Manage Huge Scenes in Blender (Millions Ahead)(no addons required)

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millions of donuts nah it's just a micro displacement on a plane millions of trees yes but it's slow pulling so is there is a mix between the two [Music] we have five ways the first three ways are managing duplicates and the other two ways are managing the scene in general the first way is objective data linking and this is the least efficient way to manage your scene so all you need to do is in blender default shortcut keys is alt d and you have your tree right away and there was that way you can edit the tree and you will find that your edits are being applied to the other three this way is too efficient uh for controlling your objects like okay i need this tree to be a little bit to the left a little bit to the right and all that stuff but it is not efficient for the really high counts and you can create thousands of z's with no problem uh thousands of entities uh using a blender and with with any almost uh poly counts maybe i tried to create like three million tr triangles and all that stuff and it worked perfectly with no problem and with thousands of objects and we will see a complete scene that has applied almost everything from what we are going to talk about today so uh this is the first way object data linking and you can bring it from here object and duplicate linked here it is if you didn't find the shortcut for any reason like uh am i i actually had used this 3ds max for more than 14 years so it is too difficult to use blender with the same shortcuts that it has it has a really different muscle memory and 14 years with memory the memory i think it doesn't worth it using it's a default shortcut so i have a special uh shortcut so you can assign your shortcut from here by removing like that and assign shortcut alt d and that's it you have to create or or in other words you have to change the properties of the visibility of the viewport to be bound this is the most efficient way to manipulate your objects with no problem in the viewport this uh performance you can duplicate like thousands of them and there is no problem at all and the second way is instance parenting and it has a little bit special stuff okay you have this sphere all you need to do is to select the trees that you are going to instance on the sphere and keep the sphere as the parent and you will keep it set parent to object okay and you will notice that we will go to the object properties here you will find instancing you will have two modes vertices and faces of course none there is nothing so we'll go to the object properties which is this orange icon and we will keep it as bounce okay and we will go to the sphere again and uh let it on the vertices for example and you will see that there is this beautiful cloud that we don't know why it's positioned here that's because the origin of the sphere is not in the origin which is zero zero zero okay so we will just go to object we are selecting the sphere right now object and apply the location and you will find that the trees is being placed but it is still shifted because the tree must be on the origin too so you'll have to uh keep the tree on the origin move it to the origin so we will go for uh y and we will set it zero and it will be placed properly if you move the tree you will see that it is being shifted so you need to keep the origin of the sphere or the distributing plane or whatever you are using to be uh having the location to be on the origin or zero zero zero and also the tree itself as an object with the base of it uh or the origin of it to be on zero zero zero okay so it you have the trees on the right position so to see the trees in the viewport you can go for cycles and enable the viewport rendering and you will find it rendering a little bit fine for for its intensity okay we will turn on all our stuff so it will compile a little bit it didn't take time great this is my settings i change always like that you can copy that and uh we will go for the environment and we will put the amazing sky texture and as you can see that we have a lot of trees but they are not too much they are like hundreds so uh can blender handle thousands of them yes you can use this way to handle hundreds of thousands maybe three hundred thousand is enough maybe three hundred thousand is the maximum if we can say uh in that case because the of the display the most important thing is the display not what you are going to render not the count his account is is not important at all so you can keep the sphere also as pounds and you can subdivide it uh let's try the subdivision surface and you will find that the count is being affected by the subdivision surface so you can uh disable this in real time and you can subdivide like six times there is no problem uh okay six times in the render i mean and let's see the rendering okay it's being calculated right now so it is synchronizing this object and we will see like hundreds of thousands of trees right now uh we are go waiting for the result because it will be a little bit crazy but as you can see it is it is it is rendering really amazing oh very exciting really amazing with just one gig of memory it is it started uh it is rendering anyway it will be slow of course because of the amount of things that you are rendering right now they are overlapping too much so the post racing and also i guess the the pocket size is quite obnoxious it is too small so we will escape that okay we will cancel the rendering hopefully it does cancel i'm i'm really getting crazy it says that it we have 10 hours of rendering but that's not true i tried to render uh this count was this way and it rendered in barely 50 seconds i don't know why it takes too much time maybe because six is too much maybe we can keep it five we have level uh five levels in the viewport it will perform poorly of course uh but if you want you are just like stuck in that you can do that you can render these crazy renders as you can see that we have a cube full of trees it's about 300 000 or something and i actually let them render into viewport first then i rendered and it came okay there's no problem but as you can see that the display will uh crash if you are going to subdivide it here it is oh not very corrupt no it didn't crash it just took some time to translate that and we have like uh let's say oh god 507.9078 can you see this number it's crazy and the memory is just 616 and we are recording all that stuff is crazy you can see what you have so you can turn off just the real time and it will render fine but it it is above 500 uh like half a million of trees right now uh so it is crazy you can you can render that in blender and i've i've rendered it uh perfectly in 50 seconds and there is no problem but it was 300 000 which it wasn't that much like 500 000 here let's see the second way 0.5 we want to scatter these trees on this plane simple you will go to edit preferences and activate this add-on which is called the scatter it has this kind of object and you just check mark that it's official it's from blender itself and it's really amazing it does a good job so you will have the object scatter tool here and you may use it like that you will select the both trees first and then select the plane the scattering element that you are going to scatter on just to add some adventure to it let's make a loop cuts and some loop cuts nice loop cuts and then with some fanatical proportional editing we will do like a mall and select those trees on the plane and the scatter objective from here or you can go for object and you will find it there scatter objects the same and here it is okay it doesn't perform so well so you'll have to be a little bit slow for for the stroke that you are putting okay and it has really editing capability that we will see right now so we have density of course this is the density of the trees that you are going to scatter if we are talking about trees now they are 31 000 and it's not a big deal for blender to hold all that but it will uh we will struggle with this tree which is not displayed as bounds so this the display may struggle a little bit and we have the radius the scattering radius and the best about that it doesn't scatter outside the plane if you uh typed like a larger radius like 50 meters or something something crazy and they will scatter around the plane like that because there is no problem and as you can see that the viewport display is not not a big deal right now because there is nothing and you have the rotation i prefer to turn off most of the time because it uses a normal rotation anyway and you can turn off the use normal rotation and it will be upright it will be erect and because trees doesn't lean on the sides not much and you can decrease the randomness if you don't want a crazy variation uh maybe 50 is most of the time does the trick and maybe 30 uh for the tree and the scale is the actual scale of the tree so it is point three if you turned on one it will have this scale and i think a point three is cool uh for our demonstration so and enter let's see how blender will perform it does perform a okay somehow not so bad but i think that we need to uh turn on the bounds for this three as you can see it just struggles a little bit as a as we have mentioned before and the memory is still 510 so this is the major problem in blender it doesn't display a lot of objects if it has a high pulley and as you can see that this is the yellow tree and this is the uh the main tree so you can go for them entry that you have scattered from and keep it as balanced so you have to turn on the balance so you can have this amazing performance there's no problem no problem no problem no problem and you can see that in viewport by going to cycle cycles doesn't have much issue with displaying a lot of details in viewport and not much because we have like 31 thousands right now for the objects here it is like 31 000 as you can see more than 32 000 less than 32 of a bit so it is not a good idea to render them interactively but it is possible okay and it of course rendering them is a breeze not a big deal you just consume like few of them and as you can see it renders really swiftly and i didn't even enlarge as a pocket size yet the most efficient pocket size for optics is 256. even if you have a powerful gpu 256 it does a trick very well it does make a speed uh more efficient and as you can see that it renders like there's nothing it renders too fast uh the gpu is 2 20 80 super so as you can see that it renders uh the scene really quick okay so this approach can handle like hundreds of thousands uh quite well with no problem but you have to uh crunch your display maybe you can leave it in a view layer and hide it if you want like hundreds of thousands using the instance parenting way which is the second way and this is the second wave.5 which is a objective scattering and you can go for view layer and you just hit the eye icon and it will hide the view layer like that you can keep it hidden here but it will render normally one of the things that we have to mention is you can control the instance duplication by faces like we can see here you can you know proportionally edit the faces to be like that it it really does a crazy stuff you can do with this kind of feature that you can instance parent to the duplicates and you can control it really impressively as if it's a particle system but as we have mentioned that you can use this way for just a few hundreds of thousands what a joke but it is really efficient for controlling your objects and even the rotation and orientation of them the third way is the particle system we can get those uh botanic trees as a group it is already done as a group because this amazing add-ons does this automatically which is botanic i actually recommend it and you have two trees okay so you pick the plane go to particle system add a particle system go to the hair and turn on the advanced okay then we will go for render first and then keep it a collection and then go for the collection which is potentic okay and it will scatter the trees right away and let's make sure that the trees are being scattered correctly so let's see what we do have here do we have the two types of the trees are being scattered as you can see but as you can see closely that their orientation is horrible they are sleeping and they want to be interrupted we will wake them up let's go to the trees and rotate them go for one of the trees and on the y-axis keep it pointing to the x this is the best way to describe it just like that and the other three the same way 90 degree um pointing towards the x-axis okay but nothing happened as they are still sleeping we want them waking up so all we need to do go to the object rotation checkbox and keep it on and that's it you have your trees upright somehow they are not so upright they are following the normals maybe you love that maybe you liked it like that but i actually prefer that you control the rotation a little bit so you can make it upright so if you want to make it upright you can just make it global z and they will be erect not on the normals as you can see there is no rotation they are all uh upright but if you don't like it you can just keep it as velocity and they will be rotated as you can see from the bouts of the boxes that they are rotated a little bit okay with that way you can render millions of trees in just a few seconds and let's see how we can do that first we will just set the plane to be or the camera anyway to be centered like that as we have done in the intro we will just see it live we'll do it live we'll do it live that is the idea so um let's start scattering them but as i've mentioned before the most important thing is to control your display this is the most important setting so here is the number we can predict um okay before we do that because it's really dangerous you go to the display of the viewport display and just to keep it one percent just a few you don't have to see all of them and put three zeros here craziness will happen and here it is it is being scattered the problem is that uh blender can't be lower than one percent but there is another way to manage these millions was no problem let's see how blender will perform if i told them to render one million object well it start even ctrl enter it's f12 i guess in blender shortcuts someone tell me anyone okay let's see here it is this is real time i didn't do any additions yet here it goes voila of course one million is extremely dense that it looks like a green patch but as you have seen one million and it's it's rendering that's that's quite amazing um okay we can decrease the scale a little bit because it looks a little bit odd and it's too equal because there is no randomness in the scale so we will escape that and as you can see we can render literally in few seconds uh millions of trees was no problem let's see what we can do or set for the scale randomness here like 0.5 or something it will load a little bit it won't be so practical so if you want to do some settings just to keep it as low as possible and try to set your settings so you can see how it will uh perform and we can decrease the scale a little bit so we can see more distinctive uh trees and you can you can go above one million trees of course you you can do that demonstrated that and i actually made the three million trees uh render of the animation that we have started this uh tutorial with so here it is one million trees and you can render them sweatly using blender blender has amazing capabilities so let's last time of course the speed of the rendering is being affected by the pocket size bucket size is too small 64 pixels so it is not so fast uh 256 is the most optimum for the gpu computing in general so as you can see uh it renders really amazingly like there is nothing it renders with no problem as as you can see with just a few memory like 400 megabytes only for all this patch so it is the most efficient as you have seen previously in other ways like object data linking which is the least efficient after too many trials you just have the ability to duplicate like one thousand two thousand objects it was no problem in performance but for the innocent parenting you can like uh hundreds of thousands was no problem also but the most efficient way and as at least the memory consumption it goes to particle system and as you can see we have added two types of trees that means two different entities and there is no problem it renders swiftly and i actually doubt that you need more than one million trees in your in your seat so what is the application for this you can scatter grass across the terrain with no problem but um i actually prefer that you make patches of grass not uh actually a one strand that doesn't cover a lot you you may need like 100 million in that case and i don't know if uh blender can handle all that number it it's a little bit uh you know frightening to try it yeah this doesn't feel safe but this one our this application does prove a lot to us so that's it for the three ways that we are going to use for managing our duplicates instance to scene is really powerful way to manage your um buildings as we are architects we actually do some edits on buildings and all that stuff so if we are going to scatter them the ways that we have seen we needed like um duplicates but we need to control them uh from inside like uh not the trees the trees we don't have to make them edited uh precisely we can just sculpt around and uh if we we need to edit them in some way but for buildings we just need separate parts like this example instance to scene is an incredible way to manage your scenes that you can edit every part in the building for example here and this uh with the same location of everything you will see that the edit is being applied to all the blocks that has been copied it is really fantastic way to manage your groups so uh how we can create one of this and it includes every single object that you can imagine you can even include lighting and cameras and everything that you can imagine instance to see let's make a new scene so we can make it pure so let's assume that we have this kind of collection okay i want to scatter it around so the first thing to do is to get these cubes and make a group or a collection of them by saying the cubes okay and just right click on it instance to scene and voila you have an instance to see and you can turn off the cube's collection and remove the instance that you have newly created and it's in the uh the collection of scene collection okay so you can duplicate like hundreds of them with no problem and you can edit them any anytime by just turning off uh let's create another uh collection and same let's say duplicate or any naming and turn off the collection of the scene or you can name it scene or something cubes and you can edit the cubes you can see that online by just making the duplicates turn on and you can turn on the selection and keep the duplicate collection on unselectable that you can select them and you can see your edits live you can create hundreds of them with no problem and maybe thousands like object data linking because it is the same but as the difference that you have the entities inside so you can control each one individually with anything that you can create modifiers and side modifiers and whatever you like it's really amazing that you have a complete scene but instance to the scene itself so it it creates this nice uh kind of thing the best thing about it that you can attach uh anything to the collection and it will be translated let's see a cool thing is that we can apply like lighting so we are in eevee it's not a big deal and we will get the cursor and add a new lighting and of course we are working on the scene collection so let's put this lighting in the cube's collection and you will find it that it has been duplicated everywhere let's raise it up here it is it's being translated with shadows and everything you have a complete scene that you can manipulate here if you don't want your change to be seen if if it's a large scene or something that it has to be pretty slow to see all updated at once which is rarely happens you can turn off the duplicates and you can see that you can do your edits freely because when you turn off view layer it actually remove it from the memory the last way we will talk about today is linking linking is a little bit good for the people that are working in teams it actually helps you to subdivide the scene to multiple files so everyone in the team works on a certain part and this part will be uh updated as soon as it he works or she works on it so let's link a file i actually gone to a file of a stage that i've actually created uh recently it's a sketch it's not a big deal but what i don't like about merging or appending uh files from blender that it does take some time to be selected not being abandoned as you can see uh one of the things i noticed also that all turned off collections and all that stuff is not turned off in linking maybe because i don't know something but is that what i see if you have something about linking or more information about it just comment about it and we have a discord group you can uh discuss anything is that if you want a certain topics or anything we can discuss it together there in the english chat uh section so here we go we have this uh nice stage and you can't do any controls you can't move you can't rotate you can do anything it's linked so any update you do for the file it will be applied here and that's it it is just like that and it's cool if you have multiple files that is being merged in some way and you render them as a one complete package so it is good for calibration it doesn't do anything with memory i guess it it's not so memory related uh topic or way to do it as you can see here that we have around 40 million triangles because of the i think is this kind of sofas that is being placed in some weird way uh i think that this does uh something with the linked files inside the file that we have linked right now because these are from the interior essentials add-ons as these are in from interior essential add-ons and as you can see that there are crazy amount of cameras that being pointed for i don't know what what they are doing actually it seems like these are the length files and these are the only linked objects as we have done here is that we have many objects here and you can append the file by going into object if you have an object here and i've selected the wall and i will make it local so we'll go for relations make local select the objects and data or materials or whatever you can make it selected objects only and you will find that the wall is being set free right now but for some reason it is too slow to move so i actually yeah because of booleans there are some booleans uh exact booleans that's why uh it is too slow if i made it fast it will be running fast okay i don't know where are they but okay so here we go here you can link your files so let's do a recap here is a scene that i've created recently for a compound and as you can see here is that we have villas i've created two collections one for to do a lot if we turned it on you will find it here and the single lot and i turned off the view layer so i don't have to render them and not to appear and they are of course moved to the origin so you just turn off the view layers and here we go you can see the particle systems everywhere almost everywhere and of course for this uh bamboos right here it is just an object data link that it's it's not um quite manual copying it's not actual instances or uh instance parenting so it's really amazing that how blender handles all these objects at once and as you can see here that we have 23 000 displayed objects right now and i can do an interactive rendering really sweatly without any problem but the problem is that i am recording so it won't be so fast as you can see that i have used all the three techniques for creating this beautiful scene it is not so large it's it's quite nice but as you can see here that we have lots of details uh that you can take close-up shots from down there and there is no problem and here are some photos or renders from the project and here is the outro as you can see that we have flowers trees displacement for the flooring and everything is turned on and the blender doesn't care it renders really sweetly it took about 15 minutes of pear frame to do this so it took some quite a few a few days to render seas seconds but they are precious seconds because this was the start that i actually after leaving this 3ds max this was the first animation i came up with cycles and the blender is amazing guys if you are an architect and you have any questions about blender you can go to discord we have an english chat room there uh you may find it in the home page and the description you'll find an invitation link you can visit us and i'll be happy to hear your questions and suggestions for new videos see you there and see you next time
Channel: خلاط العمارة (Bassem Adel)
Views: 15,192
Rating: 4.8996863 out of 5
Keywords: architecture, 3ds max, blender, عمارة, visualization, viz, 3d, دروس, بالعربي, b3d, blender3d, tutorial, programs, instancing, vray proxy in blender, vray proxy, blender proxy, blender scatter, scattering, particles, memory, paula deen, ytp, rpg, for the first time, funny, comedy, b3d tut, nice, huge, millions of trees, the right way, environments, instance to scene, guru, forest, 1 million troops, davie 504, 9 million, facebook, whatsapp, bas architects, basarchitects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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