MARBLE RUN: Roblox Marble Mania is AWESOME!!

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today we play roblox marvel mania where you explore the world while you are in a giant marble it is a lot of fun to see all the cool obstacles that interact with them and i hope you enjoy this video hold on hold on hold on wait this is how we move around whoa there's a pinball thing over here hold on let's go over there then that's looking really cool wait wait wait okay we are just bouncing around inside this ball this is pretty well hold on oh my goodness look at this we are just bouncing around like crazy over here wait do i have any control i do have control i can still jump in stuff look at me spinning i'm spinning like a madman all right that pinball thing was pretty cool wait it's nighttime was it nighttime before what's going on did it just suddenly become nighttime okay what's in here hold on let's see what if we go in here boost me up and wait oh level two let's go okay let's try again let's go like this and go into one of the top ones yeah all right level three let's go oh my goodness we are incredible okay hold on over there it says wrong way so wait what if we go this way what if we go here oh quest complete throttle up okay so if you go on these you go faster oh am i racing this guy now let's go let's go bro you ready bro you ready bro oh boy you're going faster than me oh checkpoint number six but wait a minute this isn't where i started oh did someone just fall off there let's make our way around finish line oh there's the starting line okay okay so i guess this is where it starts wait wait wait wait you know what let's go over here this looks like a cool place to go it's so fun bouncing around in a ball like this you know this makes me want to really play super monkey ball because as a kid whoa when super monkey ball came out on the gamecube i wanted that game so much well i guess there were a lot of games that i wanted so much but yeah we never ended up getting super monkey well i thought that it would have been a cool game i never got to play though and recently wasn't there a new super monkey ball that came out well hold on hold on what's around here what in the world is this this is going to lift me up let's see where are we going bring me up i am ready to go up whoa whoa hold on there's like some kind of bull's-eye target here or something oh and there's a basketball hoop over there wait what is this right here hold on actually first i should probably try going into the uh basketball hoop over there can i do that well let's see can i do this maybe let's see oh these cost actual robux okay you know what i should buy some robux can you give away robux is it possible to give away robux to people you guys let me know in a comment if it is possible maybe i should do a robux giveaway sometime i think that might be a nice thing to do okay this is a slingshot let's see how it works oh oh that's really cool the way that that works okay let's see now fling me to here i'm gonna go into the wow we can see from up high everything here okay let's go into the basketball hoop and come on give me in yeah there we go all right and that was an achievement okay so that's really cool okay now let's get on to this slingshot again okay like me up go oh who bet it plugged me down okay i didn't expect that to happen whoa whoa oh my goodness i bounced into a balloon oh we leveled up somehow okay nice and okay wait hey there you look like you've got a lot of tokens why not take a look at the shop okay no i don't have that many tokens i only have 300. there's a bowling alley oh my goodness there's so much to do oh and what's this coming down balloon let's go in wait piano plus beat maker oh my goodness is this a real piano wow and if you step on the keys it plays the actual note [Applause] [Music] so fun spinning around like that wait what's this though oh beat producer oh okay okay so it's like these are different uh drum beats over here that's so cool man there's so much cool stuff that you can do in this this is actually unbelievable oh my goodness this has to be one of the roblox games that i've played that have a crazy amount of effort put into the oh boy it's time for some bowling let's see can we do some bowling wait is there anywhere where the pins oh oh you go over here to reset the pins hey you know what i think when people are done they should reset the pins i think that that is the uh that is the polite thing to do i think that that's the courteous thing to do okay so let's see can we get a strike let's go and oh come on there's one left there's one left wait it said quest complete strike but i thought that one was still up let's try again let's go and at the last second i'll jump into it from an angle like this and there we go that time we've really got a strike okay and i'm going to reset the pins before we leave because i think that that is the nice thing to do what if i go all the way back here can you go back here oh you can't go back behind there oh but you can go here and then the ball rolls back oh my goodness i'm like a bowling ball i'm like a bowling ball that is uh coming back after going there wow i haven't been bowling in so long i think bowling would be something really fun to do you guys let me know in a comment if you've ever gone bowling before join race yes yes let me join the race let's go you're in queue the race will begin shortly okay now we're gonna race someone let's go oh oh nice okay pre-participate wait wait what's going on okay i'm ready i'm ready let's go let's go let's go am i racing someone hold on okay so we gotta go through all the checkpoints this is like a mario kart a little bit that you have to go through the checkpoints for it to count that's kind of like the way that mario kart double dash works i just watched the summoning salt video on that it was a really cool video oh i went out of bounds just for a moment over there i don't know if i'm still okay but let's be careful okay let's go like this then turn oh don't turn like that okay come over here let's go let's go give me the boost give me the boost give me the boost let's go all right come on let's jump around jump around we are cool little marble over here checkpoint number four okay and let's just drop down here to checkpoint number five why are there checkpoints here i wonder if it's like you have to go through all the checkpoints oh maybe it's like you have to go through all the checkpoints um otherwise it doesn't count that you completed the race you prob that's probably what the checkpoints are for it's probably like a mario kart double dash it has a system similar to that oh hello there my friend and there's the finish line let's go first place let's go well we were the only person that was racing so that's kind of funny okay what else can we do as this marble over here oh my goodness and i'm really curious to know how many people have played this game before you guys can let me know in a comment if you've played this or not wait a minute push me wait is this like a swing oh look at this swinging around okay okay all right and go oh man look at how he can bounce oh my goodness i feel like i'm speed running minecraft right now with the way that i'm bouncing okay what is this oh my goodness that really launched us wait a minute whack a marble instead of whack-a-mole oh man oh man that's so satisfying oh look at the little piggies over here wait wait is something scary happening it's night time it's night time uh oh is that like these little piggies are here i have to play through the story mode of roblox piggy because i've played it once before but i've never played the story mode okay and this is pretty cool you go around here and you bounce on these over here or wait is it just uh is it just that day and night have super short cycles wait a minute this is so cool this might be my favorite one yet but it looks very scary okay let's see oh don't touch me wait is that gonna push me off oh my goodness it is oh okay okay okay this is gonna be crazy okay so we want to be careful not oh my goodness okay so we want to be careful to not get pushed off by these this is so cool okay and go oh boy oh boy whoa whoa i tried to play this strategically at first but now no oh it got me off on the last one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i can't get on to this can i oh wait a minute is this like a mini golf or something hold on this looks like a golfing over here wait wait wait what if i go here i thought that he would grab me if i go on to that hold up whoa oh oh okay if i go over here then it's like a golf club that swings at me okay swing swing i am ready for you to swing at me oh oh i wasn't ready actually okay wait let's just stay here stay here and get ready to be dizzy because we are about to get smacked let's see smack me [Laughter] so funny you just get hit like that okay and well what if we go in here hey windmill golf thanks we got another achievement for that okay this is great oh my goodness and there's tennis okay wait wait wait let's go to the tennis in a moment but first first i really want to do this one over here i want to succeed at this one at first i tried to play strategically oh boy yeah at first i tried to play strategically and then i tried to just run okay let's be careful let's just be careful go when it's safe to go and don't go when it's not safe to go okay this is good now you're going there okay then we'll go like this okay and you know i'm gonna rush it no i'm gonna rush it oh don't rush don't rush oh oh splash oh nice even going into the water is an achievement okay let me through oop okay here we go this is what we're gonna do we're gonna make it across no problem i like this platforming one this is a super cool way to do platforming i like how we are just inside a giant marble and we're bouncing around like this it's actually quite hard to control your character because sometimes it's like if you jump somewhere in a mario game wait is there an achievement yes there we are wipeout winner there we go okay i wonder if you also get something for making it back but yeah this is a little tricky maybe a little trickier than expected but we can make it across maybe if we just keep bouncing at the right time and there we go we made it back safely too oh my goodness are we incredible or are we just very good okay let's go over here let's play some tennis whack me i'm ready to be whacked wait wait do i have to go here to be whacked wow that guy just got whacked very far oh here we go wow ace okay yeah cause it's like tennis this is so cool wow look at me just getting smacked around oh and if you just stand there oh i thought that maybe it would just keep whacking you forever oh please let me out wait what if i get whacked by the other one let's go bam there we are oh it's daytime again very nice okay hold on i haven't been into that hoop over there yet oh wait does this let me go up can i climb up here maybe oh this is a little tricky to climb up because that bounces you up quite high okay so let's see let's bounce up here oh man this is a fantastic roblox game this has to be one of the best roblox games i've played this is a super cool one like there's some roblox games when you play you're like yeah i can really see that a lot of effort was put into this you know let's see let's go into this hoop here let's get ready let's get ready and bam there we oh my goodness i missed what hey let's go in there bam there we go wait do we not get an achievement is it because we already went through a different basketball net i wonder if that's why oh man i worked so hard to well i guess i didn't work that hard to get it it's just i had to climb up again okay but let's see where are we going next do i want to take this across or do i want to get launched somewhere you know what let's see where this will bring us well and if it will bring us somewhere i'm assuming it will ah yeah look at us go on this zipper over here look at all the cool stuff in the background let's go we're going to some castle over here there's a dart board in the background wait underground do we want to go there first wait there's some kind of ramp over here i guess that ramp probably makes us leave oh there's a wow a very large spinning bat there hold on do i want to get hit by that grand slam okay i guess you do want to try to get hit by that okay let's see oh whoa i was so focused on what was so far ahead that i couldn't even see what was right in front of me wait will this push me upwards this fan that is so cool i'm a big fan oh my goodness that's like the type of joke that i would make that's very funny all right so let's get ready for the grand slam okay we probably have to time this nicely let's see what if it goes right like oh oh oh you get shut up pretty quickly okay so let's go like this let's get ready no what i went like through the bat okay let's see go bam there we go all right i got hit by the basil let's go wait what in the world is that a person i guess that's another person that's playing i was wondering what that was thank you for playing marble mania yeah i am really enjoying look at this look at this there are train tracks here hold on do i get to be a train do i get to be a little choo choo marble hold on roland i'm guessing maybe if we hit that button something happens let's try okay okay hold on hold on wow wow okay it's like we're playing roller coaster tycoon but it's roblox wait how high will this go where will we go to where will this bring us where are we going oh my goodness you go up very high wait a minute hold on i see a person up ahead there what if that person blocks my fap wait a minute wait a minute look at this look at this it is a giant roblox person over here oh my goodness and how cool is this to have a big view of the world like this this is absolutely unreal and look at this it's a giant roblox person over here that we are going by wait can i go by you please let me go by you don't stop oh no oh no oh no no no why was that person there wait a minute this uh volleyball here yeah there we are underhand sir very nice okay that's pretty cool we are just getting moved around as the marble wait is there another golfing thing over here it looks like there's another golfing thing over here okay let's see get ready to get smacked i'm ready oh i get hit this way oh does it want to get you like through one of the holes wait does it still count okay it still counts gold in the hole okay and i guess this is all glass back here and the nice thing is that you could go here and get launched back now hooray and oh it doesn't bring us as high as i thought it would but we can luckily oh boy we had a nice bounce we could have maybe made it up okay checkpoint number three is over there okay but first oh i'm like what's going on whenever it gets dark i get so scared i'm like what's going on is something going to attack me and it looks like there's a dartboard behind us so let's go up here first oh and these are probably going to launch us into the dartboard over there okay and we we want to get the center oh and i guess depending on when you go in that's how much power you have let's go cork wait a minute oh i'm like am i just gonna be stuck to it that's kind of funny you know what this music actually reminds me a little bit of uh minecraft actually it's like this nice calming music that's just like playing in the background wait do i die if i go in there looks like lava wait eruption hold on is there going to be an eruption here if i stand here looks like there's also some others oh oh i see wait ed i wanted to go into the hoop too that would have been cool okay boost me up and let me come out here and let me go into the yeah there we are we got the goal okay but i guess since we already landed in uh in one basketball net that they don't care really wait elephants maze speeding wall there's so much stuff happening okay let's go into this one okay so here's the maze hold on can we zoom out at all oh we can't really zoom out can we okay let's see oh wait but the way that you want to do a maze is always take the right path when you get a dead end go back to where you were okay so let's go around here wait that's a dead end right oh wait unless we could bounce up okay so that's a dead end okay so we want to go back to where we were and then take the next right okay so let's keep going here wait okay we can keep going keep going and let's see oh always take the right path until you get to a dead end okay keep going keep going okay take the right okay and that's a dead end okay so then come back okay and let's see oh boy oh boy but i should take the right here oh but that's a dead end okay so now we'll go this way this is actually a lot more tricky of a maze than i thought it would be let's see okay that's another dead end okay so that means that we have to go here and then come on now oh boy i thought that it'd be another dead end okay let's see oh man this is actually a very very big maze yeah this is probably one of the biggest mazes that i've actually ever seen in roblox wow there i am actually very impressed at how much there is to this maze this is such a big maze there's so much over here it's actually gonna be a hard to keep track of everything let's see okay that's a dead end we can come back over here this is such a tricky maze there's so much over here oh my goodness am i gonna be able to get out of here is there going to be a fast way to get out of this place wait who are you find the developer yeah there we are okay that's a super cool one i don't know if that's actually uh a rare badge or not that's super cool okay that's nice i wonder if that's everything that's in the maze or if there's actually more to the maze still wait what is this what is this amazing quest complete okay oh and it teleported us out that's so cool that we got both of those oh my goodness so we got two secrets in the maze i wonder if there are any other secrets in the maze also wait a minute hold on hold on it looks like there's some cups to knock over over there i think that could be something fun to do okay and i love that you could keep your bounce you could keep jumping like this hold on can we knock these over here mid cups wait wait wait which one should we take out i got this one right over here hold on hold on let's go like this and bam come on now [Music] and let's go i just want to push this one out of the way i want to see these cups all fall over let's go oh we almost got it we almost got it let's see bam oh so close little more and hey you're not allowed to just come back like that how can we just respond like that oh no that's not good okay let's go come on now there we go there we go that's nice and satisfying we knocked over a bunch of them here okay there's still a bit standing at the base but there we go a lot of them are knocked over oh oh and what if we actually oh that time i just accidentally knocked them over very quickly like that wait now what do we want to do with these cups what are these cups for do we want to bounce into them or what or do we want to knock them over wait diamond cups okay i guess we got a quest for going inside them over here let's get launched let's go and oh oh oh oh that's like a ferris wheel or something okay and it also looks like there's a roller coaster here too hold on wait have i done this race before or is this a new race over here let's see starting line crossroads circuit this might be a new race i don't know if i've done this one before all right let's go let's go time to start the race three two one get set go okay i'm ready for the race over here let's go let's go let's go let's go let's make our way across i think this is a new race is this a new race or is this a different race let's see i'm not sure if it is i guess maybe at the end we'll find out but all right this might be a new one because we're up high over here i don't remember being up high like that before and we're going by some other stuff that well i don't think that we did see during the first race unless it's like i was so focused on the race that i didn't notice the things in the background before okay but let's see we got to make sure to go through these checkpoints over here let's go here and come on now all right oh no i missed that one hold on i think maybe if you jump oh i actually don't know if jumping is uh better i was thinking that maybe if you jump that you could like maintain your speed and you can move faster that way i don't know if that's actually right maybe if you jump when you're almost out of speed that's a good idea go here and there we are first place well we were the only one all right let's climb on up here nice that there are different paths to climb up me up here okay now what in the world is this hold on i've seen something like this before oh oh you can spin around like this that's pretty cool okay so there we go so now we got that wait how do i get out of here i'd like to get out please oh okay that's how you get out okay there we are what's up on this bridge over here let's just make our way across with these marbles over here man look at how nice and colorful this level is this is a super cool level wait what is this right here this right here oh okay cool we got another level up okay sky fall and whoa whoa that's flinging me fast let's see swing me [Music] and let's go oh that didn't launch me as far as i thought it would what is this right here nice bounce thank you oh fun pier over here okay and we've got some rides over here high striker okay wait do you want to oh oh it's like as hard as you land on it that's as high as it goes if you have a bigger bounce then it goes up higher okay that's pretty cool you might have seen some of those at the carnival before hurler okay do i want to get hurled right now hold on hold on hold on hold on let's see these first spinorama oh oh normally you're supposed to knock over the cups from here it looks like that's how it works okay okay let's try this okay let's get ready and now yeah i went through the hole how cool is that oh and look at that there's a ship going by over there actually and hold on do i want to oh don't fall off i want to hit that ship maybe i want to hit that ship it looks like that's a target that you want to hit oh hold on is that a ferris wheel there let's see this let's get on to this whoa through the middle okay it launches me all the way here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is this ride over here called launches every 30 seconds oh ah where am i where am i out of the park i'm gone back to the start wait is that because i was launched out of the park okay yeah i was wow when that happened i'm like wait what in the world even happened where did we go okay that's nice you can get launched up high like what in the world there's stuff up here there's a secret world up here oh oh and that let's just come here okay and what's this oh my goodness wait wait wait wait oh these blocks it's like once you stand somewhere it starts to uh starts to disappear so you want to be careful to not fall i guess but wait can i go back here or no oh that's an invisible wall okay oh there are some golden hoops there maybe we'd want to go through some of them wait what's this though land all that i thought that maybe that'd be an achievement but i guess it's not okay let's come down here and bam there we are what's this launch me i'm ready to be lodged i wonder if this is going to launch me or not oh oh i think it will yeah there we go ejector seat okay it's just you have to stand on it for a moment wait wait wait what's the one that we were just at sky deck okay i guess all these bring you to the sky deck all these here near the start just you have to be careful where you want to land let's go right here okay there we go sky high okay nice okay so we just got that yellow one over there wait is this gonna try and blow us off oh i guess it isn't okay i thought that it would now what are these wait yo yo jump oh man oh man do i want to do that let's go here first bumper cars wait oh maybe this is like if other people are here then you're meant to play bumper cars with them and it's like you can try and knock each other off here let's go through the ring oh oh oh it did count okay super sonic free fall i guess that's a reference to sonic because like sonic collects rings well that's pretty cool how that worked okay now where are we going let's go to the green because we haven't been to the green yet and wait is this also yo-yo fall oh yo-yo jump okay that's a bit different okay wait but what's this is this also bumper cars i guess this one's also bumper cars okay so there are probably two bumper cars and two checkered ones and now let's check out this yo-yo jump what is this wow we are skydiving okay and hold on gonna bring us all the way back up let's go down and launch me please please i'd like to get off okay i've had enough of this hanging here i'd like to get off please oh and so it just suddenly drops me hold on i don't think i've gone up that tree over there yet that tree over there that looks like a minecraft tree okay so let's go to the red one because the red one's going to be something different most likely let's see this one's called oh no it's also called yo-yo jump i thought the other one was called yo-yo fall for some reason wait you can go in here oh this center part is glass i had no idea that this was glass that's cool okay so that minecraft tree looking thing is over there you probably want to climb up the tree that's what i would expect yeah because this looks like some this looks like something that was intentionally made for platforming okay i'm having trouble even getting onto the first one i don't know how easy or difficult this is gonna be if i was having trouble with the first one it'd be funny if i only had trouble with the first step and then the rest of it was easy okay it's actually kind of tricky gotta be really careful with how you move here oh boy i almost fell there let's go oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy it's so hard because you have to move with wasd i'm using a controller so i'm using a joystick but my joystick is still mapped to wasd so it's like there are only four directions that you can move in but i guess you can adjust the adjust the the camera okay okay well then i was scared because i thought that my jump didn't work there a moment ago okay we're getting so close oh boy oh man this is so intense oh my goodness oh my goodness and let's see we're so close i don't want to fall i don't want to fall i only had trouble with the first one so far and come on come on let's do it and there we are we made it to the top monkeying around all right of course we have to get to the top over here that's beautiful that we made it and look at this we have a nice view of the level too [Music] well i don't think i went to the top up here yet wow someone just flew by over there i am ready for a cart again let's try this again let's go whoops get me in my car get me in my cart my car's running away from me my car's going faster than i am oh no come back to me my car no no i don't lose my car wait where'd my cart go my car's gone all right i'm ready to give this another shot let's go here let's go oh nice and now we're starting to go okay hopefully we have enough speed to make it up i don't know how this works i'm just going to hold in the direction that we are going and hopefully we make it up to the very top of that guy over there is that guy called noob because i've heard of uh i've heard i know like what the word noob means and how it is used but i think if i understand correctly if i if i understood correctly i think some people have referred to this roblox character as noob did this used to be like the default roblox skin or something because i'm guessing that my character is now the new default roblox skin but i don't know if that used to be like the old default roblox skin oh and it's becoming night time that's how long it's taking us to get up here onto this noob over here all right and it looks like this time nobody is blocking our path so that is great news over here and we're almost up at the top we're so close to the top over here look at this here is the giant roblox noob over here wait what happens wait are we gonna come down now it's gonna be like a roller coaster ride wait i would have thought that maybe we'd have to like jump off onto the noob's head or something oh we're gonna get lodged we're gonna get lodged get ready get ready and wow card goes oh oh man i thought that we'd make it into the uh into the you know what into the to the basketball that there wait do i just stay on my cart forever now oh as soon as i jump my cart's gone okay wait what if i go into this one because we did uh touch the balloon before but i don't know if uh it counted as you know the achievement that you might get for riding in the hot air balloon over here pretty cool stuff man there's so much happening pretty cool how all of this oh oh it just dropped me all of a sudden okay well goodbye i guess wait oh and that's a person i guess wait wait wait wait we could probably climb up this ladder hold on if i can bounce up here or maybe we could bounce up there too maybe there's something in there okay first let's go like this up the ladder get me up the ladder there we are we're up the ladder oh there looks like there might be something tricky over here oh my goodness and there's a lot of stuff up here how did i not go up here before okay let's see what is this called reverse gravity jumps wait a minute wait a minute oh boy oh boy i have reverse gravity now okay and hold on this is so weird go oh boy oh no are my controls reversed too or no hold on okay let's see reverse gravity is so strange oh goodbye [Laughter] okay come on we can do this we can do this here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna keep going across like this oh go this way oh then that way oh no oh boy what way do we go oh boy this is so tricky because things start becoming the opposite of what you expect them to okay wait so i should go a bit this way okay and let's see okay just stay safe stay safe my friends good then come here okay good then hold on hold on okay this should be fine maybe not but if we go like this okay we're still all right we're still all right okay and hold on hold on come a bit this way hey we're good we're good we're good just don't roll off be very careful oh it's daytime oh boy it's so bright all of a sudden oh no oh no it's like when it's dark and then all of a sudden the screen just turns completely white okay let's see wait is this the final jump now let's see go yeah we got a gravity goings oh oh and now finally can we ride this roller coaster is that how this one works let's go oh my goodness it's like it keeps us safe in here because it's like the rails i guess the rails they stop us from falling off oh that's it oh i thought that maybe there'd be more oh that's pretty cool though wait a minute look at these steps this is super interesting so these steps is like they come up for a bit and then they come down oh wait but i guess it's not that much of a problem if you get caught but still that's super cool how this works okay can i bounce please please let me bounce up here i'd like to get up here very nice okay now then hold on plinko what is plinka wait what if i stand here i have a feeling if i stand here something might happen hold on or maybe this is just a target to hit later oh oh wait i see lots of steps up there actually okay we probably want to go up here oh oh and there are targets over there target practice okay that's another area that i haven't been man there's so much around here oh and this is like a red roller coaster oh wait no that's actually a balance beam wait i guess you want to be careful to not fall off that okay hold on hold on hold on there's so much over here let's first do rainbow obby over here the rainbow obstacle course oh nice and it's daytime that's perfect okay don't fall don't fall step one is don't fall step two is be careful to not fall step three is make sure to not fall off the platform step four is to make sure to go from platform to platform without falling off whoa okay we've gotta go for it let's go for pepe let's go bounce bounce and wait did we make it oh i'm on top you want to actually get inside oh no oh no i made it to the end but that's not where the end actually is the real end is actually in here there we go oh touch the rainbow that's very nice i wonder what that's making a reference to okay let's go down this green roller coaster over here let's go and where's it gonna bring us i guess we're gonna come out from over here we get an achievement for being on this roller coaster wait i guess we don't wait what in the world is this hold on oh oh oh wait a minute isn't this called the pachinko machine in super mario sunshine there's a thing like this in super mario sunshine okay so let's see let's drop down and let's go let's go and i guess you want to get to one of the gold ones in the center probably okay let's see i like how you do have control over where you go it's not like random definitely does seem easier than the uh in the middle very nice okay so i guess that's where you wanted to go very nice okay yeah this definitely does seem easier than the super mario sunshine one actually i don't know if i've ever been to the super mario sunshine one or if i've only ever seen videos of it hey but what i do want to see is what happens if you don't fall in the middle do you get anything for that oh almost had it okay so it's good that i also did that because that's another achievement okay wait a minute wait a minute it looks like we could take a ride over to that temple over there and there are fire rigs over here that you probably want to get shot through and there's a rotating thing over there okay but hold on first first let's finish off this area first there's still more to do over here right yeah yeah there's still that thing up here that we haven't done okay we did the reverse gravity thing we did that but we haven't done is the balance beam over here oh boy how crazy is this oh oh boy oh no i'll just line up perfectly and go straight oh boy bounce bounce okay now we just have to get in let's let's go and come on please get me in please i don't want to fall and give me in there no no no no okay we made it keep your belts very nice wait is there another one that we want to do to get across to there now wait wait wait or does this just zip you across oh wait there's a red one here oh wait wait wait wait but the red one it probably doesn't help us i want to get out oh i don't know if i can get out okay it looks like i have to go in now okay and we get to have a view of that target practice that is going to be coming up over there that's going to be a fun one and you know what we're right here so let's just go right over there right now we can do this target practice we could hit some targets let's go oh nice i hit it okay now then let's get the boat wait but the boat's leaving come back boat wait bam i hit a nice bar target hold on is the boat gonna come back oh that's so cool it's so cool that if you land in the kind of see-through area then it teleports you back hey slingshot please fire me let's go over there whoa we're going very far oh there's a giant well oh cool we leveled up somehow okay but i saw something really cool in the air over there there were a bunch of basketball hoops over there wait club crossroads hold on what's in here oh i have to sneeze i have to sneeze excuse me oh next dance the night away oh cool dj marbs okay so i guess just coming here unlocks something okay that's pretty cool okay we've got a very nice uh very nice club over there for damn sig oh wait wait hold on have i been on these before this looks like it's going to be a swing let's swing mario legs to a swing hey and jump off okay i guess maybe we have been there before because that didn't give us anything all right it is time to go across to over there let's do it let's go zipline yes let us zipline across to over here and i wonder if you can go across those wires over there that's gonna be really interesting to see oh hold on hold on hold on these things over here they must launch us to that island because i was wondering i'm like wait how are we gonna make it to this castle over here oh nice and we crashed the castle that's why we got the achievement castle crashers i see look at how those cubes are spinning they're spinning so fast okay let's get out of here bring me back please thank you and bam land right there what is this this looks like something out of minecraft oh beacon bonanza okay now hold on hold on what is in here what in the world is in here oh i guess we want to climb up okay okay oh no don't launch me to here now i want to go back to where i was no no i'm not done being there yet hold on what could be in here thank you for playing marble mania yeah i'm loving this game hold on who in the world are you you look like a goomba beanball's place okay that's a nice achievement that we got over here okay we just went into this area here and we got an achievement that's nice i like this it's like there are all kinds of areas that you just want to explore and see what kind of cool stuff is going on wait wait what if we go through here wait a minute oh oh i see okay so these cubes over here in the sky they tell you uh what areas they are okay like over there's the mountain there at the center that's the spawn and over here okay this area over here is the temple okay i understand okay i was wondering what that meant wait but what's this gonna do do we go up the temple platformer obby oh come back where are you going oh man hold on are we gonna have to go from thing to thing now okay it looks like the boat is starting to come back to okay so let's go in here let's go i'm ready for some platforming oh boy this is so scary oh no oh no okay go get in the box okay it's funny because it's like you're pretty safe while you're in the box but it's like when you're jumping from one tray to another it's so scary okay let's see where is it oh oh okay we're in we're in okay oh oh this must be almost the end please please be safe thank you thank you and go yeah platform bro let's go we are the platform pro we did it wait what in the world is that over there oh there's some kind of a wait can i get on top of this go okay well can i hit that what if i hit this what if i hit this as it's going by go wait you get nothing for hitting it or did i miss it i don't know what happened i really hope that i didn't miss it because that would have been the perfect opportunity to do that wait and what in the world are these wait have i gotten flung by these oh oh oh oh oh i see how it is okay wait and holy okay okay nice nice so it launched us to that one wait what if we get launched to one of the other ones okay please launch me back thank you okay now then let's just go into one of these over here i want this one to launch me let's go let's go bro i'm ready hold on hold on let me stay in here i'm not ready actually okay now i'm ready let's go get me into the green one let's go and oh i guess i guess it doesn't give us another achievement because we already did get me out of the water please why can't i not jump i'm just upside down and i'm spinning okay now we need to get that ship i'm guessing that there's an achievement for hitting that ship all right now oh boy oh boy i'm getting so nervous here okay let's see let's see and this should be a good moment now maybe no no i went too far i went too far i hit the ship i hit this ship i hit the ship i definitely hit the ship i 100 definitely hit the ship there i hit the ship's target but we didn't get an achievement there maybe you don't get an achievement for that or maybe we already have it actually wait and what's down here hold on have we been down here before wait a minute this area looks new hold on i don't think we've been down here before there's some kind of like dinner table over here achievement is going to be like eat dinner hey but wait what about this that a giant chicken nugget one of 200. i think that was actually one of the uh i think that was actually one of the rarer awards i was taking a look at how many people got which awards in this game i think that's actually one of the rare ones that's cool that there's something just hidden down there and we found that you know what's in this green area here wait what is this yellow one going to do i guess that's just an entrance to get in here that's kind of surprising that it's like there are two entrances to get in here i have an absolutely crazy idea we're not going to take this all the way up maybe there's actually a secret area that we could go right there get me in there hold on did we go up this before i think we did right and what did it do to us oh oh and then you just end up being here okay okay wait there are windmills in the background i wonder if you have to do something with the windmills wait and what in the world are those colorful blocks doing there oh i guess you probably want to walk across and you want to be careful that the blocks don't push you up that's probably what you have to do there so let's go there then that looks like a cool place to go okay so how are we going to make it across without these blocks pushing us off let's see let's see okay so there are some walls here that you can hide behind oh now's the perfect opportunity this is actually kind of tough okay let's see oh wait but maybe if we just bounce like crazy oh and there we go wait wait did i get it or no i don't know if we got it hold on because i'm guessing you have to get to that red thing over there this right here probably right oh okay there we go that's what you have to do okay it's just you have to stand there for a moment wait oh oh and then you get teleported into the cube okay so that's nice so that's how you get the cubes one oh and it's called cubes of doom nice hold on hold on you know what we have to find out we still didn't go through those uh fire hoops over there there's gotta be a way to go through those hoops of fire over there how can we do that okay how am i gonna get up there i've gotta bounce up here somehow go yeah look at that okay and should uh is this gonna fire us through these uh rings of fire here let's see okay and all right brings the fire okay that was the name of the achievement that's cool wait wait wait is this going to launch us now man this game has so much more than i thought it would like when i went into this i thought okay sure for a few minutes i'll bounce around in some marbles or whatever but man we're just exploring all kinds of worlds there's so many cool obstacles that we're testing out and we're just getting flung across the world as we are inside a marble well first what's this ramp is that an achievement hey ramp it up okay that's cool okay man there's so many things that i uh i guess that i miss that i'm going back and seeing now wait a minute actually but since we're launched here a bunch of stuff here that i didn't uh think to do like uh hold on hold on let's come up here like what in the world is this hold on hold on fun pier i didn't bounce up here yet well let's get in oh i didn't want to go that high go please get me there perfect okay now then what if we roll down these this is probably an achievement right let's see whoa look at us go wait there's no achievement for that going to like stay on the same color the whole time or what let's see oh there we go rainbow razors okay i guess it's like you have to stay on for long enough on uh on one color or maybe like i was jumping so it didn't count okay but looks like we might get flung through one of those so i kind of want to do that because i don't think that we managed to do that last time oh wait unless shooting star island i don't think i've been there yet right let's see launch me then shooting star island oh boy wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on dude we get flung by this launches every 30 seconds wait i think maybe we did get flung by this one oh okay yeah we did do this one this is the one that shoots you off the map [Music] whoa there's the map the earth is flat look at that the earth is flat we saw it okay let's get scooped up here i don't know if i've been scooped up here before so let's see go there we are yeah how cool is that oh wave breaker hold on hold on is this the ride that i've been waiting for oh wait wait wait first let's go the ferris wheel because we haven't been in the ferris wheel wait wait do i have to be careful to not fall off oh man i'm so scared what if we fall off yeah there are like no seat belts or anything what if i just don't move will i be safe hopefully i'll just be safe i just stay like this on the ferris wheel wait uh we didn't get an achievement for going on the ferris wheel yet did we let's see maybe it's like if you go to the top of the ferris wheel or maybe if you go all the way around then you get the achievement hold on let's see i'm expecting there to be an achievement over here because look we're on the ferris wheel there we go okay round and round i guess you want to get up to like roughly the top part that's probably how it works [Music] okay and it is daytime so let's go into wavebreaker what is this going to do i guess the arrow is showing us two go this way so this is probably the way wow wow you really go fast over here okay this is about how fast i was expecting the other roller coasters to go but yeah we've really got a lot of speed now this is what i was expecting it to go like there we go okay this is quite fascinating how quickly we are going over here oh there we go there we go okay we're done the ride wow maybe uh my character is a little dizzy after all of that oh oh hold on hold on hold on there are some steps to climb up here i don't think this leads anywhere special they just look like regular steps that just bring you to the top over here but maybe there is something special let's see you know what because it is a little tricky to get up here so maybe there's going to be a reward for going up here but i guess we won't know until we actually get up there okay like how the camera just zoomed in on my character all of a sudden hey now let's see oh boy oh boy this is even scarier than the tree this is a bit scarier than the tree because it's like the jumps are super easy up until it's like you have to make a jump like we did a moment ago okay but let's see let's see we're almost at the top okay yeah this is almost the top right here and what is that up there oh oh maybe there actually is something for getting up there but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on how are we going to get up there do i bounce off this and then up there whoop get up there go like this and bounce whoa i'm so scared oh boy i'm so scared i'm so scared go come on come on it's even night time now and oh whoa whoa we almost made it a butt but come on get up there come on get up and there we are there we are okay we are up here wait oh i think i was like unintentionally taking a shortcut over there because it looks like on this side there are actually more steps maybe if i went around i would have noticed that there were actually more steps but i guess now we just made it up here okay spiraling up yeah i skipped those uh last few steps over there oh and now we can take our rightful place on the throne over here yes this is how i will sit on the throne inside a ball like this falcon flyer yes okay this is one that i saw earlier but i didn't go to because i was focused on something else okay so let's see this wait it's gonna like bring me up oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it started spinning oh no oh no i didn't get to go on it okay so i'll have to come back to that one when it comes back down because it looks like it's a pretty long ride but i think we got the achievement for it anyways i guess if you're speedrunning the game that's probably what you'll want to do oh there's some spinning basketball hoops over there okay let's try going into those okay let's see let's see where are they where are they they're around here somewhere right right right there okay let's go let's go can we make it can we make it inside and come on there we are air dug let's go oh oh and these are trampolines over here i was wondering what these were oh boy i saw them and i'm like wait what is this yeah they're trampolines and you can get boosted up to these and then these they just like fire you randomly i guess oh and it even makes a nice sound yeah that makes a really nice sound actually okay hold on apparently there's an achievement for taking the hot air balloon ride and i thought that i did take it it's like we went up and then suddenly we just like fell out of the hot air balloon so i don't know what happened there but uh let's try this again let's try and just uh stay over here on the hot air balloon and let's see what happens let's see will we get the achievement because yeah we're on the hot air balloon so hopefully we end up getting it let's see how high will it go hopefully we don't suddenly fall off because i think that's what happened last time it's just like suddenly we were just teleported down or like it disappeared or something what's happening yeah there we go okay now we got the achievement ballooning okay i'm not sure why we didn't get that before but i guess now we have it is there a secret entrance right over here it looks like you really want to get right there get me in there this is either the hardest jump in the entire game or it's impossible one or the other let's see let's see can we jump in right there get me up yes finally okay we have 3 000 tokens okay so let's buy i think zero gravity is probably the most useful one to buy right i'm guessing you could probably use this whenever notice purchase successful perfect okay so now hold on zero gravity or is it just like hold on oh oh okay okay okay we're in here we're in here wait wait wait wait wait is there something back here oh no no don't tell me that there's nothing here is there really no reason to go back here oh my goodness it's like this area that is so incredibly hard to get to i guess there's actually nothing back here wait a minute who in the world is that over there how do i get to them maybe that's one of the developers that we have to meet hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let's get out of here first come down a bit like this it was somewhere around here right yeah like right up there hold on how can i get up there i have to go like through that hole right there hold on this is getting very tricky because now we have zero gravity but zero gravity it's not exactly zero gravity it's just like kind of low-ish gravity let's get in there come on come on come on can we make this jump that's so tricky trying to get in there wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh oh oh oh oh this might actually be a lot easier than we think it's like you go here and then you just roll in here there we go find the developer okay so the guy's just right back here ah there we go okay yeah and the funny thing is i was actually down on that platform a moment ago well not a moment ago earlier in the video and i was thinking it was suspicious and yeah i didn't notice that until i went into that other more difficult to get to hole yeah so the way that i thought zero gravity would work i thought that you would actually have zero gravity but i guess the way that zero gravity works is that you have zero gravity for like a moment and you can go up high enough okay right now we are floating across like this so that's kind of funny oh and it's daytime okay and i want to go over to these windmills i wonder if there's anything special about them oh i bounced into them and now i'm spinning like crazy i don't think the windmills really care that i'm here wait a minute there's a classic map okay i guess that maybe there's like an earlier version of this that could be something cool for another video and hold on what about this travel to elephant valley map that's something that we could do for another video i guess okay and hold on i think that there's an achievement for uh dropping down onto one of the big targets so let's try that let's go like this let's jump and we can let go of our zero gravity and then let's try and land on the target do i have to land on the red though let's see oh please bam there we go bullseye okay that was a satisfying one to get and now with zero gravity we can fly around all we want hello there airship are you doing my dear airship oh cool we're on top of the airship oh boy wait buy more tokens wait can you buy token wait how do you buy tokens what do you do to buy tokens i have to hit that to buy more tokens bam oh now we're just falling wait a minute i don't think i've went over here yet and you know what it feels like you're cheating when you're playing like this when you're using zero gravity it's so funny to move around like this this looks like it could be really cool okay so hold on hold on hold on so the last time i was here what i did was i took those platforms but hold on what if we go down here let's go down the slide ah that's so satisfying watching our little marble rolled down like this spiraling down okay so that is another achievement there very nice let's go i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready okay time to finally take this ride over here okay let's go okay so you wanna step on one of these okay and now don't jump off that's all you have to do whoa whoa we are being flung around like mad over here look at this look at us go oh my goodness this is so much more wild than i thought it would be guys you can let me know in a comment if you would want to go on a ride like this this looks extremely dangerous and like it would be extremely nauseous that's a big plug around like this just on a rope like this in your inside of marble this looks very scary and you're up very high like this i guess we could also uh jump off since we have zero gravity and we could use that to safely get down at some other point but oh my goodness this looks so dangerous what a wild ride we have over here but man this was such a beautiful game to play through i enjoyed this so much you can see that a lot of care went into this world there are so many cool and creative ideas here like the baseball bat that's constantly swinging getting hit by the golf clubs there's some platforming some races all kinds of really fun stuff over here and there we are i really recommend my video where we play through robot 64. it's got to be one of my favorite roblox adventure games of all time thank you so much for watching this video i hope you have an absolutely fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 332,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, funny roblox, funny roblox videos, roblox videos, roblox natural disaster survival, zxmany, zxmany roblox, roblox first time, best mobile game, top mobile game, roblox mobile game, roblox mobile, roblox best games, roblox best moments, roblox funny moments, roblox memes, best roblox games, mario all bosses, zxmany mario, full game, full movie, marble run, marble run asmr, marble run race, marble run videos, marble run race asmr, marble run game, marble run roblox
Id: Qms65ZkpIkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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