Managing Mods for Steam Games with Vortex Mod Manager on Steam Deck SteamOS #steamdeck #nexusmods

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[Music] hello everybody Welcome to the channel in this video I'm going to use Vortex mod manager on my steam deck Steam OS to manage a steam game okay so first let's take a look at my Vortex mod manager I've installed it here on lutrus okay I'm not going to show you how to install it in this video because I have another video for that I'll leave the link to the video in the description below and I also leave a card up right now if you want to install Vortex mod manager on your steam deck Steam OS all right go to that video first and then come back to this one all right so here it is on lutrus right click it configure let's take a look where I put my prefix folder so y prefix it's in this location so home documents prefixes Vortex okay so let's go to My Dolphin go to documents prefixes Vortex this is my prefix folder for Vortex so Drive C and you can see I've I've got a game here already Boulders Gate 3 this is a non steam game so I just moved the whole game folder inside the C drive of Vortex because this makes it easy to manage the the game and because it's a non- steam game I can run the game from here but um I think people having issues for Steam games because you can't just move the game folder and run it from here okay so today I'm going to demonstrate how to do that okay so let's just launch Vortex mod manager first okay let me boot it up so I take some time all right here's the splash screen here's the splash screen okay now go to games okay and then add your steam game so in this tutorial I'm going to use Monster Hunter world so Monster Hunter world I'm going to click manage okay so it hasn't automatically discovered with my game folder so just continue and normally I'll put it inside the C drive of Vortex all right so you can see this is the C drive exactly the same as this one all right and I don't have my game in here yet okay so let's just locate my game so go to home I'm going to open a new tab so make sure the three lines here you click it and show hidden files this is checked all right because we're going into a hidden folder called Steam and then steam Steam app and then common all right so here are where your Steam games the game folder is normally located so monster hun world this is the game I want to mod the steam game I'm just going to drag the whole game folder into the C drive of Vortex so move here it's instant all right then go back to my Vortex all right it doesn't show up immediately just go back to my computer C drive and then I'm just select Monster Hunter world and click open okay and you can see it's it's uh it's managing it now but we don't have sters loader right this is something that you really need but don't worry about that yet so once I've already got this I'm just going to go here to the three dots on the game and I'm going to open Nexus page okay all right so here's where you download your mods so make sure you log in you need to log in to download right so I'm just going to select most endorsed okay so I think I want um okay this is an easy one to show you so uh one zeni shop so it makes the shop uh all the items there makes it to one zeni so it's easy to buy stuff so okay manual download all right so this mod needs some dependency so it needs sters loader so this is one we really need all right sters loader so I'm going to down download this file and then manual download all right and this one also needs performance booster and plug-in extender all right so click on it as well okay so I'm going to download this the manual download okay so okay so download this first and you'll download so wait for it okay it's downloaded and then sters loader I'm going to download this as well download okay downloaded and then the $1 zeni shop one zeni shop sorry not $1 one zeni that's the currency in Monster Hunter okay one zeni shop so I downloaded that as well okay let's see what else I can like install okay um I think this is quite useful this one uh monster weakness icon so when you load the uh Quest you see the see the icons the element icons so this one's weak against ice this one's weak against uh lightning stuff like that all right this is very useful I think so manual download this and it's easy for me to show you if the mod works so that's why I'm using these ones okay okay I'm going to use a few more because um some people like they they install the mods and some are conflicting so yeah I just want to show you that you know a few mods all maybe uh this one I think there's a uh The Guiding lens Gathering indicator all right so when you're in the guiding lands it shows you where to where the bones are and all that that this is also very helpful so manual download okay so I think I have enough got like four or five mods on okay so after you download it okay go to back to your Vortex mod manager so I'm managing Monster Hunter world right now I'm just going to go to the mods tab so I don't have any mods installed right now so I'm going to go to my downloads so open a new tab so here are my the zip files the mods that I downloaded so I've got five of them right drag them over and drag them here and it should just automatically install for you okay so just wait for it to install all right if you have issues like if you install all these mods and then your game crashes like try to in install the mods one by one all right so you know which mod is conflicting with each other maybe all right all right so I already have this installed now so I don't think I need this now right so it doesn't really matter right now okay so now the now the mods are done okay go back to your drive C because we can't run monster H world because we moved it all right it's a steam game it needs to be in the commment so let's just move it back just move it back to here because you've already done your mods right and now let's run the game Run the game okay so Monster Hunter so this is the official steam game you can see I've got time played and all that all right you go to its properties yeah it's a little bit different to a non steam game okay so let's just play it and see if the mods work okay so let me boot up the game if you like the video so far please like the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already okay so I'm booting up the game here it is [Music] okay so start game then I'm going to load my character create an online session okay so first thing I think we go to the shop see if we get the 1 C shop buy to pouch you can see all right you can see see everything here is 1 CI all right so that works that works okay let's check out the weakness indicator so so post new Quest ma master rank assigned all right you can see on the the you can see the icons of the monsters on the top right it's got an icon to show the weakness element all right so that works as well okay and let's go to The Guiding LS all right let's go to guiding land and see if we get the we can see the map the where to you know get the bones and all that okay so we're in the guiding LS check our map all right you can see here you see those like the bones the yellow and orange these ones yeah that's normally not there that's normally not there this just shows you where you can mine stuff all right before in The Guiding L you have to search for it yourself but now it's there so yeah all the mods work so that's how you mod a steam game all right so I hope this video helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 8,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, vortex mod manager, vortex, nexusmods, nexus mods, baldur's gate, game modding, steam games
Id: IGHh_0Xxg8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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