Manly P Hall A Special Class In the Secret Doctrine

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Ques. 2. What is the SECRET DOCTRINE? Ans. The SECRET DOCTRINE is that knowledge concerning the laws behind life, which has always been in the possession of an illuminated few. These few have imparted these sacred Truths by word of mouth to those men or women who have prepared themselves to use this knowledge for the service and redemption of the race. The knowledge covers three general subjects, as follows: First, the knowledge of how universes and atoms are created, unfolded, and later disintegrated by the cosmic processes of Nature; second, concerning man, his place in the Plan, and how he may later become an intelligent worker with Nature for the unfoldment and redemption of himself; third, how he may learn the control the forces of Nature and to become master over the world of phenomenalistic things. The secret processes whereby these things are accomplished have never been revealed to the profane, but are in truth the SECRET DOCTRINE, which has existed in the world since the beginning of intelligence.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chiefexecutiveprime 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott and today I'm excited to go over a wonderful lecture by Manley P hall a wonderful American writer a theosophist that explored every sort of a cult teaching and has some incredible teachings on secret societies the secret teachings of the ages is his most famous book as a gigantic book and you can definitely check out some recent lectures given by mature wits where he talks about Manley P Hall but the reason I wanted to do this particular lecture is one of the really fascinating things in a cult and New Age writing is the secret doctrine and if you've ever looked at it it's impossible to understand it's really difficult and it's difficult reading if you don't know what the secret doctrine is this very old book written in the 1800's by this woman named H people of Otsuki and we'll get explained more about what who she is because it's that's part of the lecture so I don't want to double up on that information I've had people tell me that that she was racist or satanic I don't see evidence of that but this Manley P hall lecture does something that I didn't think was possible and that was explains the secret doctrine so you don't need to read the secret doctrine if you listen to this lecture it's a question and answer session of students that are asking questions about the secret doctrine and I have never understood it until now and now that I've read through the description of the secret doctrine there's more respect you have for it the information fills in the gap of some of the information that's presented in the law of one materials and the Dolores cannon materials if you're listening to this now you probably noticed the Dolores cannon videos are not on the channel and that's totally fine the publisher asked me to remove them I'm a huge Dolores cannon fan and will always support her work and her work is important I was just very excited to share that information I think it's very important in this time right now because of what's going on to read that but I fully understand but the information about the new earth that we're moving into is about moving into a new body and an understanding of the cosmos what the Sun is what the earth and planets are what the logos are logos is this stuff is fascinating check out my episode on understanding the logos or the logos I've heard two different descriptions of how that's pronounced but the idea that the planets the Sun are all living entities but there's an expansion of that idea Indian fortunes work and a further expansion in the secret doctrine so you can understand where humans come from who they are and I will skip over some irrelevant questions that that I didn't think were important but I have the key ones in this lecture enough to really fill in the gaps from some of your basic knowledge is it all true I don't know that's the question probably not but the source of the material is interesting and even if it's in the imagination of the writer this conception of reality is worth considering and filling in details if you hear references to it in other works you'll know where that came from so manly Pete Hall is also truly amazing so we could talk about that quite a bit and it's just one of those things there's a whole variety of different literature that is sort of secretive that you can find in secret societies journals libraries I've been to libraries with different societies that are amazing and if you can even when as somebody that sells books you can even access some occult libraries that have some literature that's just you don't see it very much there's discussions of magic and extrasensory abilities and an understanding of the beginnings of the earth and different technologies it's very fascinating but the secret doctrine is truly a very interesting piece of material now I'm not saying that it's accurate or not and if it's not coming from a place of love if then you you will know that you have to test it yourself or this information but you might find this interesting a special class in secret doctrine in appreciation of HPV Madame Blavatsky by Manley P hall in appreciation of the service rendered the human race by the foremost citizen of the 19th century are well beloved brother HPV madam Hellena Patrona below Blavatsky this class is gathered for the study and dissemination of the principles set forth by the trans Himalayan brotherhood in their authorized textbook the secret doctrine delivered into print by their faithful cheela HPV under the direction of the exalted brothers Mahatma KH Mahatma M Mahatma our questions and answers it begins with an occult catechism as given by HPV what is the eternal absolute answer that how came cosmos into being through that how or what will it be when it falls back into pralaya in that whence all the animate and suppose a tional e inanimate nature answer from that what is the substance and essence of which the universe is formed that into what has it been and will be again and again resolved into that is that than both the instrumental and material cause of the universe what else is it or can it be than that note that is the name given by esotericist s' to the eternal route the ever existing homogeneity the baseless base of all things it is the eternal absolute existing previous to all things and outlasting all things the only permanence in the universe the notes which follow consists of almost a hundred questions and answers concerning the secret doctrine and it's great message simplified for those who have not given a cult science a very deep consideration but who intend at a later time to make knowledge of those things the goals of their lives the student may say oh a book like the secret doctrine is so difficult I cannot understand it give me something more simple the eternal cry of man is make it easy we do not realize that we must grow up to things it is a great mistake to attempt to bring truth down to ignorant the result is always misunderstanding and perversion man must be brought up to truth he should eternally aspire toward the highest he should never seek to drag things spiritual down to his level the secret doctrine is difficult to read but its long words its of abstract ideas and its complicated system of thought bewilder the uninitiated but man must realize that his mind is capable of all things if he will train it if he will live the occult life as set forth by the Masters for their pupils he will unfold his mind thus increasing his intelligence to the understanding of those things which before were riddles and enigmas the God of the wise is a growing God the universe of the wise is a growing universe the mind of the wise is an expanding mind ever reaching further into the unknown illuminating the darkness of with light of logic and reason all demand that the universe be as they themselves are the foolish expect the universe to be foolish the dishonest expect it to be dishonest and that the gods shall play Party politics the logical demand that the universe be logical while the reasoning mind demands that the plan of nature be reasonable the dreamers views life as a dream and to the lover nature is a romance the occultist knows that the universe is all things to all men and that natural homogeneity contains all possibility and that none are mistaken when they see themselves in nature and their arts and crafts as part of the cosmic plan their great mistake is that they do not recognize that nature is all things not just their own alone as there are specialists in all walks of life so also there are specialists in the science of living life is scientific those who live it have hazard we pay for their thoughtlessness by being subjected to endless misery their own unintelligent viewpoints out of harmony with nature's plan bring down upon them endless suffering and disaster the author is sought in the questions and answers that follow to emphasize the ideals given to the world at the close of the last century by a specialist in the science of personal unfoldment such and one comes at the end of each century to leaven the loaf of human materiality these illuminated ones are indeed the salt of the earth question who and what was Madame Blavatsky answer elena petrova levansky was born in Eket Erina Slav Russia in July 1831 at the age of 17 she married a Russian officer Nisa for Blavatsky many years her senior she lived with him but a few months and then began a life of wandering which included travel in Mexico Canada India and Tibet her contact with the great Indian masters and her study with them was presumably between the years of 1848 and 1850 she founded the Theosophical society with the assistance of Colonel Olcott in 1875 she wrote a number of books of which the Secret Doctrine and Isis unveiled are the most important she also edited a magazine she called Lucifer the light bear she died suddenly in London while working on the third and fourth volumes of the Secret Doctrine but damn Blavatsky was a pioneer in the Western world for she brought to Europe and America the first connected account of the Eastern schools of occult philosophy a woman of commanding personality and scintillating mentality she demanded and secured respect for ideas far in advance of the age her own viewpoint and philosophy she sets forth in Isis unveiled while in secret doctrine she acts as the mouthpiece of a very seclusion adepts dwelling in the unexplored fastness of Greater and Lesser Tibet she makes no claim to having written the secret doctrine but states that she was merely a pen in the hand of a ready writer there is no doubt that Madame Blavatsky possessed super physical power similar to those of the Eastern Indian adepts she demonstrated these many times most of her work was carried on under bitter opposition treachery among her own supporters and continuous poor health the result of exposures in early life while she never claimed to be an initiate there is every reason to suppose that she had been admitted at least into the lower or lesser mysteries and consequently was privileged to use the title initiate very few of her students have been able to follow in her footsteps the only one known to date being Damodar was called by the trans Himalayan Brotherhood into Tibet where he has remained it is stated that he is being prepared for work in the world at a future time question what is the secret doctrine the secret doctrine is that knowledge concerning the laws behind life which has always been in the possession of an illuminated few these few have imparted the secret truths by word of mouth to those men or women who have prepared themselves to use this knowledge for the service and redemption of the race the knowledge covers three general subjects as fellows first knowledge of how universes and atoms are created unfolded and later disintegrated by the cosmic processes of nature second concerning man his place in the plan and how he may later become an intelligent worker with nature for the unfoldment and redemption of himself third how he may learn the control the forces of nature and to become master over the world of phenomenal istic things the secret processes whereby these things are accomplished have never been revealed to the profane but our in truth the secret doctrine which has existed in the world since the beginning of intelligence this wisdom is God's great gift to man which deity has revealed through world saviors adepts and initiates his chosen sons according to the needs of races and people's the secret doctrine has written by HPB with permission of her teachers constitutes a fractional part of this graden hidden philosophy it is all however that the world could safely receive at the time during the middle and latter part of the 20th century the next messenger appointed by the great Brotherhood will continue the word by a further revelation the book which we know as the secret doctrine is written as a commentary to a number of verses from the secret book of design which is only translated in respectively Cosmo Genesis and anthropogenic or a study of nature and man question who were the minds that directed HPB in the writing of the secret doctrine Madame Blavatsky refers to them as the Mahatma's this is a Sanskrit word meaning great minds the term is used to cover a group of men who because of their great sincerity integrity and devotion have attained a certain degree of proficiency in the operative science of the secret doctrine these atoms have reached a place in their intellectual and spiritual unfoldment which the average humanity of our life wave will not attain for many millions of years the masters or Mahatma's who assisted in the writing of the secret doctrine or especially master M El Morya master KH coot who me and master our work owes e several other great adepts lent their services to a lesser degree the master emesis 'td in the deeper occult and scientific problems the master k h in the literary and philosophical the master r gave light on the subjects of ritualism and symbology h PB was merely the imaan Huestis collecting and arranging the material which they gave her this accounts in no small measure for the confusion existing in the books in which the subjects do not appear sequentially the Masters having access to the depositories of world truth and the Akashic record commonly called the memory of nature were able to give accurate descriptions concerning things which have not appeared in the physical world for millions of years and also things occurring on the invisible planes of nature about which the average individual knows nothing question is there any organization among the Mahatma's and add ups yes the great white Brotherhood is composed of initiates from all parts of the earth and these form the invisible government of the earth the great white lodge meets every seven years and in it each of the schools of a cult philosophy are represented this group is a lawmaking body - siding with it's clearer intelligence the needs of humanity and seeking to meet these needs in the most efficient manner during these meetings being superior to the Masters themselves are present the power of the adepts over the visible and invisible worlds enables them to invoke the forces of nature to the attainment of any particular end the temple of the Great Lodge we are told stands upon an island of permanent rock in the heart of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia or Mongolian Tibet question who are the trans himalayan brothers with whom HPV studied they are a group of Eastern Indian adepts and form one of the schools of the mysteries these mystery schools are situated on various parts of the earth there is one in Mexico one in South America one in North America one or more in Europe and a number in Asia and Africa the trans Himalayan school is probably the highest of the Eastern schools and as its members are above personality and Prejudice there is an inter blending of its atoms with nearly all of the mystery schools question what is the actual purpose of the mystery schools they are centers established to make possible the study of eternal truth their existence remains unknown to the masses and in this way they protect themselves from the attacks and ridicule of the ignorant their fine hand however is behind practically every ethical advancement of the age Sir Francis Bacon the remodeler this law was a member of one of these mystery schools as was William Shakespeare the world's greatest dramatist Plato was an initiate so was Aristotle Pythagoras established a school of the mysteries at Crotona Apollonius of Tyana sometimes called the Antichrist was a high adept having been initiated in the Great Pyramid both para Silas and Roger Bacon were member of the order of the Illuminati represented in the mystery schools in the world father CRC initiated in Arabia in the mythological city of damn car by Arabian adepts was the spirit behind the order of the rose cross in Germany and later in the Masonic Order these mystery schools are established for the redemption of the race which being too ignorant to know its needs is first guided through its childhood by the gods and then instructed by the adepts so that it may learn to take care of itself when they refer to race in the lecture they are referring to the human race question how do the Masters present their knowledge to the world through their disciples as the master Jesus taught his disciples in private what they would say to the multitudes so the great ones promulgate their philosophies through their Chile's and pupils the system is more efficient than the Masters appearing themselves although they do come into the world sometimes the disciple still has much of the world he is leaving behind in his nature therefore can more easily mix with the world thus attaining the desired end though always remaining as inconspicuous as possible realizing that each man must choose for himself the cella never States the source of his information he merely shows the seeds and leaves it to the one addressed to the tenderly nurturer the plant and finally gathered in the harvest according to his own light why do we never see the great ones in the world they are in the world about us every day but we do not recognize them we look for shining figures with golden halos but great souls are not like that they're the simplest among the simple the least among the least they have learned what Jesus meant when he said he that would be the greatest among you let him be the servant of all the true initiate realizing that he will never be understood by the mass of humanity never reveals himself except to his own students who know and love him question how may we know a great initiate and tell a true adept from a false one answer there is an old saying by their works shall you know them this applies to occult things as to any other line of endeavor within the last 50 years the matter of a Deb's and masters has been badly overdone the country has been flooded with Swami's Yogi's Mahatma's adepts masters and initiates it is impossible that even 1% of those who make this claim could be genuine for nature works slowly great minds are not educated on mass we may say that an adept or an initiate cannot be recognized by any who is not instructed on the same subject the Masters are known to each other but to no one else has such we may suspect a person who has the unusual powers and is consecrating them to the service of humanity of being one of the brethren or their chela but this will never be substantiated by their own admission no addapt or initiate will state that he is such except to his own chela's and these he swears to the secrecy anyone who admits or declares publicly or brags of the fact that he is an accepted member or has been initiated into any true occult organization is no other than an egotist and a liar question what is the duty of the cella to his master in answering this I will quote the words of HPB herself who is in turn quoting from one of her masters as the limbs defend the head in the heart of the body they belong to so have the disciples to defend the head and the heart of the body they belong to from injury the duty of the disciple is to fulfill the orders of the master to uphold his hand to defend him to preserve his integrity and to represent him as honestly as he can by being himself an example of integrity among men the master assumes the position of father and mother to his disciples they are his children consequently our brothers to each other as their parents have given them birth into the physical world and instructed them in their conduct in the substantial spheres so their spiritual master has given them birth into the spiritual worlds and is educating them concerning their behavior therein treachery to him and lack of consideration for his desires is the greatest sin in occultism in things of the Spirit ingratitude is the first of the cardinal sins this is punished by total loss of those gifts which the Spirit has hoped to acquire concerning man and his bodies question what is spirit spirit is the eternal indestructible permanence concealed within all objective manifestations it is the germ of perfect homogeneity which dwells within the center of its own radiations which radiations are called heterogeneity Universal spirit is the essence of eternal being we might say that spirituality is the root of the verb to be the spirit in man is an indestructible spark the great flame it is separate from yet always a part of universal reality it is the root and seed from which grows the triple branch of consciousness intelligence and function among the lower forms of nature the spiritual spark is called the monad among those beings with a separately organized mental Snatcher it assumes the dignity of the ego the I am question what is a body body is a group of lives less highly individualized than the spirit which manipulates them these lives have been in sold by the emanations exuding from their superior spirit and have been formed into composite heterogeneity which we know as vehicles these vehicles serve as channels for the manifestation of the subjective ideations the superior consciousness bodies are a series of non eternal perishable vehicles composed of the substances radiated outward by consciousness these radiations being attuned to the several major rates of vibration which we know as planes of nature the adjustments of these self foreign bodies to their correlated cosmic prototype gives function to the individual spirit upon any and all planes where on these adjustments have been made physical life is the function of consciousness in that grade of vibration called physical density as the result of a body composed of physical atoms gathered around certain specified rates of vibration radiating from the ego or monad which we call the spirit question what is mind mind is a center of activity existing as an circumscribed area or vortex in that plane of vibratory force which we know as Rupa or a Rupa substance the basic atom or substance plasma of the mental plane is called the mentor all organisms that have created a functioning organism of mentors are said to have Minds all that have created a vortex or agitated the surface of Astral substance or asteroids are said to have feelings all those have vortices of function in the substance known as a theory granules are capable of generation and reproduction these capable of circumscribing and agitating along directional lines the base of coil ons of physical substance are said to have dense chemical bodies and that's just an answer to a question and you can see why reading the book would be difficult question describe the soul manifestation is an agitation of substance agitation creates friction friction incident incident experience experience intelligence as intelligence therefore is the fruit äj-- of a series of non intelligent or semi intelligent functions so the soul is the chemical and atomic rootage of the actions reactions and interactions of the bodies upon themselves each other and their environment and in turn the reaction of their environment upon them as soul represents the highest perfection of all bodies it becomes the ultimate homogenous attenuated vehicle for the manifestation of the enlightened ego question what is the relationship existing between man and his bodies the most simple comparison is the relationship between a person and the house they live in bodies are vehicles of opportunity existing in order that consciousness may learn and experience sequentially the great lessons of life function on any plane of nature or in any environment proves conclusively that the plane or environment offers opportunities of finer adjustment and higher perfection than the individual who is functioning there has yet attained when the consciousness has completely absorbed and made part of itself the lesson of the environment he discards as useless and as an impediment the vehicles which he has outgrown the bodies should be the servants of the consciousness seeking to assist it in its labors of enfold meant the consciousness in turn must be considerate of the bodies for they make possible his growth each must assume his responsibilities to the other the bodies as faithful servants the spirit as a just an intelligent overlord question how our bodies built bodies are built by the grouping of the minut particles of cosmic substance along lines of force and around vortices of cosmic energy man in building bodies drops tiny atomic spirals from the egoic globe itself or we might say projects lines of force these lines of force are adjusted to the three lower worlds namely mental emotional and substantial the substantial universe has two divisions chemical and humidity each of which has its own vortex of force these tiny spirals connect the consciousness with these planes of substance and the impetus to gather the atoms of the respective worlds into functional organism descends along these lines of force as nerve impulse question is the spirit male or female spirit is androgynous and it's manifested polarity is merely the result of the fact that the same vital forces used for propagation are used for thought and mind building therefore in order to reproduce its kind and in that way of further opportunities for incoming egos and at the same time build a brain for the objectifying of the mental temperament it was necessary to divide the life force as a positive and negative are necessary for all creative work whether spiritual or physical these currents are sent alternately in one incarnation the positive pole is turned downward and the negative upward and in another the positive pole is turned upward and the negative downward the process results in what is physically known as sex question what are the senses and how acquire man has five senses awake and to latent the five awaken being hearing feeling seeing smelling and tasting the to latent being sensitiveness to the astral world and sensitiveness to the impressions of the mental world all function and sense is the result of the law of necessity based upon the theory that self-preservation is nature's first law each of the races developed a sense the first race developed the sense of hearing the second race the sense of feeling the third sight etc as man more than one body the normal man has four bodies the physical the vital the astral and the mental it is possible for the trained adapt to develop still higher bodies such as the buddhic and the nirvanic when he has developed the nirvanic body he is said to be free from the wheel of birth and death sidenote the nerve addict body is what is seems like is being described in several of them neville goddard lectures as this new body that he's given in vision when he escapes from the karmic cycle which is exactly what's described here question twenty how do these bodies manifest in daily life we know that the physical body is the medium of expression for all of the higher vehicles in physical substance taking the physical body therefore as a base we know that the vital body vitalizes it giving the principle of life in the astral body moves it giving it heat and circulation and also the senses while the mental body crowns it with intelligence the higher bodies if awake manifest as various super normal qualities [Music] question how old is the earth if the earth spirit is meant it is indeed difficult to give an answer in cosmos time is measured by immensities of Ages and not by years the earth as we know it is only one of the bodies assumed by the Earth Spirit and is merely an incarnation of the planetary Lord ocultism teaches that the physical earth globe is a little over 350 million years old this time includes those periods when it passed through the dark mists the fire mists the water mist and the earth periods it will remain so records tell us for another 250 million years at least [Music] during these great periods it passes through numerous changes and is rien habited a number of times now I'm checking in and it does say million it does not say billion so question how long has the earth been inhabited by human beings there were no really human creatures as we know them upon the planet until about eighteen million years ago at approximately that time low hit times the fire Lord of Mars separated the sexes this is the origin of the story of concerning Adam's rib this was during the Lemurian race while the earth was still covered with water mist the early half of the Lemurians had no lungs but gills like fishes these early lemurians were not called races but rather species the sixth sub race of Lemuria was the first to be composed of truly human creatures this was the beginning of man question when did man reached the lowest point of his involution into substance the most crystallized and materialistic point in the human life wave of the earth was passed through in the fourth sub race of Atlantis this group was called turanians the human race is now evolving out of density question what did the primitive man resemble the farther back you trace man the more he resembles cell life only on a larger scale the primitive man appeared as the gradual growth out of a globular body unconscious over its entire area but containing within itself the seed of future consciousness question what will the ultimate man resemble the ultimate form of the human race will be globular like a Sun or planet capable of projecting organs at will it will be a radiant body conscious over its entire surface having equally distributed the seven senses over its entire area as feeling is now distributed over the body concerning the Gods question what is the absolute the absolute is the unchanging eternal all substance which in its natural state is invisible intangible to any perception of God or man it is all possibility and yet being less uncreated incapable of creating and yet the sum total of all creation all things are made from it yet remain in it it is perfect force in no force perfect intelligence in no intelligence perfect consciousness in unconsciousness it is subject to neither birth growth nor decay for it is the sum of birth growth and decay it is subject to neither birth nor death for it is the sum of living and dying it is neither all nor nothing for it is in truth the sum of all existence plus non-existence multiplied by infinite opportunity and possibility when you subtract all these things it remains question who is God God is the name created by the uninitiated to cover all of the forces and unmeasured urges which lie behind and our master of the forms and bodies of created things God is the sum of the unknown and the hypothetical cause of nature's endless phenomena the occultist does not consider God as an individual but rather a series of graded intelligences being that great chain of enlightened ones that stretches between the limited consciousness of man and the limitless consciousness of the absolute occultist call them the gods question who are the gods the universe is filled with beings in various stages of unfoldment in every case the greater while expanding their own complex organisms offer fields for the growth and expression of millions of lesser intelligences this is true of man also who offers the opportunity for expression to millions of tiny cells within his own body the God whom we unconsciously worship is the spirit of our solar system the planets and ethers are his body on and in these bodies millions of lesser intelligences including ourselves live and move and have their being this great solar man is seeking perfection the same as we are but if he would receive anything in nature he must give something therefore in order that he may grow he gives the opportunity of growth to millions of lives within his aura his consciousness is in them his consciousness expands as the minut particles of himself expand therefore we grow for him while he serves and protects us we call him God so the god of just this planet may have given his soul to all of us and we are awaking to the fact that he is within us question explain the Trinity nature has three permanent urges they are to create to preserve and to destroy destruction in this case means a process of disintegration that reintegration may take place upon a higher level three urges may be called states of consciousness a logos or God when objectifying a universe enters these states of consciousness one after another and meditates upon universal substance later he evolves within himself three great intelligences and these assumed the three great states of consciousness these intelligences are chosen from the fruit egde of the various waves of life which the divine meditator ordains question who is the Divine Mother the step between the unmanifested absolute and the manifested universe is so great that it cannot be crossed without the presence of a central mediator this being partaking of the created by its form and body and partaking of the absolute as it stands half concealed by the veils of eternity is called the Great Mother and is practically synonymous with the second creative principle the absolute itself is incapable of creating but by polarizing itself it creates the eternal not self from this shadow the universe is created this shadow of reality this emanation from reality is called the great mother who is faux hat the third logos or aspect of a created intelligence pours from itself seven creative Ray's called Diane chohan's the some of these radioactive forces is faux hat in the superior world he is the spiritual ideal of activity in the lower worlds he is energy and creative force faux hat is an endless streamer of energy one of whose manifestations is electricity which ties all creation together by the continuity of the vital fret thread what are the Manos there are the fourteen great intelligences who have charge of the seven root races of man there are seven seed ma news and seven route Manos it is stated that when a race is to be born one of the man who stakes a physical body comes into the world and plants his seed in the race it afterwards becomes his race he directs it according to his intelligence that it man folds sequentially its latent possibilities the man who of our race is called vive Espada the man who differentiates race type building the bodies of his charges into the likeness of his own type who are the rulers of the race every race has two rulers and each of the sub races has its executives one of these rulers is the lawmaker who functions to the mental and intellectual pole he is called the Manu the other function to the heart sentiments and is the great mystic he is called the Buddha svatah and works in love while his companion directs through force these two are referred to as the great brothers when they're saying race they're referring to the human race so the man who is the god of a particular race question who are the one-eyed gods under this heading the ancients placed the various natural impulses and cosmic laws they said that these were one-eyed because they were neither good nor evil the two eyes presupposing polarity the ancients thought that natural law was no respecter of persons performing its Labour's intelligently without partiality or feeling therefore they named them one-eyed Giants what were the Hebrew Elohim [Music] they are the personifications of the seven created breaths or the substance that pours out from the creative logos as he floats over eternity impregnating certain areas of eternity with his own rays these were the Spirit of God that floated over the deep these creative race curdled the milk of the divine cow and the universe was created concerning the universe question what are the seven robes these are the seven strata of the celestial onion the seven strata of Mount Nebo also the seven layers of the human skin the term seven robes is used to cover the seven emanation bodies of the universal logos or of a solar logos these bodies in the universal logos become the cosmic planes and in the solar planes are divided from each other by the rates of vibration of the particles that compose them question how is the invisible universe divided one part from another as all things in the universe are composed of one thing the difference lies in the rates of vibration by which this substance is agitated things of a certain rate of vibration function to and are aware of other things vibrating at the same rate as themselves vibration lies behind all manifestation in nature as the cause of it and the reason for its individuality question how many planes of nature are there forty-nine in the universal system and seven in the solar system each one of these lesser seven are capable of division into seven sub planes each these planes are as follows beginning at the highest and working downward the Maha para nirvanic parinirvana k-- nirvanic buddhic rupa and a rupa mental astral and physical the physical is divided into two parts the ethereal and chemical question how many planes does man function in now the normal individual during life and after death functions in three worlds the physical astral and rupa and our Ruffa mental rupa means concrete thought and a rupa abstract the physical being divided as stated in answer to questions forty-three gives him five areas of manifestation the lowest being physical existence and the highest abstract thought a few great adepts and initiates function in the fourth and fifth worlds namely the buddhic and the nirvanic what is ether ether is the hypothetical substance forming the arterial and venous systems of the solar system serving as a medium for universal vitality bringing vitality to all forms in nature that have built etheric bodies there are a number of degrees of ether the finer the ether the finer the bodies which it serves the finer the substance of those bodies the finer the force with which ether will supply them question.what is hell the occultus has no infernal region to which to consign the souls of the Damned his purgatory located in the lower subdivisions of the astral plane is a place where he is confronted with his own perversions and mistakes it is a place of Correction but not of torment nor does it last forever and ever the average person of a non-criminal temperament remains about 25 years in comma loca which is the hell of the secret doctrine children do not remain there at all here man suffers for the mistakes he has made according to the impressions these mistakes have made upon the subtle substance of the astral body the fruit egde of sin and its subsequent suffering is conscience question what is nirvana Nirvana is the hope of Eastern sages it is not a place of extinction as many believed but rather a point where there greater diligence has privileged them to remain for indefinite periods out of incarnation because they are so far ahead of evolution that it will be many millions of years in some cases before environments will be formed wherein they can learn anything they do not already know in some cases great achievement along spiritual lines permanently liberate s' the consciousness from the earth evolution such a one rests in Nirvana until the universe is dissolved he then is connected with a higher scheme of evolution question what is heaven to the occultist heaven is merely a certain part of the invisible universe through which he passes during the period between death and rebirth it differs with his own intelligence but as coma loca is a place where he adjusts the mistakes of his life so heaven is a place where liberated from the weight of dense bodies he builds into his consciousness the fruit egde of his earth experiences and rests for a period before descending again into the varying degrees of substance which we call physical question describe briefly the meaning of the great Sanskrit chant ohm monopod may home this invocation to the jewel in the heart of the Lotus or the reality concealed behind and in its unfolding bodies when properly understood it has a symbolic correlation between its seven syllables and the seven creative breaths whereby the universe was unfolded and will ultimately reveal a spiritual jewel this is said to be the greatest of all the mantras but should never be used by all a student or he greatly in dangers his life and his sanity by a cold experimentation concerning natural law by what is the universe ruled occultist teach that the universe is governed by intelligence love and law and the greatest of these is law love and intelligence serve law ornamenting it and beautifying it and law serves all things and partially millions of intelligences make manifest the inter creasy's of natural law all things flourish when they abide in law all things perish when they disregard law or seek to break its eternal power name the fundamental natural laws the most fundamental natural laws are one evolution all things grow and unfold to cause and effect every effect is measured by its costs 3 reincarnation life returns to form again and again in the process of unfoldment for vibration everything in nature is moving 5 polarity all things manifest through positive and negative poles 6 equilibrium perfection is the state of balance with its victory over the opposites 7 compensation action is rewarded by its own reactions and eight periodicity for every period of activity there must follow a period of inactivity how can man attain liberation from the wheel of birth and death it was the great Gautama Buddha who likened the life of the average individual to a wheel that goes round and round but arrives nowhere the wise live in cycles the foolish in circles the only way that man can liberate himself from the endless wheel of incidents is by becoming superior to incidents by attaining mastery over them by ceasing to be attached to the false we attain the real when man has learned well and honestly all the lessons of life has mastered all the temptations of life and has gained perfect control over himself such a one may hope for a liberation there is no release for those who have not lived well and have not been true to every responsibilities of life which of these laws is the most important the law of evolution is the first and fundamental law of nature in every sphere of activity conscious and unconscious it rules God's men and beasts alike it is the reason for all things and in itself is the reward for all things question how my man assists at natural law first by understanding the law and then by putting it into application by living according to nature and her plan he may eliminate nearly all of the in harmony which claims the ignorant tomorrow is molded by today Buddha said effects follow causes as the wheels of a cart followed the feet of the oxen next to evolution in importance is the law of cause and effect no law is more than just his last but none seems as unjust when viewed by an individual who is being forced by nature to pay old bills what does the wand of the a magician symbolize it is the spinal cord surmounted by the brain the brain is the vehicle of the mind and gives to those who use it control over the invisible forces of nature because the mind of the magician has learned to know and obey the laws which govern all forces in nature what is meant by the saying the three great periods in the life of all things as the life of man is divided into three epochs namely youth maturity and age so nature is divided into three great periods involution epigenesis an ideation or evolution man appears from the invisible remains for a little while and then disappears again into the invisible his coming his sojourn here and his going away are called the three great periods question how many we tell a so-called old soul from a young soul as children in the physical world are irresponsible so young souls in the day of their cosmic life are also irresponsible spiritually age is denoted by depth of thought depth of understanding unselfishness kindness and the love of serving others the old soul is never accumulative it is going home for eternity and it realizes it can take nothing with it but itself the life of an individual here is an epitome of his cosmic life you can tell by the way he assumes or shirks responsibility whether he is childish in nature or mature in his spiritual development question what is time time is mental concretion of space this is a man-made measurement used to measure incidents the systems which we use are non existent to all other degrees of intelligence except our own periodic activity is used to determine time in occultism time is measured by growth the fact that we say that one is an old soul has nothing to do with years age is measured by understanding this fact is very confusing to students question has man ever lived on this earth before the secret doctrine states that everyone living on the earth today has passed through all the races up to the position which he now occupies the only exception of this is that a few through degeneracy have retrograded from higher to a lower position man is part of nature nature is ever-growing and unfolding and man grows and unfolds with it question can a cultists prove reincarnation to be a fact they can prove it to any mind willing honest to consider man's position in nature nature does not work by miracles but by slow growth how did man develop his complex organism heredity if this be the case why are the sons of great men nearly always failures if you reject reincarnation where do you hope to attain the perfection and balance which is the goal of all living when it takes nature a thousand years to build a great tree can man build his own nature or save his own soul in 70 years reincarnation is the only hope that all will sometime be equal for there is no visible equality either in nature or among men reincarnation proves itself to be true and to be a law because it is a cosmic necessity question if reincarnation be true how many times does the spirit take on a physical earth body man has lived and died hundreds of millions of times in the endless complexity of natural manifestation the human life wave consists of approximately eight hundred incarnations about half of these are in a masculine body and the other half in a feminine body question how long does the normal man or woman remain out of incarnation between lives a normal member of the race will remain out of for 1,000 to 1,200 years about 25 of these years will be spent in purgatorial regions and the rest in the higher astral and mental worlds both ascending and descending he may decide upon his coming earth body under the direction of those appointed to regulate this work 15 or 25 years and sometimes longer before he takes on the body is this period for all races and peoples no it differs with degrees of intelligence of the race or the individual Aristotle or Plato may remain out from ten to twenty thousand years in the case of the latter two reasons may be noted first the great difficulty in securing proper bodies second their higher evolved mental bodies require longer functioning in the substance of the mental world's question how far does heredity hold good only over those elements composing the physical body and the environment egos are drawn into certain families by the law of attraction and its sister force repulsion hate is equally powerful with love in the matter of bringing people together therefore egos who need experience in disease go where there will secure diseased bodies in this way fulfilling the law of karma this is the real reason why traits and ailments are said to run in families question how long does the spirit remain in coma loca the length of its sojourn in purgatorial region depends upon the intensity of its emotions and the strength of these traits which chained it to a rate of vibration the key note of which is sensation some remain many hundreds of years in Hell's of their own making others remain only a few hours this latter is true of students and candidates who have been taught by their masters how to transmute evil karma while still alive the average is about 25 years question what happens to a suicide in the case of a suicide the laws of nature have been violated as a result of this the individual has destroyed a physical body but is still chained to the physical world he is forced to remain in a very unhappy condition of both mind and body until that time when he would have naturally died question can a person tell if he was a man or woman in his last incarnation a person's last incarnation is very close and if he will watch very closely his habits and temperament and study his atomic structure he can tell with the aid of a subconscious element in his own nature whether he has brought with him masculine or feminine traits is it possible to return to the physical world without building a body in the normal way it is possible under certain conditions but not for the average individual when initiate reaches a certain point he can temporarily materialize a body hold it together with the mind power function in it for a limited time but unless the seed atom he placed in the normal way the body cannot be maintained for any greater length of time many of the issue shi'ites keep a physical body for use here in a state of suspended animation in some specially prepared place where it is guarded by the illuminated question concerning the Sun Moon and planets question are the planets inhabited all of the planets are fields for the evolution of varying degrees of spiritual beings many of these creatures are higher than we are others lower some have bodies of fire gasps others like moving stones some are gigantic others smaller than the races of the earth even the Sun itself is inhabited by a very high wave of creatures composed of the substance of the second logos question do these beings have any intercourse with the planet Earth the earth has in its sub Stratus representatives or ambassadors from all the planets in the solar system each planet has a predominating metal which was placed in it while the planet was still a part of the Sun nebula these formed poles along which lines of force pass by this means interplanetary communication is maintained all planets are represented by the intelligences on each of the other planets are the planets alive the planets are the inorganic and organic structures which form vehicles or bodies for the planetary low guy everything in nature is alive each of us will someday be a planetary intelligence I repeat each of us someday will be a planetary intelligence one more time each of us someday will be a planetary intelligence planet will gradually become Suns and thus the endless growth goes on which is just as I suspected we are moving to become planets to become sons to become galaxies to become universes question.what our moons moons are always one of two things either the disintegrating shell of a former body of a planet spirit or an over crystallized area of a planet thrown off because of its density and carrying with its stragglers incapable of keeping up with the life way with the planet so it's amazing to think that a moon might be the spirit are the the previous body of the planetary entity question what is the nebular theory this is the hypothesis that the planets were originally part of the Sun and were thrown into space by the spinning of the central orb that the planetary bodies first existed as a fire mist and became a solid after millions of years of cooling and crystallization this theory what certain reservations is accepted by all occult students occultus claim however the planets were not thrown off but are still within the body of the Sun merely having drawn the coarser substances together in various parts of the solar aura question can man visit other planets not until he has learned to build a subtle body composed of interplanetary substance the auras of certain planets interpenetrate a highly developed black magician can visit the planet Mars because of its polarization only very high initiates are capable of receiving information concerning other planets except as thought pictures impressed on their minds by their teachers question have we ever lived on any other planets not in any way of which we are conscious we lived on a moon chain through our animal consciousness and we later lived on the Jupiter chain but we can secure very little information concerning this at the present time we are part of the earth evolution we have been here for millions of years and will remain here for millions of years more but we will pass through the experiences of the other planets on the various globes of our own chain question what is the Sun the Sun is the body of the third logos the Shiva of India and the Jehovah of the Jews the Sun is not a source of light but a reflector of light there are three suns in our solar system masonry shows them as the three great lights the Sun is the generating system of the solar man being that part of the creative logos or logos which formed a universe question what is the Milky Way the Milky Way is a great mass of cosmic material ready to be individualized into the countless manifestations which we see in nature it is ripe substance as distinguished from space which is unawakened substance all things coming into being through the Milky Way which is the natural storehouse of universes question our planets more solid than space all created forms are more solid than space but less dense in one of the East Indian classics it is stated that the gods made the universe by gouging out holes and density and calling the opening solid physical substance therefore has fewer particles to the cubic inch than spiritual substance it may be more solid because the particles are larger but it is less dense because there is more space between the atoms question name the most important sacred books mentioned in the secret doctrine the most important books are the Vedas the Mahabharata the book of digi on the Bible the book of the dead the vishna piranhas the book of foe and the pistas Sophia what Sciences should an occult students study it is especially suggested that the students study music astronomy geometry and medicine these are the key sciences in things a cult question order the auras the name aura is given to the super physical bodies of man because being unkind by physical substance they radiate out in the form of a halo from and around the physical body the etheric aura is roughly speaking the shape of the human body but streams out like electric fur from the pores of the skin the astral body is roughly speaking egg shaped with the larger end downward and it stands out from 10 inches to 2 feet from the body in the majority of people the mental aura is merely a hazy globe of light something like a cloud around the head and shoulders but in the more highly developed it becomes an egg-shaped body and more radiant the larger end being turned upward the soul aura radiates from the base of the brain in the back as a golden light or halo in the high initiates these auric bodies are rainbows of colored lights pierced with streamers of force some extending hundreds of feet the auric body 'he's changed their shape and color with every thought feeling the attitude of the consciousness to those who can read them they give a perfect key to the life and actions of the person to whom they belong what are the thought forms platforms and astral creations of a similar nature of the result of lines of mental or emotional fortune with clothes the themselves in the substance of the mental and astral planes and assumed form shapes and colors which are visible to the eye of the practice seer occasionally these creatures become so powerful that they interfere with the consciousness or the conscious functioning of the individuals who created them they often destroy him by attaching themselves to his vital centres sometimes these thought forms are temporarily used by D carnate human beings question what is black magic and why is it dangerous black magic is the use of occult information or power for the aggrandizement of self or the injury of another as all forces react upon the person who sends them forth to use black magic is to doom oneself for the black birds will all return home to roost in future incarnations the black magician pays for his interference with natural law by appearing any body mentally spiritually or physically deformed question who inhabits the invisible worlds the ethereal worlds are inhabited by elementals consisting entirely of ether and have no consciousness separate from their natural substance the astral and the mental worlds are inhabited by the so-called dead and also by groups of creatures who never appear in the physical world at all there are the Divas of East Indian philosophy and the arch angels of Christian lore the black and white masters and their pupils are also met upon the Astra world and the race spirits group spirits of the animals and intelligences from other planets and rounds question is prayer answered when accompanied by the proper spiritual attitude prayers of magic invocation there is drawn to those who pray intelligences from the super physical worlds who assist man according to his needs if he makes known his needs in the proper way prayer is a modern adaptation of the ancient incantations invocations used in the temple mysteries question what must be the average individual do in order to come in contact with the Masters and their work first he must reach a condition mentally and spiritually that is no longer satisfied to remain in ignorance but desires to know the reason for life and its mysteries he must realize that to know the Masters you must make himself like them they have consecrated their knowledge to the service of humanity and in order to secure the knowledge all candidates must consecrate their lives to the intelligent application of the things they gain five steps are outlined for the use of the lay state student question what is the first step the first step is to purify as carefully as possible the physical body that it may become a tall temple noble and worthy receiving the light that the student hopes to receive if he does not purify his body the higher rates of vibration drawn to him by his studies will destroy him what is the second step the second step is to secure in control of all the thoughts and feelings that the animal nature shall not interfere with the higher man in his growth as the Eastern sages have said only eyes incapable of tears can see the reality while there is love or hate sensor passion or sense of loss true discernment is impossible and what is the third step the third step is to love nothing but truth when man loves truth as he loves gold when it is the aim of all his strivings then he is a true aspirant he must not love truth for what it will bring him or the power it will give him he must love it for its own sake a person who has attained this consciousness is well on the road to attainment what is the fourth step the fourth step is to learn obedience for great is the master who can obey himself who can obey his master and can unquestionably do those things which is instructed to do obedience is to do no more than his ass and also do do no less the master is the servant of all he is the conscious servant of nature the older he is spiritually the fewer orders he gives in the more he obeys one of nature's grandest products is a mind that can gracefully and cheerfully efficiently carry out the orders of another what is the fifth step the fifth step is the control of the mind that it shall think continually in the elements of reality that it shall have perfect discrimination between the false and the true that shall choose always be eternal over the temporal things that it shall distinguish always perfect good and serve this intelligently and internally that it shall be kind unto all things having neither friends nor enemies keith's nor kin recognizing above all things the fundamental unity of life and what is the meaning of transmutation as used by a cultists transmutation is that chemical change which takes place in organisms when the integral parts are vitalized by higher rates of vibration the alchemists taught us that to be wise man must learn to transmute base metals into gold this meant that he must acquire the knowledge of how to transmit his lower nature and his lower bodies into vehicles find enough to respond to the subtle influences of his spiritual nature he must transmit all his forces so that they serve good instead of evil what are the lotus blossoms the lotus blossoms are centers of force located along the spinal column and in the brain of man the opening of these lotus blossoms is the result of awakening the goddess Kundalini from her sleep in the solar plexus then rising along the spinal canal on her pilgrimage to the brain to open the eye of Deng ma she animates these centers which open and become great whirling vortices of force which the Hindus call lotus blossoms and the early Jews symbolized as the budding of Aaron's rod what is the eye of dang MA it is the latent vehicle of sight and cognition in the brain which we know as the pineal gland when agitated by the effluvia radiated by the pituitary body it is capable of becoming sensitive to vibrations of the mental and spiritual worlds it is called the eye of the gods and is also referred to as the third eye what is the great illumination this depends largely upon the position occupied by the student or rather ego in evolution the first contact of a student with the spiritual worlds as personified by his master may be called the great illumination the unfolding of the latent organs of sight which have been long asleep and have thus divided him from the worlds from whence he came show him his true place in the cosmic plan this revelation as to the reason for his being and the work for which he was ordained is called the great illumination now I realize a lot of that might have been confusing and I apologize if that was the case but there's a lot of really interesting information here about the planets about the Sun about reincarnation and I found it very interesting even if 70% or 60% of it is based on some level of reality it's certainly a compilation of information about the spiritual and metaphysical world that I find very fascinating so I would love to know what your impression of it is there is possibly a touch of dangerous [Music] racism that could be found in some of this when there's discussion of Route races that is somewhat concerning but they're talking about the early races of creation on earth and as they developed together I guess but the other stuff I find interesting I'd love to know what you think Manley P Hall has some interesting lectures on the pineal gland which I might also go over and some other things we got lots of new episodes coming up with Joseph Murphy Neville Goddard and a variety of other wonderful things and it is my greatest joy to do these videos and I will definitely do many different subjects and I appreciate all of you guys and I'm wishing you the very best with all the love in the world all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the reality revolution calm and welcome to the reality revolution [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
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Keywords: hp blavatsky, manly p hall, manly p hall alchemy, manly p hall hermetics, manly p hall symbols, manly p hall atlantean, manly p hall reincarnation, secret doctrine blavatsky pdf, book of dzyan atlantis, the secret doctrine by h.p. blavatsky, the secret doctrine in telugu, h.p. blavatsky, h.p. blavatsky isis unveiled, manly p hall kabbalah, secret occult teachings, the law of one, the logos of god, theosophy lecture, theosophical society, brian scott, reality, secret doctrine
Id: XhoavlDlOK0
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Length: 85min 4sec (5104 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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