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turtle might be bobbin will be on across the park control the taking off coffee and send additional help on fighting don't she's at home [Music] you know got anything wrong your logins taking a shower have two left gloves I have two left gloves ten and ten ninety seven areas control today I'm ten white male dressed as Santa on the roof try to do something to the ship good evening sir what's going on tonight okay do you live at this address all right who are you trying to give something to okay whose crystal control to them right we got a call saying that this nice lady that lives in this house would like you offer a roof good sent me an additional we could use some extra light on this roof all right yeah yeah she doesn't want any users I got these four you've been drinking tonight yeah feeling good huh okay I got this big tree mm-hmm all right we're gonna throw things now okay we got rut well we got the gentleman who'd like to give somebody named crystal some gifts and crystal yeah what's his name I haven't gotten that far yet he said we're gonna have to come and get him hey bro what's your name Santa hey call you Santa yeah Santa you're trying to give Cristal a gift yeah you know crystal me through the tree down I know crystal good girl real good girl what do you got for ya you need see you need you need these then did you drop them only bring them up to you it can help you out yeah we're here we're here to serve here protect him serve right yeah so we're hey sir as far as I'm concerned you're saying it's Christmas I'm at your disposal you tell me what you need these cities to hear you got this one in this one you need these let's go bring him up for you okay you want them what are these the gloves I don't know they're in your deal bro why why we're good we're good you don't want them you don't want them here look I'm gonna put them right here just in case you want them don't don't be doctor knocked me off the ladder I'm just trying to help you were here to help you help me help you I don't know what you're trying to do no I ain't no Scooby dudes like a thing you feel me Santa okay what I need you to do back yeah yes yeah it's tough down off the roof because if you if you stay on the roof say and I'll be honest you have to go to jail but say this could be hard to get down because you don't have a sleigh the ladders on the ground now what do we let's powwow here for a second - here I mean he said he's looking for crystal I think he already found crystal and dinner so I think we're deal with a lot of crystal right now and we're dealing just 51 I want to just do a distract distract hey we're still here to help you brother we're all here to help you when's the snow coming snow yeah I know but for Christmas ask for a white Christmas is it gonna be white this year like Florida snow we have a non-compliant male still in the roof refusing to come down just nope I love Christmas how's that naughty list this year's along it's not long enough x-ray 11 to get at me go ahead not seeing a lot of options on the rear here looks like we have three wires sorry two sets of wires going through the haha unknown if their power copy that I can bring the ladder over to the south end of the fireplace I believe we can probably get on the roof behind there how about that snow report so I still get an answer on that back here you guys can just distract and then keep keep them on that front end for me sounds good where's the I'm a little concerned Oh where's the sleigh in the rain door do we need to put an APB out for them okay you got you got the full team tonight including Rudolph I mean it's not foggy did you bring him or no down the road okay so when you were in the chimney they maybe disappeared maybe yeah you don't remember the last time you saw them you don't remember last time you saw them x-ray all that I'm trying to get on the roof how old are you going it's our expired one in the house I'm not sure about the shed but there's definitely a high-voltage one in the household or have you got any unruly elves this year yeah I've been around the block a lot and I just know that the Santa Claus position is like probably for a few hundred years what's uh what what was your name before you took the position from the previous Santa you didn't that's just a tree brother I'll help you out with some light that's just a tree is this your shadow you're good so yeah where's mrs. Claus tonight yeah yeah yeah sorry about that what kind of nuts you been cracking with that Nutcracker I can't come up you tip the ladder over well if I put it up you gotta kick it down or can I come up and place your nuts no no I'm gonna take the hanging bite I thought it was a true invite for me to come up there and play with your Nutcracker okay no no no what in what facet are you gonna show me the mechanics of her you're gonna you want to hit me with that I mean Vanna I was kind of cooking for an agreeable guy okay I feel like maybe you're a little overworking you seem a little stressed out sitting down is a good time to approach I'll keep you like this as uh as soon as you start approaching yeah let's not throw that though you know that might be them reindeer cotton yeah where'd you get the onesie budget budget cuts this year maybe Christmas spirits down a little bit yeah when Christmas spirit Santa never has a bowtie I've always wondered how how do you get down those chimneys that hole seems pretty small over there hey Santa oh boy oh hey rook distract him please let's see here buddy keep a light in his eye when you drop this firecracker for me a nutcracker okay I'm gonna take this real easy I need you to drop that Nutcracker drop the Nutcracker Hey x11 come up on myself set up on the south side I think this is gonna go bud listen we don't want to taste you or traumatize the kids if I taste Anna he'll you come near me you're getting it stay right there Santa's stay right there keep it light there right there hey 11:00 I don't want if we taste and he's gonna roll off the roof but here yeah it's gonna be real careful you said I hear you hey bud don't you're gonna make you run out of options it is not a whole lot that I can do you feel I'm saying get light on them just get my head out step back step back give him room give them a rung into space hey hey we're okay everyone's okay up here just three guys on a roof three guys on a roof everything's okay everything's okay Sam back up two steps we'll have a conversation just back up two steps to have a conversation back up two steps we'll have this conversation stop back up two steps we'll have a conversation stop back up two steps we'll have a conversation back up back it up get down on the ground get down on the ground down on the ground put your hands out put your hands outside left them to right at you put your hands out to the left and the right of you put your hands out he's got his fingers up right how can I approach you and help you that's a start I'm not gonna approach and help you until you until you put your arms out we will help you it's good not gonna get any better arms out like an airplane arms out like an airplane great cross your ankles cross your ankles Santa cross your ankles Santa you fall asleep okay there we go thank you going right yeah my brother just hang out right well this closed up for me full suit thank you sand are you okay you okay talk to me yes you're okay okay he's okay been maced no cracks we're gonna get we're gonna use and help control ten Adam ten iced got ahold of you ticket to stay late all right you don't roll some water out of the cars ready one in custody mace deployed everyone's code 4 will be working on getting sent off the roof right now sandy got anything underneath this this onesie here that we need to be concerned about searching when we get down there okay hey rook in the house get me milk ASAP hey we got a couple things appear just uh yeah I can stay with him if you want to clear the road all ten Adam ten we're gonna be giving medical assistance to Santa via milk on the roof they said it what's your real names yeah what's your real name talk to me brother tell me how you're feeling okay we're here as you're hurting like crap how are you breathing we're gonna get you on customs we're gonna treat you but I need you just okay [Music] hey partner hey just let you know make him comfortable make him comfortable get it on top his hands a little bit hey Santa just to let you know the female deputy is a registered nurse you're in good hands we got you just keep just keep just keep you're not gonna fight us right yeah okay okay we have a saline wash for you to keep your head down hey partner here's your cuffs I'm gonna I'm gonna keep compliance compliance make him comfortable guys take the fight out of them make them comfortable keep Lincoln I'm still just just here for stability brother keep talking to us let us know what's wrong let's know how you're feeling okay I'm gonna I want you to go ahead and turn on your right side for me we're gonna wash out that left side kids wash out your other sides get you rolled over you're okay you're rolling inside however you feel Lincoln head down blink keep blinking brother thankthank blink you had a blink babe there you go I know it hurts blink you got it blink more milk all right I'm gonna open up your eyelid okay yeah more milk here we go more milk more milk coming in hold on have you ever had mace button your eyes before have you ever experienced that no this is all the spray right yeah you got spray on the side okay I'm gonna try to move your hair out honey so that we're not dripping in your eye continuously okay you breathing okay oh we just making sure you okay okay your your safety is our concern okay all right all right yes sir we're at you were right we're at your speed okay hot peppers do we're at your speed okay we're here we're gonna make it comfortable and it's all gonna pass it's all gonna pass in a very short amount of time all right nurse Megan is back we have towels for you do you want her to apply them or do you want it one in your hand yeah she's a registered nurse do you want an ambulance no okay no sorry's all the bodily fluids you can get out of your system right now good just get it out of the way yes who's gonna wipe you off okay mucus membranes are really pushing everything out to push that that oil I'll rub your back all right there you go do you have it do you have any heart or respiratory conditions of any medical conditions we need to be aware okay keep googan oh not long nope who is that something that should never be said again that is bluegrass 40 Tony Joe White says getting better for you you are you able to sit up right now would you like to sit up looks like you know it looks like you're trying to break into someone's house in Santa and you know now that role is enriching so you know we have we have a - we have a - role here we have a protect and serve we did the server on the protects I mean where did the protect run the server [Music] insert mode you guys if you don't know Tedeschi trucks oh look I'm up we got to check him out yeah you know Brandi Carlile I heard Brandi Carlile yeah he's pretty cute so yeah hey we're all friends now friends now we're definitely on the naughty list yeah I don't want call okay fantastic yeah brownie you gotta go down the chimney to get it where you try to were you trying to get in the chimney dammit Santa you're losing your steam man this is good this is why I mrs. Claus left yeah this may be the last year I mean milk in this bottle I was just gonna squirt it in here it's a saline bottle so it has a little bit straighter shot yeah I'm gonna give it a shot would you prefer that I go get you some towels no I just said my body is fine my eyes hurt like hell okay okay your eyes yeah you'll be good to take control ten Adam ten the other one we're still on the roof we're administering saline and milk standby sorry buddy and I go again try not to shake your hair around too much because all the pepper sprays in your hair I don't want it to come back in your eyes back so here's more milk I'm gonna go grab some more towels more towels yeah you stabilize that ladder for Brooke all right Kayla stabilize that ladder I'll get it from the top okay well doll the West no for a whip don't go over the Nutcracker oh you said you can't okay I'll go over the Nutcracker they don't want at the Macy again you start the whole process over again where I can't go to taser now because you might let on fire that's the problem yeah just relax you're all right we're doing this we're doing this for your comfort we got your hand we get your hands unbound nothing not something that we normally do this one nutcrackers going got it gone get more towels for you see you weren't drinking today doing any drugs right no drugs drinking today okay Hammond's up killed Santa okay here's some dry towels for you I got a no Donald Trump naughty or nice he's on the list I knew it Kellyanne Conway Nautilus you know Obama Michelle Obama brilliant you made it I knew she would love that letter love that woman I do - she's amazing new book just came out I want to say she's probably the best red parka milk tell you can't see little girl I passed a little girl that's milky for you if there's I was the one that was singing the white Christmas down there what about me Oh working on it though I mean I didn't tease you though I yeah a little just a little bit of leeway on that one you didn't roll off the roof yet I'm just why I'm here still yeah we still haven't gotten down but there's a chance okay there's always hope what else can we do for you to make you comfortable [Music] beat all the children we got toys for the kids today by the magnet or dress speaking of Santa we had a toy drive today I'll show you and we haven't we have a literally a trunk full of toys a truck full of toys yeah we still have one of the units good obvious leg or sack Cruiser what hurts Robert better just to kind of white press my sacks not big enough so a Trump full of toys trunk not trunk oh oh sorry trunk ah be very clear trunk you're add milk without the cookies I love me cookies despite a little spicy milk tonight yeah it's kind of like a cinnamon eggnog coming around of sorts yeah it looks like there's some when you shine to the right look like annals lower eyelid it's still some these guys I'm kind of thinks it's really swollen you may have some debris in there can you look down for me to the end if you can to the right to the left and then in we you do look like the real thing are you sure you're not a bull the real sin is what he is what I was blaming I mean I know you told us that but for real you the real one yeah absolutely that's not a ended up here control well because you know our hope is going the start is starting to let up you feeling better than you were about five minutes ago okay all right making progress slow progress we get we had nothing but time here so he said when he arrived here he did have this laying all the reindeer so we may be willing to put an APB out for that he said Rudolph is also hooked up okay tonight we expecting foggers he's just part of the crew now are you just using him all willy-nilly but still making fun of him and his family and just using him at your disposal or yeah it's true I've always wanted know you've always hated them which I'm always surprised about because with Santa drinking so much your nose is so is just about as red no Rudolph I got you here beyond control tonight n hard drag the sleigh up and he shows up and Rudolph always got all I can do is if you can just 21 the North Pole and let him know what's going on these are like a celebrity shows up late right yeah thanks think Suzuki doesn't smell eats all the crap glitter yeah I thank you an update Santa is still uncuffed for compassion compliant and we're still administering milk towels well we have wait a second we don't the question if we get you off this roof are you still gonna be compliant I mean yeah you're not gonna fight us right we we on the same page I'm willing to help you out here you know I don't really want to press charges on Santa you're beautiful rather to see you walk home tonight I think kind of worried I think I think I think I think you've received with a punishment enough for being on the right face it's no longer hair it's wire so I tell you what if you give me your word that you're gonna be compliant I'll give you my word that we won't have any charges right now it's not really trespassing since you're just on you haven't gone trespass mmm I don't think the whole the homeowners is the greenest lady I don't think she's gonna want to press charges a simple a simple trespass no criminal charges you're not gonna be under arrest you're gonna be okay all right you guys aren't need take your time hey there's no rush to sit up we're still here yeah let's see how we feel when we stand up how do we feel we don't feel like swinging right you have more experience in a group that we do I understand I'm very I'm very uncomfortable in a roof you have like hundreds of years on a roof experience so then I end up with this beside the house revision right now Santa's are you seeing watercolour can you can you make able to get safely down the ladder okay we're gonna yeah we're gonna guide this process let's just hold a hand here yep you go first you hang out with me all right you feel stable okay all right brother come this way here take God take my hand here oh they'll grab your wrist then the girls just walk okay he's he's Santa you're the only professional on this roof alright alright alright alright you are gonna be free to go but just not quite yet we're just gonna get Nate we're get your name and your information real quick we're just gonna get your name and your information real quick now in trouble not in trouble I think he's just saying you joshing me right now you're joshing me Santa I think he's joking with me now he doesn't want to run okay so what's your what's your first name partner listen I agree no charges Santa said I love your enthusiasm but listen we gotta work together help me help you all the other cuffs go back on okay wrong the cuffs go back on you got them but this is wiry Santa I just need your first and your last name I gotta give you this trespass and you're sitting you're straight as an arrow just get milk and Mason money please can I have it can I have a hand you grab me all right all right all right we're done we're done we're done yeah I think we're playing games now playing reindeer games hold on grab that right hand I got left grab right I got left got it let go grab right I got left there we go there we go okay grab right hand just grab his right hand he's we have clear he's elderly we have him hold his wrist just hold his wrist you got it relax say I need you to relax let's go easy down there easy down let's go easy down easy down we're in control everyone slow down everyone's slow down too disappointing Santa put you on that list brothers and you got warrants Sandee got warrants is that why we're acting like this okay let me double up this control ten out of ten Santa's back in custody I was non-compliant stand by for further mrs. Claus is not gonna be happy Santa Java direct yeah we paying I ping to the north all right guys hey it's real staying over just get him in a warm car okay and let's let him calm down all right say I need your knees under you can you tuck your knees up to your chest for me let's get these knees tucked knees tucked get a roll onto your knees okay there you go now we're gonna help you stand up Jesus and give me some help Santa how many cookie how many cookies are in there Wow let's go back 11 back up I'm trying to trick me Santa get lucky I got it santé still got some fighting on they're calling the big man for nothing all right Sam we're gonna go down to we're gonna go down to the jail we're gonna figure out what your name is okay and I got a present back there for you so yeah it's Christmas time so go ahead turn on button first there you go watch your head button first brother let's kick those feet in okay kick your feet in for me all right in defeat it for me all right guys full booking package for a Santa Claus
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 3,714,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, santa on roof, DBSO, southland bounty hunter, meghan, byron, dbso, cops, sheriff, the cops, cops and robbers, police, cops episodes, the sheriff, cop, cop tv show
Id: DRhRYTu0e2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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