Escape From Tarkov Just Scammed Their Players...

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hello guys and gals it's me Maha in talkie time or it could be if the escape from tarov developers weren't a bunch of scumbag scammers now to start off with ladies and gentlemen I really do stand by the definition of a scam in the situation okay now I'm going to show you a piece of footage from a streamer who is showcasing through the Wayback machine escape from tarkov's website okay what what does this say over here free access to all subsequent DLC I know it's a bit hard to read but that was part of something known as The Edge of Darkness limited edition which was at the time escaped from tarkov's most expensive version of the game now if you haven't been following okay I've seen this on my feet all day yesterday escape from tarov and before we continue just to refresh people escape from tarov is a extraction shooter game uh some would say the first of its kind and those people would be wrong because the first extraction game was actually the division's dark Zone but you don't see people talking about that nonsense anyways it's one of the most popular like uh tactical like extraction shooter games the point of it is you play it really slowly you play it with your friends you drop in into like these uh open world zones with uh you know Ai and real players and your whole goal is to do little missions or extract high quality gear and make sure you get out alive there's a bit of a gambling component because you can bring in your own gear and sometimes it can be a lot better than what you would expect and it hurts to lose that gear now the problem with escape from tarov is they've gotten competition other games have jumped in so they're not the only player on the Block so yesterday they decided to release this dog [ __ ] trailer okay now if you're looking at it it's the unheard Edition so they replace that Edge of Darkness with something a little new all right and it ain't it ain't that love now to understand this is an accurate metric this is a YouTube dislike extension uh the API does a little bit of uh guesstimation but yeah it's not really liked okay watch this so they've got this like dog water Unity engine looking trailer here going on which again the game does from my understanding run on Unity not not there's a dog in there but of course what they're advertising is this unheard Edition with a playoff line feature with the boys okay with your friends you can play this Co-op PVE mode so you don't have to deal with the [ __ ] community that is the hacking groups on tarov no wipes no nothing so of course this is by far one of the biggest features the game has to offer so to understand this is something that tarov has been dealing with for a while okay they've actually been against the offline uh single player patch that exists so this is spt Aki meaning if you have tarov give this a try okay buy download this for free because you can play single player tarov by yourself with full progression full everything even with Mod something I'm pretty sure tarov isn't going to allow you to do with the official version okay but you're like B I want to play with my friends too now if you want to play with your friends too ladies and gentlemen there's also other mods as well there is for instance MPT which is an extension to what I showed you which allows you to play spt Aki with your friends all right so yeah if you want to exper all tarov has to offer with its new patch new update that apparently cost money for people who bought a [ __ ] version that said all future dlc's come for free yeah then then you can just do that okay now I want to show you how much this dog water costs okay you might be like well mood maybe maybe maybe it's worth it okay maybe it's worth it for some people so again the base version of the game is like 50 bucks okay and that's guaranteed access to the closed beta digital copy whatever blah blah blah blah blah uh because again this game is still in a beta all right it's still costing a lot and of course you get a whole bunch of items with that too you also got the $82 version you've got the $110 version and then of course the uh the unheard Edition is costing $250 what is the game going to come out and suck my dick 250 was your former CFO working at the caloa drug cartel do they have any understanding of what gamer prices are supposed to be all right 250 you know if if hide coima came back to Konami to work on the next Banger Metal Gear Solid 6 and it was better than MGS 2 3 and four combined being as big of a metal gear fan as I am I would still not buy it for $250 us okay [ __ ] you ain't Apple okay you're you're what are you doing here 250 for a game and of course this game comes with that offline co-op progression uh patch that they're selling okay now again the reason why the community is again rightfully pissed about it is when you start reading from of course uh even Forbes which by the way when a business magazine is talking about your game it's pretty much over they have dubbed it the Pay to Win Edition and we'll get exactly into why it's pay to win but of course the idea here is the problem is if you buy this version of the game and you bought that Edge of Darkness that I showed you very much at the beginning that was promised at the time that all future downloadable content last I checked a game mode is actually downloadable content okay it's it should just be part of the experience yeah they have to buy a whole new addition or pay a hundred bucks in order to play that offline co-op patch right now of course the brilliant uh Community managers at es battle State Games okay have decided to say PVE OTE is a unique feature not a DLC not a [ __ ] DLC which is available only for the owners of the unheard Edition we'll keep you updated on new features for EOD owners so first off now now now we're just getting into the legal speak huh oh wait the the the the new game mode that you put into the game you know it's every other developer calls that [ __ ] A downloadable content okay but these guys are calling it a feature because apparently it's it's a unique feature of that bundle pay up [ __ ] no don't pay up use the mod I showed you earlier now even if even if the scumbag developer says that you can get banned for using that mod just use it and protest okay what are you going to do would you get fisted by him buy the $30 Edition the cheap one if you have to and then play the free spt Aki with the multiplayer patch they may not like it and they can kick rocks cuz of it and here's the reason why people would play single player you know AP the the the mod because this game is filled with a serious cheating problem okay I used to play Escape from tarov not like religiously like Rainbow Six Siege mind you no no no no no I played it with a group of friends that I met through Siege and here's the problem with a game like escape from tarp on the surface level It's actually an interesting unique game that people will really like the problem is the community has a serious cheating problem okay you either have two player bases in this game you've got Mr Mo go okay who's like just no no no no no walking through the world then you've got John Wick who shoots at you from across the map with a crossbow right to your eyeballs that's the community you know you're basically dealing with and instead of addressing the cheating problem they have done everything possible to keep that [ __ ] as running as as it can whatever crap that I give Rainbow Six Siege it has a cheating problem too but at least the cheaters get banned it seems like an escape from tarov they're more worried about monetizing their dog [ __ ] then they are worried about the multiplayer you know that cheating can make or break video games which may or may not be one of the reasons why they're having some long matchmaking times but hey that's a whole different story all right and one that I haven't entirely looked too into now obviously the community has started a Jihad against them okay like if you go to their Discord right here boom this is all you see it's just literally accounts posting the same [ __ ] copy pasta so we're going to start an episode of haunted gaming and read this since 2016 players have supported the developers by purchasing the highest addition of the game for eight years we've been recommending the game to friends bringing more and more into the community and what was the developers response they've blown us off refused to comment and only encouraged those who have lost all respect for themselves to continue to pour money in I personally had high hopes for tarov in my eyes it was a high quality and most ambitious project on the entire Market this is unacceptable this is selfish this is just disrespectful you've disgraced yourselves completely and again this person has a point right this person has a serious point the only people defending this are the ones that are like no please talk off please let me let me lick harder Daddy please let me let me let me Shu the [ __ ] a little bit more you literally got fisted okay by this developer F they lied to you they straight up said the future DLC I don't care if they call [ __ ] a feature okay all right all right a dog [ __ ] is still a piece of dog [ __ ] all future DLC was supposed to be for people that bought the most expensive Edition so now if all of the sudden they're calling things features and making you buy extra expansions they are lying to you they are deceiving you that's the problem in the situation and despite being called out they haven't decided to turn heel even when other games in the genre like Arena breakout infinite okay this these guys are like a mobile game that are making a PC version they have come out just to joke around and say taking in all homeless shooter looter with a big wave goodbye to tarov today battle State game comes in have a nice 20-minute Adventure in the blatant plagiarist game in and out so what a great response by the way to first off you're not the owner of the of the extraction shooter genre okay you are not you you you are a participant in a in a field in a genre of gaming that many others have come to because of its popularity in the same way you might as well say the same to like games like hell divers 2 right which are also extraction shooter games far better games than whatever battle state is cooking up but the general idea is at least fine for the milsim extraction Shooters you can't be the only player in town other people have jumped in producing more optimized less cheater friendly experiences than whatever battle State games has been cooking for the last several years okay and that is such a nice I thought this was a parody at first but here's the thing you can't plagiarize it okay this is an extraction shooter if they make a better game than you then it is up to you as a developer to produce a better game instead of whining bitching nickel and diming your player base you should be working at making a better game all right it is what it is you don't have to be an escape from tarov fan to be pissed because if this was happening in any of our games like if this happened to Rainbow Six Siege I would expect the gaming Market to be just as mad for me okay I would expect any of this I would expect people to call something like that out you know I have shat on games like Star Citizen I feel rightfully so in a lot of cases but even they wouldn't be so egregious as to disrespect their player base like this this is something I have seen from a developer that is circling the drain now one of the things that tarov released a short while ago was something known as Arena which is the ability for you to play tarov in a more controlled PVP environment now this is already a nightmare waiting to happen imagine releasing a imagine releasing a PVP mode in the midst of a serious half hacking epidemic in your game so obviously this mode came out it wasn't exactly financially beneficial for BSG it seems and many have speculated that the reason they're releasing this bundle right now okay is because of a possible Financial uh you know them being a little bit financially underwater so to speak there's no real validity to that nobody knows what their books or finances look like but it's an interesting the that people have brought up now of course escape from tarov responds to this nightmare and dumpster Fire by saying all right listen tkey citizens talk up guys and come back to honor the o to honor the owners of the EOD version to honor the owners of the EOD version and their in indelible importance and role to the e universe we plan to add the following new features to the EOD Edition so this is them trying to save face and this is this is a bigger slap to the face than you could imagine so faster return of insured items increased Trader buying limits by 20% yada yada yada yada yada uh and then high quality matchmaking for six months you get better quality matching but just just for six months okay just just for six months access to offline PVE mode for six months they couldn't even [ __ ] apologize without putting a time limit on it dude yeah that game mode that sorry hold on wait a minute wait a minute that feature you get access to it for just six months then then you got to start you know paying up all right come on now no don't do that okay this is a scumbag developer that hands down will uh just nickel and dime its player base and I think at this moment in time it's best that you ladies and gentlemen just go back and download the single player mod spt Aki all right you can add a multiplayer you can add mods to it and just play that instead because what escape from tarov is doing is basically nickel and diming its audience and of course in my personal opinion I think they're deceptive I think they're lying about what previous versions included this is a DLC this is something that should have been included for free all right these guys are more interested in making money than actually fixing their core game all right their core game is still riddled with hackers it's to a point where you know why people download the single player version is because they don't want to deal with the online hacking epidemic they're not willing to properly address that in fact they're willing to address you know a version of it they'll give you an offline mode they'll do exactly what a free mod will do but just for an insanely added price tag a price tag by the way that you can get several brand new trip not several but a few a couple brand new AAA games for okay it's insane go buy something else don't support this that said ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and yeah what a trash fire dude I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 430,805
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Id: c69wk6QzC4Q
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Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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