Making Your First Fire Simulation in Blender 2.9 (Tutorial)

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[Music] hello and welcome to another tutorial today we're going to be learning how to make an easy fire simulation in blender if you've seen my fluid tutorial then this will be a similar difficulty to that if not even easier so it's a great starting point if you want to have a go at simulations so first of all we'll see this workspace here with our cube in the middle uh we're not going to be using the cube so we can just press delete and what we're going to be bringing in is a circle uh shift a by the way to open up this menu and then under mesh it's circled there but right now this is just a ring but we want it to produce fire on a whole circle surface we're gonna have like a campfire that comes up like this so to fill it in we need to go into edit mode so to do that we press tab and to fill in this circle we need it all selected you can either select it like this or press a to select all and then press f to fill in the face now we can press tab again to go back to our normal mode our object mode and we can begin applying the fire simulation settings so come up here to object and under quick effects this is with your circle selected click quick smoke there it is and you should end up with this so what this has given us is like in our fluid simulation it's given us a emitter a source that's our circle and it's given us a domain as well automatically all in one so the domain is the area that blender looks for the simulation to be taking place so anything that goes on out of this it won't think there's a simulation it will just be looking inside this box there's our simulation this is the circle that's producing the simulation producing the fire and we can bake that so at the moment though it's only producing smoke we want a fire so we need to change the uh the emitter here so we click the circle and come over here to our physics properties and under this let's expand it a bit under this it's already selected with for fluid and it's already selected for flow but we need to change it from smoke to fire and it's already in flow so it's going to be producing fire if we come down here we're going to be adding a texture this basically means that on our circle surface not all of it is going to be producing fire and we can decide which parts of our circle are going to be producing fire because if you think about the everyday world when you have a surface the whole thing usually isn't on fire it's certain bits that are burning like on wood and things like that so we need to apply texture so let's click that but we don't have any textures here so we need to make one come here to the textures panel and apply a new texture create a new texture sorry and we want clouds and that looks like this at the moment it's very fuzzy but we want it to be more contrasted so under colors we can turn up the contrast all the way to the max which is at five now looks like this just off of experience i think i'm going to turn it down a bit in size to around that i think that'll be a bit good we can adjust that later that should be fine though and we can come back now to our physics properties for the circle and select our texture with that selected there'll be certain parts of the circle that are white and they'll be producing fire certain parts that are black that won't be producing fire so it's the on and off using black and white brilliant so now we have that set up we can come over to our domain and mess around with some settings here we want to turn the resolution divisions up to make it look a bit better i usually go for around 64. any number around that is absolutely fine you can even go up to something like 100 if you'd like 64 is just a good balance of time it takes to render sorry to bake and quality of simulation i won't be messing with any of these time steps maximum minimum i believe those as they are and also be leaving the border collisions we want to enable adaptive domain here so click the tick and that will basically mean it's done already see so we can see that it's selected the area that our fire is and it won't be looking elsewhere for a fire simulation to be taking place that's exactly what we want it will speed up the bake time we also want to mess around with the vorticity and that is down here so it's under fire we want to turn the vorticity up we're going to be setting it to 1.3 this will be giving turbulence to our flames as you'd see in a campfire or something like that otherwise it's going to look very um straight um kind of like a bunsen burner or something like that it will look too perfect for a fire and the reaction speed we could leave it here this um i'm going to turn it up to 0.8 i'm just going to head back to my circle and show you this this is the fuel the more fuel we put into the fire simulation the higher the flame will go but we're going to be leaving it at one for now so uh you can turn it up if you want the flame to be bigger but careful sometimes it can clip through the top of the domain if it reaches too high so uh change these if you're going to change these settings uh do it do it incrementally ever so slightly so 1.1 1.2 something like that back to our smoke domain it's already on the gas so let's change that obviously um but we do need to apply a noise so that is this this adds extra resolution to our fire and we're going to be setting it to 3. it'll multiply our 64 resolution by 3 for high quality fire brilliant that's all looking good um with blender 2.9 you'll need to change this from replay to all i found that if you bake i think this is a glitch a bug that i haven't seen many people talk about actually um but if you bake modularly mod in in in mod with a modular enabled um you get a lot of kind of flickers between the noise and the original uh fire simulation it looks really quite terrible so i usually bake all and i said it is resumable so we can pause during i'm going to be setting this to about 50 frames because for this i'm not going to be producing rendering a whole animation i'm just going to be rendering a frame so 50 is fine because it will get to its highest point and that will be the fire simulation that i can then render as just one frame with that all done we can close up the gas menu oh enable dissolve so the smoke disappears over time close that up and close up adaptive domain we don't need that and we are all good for all of these settings now just before we bake going to check our circle ah yes under offset we're going to be adjusting this we're going to be keyframing it so over here in our timeline over time we want our fire uh texture our texture that produces where that says where it's going to be producing fire we want that to change over time so that it's like certain parts are burning at different points and that will give us different variation in the fire so i'm going to come to frame one and i'm going to keyframe an offset of zero then i'm going to head to frame 50 and keyframe and offset of one it doesn't need to be too like a big a change i'll press the keyframe as well and that'll mean it'll increase over time brilliant now that that's all done we can bake our simulation so come down here and click bake all i'll see when it's done okay halfway through baking i realized something usually i shrink down the circle as well so i'm going to be doing that i'm going to be shrinking it by half so s 0.5 like that that shrinks down our circle and now i'm going to bake again okay so that is all baked and this is our fire simulation let's have a look at it in the cycles render view it's not there okay so we need to change some settings uh these are to do with the shading so we need to open up a separate panel come over here open this up and if you just go right to the corner you can you'll see this little cross and you can create a new panel to close it grab this one on the right and drag it over like that cool we need to change this to the shading panel so up here we select shader editor and with our domain selected we should see this principled volume this is our settings for the fire simulation shading if we come over here to the camera change from ev to cycles as this is what we're going to be viewing it in we can turn up the black body intensity and there's our fire it looks a bit bad at the moment so i'm going to turn that up to 5 and i'm also going to change some world settings so here under world settings i'm going to be setting the background color to complete black just like that and i'm also going to be adding a ground plane and removing this light to remove it from the render as well come up here select this icon and deselect it from the render next to this eye perfect so if we have a look through our camera we're at a bit of a funny angle at the moment so to get a better angle what i'm going to do is click the fire or the circle even wherever it is there it is i'm going to press numpad um full stop what is it called there's like a dot on the numpad press that dot and that'll zoom it in so we can rotate around this circle and i'm going to find a nice angle and then do control alt numpad 0 and that will bring the camera to this angle with the camera selected i can press g and move it until i get a nice angle that i like in fact i might even come a bit lower with the circle selected come a bit lower down i might go to object view too just so i can see what's going on a bit better and then ctrl alt zero that looks a bit better there you go if we have a look underneath our plane you can see it's coming through a bit much so if we click it press g z we can move it down so the fire just about clips through there we go let's have a look later in our simulation there we go it's looking a bit better later on that looks good let's find a frame that we like i think that's a good frame i'm gonna select my camera pull out a bit and move up a bit as well that looks good to me i'll also expand this ground plane a bit oh i can close up the shader editor too that's a bit annoying should have done that earlier right this is our fire simulation as it is now and it's looking very nice actually um some of the things we do need to change are back in the shader editor so let's open it back up and go to shader editor with our smoke domain selected we need to mess around with some settings so at the moment it actually looks quite good but we could make it look a bit better it's producing light but let's get it to produce a bit more let's set this to 10. and set the temperature to 1100 now that looks a bit bright so i'm going to bring the blackbody and temperature back down to 5. that might even be too bright generally might have been better before ah not 100 1000 [Music] a lot of this now is just tweaking to kind of preference and what you think looks good as a fire i think that looks quite nice so i'll select my ground plane i'm going to set it give it a material of of gray that looks good to me i think as well i'll make the circle not appear in the render set up here and deselect those and now if we come to the output properties we can change some of the settings here we can leave it at 1080p uh 100 resolution um but we only want one frame really well if you want your whole simulation you can render your whole simulation it will look lovely but i only want one bit that frame looks quite good actually i think i'll go with this frame and i'll change some of these output settings in the camera so i need to be using my gpu really rendering 128 samples is good i'll turn on adaptive sampling as well and i'll also enable denoising which is a really powerful tool um so definitely enable the denoising here the nlm denoising uh you'll also want to reduce the number of light paths for if you want to speed up rendering uh four it's absolutely fine set it to four and that will look fine under performance if you're using a gpu i usually set my tiles to 256 by 256 and that is all good i'm going to come up here to render and render image and this is the final product thank you for watching this tutorial i hope you've enjoyed it i hope you've learned something i hope your fire looks good if you have any questions uh let me know in the comments and i'll get back to you uh but other than that um i hope you have a nice day bye [Music]
Channel: Michael Quinn
Views: 25,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AA5rGwuJpC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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