Badminton (History, Grips, Serve, Basic Skills, Terms) | PE 7 | Quarter 2 - Lessons 1-8 | MAPEH 7
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mary Grace Lastra
Views: 42,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary grace lastra, mary, grace, lastra, teacher, education, mapeh, manila, vivavideo, learning, online class, virtual classroom, educational tutorial, deped, deped ncr, badminton, history of badminton, history of badminton powerpoint presentation, grip in badminton racket, basic grips in badminton, basic skills in badminton, equipment in badminton, equipment in badminton game, basic terms in badminton, deuce, poona, badminton serve techniques, badminton service rules, badminton lesson, racket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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