MAPEH 7 | MUSIC 7 | Quarter 2 | Lesson 1 - 2 | Jhazz Tv

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[Music] before we start do not forget to share like and subscribe to my channel also hit the notification bell for more video updates good day everyone today we will going to explore the musical characteristics of cordeliera mindoro malawan and visayas this unit is an overview on the music of highland por delera mindoro palawan and visayas it is composed of vocal characteristics which varies in every province the visayan folks have a deep faith in god whom they serve with devotion their tea celebrations are fiestas or festivals for thanksgiving good harvest and for honoring different patron saints through the lesson you will discover how the people of portugal mindoro palawan and the visayas express their feelings towards each other and the environment their history and their supernatural beliefs this topic is divided into two lessons namely lesson 1 the musical characteristics of cordeliera mindoro and palawan and listen to musical characteristics of visayas what i need to know after going through this lesson you are expected to describe the musical characteristics of representative selections of cordillera indoro palawan and the visayas specifically you will be able to compare and contrast the musical characteristics of cordeliera mindoro and talawal composed a poem using a nambahani style and discuss the importance of the vocal music in their daily lives lesson one musical characteristics of ordinaria mindoro and palawan this lesson is an overview of the music of the jordeliera mindoro and palawan where several ethno-linguistic groups live through their music you will discover how they express their feelings and beliefs before we move on to our lesson let us have first a short activity this is called the picture analysis look at the picture analyze the picture and try to answer the follow-up questions after first question what is the picture all about number two what do you think is the language used in the picture number three what kind of song does the sister use so let's try to answer the follow-up questions the picture being shown is all about the sister who puts her baby into sleep the language used in the picture is kalinga language the kind of song that sister used is a lullaby song do you know that there are more lullaby songs we can find in our country [Music] come on let us explore more from our lesson music of cordeliera in the highlands of luzon music is related to different locations such as a life cycle events occupational activities and various rituals musical performances may be witnessed during planting and harvest times peace paths hardship marriage and death rights here are some examples of vocal music of cordeliera considered to be the signature form for a specific culture in cordelia is the ibaloy but you which means people who live in houses another examples of vocal music of cordeliera are a weewee and opia the genre of these three songs of kalinga is children's song a wee-wee is a lullaby of kalinga that relates a child's life the eye is a song of kalinga that foretells the baby's future while opia is the children's song sung while greatly we also have here another examples of children's songs or infancy related songs and kawaiana last example of vocal music of cordeliera is hood hood of ifugam the genre of this song is chanted epic poetry chanted epic poetry which is recited enchanted only during four occasions the harvesting of rice bone washing funeral wicks weddings themes are about celebrations of the ifugao heroes heroines wealth and culture here's an example of vocal music of cordeliera m [Applause] i m [Music] i my [Applause] music of mindoro similar to ordinary music the music of mindoro is used for communication with the spirits and rituals and worships weddings works first ships festive vocations and lullabies we have three examples of vocal music of mindoro first is marayau a spirited song used to communicate with the spirits in rituals for healing the sick and protecting the community second is a legend song song about legends which means fear of water and last one is ambahan chanted bomb song composed of a seven syllable line ending in rhymes look at the picture this picture depicts the ambahan scripts of mindoro in which texts are commonly written on bamboo chanted with accompanying instruments amban is often used in parenting in courtship and by visitors to ask food this is an example of ambahan translated in english and filipino [Music] okay now let's watch an example of ambahan entitled ambahan nilaki bagitan m [Music] [Music] ah is music of palawan allowan music is characterized by imitation of sounds from nature and the environment it is usually highly influenced by the native language of the province their music is usually performed by gong and sambos music has an important role in life of the community because it is performed in rituals such as tambila and the tina pike the natives of palawan have different kinds of vocal forms first is kulial a lyrical poem expressing love second is tultul enchanted vogel music about epic heroes and usually chanted at night ending at daybreak and last is lantege a love song of takban was and people of palawan lesson 2 musical characteristics of visayas this lesson is an overview of the music of the visayas through this lesson you will discover how filipinos express their feelings towards each other and the environment their history and their religious beliefs [Music] the messiah music is highly influenced by spanish culture they colonized the philippines long time ago spanish musicians introduced new styles of music which has western culture and tradition the vocal music of the science has different functions in their lives the songs include children's songs lullabies ballad working songs and serenade balitao a musical style of the visayan is a song and dance debate between a man and a woman the theme of the musical style is about love and marriage and is usually performed by good singers as well as dancers and actors here are some examples of vocal music of visayas first is matud nila mata nila is a love song expresses love against all odds second is rosa's pandan according song or a song of joy and love and it tells about a pretty mountain maid who loves to dance the balina third is condensoy a drinking song a name of a boy who is being asked to drink lalois tuba or a coconut wine we also have ilonga bata a children's song and it is about a child whose parents are dead or have abandoned their child permanently in this world if is dandan soy a farewell song this song is about a singer leaving her man whose name is dan dan soy in order to go back to her hometown next is a lullaby it is a fox song which is sung to put a baby to sleep next is akokini siangi a word song a work song that tells about a woman who works very hard as a dressmaker last one is sipi lemon a worked song folk song that tells a fisherman whose only catch is a single mud skipper he then sells the fish earning just enough to buy coconut wine [Music] okay now let's hear some examples of vocal music of visayas firsts is illegal [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] next is dun dun soy this song entails how dun dan soy's lover tells him goodbye as she goes back home to the payout however she is giving dun dun soy a chance to prove his love [Music] is [Music] [Music] our last example of vocal music of visayas is entitled the rosa's pandan process um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay class that's the end of our lesson what have you learned answer this question in the comment box below what is the importance of their music in their daily lives okay that's all for today have a good day god bless you
Channel: Jhazz TV v2.0
Views: 47,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jhazz TV, Characteristic of Music of Cordillera Mindoro Palawan and Visayas, MAPEH 7, MUSIC 7, WAURTER 2, LESSON 1 AND 2, MELC-BASED
Id: zNKoBOomdXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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