Double Episode: Don't Swindle Off My Grief | Paternity Court

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Ms. Clay Edmond you are in court on behalf of your son, De'Anthony, who tragically died in a car accident. RASHON CLAY EDMOND: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You want to prove that he is not the biological father of the defendant's two-year-old daughter, Da'Bria. You say Miss Rudolph is trying to swindle money from the family and you have evidence to prove another man is the father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Rudolph, you say this baby was planned by you and the deceased, Mr. Clay and you are adamant he is the father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Clay Edmond, why do you believe she's claiming this baby is your son's? 'Cause she's a gold digger and she's looking for somebody to take care of her baby. And that's the only reason? That's the only reason I can see at this point. And so, elaborate, ma'am. The day my son died, it was tragic. So, the next day, I gets a call from Ms. Rudolph, through Messenger Facebook claiming that my son, which died the day before, that he was the father of her, then, one-year-old, gonna be one-year-old, at the time. Did your son ever say anything about the baby, a one-year-old? No, Your Honor, I didn't know anything about the baby or her, Ms. Rudolph. JUDGE LAKE: And were you and your son very close? CLAY EDMOND: Yes, Your Honor. We was very close. When she first came to me, yes, I wanted to accept the baby because she said it was my son's baby. I'm hurting. Anything connected to him, I wanted to be a part of. So, when all of this went about we accepted the baby. We put her on the obituary. We bought her things for Christmas, we did all of that. Then after all of this went down, that's when we started getting messages from different people saying that she was doing this for money. That it was another young man named on the birth certificate and the little baby had another man's name. Okay, that was a mouthful. Ms. Rudolph were you in a relationship with De'Anthony? Yes, Your Honor. And you all were in a relationship for about how long before his passing? Four, five months. And you say he lived with you. Yes, Your Honor. Were you aware that your son was living with a woman? No Ma'am. No Ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Continue. He moved in with you... And you say, you planned this baby... Both of us planned to have this baby. No, they were not around. No, I did not meet them. We both planned this. He was already in a relationship. It's an on and off thing with the previous baby mama. They was at a off. And she just so happened to be the one he dealt with, I guess, as far as whatever. And this is... These are pieces of the puzzle you've put together now, after the fact, because you're saying when your son was alive, he never spoke of this woman... CLAY EDMOND: He never spoke of her. He never spoke of the baby. No, he never spoke of her. But you did testify that when you first heard about Da'Bria you accepted her because you felt like that was a piece of your son. That's what, at first, until the lies came about. JUDGE LAKE: And so, when she first messaged you, you accepted the baby. Yes. You said you started buying things for the baby? Yes. I bought her stuff for the funeral. And then, we also bought stuff for Christmas. JUDGE LAKE: All right. And at what point then... You have tragically lost your son and I am so very sorry for your loss. You lose your son, you find out he has a baby, an almost one-year-old child, and you say, "Well, this is a piece of him, "I am going to embrace this child." CLAY EDMOND: Yes. At what point did things turn bad? When I started receiving phone calls about the other guy being the baby's father. Who was calling you? What happened? I mean, different people that know of her, you know. Like I said, I don't know her, so I can't say. I can only go with, they was calling me. And then, also the fact the guy that's supposed to be the baby's dad... I heard a conversation that... We was all on the three way, and he's telling me about her telling him, she knew 100% sure he was the father before he signed the birth certificate. BRITTANY RUDOLPH: Excuse me. So another man said he was the biological father of Da'Bria? CLAY EDMOND: Yes. RUDOLPH: Excuse me. And your son was not? Yes. And he signed the birth certificate. Yes. Ms. Rudolph how do you respond to that? After I cut him off I had no dealings with him. I got back with my baby's father. And he knew that I was pregnant... The only reason why you did it because you wanna get back with him. So that's why you did what you did. No. You're not gonna stand here and tell this judge, that my son planned a baby with you. He did. He can't take care of himself, so why in the world would he get with a young lady whom he just met and plan a baby? He is not that baby's father because when he asked her, she told him... Wait a minute, you said you'd never heard of Ms. Rudolph. Hmm? You said you'd never heard of Ms. Rudolph. Not to say as for her, it's just a baby. When I went to him I said, "De'Anthony if that baby is yours, "you need to step up and be a father to her, if it's yours." He said, "Mama, I've been trying to talk to this girl "when she first said something about the baby." He's not referring to Brittany. He was referring to me as her. So, "her" can be anybody. All right, I'd like to hear from your witness. Ma'am please stand. State your name for the court. My name is Ashley. Ashley, your last name. Clay. You are... De'Anthony's cousin, first cousin. His first cousin. Sister, all of that. Okay. Best friend, everything. Okay... All right. Everything. I know that there is another guy on the birth certificate. That is not De'Anthony's. Does anyone have the birth certificate here? Yeah, here, I do. You do? JUDGE LAKE: Jerome will you please hand that to me. (JEROME CLEARS THROAT) This is the birth certificate for Da'Bria Taylor Rudolph. Yes, Your Honor. And there is another man listed? Yes, Your Honor. So, did you think about putting De'Anthony's name on the birth certificate since you believe he was truly the biological father, Ms. Rudolph? Um, to be honest, I was gonna take that off and put nobody up there. Yeah, and I also got a picture of the other guy that's supposed to be listed on the birth certificate. Holding the baby. He has a whole bunch of pictures of her. Yes, a whole lot of them. He has a whole bunch of them. But he's not the daddy. It don't matter. All right, let me see this. Jerome will you pass me this evidence... Where does my son fit in all of this? Why didn't he get that chance? Why didn't he get a chance to hold her? Why didn't he get the chance to say this was his baby... So, hold on, hold on. Ms. Clay I'd like you to describe to the court, what is this picture of? That's a picture of Da'Bria as she was an infant, look like, and it says, "Daddy and princess." JUDGE LAKE: Why, oh... And that's not my cousin. What is a person to think when they see something like this after you did told me that my son was the daddy? And then I get to see this, and all of this other stuff. So that's why I told her, "Let's do a DNA." And that will cut out the lies that he said, she said that they said. Let me understand this. So you tried to get a DNA test, you requested it? Yes. And you're saying Ms. Rudolph would not respond. We was arguing and she was saying, "I will pay for it." They never came to me saying, can they do the test. (ARGUING INDISTINCTLY) You did not do the test. They never came to me saying, "Let's do the test." It came through an argument. I told them, "Yes, we can do that test." What argument? Through Facebook. Okay, what the argument was about? The lie. The child. The lie. It's never about the child. The child is innocent. The child is innocent, baby. That's what it's about. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) The child is innocent. We're here because you lied about who was the daddy from the beginning. You just don't know what you have done because for one, you've got a whole 'nother family that thought this baby was theirs. That they was taking care of this baby... They never took care of my child. It doesn't matter but you did told these people that. So why would you put his name on there knowing it? Because I was with him. Guess who do things like that. People who don't know who their baby father are. I know who he were. People who don't know who their baby father are. All I want is the truth. And she's not gonna stand here and tell you, my son planned a baby when I know good God doggone well he can't even take care of hisself. I was taking care of De'Anthony. All I want to know is the truth. And the truth being... I'm here cause she's not gonna downgrade my cousin's name. He is not here to support himself. He is in the ground. And I wanna know, if he was here, would you have told him, "This is your baby"? CLAY EDMOND: No. You see, 'cause you did not tell him that when he was alive. All right, all right. Ma'am, I'd like to hear from you, please stand. State your name for the court. I'm Kiara Gaston. Ms. Gaston I can see you were very emotional sitting there. ASHLEY CLAY: Why are you here? I'm here because I was there the whole time, that's why I'm here. CLAY EDMOND: So you were there when he... I was there, Your Honor, when De'Anthony told my cousin he wanted to have a baby girl. He wanted Brittany to have his baby girl. I was there. I was there when she found out she was pregnant. I went with her to the clinic. She called De'Anthony. He was at her house. We all stayed together. He was at the house, Brittany call him and told him she was pregnant. He was happy at first. It's like when he found out he had another baby on the way and she found out that he was talking to other females, that's when he wanted to switch to, um... Switch it up and make it seem like he didn't want the baby no more. That's why she said she didn't want no dealings with him. And they don't even know, they were not there. So at any point did he accept this child? He was still on this earth for almost a year, and the child was here alive and well, did he accept Da'Bria? Did he ever see her, hold her, spend time with her? No, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Never? Never laid eyes on her? CLAY EDMOND: Never seen... He's seen a picture of her. We've all seen a picture of her. I'm talking to the judge. He's seen a picture of her. He wrote me in my inbox before he died and was like, could he see a picture of the baby. When I sent the picture he said... And I have the proof right here, if you want to see it. Yes, I'd like to see that please. Jerome will you please hand me that evidence. He sent you a message that says, "Hey, how you been?" "Um, straight." "Could you send me some pics of your beautiful girl?" Response, "For what?" "I just wanted to see her but never mind, Britt." You presented this evidence to say he reached out to see a picture of the baby. KIARA GASTON: Yes Ma'am. Did you send the picture of the baby? Yes, ma'am. And if I'm, like I'm saying, if it wasn't his baby and if he didn't care, he wouldn't even want to see a picture of her. He wouldn't be studying her, period. Your Honor, I just don't believe he got with her, her, now, and to say, "I want this young lady, right here, "that got other kids, not sure who her baby daddy is, "to be the father of her baby." Come on. Just like she said, he contacted her himself... Who wouldn't want to see a picture... She says this man can't take care of himself. He's staying with my cousin. We, we're teenagers. Of course teenagers are gonna have sex. That's just normal if they staying together. He told her he wanted her to have his baby girl. Come on. He told her that. JUDGE LAKE: All right listen. Can I say something? Yes, ma'am, what would you like to add before we go to the results? My cousin came to me. My cousin was at my house everyday... I'm talking. She wasn't there. Twenty-four/seven, seven days a week. When I got off work he was at my house. JUDGE LAKE: Just a minute. Like I said, he was my brother. He was there. One morning, I wakes up, he's in the living room sitting down. He was like, "Cuz." I'm like, "What's going on, cousin?" He be like, "Man, this girl trying to say she pregnant with my baby." I'm like, "Well, did you ask her is it your baby "or do you feel like it's your baby?" He said, "No." I said, "Okay, well, did you ask her is it your baby?" He said, "She told me no." I said, "Well, okay what kind of chick is she?" He explains to me what kind of female she was. I said, "That's what she is." But I told him, I said... They don't even know me. (ALL TALKING INDISTINCTLY) JUDGE LAKE: But listen, listen... But at the end of the day... Ladies, let's get some order. At the end of the day, through this testimony, what I am finding to be true is that Da'Bria was born, and on two occasions with you Ms. Clay Edmond, his mother he mentioned that there was a baby, CLAY EDMOND: Yes, he did. And with his cousin, Ms. Clay, he mentioned there was a baby. ASHLEY: Yes, he did. He didn't believe he was the father of the baby. Because she told him that he wasn't... And that's why we're here, Your Honor. We're not trying to say that he could never be the dad or nothing like that. JUDGE LAKE: That's my point. Do you want the result? CLAY EDMOND: I do. I do. All right. Let's get them, Jerome. And I want to know if he was alive, would you still let this man... CLAY EDMOND: We're here just to see if this baby belong to us or not. Go ahead, Your Honor. Just be quiet, Ashley. Would we be here if he was alive, Your Honor? That's my whole situation. JUDGE LAKE: All right. That's my whole... I'm like... Ooh... JUDGE LAKE: Do we want to get the result? CLAY EDMOND: Yeah, we want to. All right. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. "Because there wasn't a blood card available "to test the DNA of the deceased, De'Anthony Clay, "we performed a DNA test with his surviving parent, Rashon Clay Edmond." In the case of<i> Clay Edmond v. Rudolph,</i> when it comes to two-year-old Da'Bria Rudolph. It has been determined by this court, the percentage of relatedness between Ms. Clay Edmond and Da'Bria Rudolph is... 99.98% GASTON: Thank you, thank you. Thank you. GASTON: Okay, okay. As are we. Okay well, good, I'm glad. I have closure now. you are suing your mother for paternity fraud and are here to prove that Mr. Moore is your biological father, even though your mother put another man's name on your birth certificate, is that correct? That's correct, Your Honor. Ms. Harms, you're certain Mr. Moore is not your daughter's father and claim her case of paternity fraud is outrageous. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And you plan to prove that today? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Moore is currently waiting outside the courtroom. We will hear from him in a moment. But first, Ms. Robinson, why did you wait 36 years to come to court? Honestly, Your Honor, I don't feel that I'm the one that waited for 36 years. I feel that my mom waited 36 years to help me find who my father is. And I have always, you know, tried to ask her about my father. I guess it was a part of her past she didn't just wanna bring up, so it always got pushed to the back burner, or I was told, you know, get the hell out of her face, leave her alone, don't ask any questions about it, you know who your dad is. CATHLEEN: She's lying. I've always told her who her dad was and to my knowledge... JENNIFER: Who? Who was supposed to be my dad?'s not Mr. Moore. I had already moved on. But the other guy that she says is my father, I look nothing like. And she doesn't look like him either. JENNIFER: I look like him. CATHLEEN: I have never kept secrets from her, Your Honor. I've always been honest to the best of my ability to her. That's not true. We were supposed to come here weeks ago and my mom, for some reason, she was nervous. It wasn't that I was nervous. I just didn't wanna come here at that time to listen to any more of their lies. Yeah. You, nobody want to deal with the past, but I'm the past. Because, Ms. Harms in your mind you're saying, "I know who your father is and I already told you." CATHLEEN: Yes, ma'am. I had already moved on. He is not your father. When you say you had already moved on, explain that. You're saying you moved on from... From Mr. Moore. I never thought he was the father because I had already moved on, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, you're saying you got pregnant after you already moved on away from him, so there's no way he could be your biological father. So you didn't even feel like there was any reason to entertain that? Yes, Your Honor. And Ms. Robinson, why are you so convinced that he is a possibility? Your Honor, I'm convinced because I've heard a lot of rumors in the small town we're from in Arkansas. Everybody says that this man is my dad. You know, he's always came to me and said he is my dad. JUDGE LAKE: Really? But the thing was I was always being sent with the other man. So... CATHLEEN: Excuse me, Your Honor, that's another lie. She has never been sent... Yes, I was being sent... ...with another man. another man's mother's house. No, you are... No, you were not. That is a lie, Your Honor. I don't know where she's getting this from? Who is my grandma? Your Honor, what is she saying? Rumor has it, that's... Oh, what? Does she think she look like Mr. Moore? Yes, I do. Why? Because his nose? She's got a normal nose, Your Honor. No. It's not a normal nose, Mom. So, when did you first hear about Mr. Moore being a possible biological father? The first time I heard about it was kind of weird because I was young and I was just told that he's not you're father. CATHLEEN: Your Honor, excuse me. If she thought that, why would it take 36 years? Because no one lets me talk, as you can see right now. JUDGE LAKE: Wait, I want her to finish the story 'cause I... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Nobody lets me talk. I mean, never. What kid doesn't wanna know their father? What little girl doesn't wanna know her daddy? JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, I wanna understand this.</i> <i> You were told specifically,</i> Mr. Moore is not your father? Yes, by my mother. Did you ask the question? How did this come up? She had just told me one day because, you know, I used to go back and forth from Michigan to Arkansas. So, I guess, she felt that if I went down to Arkansas I might see him. JENNIFER: She came to me and told... JUDGE LAKE: Let her finish. that, "If a Vernon ever came to you "and told you that he was your dad, "tell him to get out your face, leave you alone, "and he's not your father," so... JUDGE LAKE: And that's Mr. Moore? Mr. Moore, yes. So, you were told as a child, if someone comes up to you and says he's you're biological father, just tell him to get out your face? Get out my face, leave me alone, you're not my dad. And it's like, "Who is Vernon? Who is Mr. Moore?" JUDGE LAKE: Did you ask that question? Not at the time. I was a kid. I just listened to what she said. JENNIFER: My whole life has been very ill it really has. JUDGE LAKE: I understand. You know, I often say in this courtroom, when people say to me I did not have my father and I felt like there was a missing piece. I say it because I have had my father, and he is loving, and kind, and my number one fan, and I could not imagine my life without him in it. And that's all I want. JUDGE LAKE: And when you say I never had that, I feel for you, because I know what you're missing, I really do. And I see the tears in your eyes even at 36. JENNIFER: Other people take it for... I'm glad that you can say you had your father, but you have empathy to know how I can feel about it. JUDGE LAKE: Absolutely. Because a lot of people that have their fathers, they look at me like, "I don't even like my daddy." "Girl, you're better without him." No, I could better with him, because I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I set up and got with somebody at 17, about to get out school, had a baby. That stopped me from going to the Air Force, really just ruined my whole life. I love my daughter. She didn't ruin it. I did by making a mistake like they did. I'm 36 years old. I deserve to have a father. My kid deserve a grandfather. My grandson deserves a great grandfather. I never said she didn't love me, but if you really love your kid, my love is a little deeper than that, and I'm gonna do anything for mine. CATHLEEN: I'm sorry, Your Honor, but don't believe that sympathy role. Her and Mr. Moore are compulsive liars. How am I a compulsive liar when I never had a dad? I raised my daughter. I got pregnant at 15. JENNIFER: How was that a lie? CATHLEEN: I raised you by myself, without a dad. Yes, she has the right to know who her dad is, Your Honor, ma'am, but I don't think it's Mr. Moore. Okay. I wanted to submit some evidence, Your Honor that I think helps me prove that he is my father. Okay. JENNIFER: First I have... The gray hair. JENNIFER: A birth certificate. This is a birth certificate, you said? JENNIFER: Yes, that was my original birth certificate right there. On the father spot, it has a signature. <i> Now, when I looked at that,</i> I seen that the signature looked new. It didn't look as old as my mom's signature on there. But I'm a kid, so I went along with it. Last year I needed to get a new ID. <i> So, I go to get a new ID</i> and they told me that my original birth certificate there was not good enough. I needed to get the new one. When I got the new birth certificate, it did not have a father's name on it, not at all. JUDGE LAKE: Really? So, that lead me to believe... Your Honor, where is this new birth certificate? JENNIFER: I sent it in. Because I've never heard of it until now, Your Honor. JENNIFER: I sent it in. CATHLEEN: She's lying again. So, that's the...that's the other man's signature on that birth certificate? CATHLEEN: <i> I know</i>■<i> that handwriting.</i> It looks like... He told me he did not sign a birth certificate for me. Who are you saying forged it, Ms. Harms? Ms. Robinson. Oh, you think your daughter forged a name? Yes, ma'am. You gave me the birth certificate when I was 12. I didn't give you that with no signature like that. Mom, it had a signature on it when you gave it to me. I didn't give you that when you're 12, You Honor. When they got to a certain age, 18 and up, that's when I start giving my kids their birth certificates... So, wait, when you gave it to her, does it have a signature or doesn't it? Yes, it does. No, ma'am. Whatever. And I also have evidence why I think we look alike. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, this is a picture of...</i> JENNIFER: <i> Me and Mr. Moore.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> You on the lef and Mr. Moore on the right.</i> And I also have another picture of our noses, Your Honor, when I was younger. JUDGE LAKE: <i> This is side by side.</i> <i> Every time I look in the mirror</i> ever since I looked at his pictures, I feel like Mr. Moore with a wig on, so if that ain't what it is, I need to be proved wrong today. And Ms. Robinson, you have premature graying. JENNIFER: Yes, that's why I covered it today. JUDGE LAKE: And you say Mr. Moore had it. All over his head ever since the first time I ever saw him when I was 12, that man had gray hair already. And so you submitted evidence that states, "Individuals who have a family history "of premature gray hair have a higher risk "of having premature gray hair themselves." JENNIFER: I don't have a daddy to compare that with. I don't know his history, so how would I know it came from my father? So, I want to know who my father is. I feel this man is my father. He's saying he's my father. God, I look like him. What more do you want? How did this relationship with Mr. Moore begin? What was your relationship with him? Young, dumb, stupid. My mother was never there, and I'm running around young like a chicken with her head cut off, searching for love, and got caught up in a web that I'm regretting to this day because throughout all this, Your Honor, my daughter has suffered and I'm here today just to try to help her out and stop some of this suffering. But she don't think he is my dad. CATHLEEN: No. Not at all. JUDGE LAKE: <i> But you admit to a sexual relationship with him.</i> CATHLEEN: <i> Yes, ma'am.</i> How long was this relationship? Oh, Your Honor, I'm so old now. JENNIFER: You know, this is the thing. Your Honor, this is what it is. Everybody put it to the back of their minds. CATHLEEN: It wasn't that long. I would say maybe couple of years at the most. Actually, Mr. Moore has joined us today. JENNIFER: Thank God. He is here in court and Ron, I'd like to have you escort Mr. Moore into the courtroom. RON: Yes, Your Honor. CATHLEEN: You shouldn't be. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you. The witness stand over there. JENNIFER: Don't think you're just a miss. He always told me he was my daddy. CATHLEEN: The gray hair you have like your dad. Right. JUDGE LAKE: Hello. Thank you for joining us. You know, we're here for Jennifer, Ms. Robinson, and she's indicated through her testimony that you believe you are her biological father, do you? Yes, ma'am, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You do? Yes. Tell the court why. Well, Your Honor, she used babysit my sister's kids, and I used to go there a lot, and we were having sex a lot. It wasn't no little bit, it's true. And so, a few months later, I noticed a pouch on her belly. I said, "Are you pregnant?" She said, "Yeah." I said, "Could it be mine?" She said, "It could be, maybe not." Because I already knew about somebody. That is a lie, Your Honor. I'm sorry. How do you mean about pouch? Boy, please! (INDISTINCT CHATTER) What are you talking about? Hold up. Hold up. She ain't yours! And that gray hair you got don't make her yours either. Okay, Ms. Harms, let him finish his testimony. Later on, I heard her father say whoever got her pregnant he was gonna do something to him. I kind of backed off a little bit. I wasn't afraid, but I backed up. I wanted to be in her life but she took her away when she was like four or five. Then got married, ran off. I always have said she was my daughter because she looked like... JUDGE LAKE: You just believed it? I believed it because I was there... Because you were there, and when she got pregnant, you knew it was around the time that you all were having all that sex as teenagers. I was there a lot. Young and dumb. Young, and dumb, and wild. Okay. That's enough of that testimony. We can move on to the next point. I get it. VERNON: Yeah. So, the point was you remember the timeframe. VERNON: Yeah. Yes, ma'am. I hate that I wasn't in her life a lot, you know. I missed it, you know what I'm saying? Because I really missed you... JUDGE LAKE: And I can see that that hurts you. Yeah. Did you try to be involved in Ms. Robinson's life? VERNON: Yes, I did. How? VERNON: I talked to her grandmother a lot. Like, one time she... I said, "How Jennifer doing?" And she said... When she need something, I gave her $50 then. I wasn't making a lot of money but she, you know, had to, you know, to back me up. And so you would inquire about Ms. Robinson? VERNON: Yeah, I would. JUDGE LAKE: So, earlier in Ms. Robinson's testimony, she said that at seven years old or so, her mother basically said to her, "When you're in Arkansas, "if a man named Vernon," which is you, Mr. Moore, "comes up to you and says "that he's your biological father, "tell him to get out your face and leave you alone." JENNIFER: Uh-huh. Hmm. JUDGE LAKE: Why do you think she'd say that? Because I didn't have anything to do with her no more. JENNIFER: And when I'd seen him when I was 12 that's exactly what I told him. JUDGE LAKE: You remember that day? VERNON: Yeah. I remember. JENNIFER: He pulled up on me. I was walking to the store, he said, "Hey, girl, I'm your daddy." You said, "I'm your daddy"? Yeah. I said, "What's your name?" He said, "Vernon." I'm like, "Oh, that's Vernon. "You ain't my daddy. My mama told me "to tell you to leave me alone." He said, "Girl, I'm your dad, your mama crazy." (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) He handed me like 200 something dollars. I went and bought fireworks and pizza. VERNON: Ms. Harms... That was a lot of money to me. VERNON: Because, like I said, I broke her heart, okay? That's what it's all about. You say you broke her heart? VERNON: That probably what caused that. I moved out with somebody else, you know? And plus, I'd been hearing about she was sleeping with this and that, you know. I was, too, so, I... Hey, I just moved on. And so how were you feeling when you hear this testimony? When you hear, this man, your whole life he thought he was your biological father. He even rode up on you and said, "I'm your daddy." How does that make you feel? I feel happy about it because somebody's actually trying to claim me when I feel like I was just a piece of trash on the side nobody wanted to claim. And I feel like I look like you. VERNON: I agree. Clear as day. And I'm sorry I wasn't in your life a lot. And I really wanna know. I really wanna know. And we have those results for you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) JENNIFER: Oh, Lord. VERNON: Good. JUDGE LAKE: Yes. VERNON: And they'll match for sure. JENNIFER: Oh, nervous. I'm nervous. Oh, Lord. JUDGE LAKE: The envelope, please, Ron. (SOBBING) Yeah, I hope he is my daddy. I really do, because I really need a dad. I really, really do. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Robinson v. Harms,</i> when it comes to 36-year-old Jennifer Robinson, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Moore, you... ...are not her father. VERNON: Mmm. Oh, my God. Then who is my daddy? CATHLEEN: Who'd I tell you it was? Oh, you think his gray hair was gonna do it. (SOBBING) (INDISTINCT) JENNIFER: Are you serious? I can't believe this. CATHLEEN: You don't know what my life is so don't speak on it, because I wasn't with no whole lot of men. Oh. You were just the first one way down the road at 15. I cannot believe he's not my dad. CATHLEEN: I tried to tell, he ain't your dad. But, no, I'm the lying. So, let's go get done with it and come right back here, and do this again. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) JUDGE LAKE: Listen. My courtroom is always open for you, Ms. Robinson. If there is someone else you'd like to... JENNIFER: Are you serious, Vernon? So, I'm really just nobody's child. I still will help you like I said I would. Oh, my God. I cannot believe this. JUDGE LAKE: We have counseling for you and resources. I wish you all the very best of luck. Please help your daughter. CATHLEEN: Yes, ma'am. Help her. Oh, yes, ma'am. Court is adjourned. Jennifer, can you come up to the bench, please? Come up to the bench, sweetheart. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Ms. Robinson, take a breath. I saw in your eyes you had convinced yourself and you really wanted this to be true, sweetie. I know.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 252,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: T25Go9mfMhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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