Manifested Her Dream $85k Tiny Home —paid off & living her best life!

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[Music] hello everybody my name is tyshae walton we are here in lake dallas tiny home village and this is my 32 feet 8.5 wide tiny home [Music] me i was born and raised in los angeles california played basketball growing up you know athlete student athlete growing up has always been like a pretty much a simple type of girl and everyone who wanted too much just really loved nature was always out camping you know always out just being athletic and running and playing moved to texas 2017 to grow my business and i also heard that texas was somewhere within the mix within 2017 of having a tiny home village it just didn't know where yet so i just put it out there and said that you know hey i want a tiny home i want to grow my business let's just move here's people that i know and see how it works out moved my best friend you know for about six months get on my feet and that's where i met the builder you know at the business place that i was working at and i gave him my vision in my journal and he literally brought it to life two years later and here we are in 2021 and it's been two years since i've been in my home [Music] so vision wise um the first time i saw a tiny home i was at a basketball tournament in las vegas and my dad he had a construction company at the time so he was doing the expo at circus circus with his own little vendor set up and whatnot straight to the back i saw this cute little house on wheels so grab my mom hand me ran to the back or whatnot and asked the guy tons of questions and that's the way he had his set up how chill he was how cool he was just he literally had food inside his house growing just a real laid back older guy and since that day my mom gave me a journal to kind of write in so you saw how excited i was and um this year after year i just kept adding to it and then i think i saw um tiny home big living some years after that on tv my mom sent it to me on a text message and i'm just that itself i just kept you know kind of adding ideas my own flavor to it and then my dad being the um construction guy that he was you know added his two cents and whatnot you know by the time you this age you know this be costing this much this be costing this much the world to be doing this so be prepared for that and um and just i took all that in and just literally manifested itself you know just put the work in and just made it happen and here we are so i was 12 years old when i first saw the tiny home itself and then by the time i turned 32 is when i actually started the building process of it [Music] all right so the builders of my home were indigo river tiny homes and they did everything for me from the deck to the balcony i'm on the back side here we do have a shed where i can kind of store some extra things which is perfect you know for a fitness coach i have like a lot of different dumbbells and massage tables and massage chairs and everything you can think of so that gets stored in that area you know as well as other just tools and whatnot that i might need so i do have a little barbecue pit here that i can enjoy from time to time and on the back side here you see the balcony of the home where i could also enjoy you know the sunrise or the sunset a lot of nice natural light big windows is what i asked for and that's what i got and i'm very grateful for it so come on in make yourselves home [Music] all right so welcome inside so right now as you walk into the house it's right into the kitchen total the house is 375 square feet now one of the uh main points that i made to my builders i wanted a french doors so you'll see from the front you know as you came in obviously the red exterior doors which i'm a huge fan of because it's nice on nice days like this actually kind of have both doors open and just allow like the natural breeze and sunlight i have like a little net keep the bugs out i love animals but not bugs that much and just from like you know overall floor plan in general on this side i have my bed on this side for now this is the bathroom and obviously we're in the kitchen right now so i do have a full refrigerator full stove it's electric which is fine i have what you call a farm sink just what i love as well because if i don't feel like doing the dishes one day it's nice just have them down here and not have to be seen so it kind of works itself out this guy right here is just like a pop on pop off you know type of a dish dryer so that is also like another convenience itself without having to have too many things shown another huge important feature of me i wanted a quartz countertops and they were able to make that happen and just the overall uh ambiance the way that it kind of flows in with the wood is very calm in mellow it's kind of like a treehouse type of vibe which is what i love i have more than enough storage you know as far as being a really really big cooker so um you know pots and pans are down here which is cool plates forks knives everything in this drawer here so i just kind of try and keep things as simple as possible all my teas i am a huge huge herb and uh storing my food type of girl so you see all my herbs here beans quinoa burdock root anything you could think of as far as the herb goes other vegetables and herbs up top as well in my catwalk so this is just you know my main one of my main design areas i love to cook so if i want to just kind of escape a little bit and just get creative i get in the kitchen as well other than you know working with people and being of service so i'm in regards to the catwalk feature um it's just what my builders called it or whatnot but really i just use it as an extra shelf um i have a lot of different arts and affirmations or whatnot as far as pictures to put up there but one of my friends she's an amazing artist she made that picture for me and i also have like i said you know different herbs i use you know day to day thanks to our video sponsor hellofresh with hellofresh you get fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep hellofresh comes in recycled packaging and cuts down on your food waste by at least 25 percent compared to grocery store shopping count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable that's why it's america's number one meal kit hellofresh has so many recipes to choose from each week to help you break out of your recipe rut we tend to eat the same three meals over and over again boring right hellofresh also offers a wide variety of quick and easy recipes including my personal favorite 20 minute meals we save so much time we now have several hours back each week and that's a lot go to and use code tiny house expedition 14 to get up to 14 free meals and three free gifts that's up to 14 free meals and three free gifts at with code tiny house expedition 14. so right now we're going to go into the bathroom there's a pocket door and what i like about this door other than you know being a pocket door jess you can actually draw on this if you want to so once my nieces and nephews come to visit they have a place to write and play versus my walls so that's what this was for so pocky door goes in just like that and what i like as far as my builders as well they were very very intentional with just me being i'm a pretty tall you know an athlete a young lady i'ma have a full bathroom which is a beautiful thing to have in a tiny home so you have a full bathtub i can literally sit up in here and soak which is beautiful after a long day of service normal toilet not compost not about that life yet so but that would be down in line once i do go off grid storage space here for different blankets normal medicine cabinet extra storage down here as well and i also have storage over here for um all of my sheets my massage therapy extra blankets for my bed towels other stores know for tissue napkins and all those things and then i have a dual washer and dryer as well which is also a blessing to have in a tiny home because if you do you are going place to place or what not not every space you know has a washer and dryer on site so um this is nice to have in a tiny home as well but right behind this wall here is a step that way i can stand in my loft here it's just like a landing deck is what they call it for um me to walk get into my bed and now i can stand up and be comfortable whether i got to change clothes get out of bed versus crawling out of bed and crawling down you know into the lower part of the house total i paid 85k i put down 30k in cash and i financed the rest because i do work from home so it's kind of like a building of business credit so to speak and personal credit at the same time i've been in this home for two years already and i'll pretty much be in a position to be completely out of debt as far as the extra fixtures go within the next year my builder was indigo river tiny homes peter huggler is the owner they take you in like family for one i didn't have the bad experience at all i'll put it that way i recommend them to everybody and um just as far as how they be sure that you're getting what you need not necessarily what you want all the time but what you need so that it makes sense not only financially but i'm just realistically that way that there's a longevity you know and you being in your home you know a lot of people have questions you know about um well you know how long will the tiny home last you know because of the quality and all the things right in the build but with peter i mean they make sure that it's quality over quantity more than anything and i don't mind paying for quality you know because i want to be in this house for the rest of my life that's the goal and um as far as will i be tiny forever with the weight of this world is absolutely so as we come out of the bathroom the landing that i speak of this is the area right here that goes into the bedroom so we'll go up here and check this out and i will be kid like and come up my ladder like so as you come on to the landing space you know within the bedroom um another cool feature about the bedroom space and as well as on the other side is the step stool that pulls out so i get to step up onto here versus having to climb on like a lot of other different lofty spaces like this kind of be comfortable and be natural and step up once get into my bedroom area and then like i said um it's nice to be able to be able to stand in a tiny home and get dressed and have a wardrobe space with an actual closet this is where i keep all my sweatshirts and my jackets when it gets a little bit cooler out here in texas and um you know drawer space watch you know everything pulls out here you know nice and smooth so it's nice to have different um layers as far as where you can put things that's always very convenient comfortable as well we have enough space in the uh loft itself with the bedroom to fit an end table as well as my queen size bed okay so a lot of uh tiny homes general don't have that ability to both you know have an end table and a queen size bed along with all of the various books that i love to read so i have a bookshelf as well here that is kind of nice to have you know but then just going to bed and be able to read a good word before you pass out after a long day of work so yeah this is where um i lay my head and it is very comfortable and cozy just personalizing business-wise i want a health and wellness company it's um both virtual and in person so i might basically holistically approach people's body in one piece you know so versus you know people going to a trainer then going to a massage therapist and going to a wellness coach i'm all of that in one for you yeah working from tiny home i mean again it's a dream come true and i overall other than just having the home built the ultimate goal was to have a space that i can do everything in you know i work out here you know i cook here obviously um you know i can literally do a whole yoga session with maybe two to three people depending on how you know the space is how they have a set up um i can do everything here i could put my massage chair in here my massage table in here you know enough space right behind me to make it happen but uh mostly to just have the blessing and the ability to work from home it's literally everything i wrote down starting at 12 years old so i still pinch myself and say dang i'm really doing this this is happening like oh my gosh and i'm only 34 years old oh my gosh like what's next so it's um it's exciting and um i feel like i'm just getting started to be honest with you right as you flow in from the kitchen out of the bedroom obviously but into the kitchen as well i have a mini size tables what i call it here is gifted to me by one of my neighbors um a lot of things in my homework to me about my neighbors which is beautiful but it's just perfect for me or whatnot i can sit here do my work study obviously have my morning breakfast and everything my aloe plant and this is where i store all of my shoes i do my best keep my shoes from inside of my house that's why i store everything here take my before i walk in and another thing that i love as well you know as far as this storage perspective is how indigo did an amazing job to keep things as constructed as possible so what i mean by that is you know the drawers pulled out here for extra storage which is beautiful so i'll keep all of my canned goods here beans rice all the more herbs and everything these two guys open up here so there's extra water stored here all of my bread and everything oils canned foods as well and then we're going to go into the living room area and this is what i call my relaxed space but there is also a lot of movement that happens in this area and so what i mean by that is like i said i work from home majority of the time so i do have clients that come to me for bodywork and massage so i can bring my massage chair in here or my massage table or they might just need a workout so you know i pull out all my workout equipment and then as far as the convenience perspective goes you know for tiny homes in general to move this side away my futon folds up and i can just slide it into my bedroom space right there which makes more space me to operate and do what i need to do when i'm not doing that you know obviously you know there's a tv here in place i'm not honestly a really big tv type of person which is okay but i do have people that come over and want to just chill and relax so at least i have access to dvd so i don't do internet and all those things and cable i like a lot of fresh flowers in place as well to kind of keep the ambiance nice as warm if you haven't noticed i have a lot of books everywhere i'm a really big book reader keeps my brain going again big windows natural light keep things as airy as possible and then another cool feature too to kind of keep the air and the flow as natural as possible is i ask my builders and some homes like this wall is completely full but i wanted the air to circulate a certain way for me since i know that i'd be working from home so they cut this piece out right here that way the air can just cycle up top whenever i do sleep on this side and obviously if the windows are open there's a fresh breeze both ways coming in everything to circulate you know which is beautiful within tiny homes it is a huge possibility for air to get trapped and it feels stuffy and that's what i was trying to avoid as much as possible so the nice natural airflow is also what i love about my space because it just keeps things free-flowing and the energy stays vibrant as much as possible legal tiny home parking is very very important for me because again i just want a piece of mind this is something that i invested into since 12 years old literally both mentally and physically and financially obviously so what i don't want is for um a what if to even be brewing anywhere you know i'm all about living on the edge but at the same time i like to be realistic at the same time i like to go with nature and not against it that's how i put it so if it's legal and i know that i'm safe there fine if you're not fully established wherever the space may be i want to know that and if i want to take that chance let me make that decision yeah living in the village overall it has been um more than what i expected honestly i knew that it was going to be like a community and village type vibe but i was not expecting the type of people that we have just to have to be surrounded by like-minded people for one that get it and then not only that let's say you know you have the issue i don't know what your ac or whatnot you can literally go to the message or whatnot and talk to the guy that actually built his house and say you know hey um my ac is doing this what do i do there's literally somebody across the grass to talk to and come and fix it for you you know or you know we have cookouts all the time we have exchanges of food it's just a one big family and the fact that you know all the kids are able to free range just run around and be free you know and play the way that people are running their businesses are going to work you know just kind of see their day-to-day life and they can come back you know to their sanctuary just like i do to see that piece of people without having to physically talk about it and be around it all the time that's nice to see because a lot of people like they um they have a home but they're working to just have that home they can't literally be in it so to see people actually live consistently is beautiful thing to see and be surrounded by that is nice so right above us um we have the um workspace for now and my meditation space and this space also you can access the balcony from this area as well so we will go up there and have a look at that area and as you're going up the stairs there's a nice big window here as well you know so natural sunlight which is um was another big request of mine other than the french doors it's another big window to just have a full-blown picture of wherever i am and we'll go up the stairs here right into the second loft area this is where i do a lot of my uh morning rituals as far as my meditations uh stretching i also have worked on people up here as well you know and i want like a different um depending on what they're going through really but if they want them to have access you know to the sunlight you know for either pro pre-session or post session um it's nice to kind of open up their eyes and have visual of that which is like a nice ambiance set for people also on this side i do have a wardrobe area so these also open up you know with more sweaters and jackets some jeans in there as well little hangers here for all my backpacks and hats more drawers you know for extra wardrobe material and there's also a step stool here the same around the bedroom side to step up versus having to climb over which is also a beautiful added feature so i am sitting on my time at right now where is where again i do a lot of my meditations and allow people to um sit if they need to these are my sound balls where i do my soundboard therapy i have one out right now is working on my crown chakra this morning to get some creativity popping so nice thing to have as far as a self-healing tool more books more journals i do a lot of writing research study this is also where i keep my alter to uh you know just kind of give gratitude to all of my ancestors and spirit guys angels what have you the most high you know the higher power however you choose to classify the higher power give reverence and gratitude for all the blessings that i have here in life and right outside of here we can access the balcony as well so if i'm not starting my mornings you know here doing my meditation i'm more than likely outside you know kind of seeing the sun rise and or the sunset which is a beautiful blessing and feature to have as well a lot of people asking okay how the heck do you get out there so i have two options i do have a um ladder that the builders also constructed to me that i can hook on the outside and obviously climb up but the village that i am in right now we have kids running around and i don't want that on my heart i'm having the ability to climb up onto the balcony and i don't know it so i'll keep that locked in my shed but the second option is you know i just open up this window here this guy pulls out and i just move it out of the way and i can just climb myself right on side and we are here twelve-year-old self would be very very happy and satisfied and excited and i tell peter this every time i see him that i'm still pinching myself like day to day to kind of just be sure that it's happening because it's just the way that i saw this at 12 years old like it's literally here and it's just amazing how powerful the mind is is what i say overall i would just really encourage people to if they are thinking about this type of lifestyle you know just even if it's just minimal minimizing yourself in general um i would just encourage people to really think about you know your wants versus needs you know whether you do decide to go tiny maybe you want to go to an rv or um van life you know who knows but a lot of people get caught up in the money and the price and i know for me this personally if i had new at 12 years old my house would cost 85 000 i was like no mommy daddy it's okay no completely even if it was a dream but um my parents were just very very good at just saying no don't worry about the money it's gonna be there when you need it so i tell people you know just literally think about what you want and not what you don't want to happen you know no matter what it is and then that energy itself will give you what you need to just literally pave way for what you want it needs to just kind of come to you a lot easier so basically don't focus on the bad so much focus on the good things and don't compare yourself to the next person and life would be a lot easier that way for you no matter what you do [Music] thank you for watching our video and for stopping by tiny house expedition i'm alexis and i'm christian don't forget to like comment and subscribe and for more tiny home tours and stories click the videos below and join us on instagram for bonus content including face-to-face conversations with us we hope to see you there all right thanks guys have a good one
Channel: Tiny House Expedition
Views: 348,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, manifestation, tiny house tour, tiny home, solo black woman tiny house, $85k tiny house, 32 ft tiny house, tiny home community in texas, tiny home community, indigo river tiny homes, tiny house giant journey, tiny home tours, alternative living, tiny house community, tiny house with bathtub, tiny house with standing loft, manifest dream home, living the dream, 375 sqft tiny house, legal tiny house, tiny house parking, black woman tiny house, solo woman tiny home
Id: heRPrtdoCVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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