This Cat Kept Kidnapping The Neighbor’s Puppies Then They Discovered The Jaw Dropping Reason Why

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this cat kept kidnapping the neighbors puppies then they discovered the jaw-dropping reason why when one woman saw a cat with a little puppy in her mouth she immediately thought the worst however as she watched she realized that the animal was stealing the baby and taking it home what's more the reason was completely heartwarming in Maysville South Carolina a group of neighbors had grown concerned about a local cat moreover it seemed that they had good reason to be worried that's because each day the cat would run across the trailer park in which she lived and grab a puppy with her teeth we came home one night and there were five puppies missing the dogs worried owner Missy grant told it's a miracle in 2001 I said where did five puppies go I was hunting them and then my neighbor said she saw Miss Kitty stealing them indeed while their mother wasn't looking the cat had snatched the puppies away from their home and dragged him into a trailer now that the pups were hidden from public view no one would know what she was doing with the innocent little lives things were not quite as they seemed though while Miss Kitty the cat and her canine neighbor smoochie had lived together for some time they largely kept themselves to themselves but while they had mixed much with each other up until that point one day their lives were inextricably interwoven the owners of Miss Kitty had discovered that the ginger cat was pregnant and so they helped to prepare her for becoming a mother yes the fluffy cat couldn't wait to welcome her kittens into her world that's when disaster struck after she gave birth Miss Kitty sadly lost every one of her kittens and as you'd expect the traumatic ordeal left the cat completely distraught of course it isn't unusual for cats to lose a small percentage of their litter but for first-time mom such as Miss Kitty kit mortality rates are even higher there are indeed a number of reasons why kittens may not survive nevertheless Miss Kitty's world was shattered by the deaths of her babies the crestfallen cat was completely lost in her grief and her maternal instincts had already kicked in her sole purpose in life was to be a mom but unfortunately fate had other ideas however something incredible was about to happen around the same time as Miss Kitty's kittens died smoochy gave birth to a litter of adorable cocker spaniel puppies much to the dismay of Miss Kitty though the dog had no interest in her own babies smoochy didn't want anything to do with the puppies at all Miss Kitty and smoochies owner Ryan Grant told it's a miracle they'd be lying around at smoochies house outside she would just drag them around with a chain and pay them no attention even their whines didn't mean anything to her as with cats it's not uncommon for dogs to reject their litters moreover there are many reasons why they may do so from puppies being too weak to a mother being too inexperienced in addition dogs basically decided that they've given birth to more puppies than they could look after whatever smoochies reasons though she didn't want anything to do with her little ones however thankfully the puppies had an adoptive mother waiting in the wings indeed having noticed what was going on Miss Kitty decided to take matters into her own paws that's when she began stealing the puppies but her intentions were far from sinister instead she'd take them somewhere quiet and nursed them yes thanks to Miss Kitty and her leftover milk the little dogs received all the nutrients they needed once more this isn't the first time that cats have been known to nurse baby dogs invent one shelter in LaGrange Georgia has specifically used cats that have recently given birth to feed orphan puppies since the two cats just had litters they're able to nurse shelters supervisor Chris bussy told The Huffington Post in 2016 it's like a motherly instinct the grants neighbor Linda Blackwell admitted the whole setup was odd however she added that the cat was simply fulfilling her motherly duties the mom don't see the kids too much so the cat took over she said moreover smoochy was happy to step aside and let Miss Kitty take over in fact the pooch had something of a naughty side which meant that her owners sometimes had to tire up to stop her from getting into mischief everything seemed to have worked out well nonetheless their owners couldn't help wondering how the puppies would react when they open their eyes to discover that their mom was a cat it was their hope that the bond would disprove that cats and dogs are natural enemies once and for all what's more Miss Kitty's good deeds didn't end there after seeing the cat and her adoptive pups on television one viewer got in touch about two abandoned kittens as a result Kitty's owner agreed to take them on so the cat could feed them too so although Miss Kitty missed out on caring for her own litter she still became a mom and if it hadn't been for her intervention there's no way of knowing whether the puppies would have survived indeed not only did Miss Kitty give them food but in some ways she gave them life as well
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Keywords: Facts_Box, videos, viral, pictures, top10, Home, Page, youtube, trending, video, This Cat, Kept, Kidnapping, The Neighbor’s, Puppies, Then They Discovered, The Jaw Dropping, Reason, Why, Cat Kept Kidnapping The Neighbor’s Puppies, Discovered The Jaw Dropping
Id: 6-9VolGmZP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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