Manitoba RCMPtv – Night shift with Cst. Tall

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my name is constable tall and this is my night shift [Music] [Music] my routine i get a quick nap i get up get ready prep my meal and basically i get my bags ready it's good because the kids goodbye and then i head out to the door my mom usually i try to get here at least like an hour before the beginning of my shift and uh so i can have a quick workout before the start of my shift at nine o'clock um eight is available so i'll take eight and usually when i come to the detachment um even at the beginning of my shift i always get ready uh to respond to a call the vehicle is ready fully loaded the computer is on i'm on the board and i can start having my workout all done the workout portion basically i come in early and that's my personal time for me i think it's very important as a police officer to to stay to stay fit and it's good for your mental health just to have a balance in life at any point if a call comes in i can interrupt what i'm doing and dress up and head out the door usually takes about like an hour and by nine o'clock i'm usually back in the basement and uh get ready to shower and um you know uh shave if i have to that day and i'm ready uh to start a night shift the beginning of my shift uh check with passovers check with the shift that just left which is day shift and see if there's anything that needs to be carried on for night shift it's friday rock and roll hit the road and see what the day gave us well yeah i already checked my email nothing on the go my task view also nothing on the go at this point and uh we're gonna do some traffic uh just do a little bit of speed enforcement on 59. and after that it's gonna be uh impr night i guess just uh looking for imp drivers for the rest of the evening so i have these two blue cases here so these are for um impaired uh investigation uh if we suspected that somebody is uh have consumed alcohol so we can use these devices uh just to measure uh alcohol on their breath in the system and on top of that i have my uh hb and this is just for a situation where uh shooting is involved uh and i have my uh duty bag here basically this is my office on the road i have all the paperwork that i need if i'm outside i don't have to come back in the office i can deal with a lot of situations uh from a blood demand uh with uh traffic any type of court document release i have extra paper for my printer not everything is digital i have a case here with my digital camera so basically i can spend 10 hours on the street without coming back in the office and i have my laser uh this is for speed enforcement uh basically uh i'm gonna calibrate it before we take off here over here so and i'm just going to shoot it up to that uh to that reference point on the other side and i have 30 meters for my landmark basically which is right on the ground up to my point of reference on the other side and this is for my short target and i'm gonna go for a long target on the other side so that's my landmark if i shoot it to my target so from that point i got 45 dead on so i can tell this instrument is calibrated and i can use it for my shift tonight so basically this gps map system has like a virtual truck so it's live uh dispatch can see me uh where i'm right now when my vehicle is moving can track basically as i go on the map so basically from here i just go completely dark uh this is a spot basically 59 in the perimeter heading uh southbound from each direction so we'll be just doing laser traffic enforcement for uh for folks coming uh from birds hill park grand beach victoria beach and all that coming back into the city so [Music] uh this is a 80 kilometer zone so i just started so this was the speed it was blocked doing 107. and uh yeah i'm gonna go inside and uh give him a ticket and we'll go to the next one i already told my dispatcher what just happened uh i already checked the vehicle the registration the registration is valid uh the owner is the one driving right now so his license matches uh he has a valid driver's license so at this point he's only basically one offense which is basically speeding so everything checks out um he's sober so now basically our systems is equipped with uh these computers and we have car user car readers right now so these are pretty helpful makes our workflow really fast he was i clocked him doing 107. and the speed limit here is an 80. so the fine frame is 403 dollars for this today all done let's serve the ticket and now we'll go to the next then foreign [Music] because he was driving he had his phone on his right hand the screen was off so i had a conversation there and he's been pretty straightforward uh he's gonna get a warning today pretty decent kid it was very polite very respectful so it kind of comes along with our job sometimes right if we can actually have that the teaching moment you know i'd rather go with that and sometimes and uh in this type of situation so suspension for multiple convictions and four and one was that expires november 27th okay well on top of the warning now he's gonna have some other driving explanation to do right now he can't drive so his license is suspended for some other reason and uh we're gonna go out and deal with that and uh if you can't find a driver i'm gonna have to tow the vehicle actually i have to throw the vehicle because it's just funny so technically it can't be driving so so he has a bad he has a very bad driving record right now he got a lot of stuff on the go and his driver's license to spend he was aware of it but i guess he choose to drive so um yes uh so he's gonna get a suspension ticket and his vehicle is gonna get towed uh basically that's what it is so we're gonna be here probably for another 30 to an hour let me call the tow truck so by the time i write up the ticket champion how can i help you hi how are you doing hollywood good it's constable todd with the rcmp calling i'm on highway 59 and master head i have one vehicle to be towed for suspension back to your compound please it will be like 15 to 20 minutes awesome late man i like that awesome thanks man thanks for everybody your care bye okay for the cell phone because the cell phone he had another cell phone offenses that's one of the reason actually he's so he was lucky that actually he was very nice with me and i cut him a break on the cell phone well without realizing knowing that actually that was the cause of him losing his license and until now i kind of know because of uh running stop lights stop signs and cell phone driving texting yeah so it's been kind of rocking all those um offenses yeah the fine for that for driving uh basically suspended is 672 dollars and he gets his vehicle uh towed off the road and um yeah his girlfriend is here so he's gonna drive she's gonna drive him home and uh the vehicle will be towed and uh sent to the compound i'm gonna go serve the tickets and uh they can carry on and i'll wait the tow truck is probably gonna be hitting like 15 to 20. and now we're done just a loud noise complaint uh people coming over with the loud music having a party and it's eleven right usually like the biologics in at 11 for the noise complaint so we're trying to sleep um so yeah so there's probably roughly about like 15 30 kids uh they're complying with kovitt right now restrictions so aqua is involved there's no minor so i mean it's summertime they were very respectful so i told them to keep their music down as long as they played safe and make sure that nobody drives so i'm actually everybody's staying here tonight that's what they're saying so they're all sleeping in so all these vehicles gonna stay here so they're safe and uh they will keep it low and now we can we're good to go like oscar delta yep so i did a sobriety test on him uh him from a dinner with his wife uh he passed so he's right now he's he had alcohol in his blood system but he wasn't enough for uh for an arrest or anything like that so that's why he's continuing driving and uh we're good to go for the next one he came from his buddies he says and uh had few beers but uh yeah he was very close borderline passing but he did pass so he was under the limit that's why he carried on driving so no no impair for that one we had a mixed vodka in the center console just like a coffee with a glass i've never seen this before actually this is my first time usually i see like a beer can whatever not like a glass with it he's going to continue driving so with all the alcohol which is basically the partner who was drinking that uh that shot from that glass with that mix so he's going to get a ticket for open liquor i'm going to inspect this bottle they look pretty brand new to me so it looks like they were not open so for that reason i'm not going to seize it so they can carry on with the alcohol i'm just going to put it back where actually i can touch it so they're going to end up with an open liquor ticket for the night and we'll carry on [Music] so yeah the driver was very nice too very respectful yeah he was very nice yeah he was borderline to fail was he yelling no he was a passenger so right now i'm trying to be very polite and very nice i say thank you they appreciate what we do he's still outside he's trying to knock him yeah she looks right here she's coming out of potty i saw her stopping in the middle of the road found out a little bit odd crown there was a rabbit that was crossing the road i had to stop completely not kill the rabbit all right fair enough for me so yeah right now i'm just doing basically a patrol uh when are we istanbul right now so right now i'm on eagle uh eagle creek drive and uh we will be heading up to this very everywhere just basically uh patrolling and just looking for anything suspicious maybe we can get a lot of people uh hitting those new buildings to steal lumber just because the price of lumber is so expensive so usually uh yeah we're just gonna go drive around that area just check those new properties during night shifts we do a lot of driving uh the vehicles are pretty dirty so for the oncoming shift i usually make sure the vehicle is fueled and the police cars are in good condition at least not so stop at the car wash yeah i already checked that gatorade yeah so we got like four tickets today so i have to link okay good well night
Channel: RCMP Manitoba
Views: 170,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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