Manifesting A Specific Person (New Techniques)

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manifesting a specific person is arguably the most talked-about issue in the law of attraction community so I wanted to give a nice updated straightforward targeted approach that we can use to manifesting a specific person we want to kind of cut out the idea of like which technique here and how many times do I do this because in reality what is going to get you your specific person is not any specific technique it's a complete and total shift in your mind frame so that's what we're talking about today in this episode of Roxy talks stay tuned what is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers thank you for joining me here for another episode of Roxy talks where we discuss confidence mindset manifestation and more I'm Roxy Lee I am a mindset coach and I'm here to help you banish your negative thinking and limiting doubts so you can bring joy clarity and love into your life if you would like one-on-one coaching to discuss your specific issues you can sign up for one-on-one coaching in the description below now like I mentioned earlier manifesting a specific person is a huge topic this is what most people want to know about and I have a little bit of a hang-up with it because I'm such a you know confidence supporting type person I really want everyone to just like love themselves and be the star of their own show but I've come to realize that a lot of people place their self-worth and their own value in other people's hands they put it outside of themselves they're looking for approval and love from the outside world in order to validate them and it just can't work that way because we know on this channel we say everything flows out from within so it has to start here first you can't get anything back that you don't give to yourself first this world is a mirror and a mirror can only reflect what you put in front of it so if you don't put love in front of that mirror that's not what you're going to get back now before we get into it make sure you hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell so you never miss an update and if you're feeling generous please like and share that helps us reach as many people as possible and everyone deserves to know that they are in complete control of their reality so how do we manifest a specific person well first things first like I mentioned it is very important that we start giving to ourselves what exactly we need the world and what exactly we need from our partners if we are trying to be that half of a whole this half needs to be full in order for this circle to be full in order for you to complete your half of the circle you have to be a complete half and in order for your partner or your mirror to reflect back to you what you want you have to again reflect it first it has to start here so that it can flow outward now not only is it important for you to love yourself because that's what the world reflects back to you but also think about this if you don't love yourself you're only going to attract other people who don't love you because again the world is a mirror it's got to start here first you have to start figuring out how to complement yourself we do it every single day several times a day every time you look in the mirror five to ten compliments about yourself I don't care if it's five to ten things about your eyes I don't care if you're talking about how great you are making spaghetti you need to start somewhere and you need to start getting into the practice of telling yourself what you need to hear and feel from the rest of the world so my new favorite analogy is I'm calling it the Thanksgiving dinner idea okay and this is how we manifest not only for ourselves for sp for a relationship for our entire life and how everything works seamlessly together now in a Thanksgiving dinner what is the star of the show of course I feel kind of bad saying this cuz I am vegan but it's the turkey of course that's the thing we spend the most time on it's the most expensive it gets primed and prepped and rub to tenderize brined and stuffed and filled with all the love and care that you put into Thanksgiving dinner it is the star of the show again it gets the most attention it gets the most time everything else in the meal revolves around the turkey okay this is how your life should be guess what you're the turkey you are number one you are the star of the show your maintenance is the most important thing your mindframe the way you feel about yourself in the rest of the world there's nothing in the world that could be more important than that literally nothing because that's how everything is shaped for you so if you don't look at the world the way you want to you're not going to see a world that you want or you're going to see a world that doesn't line up with what you want because you don't know how to focus on it and lock in on it and allow yourself to let it happen so you're the turkey you go into the oven first you're cooking all day you're the most important thing okay we know that we always make sure that we know what's going on with the turkey the turkey is very important it's always top of mind okay while we are making our turkey we start peeling potatoes boiling potatoes we start making our mashed potatoes the mashed potatoes is kind of like the co-star of the show okay it's like the second next exciting thing I equate this to your ideal relationship this is your partnership this is the feelings that you want to experience completely separate from any one person any ideas any ex current whatever this has nothing to do with anybody else on the planet this is you taking a moment to be honest with yourself to give yourself the time to say you know what do I really need to feel fulfilled what do I need to complete my half of the circle if I want a full healthy functioning circle my half needs to be full healthy and functioning so what do I need companionship honesty love understanding trust but not gonna be best friends kiss you cuddly texts all the time whatever this is your chance to really really really really get clear what do you need and your lead co-starring role what boxes need to be ticked in order for you to be fulfilled as a partner as a person in a relationship what do you need again I don't want you to consider any person any other person but you this only is about you right here what is going into your mashed potatoes that's all that matters okay now while our mashed potatoes are cooking okay now maybe we start thinking about our gravy okay do you know what your gravy is your gravy is your SP okay your gravy is the person it goes with your mashed potatoes they complement each other very well and it goes with the turkey very well but we don't cook these things together and we don't bring them together until they're completely ready separately ready okay all of the things that Thanksgiving we cook separately and then when they're ready to be brought together they come together seamlessly and they're perfect and they complement each other amazingly so your gravy that's your SP you can select any version of them that you want okay just because you have up until this point been selecting a version of them that doesn't value you doesn't know you exist doesn't want to be with you wants to be with someone else hinge we're gonna be talking about erasing people out including third parties that video will be linked above if it's not there yet come back later this week so our gravy our specific person strip away all ideas you ever had about what goes into making gravy okay take out every single aspect of your sp I mean literally like you want to strip them away of details past memories feelings all of this okay let them be an empty shell then you now get to decide what you experience from them maybe they were shady they were kind of an F boy I mean they were lying maybe they were cheating maybe they just didn't really have any interest in you well guess what now they're honest they communicate open they share their feelings they only have eyes for you etc etc etc you have a chance to recreate or read aside or reselect whatever version of them that you want now for some people it's kind of hard to wrap their minds around this idea of stripping them of all their qualities and then refilling them with new ones they don't know how to take away that old story so I have a great new idea for you to wrap your minds around okay now we all know that everything in the physical world is in particle form this is physical matter we can manipulate it physically just like I'm clicking my pen I'm getting instant gratification I feel like I'm doing something okay I can manipulate things in the physical world but once they're here once they come from energy wave from potentiality from the other side of the mirror where they could be absolutely anything once they pop in our reality they are what they are so I can click this pen but one thing I can't do is turn this pen from black ink to red ink what I can do is manifest a red ink version of it take it from the energetic field it's gonna take a minute for it to kind of materialize in my world or for me to stumble upon it but it'll happen I can get it it's just not the same does feel the same as me like clicking this pen which I feel like I'm doing something versus me waiting for the pen to show up as something else so having said that I want you to think about the version of your SP that's here now this version of them is the one that doesn't value you this version of them is the one that doesn't put you first this version of them is the one that lives across the country this version of them is the one that's married to somebody else whatever so that's fine we know that we've chosen a version of them that's unavailable okay fine No no harm no foul we're working on it we're fixing it instead of you trying to change this pen from black ink to red ink instead of you trying to change your person from the version of them that doesn't value you into a version of them that does I want you to think about it as no no I am selecting the red ink version of this pen this is my favorite pen in the world I only write with these I specifically buy them i specifically order them it comes in red and blue also so I know there's a red version of this pen out there I can conceptualize it I know it's there I can manifest that red version whether or not it's gonna show up in my world randomly or I order one on Amazon and it comes in the mail tomorrow or I go to Target today and get one either way me getting that red version of that pen not a problem because guess what I'm selecting my reality so instead of you trying to change your SP from blacking to red I want you to just select the red ink version of them from now on okay that's what you're doing so you can cut away this idea of changing them cuz it's not really what you're doing you're actually not changing them in every moment we're choosing a new reality so you're selecting a new version because what's happening is as you're filling this half of your circle as you're filling it up you are becoming a different version of you you are changing you are shifting into new versions of yourself okay I have a video about making quantum shift out this week so if it is not licked above it will be soon so as you become this whole half of this circle now this filled up half is choosing differently now you're setting new standards you have your mashed potatoes cooking so you know exactly what you need at a relationship you've got your gravy brewing so you know exactly which version of your specific person that you want and your turkeys been in the oven getting all the love that it needs so now turkey is becoming better and tastier and more succulent juicier so we want better gravy better mashed potatoes we want everything to taste good so as you becoming more whole version of you you start selecting a better version of them and your circle becomes complete now the cool thing about Thanksgiving dinner is that it's kind of a big smorgasbord you can have green bean casserole cranberry sauce stuffing rolls all that other stuff okay all that other stuff is every other part of your life your rolls your job your friends stuffing your family cranberry sauce etc so while everything's cooking we sprinkle our manifestation all over the place you put some here we're doing over here we're putting the rolls in the oven we're get the stuffing going everything's cooking all at once and once that is ready oh my god is it not the best meal of the entire year we made a whole year for it okay so think about it like this your life is Thanksgiving dinner we cook all these things separate but we keep each other in mind we know what our end goal is which is a beautiful delicious harmonious meal or everybody's happy and satiated and loving and appreciative we know that Turkey is the star of the show it always is the gravy complements everything but it's its own thing and it's definitely not the star of the show okay do not make your SP your turkey please your sp I mean your ask me acts like a turkey sometimes according to what I hear from you guys but again they're just a reflection of you so be the best turkey okay be the best version of that turkey that you could possibly be fill up this half so that not only are you filling your half of the circle but you're also selecting a full half of your person and then this whole is just like amazing everything's working out so I want you to comment down below I am the star of the show very simple today I am the star of the show because I want you to remember you are the turkey they're the gravy okay they're not the star you sir make sure the turkey tastes good before we worry about what's going on top of it woo-hoo-hoo-hoo didn't mean to go so x-rated with that one if you would like help figuring out your own specific person manifestation you can sign up for one on one coach in the description below here on the Roxy talks channel I go live every Monday for Q&A at noon ish PST and have new videos out every Tuesday through Friday so make sure you subscribe and hit the bell notification so you never miss an update and if you're feeling generous please like and share it helps us reach as many people as possible and everyone deserves to know that they are in complete control of their reality I've also got an entire playlist for manifesting a specific person which will be around the N screen somewhere here and linked in the description below we're all raising our vibrations together you have the power I believe in you
Channel: Roxy Talks - Manifest Your Dreams
Views: 103,023
Rating: 4.9554019 out of 5
Keywords: roxy talks, manifest your dreams, manifesting a specific person, manifest a specific person, law of attraction specific person, how to attract a specific person, how to attract your ex, specific person, attract a specific person into your life, attract a specific person, how to manifest a specific person, manifest specific person, everyone is you pushed out, manifest your ex back, how to manifest a specific person back
Id: zz_5REEZYqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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