Make a Realistic Flamethrower in Blender - Iridesium

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's up guys joel adams with iridesceium and i'm back with another pyro vfx tutorial today we're going to be taking a look at creating some realistic fire realistic fire was almost impossible with the old blender smoke simulator however in mandaflow it is possible and it's actually fairly easy so what we're going to be creating in this tutorial is a flamethrower however this fire can be used for anything you can create a campfire you could do really anything with this technique that i'm going to show you so especially if you've never created anything with fire before i really recommend that you pull up some reference because it's going to help you out a lot if you don't have any experience anyways with all of that out of the way let's get started i'm going to start out by deleting everything as usual including the default queue now i'm going to go ahead and add in a plane this is going to be the floor hit s 8 scale it up to 8. and again i mentioned this in the last manta flow tutorial but you want to keep your simulation roughly real world scale this right here is going to be the plane and if we look at this plane this plane is 16 meters by 16 meters i think that's fine so now let's add in another plane and we're going to move this up rotate it 90 degrees you know what actually i'm going to add in a cube it just really doesn't matter what shape you add in i'll scale this down and then i to inset this and e to extrude just so that it looks kind of like an arrow something like that so you can tell what direction our flamethrower is going in now i'm going to add in a particle system this is going to be what's driving the flame so you want to this to last quite a while i'm going to go under velocity and the first thing i'm going to change this object aligned x up i'm just going to crank it up until it looks i don't know roughly right to me i'm going to turn this up to maybe 5 000 then what you can do is you can go under the viewport display choose um velocity here turn the size down and that should give you a slightly easier to look at display of the particles i'm going to now select the plane give it a collision and then i'm going to turn the damping and the friction up something like that maybe turn the uh damping down you do want to bounce a little bit then you can give it some random yep tweak it till it looks good to you then i'm gonna go to the particle system again and i'm gonna change the randomize up just a tiny bit maybe one okay that's too much let's try point three all right now that seems to be better and i'm gonna switch to the top view move it over on the x just so it's right at the very end of this plane i'm going to kind of rotate it on the y-axis until it kind of is hitting the edge of the plane here with its little bounce do whatever you want you could animate this too that could look cool then i'm going to go object quick effects and quick smoke that's going to add this pathetic little domain in right here to try to contain the flame thrower and i'm going to hit s and x to scale it out on the x-axis just so it's kind of containing everything you can go period 3d cursor to scale it around the 3d cursor here and then you can do s z s y to scale it out on the y axis and that should be enough to contain our simulation now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the domain settings and we're going to set a cache folder right here set this to maybe 200. the next thing i'm going to do is change the vorticity up to 0.1 128 resolution divisions to start out with i'm going to choose the bottom right here and then i'm going to hit 1 to go to the front view and if the rotation of this cube is applied then you also want to choose the right which would be this side right here so now that we've got that i am going to go ahead and uh turn on adaptive domain set this down to maybe point zero five and then we're going to go ahead and bake this i'm going to save the file first just save that somewhere on your hard drive if you're not seeing any bake buttons here that's because down here it's set to replay so i'm going to go ahead and set it to modular and we're going to bake modular all right so um i went ahead and baked that but hopefully you didn't because this simulation finished in about 30 seconds and you can see it's definitely not attached to the particles so go ahead to your emitter which has the particles coming off of it choose initial velocity mesh particle system and check your particle system i'm also going to choose fire and smoke here i hardly ever end up using the fire just because it's not cool enough i end up using the heat attribute but i'm gonna keep fire in the simulation just in case i need it so go ahead and turn the fuel up to maybe three and i'm gonna try baking this again and hopefully it actually works this time all right so here is the bake and it's looking pretty hot i went ahead and stopped it at 50 frames just to see what's going on the nice thing about the new smoke simulator in mantaflo is you can stop it whenever you want and then resume the simulation if you think it looks good so it looks it does look good it's moving very very fast though very violently very fast so i'm going to hit free go to the particle system turn the sampling sub steps up to four make sure that use adaptive time steps is checked i'll set this to eight and that should hopefully fix it now we're going to deal with the viewport display uh it's not that important but i like to have a good viewport display anyways i'm gonna add in a sun lamp that's gonna give us some lighting on the smoke then we can go down here under viewport display and you can either check color mapping which i do all the time um but i kind of want to see the flame right now so instead what i'm going to do is just turn this thickness up to maybe 10 and then what i'm gonna do is i'm going to go and turn on dissolve and i'm going to set this to about 50. i think that's enough maybe actually maybe even less i'm going to try 40 and see what that does let's change this to one and i'm going to change this down to maybe 0.5 something like that hopefully this works so i'm going to go ahead and bake that so i'm going to pause this again at 30 frames and just see what's going on and that looks a lot better and i think at this point we can do a slightly higher resolution bake so i'm going to set this to 256 and bake that maybe to 50 frames or something check it again if it looks good i'll go ahead and bake it all the way through and then we can work on the shading alright so the simulation is now complete and if i just skip through this you can kind of see what it looks like it looks pretty nice um i like it i have not baked any noise we can do that later i'm going to go ahead and work on the shader now so go ahead and open up a new window right here and i'm going to switch this to the shader editor switch to the rendered view i'm also going to go to cycles i'm going to hit control b to box select just this area and then i'm going to grab the sun lamp turn that up to maybe 12 and i'm going to turn on film transparency and that should be good looks like a decent setup so now i'm going to delete this hit shift a add in a converter color amp plug this into the density value right here then add in an input and volume info i'm going to plug the density right here into this color ramp and that should give us this then you can add in a converter math node set this to multiply and crank up its strength if you tweak this value here it's going to allow you to kind of clip the smoke which is what we want i'm going to go ahead and turn this density off for now just set it to zero while we work on some fire i'm going to add in an attribute and type in heat then we're going to go and plug this into the emission color turn the emission strength up and go converter color ramp and add that in so now what you can do is you can drag this way forward and set this to black and that is going to give you the fire look i mean that's basically it now that you've got this you can go ahead and you know change it make do whatever you want with it i'm going to grab this value drag it forward just a tad something like that and you can see even though it's just black and white it looks great it looks pretty nice so now we can add in a color mix rgb set it to color turn this up and then add in a converter black body and plug this in right here and the default value is pretty decent i mean that looks that already looks great you can then turn up the emission strength something like that and then you can add your smoke back in and i'm going to set this smoke's color value down to be black we're burning probably gasoline here and that's basically it i mean it is it's kind of incredibly simple manta flow is um it's nice i i like it it's slow it'll get faster but it's a good it's a good start so i'm going to add in a camera ctrl alt numpad 0 and rotate around the median point i can now switch this to the 3d view hit alt h to add our plane back in i'll just scale this up maybe add a new material turn it down maybe i'll grab this sun lamp and just maybe i'll just delete it actually yeah that's better now we've got some nice reflection in the floor here you could maybe set it to metallic and turn the roughness down duplicate this plane i'm going to make sure to go and turn its physics off here so that we're not getting extra physics so now i can go and turn film transparency back off set the background to be completely black and you've got this looks pretty neat that was basically it creating fire in mantivol is actually really simple a lot of times you have to crank up the resolution super high for fire which is kind of unfortunate anyways hopefully you got a cool flamethrower or a campfire or whatever i would love to see whatever you created so join the iridescm community with the link in the description and post your work there a whole bunch of people posted their work in the iridession community last time and i just really enjoyed it so yeah that's that's it anyways thank you guys for watching and i will see you next time this is iridescent you
Channel: Iridesium
Views: 183,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire, flame, thrower, blender, vfx, sparks, heat, simulation, explosion, flamethrower, animation, fume, fumefx, fx, pheonixfd, fd, mantaflow, elbeem, 2.8, 2.83.3, 3d, glow, glare, hot, burning, camp, campfire, tornado, cggeek, blenderguru, guru, grenade, torch, gas, lava, liqued
Id: mlCwT5dgEXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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