All New Blynk 2.0 😍 | Features, Price, Updates and much more..

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blink 2.0 so yeah the new and more advanced version of our favorite blink id platform is out for all the makers and developers out there so now what i'll do is in this video i'll be you know making you familiar with this new platform and i will let you know everything like what are the new features new pricing structure new application and all the new things regarding blink 2.0 after watching this video we'll get a complete overview about what is blink 2.0 so to watch this video till the end because if you skip it you'll definitely miss it now that being said let's get started with this video so let's start this video with the six major upgrades provided by this company and what they did is they provided a unique name to each of the features so let's start with this so first is bling dot app this company has made completely new applications for both android and ios and this new application has simple yet elegant looking design now if i talk about the widgets then as you can see the icons of the widgets have changed and also the number of widgets have changed they have removed a couple of previous features and they have added the new widgets as well now talking about the switching between devices then earlier what we have to do is we have to stop playing the project we have to click on this icon and by swiping uh this particular page we can change the devices but now it's no more that case here as you can see all the devices are displayed on one single page and as soon as i click on that device that particular project opens up okay so that this switching between new new projects is made way more simple in this new application also you can see the new widgets looks really very beautiful onto this white background so these are the all the buttons provided by the company these are all the different different sliders and these all widgets are totally customizable like we can change the color of all the widgets and as you can see there are new set of gauge widgets also available now i really appreciate this as this company completely redesigned the widgets to match this new ui and it looks really very refreshing so it comes up from my site so those were some of the major changes inside the blink application of course there are a lot more small small new things inside it but i want to keep this video about the overview of this blink 2.0 so i won't be going to much detail about it rather in the future i've been making much detailed videos for each topic okay let's go with the second feature which is about blink dot 360 now this is something which is introduced for the very first time by the blink id platform now what it is it is a web dashboard so till now we were only having the mobile dashboard like we were able to add devices we are able to add widgets control the things everything using the mobile phone but now along with the mobile phone we'll be having a web dashboard as well so using web dashboard we'll be able to control the plans we'll be able to analyze the data of it you can download the data as well and we can also add and remove the members so yeah blink this time made an organization structure now what does that mean see oh when you install the blink project maybe let's say example in a factory okay so in a factory there are a lot of machine and a lot of people working on different different machines so what you can do is there can be one admin which can add uh different different members to the organization and assign a specific role to them maybe some of them are engineers maybe some of them their other admin people just to monitor the data and stuff like that and we can provide different different permissions to each of the members like this member can only view the devices this member can control the devices and this member can add the devices as well so we can provide different different permissions to all the members inside an organization so new organization structure is provided by this blink uh dot 360 which is the blink web dashboard application so that's a really professional thing we can say so this is a completely new way to interact with their appliances to interact with the data and interact with the users as well so that's the new upgrade after that comes is blink.agent now blink.agent is a library like a new library for the new blink platform so we require a new library to make our esp boards to talk to the blink cloud server okay so that's then blink.agent after that comes is okay so is something which we won't be able to uh visualize it directly rather this all thing is happening in the background so blink has a new cloud for the new version of the blink okay so the new cloud is more faster more advanced and more powerful okay so that's the new upgrade after that we have bling dot inject now this is really very interesting feature and i was expecting this feature uh to be included inside the blink application only so what blink inject means is now you no longer need to hardcore wi-fi credentials inside the esp boards now you can enter the wi-fi credentials using your blink application yes you can upload the credentials over local area network now let me show you the process you just need to upload the code onto esp board and inside the blink application you'll have option to add a new device you just need to click on that you need to click on the ready button after that our phone will get connect to the hotspot created by the esp board straight after that we can provide the wi-fi credentials to this esp board and as you can see the credentials are provided so this is one of my favorite new feature of the blink platform and i hope it will become your favorite feature as well now the last major upgrade comes is blink dot air now this was something completely unexpected let me know what is this feature about using this feature you'll be able to upload code over the air now when i say over the air it doesn't mean over local wi-fi network only it means that i can update the code onto my esp board which is installed somewhere in new york by sitting here in india yes it's possible now to upload the code over internet using the new bling dot air function and the new blink dot 360 web dashboard how cool this feature is like thank you so much guys for writing this feature this is super duper useful for all the professional out there in the world so that's the major upgrade from the blink side so yeah these were the six major upgrades of the blink 2.0 and the good news is that you will be able to use all the six features in the free version as well now comes the point is what is its pricing structure so let me tell you in detail so there are three kind of pricing structure one is the free plus and pro so here on the screen as you can see in the free plan you will be getting to use all the six features and of course this is available for plus and pro as well so now comes the question is like what's the difference in plus and pro let me tell you so when you go below as you can see in the free plan we'll be able to use only one single device so that's a major ouch you can save for the free users you will be only able to add one single device and of course you can upgrade like you can add multiple device but you need to pay for that and the payment structure is you have to pay five dollar per device but it's a one-time payment only you don't need to uh you know it's not a recurring payment it's just a one-time payment and you will be able to add new device so earlier they were charging based on widgets but now they are charging based on devices okay in the plus plan you'll be able to use 10 free devices and in the pro plan you will be able to use 40 free devices and to add new device the pricing structure is same that is 4.99 per device okay now comes the user management part now this is something related to the organization structure which i already discussed in the video okay so in the free and the plus plan we can have only one single admin and we can add only 5 and 20 users respectively while in the pro plan we can add number of admins and we can add number of more users as well so it's completely uh reveals that the pro plan is for all the business people like all the big industries the companies out there okay so that's the comparison after that here comes the other features which says in the free version we'll be able to use only basic widgets we won't be able to use the pro widgets the pro widgets are only available for plus and pro users now one thing is confusing i went through the uh ui like the mobile application web dashboard but i was not able to decide like which are the pro wizards and which are the basic widgets so blink team do let me know in some of the documentation be like what are the pro widgets and what are the basic widgets so that people can come to know about it okay so uh yeah that's the one thing which is missing inside the free plan talking about the data storage then the free plan will give you only one week and three months and 12 months in the upgraded part and you won't be able to download the csv format data into the free platform that is a little bit disappointing after that blink is also providing the built-in alexa and google home integration but again it is available for the plus and pro users now this feature is not available for the free users out there so yeah that was all about the major upgrades and the pricing structure of the newer advanced blink platform of course there are small small more changes but then i'll be discussing some of the upcoming videos when i'll be making actual projects out of it okay do subscribe the channel if you haven't to see how to make projects using this new blank platform i'll definitely cover those videos and also let me know in the comments which of the features you love the most inside the new and advanced blank platform do let me know your suggestion in the comments also if you have any doubt any question regarding this new blink uh platform that also you can let me know in the comments maybe i and the blink team can answer those comments so yeah that was all about this uh blink 2.0 update video i hope you like it i hope you got to know something new from it and i hope it added some values to your life that being said i am just ending this video here and now just wait for my next video to explore and share with me techy sms
Channel: techiesms
Views: 22,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new blynk app, blynk 2.0, all new blynk, Blynk 360, blynk air, blynk edgent, blynk inject, blynk web dashboard, blynk cloud
Id: qLvgRyb0_mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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