Man Destroys His Spine With One Move...

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the deadlift [Music] an intense full body workout but potentially a dangerous one the back specifically the spine is easy to damage and hard to fix much like an easter egg reputation any exercise including your back requires good form a form that's been honed and perfected over years of expertise while opinions may vary on the technique the general consensus is straight back good ugh with that in mind let me introduce you to the worm chad [Music] but before we tear into this i always try not to directly take content from other creators there are some topics that are just so popular you kind of have no choice you'll never get to cover them but in this case i have to admit i stole the idea shame i know i saw this guy on philly's channel the worm chad and i knew it would be right up your guys street so i just i had to take the idea but if you want to hear it from the horse's mouth check out phillion's channel he's a really funny guy and look at those golden locks god damn son hopefully he doesn't mind me pilfering the idea these are just my thoughts on the topic with that cleared up let's tear into it [Music] the worm chad a man has gone viral for his somewhat controversial style of deadlifting that is to say keeling over like a deck chair and letting his spine pull the weight up now you might be thinking that this is a skit surely he doesn't do this all the time he's been doing this for years with heavier and heavier weights and somehow progressively worse form he is of course russian though so that clears up a lot [Music] come here come here come here [Music] gives me tingles nothing's more stressful than seeing a man straining to deadlift and just just keeling that spine over obviously the concern here is permanent spinal damage you know a slip disc or just just just imploding in on yourself creating a white dwarf through your own spinal friction i mean dude's in good shape there's no denying that i'm conflicted [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the real logan adamantium spine the thing i find crazy about him is how he has continued to do this over such a long period of time without receiving permanent spinal damage it's baffling i've hurt my back multiple times at the gym just for doing casual stuff with poor back form this guy can do that clearly he's a superior human [Music] come here come in [Music] come here [Music] as if the worm lift wasn't dangerous enough he decides to do it on a deficit one as well really just making sure every single disc in his spine is disconnecting his spine is gonna end up looking like abominations from that hulk movie for clarity's sake i'm not trying to slag the man off he's entitled to do whatever he wants it's his body he's not hurting anyone other than himself he isn't encouraging anyone to try out this technique and he's not scamming anyone in the process he's clearly just looking to carve out some kind of internet fame for himself his name is literally worm chad it's a complete troll just a very dangerous one for his body all i will say is that i hope he's careful and doesn't take it too far nothing would be sadder than receiving permanent spinal damage for the sake of chasing internet clout it's not worth it i will give you one bit of advice though mr chad if you're watching this video add hashtag shorts to the title or the description we've seen how successful people can be with shorts i would advise you to do that i have to wreck on a few statements i just made he has a paddle on apparently uh so he's training someone up in the way of the backsnap so let's see what he has to say he will be the one that is [Music] trying to enter snap city [Music] level [Music] until [Music] is this healthy it is it's healthy ladies and gentlemen worm chad has confirmed it and we shan't question anything more than that [Music] oh it's just painful to watch it's like watching the hunchback of notre dame deadlift i'm predicting now that there'll be someone in the middle of typing out well at least he's working out unlike you keyboard warriors sitting behind your laptop i'll tell you right now that doing nothing and sitting behind your keyboard is probably more beneficial for your body than permanent spinal damage so you're incorrect there sunshine everyone everyone gets so ag can't just we're just friends talking now looking at all of this crazy deadlifting it got me to thinking was there any more crazy deadlifters out there on the internet i searched high i searched low and i ended up coming across this guy let me introduce you to worm chad squatterman 9000. [Music] aah [Music] he is the apex predator now it might look stupid to the untrained eye but this man is managing to mix together two different exercises the deadlift and the squat it's a magic trick as well sitting on the invisible chair it is an unimaginable level of multitasking that us mere men can only dream to aspire to it's safe because he's wearing a belt i looked for actual hours to try and find more crazy dead lifts and there just wasn't really any i guess the types of people that do crazy deadlifts don't live for long enough to post to youtube it's the only conclusion i could come to like there are plenty of crazy dangerous or uh poor deadlift forms but like that's not really what i wanted this to be about i wanted to be like crazy but that was kind of all i could find if you find any more link it to me and i'll talk about in a different video or something or if there's just anything else crazy you want to see let me know and i'll make a video about it and i'll send you a dinosaur fossil thank you so much for watching this video that concludes it again check out phillian's channel if you haven't already he makes some great stuff that i'm sure you'll love he's a very funny guy like and subscribe if you want to see more regular videos and i look forward to seeing you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 775,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Totallypointlesstv, wormchad, worm chad, crazy workout, deadlift, how to deadlift, how not to deadlift, worlds craziest deadlift, bizarre deadlift, weird workout, funny workout, phillion, the worm chad, The Weirdest Workout On The Internet, Worm Chad Enters Snap City, snap city, gym fails, poor form, crazy workouts, funny workouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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