Man Comes To Adopt Pit Bull At Shelter, But She Refused To Let Go Of Her Best Friend

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man comes to adopt pitbull at shelter but she refuses to let go of her best friend one day a man walked into the rocket dog rescue in San Francisco to look for a dog to adopt he quickly fell in love with a three year old pitbull named Meryl when it was time to pick her up the shelter ran into a bit of a problem Meryl wouldn't leave her best friend behind the volunteers at Rock and Dog Rescue dedicate their time to save unwanted and abused dogs from overcrowded shelters their mission is the stop dogs from getting euthanized they regularly rescue dogs that don't have the best luck getting adopted in 2014 the rescue took in a sick pitbull in an older Chihuahua the two pops wouldn't leave each other's side Marylyn her 8 year old chihuahua fran taco were brought to Raqqa dog rescue together the volunteers knew nothing about the dog's owner but they did know that the two dogs were best friends they were together all the time and if they ever got separated they'd crying soon enough the shelter truly understood how deep their bond went at the time of their surrender Meryl had a horrible urinary tract infection and needed a surgery to save her life taco was restless and anxious the whole time Meryl was in surgery when Meryl got out of surgery the volunteers tried to put her alone so she could heal faster but it would prove to be extremely difficult the Jew dogs wouldn't stop crying for each other so the volunteers put taco in the recovery room with Meryl taco was loyal and attentive the entire time he was with Meryl the volunteers couldn't believe how committed the dogs were to each other but they also couldn't help but wonder if their bond would harm them in the long run from past experiences the volunteers knew that dogs that were bonded were harder to adopt because most people aren't able to adopt two dogs at once hoping to find homes for the dogs the shelter listed taco and Merrill separately on the shelter's website older dogs tend to be a lot harder to adopt out so no one seemed interested in taco but Merrill was an entirely different story one day a man walked into the shelter hoping to adopt a dog he immediately wanted Merrill as soon as he saw her after filling out all the paperwork it was time to bring her home but as soon as Meryl was taken out of the cage well taco was still inside it she began howling and wouldn't stop the man was obviously confused that's when the volunteers told the man that taco and Meryl were the best of friends and didn't want to be away from each other the man understood their situation and agreed that they needed to stay together sadly the man couldn't take in two dogs so he chose another dog instead the shelter realized they needed to change their strategy eventually the staff came to the conclusion that it would be best for both dogs if they were kept together they updated their listing on the website and an amazing volunteer named Jody offered to foster them until the best friends found a home it wasn't long before the answer to their prayers showed up a family from San Jose stumbled across the shelter's website and fell in love with taco and Merrill's story they went to Jody's to meet the pops and instantly wanted to make them family it was time to bring them to their new home and they couldn't have been more excited to leave together but their journey wasn't over yet because of his age taco had quite a few health problems he had asthma and dental disease which left him with only four teeth those were just little things that the family could handle but once the family brought taco to the vet a month later they realized that things weren't looking so good for taco the vet informed the family that tacos heart was enlarged and his lungs were filled with fluid if something wasn't done for taco his heart would eventually fail him immediately taco was put on medications while he was scheduled for a visit with a specialist the family hoped for the best but ultimately they prepared for the worst tacos family knew because of his age he may never recover but they gave him a fighting chance and showered him with lots of attention and love just like taco Merrill wouldn't leave her best friend soon enough taco began feeling a lot better tacos health became stable and he was no longer at risk for heart failure taco still has respiratory problems and will need to take anti-seizure drugs and steroids for his lungs for the rest of his life but don't you think for a second that that would stop taco from playing with his best friend and human family since Merrill is a young adult she's really energetic and active she enjoys rolling around in the grass and running around in her family's yard even though he can't play like Meryl taco still finds his own way to join in the fun taco loves being carried around by his human siblings to wherever Merrill's playing but more than anything Meryl and taco are just grateful to be together [Music] you
Channel: videoinspirational
Views: 11,353,571
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Keywords: videos, viral, pictures, top10, Home, Page, youtube, trending, video, OMG, diy, hacks, Man, Comes, To, Adopt, Pit, Bull, At, Shelter, But, She, Refused, Let, Go, Of, Her, Best, Friend, This, When, Came, Bul, Wouldn't, Leave, The, Without, Chihuahua, He, Was, Protecting, So, Owner, adopted, Cries, Buddy, Gets, Adopted, They, Went, Lovely, And, Discovered, That
Id: TbaYj9-ZvJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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