanging on the rim like a monkey oh Jesus and that's not you can't do it that's not a good one no and they and they came to him and he's like but he was hanging on the roof like the race said nothing but I get why he had to I totally get why he had to backtrack and why he had to apologize for that one totally understand been fired now yeah yeah absolutely so like uh I didn't like that but maybe maybe I'm wrong I didn't I I didn't know the guy all I know is I I loved hearing his call he was brilliant there's no question he invented the term slam dunk he did invented that I didn't so yeah all all these catchphrases the Mustard's off the hot dog when it's a blooper you know the game's in the refrigerator the door's closed the lights are out the eggs are cool and the Butter's getting hard and the jello is jiggling like he had all that stuff that I looked I was like I I really want to do that and then my dad would tell me yeah and you would probably be a great sports announcer because wouldn't it be funny if you interviewed a 7 foot tall basketball player and sure enough I was doing some work with uh krock here out here in LA and they sent me to the uh it was the purple and gold carpet for one of the Season openers for the Lakers it it was the year they had Steve Nash Dwight Howard uh uh Kobe Bryant and Pal Gasol I thought with Nash there we were slam dunk in Oh I thought so too anyway but so I I got to go to that carpet and interview all the players oh my and so I literally am interviewing uh Dwight Howard and Paul Gasol that are like 611 7 foot somewhere in there and I I that there there was a moment certainly when I was interviewing Dwight where I was just like holy crap the the the the kind of Dream came true you know like the thing we envisioned happened and now I'm interviewing a 7 foot tall basketball player very cool so yeah it it it was great and one thing that I'm getting uh from my dad whether it be cuz he essentially taught me how to be a comedian whether it be on purpose or not having me write those comebacks and also whenever I have to I I'd have to give a speech in school he would go up and sit at the other side of the house and be like okay give the speech I should be able to hear you from here so he taught me how to project and how to be and what' he do for a living uh lawyer he uh he was a defense attorney so public speaking was kind of his deal yeah and he also loved putting humor into his depositions he would love using jokes and he said it really helped the jury uh adhere to him so uh he was big on it so when I started doing comedy he thought it was a great hobby he didn't like the fact I dropped out of school to do it uh but I I would assume most parents wouldn't um but yeah but then once things started going really well H he was all about it loved it that's very cool you know I missed the vins and and the chicks I don't find them to be around so much anymore yeah there's a few cuz you got cuz the thing that was about Vince scolly and chick Hearn is that they were Regional they were these region legends that um that you don't really get too much because like for football car in Chicago I each major city yeah they would they would be around yeah uh uh and I think I think one of the last guys is uh the dude the dude for the Yankees I I don't know his name but he actually recently got hit in the head with a foul ball while calling a game oh I didn't know that he he was fine I wish I I didn't know his name uh but he's but he's calling the game and the ball comes back he goes the ball's coming back ow ow and he's saying Ow like in a baseball announcer voice it's perfect and then he he's the guy that we at the end he goes the Yankees win the Yankees win that guy not recently though yeah yeah yeah yeah no kidding uh and I do miss those Regional announcers because I mean you you still kind of have them on the radio but you don't have them on TV now it's all national broadcast it is here's the thing that I found so the first time I did The Today Show Briant Gumble interviewed me okay and I'll tell you why Bryant was amazing cuz he was a sports guy he did his homework and so when I walked on that stage he knew everything about me yep uh Bob cus yep is amazing yep cuz nobody does homework like costus nobody and I find out that those guys are great broadcasters because they know how to do all the background information that you need uh there's no stone unturned yep I'm also finding out uh I don't know if you watch CBS Morning Show but I'm addicted to it Nate Burleson who started off playing football yeah uh is now daily on that show yeah and he's just hosted his first game show and I I texted him and I said because I was I don't want to take too much credit for this but I hired Crist back in the early days and I was hosting next Food Network star when Fetti was doing it so so blame you yeah I'm a little bit responsible for that stuff and I said to him I said uh CEST and and Fetti have nothing on you that's how good he was and I think it's that Sports you know training background rehearsal you know when they go into a huddle and do you know 24 right L I don't know what the hell that means but they know instantaneously but they know and they know when they get to the line to switch it to IR tight 37 all on Wing go wow you do know your stuff that's literally one play that I know I One play I know Madden okay the but Sports guys are amazing they they know it's training it's repetition it's being so uh uh my opening act on the road is one of my best friends a comic uh JB ball uh he played basketball at the University of Tampa uh which is I think a D3 school I say that just to shun him anyway but uh shade him a little bit but um he you know he was an athlete and he attacks standup the same way an athlete he prepares he notes film the whole thing so uh um I think I I think it was Bob Knight I think this quote is from Bob knight uh not the one where he said ah [ __ ] you not that one not that one um but the one uh where he said I don't want players um that know how to win I want players that can prepare to win I might be butchering that quote well but I always love night you know I'm from Indianapolis so yeah so but here's the deal he cared more about the students and getting an education and graduating than about winning games now he wanted to win games more than life itself now he got nuts when he was throwing shares and you know hitting the students and all that stuff but there was something magical about him in my opinion yeah and it's weird there there are certain people that when you coach them like that or teach them like that that will some people respond to people to that kind of coaching that kind of parenting that kind of teaching some some of my best teachers my the teacher I'm still friends with to this day my uh Fe my theater teacher in high school had lunch with her like two months ago she was one of those teachers that she would make you feel like absolute crap if you messed up but I I don't know I respond to that so that's how I like I'm good with that I don't internalize things when people you know in insult me if I do something wrong and they yell at me I go yeah well I did something wrong okay I got to fix that and then they won't yell at me again that's so you did theater in high school yeah what parts oh God all of them I did uh uh Jesus I mean you play Jesus no kidding uh you know what my you know what my favorite uh I did Damn Yankees uh oh what what was I Damn Yankees I don't it's such a good show you play the devil no you would have been great in that no I was one of the ball players but that was my freshman show uh as you like it which is a Shakespeare y uh there's they're on the boat anything goes anything goes and then uh probably my favorite show which is is one of those shows I don't know you could do today is uh How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying why don't you think you do it I love that show that was a great show it was a great show you know what though you can't do it in Youth Theater because of the Hy laroo part which is like a very like sex pot thing so so when you use kids it's like okay little Li steeny did you did you want to do theater yeah that's what I wanted to do really yeah that's what I wanted to do I wanted to you know act I wanted to be in theater I wanted to do sports broadcasting uh I I I went I went to USC fight on Trojans studied in what go Caleb Williams uh um was a Communications major broadcast journalism major and uh tried to that was my thing like but you dropped out yeah but I and tell this story I dropped out when uh for Father's Day in fact uh I I took my dad to the bre improv and uh the comedian was on stage and he started making [ __ ] jokes half the audience is laughing and the other half of the audience the audience is sitting out of nowhere he starts making midet [ __ ] jokes really just start just starts making [ __ ] jokes and the and and the audience that's sitting by me is like not laughing nervous not laughing and he and he and he notices he goes what is one of them here and I rais my you know creepy little hand in the air and I was like what's up dude and uh he called me up on stage and he asked me questions and because he was just curious and uh I I remember he asked me what what do you do for a living and at the time I was working at Disneyland so I said I work at Disneyland doing what and that's when I turned to the audience cuz I heard a little Mumble mumble in the audience and I turned to them and said [ __ ] you I'm not one of the seven and they did that they laughed and at that moment I was like oh that felt good yeah right that felt real good and uh literally then I started uh looking up open mics and uh yeah I had a year to go to graduate and to get my and you dropped out I dropped out I'm going to come over there and strangle you well you you my dad and my mom all all the same all the same boat one year to go man one year to go and don't get me wrong I'm on their side I get it especially as a parent now I I I kind of told him like no I'll just do this comedy thing for like a year year or two and then I'll just go back to school like like like some kids backpack through Europe uh I'm I'm going to do stand up comedy for a year or two and they said okay that's how I convinced them and then I didn't go back um but so you started doing Open Mic nights yeah passing away here yeah but I was doing I was majoring Communications we didn't lose a cancer cure we're fine now when Dr Ken the wonderful commedian actor Dr Ken who's a real Doctor Who was a real pediatrician when he stopped doing that well [ __ ] that's a loss some kids's not going to know they have the measles uh but so like that and I tell them that all the time so who did you who did you look up to in the comedy world who you think was funny uh uh uh see it I'm not even going to take the bait and go for the short joke of who did you look up to okay it's uh I looked at Robin Williams was a key one Christopher Titus I I still to this day I love Titus Titus to me taught a very important lesson in comedy which was and that lesson is he Likens it to a rubber band if you watch his special Norman Rockwell Is Bleeding I'll put just about any special up against that one Titus Likens comedy to a rubber band if you hold a rubber band in two in two hands don't stretch it out and just let it go there's not much of a snapback it's not very impressive but if you if you pull it if you stretch it to the point there's tension and then you let it go the Snapback is much greater and you get a much better reaction so we he liking that to Comedy because if you watch Norman Rockwell Is Bleeding there are times there are no laughs for a while because he's building that tension he's building that tension he's building that and then the audience is almost begging you to tell a punch line to release them and have that release of energy that they've been building up and the laugh will be so much bigger and he taught me that and that's a great lesson for young Comics is uh what you love about Robin oh God what not to love uh Robin just his energy uh was Unreal just just constant and always on you knew whether it be a talk show red carpet interview game show so whatever it was if Robin Williams is on it's going to be funny and I I I respected that so much because you got you gave whatever you had to me um I respect it so much because uh I've seen comedians go on talk shows on podcasts on whatever shows and they're not funny yeah and I it's a different art yeah and I always get a little like come on joke yeah you know go and um Robin that was never the case no you know it's funny that you bring that up cuz Sebastian manoko who is probably the hottest comic out there right now and I've seen him live and he's brilliant but he's not good on talk shows it's it's very strange now he cannot sit there and talk to Jay or anybody you know from back in the day or Kimmel or whatever he's just awkward it's funny if you know Sebastian you kind of know why I don't know him at all but uh uh he That Guy Sebastian M Calico he's one of those guys but where you when when you look up his story how he'd be waiting tables yes at the Four Seasons in between while he's still waiting tables would run to The Comedy Store in his waiter outfit do a set come back and drop the check like that's Madness to me so good and uh nobody works harder than him worst part so I became a regular at The Comedy Store in 76 okay that's right your your your name's on the wall yeah and so uh oh you noticed that's of course I one of the things I'm most proud of I'm going to tell you really yeah because you know I started with Jay and David and Robin and channeling and you know we all started together and uh I was doing warm-ups on a show called soap next to me was a stage uh they were doing BOS and buddies and Saget was doing the warm-ups on that and then they were doing Barney Miller and Letterman was doing the warm-up on that so we all got our start doing warm-ups that's so good but the worst day of your life way hardest job in Show Business warm-ups audience warm yeah it's it people don't realize they don't know I did it for years man um but it was great training I learned how to be a host by doing that okay um but when Robin was getting ready to do a Tonight Show and uh it was 9:15 and I was on at 9:30 yeah uh and Robin would come in and say can I just go do 10 minutes well Robin didn't know how to do 10 minutes he would do an hour and 10 minutes and at 10:45 when everybody was walking out and they'd say please welcome The Comedy of Mark Summers and I'd say boy a walking Ovation because they were leaving and I you can't you could never follow him he was brilliant and it's done it it's uh he gave me the nicest compliment like if you want to it's still in my bio like often times when people cuz you put quotes on you know for a comedy post or whatever this this quote will will always be on it I did um I did a show at the throck Morton theater in mil Valley California that's where Robin lived and uh and it was a group show like it wasn't my show it was like bunch of comics from the show and it was rumored that Robin was going to be there that he that he was going to stop by rumored not confirmed and I go on stage I do my set and I go back um I go back to the green room and the tornado that is Robin Williams burst in the back bursts through the green room door yep sees me now you got to remember this is like one of my comedy idols and I didn't know he was there and then he just sees me and runs up to me and just goes oh my God Mr Williams you're like prozac with a head and I'm like that's yeah he would say things like that that's the best that's the greatest I can't I have two moments in my life where my hero acknowledged and was good that's the one that I tell the story of the other one I have I actually have on video on my phone uh I'm still am and was always a lifelong DieHard uh Denver Broncos fan mhm uh John owns a bunch of car dealerships in in Denver they found out that I'm a Broncos fan they called me up they said would would you like to perform at the Christmas party this year oh my and I said will John be there and they said yes and I said well then I will be there and they said we haven't discussed payment I'm like I don't care so I didn't care I I I went there I performed John sat front row and I have it on video when I said thank you good night he leads the standing ovation no John Elway led the standing ovation I'm just like that's it okay I'm done cuz when you make when you entertain the people that Entertain You yeah that cuz we don't have too many gifts Mark we're pretty we're pretty it's a pretty limited skill set you know well they like us or they don't yeah and uh and uh so the mo like when when people find out that I did overseas stuff and did some Uso tours they go oh man you know why'd you do that it's like well cuz I can't serve yeah I can't Ser I they they're not going to give me a gun so I can't serve our country so that's the best I could do right the best I could do is go there and for the people that are and especially when you go there it gives you such a great appreciation I don't know have you done tours yes I haven't done the you know Europe thing but I I've entertained yes yeah oh I've been Iraq Kuwait Oman Bahrain Afghanistan kistan Abu Dhabi Dubai Germany Japan and yeah and those are the most rewarding shows ever I bet cuz you go and you see what those men and women are are actually going through and then you get to put a smile on their face and I to this day uh I still have people that come up to me and go like dude I was there in Bahrain I I was there at Camp uh uh at um H what am I blank on the Air Force Base it's in it's in afghanan uh but they they come to me and say the base that they were at it's the best feeling it's here's thing people don't understand so uh I EXA produced a show called restaurant dinner impossible for Food Network yes and Robert Irvine Irvine is so attached to the military yes so he says to me husb gil Irvine former pro wrestler sorry 100% I know her as Gail Kim so oh yeah Gail Kim absolutely I'm a fan uh and as you should be otherwise she'll beat the crap out of you so we're he calls me up and says uh July 4th I going to go to this base uh in some Central American Place yeah will you go with me I said 100% MH so we fly there and the government didn't tell us the truth okay so what the government lied imagine that so we land in this airport there the most frightening airport as you're going down the runway you're passing like a Burger King and a McDonald's like it's in the middle of a main drag kind of thing and as we get in this um van of sorts there is a truck in front of us with kids 15 16 year old with AK-47s pointed at us oh boy and we're wondering what the hell is going on here and we finally get to this base and they explain to us that what they told us wasn't really the truth and that this base was basically a place that ran interference for drug cartels and uh nobody ever came to entertain so we were there but under no circumstances are we ever supposed to walk off premise and if we do we should have a $100 bill or a watch so we could TR you know and we're like pooping our pants there but we did a show yeah and Robert cooked and I interacted and stuff the appreciation that you get yeah because especially because in this base uh nobody came and there's no one probably even knows they're there no knows I've been to Afghanistan where it's like yeah they they knew you're that they people know what's going on there so they got they they got people yeah yeah no one's getting no that part that part of South America it's not our air base in Costa Rica that I I'm sure gets people for a complete different reason it was it was a bizarre and I couldn't wait I kissed the ground when I got back out of the place was it was frightening okay but you know we did a good thing and Robert does this constantly he goes all over the world and cooks and entertains like crazy and I learned from him a lot of that that uh you know these people they don't get the appreciation they deserve I couldn't do what these folks do yeah and and and it's such a knee-jerk response that when people when I when I see someone wearing a hat or if I see a certain type of haircut or uh sometimes you can tell by a handshake yeah uh and I say thank you for your service it it's such a knee-jerk thing that I say but it's like no no no thank you for your like I I can't do it uh and I'm glad you do it CU I don't have to so let me ask you this so I've watched a lot of you y all right okay and I know there are expectations and by the way I didn't know that you wanted to do theater and stuff like that the story I'd heard is Mena brought you up and you did stuff and all of a sudden you're doing standup it's like you're too damn good to you know to that happen that way yeah so um the expectations when you walk on stage are to do jokes about your size sure okay here's my belief and I I double dare you to do this okay let's go you can do an hour and never mention your size yes because you're funny enough and have enough great material now the question is would the audience be disappointed so first of all thank you uh and secondly I think now I could um in my experience cuz there and if you watch if you watch my specials there there there's only so much so many times I I I can say hey I'm little that's weird there's only so many ways I could do that so that's some people uh will say when you bring my name up they go like oh you only does dwarf jokes it's like well no I don't I do jokes from the perspective of of a little person cuz that's all I am and that's all I know how to be I don't know how to do jokes from a perspective of a 6'2 tall man so but I do do plenty of jokes that have absolutely nothing to do with my dwarfs nothing and there part of me that wants to do that to to just to say that I could I maybe like my next special will be like a no dwarf joke special I'd love to see it and then just to be like you know what [ __ ] y'all I'm I'm real good at this you don't need to do it yeah and then uh there has been times where I go on stage and I do jokes that are that have nothing to do with being a little person and the audience is sitting there like does he know really and that and and that's a little I can tell it's a little strange so and it's it's actually to bring it all full circle it's a lesson my father taught me is that when I meet people he goes crack a dwarf joke real quick CU then they'll know like okay it's cool it's okay yeah it's fine he knows like and so I kind of brought that philosophy to the stage uh to where uh uh uh I will I I don't I I will talk about it but there's a lot in my ACT especially now that has absolutely nothing to do with me being a little person and it's some of the stuff I'm most proud of because I can make a dwarf joke funny I could make oh those are fun those are easy this is we've been talking here for about an hour and 10 minutes the first time I haven't even gone to one of my questions here because you're such a good conversationalist oh thank let me ask you a couple of things here okay just just so you didn't do the notes in vain yeah that's right um best part about being a little person or DF oo here you know what I'll bring it back to my dad again um because my dad when when he found out that I was going to be a little person started going to these LPA events and he would sit in the back and not say anything and he would just sit there and listen and uh he would hear so many little people complain about like oh the the getting clothes is really hard going to this place is really hard doing this is really hard after about his third meeting my dad from the back raises his hand and goes hey guys um I've been here for a few meetings and uh all I hear is you guys really complaining about how much being a dwarf sucks I have a son he's about to be born he's he's going he's going to be a little person is there anything good tell me is there anything good what do they say one little person said yeah everyone remembers you everyone remembers you that's a good thing and that is a good thing especially in this business yeah where we're you're trying to get noticed yeah and like I said I don't mind the fact that some people don't know my name but then they Google dwarf comedian they go that guy I'm fine with that everyone remembers me and that's good whe whe whether you go to a restaurant where they know you're a regular and the bartender knows your order or whether you see me one time no one sees my comedy show walks out of the comedy show and then goes you know I couldn't tell you one thing that the guy said like no or what or or what he did or what he talked about cuz I've met people that I say like oh you've been to the Improv before you've been with com you you've been in the comic store before who' you see and they go ah mhm this guy this guy uh you know the guy that uh does the thing like that like that's what they'll do that never happens with me never happens so that's the best part everyone remembers you do you have a responsibility to little people uh I have discovered this through my 20 years oh that sounds weird saying that uh 20 years doing this whether I want the responsibility or not is irrelevant because I do I do have a responsibility and what is that and that is to just show uh that there is that that some it's exposure therapy a lot of the reasons why people have no problem making dwarf jokes is because they don't know little people they don't know and a lot of their examples are not even real examples Snow White and the Seven Dwarves OA loomas elves leprechauns whatever so I'm the real person I'm the face and I'm the thing that everyone could say like well I I I don't know any little people but now it's gotten to the point where like it it used to be few years ago and you say like oh yeah dwarves like oh yeah like uh like uh Dinklage like uh wean now now you can say yeah like the the Brad Williams the comic guy like these are all references and these are all representations of your people whether you want to be or not so I do think about stuff like that um sometimes it bothers me because I'm like I just want to be funny and just like let loose a joke and do you get offended to people is there anything that because you know I was doing a show in Indiana and they introduced the stage manager and she was a dwarf and I said oh hi stand up oh you are standing you know I was doing shtick right off the bat cuz I knew she had sense of humor but I I you know it's like if somebody not Jewish tells a Jewish joke or somebody do people get offended you know I you know what so here's one that offended me recently that and and normally I don't normally I do not get offended especially when people are doing it to me or whatever but one that got me recently is uh some and of course someone sent it to me cuz whenever anything happens involving Little People it gets s it gets sent to me so there's a car dealership in Arkansas and they did an ad where it's a Facebook ad where a bunch of the salesmen are on their knees and then they have the shoes on their knees M and then they say like oh our our prices are so low and that offended me because a just a cheap joke and in terms of like punching down it's like there were no little people there like you're not responding you're not saying to you're not it's just you brought it out of The Ether and and you did it so to me it's not like the actual joke offended me it's like what was going on in your mind when you decided a lot of people decided that were going to do this to me it's more that I get that so like um cuz I know they cuz I know they wouldn't do it they wouldn't have a ampute te and be like you know our cars won't cost you an arm and a leg like like like they wouldn't do that that's funny it is uh but like that like that's funny but like yeah exactly so like that part like and I don't even like saying the word offended it it cuz it didn't like but don't we have six senses of humor I do stuff and it drives my wife insane CU I go in a direction that she can't think of you know and you know what she says to me when I do that real nice Mr double dear is what she'll say to me so interesting you talking about the wives uh my wife and I have a safe word not for sex my wife and I have a safe word when I'm taking a joke too far and that is seapod when I hear the word seapod you know you've gone too far I'm having I'm literally having a reaction to it right now where I feel like I should stop talking but um when you when I hear the word seapod I I go oh okay too far cuz like we'll literally be out because I hang out at The Comedy Store I hang out with the with the weirdest the sick people ever funniest people in the world only funny to us when we're in that group you know people step in they would be pissed oh and we're just playing a game of can you top this and we're all trying to make each other laugh and in order to make people laugh that hear jokes all the time you can't do the hacky stuff because we know that stuff we know the tricks so we're going to these places and then sometimes I go to a dinner party and I'm in that mode and like my wife will just look at me and she like Shuff got it okay shut up I'm going to go I'm going to go eat a cocktail or I'm going to go eat a or and then just like sort of like and then nod frantically as you guys are talking about drywall I know I my wife says you you like people in show business but you know they were talking the other day about uh we had friends over and they were talking something about this was 4 inches and that was seven inches and I said uh what was the joke I did just out of nowhere oh oh how's a honeymoon like a snowstorm and she said how and I said you never know how many inches you're going to get you know and it's like that [ __ ] Pops in your head out of nowhere and my own son always says to me where do you come up with that stuff it's I can't control it it just pops up you know it's it it's call it sickness call I I I don't like to call it sickness because it's obviously the reason why I can pay a mortgage right a new house congratulations thank you very much uh so like yeah it's not a sickness but it's that thing where I have to forget or I I have to remind myself that not everyone is in this world and not everyone can relate and I'm I'm definitely going to offend people no question last question how' you meet your wife did you do research on this no oh my God no I can't believe in to tell list to Mark Summers okay all right uh my wife uh she aate expert or something she is a fourth Dawn black belt in Taekwondo So when you say Dawn that is like uh that is essentially a black belt so it's like fourth degree black belt so it's like she's really good she's really good anyway so I met my wife I I was living in San Francisco I moved there because I had done like three or four straight years of of 45 weeks on the road oh my I was burnt I was stressed and someone said hey do you want to do a morning radio show in San Francisco and I said no flying paycheck sure I did it day one by the way I was like this is not for me yeah what have I done this is not for me waking up at 4:00 in the morning you do 4 hours of show and then right at the end of the show a program director calls you in who does the afternoon Drive who hasn't set a funny [ __ ] word in his life he goes let me tell you all the ways you weren't funny shut up he would know yeah yeah yeah You Don't Know Jack anyway so um but on this show I had to move to San Francisco and I didn't know anyone there so we we played a game on the show to help me meet people the game was called uh Tinder or grinder where every day I'd flip a coin based on a lands on I go either a Tinder date or a grinder date for those you don't know grinder is the gay Tinder and uh I'm not gay but uh I I I I am what you call a go-getter so uh we play we played the game I actually went on one date on a grinder date it was one of the best First Dates ever was on it was amazing it was amazing went to a sports bar he bought me beer wings and told me I was handsome the best first dat ever um by way no false pretenses I let him know I'm not gay this this for a radio bit he said I don't care let's go up so we did it was great the next day we go on the we go on the show and we're going to do all right we're doing tender grinder and someone calls in and goes um have you tried thrinder and I go what the hell is thinder and they go oh that's Tinder for people trying to have threesome seriously that exists mhm and that's the sound of uh everyone slamming on their brakes looking up this app uh all all the dudes look say what um here and and and and here's how you know I'm not lying um it's not called ther anymore uh tender sued them for copyright infringement now it's called field Fe l d you're welcome uh so I go on this app yeah I make a profile I match up with two women we're all going to go on a date together one of the ladies does not show up and I went on a date with just the other lady and then uh two years after that I proposed to that woman no kidding oh my what a great story that's how that's that's how I met my wife and yes so um I don't have a lot of advice for the young guys out there for the young fellas but one thing I I can tell you is that if you find a uh a very attractive Asian woman that is into three-ways lock that up lock that up give drop drop to one knee and not in the sexy way and give give her the ring right then and there there don't don't wait don't wait what what are you waiting for honest to God what's going to be what's going to come along that's better than that unbelievable doesn't exist and and so now that you know that your uh daughter's going to be a little person yep uh what advice that you learned from your dad are you going to give to her uh don't start it finish it yep between God help the first person that in school or whatever tries to get at my daughter and make fun of her because at home she has a fourth Dawn black belt as a mother and an a verbal assassin as a father nobody's got a shot God help them she's going to come home one day and be like you know I I'm sure like Kardashian Jones made fun of me and I'm just going to be like oh you tell me everything about Kardashian Jones and we are going to have some fun with this and and I will and I I will write insults and uh and I will write comebacks and we'll have a time I I will say and this is the other thing that I'll put out there is for when when when I when I when I when I first found out that my daughter was going to be a little person uh and by the way she's three now she's great she's wonderful she was splashing in the hurricane puddles yesterday she was having a great time anyway um when I first found out she was going to be a little person I did have a little bit of guilt I I had guilt because and you're not even Jewish what I know right um I had guilt because there's no it's not like she got that from her mom you know she got that from me so whatever complications whatever hardships whatever struggles come from that come from dwarfism I essentially gave that to her but what a great role model you are and that's what someone told me and it totally flipped my mindset you're successful you're happy you know everything someone said who better yeah you're a guy that's literally and I don't I'm not the only dwarf comic but in terms of a dwarf comic that has had multiple specials and now selling out theaters and adding shows like it's one of one like and that I'm honored at that but also kind of depressed cuz I want other little people to do this so um that's so who better to explain to her how to navigate this world with dwarfism than someone who's done it successfully maybe not in I'm not saying she has to be comedian she could be whatever you know she wants to be uh uh uh but whatever it is here here's how you do it and here's how and here's how you could use it as an advantage and here's the things to avoid and uh I could be that person so in that way once a friend of mine told me that and I'm so glad that you echoed the exact same thing because it means to me that you are a good father and that's that good father brain that yeah you do the best you can there's no schools on how to be a parent no and you just do the best you can you know um recently we had Kevin Pollock here we had uh Howie Mandel here we had uh uh Gabriel glacis Here fluffy and uh I don't know I just love talking to Comics because we speak a different language same brain man you know it is same thing it's a sickness but it's a great sickness all those people you've you've mentioned I've had conversations with all of them and when you meet a comedian and you are a comedian I I summarize it from the Jerry Seinfeld uh Comedians and cards coffee there's a story Chris Rock told on his episode that to me just perfectly summarizes everything where Chris Rock was at a big movie star function a big movie star function with a bunch of movie stars and stars and rich people and y y y all the famous people that you want to meet are there and he says that at that function he saw Jerry SEF fell from across the room he ran up to Jerry put his arms on his shoulders and like in a relieved voice just went thank God ComEd yeah yeah yeah thank God and that's what it is that's what it is the best times I used to have we used to leave The Comedy Store about 1:00 in the morning yeah and there was a place called theodors it doesn't exist anymore it was on Santa Monica Boulevard MH me Leno Letterman got by the name of Johnny dark uh Mark Sheffer Glenn super all these guys that I started the store with and we would sit there till like 3 3:30 in the morning yeah every night yeah and just tells stories that's so my favorite scene from the movie comedian is uh also a sefall thing is they're doing a gig I don't know what the gig was but it was at the Comedy and Magic Club and they're showing it backstage and they show Shandling Rock Romano Leno Seinfeld uh and Kevin Neen I believe um and they're all at this at that table that's the backstage at the comedy magic club and I'm looking at this that table and I smile every time I watch that scene because in my mind mind to go these men are the they all have all the money all the money in the world could care less they could be anywhere in the world they they could be in Dubai they could be in Monaco they could be in Vegas Miami whatever backstage there's no place they'd rather be yep than at that table crowded Green Room just shooting the [ __ ] with a bunch of the other most funny funni people in the world that's where they want to be so when you say you have Pollock and aesus and myself yeah cuz Comics we it's a different way I'm not saying it's better I like it it's different I like it I like it but we only have the best Comics here and that's why you're here thank you so much for being here I want to hang out with you man that would be amazing let's hang out have have me up to your estate in monito do you have a do you have a winery I I have a guest house you can hang out in you look like a guy that has a winery we'll talk ah Mark Summers unwraps Brad Williams we'll see you next week thanks for listening Mark Summers unwraps is a production of believe limited created by me Mark Summers and Jessica Richmond produced by Keith cornelu and Jessica Richmond executive produced by Patrick James Lynch and Ryan Gillan post-production support from Joshua Sterling Bragg and believe limited don't forget to subscribe or follow the show on your favorite podcast player and if you really love it why don't you leave us a rating and a review thanks for listening and we'll see you next time on Mark Summers unwraps
Channel: Marc Summers Unwraps
Views: 18,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L-Hw5ixQcWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 29sec (4469 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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