Manage Your Money With AI In 2024 | This Is How AI Can Help You | Tool Demo

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you've developed legislation to harness the power of AI to make AI even more helpful AI is is one of the biggest threats melodrama around Ai and then there is a reality first time using AI technology there is no doubt 2023 was the year of ai ai was probably or most likely to be the most heard abbrevation of 2023 starting its push in November 2022 when Chad GPT created a storm so from companies adapting to artificial intelligence to governments who will have to safely facilitate its implementation so everyone is tempted and also a little bit scared with what AI brings on board but wait what if I tell you that AI could make your everyday life easier I'm not talking about getting chat GPT to write poems for your girlfriend dear chat GPT please write a poem for my girlfriend of course not I am talking about how AI could help you manage your money that's right from organizing your finances to what to spend on on groceries and even on how to make investments so don't go anywhere watch till the end of this video because this is your One Stop solution for all those questions I think every month starts off really great when our bank account makes that cing sound but soon we get anxious and lose track of how much money we have spent in a month now there are already a tons of app which can help you with it but even these companies are swiftly adopting AI Tech to improve their functionality AI tools such as Wally Cleo and even Chad GPT could help you track all of your spendings so let's talk about an AI tool which was best reviewed by its user so after a little research I saw that Wally GP has really good reviews they also Market it as the world's first AI powered personal finance app so let's see if this app is actually easy to use as they are marketing it the app is available on mobile once you get started by feeding in all the details the first app that opens on this app is this here you can select the categories that you want it to monitor I am choosing it to track my spending follow a budget due dates savings depbt and organizing the next step is to connect your cards and accounts to this app which will help you track every spending that you make now of course you might be a little bit afraid before sharing your personal data wall GPD has strict adherence to its privacy policy all the user data that they collect is deleted within 30 days now when you also sync your accounts it is encrypted end to end PCI Compliant ISO certified and gdpr compliant now moving along to the app you could also ask it personalized questions which is what I did now uh just to show you how easy this is I asked the AI app to organize the monthly salary of 50,000 it gave me the 50 3020 formula while explaining how I should actually divide it now I asked the app another question where I said that this formula doesn't actually work for me because of the depth and Emi taking up a lot of my salary so it gave me another solution you can also ask the app to notify you every time for instance with your due dates on bills credit card payments and of course how much you scan and give away every single day losing track another thing that we might need help with here is Investments now if you're a fresher just getting started on a job you might be wondering on how to allocate and save more money if investing in mutual funds is safe or stock markets is safe or you know seeing the bullrun on the markets in the past few months you might be doubtful on how to allocate your funds you can ask this app about all these Financial doubts and I think the best part is the fact that you have a personalized finance app just a Tap Away on your phone with AI everything surely is becoming easier but if you are someone who hasn't gotten the grasp of this new technology that has taken over the world tell us in the comments and we'll help you with more such tools and demo videos on how to utilize AI to your best benefits until then keep watching money [Music] control
Channel: moneycontrol
Views: 10,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moneycontrol news, Moneycontrol live, share market, moneycontrol, moneycontrol news, business news, moneycontrol pro, money control, how to manage money, manage money with ai in 2024, ai money management tool, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, PM Narendra Modi, artificial intelligence in 2023, AI automation technology, arrange your finances, invest in markets, ai tools for making money, ai tools for money management, ai tools, ai, artificial intelligence
Id: 6meTfSOMLAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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