A big-bellied dog walked shakily, thought it was pregnant, actually it's the reason why be abandoned

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A man found a golden retriever with a big belly on the road It was walking slowly with heavy and sluggish steps At first, he thought the dog was pregnant But the more he observed the more he realized something was wrong It seemed more like it was sick! Dragging its heavy belly it walked with great difficulty It walked and stopped occasionally looking around The man followed it all the way And successfully found its home The dog's cheeks and limbs were very thin Forming a sharp contrast with its swollen belly Through inquiries he learned it had been sick for a long time The owner was unwilling to spend money on treatment and let it fend for itself The man felt sorry for the dog and condemned the owner's behavior He posted the video online Netizens called for crowdfunding to treat the dog After a long communication with the owner he finally agreed to let the man take the dog to the hospital Although uncertain about what would happen next the little guy still wagged its tail happily It was friendly towards the unfamiliar man Its eyes showed helplessness and anxiety It was unusually quiet and well-behaved on the car It seemed to sense that a kind person was helping it The doctor examined it carefully and measured its abdominal girth It was hard to imagine it was living daily with such a heavy body It was diagnosed with ascites! The dog's condition is not optimistic The doctor immediately arranged for intravenous treatment Due to high abdominal pressure direct fluid removal wasn't possible Diuretics had to be used to drain the abdominal fluid Additionally, the dog was severely anemic The doctor provided blood supplements and various nutrients Serum albumin would need to be administered for several days The dog's eyes sparkled with tears It seemed to know it had been saved! A few days later, its belly shrank a bit Its condition gradually improved The man visited it whenever he had time He named it“ Shiwu” On the fifth day of treatment The dog adapted to hospital life Every day at mealtime its little tail wagged excitedly It followed the nurse closely Seeing her carrying a tray It trotted behind her Until the food was placed in front of it The man often took Shiwu out for walks As its belly shrank, its steps became lighter It sniffed the fresh air and eagerly started to run On the eighth day of treatment a lot of the abdominal fluid had been drained It had lost 11 pounds The man took Shiwu home from the hospital Its eyes were brighter after its new lease on life A smile appeared on its face The doctor prescribed many medications for the man to take home for Shiwu's recovery Watching its energetic figure the man felt comforted and moved To boost its nutrition he bought chicken breast for Shiwu The little guy obediently waited to eat It swallow without chewing the man guessed its previous owner never fed it chicken breast Every day, the man took Shiwu for a walk Although its belly hadn't fully recovered it took its medication and urinated daily All of this would take time Under the man's careful care he believed Shiwu would slowly get better Shiwu became very dependent on its new owner and their bond grew deeper The man bought new dog food which Shiwu liked very much Seeing its eager's eyes it seemed to want more from its owner Shiwu's condition improved significantly All thanks to the man's meticulous care Every day, the dog would wake its owner up on time for a walk When the man didn't respond It would get angry and rub his feet vigorously Shiwu loved being petted Its eyes were full of trust and dependence on the man One month later Shiwu's belly had significantly shrunk Without the heavy burden its whole body became lighter It had lost a total of 20 pounds Now, it was just like a normal dog It no longer panted when climbing stairs Its belly could even fit into new clothes From its clumsy appearance to now being lively and energetic Shiwu had made a remarkable transformation! With the man's warm care Shiwu was now enjoying its happy days Every little life deserves to be cherished and cared for Once you decide to have a pet it's your responsibility and duty to take care of it Not to abandon it when it gets sick Shiwu's rebirth is a testament to human kindness and it highlights the importance of valuing and caring for all weak lives We hope that in the future Shiwu will continue to live happily Sharing every beautiful moment with the man!
Channel: Animal Love Shelter
Views: 225,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AZkHq5V2XBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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