Common business use cases for generative AI

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foreign [Music] let's get started hey everyone uh welcome to this session on common business use cases for general of AI I am Nema dakiniko I'm a product manager at Google for our gender of AI portfolio but I will turn it over to our esteemed guests here who can introduce themselves because we do have a very packed panel and we're going to start with you hi everybody I'm Ignacio Garcia I'm the global director of data analytics and AI for both of them and I'm also the CIO of Vodafone Italy everyone arvind Christian here I had engineering at Blue Core so I run engineering data science and our solution architecture teams hi I'm Donna I lead the Technical Solutions management team for generative AI at Google cloud and together with the solution architecture teams with Kevin's team we identify design and build AI Solutions foreign Solutions and we also do ml infrastructure as well very cool uh okay so let's start first by talking about top business use cases and Don I'm going to start with you on this one but I really want to understand many people here are like look Jenai fantastic this is great I'm sold but what are those top use cases well how do you prioritize them how to get started sure yeah so um I can start with prioritization and then go into a few use cases so we really in our prioritization we focus on our customers what will really add value to them where are they seeing friction points and then the Techno technical implementation of that we also look internally to some of our research teams and think about how can we take those Innovations and then bring those to our customers so one example that we worked on around one and a half years ago was Alpha fold on Google Cloud so deepmind had this amazing research and maybe to give a little bit of context on the protein folding problem scientists have long been interested in solving the protein folding problem because once a protein's structure within a cell is understood then scientists are able to develop drugs that can modulate its function but for our Healthcare organizations in order to be able to actually leverage that they need additional requirements so for example reproducibility scalability it has to be cost effective um and so we took their their amazing research and we operationalized it on Google Cloud through a solution some other areas more recent where we're seeing traction or for example product cataloging so being able to categorize when there's a new product label it for search and then also create the website copy and arvind and his team have done some amazing work in this space and customer service operations and it's not just a conversational agent which you may have experienced on a website that's answering questions but also internally for example supporting SRE teams with post-mortem search and summarization which we've done some work on but also supporting support agents with summarization and next steps and Ignacio and his team have done some some great work here what are some of the use cases and prioritizations that your organization does yeah um before I jump into a use case maybe just a little bit step back and what we blew core do so we can connect the dots so we are an identification and a customer Movement platform so we work with large Enterprise retailers to identify and then convert Shoppers to uh repeat customers so we've used traditional Ai and created over 20 retail models using first party data so Shopper information behavioral data and then product information so these models are baked into our platform so marketer can use these models to create campaign campaigns and audiences so the content that needs to be generated the channels in which to deliver these uh the the content and finally the timing when to deliver are all personalized on a per Shopper basis with the Advent of gen AI we looked at a couple of areas you know one is how can we improve uh our features on our platform we looked at internal efficiencies as well and option opportunities to better serve our customers so um the the problem that she was referring to uh is core to our value proposition so taking unstructured uh product catalog data and mapping it to Google's product taxonomy so for example um a retailer could call this a t-shirt another retailer could call it a categorize it as a true cut T-shirt and so on and so forth but if you standardize it in the Google's taxonomy this is probably labeled as a t-shirt which is under categorized under a shirt which is apparel and so on so there are a number of uh advantages to standardizing product catalog one is we will improve our models and our wrecks our customers will be able to now analyze performance within their product catalog and finally we will be able to deliver Trends within verticals across the retail space so using gen AI we were not very successful using traditional AI so with Gen AI we were able to solve this specific problem very cool absolutely I love the phone hopefully people are a little bit more familiar with it in terms of what you do but love to understand your use cases and prioritizations oh thank you I think that I still will take a couple of minutes just to explain the the complexity that we have and that context maybe help to understand how are we using what we're using so we are a telecommunication company we do mobiles we do televisions we do fixed lines and we do iot so the whole package across the world we have more than 300 million customers we have billions of iot devices so I'm just talking about the scale and then it's in Europe and in Asia and in other areas so languages are completely diverse and this is another point that is very important on the on how we're using and the type of problems that we need to resolve probably a bit of background as well is we have been very focused on partnership with Google on cloud and data so Google is our partner on the data domain and we have been very focused on making sure that our data is in the right place is safe for our customers we have the anonymization we have all the regulations that we have in Europe around privacy and we're super focused on that and we have been using Ai and we have been using Google tooling and for many of our normal operations so if I go it will be strong models analysis on trying to understand why the customers are going up next best offered models that is on the customer side but then if you go to the network we we do analysis in where to deploy the network so capex efficiency which is super important or and we call it a predictive maintenance so trying to understand what is going to break and and be sure that we can replace the components and and that was successful but then with gnai we have been now experimenting and and it's a completely different dimension for example the use case that you you are saying with it implemented in Italy so we are getting all the calls that our customers are making to the call centers We're translating them into text and then we're getting a summarization of the problems what was the original intention to reduce the risk that the customers are calling us and to drive automatically the Deep detractors so the amount us is the attractors this is only possible now that we have large language models available and we were able to do it very fast because we have been very consistent on creating the data structures to combine combine the the models with our data in a good way but this use case in particular so we're taking these 50 000 calls translating them into text summarizing and getting the the reason of the problems and it's a complete Game Changer because then we understand what the customers are really saying we don't need to do surveys and get high level data we're really getting to the actual details on why are they calling us and then we can intervene on that and then that data that was a regional reason and then that data has become key to do other things to understand behaviors and understand potential upselling and other areas and the other important thing on that is we need to replicate that across all the countries so replicability and scale is fundamental it's not only doing and what is a use case is can we do it fast and with it secure and with it across a wall in a in a way that we can repeat and we will talk later about vertex Ai and different components on Google have allow us or is allowing us to us absolutely it's interesting I think both we actually spoke about data and like taxonomies and data structures so this goes into our second question around how do you actually technically design these Solutions and Kevin I'll start with you um okay so Donna's team and my team have worked on a number of different uh business use cases applying to an AI and uh what's interesting is to see a few technical patterns kind of surface up or just kind of permeates across the different use cases right so the first one is how do I get data that's outside of the llm right into my application right so that use case is very pertinent to you know customer support right for example so uh one of the very uh one of the very common technical patterns is to use um like a embedding model to process your unstructured data and then index it with a vector database you know so matching engine are now called a vector search right yeah is a very popular option and now we also have lodb with PG Vector as well right so there are a lot of options for that yeah and after you index that then you can very quickly retrieve your unstructured data images and text and so forth the other type of data received we're now seeing right is to use a coding model like code to generate the SQL right to action to access your relational database or to generate Cipher to access neo4j right so that's that's kind of another kind of up and coming type you know pattern that we're seeing and another area that we're seeing is around application of these uh language or you know these Transformer models to non-image non-text use cases right so one of the partners that we're working with full story we're helping them build a sequence model to analyze and predict user events right and finally with the Donna mentioned Alpha fault right well allothold actually is a Transformer model it's very interesting yes so instead of generating language or image it generates protein structures so we took deepminds research we broke the inference pipeline which is actually a multi-step pipeline right so we applied uh different types of compute to the different processes the earlier parts has a lot of data retrieval so we use high uh IOP CPU nodes for the later compute stages which is extremely compute intensive we use Nvidia a100 gpus right so that's how we can optimize right going from research to production to production we also need to make sure that we're we we have reproducibility right and experiment tracking and for that we use vertex metadata right and to kind of stitch it all together we use vertex pipelines to automate the process so adaptation is another very interesting area that we're seeing a more customer uh demands very good you can also I'll go to you first what are those technical considerations that you have to have when you're trying to deploy this around the world essentially uh the first thing and again is escape scalability and and replicability of what we are doing because we have to secure the data we have a lot of local regulations uh about gdprs in different countries have their own flavors and we have to to create or we have created policies around and making sure that there are no bias in the model oh making sure that we can detect those buyers is very regulated the world in Europe probably very different to America but there we we have to complain with a lot of things and you can do these things what takes a lot of times and by the time that you deploy then your data signs are going to kill themselves because they have in spending 99 of their time in activities that are not related to the model so architecturally what we have done is take out the problem of data transport so making sure that their data arrived to the right place is something that we do and we do in with your and Engineering that we have created for all the data Logistics that allow us to monitor to make sure that the data is encrypted the data is anonymized and if we change anything on the policies that applies for all the the data pipelines that we have across so that that has been designed and then we have the process inside which is a bigquery standard and then in the top and here is where vertex and and your product is fundamental we we have in a very early adopter so vertex AI we created something that we call the AI booster based on vertex AI these are our adaptation but that is where we receive the models and where we then exchange and make sure that we can do what you are saying which is running models with your own data and data that is subside so architecturally we have data Logistics we have all the where we have policies security encryption and monitoring all the good stuff then we have the engine that runs all the queries which is our real Nerf systems if you want to call it like this and then in the top we have created with vertex AI the interface to run all the models and to co-create what is that allowing us that now our data science are now working on encryption data engineering uh all the all the bureaucracy and equally we can share models across the market so the data Engineering in Italy that have created this model are now just passing the information and the the guys in Germany that are going to run it I can do it in weeks rather than in months which was um the previous setup so it's very very important for us to take it and spend that time on making sure that we have the foundation right then in parallel we allow a lot of experimentation because very important that the people can experiment and see the power in a safe environment where they can play and they see and they see that the model is right but the deployment is very automatic to automatized and and it's very secure that's excellent so it's a lot of engineering behind to to allow us to run properly Auburn can you double click into the technical aspects of yours sure um so the team came up with a really ingenious uh two-step process so on the one hand we have thousands of product catalog in our database and then the Google product taxonomy has around roughly around 5500 classes in subclasses so what what the team did was first use uh gecko to create the embeddings and to sort of reduce and narrow down the options and then pass that along to create a prompt and pass that through text bison to create the final results very cool very cool um okay so this is a little bit of a self-serving question but why did you choose Google cloud and it can't be Donna and Kevin so so that's not on the table but um for us was a proper processor like five six years ago and we were defining our Cloud strategy first and and we did a very sort of analysis and the three reasons I would say is your header teaching data so you you have that the The Innovation and roadmap that you were proposing and the approach and the ways of working and it was very refreshing to see that it was a relation on co-innovation and trying to tackle problems together rather than this is a price list and just consume these products and services and we have done that and in we have been very good partners so far I always always have to make sure so far um so blue core is natively built on gcp and so the team is very very comfortable using the tools and technology and Google has done a fairly good job building the Gen AI Technologies alongside the existing Technologies the other things which you mentioned around data governance security are important to us and a lot of those are also baked into the jnai technology so I think that's the first the second one is we actually started this project on GPT 3.5 and we got really good results and then we elevated and moved on to gpd4 and we got really good results as well as well and then when Google released Palm 2 we decided to try it out and so far the results have definitely been better than what we've seen with open Eis models absolutely Okay so we've talked about use cases we've talked about like technical you know Solutions but at the end of the day it's all about that business value right like how do you actually see those business results Donna like I want to talk to you about this like start with you how do we see those business results and can you give me some examples because without them it's kind of pointless right like you want to see those results so I'm good yeah um so let me start with Alpha fold um so in the case of alpha folds the the customers were able to conduct experiments much faster get much quicker insights and also minimize the high ratio of failures from more traditional methods and I mean the impact was really incredible to see and it's also one of the reasons why I'm in this field because they were able to accelerate the drug Discovery process both biotech and pharmaceutical companies alike um more generally I would say within the generative AI space we see customers getting benefits in terms of employee productivity allowing them to focus on more value-added tasks we see more intuitive experiences being built with generative Ai and also better user experiences and then also new insights or new ideas that were impossible before but I think arvin's and Ignacio will have great input here Armin we had two overarching goals for this specific project so the first one was obviously the accuracy of the data and the results and then the cost of building and maintaining this feature and what we've found was using llm and gen AI we achieved both goals so sort of to step back we attempted to solve this problem last year using traditional AI techniques and like I mentioned you know you're talking of thousands of product catalogs we have around 5000 Plus classes in the Google taxonomy and trying to build a model using that is extremely difficult and now to scale that across multiple verticals within the retail space makes it even more challenging so for us it was extremely expensive both from a human time perspective computational resources and you know the amount of data we needed to train and build those models and a lot of those were solved with Jin AI absolutely all right I think that I will I will talk about three dimensions of benefits first I will go to the use case and the reason why I'm here which is that summarization and the the understanding on on what the customers are calling us and then I will go to the three areas where we are working on generative AI because that's one use case but really I mean we are going ahead in in many areas and finally from technology point of view the benefits about velocity and cost of building because that is what I'm responsible for in order to learn more on the on the recent side so the these particular use case which is the summarization on all the calls and why people is calling to our call centers is very simple we were not able to do it before so it's a paradigm change in the past that was impossible to do simple as that um and now we can do it and that information has changed completely our understanding and our relation and proximity with our customers because we were doing surveys and getting scores and getting some comments and then it was a team trying to understand what does that means and then we were cross uh Crossing that data with technical problems that we have and then making interpretations and you you should see the debates that we had in our customer boards that we create to try to understand and be better and now we have three really really granular information that is precise is what they are saying it's not what we think that they're saying so that is a paradigm change I cannot put money on that but we are trying to reduce 30 percent our lead detractors and we are in in that track so he's doing very well then if I go to the second one which are the different areas I would say we are working on all the checkbox and interaction with the customers it's early days we see an incredible opportunity in there so we have checkbox but we have to invest a lot of money and time and training the different languages and hence the explanation about the fact that we we operate in a multi-language is is expensive it's not precise the experience for the customer is not correct and our early tests are showing that this can be again a paradigm change in comparison with what we were doing before so one big area by the different domains of customers operations all the different call centers that we have is is a chat box the second one is what we call copilot so it's making sure that the people can really do their job better and that imply a lot of areas so we're talking about if you are in my team in the in the technical team coding yeah and we see productivity that's 10 to one in comparison with no use in it I still experimental I'm no I'm not talking about details but legacies so we grow through mergers and Acquisitions so we have a lot of legacies with documentation that is not existence and knowledge that is disappearing of there we are testing how to get that those system documented and that change again our ability to to run operations in a different way or to maintain systems that were not possible to maintain so we are experimenting in what we call copilot and you can add every different business area and we are doing experiments on that and then it's Knowledge Management we're a massive company we have a lot of information managing knowledge is is a big problem for us and doing it well can change completely how our customers are receiving our services and that is a certain area so the the first benefit was in the in the proper bit the second is in in these three areas and finally from me something like vertex Ai and all the engineering is the velocity so the fact that we were able to do in in weeks the real application that is working and for taking all the calls in a full country is just because the tools are there and the cost and the velocity of the plane is is helping us to to really get the value yeah I really like this framing of again it's it's what are you what are you changing how much does it cost how effective is it and then can you measure that right because otherwise it's just a boondoggle you're spending money and who knows what's happening but then you can prove it you can double down on it and build on top of it absolutely Uh Kevin uh can you talk a little bit about what you learned along the way of this magical genie Journey um in short I learned that we have to continue learning I mean there's just so much to learn I mean think about where we were six months ago right look at where we are today you can imagine what's like six months from now right so it's a new normal The New Normal is you're gonna really have to keep the learning up um but then the good news is accessibility right imagine think about a year ago how could you get your hands on to llms right you have to spin up your own VMS spin up there you know just set it all up and download some framework install it yourself before you can even prompt it all right and you probably have to troubleshoot a bunch of libraries and stuff like that along the way I mean we've gone through that so yeah um today it's available everywhere all the cloud vendors have it we have cohere we have anthropic it's there's really no excuse to not have that hands-on experience right so go for it you know and there are all these you know if you sign for free and try it out right so definitely try it out and we have Frameworks like Lang chain to help you build up these applications as well right so go Hands-On I think the last thing also is we used to say read the manual read the manual right I think you know in this world we may still want to want to start saying read the papers read the papers papers as in research papers right so you'll get a lot of insight of what's going on right so this a lot of this started with a Transformer paper back in 2017. it's still a really good paper to read right so there are good papers um if you don't have time read the abstract all right but I think that's where you could really get up to speed on what's coming down the pipe I would used to go to the Google AI blog and just read all the papers they were publishing because I was like listen if Google's publishing it it's probably state of the art so yeah that's that's how I used to cheat sheet my way through yeah exactly the papers or you could run it through an llm to summarize get a summarization right yeah um I think for a subset of problems like the one that I mentioned I think llms provide a phenomenal Foundation because there is so much information encoded in these models because there's craned on so much relevant data it makes the lift for us a lot easier right like I mentioned we tried this with traditional Ai and it was really not sustainable for us to scale this and what uh gen AI is now able to provide or the tools for us to be to not only solve but able to scale problems such as the one I mentioned for me three things one is is really transformational everybody can see it don't try to centralize it in Ito and in any area let the people experiment so make sure that you create a safe environment for experimentation and you can measure that to then decide where you're going to invest but let the people play because the people need to play don't don't restrict in the other hand investing in Foundation because it is the only reason or the only way to get real value is combining the LL models with your own data so investing foundation invests on getting the right architecture because then you can go super fast when the experiment shows that these are use case is worth 2x scale so that that is my my learning thing and sorry one more stick with your CEO make sure that they they understand the potential the value and they are no um bombarded by vendors telling them that is a bullet point a silver bullet to resolve every single problem so invest in education in based on bringing the the whole company and do not stop do not centralize it because then you kill it I I've heard so many customers say the board of directors the CEO have told me we need to do this ASAP and so yeah it's in every single boardroom every single you know CEO office um okay one last question and then we'll open it up to q a so you know get ready there are mics here in case you want to ask questions but last question advice any other pieces of nuggets of wisdom that you have for the audience here in terms of business use cases um sure yeah so I would say and I think we've all touched on this already but is experiment and iterate so generative AI truly has the potential to transform each industry we're living in a very exciting time but nothing really substitutes hands-on experience right to understand what the value is specifically for your business and also to understand the limitations so I would look within an organization and customers that we've seen be successful do this is really look at who's excited to Pioneer this which domain experts and which machine learning experts get them together to identify what does success look like to work on the use case and we did this as well so we actually worked with an SRE team to on the postmortem search and summarization use case where we worked with experts that really helped Define what success looks like if our outputs are good we started with a very small set of experts we gradually expanded to a trusted tester group we started with a small data set of 100 postmortems we expanded to a thousand postmortems and now we're rolling this out more broadly and so um that that would be my advice is just get started um so I I consider uh gen AI or llm as being yet another tool in your toolbox right so as you go through building features I'm sure you have some success metrics and if Jin AI is going to help you reach those metrics and those goals then yes that's the right tool right so that's the first thing and given as you mentioned Kevin like how rapidly things are changing uh pick use cases that has a tolerance for getting it wrong so for example pick use cases that are internal facing or pick use cases that have a human in the middle so you can Rectify if there are issues uh the last one I would say is invest in tooling and technology and platform what I mean by that is today we run 20 plus models we have customers asking us questions about the performance the output of the models we uh our teams have to debug fix issues so we've built a lot of tooling to be able to observe and scale the systems so I keep him for uh reminding my team if you're gonna build a ship be prepared for a shipwreck right so while you're yes focused on llm engine AI ensure you have enough tooling and platforms to support that I'm sorry nothing else to add I think is I I already mentioned everybody is if that is precisely that I think my piece of advice is if anyone tells you what they know what channel is going to be doing in five years they're lying to you so you know stay humble stay stay attached to the actual you know short-term use cases because it's I'm sure it's gonna be crazy in five years but but we're we're to your point we're all just like wait what did we announce so absolutely all right uh we are out of time uh love it if you uh you know give us feedback here and I think we'll be around if you have any other questions as well thank you everyone foreign
Channel: Google Cloud
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Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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